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NWA 1989: Tradition To Innovation

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Alright, wrestling fans, I have decided on another bit of a change in the schedule of when I am posting the cards. For both my USPW and my NWA diaries, I have decided not to specifically make the schedule to be on any certain day. I have made the decision that when I finish the card writeup, then I will put out the 24 hour warning. On the positive side, this means that instead of just 2 cards a week, we could possibly see up to 4 cards per week: 2 on each diary. On the negative side, it means that if I have a particularly busy week then we could see 0, 1 or 2 cards during the week. But I feel that this is the best way to do things so that I am not locked into a specific schedule plus people get time to predict. But you will also receive some backstage story as well, enough that I hope it will whet your whistle.


Cool just don't burn yourself out, you do these at such a rapid fire pace that I often wonder how you do not burn yourself out. Keep up the great work!

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Cool just don't burn yourself out, you do these at such a rapid fire pace that I often wonder how you do not burn yourself out. Keep up the great work!


Running the two diaries does help, believe it or not. It gives me a different vantage point, so to speak, so I am not just focusing on the same characters again and again. I'm glad that you have enjoyed both diaries though. They are both a lot of fun to write. With this one, I am rewriting history in my own image so look for some surprises that could either make or break this diary.

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24 Hour Warning for Predictions for World Championship Wrestling and Power Hour! I have received predictions so far from:








Greg McNeish






Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far!

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Saturday Week 4 October 1989

Location: The Reunion Arena, Dallas Texas (Mid South)

Attendance: 10,000

Overall Rating: B+

TV Rating: 1.49

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


The Power Hour

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Steve Williams defeated Dick Slater in 7:35 by pinfall with an Oklahoma Stampede...C


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, 'Cowboy' Bob Orton defeated 'Hotstuff' Eddie Gilbert in 8:02 by pinfall with The Superplex...B-


In a match that had some good action and a good crowd, Scott Steiner defeated The Iron Sheik in 7:37 by pinfall with a Frankensteiner...B




Pre Show: In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Sting defeated 'Cowboy' Bob Orton in 7:41 by submission with a Scorpion Deathlock...B-


Pre Show: The Fabulous Freebirds had an interview hyping their upcoming tag match with The Steiners...C+


Pre Show: Paul Ellering had an interview hyping his team of Road Warriors taking on The Skyscrapers in a tag match...C+




[Good evening everyone and welcome to World Championship Wrestling! We're a day away from the biggest event in October: Halloween Havoc! But we've still got some great matches coming your way, including our main event:...]




[...Only 24 hours from big title matches, The NWA World Champion 'The Nature Boy' Ric Flair will take on 'The Pearl of the Orient' The Great Muta! What a main event but let's not waste any time. Let's go straight to the action.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/bambambigelow.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/rickysteamboat2.jpg

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ricky Steamboat


[What a match to start things off with. Both of these men are heading to Halloween Havoc for some big matches. Both men looked to impress tonight against each other and it turned out to be a very good match with great wrestling and a sizzling crowd! Bigelow hit some hard-hitting power moves on Steamboat early in the match, bringing Steamboat down with a hard-hitting fallaway slam. Bigelow went to the top turnbuckles and dove off with a big splash! He turned it into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Bigelow got frustrated throughout the match with his lack of ability to put Steamboat away. Steamboat paced himself some, wearing out the larger competitor with a few hit and run tactics. Steamboat managed to bring Bigelow down with a big body slam! He headed to the top turnbuckle, watching as Bigelow moved toward his feet. Steamboat focused in and didn't see someone running in from the back! Lex Luger pushed Steamboat off the top turnbuckle and out of the ring! Steamboat hit his ribs hard on the guardrail and the referee called for the bell.]


Winner: Ricky Steamboat (Via Disqualification @ 8:14)

Match Rating: B+




[...The Total Package dropped off the apron and put the boots to Steamboat, rousing boos from the crowd! Steamboat tried to fight back but he was sent into the ring post and then lifted into the Human Torture Rack! The fun police came out from the back and worked to break the hold, pulling Steamboat down but the message was sent and the damage was done to the U.S. Title challenger tomorrow night.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/buzzsawyer.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ScottSteiner22.jpg

Buzz Sawyer vs. Scott Steiner


[buzz Sawyer has not been seen as much of a threat here in the NWA for a few years now even though he is a part of the J-Tex Corporation. The crowd did like the wrestling styles of one half of the NWA World Tag Team Champions Scott Steiner. Steiner was mostly dominant in this bout, bringing down Buzz with a few Steinerlines and showing some power with a big powerslam. He sent Buzz into the ropes -- Frankensteiner! What a move! Scott rolled over into a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Scott Steiner (Via Pinfall @ 7:14)

Match Rating: C+




[The crowd was very happy for the win by Scott Steiner but they weren't happy with the appearance of the next video interview...]




[...Terry Funk stood alone within an interview area holding up a branding iron...]


Terry Funk

"Ric Flair, you banana-nosed bastard! Tomorrow night, you and I are going to be locked inside of a cage. I know all about cages. I keep a bunch of my farm animals back on the double cross ranch in cages. But having this match inside a cage is not gonna be good for you. It means that no one can stop me when I take this branding iron and I brand you with the mark of the double cross ranch. No one can stop me when I give you a Piledriver over and over until blood is gushing from your head. No one can stop me when I lock on the Spinning Toehold until you're squealing like a pig. You know what, Ric Flair, I think I like this idea of a steel cage. I think I like it a lot."


[...Terry gave a smile and the video faded out to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/mikeshaw2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/johnnyace.jpg

Norman The Lunatic vs. Johnny Ace


[Not all that much of a match here as Norman took on Johnny Ace. It may have taken Norman longer to get down to the ring and get undone from the straight-jacket he was in than for the match itself. Norman dominated from start to finish with Ace not even getting in a single move of offense. Norman finished off Ace with a running seated senton known as the Karachi Krunch for the: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Norman The Lunatic (Via Pinfall @ 2:01)

Match Rating: C-




[The crowd booed Norman some and then cheered for our next pre-taped video interview...]




