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USPW: A Joker At Work

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The Force © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title


Can't go against my boy the Force!


April Appleseed vs Joanne Rodriguez



Findlay vs Tyson Baine


Findlay might be something in the future but he is not something now.


Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Towers of Power



James Justice vs Darryl Devine



Sam Strong and Alicia Strong vs Steven Parker and Belle Bryden


I think Brooke and Hulk...ah...Sam and Alicia got this.

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The Force © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title

April Appleseed vs Joanne Rodriguez

Findlay vs Tyson Baine

Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Towers of Power

James Justice vs Darryl Devine

Sam Strong and Alicia Strong vs Steven Parker and Belle Bryden

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The Force © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title

Glad to see The Force finally get a push like he deserves.


April Appleseed vs Joanne Rodriguez


Findlay vs Tyson Baine

Tyson Baine is going to eat Findlay thats my prediction anyway he is going to win by eating his opponent.


Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Towers of Power

To good of a team in my opinion, actually they aren't a team but they are great singles wrestlers so will go with that.


James Justice vs Darryl Devine

James for the win here.


Sam Strong and Alicia Strong vs Steven Parker and Belle Bryden

Sam Strong is old and therefore him and Alicia shouldn't win this match.

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The Force © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title

April Appleseed vs Joanne Rodriguez

Findlay vs Tyson Baine

Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Towers of Power

James Justice vs Darryl Devine

Sam Strong and Alicia Strong vs Steven Parker and Belle Bryden


I predict James Justice and Darryl Devine to be a phenomenal match. I was goofing around in the demo and ran that in a dark match and it pulled a B- with no chemistry.

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from New England



Pre-Show: Jumbo Jackson and Kicks From Hell defeated Savage Fury and Captain USA ©, T-Rex defeated Marc Speed (C+, good chemistry)

Okay, I’ll admit, due to a typo Joanne Rodriguez wrestled in place of John Pathlow in the opening match



Match #1: The Force © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title






Sometimes I wonder why I don’t run storyline matches in the dark. Who’d know? Well, anyone watching, that’s who. And that’s why I write the diary. Andre Jones rematch had Darryl Devine cheering on his partner from ringside. When I say cheering on, he was constantly goading The Force, proving such a distraction that Andre Jones had to come over to him and tell him to shut up. Devine jumped to the ring apron to argue with Jones when The Force rushed into Jones, slamming Devine from the apron and delivering a Full Force to the former champion to take the victory.


The Force © defeated Andre Jones to retain the USPW Television Title in 5.38 (D+)



Jones and Devine argued after the match, with Seduction trying to keep them apart. The Force couldn’t help but to take a mic and inquire if there was a problem, which cause Devine to rush towards The Force, with his partner closely behind. As he arrived at The Force the Television Title held up his hand, and it seemed to have a mesmeric affect on Devine, causing him to stop in his tracks. Which caused Jones to slam into him from behind. The Force just laughed, telling Team Sublime that their future in slapstick comedy was assured (D+)


Backstage and Bruce the Giant was shown congratulating Sam Strong on his win at Apple Pie and Baseball. Sam thanked his friend, telling him that was his last PPV – he was going to enjoy his retirement now. However, tonight he had one more match, teaming with his daughter, and he was going to enjoy the historic occasion (B+)



Match #2: April Appleseed vs Joanne Rodriguez




Well, at least I wasn’t expecting too much from this show. We got a clip of J-Ro’s make-up job from Apple Pie and Baseball, and it was April Appleseed who go to feel her vengeful wrath.


Joanne Rodriguez defeated April Appleseed in 3.46 (D-)



Jack Griffith cut a quick backstage interview holding the National Title, and declaring that he truly was a player in USPW now. He said that he had lost everything once – but he promised to never relinquish his title (C+)


Belle Bryden and Steven Parker were shown backstage, with both eager for the Main Event – Parker promising that this was the night that he was made (D+)



Match #3: Findlay vs Tyson Baine




Not the cakewalk that Baine normally receives in televised singles action, Findlay’s size proved difficult for Baine. Findlay even managed to slam Baine and get a one count, but the beast quickly recovered and was spurred on to win with a Hades Bomb.


