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USPW: A Joker At Work

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Damn you Savage Jobber!!!!


April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb

The People’s Team © vs Darryl Devine and Andre Jones for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Java vs Jumbo Jackson

Enygma and ??? vs The Towers of Power

Chris Caulfield vs Anger

Tyson Baine © vs Nicky Champion in a non-title match

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February 2010



USPW American Wrestling

Live from the Tri State



Pre Show: Peter Valentine defeated Tribal Warrior in a non title match (D), James Justice defeated Jack Griffiths, showing great chemistry (C+)



Match #1: Java vs Jumbo Jackson




Decent brawl, where the man who impacted on last week’s Main Event got the pin after a Jumbo Avalanche.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Java in 7.12 (C-)



After the match Shane Sneer explained Jackson’s attack last week – he promised that the Sneer Corporation would go after the gold, and Jackson was going right to the top with the former champion, Enygma (C-)



Match #2: April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb




My first match that I asked the competitors to go all out to make up for the lack of heat, and it didn’t really succeed. Appleseed continued her jobbing since joining USPW, falling to a Cherry Bomb.


Cherry Bomb defeated April Appleseed in 6.53 (D)



Backstage and Enygma declared that he had found a partner to stall the Towers of Power – and that man was The Force. The Force walked into shot, and calmly told Enygma to bring it on (B-)



Match #3: The People’s Team © vs Darryl Devine and Andre Jones for the USPW Tag Team Titles


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg


Devine’s rent a partner continues… and he finds someone who he has great chemistry with. Some people would think pairing him and Jones up permanently would be a waste of Devine’s talent… but it’s not as if I’m making best use of it now. Des Davids got the pin on the Television Champion.


The People’s Team © defeated Darryl Devine and Andre Jones in 9.30 to retain the USPW Tag Team Titles (D+)



Bruce the Giant cut a promo for Red, White and Blue, reminding everyone that he would be facing Chris Caulfield and Tyson Baine for the USPW World Title. Two men who relied on their size – but neither of whom could match up to the size and power of the Giant (B+)



Match #4: The Force and Enygma vs The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


Decent match, and when the faces started to get on top Anger slid in the ring to attach The Force, earning the DQ. A mad looking Force ensured that the Sneer Corporation were quick to rush to the back.


The Force and Enygma defeated The Towers of Power in 7.45 by DQ ©



Backstage to Commissioner Doom’s office, and first up it was the Women’s Champion Raven Robinson with Alicia Strong. They both wanted a go at Gorgon, resulting in Doom making it Robinson and Strong vs Gorgon and Cherry Bomb for Red, White and Blue. Then Captain USA came in asking for another National Title shot… which was declined. Then a Television Title shot… which was declined. Doom told Captain USA that age wasn’t on his side – but perhaps he could concentrate on sharing his wealth of knowledge with some of the next generation (D+)



Match #5: Chris Caulfield vs Anger




During the match Anger pulled some brass knuckles from his trunks, and seemed to wait for Shane Sneer to interfere. That didn’t happen as The Force came out to literally carry Sneer to the back, leaving Anger completely exposed. He fell to a Danger Drop.


Chris Caulfield defeated Anger in 5.44 (C-)



Backstage we go and Captain USA was shown talking to Marc Speed, offering him his services. Marc asked USA if he could get his friend into USPW, and was told to bring him next week (D)


Nicky Champion came to the ring to hype his chance at the champion, although he was still showing some of the effects his beating at the hands of T-Rex the previous week (B-)



Match #6: Tyson Baine © vs Nicky Champion in a non-title match




Good match up, and was T-Rex came out Chris Caulfield evened up the numbers. Still, Sheik Mustapha made an impact by grabbing Champion’s leg, distracting him for long enough for Baine to scoop him up for a Hades Bomb


Tyson Baine © defeated Nicky Champion in 11.24 in a non-title match ©



After the match Tyson Baine leapt through the ropes onto Caulfield (you should have seen it), allowing T-Rex to enter the ring unchallenged to apply the Jurassic Crush on Champion. That’s when James Justice sprinted out from the back and went toe to toe with Rex, finally dumping Rex triumphantly over the top rope (B-)



Overall Rating C



6/6 all round - well done all. I don't mind having predictable TV shows, hopefully PPV's will have a little more surprise.



Yep, that dark match was USPW’s best ever this year. Told you that you don’t want to miss the preshow. Griffith has been the wrestler in previous mystery matches, but as I’ve dropped his name in the shows twice now, I thought I’d admit to him. As you may have noticed, he’s currently on preshow job duty, but doing a good job of it (he’s also lost to The Force and Marc Speed).