[...The NWA World Champion Ric Flair had a focused look on his face as he looked toward the camera...]


Ric Flair

"Tonight, tonight, tonight. Tonight, right here in the Reunion Arena in Dallas Texas, I am going to be walking that aisle against the greatest wrestler to come out of Japan since Antonio Inoki himself: The Great Muta. Muta, last time I checked I am the greatest wrestler in the United States and the greatest wrestler in the world. Take a good look at this gold belt around my waist because that is what you should be striving for. Whooooo. This is the best belt in the world today. We don't have cartoon characters here. We don't have guys who are muscled-up freaks in the NWA. What we do have is a limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheeling, dealing son of a gun as the NWA World Champion! Whooooo! Whether it's the Great Muta tonight or Terry Funk at Halloween Havoc tomorrow night the ending is still going to be the same: Ric Flair celebrating with all the pretty women after another victory. Whooooo! Because, you see, whether you like it or whether you don't like it, ask any woman in the building, you better get used to it because Ric Flair is the best thing going today! Whooooo!"


[...Ric does a little strut and then it's back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/kendonagasaki.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/brianpillman.jpg

The Dragonmaster vs. Flyin Brian


[Wow, the crowd really didn't like this one! This match ended up being the restroom/concession stand break for many within the audience. The lucky thing is that at least it was a short match, right? Flyin Brian mostly dominated this bad night for the J-Tex Corporation. Brian hit Dragonmaster with a Tornado DDT and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Flyin Brian (Via Pinfall @ 5:24)

Match Rating: D+




[The few fans that stuck around cheered for Flyin Brian and his victory. More people came in as another video interview began...]




[...This one featured the NWA World Television Champion Sting! The crowd cheered his appearance!]



"Great Muta, you and I are standing at a crossroads. We can take the left side or the right side or we can go right up the middle and take both sides. That's what I'd rather do. Tomorrow night at Halloween Havoc you and I are going to look eye to eye and stand toe to toe in the middle of the ring. I expect to get hurt. I expect to maybe even bleed. In fact, I'm jacked up about it! But no matter who wins tomorrow night, this ends between us. If you beat me for the title, there won't be a rematch for the belt. If I beat you, it's going to be your last shot against me, Muta. You better make this shot good because come tomorrow night when all the little Stingers are sitting in the front row watching they are going to see their hero with his arm raised in the air in victory. OOOOWWWWW!"


[...Sting hits his chest and we head to the next match.]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/luger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/JunkYardDog.jpg

NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Junkyard Dog


[Lex Luger was already seen earlier in the evening through his attack on Ricky Steamboat so the crowd really didn't like him when he came out. JYD got the crowd's attention, though. Luger flexed his muscles inside the ring and JYD got down on all fours, attacking Luger with multiple headbutts to the knee. Luger got tripped up and Junkyard Dog jumped on him, throwing punches! Luger tried to cover up and it took referee Randy Anderson to pull JYD back. JYD ducked a cheapshot clothesline attempt and then hit Luger with a clothesline of his own! He lifted Luger and body slammed him back to the mat! JYD bounced off the ropes -- big elbow drop! He made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Luger tried to get out of the ring to catch a break but he was chased by the JYD. Luger rolled back in the ring and threw some forearm shots to JYD when the Junkyard Dog tried to get back into the ring. Luger picked up JYD and dropped him with a clothesline! The Total Package turned his attention to the back of JYD. He dropped him with a huge backbreaker right around the same time that Bam Bam Bigelow came walking out from the back! Bigelow hit ringside and Luger tossed JYD outside the ring. Luger distracted the official while Bigelow picked up JYD and sent him into the guardrail. The lights in the building turned off. When they came back on, Ricky Steamboat was standing behind Luger! Luger turned and Steamboat hit him with chops and punches and then a dropkick that sent Luger out of the ring. Seeing the chaos, the referee had no choice but to call for a Draw.]


Winner: Draw (Sports Entertainment Finish @ 6:58; Lex Luger retains the NWA United States Heavyweight Title)

Match Rating: C+




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ricflairc.jpg

Non Title

The Great Muta vs. Ric Flair


[The crowd booed when Muta and Gary Hart made their entrance. It has not been a good night for Gary Hart and the J-Tex Corporation. But can they turn things around here in the main event? The crowd nearly blew the roof off the place when the 2001 theme started playing. Ric Flair walked out in one of his famous sequined robes and headed down toward the ring. He slid inside and went right up to Muta, throwing punches and chops! Gary Hart spilled out of the ring and Flair backed Muta into a corner! Flair laced his chest with several chops and then a punch! Muta seemed taken aback by this aggression! Flair hip tossed Muta out of the corner and Muta got to his feet, kicking Flair in the shin when Flair came at him!...]


[...Muta spent the next few minutes in control of Flair, keeping him at Muta's faster pace. Muta sent Flair into the corner and caught him with a handspring back elbow. Flair staggered forward and fell right on his face. Muta picked up Flair and slid behind him, hooking a full nelson -- Dragon Suplex! Muta with a bridge: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Flair kicked out of one of Muta's signature moves! Muta got up, listening to advice from Gary Hart. He picked up Flair and dropped him with a rib breaker near the corner. Muta sprung to the top turnbuckle in cat-like fashion. He leaped -- Moonsault -- Missed! Flair rolled out of the way!...]


[...The crowd cheered as Flair pushed his way to his feet. He waited for Muta to rise and then shoved him back in the corner -- chop! Another! Another! Flair got the crowd on their feet! He grabbed Muta by the leg -- shinbreaker! Muta hit the ground, clutching his leg. Flair gave a little strut for a moment and then turned back to Muta, sliding his leg on the bottom rope -- seated senton! Muta clutches his knee in pain! Flair pulls Muta to the center of the ring and bounces off the rope -- big knee drop! 'Whoooo!' from Ric Flair! The crowd goes wild! Flair grabs Muta by the leg -- Figure 4! Flair wraps the Figure 4 on the legs of the Great Muta! Muta resists, shaking his head, trying to reach for the ropes but they're in the center of the ring! Muta -- gives up! Muta submits to the Figure 4!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Submission @ 8:41)

Match Rating: A


[The hold was slowly broken and Flair's arm was raised in victory. He turned and looked down the aisle, raising his fists as someone came running down...]