Tyson Baine defeated Findlay in 5.17 (C-)



Sam Strong entered Alicia Stong’s dressing room, and told his daughter that he couldn’t make him more proud than he would be in the Main Event – teaming with his champion daughter. Alicia kissed Sam, telling him that she wouldn’t have done any of this with him, and declared her love for him. Cue hug (B)


Bruce the Giant was shown getting a massage on his knee, when T-Rex walked in sneering at the World Champion. Rex grunted that an injured champion was a champion waiting to be taken down – it was only a matter of time (B)



Match #4: Enygma and Nicky Champion vs The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


It was announced during this match that Bruce the Giant would be taking on Mick Muscles next week after the Towers of Power pre-match attack at Apple Pie and Wrestling, but he would not go into the match on winning form. Enygma and Champion both tasted PPV defeats but got back on the right foot here, Enygma doing most of the damage before Champion sealed the match with a Hawkeye Hammer on Danny Rushmore.


Enygma and Nicky Champion defeated The Towers of Power in 8.47 ©



We cut to the foyer of the venue, where Travis Century had decided to take up preaching his word to anyone who would listen. Which was no-one. This seemed to annoy Century who went for the new option of sending the Dark Disciple in to force people to listen. Fortunately Art Reed and Chris Caulfield were around to run off Dark Truth, and even stuck around for some autograph signing afterwards (C-)


Darryl Devine came out (without Seduction or Andre Jones) to demand that he was given a Television Title shot next week. He was answered by James Justice who told the youngster that he was showing the worst of the sins – greed. He was already champion, and every time he went after another title he not only deprived someone else of a title shot, but he also deprived someone of a shot at his title. Devine didn’t seem to get the logic, leaving Justice to tell Devine he’d have to deliver the message in a way Devine would understand – in the ring (C+)



Match #5: James Justice vs Darryl Devine




I’ll admit, I was hoping for a match a little better than this – this show is definitely going down in the “not that special” category. Unless you want to see Sam Strong’s last match. Which was not happening here, where instead we got a relatively even match. Until The Force’s music played, and although the Television Title holder didn’t come out the distraction was enough for Justice to deliver a Liberation Slam.


James Justice defeated Darryl Devine in 8.33 ©



Sam Strong was shown going to the ring for his final match, and received handshakes from Bruce the Giant and Enygma, before he gave hugs to Nicky Champion and his daughter (B)



Match #6: Sam Strong and Alicia Strong vs Steven Parker and Belle Bryden


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SamStrong_alt-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/StevenParker.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BelleBryden.jpg


And we have… a decent match! Okay, so there were actually three extremely talented wrestlers in the ring, and Sam Strong, who while he may not be able to carry someone to a good match, he was never going to drag the match quality down. We gave Steven Parker and Belle Bryden offence, but quite frankly we didn’t even consider testing the Creative Control clauses – we just let Sam pin Parker after a Strong Arm tactic.


Sam Strong and Alicia Strong defeated Steven Parker and Belle Bryden in 10.12 (C+)



Alicia left the ring to leave her father in there alone, taking the applause of the crowd with a tear in his eye (B+)



Overall Rating C+



Three full marks with BHK1978, Dragonmack and debutant Rayelek scoring 6/6. Rayelek did make the prediction that I agreed with that James Justice vs Darryl Devine would steal the show... but it strangely didn't. Oh well.



Okay, we got to C+. Didn’t think I was going to do that. Never underestimate Sam Strong’s ability to get other people to make him look good. Especially in a final match.


CGC go National. Looks like the DeColts may be staying at home.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

The People’s Team and Savage Fury vs Team Sublime and Kicks From Hell

Raven Robinson vs Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon

Art Reed vs T-Rex

James Justice vs Travis Century

Bruce the Giant © vs Mick Muscles in a non-title match

Sam Strong retirement celebration

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The Force just laughed, telling Team Sublime that their future in slapstick comedy was assured


I am surprised that Jim actually spoke coherent enough to get that point across.


The People’s Team and Savage Fury vs Team Sublime and Kicks From Hell


I really hate picking the Savage Jobbers for the win. That being said their team has the best shot.


