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USPW: The Battle for Prime Time

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Great show jhd1! It feels good to be in the lead even for just a little while. :D


Thanks angeldelayette! Keep up your good predictions and soon you'll be looking nervously over your shoulder!


Well I got my name mentioned twice on the rankings. :D


I may still be ironing out the kinks in my scoring...:D


Well Henry Lee has always been a favorite of mine, so much so that at one time I was going to do a USPW diary based on him and his opinion of the promotion. Needless to say I am glad to see him!


Lee is one of the signings I mentioned early on in the diary. He's not someone who normally gets a look in, especially in this type of promotion, but he's got great entertainment skills and looking through the available workers I knew he could be great character. Going forward he becomes a lot of fun - I should know, I'm in March :p



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USPW's latest episode of American Wrestling is on the previous page!

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Get your predictions in for...

USPW American Wrestling

January, Week 3, 2010

Andre Jones © vs. Captain USA

USPW Television Title Match

Jones is still unbeaten during his time as USPW Television champion and tonight he'll look to extend that run against Captain USA.

Will the Captain triumph, or will Jones cement his title credentials even further?


Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Non-Title Match

Get ready for PPV-preview time on American Wrestling as Women's Champion Raven Robinson meets the woman she will face for her title in a little over a week's time, Belle Bryden.

Will Belle be up to the task, or will Raven just be glad this match isn't for her title?


Savage Fury vs. ????

Savage Fury take on a team of debutants tonight with not even the locker room knowing the identities of the new additions.

Will it be first time lucky for USPW's newest tag team, or will Savage Fury send them packing?


Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine is a great up-and-coming star in the USPW ranks but tonight he will face a tough challenge against fan favourite Nicky Champion.

Will everything be Mighty Fine for Darryl, or will his only hope be some Devine intervention?


Bruce the Giant vs. ????

Having faced both of the Hillbillys last week, Bruce the Giant is again facing a mystery opponent, this time in a singles match.

Who will Sam Strong have in store for the Giant and after last week's display, will Bruce even care?


Plus, what will we learn when our mysterious expert takes to the lecture stand once again? Discover this, and more, on the next episode of American Wrestling!


Quick Picks

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Captain USA

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson (Non-Title Match)

Savage Fury vs. ????

Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce the Giant vs. ????


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Feel free to guess Savage Fury and Bruce the Giant's opponents, they won't be included in the scores.

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Captain USA

The Champ is the obvious winner here with USA's age and all playing a factor.


Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson (Non-Title Match)

I say Raven wins by DQ when Belle goes ballistic and tries to injure her before their title match so she will be easy-pickings at the ppv


Savage Fury vs. ????

The ???? over the Fury...this time!


Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

A close contest but Nicky edges by a nose. However, Darryl looks good in defeat.


Bruce the Giant vs. ????

I feel bad for the ???? this time around.

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Quick Picks

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Captain USA

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson (Non-Title Match)

Savage Fury vs. ????

Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce the Giant vs. ????


So do the weekly winners get an alt or something? That'd make this the diary leader in participation. :p

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So do the weekly winners get an alt or something? That'd make this the diary leader in participation. :p


That was something I had thought about doing yes. I have booked the game two/three months ahead so the usual prize of a booking decision is not impossible, but certainly more difficult.


Maybe the winner after two months/six weeks gets three alts of their choice...is that something people would be interested in? It could even be a top three sort of thing i.e. winner gets three alts, second place gets two, third gets one. People are always free to request alts from me, but maybe the winner(s) go to the top of the list :p Of course, any other ideas are very welcome.


Oh, and thanks to everyone for all the predictions so far!

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Captain USA


No brainer here, Captain USA must be close to retirement


Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson (Non-Title Match)


Surprised you are throwing this out there already without the belt on the line, I'd say Bryden wins here to really force the case for a title match.


Savage Fury vs. ????


Neither of Savage Fury were able to beat Andre Jones and they have a stench of glorified jobber about them, the mystery debutants are odds on to win this.


Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion


If this was any other fed I'd go for Devine, he is the better wrestler but for me he's never quite seemed to fit with USPW, where as Champion just has that next big thing 'aura' about him.


Bruce the Giant vs. ????


Prospects for the other mystery opponent...not so good.

