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NWA 1989: Tradition To Innovation

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Thursday Week 2 October 1989


Bill Irwin vs. Eddie Gilbert


Wild Bill jobber should lose to Hotstuff.


Kevin Sullivan vs. Junkyard Dog


I am not all that sure on this match but I will go with JYD.


The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Midnight Express



Saturday Week 2 October 1989


The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Flyin Brian and Z-Man


I see the Freebirds winning this as Pillman is low ranked in WCW at this time.


The Wild Samoans vs. Midnight Express


The Midnights were one of my favorites of all time so they should beat the SST.


Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert



Terry Funk vs. Robert Gibson



Buzz Sawyer vs. Junkyard Dog


NWA World Television Title Match: Mike Rotundo challenges Sting©


I am thinking that Mike might win as he would make a better IC Champion. However, Sting is to high up on the card to lose to Mike.

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Thursday Week 2 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Bill Irwin vs. Eddie Gilbert

Kevin Sullivan vs. Junkyard Dog

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Midnight Express




Saturday Week 2 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Flyin Brian and Z-Man

The Wild Samoans vs. Midnight Express

Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert

Terry Funk vs. Robert Gibson

Buzz Sawyer vs. Junkyard Dog

NWA World Television Title Match: Mike Rotundo challenges Sting©

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Thursday Week 2 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Bill Irwin vs. Eddie Gilbert

Kevin Sullivan vs. Junkyard Dog

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Midnight Express



Saturday Week 2 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Flyin Brian and Z-Man

The Wild Samoans vs. Midnight Express

Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert

Terry Funk vs. Robert Gibson

Buzz Sawyer vs. Junkyard Dog

NWA World Television Title Match: Mike Rotundo challenges Sting©

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Thursday Week 2 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Bill Irwin vs. Eddie Gilbert

Irwin is a jobber, even against jobbers.

Kevin Sullivan vs. Junkyard Dog

Has Sullivan ever been anything more than a glorified job guy?

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Midnight Express

The Freebirds continue to build momentum towards their Tag Title rematch.



Saturday Week 2 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Flyin Brian and Z-Man

I'm liking Z-Man falling into the roll of looking great, but just not being able to get over the hump, and actually put an opponent away. It's a great way to build a sympathetic babyface.

The Wild Samoans vs. Midnight Express

The Samoans savagely obliterate the Express, getting back on track, following Fall Brawl.

Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert

... and all that momentum that Gilbert gets from his earlier win is transfered immediately to Cactus Jack. Thanks for playing, Eddie.

Terry Funk vs. Robert Gibson

Gibson has no Funkin' chance.

Buzz Sawyer vs. Junkyard Dog

Sawyer seems to be J-Tex' resident fall guy. Bam Bam has had the upper hand so far; this is JYD's time to even things up a bit.

NWA World Television Title Match: Mike Rotundo challenges Sting©

Sure, I mark for IRS, but I really see Sting holding onto that belt until he wins something bigger, and vacates it.

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Bill Irwin vs. Eddie Gilbert

Kevin Sullivan vs. Junkyard Dog

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Midnight Express

The Birds can pick up momentum on WCW, pleeeeeeeease let the MX win this one!!




The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Flyin Brian and Z-Man

The Wild Samoans vs. Midnight Express

MX getting a push can only lead to good things.

Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert

I'm glad to see Cactus getting a slight push here.

Terry Funk vs. Robert Gibson

Where's Ricky?

Buzz Sawyer vs. Junkyard Dog

NWA World Television Title Match: Mike Rotundo challenges Sting©

I think Rotundo will be the one to take this title, but just not quite yet. It's helping to fuel the fire with Muta's feud.

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Bill Irwin vs. Eddie Gilbert

Hotstuff has to get winning again - this should do the trick.

Kevin Sullivan vs. Junkyard Dog

JYD needs the win more at the moment, Sullivan's a problem backstage too.

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Midnight Express

Since the Freebirds are still number one contenders, they'll need to keep the momentum up.