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

The Force vs Danny Rushmore

Tribal Warrior vs Jumbo Jackson

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb

Des Davids vs Darryl Devine

Enygma vs Mick Muscles

Chris Caulfield and James Justice vs The Titans

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I giggled when I saw that pre-show rating.

USPW American Wrestling:

The Force vs Danny Rushmore

Im definitely not the best predictor, but I think Rushmore is looking to regain some of that momentum from last week.

Tribal Warrior vs Jumbo Jackson

Last week it was Java, this week it's Tribal.

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb

Des Davids vs Darryl Devine

He did beat DD last week in a tag team match :rolleyes: Though, who am I to predict.

Enygma vs Mick Muscles

Champion ain't gonna taste the defeat here.

Chris Caulfield and James Justice vs The Titans

This one is tough, at least for me, as Justice does hold a victory over T-Rex (if I remember right) and Caulfield has been looking very strong, but then again Baine is looking dominative. Lets go with The Titans then.

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The Force vs Danny Rushmore



Tribal Warrior vs Jumbo Jackson


I don't care if it cost me the last time I will not be giving my vote to one-half of the Savage Jobbers!


Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb



Des Davids vs Darryl Devine



Enygma vs Mick Muscles



Chris Caulfield and James Justice vs The Titans

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Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

The Force vs Danny Rushmore - TEH FORC!!!11!! commands me!

Tribal Warrior vs Jumbo Jackson - Jumbo's no flop

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb

Des Davids vs Darryl Devine - I wonder if Darryl ever has weird dreams where he's a massive star everywhere but his real life.

Enygma vs Mick Muscles - Former world champ regains momentum.

Chris Caulfield and James Justice vs The Titans - Builds them up as monsters.

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Des Davids vs Darryl Devine - I wonder if Darryl ever has weird dreams where he's a massive star everywhere but his real life.


Good point. I always wonder if anyone ever takes notice of Devine in the Cornellverse. After all, he's not an indy darling like, say, Frankie Perez or Steven Parker, he's got National exposure yet as acheived nothing with it.


Good to have you on board.

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid Atlantic


Pre Show: Peter Valentine and Jack Griffith defeated The Hillbillys (D), Andre Jones defeated Findlay in a non title match (D+)



Match #1: The Force vs Danny Rushmore




Anger’s way of making an impact is clearly to attack The Force, which he did once more here, getting his colleague disqualified.


The Force defeated Danny Rushmore in 6.14 by DQ (D+)



The Force took a mic and told Anger that he pitied him, having to run around attacking people to try and make an impact. However, he really pities him as he’ll have to face on the following day at Red, White and Blue, which will not be pleasant for him ©



Match #2: Tribal Warrior vs Jumbo Jackson




Continuing our theme of singles wrestlers defeating tag specialists.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Tribal Warrior in 6.01 (D)



Backstage, and we say Nicky Champion taped up, explaining that he has a cracked rib and was out of action for a couple of weeks. Chris Caulfield and James Justice passed by to wish him their best – and to also promise revenge on his behalf later in the ring (B-)



Match #3: Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb




Best Women’s match so far – I will do something with this division.


Alicia Strong defeated Cherry Bomb in 7.14 (C-)



After the match Gorgon entered the ring and hit Alicia Strong with a huge clothesline, slamming her to the map. Cherry Bomb leaned over Strong and started shouting abuse at her, but was stunned to be picked up by Gorgon and hit with a Hydra Bomb (D)


Des Davids was shown backstage passing Andre Jones, and he declared that after pinning him last week he should be given the next Television Title shot. Jones’ refuted that, and told Davids that Devine would put him in his place next (D+)



Match #4: Des Davids vs Darryl Devine




Definitely a better match than I thought would occur, yet Devine lost once more, eating a Quarterback Sack.


Des Davids defeated Darryl Devine in 6.20 (C-)



We cut backstage to Corporal Doom’s office, with him adding Andre Jones vs Des Davids to the Red White and Blue card. Captain USA came in, saying that he was going to work for Marc Speed, and suggested booking him in a National Title match with Peter Valentine at Red, White and Blue. Doom agreed, before Captain USA added that he also had another new wrestler – Al Coleman, who deserved a chance. Doom told USA to send this Coleman to the ring straight away, and he’d get a chance (D)



Match #5: Al Coleman vs Bruce the Giant




Al Coleman proved he could sell a Giant Chokeslam.


