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USPW: A Joker At Work

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Andre Jones © vs Tribal Warrior for the USPW Television Title

Des Davids vs Jumbo Jackson

Raven Robinson and Amber Allen vs Gorgon and Joanne RodriguezThe Force vs Jack Griffith

James Justice vs T-Rex

Enygma vs Tyson Baine

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid South



Pre-Show: Dark Truth defeated Shoot Club (C-, you’ll find out more next week… possibly), Bruce the Giant, Chris Caulfield, Freddie Datsun and Nicky Champion defeated The Towers of Power and Kicks From Hell ©



The show opened with Sam Strong bringing out the new champion, Bruce the Giant, and giving Enygma the honour of officially awarding him the title belt. Queue lots of thanks and waving to the crowd, until Tyson Baine came out. He declared that it took all three men in the ring to take the title from him last night, and it took Sam Strong to make to count – something he had no right to do! Strong refuted the claim, reminding Baine that he only had to make the count as Baine had taken out the ref by bringing the title into the ring. Sam said for that he could refuse any rematch – but he’s got a better idea. Tonight, Baine would take on Enygma, and if he won that match he would get the match he wanted (B+)



Match #1: Andre Jones © vs Tribal Warrior for the USPW Television Title





Savage Fury returned from a Titan’s enforced injury absence of a couple of weeks, with Tribal Warrior getting a Television Title shot. Despite Java’s encouragement he was still suffering from his injuries, and lost to a Blast from the Past.


Andre Jones © defeated Tribal Warrior in 6.26 to retain the USPW Television Title (D+)



Java consoled Tribal Warrior after the match, before the two headed backstage (D)


Backstage and we were introduced to Melody (of Cuthill fame), the lady who stormed the ring to kiss James Justice after his victory last week. Justice said that he was cool with Melody, but he felt that they needed to get to know each other a little more. Melody suggested going out tonight, to which Justice responded that he had his match with T-Rex first (C+)



Match #2: Des Davids vs Jumbo Jackson




A decent match, with Jumbo Jackson maintaining momentum after his victory against Chris Caulfield with another clean win here.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Des Davids in 7.04 (C-)



Jumbo Jackson took a mic after the match and declared that after Bruce the Giant and Tyson Baine sorted out their issues there would be more challengers – and he would make sure that he was at the front of the queue (B+)


We quickly went backstage to Jack Griffith trying to motivate The Titans, when Tyson Baine cut him off. He said that he wanted no distractions – it was every man for himself tonight. He told Griffith to not expect any help from him, and he didn’t expect any help from any of them – but he did want three victories tonight (B+)



Match #3: Raven Robinson and Amber Allen vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AmberAllen-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Gorgon.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg


No heat in this match at all, so the decent action got ignored. Gorgon pinned Raven Robinson after a Hydra Bomb.


Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez defeated Raven Robinson and Amber Allen in 6.18 (D-)



After the match we cut to Alicia Strong, who had her arm in a sling after her beating at the hands at Gorgon last week. She said that her arm wasn’t broken, and she would be back in the ring as soon as possible to go back after the women who did this – and taking the title of her would be an added bonus (C-)


Nicky Champion wished The Force good luck before his match, who just asked Champion to make sure The Titan’s really didn’t make an appearance (C-)



Match #4: The Force vs Jack Griffith




Jack Griffith got probably his biggest singles win to date, although it was on someone whose popularity has significantly slipped in the last few months. Jack managed to hit the Jack in the Box out of nowhere, and made the pin with his feet on the ropes.


Jack Griffith defeated The Force in 4.54 (D+)



The Force was incensed at the result, arguing with the ref, so was left open to another Jack in the Box. Griffith’s begun to stomp away at The Force, which brought Champion charging from the back to make the save (D+)



Match #5: James Justice vs T-Rex




This was the third time that these two men have met this year, and they put on by far the best match of the series. James Justice got in a number of nearfalls but was eventually caught in the Jurassic Crush. He refused to tap, but eventually lost conscious, leaving the ref to give T-Rex his first win of the series over Justice.


T-Rex defeated James Justice in 8.45 (C+)



A worried Melody sprinted out from the back to make sure Justice was okay, and he managed to leave the ring with the support of medical staff (C-)


Enygma hyped up the Main Event, saying this was somewhere that they’d been before – but this time he would win, and ensure Baine never got the match he wanted (B+)



Match #6: Enygma vs Tyson Baine




Sam Strong joined the commentary team… which weren’t quite up to the task. I really need to find a way to introduce Steve Smith soon. A great match, with Tyson Baine showing great resolve to ensure his losing streak of one didn’t grow, and with Enygma eager to finally get a singles victory over Baine. The two exchanged nearfalls, with Bain eventually hitting the Hades Bomb for the win.


Tyson Baine defeated Enygma in 12.46 (B-)



Sam Strong stood up after the match, and declared that true to his word Baine would get the match that he wanted – a rematch against Bruce the Giant. Baine strode up the ring to meet Strong and pulled to mic off him, before getting in his bosses face. Baine said that it was very nice of Sam to give him the match he wanted, but it wasn’t a match against the champion that he was after – he wanted a match against Sam Strong! Strong looked shocked, as Baine threw the mic away and stormed off (A)



Overall Rating C+



We'll have to go with unpredictable for that one, with incorrect predictions for all matches outside the opener. 4/6 took the win from veeterans BHK1978and Dragonmack, along with newcomers bgbuff and jjohnson105



There were a lot of eggs in that post-PPV show… and it paid off with a great show, only bettered by last weeks PPV. Baine / Enygma also came in as my fourth best match ever.



Hmm, one thing I didn’t consider when I dropped the Hillbillys – they were well liked backstage. Their release has dropped the backstage atmosphere by over 10 points – to the point where low locker-room atmosphere begun to affect the matches. I’ll certainly have to at least try to take into account workers personalities when making new signings.


Raven Robinson also decides she wants to be a Super Junior. USPW – giving girls time before concentrating on a Japanese career.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

10 Man Rumble featuring: The Force, Freddie Datsun, Des Davids, Al Coleman, Marc Speed, Danny Rushmore, Mick Muscles, Giant Redwood, Jack Griffith and Steven Parker to become Number One Contender to the USPW National Title

Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez

Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Art Reed vs John Pathlow

James Justice vs Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Enygma vs The Titans

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10 Man Rumble featuring: The Force, Freddie Datsun, Des Davids, Al Coleman, Marc Speed, Danny Rushmore, Mick Muscles, Giant Redwood, Jack Griffith and Steven Parker to become Number One Contender to the USPW National Title

Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez

Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Art Reed vs John Pathlow

James Justice vs Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Enygma vs The Titans

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10 Man Rumble featuring: The Force, Freddie Datsun, Des Davids, Al Coleman, Marc Speed, Danny Rushmore, Mick Muscles, Giant Redwood, Jack Griffith and Steven Parker to become Number One Contender to the USPW National Title


Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez


Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles


Art Reed vs John Pathlow


James Justice vs Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Enygma vs The Titans

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Hmm, one thing I didn’t consider when I dropped the Hillbillys – they were well liked backstage. Their release has dropped the backstage atmosphere by over 10 points – to the point where low locker-room atmosphere begun to affect the matches. I’ll certainly have to at least try to take into account workers personalities when making new signings.