The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Flyin Brian and Z-Man

See Above!

The Wild Samoans vs. Midnight Express

The Express have been quiet of late and I notice that Doom aren't up to much either...

Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert

This could be a nice little midcard feud actually but I'll take Cactus thanks to his Steve Williams altercation last week.

Terry Funk vs. Robert Gibson

Robert's so much more than a jobber too... shame!

Buzz Sawyer vs. Junkyard Dog

Bam Bam interference for this one. JYD by DQ.

NWA World Television Title Match: Mike Rotundo challenges Sting ©

I called it during last week's predictions so I can't very well bet against him can I! Muta to cost Sting the title.

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Just a quick bump from school. Thanks for all the predictions and comments so far! They are really appreciated. I hope to have a new Scott Robinson post up sometime tomorrow after my final exam.


Also, thanks to those of you who have voted for this diary on the Rookie DOTM poll. It is always wonderful to get that type of acknowledgement and know that I am going on the right track. For those of you who haven't voted yet, make sure that you do!

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[...It has been over a month now since my arrival to the National Wrestling Alliance and things are going pretty smoothly...]


[...Through the use of Ted Turner's contacts and copyrights, I was able to re-open Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling and use it as a developmental promotion. Since it's return, I have sent Bill Alfonso, Bob Caudle, Brad Armstrong, Chris Candido, Gordon Solie, John Tatum, Magnum T.A., Mark Callous, Ole Anderson, Rip Morgan, Scott Hall and Tommy Rich down to get trained or to train others depending on the situation. But right now, negotiations are on-going with several people to make an owner and head booker down there so they have not been able to run a show just yet...]


[...CMLL down in Mexico signed several wrestlers to written contracts that I might have looked to at least go into developmental, including Dennis Condrey, King Kong Bundy, Mike Awesome and Buddy Landell....]


[...NJPW has also done the same thing in signing Doug Gilbert, Tommy Dreamer, Yokozuna and The Great Sasuke...]


[...WWF have been fairly quiet, having not signed anyone yet since the beginning of September. WWF Superstars at the beginning of October had a very interesting main event where Hulk Hogan defended the WWF World Heavyweight Title successfully in a four way match including Jimmy Snuka, Rick Rude and Tito Santana....]


[...Our House Show business is doing very well, which is a positive for us. We are making nearly $4,000 a show here in the States...]


[...I am also having a good look at our pay-per-appearance contracts. This means that wrestlers like Bam Bam Bigelow, Bill Irwin, Buzz Sawyer, Dan Spivey, Fatu, Eddie Gilbert, Jason Knight, Johnny Ace, Missy Hyatt, Nitron, Norman The Lunatic, Samu, Steve Williams, The Dragonmaster, The Great Muta, The Iron Sheik and Z-Man might all be looking to get a pay raise or get cut from the roster...]

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Thursday Week 2 October 1989


Bill Irwin vs. Eddie Gilbert

Kevin Sullivan vs. Junkyard Dog

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Midnight Express



Saturday Week 2 October 1989


The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Flyin Brian and Z-Man

Freebird's are the bigger names, and they still have their title rematch to come.

The Wild Samoans vs. Midnight Express

Why not? Samoans can't win 'em all.

Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert

Bang Bang!

Terry Funk vs. Robert Gibson

Can't see it going any other way, unfortunately.

Buzz Sawyer vs. Junkyard Dog

I'm going to agree with the DQ suggestions.

NWA World Television Title Match: Mike Rotundo challenges Sting©

Too early for a title change really.

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Saturday Week 2 October 1989

Location: Hofheinz Pavilion - Houston, TX (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B

TV Rating: 1.49

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


The Power Hour

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert defeated Bill Irwin in 6:02 by submission with a Figure Four Leglock...D+


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Junkyard Dog defeated Kevin Sullivan in 7:42 by pinfall with a Big Thump Power Slam...C+


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, The Fabulous Freebirds defeated Midnight Express in 10:18 when Michael 'P.S.' Hayes defeated Stan Lane by pinfall with a Spike Piledriver...B




[The show begins with a recap of what happened last week...]