Raven Robinson vs Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon


Art Reed vs T-Rex


James Justice vs Travis Century



Bruce the Giant © vs Mick Muscles in a non-title match

Sam Strong retirement celebration

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the South East



Pre-Show: The Force and Alicia Strong drew with Jack Griffith and Joanne Rodriguez ©, Enygma and Nicky Champion defeated Giant Redwood and Steven Parker (D+)



Match #1: Art Reed vs T-Rex




The commentary team spent plenty of time hyping Sam Strong’s retirement ceremony later, but also found time to comment on this match. Art Reed did all the work, but despite looking impressive could not find a way past Rex’s share size a power, and was pinned after an Extinction.


T-Rex defeated Art Reed in 7.23 ©



Micky Starr excused himself from commentary and headed backstage to where Sam Strong was havig a pre-ceremony celebration, with Alicia Strong, Bruce the Giant, Nicky Champion and Enygma. There was a relaxed atmosphere, with the old timers retelling tales of their youth, with beers all round. Well, apart from Alicia, who was on Cola. Yep, I know Bruce was in a match later, but that wasn’t stopping him downing a few tinnies (B-)



Match #2: The People’s Team and Savage Fury vs Team Sublime and Kicks From Hell


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/HellMonkey_alt2-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


Danny Jillefski started commentary on this match on his own, until Jumbo Jackson joined him on commentary as The Towers of Power slowly strolled there way down to the ring. Inside the ring we had decent action, but the face team were weary of the presence of the Sneer Corporation ringside – a justified feeling when the Towers of Power started laying into Freddie Datsun and Des Davids. Java went to assist, leaving Tribal Warrior to take a pin from Andre Jones.


Team Sublime and Kicks From Hell defeated The People’s Team and Savage Fury in 9.03 (C-)



Jumbo Jackson joined in matters, leaving bodies devastated around him with multiple Jumbo Avalanches ©


Backstage, and an uncomfortable looking Steven Parker, dressed in a suit, knocked on a locker-room door. Amber Allen answered, and Parker inquired as to whether Belle Bryden was around. Allen pushed the door open to where Bryden was shown in as much of a state of undress as we could show on family TV, forcing Parker to quickly avert his eyes. Bryden slowly covered up, before asking Parker why they were honoured by his appearance. An embarrassed Parker said that he really enjoyed his match with her last week, and thought that they would form a really good team. Bryden inquired if he was talking about in ring, causing Parker to stammer, and say that it could go beyond that. Bryden broke out in a smile and told Parker if that was the case he could buy her dinner – she wasn’t interested in watching a Strong love-in tonight (D+)



Match #3: Raven Robinson vs Cherry Bomb vs Gorgon




Micky Starr rejoined Jillefski in the commentary booth, playing up the fact that he may have had a drink or two backstage. In ring we had a decent quality match that no-one cared about, with Raven getting the pinfall victory over Cherry Bomb after a Night Faller.


Raven Robinson defeated Cherry Bomb and Gorgon in 5.53 (D)



Travis Century was shown preaching to his Disciple about power, desire, and the ability to win at all cost, when Sam Strong interrupted. Strong said that it sounded to him as if Century planned to have help at ringside tonight – but he wanted things to go smoothly for the rest of the night. As such, he told Century he was banning the Dark Disciple from ringside, causing the ex-DaVE man to yell furiously at the boss. Strong just stood there until Century stopped, telling him that he had better head out to the ring (B-)



Match #4: James Justice vs Travis Century




This match was to make up for the possible mediocre Main Event that was to follow – and it was every bit as good as I hoped it would be. Century showed that even outside the hardcore environment that he was used to fighting in he could put on a decent brawl. It was not a success, however, with Justice rolling through a pin attempt to get the win to the delight of Melody.


James Justice defeated Travis Century in 9.53 (C+)



As Justice celebrated the Dark Disciple snatched Melody from ringside, before rushing away from the ring with her over his shoulder. When he met Chris Caulfield at the ring entrance, he decided discretion was the better part of valour and threw Melody into Caulfield’s arms and ran away in the opposite direction (D-)


We cut backstage for a random mad Tyson Baine segment – the monster was shown beating down Shoot Club, and as Captain USA tried to help them he was smashed into a wall, before Baine stormed away (D+)



Match #5: Bruce the Giant © vs Mick Muscles in a non-title match




Okay, this one ended up being a decent match as well. Still have hope in Muscles. Not sure that he’ll ever reach World Championship material again though. He did try to work over Bruce’s leg, but could only do this for short periods of time before he was forced away. Danny Rushmore tried his best to help until he was met by a Giant Headbutt, which took Rushmore out but also allowed Muscles to go for a roll-up that got a two count. From then onwards it was Bruce all the way, finally delivering a Giant Choke Slam.