Bruce the Giant defeated Al Coleman in 3.53 (D+)



Hype videos for Red, White and Blue, concentrating on the World Title match (B-)



Match #5: Enygma vs Mick Muscles




A very pleasantly good match, as I’ve always felt that Mick Muscles was too quickly bumped out of USPW’s Main Event scene. He held his own against the former champion, but fell to the Enygma Cutter.


Enygma defeated Mick Muscles in 7.49 (C+)



After the match The Sneer Corporation jumped Enygma on mass, and when Savage Fury and The Force came out for the save we got a mass brawl to entertain the crowd for a while (D)


Chris Caulfield and James Justice hyped the Main Event, declaring that The Titans needed to be brought to earth, to stop their trail of destruction that they’re leaving throughout USPW (B-)



Match #6: Chris Caulfield and James Justice vs The Titans


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Liberty.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TysonBaine.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg


I did not expect the previous match to rate higher than this one. An all out brawl, which Bruce the Giant came down ringside to watch. He got into an argument with Tyson Baine which caused the champion to miss a much needed tag by T-Rex, leaving the big man to fall to a double team by Caulfield and Justice.


Chris Caulfield and James Justice defeated The Titans in 13.03 ©



Overall Rating C-



No-one gets full marks this week, with The Titans not proving as dominant as everyone though. Newcomer jesseewiak and FlameSnoopy get the win on 5/6 - the only peopl not to put Devine down for the win. Lexa90, BHK1978 and Dragonmack were close behind on 4/6.



Again, not the best rated show. Still, at least I tried to set up the undercard bouts for Red, White and Blue. Findlay had his last USPW appearance, but is hotly tipped to eventually find a place on USPW’s roster full time sometime in the future.


Announced for USPW Red, White and Blue:

Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title

April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden

Savage Fury and Enygma vs The Towers of Power and Jumbo Jackson

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Cherry Bomb

Peter Valentine © vs Marc Speed for the USPW National Title

The Force vs Anger

James Justice vs T-Rex

Tyson Baine © vs Chris Caulfield vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Heavyweight Title

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Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title


I just do not see Des winning this match.


April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden


Savage Fury and Enygma vs The Towers of Power and Jumbo Jackson


I hate to do this but with Enygma on their team it would seem to balance out the suckness (is that a word?) of the Savage Jobbers.


Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Cherry Bomb


I am going with a non-finish in this match.


Peter Valentine © vs Marc Speed for the USPW National Title


I don't really think Marc will win but he is just to awsome to pick against.


The Force vs Anger


The Force is higher up on the card.


James Justice vs T-Rex



Tyson Baine© vs Chris Caulfield vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Heavyweight Title


This is a tough one but Bruce usually does not agree to lose to many people and I think this might be the case.

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Announced for USPW Red, White and Blue:

Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title


April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden


Savage Fury and Enygma vs The Towers of Power and Jumbo Jackson


Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Cherry Bomb


Peter Valentine © vs Marc Speed for the USPW National Title


The Force vs Anger


James Justice vs T-Rex


Tyson Baine © vs Chris Caulfield vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Heavyweight Title

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Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title

April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden

Savage Fury and Enygma vs The Towers of Power and Jumbo Jackson

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Cherry Bomb

Peter Valentine © vs Marc Speed for the USPW National Title

The Force vs Anger

James Justice vs T-Rex

Tyson Baine © vs Chris Caulfield vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Heavyweight Title

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Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title

I wouldn't mind seeing Davids winning this one, even though I am not a mark of his. More of a hope though.

April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden

Savage Fury and Enygma vs The Towers of Power and Jumbo Jackson

Former champion > everyone else

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Cherry Bomb

Peter Valentine © vs Marc Speed for the USPW National Title

Speedy, you don't stand a chance.

The Force vs Anger

James Justice vs T-Rex

He did beat Rex in tag action last week..

Tyson Baine © vs Chris Caulfield vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Heavyweight Title

Baine retains.. Oh, that almost rhymes!

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Announced for USPW Red, White and Blue:


Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title

The Champ will retain


April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden

She is the better of the two at least in my opinion


Savage Fury and Enygma vs The Towers of Power and Jumbo Jackson

Big fan of Enygma in 08 when he was in SWF and now in 10 when hes in USPW thats really only reasoning behind this pick


Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Cherry Bomb

Could go either way but Alicia and Raven are the better team


Peter Valentine © vs Marc Speed for the USPW National Title

Not a huge fan of Valentine but Marc Speed wouldn't make a good national champion


The Force vs Anger

He will use THE FORCE!!!


