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Freedom Carribean Wrestling: Welcome to the Carribean

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Puerto Rican Power & Shawn Gonzalez vs. Handsome Stranger & Hell’s Champion


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah



Mainstream Hernandez vs. The Sensational Singh

The 937lb Express vs. DragonShock (Dragón del Arco Iris Jr. & Matt Hocking)


Rudy Velasquez vs. Eddie Howard


Kirk Jameson vs. Titan

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Puerto Rican Power & Shawn Gonzalez vs. Handsome Stranger & Hell’s Champion


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah



Mainstream Hernandez vs. The Sensational Singh


The 937lb Express vs. DragonShock (Dragón del Arco Iris Jr. & Matt Hocking)


Rudy Velasquez vs. Eddie Howard


Kirk Jameson vs. Titan

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Puerto Rican Power & Shawn Gonzalez vs. Handsome Stranger & Hell’s Champion


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah



Mainstream Hernandez vs. The Sensational Singh


The 937lb Express vs. DragonShock (Dragón del Arco Iris Jr. & Matt Hocking)


Rudy Velasquez vs. Eddie Howard


Kirk Jameson vs. Titan

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Puerto Rican Power & Shawn Gonzalez vs. Handsome Stranger & Hell’s Champion

The four biggest stars in FCW battle it out and the bad guys come out on top with some underhandedness.


Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah


The star in the making to get a big win over the Leper.



Mainstream Hernandez vs. The Sensational Singh


Mainstream to get a solid win over the Sensational one


The 937lb Express vs. DragonShock (Dragón del Arco Iris Jr. & Matt Hocking)


Matt Hocking is a decent talent but the "Express" to get the win.


Rudy Velasquez vs. Eddie Howard


Eddie Howard by DQ, Latino Kings vs. Natural Storn fued.


Kirk Jameson vs. Titan


Get ready for some backstage whining from Titan as he rightfully does the J.O.B

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Live to DVD from The Gymnasium Aguada

Audience: 647



Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Carlos Gonzalez vs. Amo del Gato vs. El Hijo del Zonk vs. Tigre Salvaje Jr.

We kicked things off with a solid dark match, pretty much the same as what was produced last month. Amo and Tigre were, somewhat unsurprisingly, off form, but Zonk showed some improvement in his flying to make up for that, whilst Carlos was as solid as usual without ever once approaching spectacular. He’s still developing as a worker, but to my way of thinking he’s almost there- all he needs is to improve his psychology just a little and I figure he might actually get a match on the actual show. For now, though, he’s dancing in the dark, winning this one with the Flat-Out.

Winner: Carlos Gonzalez Match Rating: D



The Show


“Well, fans, it’s another Friday Night in Puerto Rico, which means it’s time for The Fight for FREEDOM. I’m Davis Ditterich, joined as always by Cueball Lynch…”


“Please don’t introduce me like that, Davis-I’d hate for people to associate me with you”


“…and we are live from the Gymnasium Aguada. Tonight, fans, we’ve got a great main event for you as Puerto Rican Power teams up with ‘The Lone Wolf’ Shawn Gonzalez to take on Handsome Stranger and Hell’s Champion”


“Y’know, for a so-called Lone Wolf Shawn sure seems to need a lot of help these days- first Bradford Peverell and now Puerto Rican Pillock. And you know what Davis? It’s not going to do him any good, because tonight Handsome Stranger and Hell’s Champion are going to ride roughshod over your so-called heroes. And from there it’s only one small step to finally claiming the Puerto Rican title”


“First, though, folks, we’ve got some great matches for you, including a People’s Championship match between Mainstream Hernandez and The Sensational Singh and tag team action when the 937lb Express take on the newly formed team of DragonShock. First, though, we’ve got our opening match between Eddie Howard and Rudy Velasquez, so let’s get down to the ring and get this baby started…”




Rudy Velasquez vs. Eddie Howard

You know something’s gone wrong when a match between two key workers isn’t appreciably better than a dark match featuring four inexperienced young workers. I don’t know what the problem here was, except that neither Rudy nor Eddie seemed to have their hearts in it for some reason. I’ve no idea why, though, so for now it’s a case of keeping these guys apart except in tag matches. Rudy took the win here after Jesus interfered with a steel chair whilst Carl kept me distracted.

