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It Began With Three

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This is an ORGANIC diary on TEW05 (If I can avoid certain errors that pop up from time to time.)


The year is 1900. There are 3 wrestlers on the entire planet.


One is a british wrestler by the name of Douglas Birch, hes somewhat of an all-rounder, whos a master of somethin called... Psychology. He is also very "stiff". He owns currently the only company in the world. S7G Se7enth Gate


There is a guy in japan who claims to be the greatest deathmatch worker to ever live... hes also the only deathmatch worker who ever lived so far...


and theres an american who says he is a strong style worker...


WATCH! As the world of wrestling begins and unfolds!

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<p>Its the first day of february and 5 new persons entered the world of wrestling</p><p>

Gregory Scott is an 18 year old "technician" from Britain. He has really good technical and entertainment skills. Hes what I would call a hot prospect</p><p> </p><p>

Hugo Alonso is an 17 year old worker in mexico. Hes good at almost everything, but id wager because of his horrible look he probbably wont make it.</p><p> </p><p>

Tatsuzo Tsuchie is an 20 year japanese guy. I would call him "average" at best but he has a good look. I wouldnt be surprised if goes further in the business than Hugo Alonso</p><p> </p><p>

Victor Anderson is an 18 year old canadian worker whos just average. Hes slightly worse that Tatsuzo Tsuchie. Hes also "inconsistent"</p><p> </p><p>

Viktor Muller(two dots over the U) is a 33 year old former european shoot fighter. Hes an above average worker whos very consistent.</p>

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<p>Its the first day of April and 6 more workers entered wrestling</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lance Thompson</strong> Hes an 19 year old american strong-style worker. Hes pretty average but highly consistent. Hes not a good entertainer</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cody Smash</strong> Is a rather average looking 17-year old canadian strong style worker. Hes a much better entertainer than Lance Thompson but he is a lesser worker and he doesnt have that certain... something... from now on ill call that star quality</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Esteban Duran</strong> Is a 19 year old mexican technician. Hes an above average technician, and decent at most things, although incosistent.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stanley Huge</strong> Is an average 18 year old british referee</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hyobe Hori</strong> is a 17 year old from Japan whos a decent colour commentator</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jacob Carter</strong> Is a highly consistent average worker. Hes an 18 year old European.</p>

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<p>First day of June some more souls entered into the proffession</p><p> </p><p>

Mami Date is the first female wrestler in the world. Shes an 18 year old female. Average at technical, horrible in other forms, decent performances and great consistency</p><p> </p><p>

18 year old brit, Juan Johnson is a mediocre high flyer. Nuff said.</p><p> </p><p>

Samuel Rachsteiner will go far in this business, a good high flyer from America with a great attitude</p><p> </p><p>

Lauri Shmidt 18 year old european with a horrible attitude. Inconsistent but has great stamina. Average in most aspects</p><p> </p><p>

Vincente Ortega is an 18 colour commentator from Mexico.</p>

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Its the first day of August. 5 people joined the slowly growing industry today.


Sylvia Big is a 36-year old american woman who used to be a football player.

Shes got strength and can throw a punch but aside from that she is pretty much useless.

Jay Jackson is a 34 year old canadian ex-shoot fighter. He tires out easily, he cant sell and he doesnt have a grasp of psychology. He should be kept away from a microphone at all costs. That being said, theres a lot of things young workers could learn from him. Hes pretty damn good at submissions, mat-based wrestling, MMA style, Strong Style, and brawling,

hes consistent, and hes got the basics down well enough. Hes also a very intense-filled person who can throw a "stiff blow".


Hector Bravo A very average 19 year old colour commentator from Mexico


Shigeki Satoya is a 20 year old japanese strong style worker. Very average in all regards, aside from entertainment, where he is terrible, and consistency, which is to say, hes pretty consistent.


Nora Schneider is a 31 year old european former gymnastics star.

Aside from not being resilient, she doesnt really have to many bad qualities.

She is very safe, consistent, a good seller, she has alot of athleticism and stamina, shes really good at flying and very flashy, her low points, which arnt horrible by any means, are hardcore, submissions, not a lot of power, not the best brawler, she doesnt quite grasp psychology yet, not to intense or stiff and not very menacing. I think she is one to look out for in the future.

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Its the first day of October and I have big news.

In the end of August, the first new promotion opened. CN. The Crows Nest. Its an underground company in Japan. I wonder if "The Greatest Deathmatch World in the World" Ikki Enjiro will have anything to do with CN...


Donald Simmons is a 20 year old british strong-style worker. I think he can go far, although being a very average worker, he is very menacing, and is very resilient. Plus hes consistent enough and has a great attitude.


Lorenzo Moreno is an 18 year old mexican wrestler. He is an average Brawler. Hes averagely entertaining. Great look, and has alot of that "star quality" I was talking about before. Hes terribly inconsistent and not very athletic. He has a great attitude


Kyoden Sakanoue Can you say generic? This japanese 18 year old is a very generic brawler and average technician. barely decent on the mic, average looks, average skills, the only things that set him apart are his non-existent stiffness, his good resilience & consistency, his horrible acting and his great stamina


Elmer Kipp Is an 18 year old american announcer who, for reasons unknown, is extremely resilient. Very average at announcing.


Anton Ivanov Is an 18 year old european manager who shouldnt be in the business

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If this is a 05 diary, why are you posting it here?