James Justice vs T-Rex

T-Rex is no comparison to Justice


Tyson Baine © vs Chris Caulfield vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Heavyweight Title

Should be a great match but I don't see any reason why the champion should lose the title right now. At least in my opinion the timing isn't right.

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USPW Red, White and Blue

Live from the South West on PPV



Pre Show: Freddie Datsun defeated Giant Redwood (D+)



Match #1: Andre Jones vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title





A decent little match, and both these men have been more impressive than I originally thought they’d be. Jones won here with a good handful of tights.


Andre Jones © defeated Des Davids in 8.08 to retain the USPW Television Title (C-)



We went backstage to The Sneer Corporation dressing room, with Shane Sneer motivating his troops, demanding that they make an impact tonight ©



Match #2: April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden




No build at all, just a chance to show Bryden using the Dish of the Day.


Belle Bryden defeated April Appleseed in 4.48 (D+)



Enygma psyched his partners for the next battle, letting them no that had nothing to fear and this was a chance to take revenge on their former leader, Shane Sneer (B)



Match #3: Savage Fury and Enygma vs The Towers of Power and Jumbo Jackson


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg


The faces showed great motivation for this match, and although the fight occasionally spilt outside the ring Enygma got the job done on the inside with an Enygma Cutter on Rushmore.


Savage Fury and Enygma defeated The Towers of Power and Jumbo Jackson

in 8.33 (D+)



Bruce the Giant hyped the Main Event, declaring that he would take each of his opponents and chokeslam them at the same time – and he wouldn’t even break sweat doing so (B+)


Captain USA came down to the ring with Marc Speed, willing the youngster on (D)



Match #4: Peter Valentine © vs Marc Speed for the USPW National Title





Marc Speed just seemed unable to match Valentine’s strength here, and despite his new manager’s enthusiasm, fell to a Heart Breaker.


Peter Valentine © defeated Marc Speed in 6.59 to retain the USPW National Title (D)



Alicia Strong and Women’s Champion Raven Robinson were shown on there way to the ring, where Sam Strong stopped them and wished them luck – and asked them to be careful with Gorgon (C+)



Match #5: Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Cherry Bomb


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Gorgon.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/CherryBomb_alt2.jpg


Gorgon spent the first five minutes of this match in the ring refusing to tag out, before Cherry Bomb forcibly tagged herself in. Two minutes later when she tried to tag back out she was met with a forearm to the face before Gorgon jumped down from the apron, effectively leaving Bomb in a handicap match. She proved no match for her two opponents, falling to a Night Faller from Raven Robinson.


Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson defeated Gorgon and Cherry Bomb in 9.14 (D+)





As the faces celebrated Gorgon pulled herself back up to the apron when new music hit, and a Latino women walked out with a microphone. She introduced herself as Joanne Rodriguez – the number one Women’s wrestler in the world. The women in the ring shook their heads, but Rodriguez promised that she would prove it against anyone – the champion, the boss’s daughter, or even the monster from Japan ©


Chris Caulfield’s turn to hype the Main Event, telling Baine and Bruce that he has fought men of their size before – and brought them down to the ground. He declared that there was no more fitting way than to be crowned champion defeating two beasts at the same time (B+)



Match #6: The Force vs Anger




Ugh, even worse than Valentine’s match. The Force easily won here with the Full Force.


The Force defeated Anger in 5.01 (D-)



The Force took a mic and declared himself in need of a challenge – from anyone. It could be someone who loses today who wants to prove themselves – it could be someone who wins and has no more challengers. But he will take on anyone, here, in his ring, the USPW ring (C+)


James Justice cut an interview thankful to get another chance to meet T-Rex in the ring… when he was suddenly surrounded by The Titans. Sheik Mustapha held his colleagues back, and told them he didn’t want Justice to have any excuses when he loses next (B)



Match #7: James Justice vs T-Rex




Despite battering James Justice, T-Rex once more fell to Justice as he tired, being pinned cleanly after a struggling Liberty Slam.


James Justice defeated T-Rex in 8.45 ©



Hype video for the Main Event, which concentrated on Tyson Baine delivering the Hades Bomb (B+)



Match #8: Tyson Baine © vs Chris Caulfield vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Heavyweight Title





If anyone was surprised that there was a lack of selling, you shouldn’t have been. The three monsters slugged it out, and Bruce the Giant even went for a double chokeslam. Instead he was suplexed by his two opponents, before Baine clotheslined Caulfield out of the ring. Then Baine tried to lift up the Giant for a Hades Bomb but couldn’t deliver, and instead had to settle for a DDT which was enough to secure his title.