[...Terry Funk hit the ring and Flair pushed him back in a corner and hit a chop! Funk threw a wild punch! Flair with another chop! These two went head-to-head as the fun police spilled forth and officials jumped into the ring to keep these two seperated! But tomorrow night that won't happen! Tomorrow night, we will see Ric Flair vs. Terry Funk inside of a steel cage for the NWA World Title! We'll see you at Halloween Havoc!]

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No perfect scores this week but several people who got 8/9! Congratulations to BHK1978, Greg McNeish, Beejus and JudgeJuryExecutioner.




1. Lexa90=70 Wins

2. BHK1978=69 Wins

3. jhd1=60 Wins

4. Greg McNeish=53 Wins

5. Ritchardo=50 Wins

6. Beejus=34 Wins

7. nick21985=32 Wins

8. MattitudeV2=17 Wins

9. smurphy1014=16 Wins

10. Huntman=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins

Destiny=14 Wins

13. ColtCabana=12 Wins

MartinC=12 Wins

15. olympia=11 Wins

16. JudgeJuryExecutioner=8 Wins

17. BYU 14=7 Wins

SWF Fan=7 Wins


Welcome to SWF Fan and JudgeJuryExecutioner! Thanks for your first predictions here and any comments are always appreciated.


This prediction contest will last until the end of the in-game year and then will return to the regular 3 month rotation.


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Just a reminder of the Halloween Havoc card for everyone! Those who have already predicted, thanks for your predictions! Any and all are welcome to add their predictions and comments, etc.



Sunday Week 4 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds get a shot against The Steiner Brothers©

Chicago Street Fight: The Skyscrapers vs. The Road Warriors

Cactus Jack vs. Steve Williams

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta gets a shot against Sting©

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Junkyard Dog

NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

NWA World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: Terry Funk gets a shot against Ric Flair©

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Good last show, I enjoyed the Cactus Jack promo.


Glad you enjoyed that last show and the Cactus promo. He can be a lot of fun to write for at times.


I am trying to keep my bloated post count down here...:mad::D


Awww. You know you don't mind writing a little more.


Love this diary so much Angel decided to finally predict on it :)


Welcome, SWF Fan! Hopefully your predictions will be as good here as they have been in the USPW diary.


NWA World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: Terry Funk gets a shot against Ric Flair©

Just like the real NWA, you're hitching your wagon to Flair. Nobody would ever hold that against you. This should be a great match.


Enjoyed all of your comments on the Halloween Havoc PPV in particular. And Ric Flair is my favorite wrestler of all time and a really nice guy in person so you can better believe that I have plans for him. But this main event should be really fun to write for.


Hey Angel. Awesome diary ya got going here.


It really brings out everything that shone about this time period. . . and I'm sure as time goes on, you wont be making the same mistakes they did. Or at least I hope you wont be :D


Anyway, time to join the party.


Hey, welcome back! I'm glad to see you back around here and running another diary and predicting here. Hopefully, I won't be making the same mistakes that the NWA/WCW did. Maybe one day I can overtake the WWF!

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Sunday Week 4 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds get a shot against The Steiner Brothers©

Chicago Street Fight: The Skyscrapers vs. The Road Warriors

Cactus Jack vs. Steve Williams

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta gets a shot against Sting©

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Junkyard Dog

NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

NWA World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: Terry Funk gets a shot against Ric Flair©

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This is just awesome, I finally got a chance to catch up and read the whole thing... This was a great time for WCW, unfortuantely the decisions they made over the next few years made it sometimes difficult to watch and other times great to watch...But the talent you hae may be the best right at this time... I also loved seeing Norman the Lunatic SQUASH Johnny Ace




Sunday Week 4 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds get a shot against The Steiner Brothers©

Steiner brothers are just too good

Chicago Street Fight: The Skyscrapers vs. The Road Warriors

Cant bet against the RW in a chicago street fight

Cactus Jack vs. Steve Williams

A huge Doc fan here

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta gets a shot against Sting©

Im going to go w/ a title change, just because I dont think Sting needs that belt

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Junkyard Dog

JYD has great name value,but not great game anynmore

NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

Steamboat is grea at the chase...

NWA World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: Terry Funk gets a shot against Ric Flair©

Id love to see Funk get a run with the belt, but I just dont see it yet


What a roster and card

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Sunday Week 4 October 1989

Heels Always Listed First


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds get a shot against The Steiner Brothers©

Chicago Street Fight: The Skyscrapers vs. The Road Warriors

Cactus Jack vs. Steve Williams

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta gets a shot against Sting©

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Junkyard Dog

NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

NWA World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: Terry Funk gets a shot against Ric Flair©


Didn't need a repost of the HH predictions but thanks for thinking about it! Glad you picked the same people too. ;)


This is just awesome, I finally got a chance to catch up and read the whole thing... This was a great time for WCW, unfortuantely the decisions they made over the next few years made it sometimes difficult to watch and other times great to watch...But the talent you hae may be the best right at this time... I also loved seeing Norman the Lunatic SQUASH Johnny Ace


What a roster and card


Glad that you're enjoying things so far and good to see you predicting here. This was definitely an awesome time for the NWA/WCW. A great roster and I am planning on putting my own special spin on things as you'll see at Halloween Havoc. Halloween is a night of surprises, right?

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24 Hour Warning for Predictions for NWA Halloween Havoc! I have received predictions so far from:








Greg McNeish







Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far!

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I...I...I can't believe it....I missed one :( Sorry my friend, completely passed me by that 24 hour warning - I'll blame the cold! :D



Sunday Week 4 October 1989


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds get a shot against The Steiner Brothers©

Bit early for another change around.

Chicago Street Fight: The Skyscrapers vs. The Road Warriors

Tough one but I can't pick against Hawk and Animal!

Cactus Jack vs. Steve Williams

Wild guess I'm afraid...

NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta gets a shot against Sting©

Agreeing with whoever said Sting doesn't need it. He can move onwards and upwards if Muta wins to be honest.

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Junkyard Dog

Do I even need to bother!?

NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat

Perhaps some sort of cheating to get the win? Ricky's the better talent but I don't know if I see him winning this one.

NWA World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: Terry Funk gets a shot against Ric Flair©

The reasoning behind this match will be the same as every Ric Flair match...whooooo!

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Sunday Week 4 October 1989


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match: The Fabulous Freebirds get a shot against The Steiner Brothers©


Chicago Street Fight: The Skyscrapers vs. The Road Warriors


Cactus Jack vs. Steve Williams


NWA World Television Title Match: The Great Muta gets a shot against Sting©


Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Junkyard Dog


NWA United States Title Match: Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat


NWA World Title Match, Steel Cage Match: Terry Funk gets a shot against Ric Flair©

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Sunday Week 4 October 1989

Location: The Pyramid - Memphis, Tennessee (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: A

PPV Buyrate: .99

This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


[Tonight is a night of fright and of things that go bump in the night. It is a night of magic and mystery. It is a night that wrestlers will never forget...]




[...NWA's Halloween Havoc! We will several titles be put on the line, including The Steiner Brothers defending the NWA World Tag Team Titles against The Fabulous Freebirds, Sting defending the NWA World Television Title against The Great Muta, Lex Luger defending the NWA United States Heavyweight Title against Ricky Steamboat and then in our main event...inside of a steel cage where no man can escape and no man can enter once it is locked there will be two men fighting to their eternal peril. Only one man will walk out with the NWA World Title. Will that man be Ric Flair? Or will that man be Terry Funk? Find out tonight as NWA presents to you Halloween Havoc!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/greatmuta.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/sting5.jpg

NWA World Television Title Match

The Great Muta gets a shot against Sting©


[The Memphis, Tennessee crowd booed when the Great Muta came out to start the show. He was accompanied, as always, by Gary Hart and he did a backflip to enter the ring and then sprayed that mist up into the air. Then it was time for the entrance of the NWA World Television Champion and one of the most popular wrestlers here in the NWA: this is Sting! Sting came running down to the ring and slid inside. He ducked a kick by Muta and then caught him up in a press slam, dropping Muta to the mat! Sting released an 'OOOWWWWW' for his fans and took off his belt. He fired it to the official and then pulled Muta up -- inverted atomic drop! Sting winds up his fist -- big punch to the head! Muta goes down to the mat! Sting bounces off the ropes and Muta drops down -- Sting jumps over and comes back -- hip toss by Muta! Sting pops back up -- dropkick by Muta! Muta swings a roundhouse kick to the head and Sting falls to the mat again. Muta makes a cover: 1 -- Kickout! Way too early to get a pinfall here but Sting has to expend some energy to kick out...]


[...Muta kept the attack on Sting for the next few minutes, maintaining control. Muta went to the top turnbuckle and brought Sting down with a big karate chop to the head. Muta took in the boos from the crowd and picked Sting up. He sent him for the ride into the turnbuckle. He did a handspring and back flip into an elbow in the corner! Sting got squashed there. Muta picked up Sting and body slammed him down to the mat and then went up the turnbuckle. He turned so his back was to Sting -- Moonsault -- Knees up! Somehow Sting got those knees up and the Moonsault connected with them! The crowd went wild and began chants of 'Sting, Sting, Sting!' Sting got to his feet and ducked another kick by Muta -- clothesline! Muta hits the mat! Sting bounces off the ropes -- high flying elbow drop! He makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Sting spends the next few minutes in control of Muta until Gary Hart climbs up on the apron! Sting spies him and walks over, grabbing Gary Hart and threatening to punch him! Gary's eyes go wide and Muta gets to his feet behind Sting. Muta approaches and spins Sting around -- Asian Mist! But, wait! Sting dropped down and the mist hit Gary Hart in the eyes! Hart falls off the apron and Sting gets up throwing punches and kicks to the Great Muta! He knocks Muta back in the corner and sends him across to the far side with an irish whip! Sting backs up in the corner and then comes charging -- Stinger Splash! The Stinger Splash connects and Muta falls out of the corner! Sting grabs his legs -- Scorpion Deathlock! Sting locks in the Scorpion! Muta resisted giving up! Gary Hart was still fumbling about outside the ring. Muta fought and fought but in the end he had to give up! What a title defense for Sting!]


Winner: Sting (Via Submission @ 15:28; Sting retains the NWA World Television Title)

Match Rating: A




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/cactusjack3.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/SteveWilliams2.jpg

Cactus Jack vs. Steve Williams


[That opening bout was definitely a tough one to follow. This was definiely more of a slower-paced, more hard-hitting matchup than the previous one. Cactus Jack took things outside multiple times throughout the match, sending Dr. Death into the guardrail and then body slamming him on the thin mats below. Cactus went for an elbow drop but there was nobody home and Cactus looked like he really hurt his arm there! Dr. Death went right to work on it back inside the ring. He set up Cactus for the Oklahoma Stampede but Cactus slithered his way behind Williams. Cactus exited the ring and grabbed a chair, sliding back in as Williams turned -- CRACK! Cactus cracked the chair over the head of Dr. Death, causing a DQ! Cactus just smiled as he had busted open Williams, taking in the boos from the crowd.]


Winner: Steve Williams (Via Disqualification @ 7:53)

Match Rating: C-




[The crowd booed Cactus Jack and the fun police had to come out to make sure no further damage was done. While the ring is cleared, let's head to these pre-recorded comments...]




[...From the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion 'The Total Package' Lex Luger...]


Lex Luger

"There's your number one contender. I know that those words are still ringing in your head, Ricky Steamboat. That is when I took over your spot here in the NWA and you hate it. You hate it with a passion but I've got that same passion, that same fire burning in my eyes. Tonight you are going to learn and feel what it's like to be taken down by the greatest wrestler in the world today: The Total Package Lex Luger!"