Winner: Rudy Velasquez Match Rating: D




We go backstage, to where The Boss and Shawn are on hype duty for the main event.


“Tonight, Me and Shawn go up against Handsome Stranger and Hell’s Champion, two of the most dangerous people in the whole world of wrestling. And you know what? I feel no fear tonight.


“Tonight, Champion, Stranger, you’re not just facing The Lone Wolf. You’re not just facing Puerto Rican Power. You’re facing two of the most bad-ass guys in the US and the full fury of 10,000 screaming Powerfans right behind them!”


“That’s right ese. 10,000 screaming fans-think about that”


“Tonight, Champion, you may have the raw fury of Hell, but the Lone Wolf’s got your scent in his nostrils, and when he gets his hands round your jugular he won’t let go until you’ve been choked out on the mat. Handsome Stranger, you may have all the fancy schemes and dirty tricks in the book on your side, but you don’t have a chance in heck, because I am Puerto Rican Power, and I…..HAVE…..THE…….POWER!!!”


To be totally frank neither of these guys are top rank promo guys, but when you’re as popular as they are the results will always be good.

Rating: C+




The 937lb Express vs. DragonShock

This was an unsurprisingly dreadful match, given that it featured the two lumbering slabs of uselessness that are the Express. To be absolutely fair neither of DragonShock were that good either, but how can you be against Kennedy and Mastodon? Even when they show as much improvement as they did here, the two monsters are almost completely without talent, and if this is the best they can do then I don’t think they’ll be here much longer. DragonShock took the win here after Dragón managed to somehow knock Kennedy over and score a pinfall with a corkscrew moonsault.

Winners: DragonShock Match Rating: D-




To make up for the complee suckfest that was the last match, Monique and Willow hit the ring and do the 'firing T-Shirts into the crowd' thing. Given that these two are the hottest women we have on the roster, it went over pretty well.

Rating: C




We were then supposed to go backstage to a Singh promo, but the power in the building started to fluctuate so we only got like half the promo shown in. Given that Singh isn't really a natural talker to begin with, the reaction was predictably flacid

Rating: D-




Mainstream Hernandez vs. The Sensational Singh

Power issues continued to dog the show for this match, but despite that this match worked out really well, largely thanks to these guys going all out to entertain the fans. It helped that their styles matched up really well: Singh's game is built around a lot of suplexes and power work whilst Hernandez is more of a fast-moving aerialist, making for a clash of styles that actually works for the match rather than against it. You see, in this kind of case Singh can easily build up some heel heat by throwing Hernandez around like a rag doll, whilst the Mainstreamer's comeback is made to look extra spectacular by comparison. The match ended in Hernandez' favour, with him managing to nail Singh with a Super Kick for the win.

Winner: Mainstream Hernandez Match Rating: C-




No sooner has the winner of the last match been announced than the lights go out, and when they come back on a second later Hernandez is laid out in the ring, having been attacked by someone during the blackout. Unfortunately the technical issues we'd been having rather dragged this one down: people assumed it was another glitch rather than a deliberate thing, and didn't quite get what was going on.

Rating: E




Kirk Jameson vs. Titan

Note to self: don’t put Titan on the same card as the Express again. This was a dull match, largely thanks to Titan’s lack of talent, motivation or anything really positive. Fortunately Kirk managed to get some good work done, and managed to put Titan down with the Bullseye for the pin as quickly as possible.

Winner: Kirk Jameson Match Rating: D




The instantly recognisable strains of ‘Rosalita’ herald the arrival of Bradford Peverell, mic in hand.


“Tonight, I’m up against Leper Messiah, and it’s usually around this time that you get that crazy freak talking about his match. Well, folks I thought I’d spare us all the time of trying to understand him, and just give you a quick summary of the typical Leper Messiah promo. So…blah blah blah, BLOOD….blah blah blah, PAIN…blah blah blah, CRAZY…blah blah blah, MORE PAIN…blah blah blah, NOW I’M SHOUTING! And we’re clear. I mean, c’mon, this is the so-called terror that’s been terrorizing FCW for two years? I’ve punched this guy in the head so often it’s not surprising he’s a little crazy.