Well of course it would cause locker room discord, they are Hillbillys after all. I mean who do you think is going to bring the moonshine to the shows now? I will not be Des Davids...:D



10 Man Rumble featuring: The Force, Freddie Datsun, Des Davids, Al Coleman, Marc Speed, Danny Rushmore, Mick Muscles, Giant Redwood, Jack Griffith and Steven Parker to become Number One Contender to the USPW

National Title


Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez


Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles


Screw the Savage Jobbers they should never win!


Art Reed vs John Pathlow


James Justice vs Jumbo Jackson


Bruce the Giant and Enygma vs The Titans

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10 Man Rumble featuring: The Force, Freddie Datsun, Des Davids, Al Coleman, Marc Speed, Danny Rushmore, Mick Muscles, Giant Redwood, Jack Griffith and Steven Parker to become Number One Contender to the USPW National Title

Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez

Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Art Reed vs John Pathlow

James Justice vs Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant and Enygma vs The Titans

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USPW - where I didn't quite realise the Freddie Datsun love





USPW American Wrestling:

Live from New England



Pre-Show: Nicky Champion defeated Jared Johnson (C-), Dark Truth (really, they’ll be on the show next week) defeated Findlay and Captain USA (D)



Tyson Baine opened the show with T-Rex, and demanded to know if Sam Strong was man enough to accept his challenge. Enygma was the first man out, to say that he still had unfinished business with both the Titans, especially T-Rex after he injured him and almost put him out of Independence Day Slam. Baine told Enygma that he wasn’t interested – he pinned Enygma last week, and that was all that mattered to him. Sam Strong came out to announce that he had decided to accept Baine’s challenge, for one last match. He couldn’t return to the ring full time, but was prepared this one time. He added that he should not ignore Enygma’s threat, as they’ll be tagging against him and USPW World Champion Bruce the Giant in the Main Event (A)



Match #1: Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez




This show overran when I originally timed it out, so it was this match that suffered. Gorgon was ringside with J-Ro, while Alicia Strong joined commentary concentrating on the Women’s Champion, as we had to cut an interview from her too. J-Ro quickly won with a J-Rocker.


Joanne Rodriguez defeated Amber Allen in 3.12 (D-)



We ran a quick hype video for the semi-Main Event, which would see James Justice and Jumbo Jackson fight to determine the Number One Contender for Bruce the Giant (B)


Backstage, Melody asked Justice if he would take the night off, which left Justice shaking his head in frustration. He said that she just didn’t understand – he like her, and would gladly spend time with her. However, he was being given a chance at earning a World Title shot, and nothing comes higher in the world of professional wrestling. Even Melody’s pout was not enough to change Justice’s mind ©


The ten competitors for the ten man over the rope Rumble to determine Nicky Champion’s next challenger for the National Title, with newcomer Steven Parker coming out last. He hyped himself up, saying that he was the hottest property in wrestling today – a fact that USPW management recognised by giving him the opportunity at earning a title shot with his first match. He said that he fully expected to win the opportunity and then take the National Title off Nicky Champion, and dominate USPW from now on (C-)



Match #2: 10 Man Rumble featuring: The Force, Freddie Datsun, Des Davids, Al Coleman, Marc Speed, Danny Rushmore, Mick Muscles, Giant Redwood, Jack Griffith and Steven Parker to become Number One Contender to the USPW National Title





The match started with all four men staring off, before Steven Parker attacked The Force. Who completely no-sold the offence. He looked around at his competitors, and they all decided to make the decision to remove the young upstart, delivering every move imaginable to the youngster, before The Force tossed him over the top rope.


After that, it became much more of ordinary Rumble, with the eliminations happening as below:


The Force eliminated Steven Parker

Giant Redwood eliminated Al Coleman

The People’s Team eliminated Giant Redwood

Danny Rushmore eliminated Des Davids

Jack Griffith eliminated Freddie Datsun

Marc Speed eliminated Danny Rushmore

The Force eliminated Mick Muscles

Jack Griffith eliminated Marc Speed

Jack Griffith eliminated The Force


Jack Griffith won a Rumble in 10.27 (C-)



Backstage and USPW owner Sam Strong shook another newcomers hand – former DAVE worker Art Reed. Reed thanked Strong for giving him the opportunity to come to USPW, and also asked Strong if he was sure about facing Tyson Baine. Strong said that he owed one to Baine, and was eager for the fight (B)



Match #3: Art Reed vs John Pathlow




A decent match – and to be honest, the bare minimum that I expected from this one. The two have been honing their abilities in Japan, and managed to produce a match that American crowd… were just about interested in.


Art Reed defeated John Pathlow in 5.51 (C-)



As Art Reed celebrated after the match Pathlow seemed to take issue with the defeat, kicking Reed in the back of the head. A few more kicks were issued before Chris Caulfield was out from the back to make the save, forcing Pathlow from the ring (C-)



Match #4: Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpg


This was definitely a better match than I thought it was going to be, especially with Savage Fury having done a lot of jobbing over the last couple of months. They seemed like genuine threats until the ref missed a tag between Java and Tribal Warrior. As Warrior argued with the ref Devine was able to hit a low blow on Java, before rolling him up for the victory.


Team Sublime © defeated Savage Fury to retain the USPW Tag Team Titles ©



Savage Fury argued amongst themselves after the match, neither happy with the result (C-)


Jumbo Jackson cut an interview with Shane Sneer, hyping his match with James Justice. And a damned good promo it turned out to be, with Jackson claiming to have been overlooked in USPW for too long, while Justice gets chance after chance despite caring more about the ladies than wrestling (B)



Match #5: James Justice vs Jumbo Jackson




A match that I didn’t quite trust to be the Main Event, but in the end I should have had none of those concerns. My biggest issue now might be that the Main Event turns out to be worse with T-Rex’s presence. The two had a close match, with Melody cheering on Justice and Sneer distracting the ref for Jackson at every opportune moment. After one near fall from Justice Melody leapt to the apron to remonstrate with the ref that Justice should have won. She would not relent, leading to the ref threatening to disqualify Justice. He came over to split the two up, but Jackson charged into him, sending Melody flying from the apron to the mat. Justice tried to go out to help her but was stopped by Jackson, who pulled him up for a Jumbo Avalanche to pull off an upset victory.