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I've set up a surveymonkey poll so people can choose their preferred prediction contest prizes. Here's the link...




If the link doesn't work let me know, it's my first time using this sort of thing. I'll keep it running for a while, largely depending on how many people respond but I'll let you all know before it closes.


Time permitting, there should be another backstory post tomorrow and I'm going to aim to put the next show up on Wednesday so keep them predictions coming in!


You may also know I have started adding the shows to the first page (second post) to make them a little easier for readers to find. Hopefully I'll remember to keep it up-to-date!


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Show #3 Quick Picks

USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Captain USA

Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson (Non-Title Match)

Savage Fury vs. ????

Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

Bruce the Giant vs. ????

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USPW Television Title Match: Andre Jones © vs. Captain USA

Andre picks up the win. Would be cool to see him get some more TV time out of the ring; That way we can better understand him from a character's standpoint. Either way, He's the far more "prettier" option than Captain USA.


Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson (Non-Title Match)

Just call it a hunch.


Savage Fury vs. ????

While it'd be great to see Savage Fury get a propper push in USPW, My guess is they'll end up losing here.


Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion

Could be wrong, but, I see Nicky Champion going over Double-D.


Bruce the Giant vs. ????

Even though the rule of thumb is to always bet on the "????", I just can't see Bruce the Giant losing what so ever. He's your most over worker & someone who can be the PERFECT worker on your roster if booked right (which I know you'll do so). So, with that said, I see him defeating the mysterious question mark man.

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Quick update: Time is getting a little tighter than it was before so for that reason I'm going to hold off on the planned backstory post until the weekend. That said, I'm still hoping to get the next show posted either tomorrow or Thursday.


As always, a big thanks to everyone who has predicted (if you'd still like to, you've got roughly 24 hours left!) and those who have completed the 'survey.' Here's the link for those who missed it (don't worry, there's only two questions!): http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/TZR8PWD

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It's Tuesday January Week 3

and we are live from the sold out Huntsville Fairgrounds



[The typical opening camera work emphasises the fact that Huntsville's finest venue is once again full but there is one noticeable difference. Of the three huge banners running down the east, the central one has been replaced by a new black banner displaying the U-Demand logo and the new logo for Stars, Stripes and Slams!...]


Your Announce Team:


Danny Jillefski and 'Mighty' Micky Starr

Micky Starr: Hello, hello, hello and welcome to the finest show in wrestling. 'Mighty' Micky Starr here...

Danny Jillefski: And I'm Danny Jillefski and folks, have we got a night in store for you!


[The crowd know what to expect and they are on their feet in anticipation of Sam Strong's now routine opening address...]



Sam Strong: Welcome to the greatest wrestling show on television! I hope everyone's got next Sunday booked off, because you all know what's happening on Sunday right?

[The crowd roars in agreement as the camera points towards the PPV banner...]


Sam Strong: Now Bruce, as much as it pains me, I have to give you credit. Not only did you successfully win your match last week against the Hillbillys but you didn't interfere in Enygma's match either. Unfortunately you're not off the hook yet.


But tonight you're not going to be in a handicap match...


...you're not even going to be in a tag team match...


...no, tonight you can be in a simple, straight-forward singles match...but...


[suddenly the crowd jumps to their feet as the music of a fan favourite blares out...]




Sam Strong:...Bruce, you'll be going face-to-face with former USPW World Champion James Justice!

[both Sam and James Justice head backstage to a deafening cheer...our main event is set - Bruce the Giant will face off against James Justice tonight!]

Segment Rating: B+


Jillefski: Now that's a bit more like it!

Starr: Try telling James that!



Belle Bryden vs. Raven Robinson

Non-Title Match

It's preview time on American Wrestling as the Women's champion Raven Robinson takes on her scheduled opponent at our upcoming PPV, Belle Bryden.


In the early going neither woman could take control with both having their fair share of attacks. Soon enough, Raven began to prove herself as a worthy champion as some slick chain wrestling putting her on top. Looking to finish things off Robinson went to put Belle into the Night Crawler, an elevated Boston crab, but Belle grabbed her opponent by the tights! With the referee unable to spot the infringement, a roll-up pin was enough for the victory leaving a fuming Raven Robinson to protest with the official with Belle showed off to the crowd.