[...On World Championship Wrestling: The Road Warriors and Skyscrapers had a double disqualification match, Cactus Jack attacked Steve Williams, The Steiners and The Fabulous Freebirds set up their title rematch for NWA Halloween Havoc, Sting successfully defended his NWA World Television Title against Dick Slater and was attacked by both Mike Rotundo, his opponent this week, and The Great Muta, his opponent at Halloween Havoc!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/MichaelHayes7.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/jimmygarvin.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/brianpillman.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/tomzenk.jpg

The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Flyin Brian and Z-Man


[The show kicks off with a below average tag team bout featuring the number one contenders The Fabulous Freebirds against the team of Flyin Brian and Z-Man. Z-Man showed off his stuff against both Freebirds early but Brian was caught in the corner of the Freebirds. Michael Hayes and Jimmy Garvin dominated Flyin Brian and with him trapped in their corner they dropped him with a Spike Piledriver. Hayes made the cover as Jimmy Garvin kept Z-Man out of the ring: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Fabulous Freebirds (Via Pinfall @ 3:50)

Match Rating: C-




[The crowd booed The Fabulous Freebirds and they played to them for a moment as a video came up with some pre-recorded comments...]




[...Ric Flair was shown standing in front of a National Wrestling Alliance background...]


Ric Flair

"Terry Funk! You attacked me last week with a branding iron but I'm still standing and I'm still the man to beat! At Halloween Havoc, I don't want you in just some regular match. I want to make it loud and clear that I can do anything I want to you. Whooooo. I want you inside of a steel cage! You made me bleed last week? I'm going to take every drop of blood that I spilled and turn it back on you at Havoc. When you walk that aisle, you're gonna learn that to be the man, you have to beat the man! Whoooooo!"


[...Ric does a little strut and we head back to the ring.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/samu5.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/fatu7.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/bobbyeaton.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/stanlane.jpg

The Wild Samoans vs. Midnight Express


[The Midnight Express were definitely off their game in this match against the unpredictable Wild Samoans. James E. Cornette spent a lot of time on commentary talking about how he built the Midnight Express and how they're not operating the way that they should be as a team. The Wild Samoans were mostly dominant in this bout and Samu dropped off the top rope, hitting Stan Lane with a Top Rope Headbutt and making a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Wild Samoans (Via Pinfall @ 4:26)

Match Rating: C+


[...The Wild Samoans got up, yelling and getting the crowd riled up. Then exited the ring as someone left the commentary booth...]




[...James E. Cornette came down and yelled at The Midnight Express, who just took the shoving and yelling by Cornette. Cornette grabbed them and brought them to the back with none of the words really being caught on camera.]




[Another pre-recorded video begins to play...]




[...This one has Mike Rotundo in front of the National Wrestling Alliance background...]


Mike Rotundo

"Sting, we are just a short time away from stepping inside the ring. You are just a short time away from handing that NWA World Television belt to me and seeing that I am the best wrestler on television. Of course I am the best wrestler on television because I am from Syracuse, the best college when it comes to wrestling. Sting, tonight, I am going to bring you to Orange Country."


[...Mike moves into an amateur wrestling stance and we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/cactusjack3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/eddiegilbert-1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/missyhyatt.jpg

Cactus Jack vs. Eddie Gilbert


[This one was a definite brawl between these two wrestlers. With Missy Hyatt looking on at ringside, Cactus and Eddie wrestled both in the ring and outside the ring! The crowd was thrilled when Eddie was body slammed on the mats outside on the arena floor! Cactus Jack moved up to the apron and took aim, running down the apron -- Missy stepped in the way! Cactus stopped! Cactus dropped off the apron and moved to Missy but Missy stepped away. Cactus chased her around the ring! Missy slid inside and Cactus ducked a clothesline from Eddie Gilbert! Missy rolled out of the ring as Cactus kicked Eddie in the gut -- Double Arm DDT! Cactus made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Cactus Jack (Via Pinfall @ 4:07)

Match Rating: C+


[...Cactus rolled out of the ring and Missy Hyatt headed back up the aisle. Cactus was given a microphone...]