Jumbo Jackson defeated James Justice in 10.29 (C+)



As Jackson celebrated in the ring Justice rolled out to see to Melody, who just stormed away from the ring ©


Before the Main Event we got a hype video of The Titans destroying things… people… and Enygma (B+)



Match #6: Bruce the Giant and Enygma vs The Titans


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TysonBaine.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg


Selling? Yeah, lacking somewhat. But that didn’t stop this being a great little match. An even contest slightly spoiled when Jumbo Jackson came ringside and got into an argument with Bruce the Giant, leaving Enygma in the ring to take a Hades Bomb.


The Titans defeated Bruce the Giant and Enygma in 9.53 (C+)



Overall Rating C+



bgbuff scores a 5/6 (only missing the Rumble, which can be forgiven given the number of options), and gets the win. To be honest, I was getting worried until that prediction that I had turned into Russo, with three identical 2/6 predictions. James Justice's defeat is explained below, and was certainly an upset. Everyone knows my Pathlow love, but Art Reed was still the bigger name when he came in. I didn't realise Freddie Datsun had so many fans, and the Main Event could have gone either way.



Decent show – not a lot to say about it. Two Number One contenders named, and three debuts.


The first signing was Findlay, who wrestled a dark match. Having had decent showing while on loan from MAW he’s finally signed on PPA terms. A major part of this signing was recognition of Findlay’s excellent attitude that I will hope to resonate around the locker-room.


Next up was Steven Parker, who entered the 10 Man Rumble showing off a Chosen One gimmick. That got him ganged up on pretty quickly.


And finally, Art Reed. I’ve had my eye on Reed for a while, although I’ve been unsure what role he was going to play. Originally it was to be with Dark Truth (currently wrestling pre-show, two more signings to be revealed soon), but due an expected departure, he debuted as a face.


The expected departure? Both Chris Caulfield and James Justice’s contracts were expiring. Caulfield re-signed on PPA terms – he didn’t like losing a tag match with Justice to Jackson and Bruce the Giant in May, but it, along with singles defeat to Jackson, kept him to a level where he would re-sign.


Justice, on the other hand, was a different matter. Defeat to Griffith at Independence Day Slam should have made him available to re-sign… but he refused to do the job. And then SWF offered a contract. I threw Melody at him to share some of his overness and started finding people who he would job too, fully expecting him to leave. Which he didn’t. Yep, he’s just signed up for another nine months. That was unexpected, and leaves me wondering if I can work his relationship with Melody into a much longer partnership than originally planned.


So, overall I signed Art Reed as a replacement for James Justice, who never left. Huh. Des Davids has also penned a new deal.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Kicks From Hell

Amber Allen and April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs Steven Parker

James Justice and The People’s Team vs Team Sublime and Giant Redwood

Findlay vs Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Titans and Jack Griffith

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Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Kicks From Hell

Amber Allen and April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs Steven Parker

James Justice and The People’s Team vs Team Sublime and Giant Redwood

Findlay vs Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Titans and Jack Griffith

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Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Kicks From Hell

Amber Allen and April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs Steven Parker

James Justice and The People’s Team vs Team Sublime and Giant Redwood

Findlay vs Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Titans and Jack Griffith

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Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Kicks From Hell

Amber Allen and April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez

The Force vs Steven Parker

James Justice and The People’s Team vs Team Sublime and Giant Redwood

Findlay vs Jumbo Jackson

Bruce the Giant, Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Titans and Jack Griffith

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the South East



Pre-Show: Savage Fury defeated Shoot Club and The Towers of Power (C-)



Match #1: Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Kicks From Hell


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/HellMonkey_alt2-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


The commentary team made a big issue of Caulfield and Reed being two former DaVE workers teaming together – and the two showed excellent chemistry as a team. As such this proved to be an excellent match that probably should have been the semi-Main Event, but I needed it to be earlier. Caulfield pinned Johnson after a Danger Drop.


Chris Caulfield and Art Reed defeated Kicks From Hell in 5.37 ©



Sam Strong was shown in his office with Enygma when The Titans stormed in, and despite bristling for a fight everyone just managed to keep their tempers. Tyson Baine reminded the newer generation of viewers how he once took a World Title from Sam Strong, and he almost went mad trying to get it back. So mad, that when he finally realised that he couldn’t do it he had to take a break from the ring. Baine told Strong that after he defeated him at Apple Pie and Wrestling it would be the beginning of the end, as he would be run out of USPW. As Strong shook his head Enygma tried to speak on his behalf, but Baine just sneered at him, reminding the masked man that he had already pinned him so he didn’t even acknowledge his presence (B+)



Match #2: Amber Allen and April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AmberAllen-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AprilAppleseed.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BelleBryden.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/CherryBomb_alt2.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Gorgon.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg


Perhaps this is why my Women’s Division is going nowhere – so many multi-team matches doing more harm overall to the participants than good. J-Ro got the win with the pin on Cherry Bomb.


Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez defeated Amber Allen and April Appleseed and Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb in 7.37 (D+)



After the match Alicia Strong was out, with her arm no longer in a sling. She told Gorgon that she had been to see Commissioner Doom, and she had a rematch with Gorgon at Apple Pie and Wrestling - and nothing she could do would stop her claiming the title (C-)



Backstage Art Reed was met by someone you would have seen wrestling pre-show for the last couple of weeks – Travis Century. Century asked Reed what was going on – there was some kind of old-DaVE boys meeting, and someone forgot to invite him? Reed went to respond but Century just cut him off, telling him that his opinion was irrelevant. He’s been studying a path of truth and enlightenment, and he sees Art Reed for what he truly is – a good for nothing person only looking out for himself. Reed tried to defend himself, but Century once more cut him off, telling Reed that he had been told, and there was nothing Reed could say that would change what is now told to all. He said that he would not waste anymore time on him, and certainly won’t wrestle him. Century turned to walk away but stopped, before turning back and saying “I might not fight you – but my Disciple will”. At that a cloaked man jumped Reed and beat him down viscously, before being pulled away by Century as Caulfield came to Reed’s rescue (C-)


Steven Parker came down to the ring and proclaimed that he should have won last week’s Rumble, and he had been robbed of the victory that he was entitled to. The Force came out in disbelief, telling Parker that he was entitled to nothing apart from the beating that he deserved – and a second beating that he’s going to deliver (D+)



Match #3: The Force vs Steven Parker




This show isn’t going to be the best show ever, but I’ve purposely booked it so. It’s more about developing stories a little quicker, especially after the cuts that had to be made last week. Parker started well in this match but looked far too confident, so was left stunned when The Force rallied and delivered a Full Force for the victory.