Belle Bryden wins in 6:02 via pinfall

Match Rating: D+


Jillefski: You know what Micky? Even though Belle won this time, I think she's shown her hand if she's aiming to cheat again a week on Sunday.


[We head backstage for the next segment where Shane Sneer is stood between two of the most muscular men on the USPW roster...]


Shane Sneer: Listen up all you 'fans' of USPW. We hear you all every week doing your stupid 'U-S-P-W' chant, cheering for The People's Team every time they come on, wasting time that could be used for real matches, real talent.


Fortunately, it became fairly clear last week that Freddie Datsun won't be doing anything at all after my boy Peter Valentine finished him off and in a few moments Jumbo Jackson is going to teach the same lesson to Des Davids!


Oh, and at Star, Stripes and Slams?


Well, these two Towers of Power are going to come toppling down on the Tag Team Champions...

Segment Rating: C-


Starr: Didn't I tell you Danny? Wait, no, Danny I did!



Des Davids vs. Jumbo Jackson (w/Shane Sneer)

Entering this match on the back of two straight defeats, Jumbo Jackson was out to prove a point against Des Davids. The tag champion put up a good fight and although there were moments when things looked to be going in his favour it was Jackson who tipped the balance when a huge spinebuster floored his opponent. A barrage of attacks from Jackson meant that Davids couldn't fight his way back and when Jackson hit the Jumbo Avalanche this one was all over.

Jumbo Jackson wins in 7:22 via pinfall

Match Rating: C-


[Once again we're back in the USPW Event Centre where our host as always is Davis Ditterich...]



Davis Ditterich: Hello there all you USPW fans, let me welcome you to the Event Centre, I'm Davis Ditterich. Don't forget folks, in 12 days time USPW will host it's first ever PPV event. As always, order information is on USPW.com

[Davis puts his hand to his ear and after a seconds pause...]


Davis Ditterich: Well, having won her match earlier on tonight, I'm told women's division ace Belle Bryden has a few words to say about champion Raven Robinson...

[As our classic montage fades to the interview set we see Belle Bryden perched upon a high stool swinging her left leg and generally looking pretty pleased with herself. When she begins to talk, her soft southern accent confirms her mood...]


Belle: Raven, Raven, Raven...just why do you bother?

Everyone saw me beat you earlier on tonight so why don't we just miss the meal a week on Sunday and say the title is mine? I mean, y'all know I'm going to win it anyway! Really Raven, why waste your time when everyone knows 'The Dish' is the only real contender in this entire company anyway!?

[Hopping off the high stool, Belle blows a kiss at the camera before strolling off the side of the screen. Davis turns back around as Belle fades from view...]



Davis Ditterich: A very confident Belle Bryden there. Remember folks, Ms. Bryden and Ms. Robinson will meet in a little over a week at USPW Stars, Stripes and Slams! - USPW's first ever pay-per-view event. Another man who will be at Nashville's Dust Bowl a week on Sunday is USPW World Heavyweight Champion Enygma and a little earlier on he had a few words to say to challenger Tyson Baine...

[Again the montage fades to the USPW interview set but the stool has gone and instead Enygma fills the screen, pacing back and forth. He doesn't stop moving when he begins to speak, accentuating every word in a slow and determined manner...]


Enygma: Tyson Baine....we've both been to the top of the mountain and looked down upon all that lay before us.

But it is I, Enygma, that is standing at the very top, the apex, of this company right now.


I have never felt so good, never believed so much, never...


Tyson Baine, you will never take this title from me. Not in 12 days, not in 12 weeks, not in 12 years. I am Enygma, I am the Zenith.

Segment Rating: C+


Jillefski: There are going to be some huge matches next Sunday Micky...

Starr: You know that's right Danny. We had a historic USPW night two weeks ago, and I think we're getting another Sunday January Week 4 - we've been blessed!


USPW Television Title Match



Andre Jones © vs. Captain USA

Not a single member of the audience thought that Captain USA would walk away with the USPW Television title tonight and they were right. After two great performances against Java and Tribal Fury, Jones had little problem in bettering his aging foe and in a little over five minutes, and a Blast from the Past, his job was done.