Tyson Baine © defeated Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant in 11.04 to retain the USPW World Heavyweight Title (C+)



Overall Rating C+

Buy Rate 0.53



Either I'm getting predictable, or someone leaked the PPV results. Dragonmack and TakerNGN74 (on his debut) score an incredible 8/8. Lexa90 and FlameSnoopy just follow at 7/8, while BHK1978 rolled the dice with his predictions... on a show where rolling the dice was not required.


And at that point, it seems wise to have a look a the Predicition Leader Board. No, it didn't exist until now.


1st: Lexa90 34/39

2nd: BHK1978 31/38

3rd: FlameSnoopy 27/31

4th Dragonmack 24/26

5th: TakerNGN 8/8

6th: BYU 14 6/6

7th: Jessewiak 5/6


Good job all - especially to the leader Lexa90; and Dragonmack, who has perfectly predicted all but once.



Decent show – delivered just what we were expecting. Joanne Rodriguez has been on USPW books for a couple of weeks, but I’ve been waiting for the correct time to debut her. As titles have changed in matches between her and all three of Raven Robinson, Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb in previous promotions, we’re hoping for big things.


Darryl Devine re-signs, being the first of the original roster whose contract came up. As it happened at the same time that SWF went Global, I’m happy to make the signing.



Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title

The Force vs Brett Starr

Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power

April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon

Enygma vs Jumbo Jackson

Chris Caulfield vs T-Rex

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Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title - Re-match goes to the challenger.

The Force vs Brett Starr - Teh Force!!11!! still commands me.

Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power - In other feds, this guess would be different.

April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon - RELEASE THE GORGON!

Enygma vs Jumbo Jackson - He's Enygma.

Chris Caulfield vs T-Rex - Set-up Baine vs. Caufield maybe?

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Damn a perfect 8/8 I am shocked anyways onto the predictions for the next show.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title

No reason for the champ to lose the title here


The Force vs Brett Starr


Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power


April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon


Enygma vs Jumbo Jackson


Chris Caulfield vs T-Rex


Hopefully I can keep up the good work on the predictions for the next show although I think I got lucky on the first one. Anyways good stuff eayragt Keep up the great work!

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Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title

The Force vs Brett Starr - Teh Force!!11!! still commands me.

Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power - In other feds, this guess would be different.

April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon - RELEASE THE GORGON!

Enygma vs Jumbo Jackson - He's Enygma.

Chris Caulfield vs T-Rex - Set-up Baine vs. Caufield maybe?


I blantantly stole jesse's form and just edited one winner :p Also, this is awesome:


3rd: FlameSnoopy 37/31


I am definitely leading with that score!

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Also, this is awesome:


3rd: FlameSnoopy 37/31


I don't know what you're talking about :o.





USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid South



Pre Show: James Justice and Freddie Datsun defeated Anger and Giant Redwood (C-), Tyson Baine and Bruce the Giant (despite arguing) defeated Savage Fury ©



Tyson Baine opened the show in the ring to boast about his title defence, declaring that his victory proved him unstoppable. That brought Chris Caulfield out to ask remind Baine that he was yet to pin him, and as such “unstoppable” was an unproved claim. Baine told Caulfield he would prove in anywhere, anytime. Before Mustapha could make Baine change his mind Caulfield had suggested Liberty and Justice, and the champion accepted (B-)



Match #1: Andre Jones © vs Des Davids for the USPW Television Title





A PPV rematch, with the two men proving that their decent match was no fluke. This time it was interference from Darryl Devine that sealed the win, despite Freddie Datsun’s attempt to break it up.


Andre Jones © defeated Des Davids in 6.14 to retain the USPW Television Title (C-)



Backstage in the Sneer Corporation, and Shane Sneer was shown ranting at his minions. He told them that the PPV was meant to be a chance for them to dominate – and instead they came out with no wins. He demanded an improvement tonight or there would be consequences ©



Match #2: The Force vs Brett Starr




The commentary team declared that Starr was the first man to answer The Force’s challenge, but he was easily dismissed with a Full Force.