The Force defeated Steven Parker in 5.29 (D+)



Nicky Champion was shown backstage when the new contender to his title Jack Griffith came up to him. Griffith said he had worked hard throughout his life – he had overcome setbacks, but he was on the right path. And then there were people like Nicky Champion – favoured by the boss, given title shots before they’ve been earned – it’s people like him that are everything that’s wrong with wrestling today. Champion stood up and got in Griffith’s face, telling him that it wasn’t his fault that Griffith went off the rails. His clock had been reset, and it was him who now had to earn his way up the ladder. Griffith told Champion that last week he went through nine other men to earn his shot, so he was done showing his worth. Champion pointed out that he had one more thing to do – earn that National Title by pinning the champion. A feat, Nicky said, that he would not find as easy as he thought (C-)



Match #4: James Justice and The People’s Team vs Team Sublime and Giant Redwood


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Liberty.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/GiantRedwood.jpg


Quite happy with this match as well, which showed decent action… while Redwood wasn’t in the ring. Melody skipped around the ring, getting on Seduction’s nerves, but no more than Redwood who seemed unable to follow her instructions. The faces worked as a much better team, and the match ended after Davids pinned Devine after a Quarterback Sack.


James Justice and The People’s Team defeated Team Sublime and Giant Redwood in 9.29 ©



Jumbo Jackson cut a promo with Shane Sneer targeting Bruce the Giant… a promotion that also sees a gimmick change for the large man. He’s now playing someone who shows little emotion but concentrates on destroying opponents, making best use of his manager to instil emotion into promos. And the crowd ate up his new gimmick (B+)



Match #5: Findlay vs Jumbo Jackson



Jackson dominated this match even though it was against a large opponent… so much so that it definitely damaged the quality of the match. It didn’t harm Jackson’s momentum though, and he made the pin after a Jumbo Avalanche.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Findlay in 4.08 (D+)



We went backstage where the face team of Bruce the Giant, Enygma and Nicky Champion prepared for the Main Event, with Enygma warning Champion about The Titan’s – they had injured him, and could do the same the Champion. The youngster showed no fear, and said that he was ready to take on any and all of them (B-)



Match #6: Bruce the Giant, Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Titans and Jack Griffith


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TysonBaine.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg


I was hoping for a little more from this match… but considering their were a couple a midcarders in it and I did my best to let The Titans come out of this looking strong, the result was probably the correct one. The result was an intense match, with Enygma narrowly reaching the ropes to break a Jurassic Crush from T-Rex. Bruce the Giant then went on clobbering time, but it was left to Nicky Champion to get a huge upset pin on Tyson Baine after the former champion barely recovered after a Bruce Clothesline and then immediately took a Hawkeye Hammer.


Bruce the Giant, Enygma and Nicky Champion defeated The Titans and Jack Griffith in 13.13 ©



Overall Rating C



BHK1978 gets the win this time with 5/6. It's been a while since someone's got a clean sweep, although I'm not sure if that's a good review of my booking or not.



A huge upset in the Main Event with Champion getting the pin – which was only a slight change to the original plans. The face team were always going to win, but after Nicky Champion was being a bit of a dork backstage Baine had to be restrained from hitting the youngster. Although Champion wasn’t totally blameless, Baine over-reacted, especially as a veteran, so was punished by having to take the pin from the youngster. I consider the door closed in regard to that incident now.


Travis Century finally gets a debut after a couple of weeks of dark tag action. His tag partner will be known as the Dark Disciple, although some fans of Canadian will know him better as Sayeed Ali:




Sheik Mustapha leaves. Yeah, he was still hanging on my roster.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Shoot Club vs Dark Truth

Andre Jones © vs The Force for the USPW Television Title

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb

Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker

Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Towers of Power

Sam Strong and Nicky Champion vs The Titans


I’ll admit… I’m not sure that Main Event is going to break the “C” rating.

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Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Shoot Club vs Dark Truth

Andre Jones © vs The Force for the USPW Television Title

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb

Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker

Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Towers of Power

Sam Strong and Nicky Champion vs The Titans

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I actually agree with all of Tanker's picks but I switched the Cherry Bomb one so we would have at least one match different.


Shoot Club vs Dark Truth

Andre Jones © vs The Force for the USPW Television Title

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb

Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker

Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Towers of Power

Sam Strong and Nicky Champion vs The Titans

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Shoot Club vs Dark Truth

Andre Jones © vs The Force for the USPW Television Title

Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb

Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker

Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Towers of Power

Sam Strong and Nicky Champion vs The Titans

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid Atlantic



Pre-Show: Jumbo Jackson defeated Captain USA (C-), Enygma and Savage Fury defeated Giant Redwood and Kicks From Hell ©



Match #1: Shoot Club vs Dark Truth


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AlColeman.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg


Dark Truth’s debut, and although predictions showed Shoot Club as the favourites, it was the debutants who pulled out the victory. It was mainly a showcase for the Dark Disciple, who was the one to do all the damage, delivering the Dark (GBH) Driver to Coleman for the victory.


Dark Truth defeated Shoot Club in 5.32 (D+)



After the match Travis Century introduced the Dark Disciple to the viewers. Century claimed to have seen the righteous path, and was drawing followers from across the land. The first was the Dark Disciple, and he would silence any non-believers. That brought Chris Caulfield and Art Reed out, with Caulfield asking Reed if Century sounded like a crazy Cult Leader to him, ‘cause that’s what he was hearing. Century calmed himself down from a briefly worked up state to declare that he knew which side of the fence his former colleagues sat on – and they will regret that choice ©



Match #2: Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker




Reed, Century and the Disciple stayed ringside for this match, proving a distraction for Caulfield. As such, Parker managed to get in several nearfalls, but eventually fell to a Danger Drop.


Chris Caulfield defeated Steven Parker in 6.39 (D+)



A frustrated Caulfield took a mic and said that he didn’t like mind games, he liked to fight. Therefore, he challenged Travis Century and the Dark Disciple to a match at Apple Pie and Wrestling, which Dark Truth accepted ©


We went backstage to Sam Strong’s office, who had the company of Enygma and Nicky Champion. Enygma was shown asking Sam to substitute him instead of Nicky Champion into the Main Event – after all, he didn’t have a match. Sam turned down Enygma’s offer, saying that Champion proved last week after pinning Tyson Baine that he was ready for anything. He told Enygma that he needed to make sure that he was in good shape to face T-Rex on PPV, reminding the masked man that T-Rex was the man who put him out of action recently (B)


The Force was shown heading to the ring for his Television Title shot when he passed Darryl Devine, who smirked at the thought that The Force had a chance of winning the Television Title (C-)


And finally before the match, we got a graphic showing that Team Sublime would defend their Tag Team Titles against The People’s Team at Apple Pie and Wrestling ©



Match #3: Andre Jones © vs The Force for the USPW Television Title





This match was… uninspiring, but it was time to take the Television Title off Andre Jones. Although having him as a double champion was a good way to hide one of USPW’s midcard titles (as there is definitely one too many of them at the moment). Devine came out to mock The Force, but was left flabbergasted win he delivered a Full Force to Jones to win the title.