[...Lex flexes for a moment and we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/MichaelHayes7.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/jimmygarvin.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/RickSteiner3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ScottSteiner22.jpg

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match

The Fabulous Freebirds get a shot against The Steiner Brothers©


[Tag team action at its finest here tonight as The Fabulous Freebirds get a shot at regaining their NWA World Tag Team Title gold. There was some great action within this bout, including several double-team moves by both sides. Hayes and Garvin took down Rick Steiner with a double spinebuster! Garvin ran over and knocked Scott off the apron as Hayes made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The match continued on with Rick finally making a desperation tag to his brother. Scott took down both Hayes and Garvin with Steinerlines! Garvin stumbled into Scott and Scott grabbed him in a waistlock -- belly to belly suplex! Garvin hit the mat and rolled out of the ring! Scott grabbed Hayes and hooked him around the waist -- low blow by Hayes! The referee didn't see it! Hayes hooked Scott -- Freebird DDT! Do we have new NWA World Tag Team Champions? Hayes makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder up! Whoa! Has anyone ever kicked out of a Freebird DDT???...]


[...Hayes looked shocked as he got up, trying to figure out how to put this Steiner away! Garvin got back up on the apron and Hayes tagged out. They set up Scott in a Piledriver position -- Scott reversed! He sent Hayes into Garvin and Garvin fell into the ring from the second turnbuckle. Scott crawled toward his corner and he tagged in the Dog-Faced Gremlin! Rick hit several Steinerlines, barking and getting the crowd fired up! Rick sent Garvin out of the ring with a Belly-To-Belly Suplex! Rick grabbed Hayes and lifted him up on his shoulders. He tagged out to brother Scott, who climbed the turnbuckles. Rick turned around slightly as Scott hooked Hayes in a front facelock -- Steiner DDT! The move connected and Scott made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The Steiner Brothers retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles!]


Winners: The Steiner Brothers (Via Pinfall @ 7:44; The Steiner Brothers retain the NWA World Tag Team Titles)

Match Rating: B




[The crowd cheered the big win for the Steiner Brothers and we headed to another pre-recorded video...]




[...This time it's the challenger for the NWA World Title sitting out at the Double Cross Ranch...]


Terry Funk

"Ric Flair, you better listen to me. Tonight, we are in Memphis, Tennessee. It is the most digusting city that I have ever been in. This is a lower class town where I hope that I can get out without being mugged or killed. But Ric Flair you fit in perfect in this town. You are a lower class, uneducated citizen. If I had my choice, we would be wrestling in Amarillo, Texas not the lower class Memphis. But it doesn't matter where we wrestle, Flair. The bottom line is that I am the best wrestler in this business and I am going to prove it inside the steel cage like an animal. I am going to prove it by beating you Ric Flair and claiming what is mine: The NWA World Title. Then when I have my title belt none of the other wrestlers will have to put up with you in the ring and none of these fans will have to put up with you on their television sets. It's gonna happen Ric Flair. You can count on it."


[...Terry raises a branding iron high and pushes it down on the ground with a sizzling sound coming out of it as we head back to the ring.]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/sidvicious3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/danspivey2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/theadorerlong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/animal3.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/hawk3.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/paulellering.jpg

Chicago Street Fight

The Skyscrapers vs. The Road Warriors


[The crowd booed the appearance of Sid Vicious and Dan Spivey along with their manager Theodore R. Long. But the real cheering went on with the appearance of the Road Warriors with their manager Precious Paul Ellering. This was a brawl from the start with all four men going at it since this is texas tornado style, pinfalls count anywhere. Animal matched up with Sid, while Hawk matched up with Spivey. Hawk and Spivey spilled outside the ring early on while Animal sent Sid crashing into a turnbuckle. Animal ducked a clothesline from Sid and hit Sid with his own clothesline but Sid just stood there, staring intensely at Animal! No one has ever done that to either member of the Road Warriors! Animal hit Sid with another clothesline! Nothing! Animal bounced off the ropes and Sid caught him by the throat -- Choke Slam! Animal's head bounced off the mat. Sid exited the ring and went after Hawk with Spivey! The two double-teamed Hawk and battled with him up the ramp while Animal lay inside the ring. Hawk fought back and Long got involved, jumping on Hawk's back! Paul Ellering worked to revive Animal inside the ring. Long raked the eyes of Hawk and then dropped down. Sid kicked Hawk in the gut and Spivey helped grab him -- Double Power Bomb! Hawk's body bounced off the ramp as Sid made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Wow! No one has handled the Road Warriors in this way! No one!]


Winners: The Skyscrapers (Via Pinfall @ 9:47)

Match Rating: C+




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/bambambigelow.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/JunkYardDog.jpg

Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Junkyard Dog


[A lot of hard-hitting action tonight and this match was definitely no exception. Junkyard Dog got in some good offense early on against Bam Bam Bigelow. He dropped Bigelow with a good belly-to-belly suplex and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Bigelow took over shortly thereafter and he never looked back. Bam Bam played perfectly to the crowd as he decimated the JYD. The Memphis crowd was definitely behind the Dog but it seemed like he couldn't get a move in without Bam Bam having a counter for it. Bigelow dropped JYD with a fallaway slam and then climbed the turnbuckles -- Top Rope Headbutt! Bigelow made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow (Via Pinfall @ 8:09)

Match Rating: B




[As the crowd booed Bigelow's shockingly easy win over JYD, a pre-recorded video began to play...]




[...This time it's the NWA World Champion Ric Flair!...]


Ric Flair

"Terry Funk, I know those butterflies are settling in your stomach right now. I know that the fear is making your stomach turn just a little bit because tonight you are going to have to walk that aisle and face the Nature Boy. Whoooo. You and I, we've done it so many times, Terry. We've gone up and down the road, from Charlotte, North Carolina to Memphis Whoooo Tennessee. But tonight is not going to be like any other night. Gary Hart can't interfere. The Great Muta can't interfere. Dirty Dick Slater can't interfere. Tonight, you and I are going to be meeting inside the confines of the steel cage. Whoooo. Tonight, Terry Funk, you are going to see why the old adage is true: to be the man, you have to beat the man! And I'm the man wearing the gold. This gold belt around my waist means that I am the man, Terry Funk! Whooooo! Tonight, I'm going to prove it!"