Andre Jones wins in 5:47 via pinfall

Andre Jones retains the USPW Television in his 6th defence.

Match Rating: D


Starr: Get ready everyone, something huge is coming...



Savage Fury vs. The Oracles of Destruction (Ares & Zeus)

It's debut time in USPW as the enormous figures of Ares and Zeus, collectively known as The Oracles of Destruction, come down the aisle sneering and growling at the kids near the walkway.


Before the match begins, the camera catches a look of uncertainty between Savage Fury and their trepidation was to be proved right. It only took five minutes for the new team to demolish their opponents and Fury never got a look in. Despite a similarity in size, Ares had no problem in lifting Tribal Warrior up and when Java ran in to break up the hold he ran straight into the fist of Zeus. With Warrior still in the arms of Ares it was time for their tag team finisher, the Lightning of the Gods. A running powerslam from Ares was quickly followed by a standing splash from Zeus and referee Baby Jamie had no choice but to count to three.

The Oracles of Destruction win in 5:39 via pinfall

Match Rating: D+


Jillefski: Wow! What a debut by The Oracles of Destruction. These guys mean business!

Starr: USPW's tag division is already the best in the world - add in that team and, well, it's the best in the universe!



Darryl Devine (w/Seduction) vs. Nicky Champion

Two of the youngest and most skilled athletes on the USPW roster met in this match. Great chain wrestling from Devine met with the brawling, power and athletic prowess of Nicky Champion and the crowd lapped it up. Despite being the younger of the two, as the match wore on Champion's big-match experience began to pay off as Devine took more and more risks in an attempt to upset his opponent. Climbing to the top rope, Darryl was looking to inflict as much damage as possible but he couldn't make it. Fully prepared for his opponent's move, Champion knocked Devine from the top sending him crashing hard to the mat. When Champion picked Devine up for the Hawkeye Hammer, all Seduction could do was look away as her beau was defeated.

Nicky Champion wins in 9:49 via pinfall

Match Rating: C


Starr: What...a...match!


[With the match over we are once again in the study-room-esque location we saw last week. Once again the mysterious professor stands by a large blackboard abutted by a model skeleton and a large TV set...


...with the sound of the crowd still coming in over the sound system the man turns around a drags his fingernails down the chalkboard causing a painful, uncomfortably sound...]


Unknown Man: Got your attention? Good. I thought we went over this last week!? Do...not...talk...whilst...I...am...speaking!

[..a voice off-camera mumbles something to the man...]


Unknown Man: Fine, if it will shut you up. Someone at Head Office explained to me that I never got around to introducing myself last week – something I feel no urge to do – but insisted I do so. Fine, you may all address me as...


...'The Expert' Professor Stern.


[...as he speaks his name, Professor Stern also writes it on the blackboard behind him, making a horrific scraping sound with each stroke...]


Professor Stern: There, hopefully that'll be enough to keep them quiet for a bit. Right, today's lesson will cover the effects of blunt force trauma to the head using Peter Valentine's match against Freddie Datsun from last week as an example...


[...this time turning to the TV set, Professor Stern presses play and a short clip of Freddie Datsun being beaten savagely by Peter Valentine plays on the screen...]


Professor Stern: Look at that class, a prime example of the excellent use of the environmental advantages I mentioned last week. Ramming Freddie Datsun's head into the turnbuckle not only dazes the opponent but saves Peter Valentine from hand injuries common from striking an individual in the harder areas of the head here and here...


[...using his trusty pointer, Professor Stern highlighs the front and top of the head of the model skeleton...]


Professor Stern: And yes, last week Peter Valentine's tactical skill and advanced knowledge of the effects of cranial trauma proved vital in his victory. That and Freddie Datsun, whilst clearly an underskilled and undertrained individual, did not cheat unlike the 'Hardcore' example in our first lesson.


So, whatever you think of Peter Valentine you're wrong...and remember...


...I am the expert!

Segment Rating: B


Jillefski: Boy am I glad I'm not in his class!



James Justice vs. Bruce the Giant

James Justice gave Bruce the Giant a much harder time than last week's opponents The Hillbillys. A fairly even match saw both men get an opportunity to shine but it was the veteran giant that once again showed his might. Using his size advantage to great effect, Bruce used his brute strength to fling his opponent around the ring time and time again.