The Force defeated Andre Jones © in 8.25 to win the USPW Television Title (D)



Backstage, Tyson Baine stormed into the locker-room, and towered over Nicky Champion. He told Champion to calm down – the beating he was going to give him was being saved for the ring. However, he had a warning for him. The warning was about his partner – Sam Strong. Baine told Champion that Strong had a history of milking a hot product and then discarding it the next day. Tonight, he was teaming with Strong – who was capitalising after his fluke pin the previous week. However, once Strong was done with Champion, he would be discarded just like everyone else who has helped him in the past – because in Sam Strong’s world, he’s the only one that matters (B-)



Match #4: Alicia Strong vs Cherry Bomb




One of the better women’s matches that I’ve televised for a while, with Strong getting the victory with an Angel Driver.


Alicia Strong defeated Cherry Bomb in 4.37 (C-)



After the match Gorgon was out, flanked by J-Ro, and the Women’s Champion grabbed a ringside chair and started stalking her challenger. What she was not expecting was the entire Women’s Division to empty from the locker-room to side with Alicia Strong, which made Gorgon back away, without doing any damage (D-)


Bruce the Giant was cutting an interview for his next match when Jumbo Jackson came over. He wished Bruce the Giant good luck – after all, his Sneer Corporation buddies had a job to do for him tonight. A job to work down the champion. Bruce laughed in Jackson’s face, telling him that many people had tried to work him down before, but the result was always the same – they took a Choke Slam (B+)



Match #5: Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Liberty.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


The Towers of Power targeted Bruce the Giant’s right leg in this match, and it wasn’t helped that Melody accidentally distracted James Justice at one point, causing a missed tag and more damage. Eventually Justice came in on the hot tag, but Bruce was back into the ring to deliver a Giant Choke Slam to Danny Rushmore before making the pin.


Bruce the Giant and James Justice defeated The Towers of Power in 6.38 ©



Jumbo Jackson came out onto the stage, looking curiously at the World Champion, who stood up straight to show no damage had been done. Jackson shrugged and left, and it was only then that Bruce took his weight off his right leg, and limped from the ring (B+)


Paige Croft (remember her?) conducted a backstage interview with Enygma, asking him if he was would be ringside for the Main Event next. Enygma said that everywhere The Titans went Jack Griffith followed, and it was only fair that he made the numbers even. Jack Griffith joined Enygma to tell him that The Titans didn’t need him to win – and it was clear that Sam didn’t want Enygma’s help. He told Enygma that he was staying backstage, but he would enjoy watching the National Title holder getting a beating. He told Enygma to watch the match as well – and see what damage T-Rex would dish out (B-)



Match #6: Sam Strong and Nicky Champion vs The Titans


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SamStrong_alt-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TysonBaine.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg


Three hot wrestlers. One up and comer. A match that I thought might not work. A match that ended up being the best match in USPW history. Shows what I know. Anyway, The Titans looked obsessed with beating up their opponents, and unsurprisingly it was Champion who took the brunt of the beating, with Sam Strong making the superman tag to clear to ring. Nicky Champion then took out Tyson Baine with a Suicide Dive, leaving Sam Strong in the ring to deliver the Strong Arm Tactic to T-Rex in the ring.


Sam Strong and Nicky Champion defeated The Titans in 9.32 (B-)



After the match Sam Strong dragged Nicky Champion into the ring and ensured that the youngster took his fair share of the applause offered by the crowd (B+)



Overall Rating C+



4/6's again for TakerNGN74, Dragonmack and bgbuff. The debut victory for Dark Disciple was not predicted, nor the surprise Television Title win for The Force - his 10th title reign of various types at USPW



Wow. Before the Main Event I thought that I’d be looking at a poor show and having to justify moving the Television Title onto The Force. Instead we’ve just seen the best match this year, and I can probably get away with saying that The Force has recently sunk to a level where the Television Title is a good title for him to hold. Andre Jones certainly didn’t need it any longer.


Luis Figo Manico returns from his hiatus – and European wrestling needs him. I do make one signing – the referee Jez McArthuer. He not only becomes my best ref, but in this Joker affected world he’s a positive backstage influence. As an update on the backstage affect of my signings:


Dark Disciple – very negative

Jared Johnson – very negative

Melody – negative

Paige Croft – extremely negative

Al Coleman – positive

Amber Allen – extremely positive

Findlay – very positive

Jez McArthuer – very positive

J-Ro – positive

John Pathlow – positive

Marc Speed – positive

Steven Parker – positive


More good than bad… which isn’t too much of a surprise. I do try and check out the workers personalities, and there are a few potential signings that I’ve backed off from after hearing about their reputations. Of those who have slipped through the net, Dark Disciple and Jared Johnson I see potential in, Melody has talent, and Paige Croft… Paige Croft was brought in for a storyline that has been shelved. She had better not step out of line anytime soon, as all she’s currently achieving is being a backstage interviewer who’s getting up people’s noses of screen.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Gorgon © vs Amber Allen in a non-title match

Findlay and Shoot Club vs The Titans and Jack Griffith

Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker

Raven Robinson vs April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb vs Belle Bryden

Bruce the Giant and Savage Fury vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power

Team Sublime © vs James Justice and Enygma in a non-title match

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Gorgon © vs Amber Allen in a non-title match


Findlay and Shoot Club vs The Titans and Jack Griffith


Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker


Raven Robinson vs April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb vs Belle Bryden


Bruce the Giant and Savage Fury vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power


You must enjoy me having to pick the Savage Jobbers for the victory...:mad::D


Team Sublime © vs James Justice and Enygma in a non-title match

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Tri State



Match #1: Gorgon © vs Amber Allen in a non-title match




The commentary team focussed on how the Women’s locker-room rallied against Gorgon last week, and Amber Allen volunteered to go one on one with Gorgon this week. The two showed obvious chemistry in the ring, but a focussed Gorgon delivered a Hydra Bomb at the first opportunity for the victory.


Gorgon defeated Amber Allen in 3.48 (D+)



After the match Gorgon stormed away for the ring with a fearsome look on her face (D-)


Seduction was shown with Team Sublime, telling them to focus on the Main Event when the new Television Title holder The Force came over, proudly displaying his title. He asked Jones how it looked, and the youngster had to be restrained by Devine, who called The Force a joke to the world of wrestling. The People’s Team came over to join in, saying that after their tag match Team Sublime would have no gold left at all, and Seduction had to drag her men away from any further trouble (C-)


Nicky Champion was watching a video of last week’s Main Event with Sam Strong when The Titan’s came in, with Tyson Baine grabbing Nicky Champion by the throat and ramming him against the wall as T-Rex blocked off Strong. Baine demanded that Champion never mess with him, as he would not tolerate being shown up – especially by someone he tried to help last week by warning of Strong’s corrosive influence. He released Champion, and told him to watch the next match well (B+)



Match #2: Findlay and Shoot Club vs The Titans and Jack Griffith


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FindlayOFarraday.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AlColeman.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TysonBaine.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg


Wow, this actually managed to be a fairly decent match, with Shoot Club and Findlay making a fight of it. However, they were truly outclassed by their opponents, and the match ended with Baine delivering a Hades Bomb to Al Coleman.