[...Ric does a little strut and we head back to the ring for our semi main event.]




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/luger.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/rickysteamboat2.jpg

NWA United States Title Match

Lex Luger defends vs. Ricky Steamboat


[This was your classic matchup of power versus technical wrestling ability along with some high flying mixed in. Luger started the match by shoving Steamboat in the corner and then flexing his muscles to boos from the crowd. Steamboat just stared at Luger and then circled around the ring. A collar and elbow tie up and Steamboat with a quick go-behind. Luger blocks the takedown and reaches down to Steamboat's hands, using his power to pull Steamboat's arms from around his waist! What strength by the Total Package! Luger caught Steamboat with a back elbow and then sent Steamboat into the ropes -- big clothesline! Luger looked down at the fallen Steamboat and flexed again! The Total Package was in control as he picked Steamboat up and sent him out of the ring through the middle and top ropes using leverage. Luger got up and exited the ring...]


[...Luger rammed Steamboat back against the steel guardrail and then picked him up and rammed him back-first against the ring itself! Luger tossed Steamboat back in the ring and followed him back in. Luger picked up Steamboat and wrapped his strong arms around him in a bear hug! The crowd booed as Luger tried to squeeze the life out of his challenger. Steamboat struggled at first and then seemed to slowly fade away. The crowd stomped their feet and clapped their hands as the referee tested the arm one time -- it fell! A second time -- it fell! A third time -- it fe -- no! Steamboat was able to keep the arm up! Steamboat began throwing punches to the face of Luger! He threw one punch! Then another! Then another! Luger was finally forced to break the hold and Steamboat began hitting him with chops! The Dragon hit a standing dropkick! Luger rolled quickly out of the ring...]


[...Luger paced for a moment and Steamboat came flying over the top rope with a cross body to the outside of the ring! Both men lie in a heap but Steamboat was the first up! Steamboat tossed Luger back in the ring and then headed up the turnbuckles. Steamboat measured Luger as the United States Champion started to get to his feet. Steamboat leaped -- caught -- Powerslam by Luger! Luger hit Steamboat with a big powerslam from out of nowhere! The crowd booed this move and Luger pushed to his feet, beginning to signal for the Human Torture Rack! Luger bent over to pick up Steamboat -- Small Package! The referee counts: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Luger managed to kick out before the three count. Luger got up and kicked Steamboat in the head! The U.S. Champion went out of the ring and grabbed his title belt. He slid back inside and looked at Steamboat, measuring him up! Referee Randy Anderson warned Luger but Luger just pushed him aside. Steamboat got to his feet and turned -- WHAM! Luger nailed him with the title belt! Randy Anderson called immediately for the DQ! Luger loses this match but he gets to keep his United States Title!]


Winner: Ricky Steamboat (Via Disqualification @ 10:03; Lex Luger retains the NWA United States Heavyweight Title)

Match Rating: B-




Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/terryfunk2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/garyhart.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/NWA/ricflairc.jpg

NWA World Title Match

Steel Cage Match

Terry Funk gets a shot against Ric Flair©


[The Memphis, Tennessee crowd begins to stir slightly as the cage is brought down to the ring and set up. Everyone knows what this means. It's time for the main event. The crowd boos immediately when the music for the challenger begins to play. From the back alongside Gary Hart is the challenger for the NWA World Title. He is from the Double Cross Ranch and he is Terry Funk! Terry paces around the ring for a moment, getting some instructions from Gary Hart before entering the ring as the lights dim slightly. The opening sounds to theme from 2001 begin to play and the crowd here in Memphis nearly blows the roof off the building. They are ready for the man from Charlotte, North Carolina. The man who is known as the Nature Boy. He is the NWA World Champion. He is Ric Flair! Ric steps out alone and takes in the crowd in a blue sequined robe. He carries the NWA World Title belt with pride as he walks down the aisle. Ric's fingers brush along the confines of the steel cage before he enters the ring, staring at Terry Funk, who stands at the opposite side. Ric takes off his robe and hands the belt to referee Tommy Young, a senior official here in the NWA. Tommy shows the belt to Funk and then raises it up so the crowd can get a good look at it. The belt is placed at ringside and the door is locked shut. Tommy calls for the bell and the bell sounds...]


[...Ric and Terry look across at each other, two veterans who are not meeting for the first time. They know each other very well. The two men circled around each other for a moment, neither man wanting to be the first to step in and possibly make a mistake. They meet in the center of the ring and stare each other down. A collar and elbow tieup and Funk backs Flair into a corner. Flair raises his arms up and referee Tommy Young begins a count that doesn't make sense since there's no DQ here. Terry throws a punch that connects with the jaw of Flair! Funk begins peppering Flair with lefts and rights after the cheap shot and then takes him down with a snapmare. Funk with a hard kick to the back of Flair, the same back that Flair had injured in an airplane crash earlier in his career. Funk picks up Flair and hooks him -- vertical suplex sends Flair crashing back down to the mat! Funk rises to his feet and meets Flair in the corner -- rams Flair's head into the turnbuckle! Funk grabs Flair and rakes his head back and forth on that steel cage! Funk releases after a moment and Flair turns, dropping face-first onto the mat. Funk smiles for a moment and drops an elbow on the back of Flair's head. He rolls Flair over and makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Funk picks up Flair and sends him to the ropes -- Sleeper! Funk locks on the Sleeper early in this bout! Flair tries to fight it! He twists his body around and grabs the leg of Funk -- shinbreaker! Flair ran his fingers through his hair and gave a little strut though he held his back some afterward. Flair pulled Funk to his feet and hooked him, lifting him up -- stalling -- stalling -- stalling -- vertical suplex with all that blood rushing to the brain! Flair bounced off the ropes -- running kneedrop! What a move by the Nature Boy! He made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Flair pulled Funk to his feet and Funk backed into a corner. Flair came over and laced Funk's chest with a hard chop! A second chop! A third chop! The crowd responded with 'Whooooo's' at every chop he gave! Flair grabbed Funk by the head and whipped him across the ring and into the corner! Flair followed in but Funk got the boot up! Flair took the boot right to the face and Funk grabbed Flair, ramming him into the steel cage! Flair bounced off the mesh and fell to the mat. The cameras zoomed in, showing Flair was busted open! Ric Flair is bleeding in the center of the ring!...]