Cactus Jack

"Steve Williams, last week was just the beginning! Last week is going to be a nursery school compared to when I'm finished with you! BANG! BANG! You see, you think that you are Dr. Death. You think that you can be hardcore but I'm the most hardcore wrestler out there. I'm Cactus Jack! BANG! BANG! At Halloween Havoc, I am going to finish the job that I started. I am going to eliminate the competition. BANG! BANG!"


[...Cactus drops the microphone and heads to the back.]




[Another pre-recorded video begins to play...]




[...This one has Theodore R. Long backstage with the Skyscrapers...]


Theodore R. Long

"Road Warriors, listen to me because my words are focused on you. A lot of people claim that you're the best tag team in the world today. A lot of people have a lot of love for you. But these two men behind me don't have any love for you at all. My two big Skyscrapers here are about to lay to rest the myth that you two guys are the best in the world. At Halloween Havoc, Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey are gonna make the godfather proud."


[...Teddy pats them both on the chest and we head elsewhere.]




[backstage, the focus turns to another tag team here in the NWA...]




[...Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson are in their locker room...]


Ricky Morton

"Robert, tonight you have a big opportunity. You have a chance to beat the number one contender inside the middle of the ring. You know you have my support in this singles match."


Robert Gibson

"Thanks a lot for the support, Ricky. I'm gonna go out there and do my best. Rock and Roll forever!"


Ricky Morton

"Rock and roll."


[...The Rock and Roll Express give a high five and walk out of the locker room.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/robertgibson2.jpg

Terry Funk vs. Robert Gibson


[The crowd was really psyched for this match it would seem. Gary Hart led Terry Funk out to boos from the crowd and Funk threatened a fan with a fist before he entered the ring. Robert Gibson gave the fans high fives as he headed down to the ring. Gibson stepped in and went right after Funk! Gibson threw forearm shots and sent Funk into the ropes -- dropkick! The move connected and Funk got out of the ring quickly! The crowd began a chant of 'Rock and Roll, Rock and Roll, Rock and Roll!'...]


[...Terry Funk got back in the ring and he managed to slow things down with Robert Gibson. Funk used some interference by Gary Hart to maintain the advantage as Robert Gibson looked pretty good in this match. Funk dropped Gibson with a DDT and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Foot on the Ropes! Funk looked a little frustrated as he got to his feet. He sent Gibson to the ropes -- clothesline -- ducked! Gibson came back with a flying shoulder tackle! Robert Gibson got the crowd into it as he headed to the top turnbuckle! Gibson waited for Funk to raise to his feet and leaped -- clothesline by Funk! Gibson was turned inside out! Funk grabbed Gibson and pulled him between his legs -- Texas Piledriver! Funk made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Terry Funk (Via Pinfall @ 4:50)

Match Rating: B+




[The crowd booed the win by Terry Funk but applauded the effort by Robert Gibson. As seems to be the pattern tonight, we headed to another pre-recorded interview...]




[...This time it's with the NWA World Television Champion Sting!...]



"Mike Rotundo, how DARE you attack me after my match last week. What? Are you afraid of the Stinger? Is that it? You and The Great Muta don't have any GUTS at all! You have to attack me from behind? Attack me after a match? Well tonight there won't be another match before this one, Mike. There won't be any attacking me from behind. You will have to come at me face-to-face and it's gonna be showtime! OWWWWW!"


[...Sting beats his chest and we cut away.]




[And we head to another pre-recorded video...]




[...This one was obviously recorded after the Fabulous Freebirds' match tonight...]


Michael Hayes

"Take a good look, Houston, Texas, because you're looking at the two men who are going to be regaining the NWA World Tag Team Titles. Steiners, the two of you punks better realize that you're just keeping those belts warm for the Fabulous Freebirds. Your win at Fall Brawl was just a fluke. Isn't that right, Jimmy Jam?"