“Messiah, I’m gonna say this to you direct: last month, against Shawn, you got lucky. Tonight, your luck runs out. I’ve got two friends of mine I want to introduce to you: you’ve met them before, but I don’t think you remember them. I call them the Dream Left Hook and The Straight Right Jab. I am Bradford Peverell. Be Afraid”


As promos go, this is pretty average but there's nothing really wrong with that, and at least it went over pretty well.

Rating: D




Bradford Peverell vs. Leper Messiah

This wasn't as good as Shawn/Messiah from last month, but was pretty solid match nonetheless. Given that both guys are pretty much bog standard brawlers, this was more of a fist fight than a proper wrestling match, but Bradford’s pretty good at what he does, and whilst Messiah’s not really on his level he's scary enough and has the charisma to make up for it. Story-wise this was a standard come-from-behind story with Messiah taking the early lead before Bradford made a big comeback at the end to literally beat the hell out of him, scoring the pinfall with a nice Dream Left Hook.

Winner: Bradford Peverell Match Rating: C-




Puerto Rican Power and Shawn Gonzalez vs. Handsome Stranger and Hell’s Champion

This was pretty much a repeat of last month’s main event: solid in-ring action elevated by good crowd heat. Of the four guys in the ring, Gonzalez is a good worker, Power and Stranger are solid enough and Champion needs a lot of work doing, so the results in terms of ring-work were decidedly mixed. To be honest, though, I’m seriously considering looking for a replacement for Hell’s Champion- yes, he has potential, but when you’re working the main event you need to have main event level talent, and he simply doesn’t. I'd probably be more willing to put up with it if it wasn't the fact that there are several other workers out there that could replace him. For now though, we might as well use him, and in all honesty while he's not very good he's never been really awful. Power and Shawn got the win tonight, largely because I'm trying to appease Shawn after his loss last month.

Winners: Puerto Rican Power and Shawn Gonzalez Match Rating: C



Overall Rating: C-, a solid enough rating, but I think we can do better.

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what about the people ? Their champion does not defend against the Mainstream of Hernandez???? Does the Frosty Top Turd again evade defeat?!


Just realised that that match was missing- I remember simming it but it's dissapeared from the recap. I'll have a look back through the file and see if I can find where it went.

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, folks- dissertaion work and genera lifestuff have left me a little drained, so posting this isn't something I've really felt up to doing thus far. But hopefully we'll get that sorted right away, starting with the results of the last prediction contest:


Tigerkinney: 4/6

Critical-23: 3/6

DiablomanConQueso: 4/6

hrdcoresidebrns: 3/6, and he loses points for suggesting Titan might win

Dragonmack: 4/6

smurphy1014: 4/6

ColtCabana: 3/6


So, it's an impressive four-way tie, with Tigerkinney, DiablomanConQueso, D-Mack and smurphy1014 all tying at 4 out of 6 correct predictions, earning yourselves limited edition Special Edition 'FCW Year One' DVDs autographed by Puerto Rican Power and featuring a bonus disc with no less than four separate Puerto Rican indy shows run prior to our foundation and featuring some of our best known local talent.


I'm actually surprised people didn't get more in the contest- I've always thought of my booking as very predictable, so it's a bit of a shock to see everyone missing at least a couple of results. Mind you, my backing away from Leper's push probably wasn't an obvious decision, and I've never liked booking monsters so you may see more 'monster gets beaten' results than you'd expect.

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Carly Colón’s News from the Island


He's only been in charge two months but already Rico Gonzalez has started to make his presence felt on the roster. First there was his brother Shawn’s controversial loss to Leper Messiah in January (one that has apparently resulted in Rico having to cough up something like 2500 dollars to appease him), and now rumours are circulating a radical overhaul of the roster, with several members up for dismissal, as well as a few new names being rumoured as potential signings for the company.