[...Terry Funk walked over and began biting the open wound! Funk opened that wound even more on the Nature Boy! Funk pulled Flair to his feet and sent him across the ring toward the turnbuckle. Flair flipped up and hit the mesh, bouncing back into the ring on his feet and being taken down by a Terry Funk clothesline! Funk climbed up onto the second turnbuckle -- flying forearm shot from the second turnbuckle! Funk made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! How does Flair do it? How can the Nature Boy kick out??? Funk doesn't understand it. He picked up Flair and he hooked him between his legs. He's going for the Texas Piledriver! Funk lifts Flair up but Flair comes back down! Flair flips Terry Funk up and over but lands on his own knees as well. Referee Tommy Young checks on Ric Flair and the bleeding but Flair pushes him out of the way. Flair moves over to Funk -- rams his head into the steel cage! Flair busted Funk open! Flair moves to each side of the steel cage, ramming Funk's head into every side! The crowd goes absolutely wild! Funk falls to the mat and Ric Flair gives a strut with a 'Whooooo' to the crowd...]


[...Flair moves Funk's leg over to the ropes and he jumps, landing with a seated senton onto the leg! Funk grabbed that leg in pain. It was just a month ago at Fall Brawl when Flair made Funk pass out in the Figure 4 Leglock. Flair moved Funk to the center of the ring and grabbed the legs. Funk leaned in though and hit Flair with a low blow! The crowd booed and both men were down! Gary Hart was going crazy outside the ring and decided to try climbing the cage! Gary started to climb when out from the back came Sting! Sting ran down toward the ring and moved around to where Gary Hart was climbing! Sting grabbed Hart and Hart's eyes went wide! Hart kicked Sting back and tried climbing quicker but Sting used his catlike agility to scale the side of the cage! He threw an elbow to Gary Hart! A second one! A third one knocked Gary Hart to the floor! Sting climbed back down as Flair and Funk got to their feet in the ring. The two began exchanging blows! A punch for a chop in the center of the ring as there was no one sitting in the audience! Funk raked the eyes and grabbed the bloody crimson mask of Ric Flair and ran him toward the cage but Flair reversed it and Funk hit the cage! Funk bounced off and hit the mat! Flair quickly grabbed the legs of Terry Funk -- Figure 4! Ric Flair locked in the Figure 4 Leglock! Terry's eyes went wide and he tried to fight it! He grabbed the ropes but there is no DQ here! Flair didn't release the hold and Funk was in a tremendous amount of pain! Terry Funk -- gave up! Terry Funk submitted to the Figure 4!]


Winner: Ric Flair (Via Submission @ 20:01; Ric Flair retains the NWA World Title)

Match Rating: A


[...The crowd went wild as Ric Flair was announced as still the NWA World Champion! The Figure 4 was broken as Ric Flair slid back on his buttocks and had his hand raised by referee Tommy Young. A figure walked into the ring with the belt...]




[...Sting presented the belt to his friend and the two embraced inside the ring! What a way to finish Halloween Havoc! Sting raised the arm of Ric Flair in victory! The two posed with Sting flexing his muscles and Flair giving a strut to every side of the ring. Ric released a 'Whooooo' and Sting released an 'OOOWWWW!' Sting raised Ric's arm again --










[...Sting turned and clotheslined Ric Flair to the mat! What in the world is going on??!! Sting stomped on the prone body of Ric Flair and then grabbed his legs, twisting him -- Scorpion Deathlock! Ric cries out in pain, yelling for some help! Why in the world did Sting attack Ric Flair?!?! Sting squeezes on the Scorpion Deathlock and Flair is fading! Flair just went through a grueling contest with Terry Funk and now this??? Several fan favorites come running down toward the ring and Sting releases the hold, moving over to the cage door. He locks the door! He's keeping anyone else from getting inside! Flair hasn't moved on the ground! Sting walks over and picks up Flair, moving him into the corner and using the turnbuckle to hold him up! Sting backs up into a corner and comes charging -- Stinger Splash! Flair just crumples to the mat! The fan favorites like the Rock 'N' Roll Express and Eddie Gilbert and Flyin Brian are scaling the cage on all sides but one. Sting uses this side to make his escape and he is out of there as everyone else drops inside. The crowd boos Sting, throwing trash at him. What in the world could have possessed him to do such a thing? Maybe we'll find out this Saturday night! We'll see you all then!]

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No perfect scores on the pay-per-view. It seemed definitely a tough one for most people. The highest score we did have was one 6/7! Congratulations to Greg McNeish!




1. BHK1978=74 Wins

2. Lexa90=73 Wins

3. jhd1=63 Wins

4. Greg McNeish=59 Wins

5. Ritchardo=55 Wins

6. Beejus=39 Wins

7. nick21985=36 Wins

8. smurphy1014=19 Wins

Destiny=19 Wins

10. MattitudeV2=17 Wins

MartinC=17 Wins

12. ColtCabana=15 Wins

13. Huntman=14 Wins

Bigpapa42=14 Wins

15. JudgeJuryExecutioner=12 Wins

16. olympia=11 Wins

17. SWF Fan=10 Wins

18. BYU 14=7 Wins

19. OldSchool=5 Wins


Welcome to OldSchool! Thanks for your first predictions here and any comments are always appreciated.


This prediction contest will last until the end of the in-game year and then will return to the regular 3 month rotation.


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to all of the real world picture cutters and designers. They really do help each and every diary look that much more authentic!


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Thursday Week 1 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Steve Williams


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.