Jimmy Garvin

"That's right, P.S. At Halloween Havoc, we are going to do the same thing to them that we just did to Flyin Brian and Z-Man. We're gonna hit them with our Spiked Piledriver or a DDT and we'll be three seconds away from regaining what should have never been lost. Rick, Scott get ready to be taken to Badstreet."


[...And now it's time to head back to the ring.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/JunkYardDog.jpg

Buzz Sawyer vs. Junkyard Dog


[Gary Hart came out again, this time leading Buzz Sawyer out to the ring to face the fan-favorite Junkyard Dog! Gary yelled some instructions in to Buzz during the match but Buzz's advantage was short-lived against the JYD. Junkyard Dog was mostly dominant in this one to the crowd's favor. He lifted Buzz on his shoulder -- Big Thump Power Slam! The cover was made: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Junkyard Dog (Via Pinfall @ 6:30)

Match Rating: C


[...As Junkyard Dog got up to celebrate, he was assaulted from behind...]




[...Bam Bam Bigelow had hit the ring out of nowhere! Bigelow dropped JYD with a headbutt and then picked him up -- Big Thump Power Slam by Bam Bam Bigelow! The crowd booed as Bam Bam celebrated in the ring, having hit JYD with the Dog's own finisher! Bam Bam took in the boos as he stood over JYD.]




[The crowd booed as another figure came out from the back...]




[...The Great Muta joined Gary Hart down at ringside. Great Muta bowed to Gary Hart and the two of them moved over to the commentary booth to join in on commentary. Well, Gary Hart is joining on commentary. The Great Muta is standing behind him.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/mikerotundo.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/sting5.jpg

NWA World Television Title Match

Mike Rotundo challenges Sting ©


[Obviously, this is the reason that Gary Hart and The Great Muta came down to ringside as it is time for our main event! Mike Rotundo came down to the ring first and then he was joined down in the ring by the NWA World Television Champion Sting! The two met eye-to-eye inside the ring and Rotundo dropped into an amateur wrestling stance. Sting looked at him for a moment and released an 'OOOWWWWW' to the crowd and got one repeated back to him. Rotundo moved in and did a go-behind waistlock on Sting! Rotundo tripped Sting to the mat and then spun around Sting a few times, smacking him in the head before getting to his feet and raising his arms to boos from the crowd. Sting regained a vertical base and moved toward the center of the ring with Rotundo -- kick to the gut by Sting! Sting throws punches, knocking Rotundo down. Sting makes a quick cover: 1 -- Kickout! Rotundo quickly exited the ring and stepped back and away, beginning to pace some. Sting bounces off the ropes -- leaps -- cross body over the top rope to the floor takes Rotundo down! Sting gets up and releases an 'OWWWW!' to the crowd...]


[...Once back inside the ring, Rotundo used an amateur-like rake to the eyes to take the advantage and went on a tear for several minutes on the man called Sting. He ended up throwing some punches to Sting and then sending him into a corner. He threw some shoulders to the gut and then went behind Sting -- German Suplex with a bridge: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd roared for the kickout by Sting! Rotundo paid them no attention though and remained on the attack, sending Sting outside the ring. Rotundo joined Sting outside the ring and rammed him against the ring post to boos from the crowd! Rotundo picked up Sting and tossed him back inside the ring, joining him inside and making a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Rotundo hooked a crossface on Sting, trying to make the Champ submit but Sting wouldn't have any of that! Sting told referee Tommy Young 'NO!' when asked if he would give up! Sting used some cheers and claps from the crowd to power his way up to his feet. He threw an elbow to the gut! A second one! A third one broke the hold! Sting bounced off the ropes -- double clothesline and both men are down...]