The Titans and Jack Griffith defeated Findlay and Shoot Club in 7.05 ©



Sam Strong came out with Nicky Champion to start an argument with The Titans, all to hype the forthcoming PPV. Jack Griffith insisted he would win the National Title from Nicky Champion, Sam strong insisted that he was fit enough to take on Tyson Baine, and then to the surprise of everyone Enygma snuck through the crowd into the ring to deliver an Enygma Cutter to T-Rex, to remind everyone that they’re also meeting at Apple Pie and Wrestling (B)



Match #3: Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker




A repeat of last week’s match-up, which for some reason held the crowd’s interest a lot better. The action went outside the ring where Caulfield threw Parker in a guard rail, which clearly upset the youngster as he stormed off, taking the defeat by count out.


Chris Caulfield defeated Steven Parker in 3.14 by count out ©



As Caulfield looked on confused he was rushed by Travis Century and the Dark Disciple, although Art Reed came out to quickly make it a two on two fight, which no-one could get the upper hand of (D+)


The cameras then followed Steven Parker backstage, who paid a visit to Commissioner Doom. Parker claimed that his career was being ruined – his wellbeing was being put at risk each week by facing hardcore wrestlers such as Chris Caulfield. Commissioner Doom asked the youngster what he was meant to do about it – give him some cotton wool to wrap himself up in? Parker was not amused, claiming that he was the future, and the future was being unfairly buried. He told Doom that he wanted a match at Apple Pie and Wrestling, and he wanted it against a proper wrestler. Doom thought for a moment, before telling Parker that he had the answer – he would be face James Justice (C-)



Match #4: Raven Robinson vs April Appleseed vs Cherry Bomb vs Belle Bryden




J-Ro was a surprising addition to the commentary team, and spent five minutes criticising the women in the ring as they showed off their skills. At that point Gorgon came out went after all four women, taking them out one at a time, ending the match in a somewhat unsatisfactory manner.


No contest in 6.02 (D+)



J-Ro’s commentary was a lot more enthusiastic as she admired Gorgon’s strength, but she was angry as Alicia Strong rushed out from the back to go toe to toe with the Women’s Champion. J-Ro declared that she had not right to interfere… which was odd, given that was exactly what Gorgon was doing herself. Strong and Gorgon were evenly matched, but the other women in the ring recovered to help Alicia dump an angry Gorgon from the ring (D+)


Backstage and we were in Sam Strong’s office, and the boss had the company of Enygma and James Justice. Strong told Enygma that he had taken a risk by attacking T-Rex, as it could have changed the whole situation into a brawl. Enygma said that he was willing to fight – T-Rex may have injured him, but that just gives him the right to take revenge. James Justice told Enygma that they have a match tonight against the Tag Champions, so need to concentrate on that. Enygma said that he could focus on plenty, and he would show his worth (B+)


Jumbo Jackson came out with the rest of the Sneer Corporation for some hype for the USPW World Title match. Jackson said that he had all the tools to take the title, and a little extra damage to Bruce’s right leg here would just make his job easier (C+)



Match #5: Bruce the Giant and Savage Fury vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


A more competitive match than the earlier Titans match… but the match was also more laboured, with the crowd not enjoying the laboured brawling that they saw. Jumbo Jackson made sure that he was not in the ring with Bruce the Giant, who was absolutely dominant. However, he couldn’t be in the ring all the time, especially with The Towers of Power targeting his injured right leg, and Jackson was able to take advantage by pinning Tribal Warrior after a Jumbo Avalanche.


Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power defeated Bruce the Giant and Savage Fury in 9.09 (D+)



We then ran a hype video for USPW Apple Pie and Baseball – coming up this week. Bruce the Giant vs Jumbo Jackson, Enygma vs T-Rex and Sam Strong vs Tyson Baine were the focussed bouts (B+)



Match #6: Team Sublime © vs James Justice and Enygma in a non-title match


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Liberty.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg


Did this match make any sense? I don’t think so, but anyway, it made a decent Main Event. The champions should good fluidity, but their opponents showed the greater class, and it was Enygma who made Andre Jones tap to the Enygma Variation.


James Justice and Enygma defeated Team Sublime in 12.14 (C+)



Enyma had clearly riled up the Titans with his earlier attack, so the post match celebration was interrupted by Baine, Rex and Griffiths. Which, of course, brought out Nicky Champion and Sam Strong… with the veteran slightly behind his spritely colleague. Strong and Champion took Tyson Baine out, but Champion was blindsided by a Jack Griffith’s elbow. T-Rex was busy fighting off both James Justice and Enygma, but at that point Griffith pulled his colleagues out of the ring (B+)



Overall Rating C+



For a show completely focussed on building up the PPV I was pleased with the result – that’s a couple of times that Team Sublime have been in the Main Event and they’ve impressed both time.


Of more importance is the fact that I managed to get BHK to predict a Savage Fury win when they lost. Result.

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Of more importance is the fact that I managed to get BHK to predict a Savage Fury win when they lost. Result.


Stupid Savage Jobbers...they can't even win with Bruce as their teammate...kicks a rock and walks away with a disgusted look on his face.


I also wanted to add that I like what you are doing with Steve Parker.

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Announced for USPW Apple Pie and Wrestling:


Live on PPV




http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AlColeman.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/HellMonkey_alt2-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


Savage Fury vs Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell


Tag Team wrestling that you will see in no other promotion in the US – see the elite fight it out all eager to push themselves up the tag team ranks






Nicky Champion © vs Jack Griffith for the USPW National Title


Jack Griffith won his shot at the National Title in a Battle Royale, but he will have his hands full with Nicky Champion. The current title holder has hit a run of form in recent weeks teaming with Sam Strong, and will not want to relinquish his gold here.



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg


Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Dark Truth


Quite what Travis Century is trying convince ex-DaVE colleagues Chris Caulfield and Art Reed about no-one is sure, but he and his Dark Disciple have certainly made an impact in the last few weeks. However, Caulfield has never been one to back down from a fight, and this one promises to be a violent affair.





James Justice vs Steven Parker


Upon his recent debut in USPW Steven Parker declared himself the future of USPW… a declaration he has so far been able to back up. He has yet to pick up a victory, even walking out of his last match, and has complained that he is not being treating correctly. Whether or not being matched with former World Champion James Justice is being treated any better we will have to wait to find out.






Gorgon © vs Alicia Strong for the USPW Women’s Title


Alicia Strong looked ready to take Gorgon’s Women’s Title last month until the champion attacked Strong with a chair, but the challenger is back for more. The big question will be is Alicia Strong fully fit, as Gorgon will not think twice about taking advantage of any weakness she can find.




http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg


Team Sublime © vs The People’s Team for the USPW Tag Team Titles


The battle between Team Sublime and The People’s Team has been long and hard, but now comes to an end. Will The People’s Team be able to reclaim their titles that they lost to Team Sublime, or will the champions continue their reign?