Saturday Week 1 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Dick Slater vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match, If Freebirds lose, they must split up.: The Fabulous Freebirds get a last shot vs. The Steiner Brothers

Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Z-Man

The Great Muta vs. Ricky Steamboat


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Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Steve Williams




Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Dick Slater vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match, If Freebirds lose, they must split up.: The Fabulous Freebirds get a last shot vs. The Steiner Brothers

Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Z-Man

The Great Muta vs. Ricky Steamboat

DAMN tough one to call here. But I see Steamboat being a contender to step up against newly heel Sting shortly. Which is so weird.

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DAMN tough one to call here. But I see Steamboat being a contender to step up against newly heel Sting shortly. Which is so weird.


I knew that the Sting turn would definitely be something people would talk about and I love to get people talking and commenting. It is a huge departure from what happened in real life. I know that there will be both proponents of it and opponents of it as it is definitely a polarizing event. But I do have my reasons for the turn, some of which just might be revealed on this coming up card so make sure to tune in your sets at 6:05 to World Championship Wrestling!

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Nice to see the Sting turn! I remember when Flair turned on Sting in real life, and I was so pissed off at him, Ole, and Arn.


Oh and why did Sid have to get a win?:D




Thursday Week 1 November 1989


Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian


Squash match


The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express


Bob Orton vs. Steve Williams




Saturday Week 1 November 1989


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog


I think Terry will be pushed in the background but he should still beat JYD.


Dick Slater vs. Eddie Gilbert


I think there is more of an upside with an Eddie win here.


NWA World Tag Team Titles Match, If Freebirds lose, they must split up.: The Fabulous Freebirds get a last shot vs. The Steiner Brothers


P.S. doesn't need Jimmy Garvin.


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Z-Man



The Great Muta vs. Ricky Steamboat

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Damn you, Lex, taking the intentional loss. You blew it for me, buddy.




Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

Flyin' Brian is taking the slow trip up the card. There's no rush with this guy, with the roster you've got in place.


The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

With the tag division being built around the Road Warriors and the Steiners, you need a constantly revolving door of heel tag teams. The Samoans have taken losses before, but they can just rebuild again, and take another run through the machine.


Bob Orton vs. Steve Williams

Cowboy Bob is a fall guy, in your NWA. Heck, that's what he was for a lot of the 80s in the WWF, too.




Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Terry reloads the cannon, and JYD starts fazing out, now that he's given Bam Bam the rub.


Dick Slater vs. Eddie Gilbert

Kind of a throwaway match, the only thing I base this on is my complete lack of interest in anything Dick Slater does.


The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Steiner Brothers

With that stipulation, I have the sneaking suspision that you're trying to pull a fast one on us. You've got plenty of heels in the singles division, so you don't need PS out on his own. That said, you aren't going to be jumping the belts off the Steiners, after such a convincing victory. I'm expecting to see a draw here, so that the Steiners keep the titles, but the Freebirds can say they didn't lose, so they don't have to break up. We may see the introduction of a new Freebird, or I could be completely out to lunch.


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Z-Man

I never watched him in my younger days, so I have absolutely no interest in Zenk. Luger grabs the momentum back, after taking a powder on the PPV.


The Great Muta vs. Ricky Steamboat

Not only will this win send the fans home happy, it will also confirm the Steamer as the #2 babyface on the roster. With so many heels coming up through the ranks (Muta, Bam Bam, Cactus Jack, Luger), its vitally important to have somebody in place to line people up for Flair. Steamboat is one of the best doormen in the business, not only in this time, but any time.

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Thursday Week 1 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Steve Williams


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.




Saturday Week 1 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Dick Slater vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match, If Freebirds lose, they must split up.: The Fabulous Freebirds get a last shot vs. The Steiner Brothers

Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Z-Man

The Great Muta vs. Ricky Steamboat

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I must admit, that big twist wrong footed me! I was expecting some Sting/Flair tension but I didn't see a full blown turn coming and certainly not from Sting! Certainly freshens up the main event scene though!




Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Steve Williams




Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

JYD is on the road to decline - there's maybe another feud for him to rub to but Funk still has something to offer - he's treading water at the moment though - waiting for something else to come along


Dick Slater vs. Eddie Gilbert

Gilbert's involvement at the end of the PPV and the fact that the J-Tex Corp have been somewhat neutered leads me to believe Gilbert is taking the win here.


The Fabulous Freebirds vs. The Steiner Brothers

This is a belter - the stipulation puts a totally different spin on things. Here's my thinking - Sting's drop-out of the face scene means that Steamboat has been promoted to #2 babyface, there is now a shortage of faces at the top of the card - either someone gets a huge push or you turn one of your big heels - Funk 'n' Luger... or you split a tag team. Hayes is over, so I can see P.S. taking the blame for the loss and being attacked by Jimmy Garvin's new partner - Terry 'Bam Bam' Gordy...


Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Z-Man

Z-Man is a makeweight - he's horrifically bland and I've no idea how you could write for him and make him entertaining!


The Great Muta vs. Ricky Steamboat

Steamboat has to win, it's as simple as that - you're now down to the bare bones of your face roster and Steamboat is a great #2. A blinding match should be enough to keep Muta over enough that a couple of wins will bring his momentum back up.



Interesting turn of events and one that really freshens up the top of the card.

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Thursday Week 1 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Steve Williams


*NOTE: NWA Power Hour predictions WILL count toward the prediction contest. However, it will not be given a full writeup as it is a B-Show.




Saturday Week 1 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Dick Slater vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match, If Freebirds lose, they must split up.: The Fabulous Freebirds get a last shot vs. The Steiner Brothers

Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Z-Man

The Great Muta vs. Ricky Steamboat

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Oh and why did Sid have to get a win?:D


Because Sid's freaking awesome :D



Thursday Week 1 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First


Bill Irwin vs. Flyin' Brian

The Wild Samoans vs. The Rock 'N' Roll Express

Bob Orton vs. Steve Williams




Saturday Week 1 November 1989

Heels Always Listed First

Terry Funk vs. Junkyard Dog

Dick Slater vs. Eddie Gilbert

NWA World Tag Team Titles Match, If Freebirds lose, they must split up.: The Fabulous Freebirds get a last shot vs. The Steiner Brothers

Non Title: Lex Luger vs. Z-Man

The Great Muta vs. Ricky Steamboat

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