UPDATE: The first two dismissals have been announced, and in the least surprising moment of the year both King Kong Kennedy and Titan are on their way out of the promotion after Rico terminated their contracts with the company. Hell’s Champion is also rumoured to be on the way out, although sources within the company have denied that he’s been dismissed, and it seems that it’s more of a case of the company not being interested in keeping him, rather than actively wanting him out. As for their replacements, I can confirm (though it’s not really a secret) that former MMA Star and Puerto Rico’s second most famous citizen Billy Russell has been officially approached to join the company, along with former CZCW star Citizen X, who’s currently working with Rip Chord in MAW.


My take on this (and if you aren’t interested in what I think why the heck are you reading this column?) is that Rico’s definitely making a big step up in terms of quality. Kennedy and Titan were two of the worst workers in the States (the third, Ox Mastadon, has apparently been saved by the potential he serves as a bodyguard type), and whilst I don’t think anyone could claim Billy’s exactly a natural worker, his popularity in Puerto Rico and bad-ass persona make him a good fit for the company- heck, he’s a natural for feuding with both Puerto Rican Power or Shawn Gonzalez, and could even conceivably move into a program with Hell’s Champion or Leper Messiah if he’s cast as a babyface. That being said, apparently the company have run into trouble trying to pin him down to a contract, so whilst I for one hope to see him FCW soon I wouldn’t bet on it just yet.


As for X, he’s apparently involved in some big plan for the midcard that Rico’s so far managed to keep close to his chest. My bet is that he’s going to be unveiled as the mystery attacker who laid out Hernandez at the Fight for FREEDOM, although I also once predicted that Puerto Rican Power would turn heel and join forces with Leper Messiah so what do I know? In any case, he’s definitely in, having signed a contract as of last Monday (for those of you running on a traditional 4-week-no-date wrestling calendar that’s Monday Week 2). There’s also a rumour that American Elemental has been approached by the company, which if it’s true is hugely exciting news: we’ve all heard Jushin’s raving about his work with WLW, so for once it’ll be nice for those of us who don’t follow puro to see him in action.


FCW’s website is apparently still experiencing technical difficulties, so here’s a preview of what’s planned for their next show, FREEDOM of the City



Puerto Rican Power vs. Handsome Stranger


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion



Mainstream Hernandez vs. ???



The Latino Kings vs. DragonShock


Bradford Peverell vs. Carlos Gonzalez


Leper Messiah vs. Eddie Howard


OOC Note: In the event of a tie for first place, the mystery competitor will be used as a tie-breaker. If everyone gets that...well, then you can all win the next completely fictional DVD I make up

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Handsome Stranger

Stranger doesn't have enough overness to go over PRP.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion

Gonzalez gets set up as the next challenger on the PRP job merry go round



Mainstream Hernandez vs. ???



The Latino Kings vs. DragonShock

Cool name for DragonShock, but dont think they are gonna win.


Bradford Peverell vs. Carlos Gonzalez


Leper Messiah vs. Eddie Howard


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after Jesus interfered with a steel chair






Puerto Rican Power vs. Handsome Stranger

None are ready yet to dethrone the POWER


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion

I doubt you're giving a guy you just talked about replacing a win over your most talented main eventer



Mainstream Hernandez vs. ???

Could it be Billy Russel?



The Latino Kings vs. DragonShock

Standard defense

Bradford Peverell vs. Carlos Gonzalez

Only signed because he shares the last name of his brother


Leper Messiah vs. Eddie Howard

Messiah's an awesome character and should not be losing to Eddie Howard

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Handsome Stranger

PRP gets the win as the Stranger of Handsomeness does not finish the job


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion

seriously..you coughed up 2500 to avoid the "angry" whining?...



Mainstream Hernandez vs. ???

Kirklock b*tches! ...ahem.. Kirk Jameson = ???