On the ascendency Bruce charged towards a battered James who edged towards the ropes and at the very last moment ducked, grabbing the ring ropes in the process and sending Bruce over the top and onto the mats outside.


Taking advantage of Bruce's exit by regaining some composure, Justice was ready to go again when the roar of a dinosaur erupted from the sound system...T-Rex and Sheik Mustafa are here! As the two ambled towards the ring Justice looked on worriedly, completely oblivious to Bruce re-entering the ring behind him. As Sheik Mustafa climbed onto the apron official Eugene Williams ran over to stop him entering. With his manager using a classic deception tactic, T-Rex slid in around the other side and James Justice was trapped! Alternating a series of punches to 'The Dude', Rex and Bruce sent Justice into a daze. Getting out of the ring just before the ref turned around, T-Rex moved back towards his manager as Bruce grabbed hold of the wobbling Justice...Giant Choke Slam! A quick cover and the three count went to Bruce.

Bruce the Giant wins in 13:53 via pinfall

Match Rating: C



[still in the centre of the ring, James Justice is subjected to a barrage of attacks from the combined might of Bruce the Giant and T-Rex when suddenly a well-known sound rings out across the loudspeaker...


...a bandaged up Chris Caulfield charges into the ring knocking T-Rex clean of his feet! Bruce, clearly looking to avoid confrontation with anything that might bite back, quickly steps outside the ring and heads up the aisle all the while staring into the eyes of his soon-to-be foe.]

Segment Rating: B




Sports America Rating: 0.33


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Okay, obviously a big debut there that no one would have guessed (hence not giving out any points!). Here are the alts for this week...







Des Davids



Des Davids is based upon another excellent render jtlant created for the 70s mod. Like Henry Lee, Ares and Zeus are big character changes so anyone wishing to use these two alts in a mod or diary should PM me first.


By my reckoning twelve people (!!!) have predicted on all three shows whilst a total of 21 different people have predicted - thanks so much for all your predictions and input. Everyone says it, but it is true, your support is much appreciated.


Score time and things are tight (and if last week is anything to go by possibly wrong):


1.SWF Fan...14

2.angeldelayette, Eisen-verse and tigerkinney...13

3.xopher316, Phantom Stranger, BHK1978 and The Mystery...12

4.smurphy1014, SeanMcFly and Bigpapa42...11



Everyone did well this week, but congratulations to SWF Fan, Eisen-verse, tigerkinney and The Mystery who all got 5/5.


PS It's been a long day, if I've missed anyone out of the scores please let me know :p

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5/5 Woooo Hooo!!! :D


Great show, jhd1!


I LOVED "The Oracles of Destruction"! Mostly because they look Bad Ass & remind myself of a team I would probably create as well. ha. They should be a great tandem to write for &, potentially, great monster heel Tag Champs down the road!


Love "The Expert"! You've done a great job of taking the classic "professor" persona (from back in the 80's mostly) and made it unique in itself. Very good work.


Also, It was great to see Bruce go over James. Mostly because I'm not a HUGE James fan & I'm a rather big Bruce the Giant mark. ha. Shockingly, though, only a "C" grade? That's crazy!


Loved what you did with this episode!

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Yet another great show, the grades don't do justice to what you're booking and writing man but it was a storming show.


I love the Professor segments, always a great read and I'm slowly begining to hate that man like I hate CM Punk (its good hate, his character rocks- both men)


5/5 and top of the predictions, screwing hell I can't believe that.


Ares and Zeus I'm having trouble placing...Bouncer and Ronnie V. Pain?


Des Davids alt....YES! More reason to push that man now :) I'm skipping college tomorrow thats now my plan :)


Dude this diary along with Big Papa, Angeldelayette and Eisen Verse is the only one I'm really keeping up with...


Its a good year to be a diary reader with people like you around buddy :)

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Great show. I said earlier that you do a fantastic job of giving this a very legit "feel"


Hard to put into word but all these segments feel exactly like I'd expect a company like USPW to feel.


Very vivid characters.


And of course, love the alts.


(Enygma's catchphrase was cool. Hoping he keeps coming back to it or at least contiues down that path: I'm the Destroyer of Worlds, The Light at the End of The Tunnel, etc)

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