Noone reads the 05 boards anymore so theres no point.



First day of December. Five New Workers

Thomas Michaels is a 32 year old american former shoot fighter. Id go as far to say he is one of the best workers in the world today. He can brawl pretty well, hes got enough power, he can work strong style well, as well as MMA style, mat wrestling, and submission. Hes also an average chain wrestler. Hes not horrible at entertainment, he seems to have the perfect "look" and is loaded with star power. Hes got the basics down, hes got pretty good psychology, safety, consistency, selling, toughtness, stamina, intensity, stiffness and menace, average athleticism, but terrible resillience. I know if he lands a contract somewhere its just a matter of time till he holds gold.


Dante DeAngelis is a 20 year old canadian wrestler. Hes a solid Technician, pretty good brawler, acceptable flier, decent on the mic, average looks/star quality. Solid performer, very atheletic and tough, needs to work on his stamina. Pretty intense, needs to work on being stiff, really good reselience, good menace. I have high hopes for this young man


Gilbert Nevada is a 21 year old british wrestler. Average brawler, average technician, average entertainer, with great looks & star quality. Average performer, but could use work on his consistency. Good physical skills, with great stamina. Intense enough, VERY resilient, and menacing enough. Might go far.


Kohei Tokudome Is a 30 year old japanese former rugby player. I doubt he will make it in the business, although being a good brawler and averagely entertaining, he doesnt know the basics, he doesnt understand psychology, hes unsafe, inconsistent, cant sell. He is however tough as nails and can last a fair bit in the ring.


Marek Maes is a 37 year old former european shoot fighter. Hes like a slightly better Kohei Tokudome, with pretty good technical skills.

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Its February 1st, 1901. Year 1 is over. Not a single show. Not much happened between now and my previous update. Two people entered the proffesion


A young man named Cheyenne Silver is a 20 year old american, whom I hope his parents were drunk when they named him because... well anyways heres the scoop: Pretty good brawler, cant entertain, decent on a microphone, pretty good ring performance. Not athletic at all, but tough as nails, he cant last very long in the ring and hes really intense, menacing and stiff but not resilient by much.


Ida Muscles is a 20 year old canadian woman. Shes an average strong style worker who occasionally dabs in flying. She has a horrible look and not much of the it factor but god damn is she good at entertaining the fans

She has the basics, psychology and safety well enough, she is inconsistent which is problematic. She is a decent seller, athletically shes fine, tough enough, could work on stamina. Very menacing, stiff and intense enough. Pretty resilient.

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April 1st 1901. Five more workers entered the world


Cody Cox, 18 year old American.

I think Cody is an amazing young prospect. Hes a solid technician, whos got enough charisma to squeak by, hes just good enough on the microphone, hes got just a little extra acting power. He looks REALLY bland though. Hes got a small ammount of star quality. The kids in-rings skills are AMAZING. Hes good at everything. Hes got basics down, psychology down, hes very safe, very consistent, he can sell, hes really athletic, tough as nails, has alot of stamina, Intensity, stiffness. His resilience and menace might hold him down if booked wrong.



Edmundo Crespo, 20 year old, mexican

Edmundo is a slightly below average announcer.


Jesus Crockett

Is a 19 year old british manager who doesnt have much charisma, and isnt too great on the mic...


Kotarto Toyoshima

Is a 20 year old japanese announcer. Very average.


John McQueen 17 year old european

This guy is plain and simple... A JACKASS(Selfish/Bitter). Also a very bland and average worker.

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June 1st 1901. This time only two workers entered the world of wrestling.


Salvador Moya is a 29 year oldMexican wrestler who used to be a gymnast. Hes a very good high flier, and technician, he is pretty entertaining very safe, EXTREMELY CONSISTENT good seller, very athletic, tough enough, has quite a bit of stamina and pretty resilient.


Shawn Vessey is a 20 year old Canadian manager who is just a little above average.

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August 1st 1901


Big Updates.


In the end of June, the first American wrestling company came into being. Phantom Arts of Wrestling (PAW) a small traditional company located in Michigan


Also Today 4 new workers entered wrestling


Oscar Peak is a 21 year old Canadian spot monkey and is a natural heel. He has clearly put effort into his craft. Hes a very good entertainer, a natural flier, A very good in ring performer, and hes one intense SOB


Carlos Ibanez is a 21 year old Mexican spot monkey, who is just a good a worker as Oscar Peak, although he has less charisma and Oscar is better on the microphone, this kid might make it because of his good attitude.


Michael Morrison Is a 21 year old British wrestler, who is a bit above average as far as workers go, his Looks, Star Quality and Attitude are what will make or break this young mans career, as well as his ability to portray both a face and a heel well.


Fumio Hiraoka is a 20 year old Japanese strong-style worker, who is quite average, although he may get over with his looks.

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October 1st 1901. 4 New Workers have entered the World of Wrestling


Dallas McWade is a 19 year old British spot monkey, whom seems to be very bland and generic.


Henry Huey is a 19 year old American colour commentator


Dustin Clean is an 18 year old wrestler, who is an above average flier, who's real strength is his charisma and ability to cut promos. Aside from that hes a very average worker with a good attitude.


Veronica Miller is a 32 year old former shoot fighter from Europe. She is a natural heel and a very good technician and rumbler. She should be kept away from any entertainment as if it will kill her. Very intense, stiff and menacing, and decent enough everywhere else.

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