The Latino Kings vs. DragonShock

whats the over/under of Galindo being OFF , I say 8 to 1


Bradford Peverell vs. Carlos Gonzalez

Squishy squashy squshy


Leper Messiah vs. Eddie Howard

I like Eddie, but Leppy now needs a win after he lost to Bradford.. otherwise, its gonna make his clean win over Shawn completely useless.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Handsome Stranger


Handsome Stranger is neither over enough nor good enough to go over Power.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion


Looks like you're prepared to yet Champion head off to USPW or SWF, and not have to cough up on his expensive wages.



Mainstream Hernandez vs. ???


Mystery man to come in and make an instant impact by winning the midcard title.



The Latino Kings vs. DragonShock


Getting an 'upset' win over the fat jobbers is one thing, taking that momentum into winning the titles from one of the most established duo's on the roster is an entirely different matter.


Bradford Peverell vs. Carlos Gonzalez


I know you kind have to appease Carlos, with your user character being his brother in all but I may have to start a riot if he goes over Peverall, and I'm not even all that high on Peverall.


Leper Messiah vs. Eddie Howard


Howard is strictly a tag guy and Messiah recently went over Shawn Gonzalez.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Handsome Stranger


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion



Mainstream Hernandez vs. ??? Fox Mask?



The Latino Kings vs. DragonShock


Bradford Peverell vs. Carlos Gonzalez


Leper Messiah vs. Eddie Howard



Billy Russell is a great signing, when Buddy Garner comes off hiatus they can produce an epic feud if you are so inclined.

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Puerto Rican Power vs. Handsome Stranger

Fan-favorite Power beats Stranger in an epic match.


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion

I think Shawn whined enough to get the W. I don't think you want to cough up that amount of cash again.



Mainstream Hernandez vs. ???

Heel newcomer comes in, and I predict he's a pretty big pickup. Makes a huge impact by picking up the midcard championship to set up a main event run possibly.



The Latino Kings vs. DragonShock

Just another plain ol' title defense for the established tag team.


Bradford Peverell vs. Carlos Gonzalez

Peverell wins easily, it's a semi-squash to me.


Leper Messiah vs. Eddie Howard

Another squash. I don't like Howard winning without D.C. Rayne.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:36px;">FCW FREEDOM of the City</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

</span></strong><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">Live to DVD from the Gymnasium Aguada</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">

Audience: 767</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">Pre-Show/DVD Extras</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>American Elemental vs. Ox Mastadon</strong></p><p>

On the basis of this match, American Elemental was definitely a good signing for us. After all, anyone who can carry Ox to a match this good whilst on an off-night has to rate as one of the best workers out there (only way to be better is to do this with Kennedy, but I’m not sure that’s possible). Ox was his usual lumbering self here, but against a guy like Elemental whose whole game plan is based around speed that actually works pretty well, even if Ox still pretty much sucks. As for Elemental himself, his form was clearly off (his aerial manoeuvres weren't quite as sharp as normal, and he seemed a little sluggish on the ground), but he still looked like an exciting wrestler, even if a paraplegic would look exciting, next to Mastadon. Elemental took the win here, taking Ox off his feet with a spectacular missile dropkick before nailing the Inferno Splash for the win</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> American Elemental <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <span style="font-size:18px;"><em>D+</em></span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">The Show</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“We’re live from the Gymnasium Aguada and it’s time for FCW FREEDOM of the City. Tonight, fans, there’s only one match everyone’s talking about, and that’s the San Juan Brawl between Puerto Rican Power and Handsome Stranger for the Puerto Rican title”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“The San Juan brawl was invented in 2000 as a means of solving disputes between the toughest men in Puerto Rican Wrestling. Both competitors wear street clothes for this brawl where victory can only be obtained by knocking your opponent out for a 10 count and falls count anywhere in San Juan. So far Puerto Rican Power has been undefeated in this kind of match, but tonight my money’s on Handsome Stranger taking this one: he’s been inside Power’s head for months now, and in a match like this he’s easily got the talent to take down Puerto Rican Pillock”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“I don’t think anyone could deny that Stranger’s a talented worker, but I’m not convinced that he’s got what it takes to beat Power in this kind of match. Let’s not forget, if this spills out from the ring and goes into the crowd then Power’s got allies on every side, and he’s very much a worker who thrives on that positive energy. Plus, let’s not forget the fact that brawls rely a lot on pure strength, and even Stranger’s biggest fans would admit he’s not got the power that The Boss does.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Positive energy don’t win matches Davis and neither does beef-stick power. What you need in this situation is a cool head and tactical ability, and Stranger’s got plenty of that. Let’s not forget he’s worked at the highest levels in wrestling, alongside stars like Frederique Garcia and Lobster Warrior”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“If you’re going to argue that Stranger has more top-flight experience I’d like to point out that Puerto Rican Power is currently working for the SWF right now”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Yeah, and what’s his win-loss record? I’m telling you, Stranger is the better big-league worker”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“Oh yes, because his career in the SWF was strewn with title runs at the highest level. Tell me, how many singles titles did he actually win?”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“…Shut up, Davis”</span></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd’s really hot for this match, so opening with a hype angle for it ensured that we’d kick things off on a high note.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">C+</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Leper Messiah vs. Eddie Howard</strong></p><p>