[...At the count of 8, both men raised to their feet! Rotundo charged in and Sting caught him -- inverted atomic drop! Sting threw a couple of forearm shots -- Standing Dropkick! The crowd went wild as Rotundo hit the mat. Sting bounced off the ropes -- high elbow drop! Sting made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Sting got to his feet and pulled Rotundo up -- inside cradle by Rotundo, he hooks the tights: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Sting still kicked out! Both men got to their feet! Rotundo ducked a clothesline attempt and hooked Sting from behind in a waistlock! Sting blocked a German Suplex attempt and reversed the waistlock, shoving Rotundo into a corner! Sting chased him in -- Stinger Splash! Rotundo fell to the mat and Sting grabbed the legs -- Scorpion Deathlock! Sting hooked his finisher on Rotundo! Rotundo tried to resist giving in! He reached for the ropes but Sting pulled him to the center of the ring. Rotundo fought for as long as he could but he had to give up!]


Winner: Sting (Via Submission @ 9:45; Sting retains the NWA World Television Title)

Match Rating: B+


[...Sting released the hold and got his arm raised by Tommy Young! Tommy Young gave him the belt and Sting looked toward the ramp where The Great Muta stood. Muta glared at Sting and Sting looked back to Muta, releasing an 'OOOWWWW!' The two stared each other down as the show came to a close!]

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We only had one perfect score this week through both shows. Congratulations to Greg McNeish!




1. Lexa90=56 Wins

2. BHK1978=54 Wins

3. jhd1=53 Wins

4. Greg McNeish=39 Wins

5. Ritchardo=36 Wins

6. Beejus=19 Wins

nick21985=19 Wins

8. MattitudeV2=17 Wins

9. smurphy1014=16 Wins

10. Huntman=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins

12. olympia=11 Wins

13. BYU 14=7 Wins


This prediction contest will last until the end of the in-game year and then will return to the regular 3 month rotation.


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Thursday Week 3 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Butch Reed vs. Rick Steiner

Buzz Sawyer vs. Ricky Steamboat

Terry Funk vs. Ricky Morton


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.



Saturday Week 3 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


The Skyscrapers vs. The Dynamic Dudes

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Kevin Sullivan and Nitron vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Cactus Jack vs. Junkyard Dog

Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat


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- Liked the Flair promo and I've always thought Teddy Long was/is underrated on the mic.



Thursday Week 3 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Butch Reed vs. Rick Steiner

Buzz Sawyer vs. Ricky Steamboat

Terry Funk vs. Ricky Morton




Saturday Week 3 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


The Skyscrapers vs. The Dynamic Dudes

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Kevin Sullivan and Nitron vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Cactus Jack vs. Junkyard Dog

Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat

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Butch Reed vs. Rick Steiner


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ricky Steamboat


Terry Funk vs. Ricky Morton



The Skyscrapers vs. The Dynamic Dudes


Johnny and Shane are just jobbers, there is no way they should win.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight


Kevin Sullivan and Nitron vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express


Kevin you know your career is going nowhere when your tag team partner is Nitron...


Cactus Jack vs. Junkyard Dog


Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat


As much as I like Muta and The Funkster (never was a fan of Lex), they just so happen to be taking on the greatest Six Man Tag Team ever! Seriously, I would have paid top dollar in real life to see Sting, Flair and Steamboat together!

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Thursday Week 3 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Butch Reed vs. Rick Steiner

Buzz Sawyer vs. Ricky Steamboat

Terry Funk vs. Ricky Morton



Saturday Week 3 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


The Skyscrapers vs. The Dynamic Dudes

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Kevin Sullivan and Nitron vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Cactus Jack vs. Junkyard Dog

Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat

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- Liked the Flair promo and I've always thought Teddy Long was/is underrated on the mic.


Glad you liked the Flair promo. He is one of my favorite wrestlers to write for, especially when doing the old-school Ric Flair. The true Stylin and Profilin Ric Flair. As far as Teddy Long goes, I just have to make sure I stay out of the mentality of what he has been in WWE and get back to the 1989 NWA Teddy Long. lol.