Enygma vs T-Rex


Almost two months ago T-Rex temporarily put Enygma on the shelf, but he is now back and promising revenge. Enygma has said that he has been waiting for this day to arrive – but in Enygma he will find one of the most dominating forces in USPW waiting for him.






Bruce the Giant © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Title


A newly focussed Jumbo Jackson has been on a run of form, and Shane Sneer has led him to a World Title shot. However, new champion Bruce the Giant’s last reign with the title lasted a full year, and he will be a no mood to surrender his title so quickly here.





Sam Strong vs Tyson Baine


When Tyson Baine won a match of his choice, everyone expected him to ask for a World Title rematch with Bruce the Giant. However, Baine’s focus changed from the title to the man he blamed his title loss on – USPW owner Sam Strong. The two have a chequered history – back in July 1998 Baine defeated Strong for a World Title that Strong was never able to reclaim. Sam Strong feels that Apple Pie and Wrestling is his opportunity to correct history, but Baine will be looking to force Strong out of the wrestling industry… permanently.



Quick Picks:

Savage Fury vs Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell

Nicky Champion © vs Jack Griffith for the USPW National Title

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Dark Truth

James Justice vs Steven Parker

Gorgon © vs Alicia Strong for the USPW Women’s Title

Team Sublime © vs The People’s Team for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Enygma vs T-Rex

Bruce the Giant © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Title

Sam Strong vs Tyson Baine

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Savage Fury vs Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell

Nicky Champion © vs Jack Griffith for the USPW National Title

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Dark Truth

James Justice vs Steven Parker

Gorgon © vs Alicia Strong for the USPW Women’s Title

Team Sublime © vs The People’s Team for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Enygma vs T-Rex

Bruce the Giant (c) vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Title

Sam Strong vs Tyson Baine

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Savage Fury vs Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell


I would really love to see Marc Speed get the win here, I think TOP will win. However, I am going to go with KFH because Dragonmack picked them and he is usually right when making picks. Heck, as long as the Jobbers do not win I am happy.


Nicky Champion © vs Jack Griffith for the USPW National Title


I feel about Jack Griffith how many feel about Big Smack Scott. I just don't get why so many love this guy.

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Dark Truth


James Justice vs Steven Parker


Gorgon © vs Alicia Strong for the USPW Women’s Title


Team Sublime © vs The People’s Team for the USPW Tag Team Titles


Enygma vs T-Rex


Bruce the Giant © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Title


Sam Strong vs Tyson Baine

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Savage Fury vs Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell

Could be any teams match to win (With the exception of Savage Fury in my opinion) but I have to go with Kicks From Hell.


Nicky Champion © vs Jack Griffith for the USPW National Title

The Champ should retain Jack Griffith isn't championship material in my opinion.


Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Dark Truth

I really like Chris so I have to pick him to win in whatever match he is in.


James Justice vs Steven Parker

Again should be another great match but I have to go with Justice on this one.


Gorgon © vs Alicia Strong for the USPW Women’s Title

Time for a change in the women's division.


Team Sublime © vs The People’s Team for the USPW Tag Team Titles

The People's team are a great team but I have to go with Team Sublime as they just won them.


Enygma vs T-Rex

Enygma all the way on this one


Bruce the Giant © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Title

I dont think Bruce The Giant should lose the title just yet and definately not to Jumbo Jackson.


Sam Strong vs Tyson Baine

Sam Strong probably shouldn't be wrestling at his age and probably won't be able to keep up with a much younger Tyson Baine.

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USPW Apple Pie and Wrestling

Live from the South East on PPV



Pre-Show: Cherry Bomb defeated April Appleseed (C-), Giant Redwood defeated Findlay (E)

Way to lower the mood there Redwood



Hype video time – and although Bruce the Giant vs Jumbo Jackson was featured, Sam Strong vs Tyson Baine was the main focus (B+)



Match #1: Savage Fury vs Shoot Club vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AlColeman.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/HellMonkey_alt2-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


A decent tag match to start the show, and we really do have a tag division now. The two multiple time champions, Savage Fury and The Towers of Power, were the main focus, but we gave time to the two less experienced team. Marc Speed got a very nearfall on Danny Rushmore, only to take the pin from Mick Muscles.


The Towers of Power defeated Savage Fury, Shoot Club and Kicks From Hell in 9.33 (C-)



Jack Griffith was shown being bellowed at by Tyson Baine, with the former champion telling him to go out and prove himself on his own tonight against Champion – and if he didn’t win gold, he’d reconsider his worth (B)



Match #2: Nicky Champion © vs Jack Griffith for the USPW National Title





Nicky Champion has been riding a wave of momentum in the last few weeks, and started this match very strongly. Momentum was changed with a poke to the eyes, before the match took a more open turn. Griffith exposed a turnbuckle, and although it took several minutes he was eventually able to throw the National Champion headfirst into it. Dazed, Champion could not defend himself from the Jack in the Box, and Griffith became the new National Champion.


Jack Griffith defeated Nicky Champion © in 9.40 to win the USPW National Title ©



Backstage Joanne Rodriguez was shown walking along the corridors, before the Women’s Division appeared and shoved her into a dressing room. They tied J-Ro to a chair before Raven Robinson declared that to keep J-Ro out of harms way tonight they were going to give her a makeover ©


Dark Truth came out for their PPV debut, with Travis Century preaching at the crowd about the path of righteousness that only he could deliver. As the crowd booed Century called everybody weak – but added that they can all be converted ©



Match #3: Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Dark Truth


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg


With a busy show this one was kept relatively short, so I told all for men to go all out. The three veterans flourished, although the Dark Disciple (Sayeed Ali) struggled with the pressure. Which fed in quite well to him grabbing a chair and battering Art Reed with it. This was not a hardcore match, however.


Chris Caulfield and Art Reed defeated Dark Truth in 6.22 by DQ ©



Backstage we had a Strong family love in, with Alicia and Sam seemingly more concerned about the other persons match rather than their own. Sam told Alicia that they were both facing beasts tonight – and he knew they could both come out on top (B-)



Match #4: Gorgon © vs Alicia Strong for the USPW Women’s Title





These two ladies gave absolutely everything into this match, beating one another around the ring in a style of women’s match that had not been seen before in USPW. Gorgon lifted Strong up into position for a Hydra Bomb, but Alicia Strong fought desperately out of it, raining blows on Gorgon’s head. From then on Alicia went on a rampage normally reserved for her father… which ended in the same way – a Strong Arm Tactic.