This wasn't a bad match, provided you like lumbering brawls between two big guys. Fortunately, most of our audience do, so the reception to this was pretty good. Eddie’s clearly the stronger man in the ring in terms of talent, but Messiah is probably the more popular guy, and certainly has the greater star power. Plus, Eddie’s kind of involved in a tag storyline at the moment, so giving him a win over big singles star would cut would be a waste. Leper Messiah got the win here therefore, putting Eddie down with The Prophecy after Rudy and Hector interfered to hit Eddie with steel chairs.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Leper Messiah <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">D+</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

We go backstage, to Messiah’s basement cage. There, Hell’s Champion is presiding over a small fire which burns very brightly, throwing up all kinds of crazy looking shadows (which not so coincidentally creates a superbly menacing atmosphere).</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Tonight… pain. Tonight… terror. Tonight... Hell itself will come to town. Shawn Gonzalez… your soul is forfeit. So sayeth Hell’s Champion.”</span></p><p> </p><p>

He might be rather rudimentary in the ring, but Champion’s certainly got what it takes when it comes to scary-ass promo’s.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">B-</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bradford Peverell vs. Carlos Gonzalez</strong></p><p>

I wasn’t sure if this should go in the dark or not, but on reflection Carlos still isn’t ready for a main show placing. It's not that he's an especially bad worker, but he's not the best at playing to the crowd, and in this kind of situation it really shows. Bradford, meanwhile, relies a lot on that kind of showmanship, so this pairing probably wasn't the best for Carlos's main show debut. Bradford got the win here, laying Carlos out with the Dream Left Hook.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Bradford Peverell <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <span style="font-size:18px;"><em>D</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

Once again we’re headed backstage, this time to the Latino King’s locker room where Carl Batch is one hype duty for the tag title match.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Tonight, my boys Hector and Rudy are defending their titles against a couple of two-bit rookies that go by the tag DragonShock. I don’t think I need to tell you what we think of those guys: some freak in a mask and that greenhorn honky Matt Hocking against the baddest tag team in all of wrestling? We ain’t worried, but DragonShock…you should be. Boys, let’s do this thing!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

This was as solid as ever from Carl, who’s always a good hand when it comes to mic work</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">D+</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Latino Kings vs. DragonShock</strong></p><p>

I'd expected this match to be very average, so you can imagine what my reaction was when I realised this was actually one of our best tag matches yet. Hector was as usual way off form, but made up for that by really bringing his A game in terms of effort, and Matt Hocking more than matched his efforts, without the consistency issues that really dog Galindo. As for the other half of the match, Rudy was as solid as always whilst Dragón mainly coasted by here- he's a solid worker in terms of talent, but he's still learning to play the crowd and it really showed here. In the end the Kings got the victory after Carl distracted me long enough to Rudy to enter the ring and nail Dragón with a pair of brass knuckles, setting Hector up to grab the pinfall.</p><p>

<strong>Winners:</strong> The Latino Kings <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <span style="font-size:18px;"><em>C-</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