The Force defeated Brett Starr in 3.37 (D)



The Force took a mic after the match, and said he would be back in the ring as long as there were challengers for him (C+)


Captain USA was shown coming to the ring with Mark Speed and Al Coleman as they walked past Peter Valentine. Valentine sarcastically offered good luck, before holding up his title and telling Captain USA that when you were too old to hold any titles, perhaps it’s best to retire gracefully (D+)



Match #3: Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AlColeman.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


Surprisingly strong in ring action, despite the fact that Coleman and USA clearly couldn’t work together as a managerial pairing. Should have tested that earlier, but at least I’ve concentrated USA on Speed so I don’t need to explain away any change. Anyway, Shoot Club’s television debut was in defeat, Rushmore pinning Coleman after an Atomic Boot.


The Towers of Power defeated Shoot Club in 6.30 (C-)



Joanne Rodriguez cut an interview talking about her wrestling pedigree and beautiful looks – a deadly combination. That brought Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson over, with Raven telling Rodriguez that was a strong claim for someone yet to fight in the premier women’s division on the planet. Rodriguez said that she can back up her claim, and saw no-one in USPW that was a serious threat. Strong and Robinson snorted in unison, with Strong asking if that included Gorgon. Rodriguez declared that she was not scared of anyone, and would watch the next match ringside from the announce desk to prove it (C-)



Match #4: April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon




After that build up a Gorgon win was inevitable. I’ve toyed with a Cherry Bomb face turn, but for now she took the pin after a Hydra Bomb. Which came just after Gorgon had delivered another Hydra Bomb to Appleseed.


Gorgon defeated April Appleseed and Cherry Bomb in 8.53 (D)



After the match Gorgon turned her stare onto Rodriguez, who casually blew her a kiss and headed backstage, casually swinging her hips from side to side ©


Enygma hyped up the Main Event, pointing out how the Sneer Corporation was in chaos. Jumbo Jackson appeared to refute that fact – they were as strong as ever. He added that he could defeat Enygma on his own, but with the Corporation he was even stronger – so the former champion didn’t stand a chance ©



Match #5: Chris Caulfield vs T-Rex




I toyed with having this as the Main Event, but decided that I didn’t trust in T-Rex enough. Caulfield did a good job of carrying T-Rex right up until the point where Tyson Baine attacked him for the DQ.


Chris Caulfield defeated T-Rex in 8.25 by DQ (C-)



A two on one beatdown commenced until James Justice came out for the save. That’s James Justice, who I’m not utilising very well at all (B)


Sam Strong came out to demand that the brawling ended – the ring needed to clear for the Main Event, and he would not tolerate any further brawling (B)



Match #6: Enygma vs Jumbo Jackson




The show would have made more sense with the Main Event’s switched… and it would have been a lot better too. The only good thing to come out of this was if Enygma had continued his reign why might have had this headlining a PPV in the next couple of months. I was happier with it here. Anger came out ringside, but only managed to distract Jackson, leaving him open to an Enygma Cutter.


Enygma defeated Jumbo Jackson in 11.15 (D+)



Overall Rating C-



BHK1978 and FlameSnoopy both score 6/6, jessewiak doesn't despite the fact I originally thought he did. 5/d. TakerNGN loses his perfect record, let down by Cherry Bomb.



Adequate show – not going to anything to improve USPW’s standing, but I’m not going to go out blowing my load every TV show. Although either of the last two matches could have been a PPV match…


James Justice continues being underused. He did have a planned match, but it got cut for timing purposes.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Al Coleman vs Darryl Devine

Alicia Strong vs Belle Bryden vs Gorgon

The Force vs Anger

Andre Jones © vs Freddie Datsun for the USPW Television Title

Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs The Towers of Power

James Justice & Nicky Champion vs The Titans

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Damnit wish I would have picked Gorgon to win on the last show anyways onto predictions for the next one.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Al Coleman vs Darryl Devine


Alicia Strong vs Belle Bryden vs Gorgon

Gorgon better not win this match if she does there is something wrong because Both Strong and Bryden are better wrestlers than she is.


The Force vs Anger


Andre Jones © vs Freddie Datsun for the USPW Television Title


Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs The Towers of Power

Enygma and Chris Caulfield arent a regular tag team like the Towers of Power but they are great singles wrestlers So i will go with them for the win.


James Justice & Nicky Champion vs The Titans

Pretty much the same reasoning as the above match.

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Al Coleman vs Darryl Devine

Alicia Strong vs Belle Bryden vs Gorgon

The Force vs Anger

Andre Jones © vs Freddie Datsun for the USPW Television Title

Enygma and Chris Caulfield vs The Towers of Power

James Justice & Nicky Champion vs The Titans

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