Alicia Strong defeated Gorgon © in 8.04 to win the USPW Women’s Title ©



As Alicia celebrated becoming a two time Women’s Champion, the cameras cut to the locker-room with a furious Joanne Rodriguez stilled tied to a chair with ridiculously over the top make up splattered over her face (D+)


We cut to Jumbo Jackson, who pushed Shane Sneer to one side to cut a rare promotion. He told Bruce the Giant that he was the larger man – he was the champion. But two champions have fallen tonight, and neither of them had the weaknesses in the knees that Bruce had. Jackson promised that he would deliver on his promise to take the title – and make sure Bruce would not be walking from the ring (B+)



Match #5: James Justice vs Steven Parker




Melody was out ringside with James Justice, as we still wonder where exactly to take her storyline. Steven Parker was also out, with the commentary team saying that despite being an obviously talented worker Parker has seemed to annoy just about everyone as USPW, and has yet to pick up a victory. Here, he continued the legacy, by putting on a very decent showing in what’s going to be one of the matches of the night, yet falling to a Liberation Slam.


James Justice defeated Steven Parker in 7.05 (C+)



Team Sublime were shown cutting a promotion promising to retain their Tag Team Titles when The Force came over and casually asked Andre Jones if he’d once been a singles champion. Jones tried to ignore the taunts, but Devine went ape and started pushing The Force… who responded with an almighty shove away. Seduction had to step in, telling The Force that he had a rematch with Andre Jones on USPW American Wrestling next week, so he shouldn’t get too used to holding the title ©



Match #6: Team Sublime © vs The People’s Team for the USPW Tag Team Titles



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg


Team Sublime started this match slowly, with commentary suggesting that The Force had managed to get under their skin. This match proved to be one of our longer tag matches, with the momentum swaying both ways, broken up falls and the usual Seduction distraction. Devine took a mighty beating but when Jones came in it as his turn to unleash on Freddie Datsun. The face in distress did manage to tag in Davids… but distraction from Seduction meant that the ref missed it, and he forced the youngster from the ring. That allowed Devine to strike Datsun with a title belt before leaping onto Davids, giving Jones the opportunity to hit the Blast From the Past on Datsun.


Team Sublime © defeated The People’s Team in 10.57 to retain the USPW Tag Team Titles (C+)



Paige Croft found Enygma staring at a TV screen, which showed constantly repeating shots of T-Rex injuring him over a month ago. Corft asked Enygma if he was sure he was ready for the match, which Enygma insisted he was. He said that no-one would knock USPW’s franchise player out of action… they had to learn that he was not to be messed with (B+)



Match #7: Enygma vs T-Rex




After T-Rex’s defeat to Sam Strong last month he really needed a momentum shift in his favour, although Enygma was not going to give him anything easily. However, this match was a decent affair, that again sung both ways. Enygma just about locked on the Enygma Variation, but T-Rex yanked Enygma around to apply the Jurassic Crush. Enygma just about passed out from the pain but made the recovery to fight back, and hit T-Rex with the Enygma Cutter. Enygma made the pin… but T-Rex remarkably kicked out. A stunned Enygma slammed Rex and went for another pin… but again, T-Rex fought out. Enygma shook his head in frustration before letting out an almighty belloe, calling to the crowd to get behind him and give him strength. And they did shout, but Enygma failed to notice that they were actually warning him of a recovering T-Rex, who scooped Enygma up and hit The Extinction, and that was enough for the pin. Yes, this got through Enygma's Creative Control.


T-Rex defeated Enygma in 9.02 (C+)



We quickly cut backstage where the USPW Word Champion was being attacked by The Towers of Power. Bruce was doing a good job at fighting them up right up until the point that Mick Muscles smashed metal rod against Bruce’s right knee. The giant collapsed as backstage staff and wrestlers ran The Towers of Power off, but with no time before the title match Bruce was forced to stand up and limp his way to the ring ©



Match #8: Bruce the Giant © vs Jumbo Jackson for the USPW World Title





The World Champion was forced onto the back foot early on by Jumbo Jackson, and was forced several times down to one knee, and even worse onto his back. What Jackson couldn’t do is deliver the powerful moves that he was used to, and as such any pin attempt on Bruce was quickly kicked out of. Jackson changed tactic, and showed some sloppy looking leg bars that had Bruce scrambling for the ropes. At that point the match slowed with Bruce hitting big moves on the challenger, and then collapsing to the mat. However, Jackson could not hit a big move in return, and although he got a nearfall after Bruce collapsed trying to deliver a Giant Chokeslam he just couldn’t keep the big man down. Eventually Bruce managed to stay upright long enough to hit a Giant Chokeslam, before collapsing on Jackson to make the pin.


Bruce the Giant © defeated Jumbo Jackson in 12.28 to retain the USPW World Title (C+)



Hype vid for the Main Event, which was quite easy to build as the two men have been in the ring together in tag action in the past month (B+)



Match #9: Sam Strong vs Tyson Baine




Perhaps a lack of selling here wasn’t too surprising – what was disappointing was the match was outshone by the World Title match, despite switching the two up. This one had more of the story behind it with the two having met such a long time ago for the HGC World Title. Baine brutalised Strong around the ring, but Strong showed the ability that he carried with him throughout his career – the ability to kick out of any move. Regardless of how beaten up he was. And it just took one Strong Arm Tactic to put away Tyson Baine.


Sam Strong defeated Tyson Baine in 11.07 ©



Sam Strong celebrated in the ring at his success, and he was joined by his daughter who proudly shoed off her Women’s Title (B)


Overall Rating C+

Buyrate 0.65



TakerNGN74 taken the win here with 5/9. I'm not sure that this will be the most popular PPV with the fans, as they clearly didn't want to see Jack Griffith, T-Rex or Sam Strong go over. And they did. And we had universal support for Kicks From Hell. Who didn't win. Sorry.


And at that point it's time for a look back at the predicitons for the last few months:

BHK1978 - 59/96

Dragonmack - 50/72

TakerNGN74 - 41/70

Bgbuff - 17/24

jesseewiak - 15/23

Tristram - 5/6

jjohnson105 - 4/6


BHK1978 takes another season victory, despite not having the highest conversion rate. As my most consistent predictor I'll let BHK1978 pick a prize of his choice. It can be anything. I'll try and deliver - but if it's booking a match, you'll have to excuse the fact that I've already booked up to my next PPV.



Now that was a decent show. Apologies to the crowd who made it in to see the Giant Redwood match in pre-show. Two new champions – Jack Griffith takes the USPW National Title giving Nicky Champion the opportunity to go onto bigger and better things, while Alicia Strong ends Gorgon’s domination… which had become slightly less dominatory in the last few weeks.


And the boss won. In the Main Event. You want me to deny him the Main Event two PPV’s running?


In shocking news Peter Valentine retires. What – you thought he had already? Since he let me know of his intentions I’ve taken him off screen and I’m trying to get him to develop some… personality. If Sam’s going to give him a new contract, I want him to actually be able to do something.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

The Force © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title

April Appleseed vs Joanne Rodriguez

Findlay vs Tyson Baine

Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Towers of Power

James Justice vs Darryl Devine

Sam Strong and Alicia Strong vs Steven Parker and Belle Bryden


Yeah, we don’t expect ratings out of this one.

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