“Surfin’ USA’ heralds the arrival of Mainstream Hernandez for his title match, but before he can get to the ring he’s blasted over the head by Kirk Jameson, his former tag team partner. The reaction to this was muted, but Kirk’s heel turn went well so I call it a success</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">E</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez vs. Kirk Jameson</strong></p><p>

This was another good match, which is rather unsurprising given that both Hernandez and Jameson are potentially huge future stars. The story of the match was quite simple: thanks to his brutal attack before the match, Jameson was able to dominate proceedings and Hernandez’ singly flurry of offence was brought to an end when Kirk crotched him on the top rope before nailing the Bullseye for the 1-2-3. Originally Hernandez was going to go over, with Kirk segueing into tag competition with X, but due to a clash with MAW I decided to have Kirk go over here and reorganise the tag team plans a little bit.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Kirk Jameson <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">C-</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

We go backstage, to where Power is on hype duty for his match tonight </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#483D8B;">“Everywhere I look, it seems like Handsome Stranger’s on my back these days. Brawling with me before matches, getting a tag partner to try and take me down, there’s nothing this man won’t stoop to. So tonight- I kick it up a notch. The San Juan Brawl, a fight that can go all over this city, with victory only obtained by knocking your opponent down for a 10 count. Every time I’ve fought in that match I’ve won- whether it’s Sam Strong or Hell’s Champion, every man who tries to fight me in that match just can’t keep The Power down. And Stranger, when we get in that ring tonight, surrounded by 10,000 screaming Powerfans, you better know that you’re in for the fight of a lifetime. Tonight, Powerfans, I will not let you down because with you on my side I…HAVE…THE POWER!!!!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

The fans love Power, and the San Juan Brawl is enough of an attraction to really pop this segment.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <span style="font-size:18px;"><em>B</em></span></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shawn Gonzalez vs. Hell’s Champion</strong></p><p>

This was easily Champion’s best match, but in terms of action it still wasn’t great. Champion’s main advantage is his size and character; all he has to do is hit a couple of moves and with the right opponent he comes off looking like a real threat. Shawn is of course exactly the right kind of opponent, so whilst Champion’s actual wrestling was as bad as ever the match itself went over really well. Shawn got the win, of course- to be honest there’s maybe two guys I would seriously have beat him on the roster, and they’re both faces.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Shawn Gonzalez <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">C</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Puerto Rican Power vs. Handsome Stranger</strong></p><p>

This was easily our best match yet, which given that it contained two of our biggest stars is hardly surprising. What's more, the San Juan brawl plays perfectly to both Power and Stranger's strengths, being the kind of wild brawl that both guys are pretty good at, with the added bonus of masking Power’s one-dimensional power game and Stranger's general averageness. As you'd expect, this was a this is a wild brawl that ranged all over the building, even going out into the entrance lobby at one point (although the San Juan Brawl can theoretically go all through the city the only time it’s ever left the building is when Power was fighting Strong and there were so many fans outside the building that they brawled out into the car park). In the end, and hardly surprisingly, Power got the victory, putting Stranger down with a San Juan Impact through the concessions table.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Puerto Rican Power <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;">B-</span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall Rating:</span></strong> <em><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">C</span></span></em>, a very good rating for what was probably our best show yet.</p>

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excellent card... yah.. i am so hating you right now... can you email me your company formula... we run a similar gammut , I just cant break out of this C- streak ... driving me batty.


I'm just lucky, I think. Lots of work the crowd notes, and this last show was boosted by the prestige on the San Juan Brawl. Honestly, even I don't really know how I do it, I just get these results.

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So, let's look at a breakdown of the predictions and see how it all panned out:


Dragonmack: 5/6

John Lions: 6/6, making a hell of a debut here

DiablomanConQueso: 6/6, and in fairness 2500 ain't much against my profit margins

Tigerkinney: 6/6

hrdcoresidebrns: 4/6

ColtCabana: 5/6

TheLeviticalLawKid3: 6/6


So it's a four-way tie, so you'll all be winning copies of our new box set "FCW: Welcome to the Carribbean", featuring all three of FCW;s shows so far in 2010.


Next post will be up in moments, folks, so watch the space just after this one.

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