As much as I like Muta and The Funkster (never was a fan of Lex), the just so happen to be taking on the greatest Six Man Tag Team ever! Seriously, I would have paid top dollar in real life to see Sting, Flair and Steamboat together!


It is quite a six man tag team, isn't it? Three of the best workers of the time period and add that on to guys like Muta and Funk and even Lex Luger has worked some semi-decent matches and I hope the main event performs up to what I believe it should.

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Thursday Week 3 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Butch Reed vs. Rick Steiner


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ricky Steamboat


Terry Funk vs. Ricky Morton




Saturday Week 3 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


The Skyscrapers vs. The Dynamic Dudes


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight


Kevin Sullivan and Nitron vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express


Cactus Jack vs. Junkyard Dog


Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat

I would pay good money to see this, maybe add another on each team and you have wargames as well. Sorry but I love War Games :)

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Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat

I would pay good money to see this, maybe add another on each team and you have wargames as well. Sorry but I love War Games :)


I am a major War Games fan as well. So you can definitely expect War Games to make a return at some point in this diary. As for the participants? Well, we'll see. ;)

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Nice write-up on the Rotundo/Sting match - I really thought my boy IRS was going over there!



Thursday Week 3 October 1989


Butch Reed vs. Rick Steiner

Buzz Sawyer vs. Ricky Steamboat

Terry Funk vs. Ricky Morton



Saturday Week 3 October 1989



The Skyscrapers vs. The Dynamic Dudes

A crushing victory for The Skyscrapers to show them as a real threat to the Road Warriors


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Jason Knight's run continues!


Kevin Sullivan and Nitron vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

If Ricky & Robert can't get a win over Nitron, it really is game over for them!


Cactus Jack vs. Junkyard Dog

I'm plumping for a shock Cactus win - some Bam Bam interference to set-up a JYD/Williams v Cactus/Bam Bam tag match


Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat

The face team looks unbeatable and even though the heels could do with the win more, I fancy the faces to sneak it. Should be a cracker though!

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Nice write-up on the Rotundo/Sting match - I really thought my boy IRS was going over there!


Glad you enjoyed the match writeup! I was really looking to make it seem like an even matchup. I just hope that I elevated Rotundo's stock in the eyes of some people with that match.

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Perfect game, last time out. WOOOOOOOO!!!



Butch Reed vs. Rick Steiner

I'm assuming that Rick started the game with much lower momentum than Scott. This should help even them out a bit more.


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ricky Steamboat

Buzz continues on as J-Tex' resident job guy.


Terry Funk vs. Ricky Morton

Meanwhile, the Funkster finishes off the other Rock & Roller.


The Skyscrapers vs. The Dynamic Dudes

Everyone needs some elevation, if they're going to take on the Road Warriors.


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight

Bam Bam is awesome. It's as simple as that.


Kevin Sullivan and Nitron vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

R&R took a momentum hit, to build some Popularity, while laying down for Terry Funk. They'll roll through these guys fairly easily, to truly follow up on that spotlight.


Cactus Jack vs. Junkyard Dog

Not only am I (as well as everyone else) a huge Mick Foley fan, I'm also not big on JYD. This could see a DQ finish, due to Dr. Death paying a visit.


Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat

If ever there is a time for a time limit draw, this is it. There are too many guys in too high of places, for this to be settled in a regular match. Add my name to the petition for War Games.

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Butch Reed vs. Rick Steiner

It ain't Doom here, so the Steiners reign.


Buzz Sawyer vs. Ricky Steamboat


Terry Funk vs. Ricky Morton

He may as well go 2-for-2.




The Skyscrapers vs. The Dynamic Dudes


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Jason Knight


Kevin Sullivan and Nitron vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

To make up for them being such good jobbers to Terry.


Cactus Jack vs. Junkyard Dog

I see this either going this way in order to seriously elevate Jack, or else a double DQ with Bam Bam and Williams coming in.


Terry Funk, The Great Muta and Lex Luger vs. Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat

That team is just too amazing to drop this match.

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