Bruce the Giant © defeated Mick Muscles in 7.29 (C+)



And then it came to Sam Strong’s retirement. Danny Jillefski introduced the man who he sold USPW to, and Sam made his leaving speech, thanking everyone who had ever supported him throughout his career (B+). He brought out the roster and went around hugging them, before bringing two special people to the ring – Nicky Champion and Alicia Strong. Strong told Nicky that he had seen the youngster grow since he arrived at USPW, and he felt that Champion was someone who could follow his legacy. He turned his attention to his daughter, and told her that nothing made him more pround than seeing his own flesh and blood in the ring – and a champion no less. The three shared a group hug, before the streamers went off (B-)


Enygma then took a mic, and said that Sam deserved on last moment in the ring alone, and beckoned Alicia and Nicky out of the ring. The two headed back towards the rest of the wrestlers, who all applauded Strong as he played up to the crowd. Enygma entered the ring and shook Strong’s hand… before delivering an Enygma Variation to Strong, crashing him onto the mat. There was an audible shock as Enygma followed it up with a kick to Strong’s neck, before he bailed out of the ring as half the locker-room slid into the ring to help their fallen boss, who was motionless in the ring (B+)



Overall Rating C



A 3/5 is enough for Dragonmack to take this one. All the Art Reed love came to nothing - size defeated talent there. The fans booed...



Angles ended up hurting? Damned, mis-calculated that one – I thought the retirement ceremony would have more than made up for some lower rated angles earlier. There is a rumour going around that perhaps after Sam Strong's retirement ceremony Enygma may have turned heel. Just perhaps.


TCW rise to Global – it must be nice being able to pit Sean McFly against Tommy Cornell. And Joey Minnesota against Troy Tornado. Wolf Hawkins against Scout. And Bryan Vessey against Eddie Peak. And still being able to get away with a Main Event of Rocky Golden vs Ricky Dale Johnson. USPW are currently a very distant third.


And we have our first big release from one of the big two. Actually, it’s the first release from the big two at all, but it’s someone popular, but not too popular to sign for USPW. Negotiations have been requested…


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Captain USA vs Tyson Baine

The Force and Savage Fury vs Jack Griffith and Team Sublime

Amber Allen vs Belle Bryden

James Justice vs Dark Disciple

The People’s Team vs The Towers of Power

Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson

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Good heel turn by Enygma!


Captain USA vs Tyson Baine


Capt. Jobber is not going to win here.


The Force and Savage Fury vs Jack Griffith and Team Sublime


I like Team Sublime and The Force. I am not a fan of the Savage Jobbers and Jack. So this ends up being who do I dislike more, the Jobbers or Griffith.


Amber Allen vs Belle Bryden


James Justice vs Dark Disciple


The People’s Team vs The Towers of Power


Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson

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And back after an unfortunate delay... Enygma explains...







USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid South



Pre-Show: Findlay and Raven Robinson defeated Giant Redwood and Gorgon (D), Marc Speed defeated John Pathlow (D), Art Reed defeated Steven Parker (C, great chemistry)



We opened the show the only way we could, with highlights of Sam Strong’s retirement celebration being rudely interrupted by an Enygma Variation (B+). Alicia Strong and Nicky Champion then came out to announce that Sam was still in hospital with a damaged neck, but no-one knew if he was going to be quite the same ever gain. Alicia said that Enygma was not present today, but USPW reporter Paige Croft had gone to interview him. Champion added that he could only wonder what the masked man was going to say, as there was no excuse for his actions (D+)



Match #1: Captain USA vs Tyson Baine




A three minute domination here, with commentary reminding everyone of Baine’s unexplained attack last week. In commentary we had Steve Smith replacing Danny Jillefski, with Micky Starr saying that Jillefski was running things backstage in Sam’s absence.


Tyson Baine defeated Captain USA in 2.56 (C-)



Baine wasn’t finished, and after a second Hades Bomb The Shoot Club rushed out from the back, and although it took some effort they managed to force Baine out of the ring and away from their mentor (C-)


Backstage Jack Griffith was shown complaining to Danny Jillefski that Commissioner Doom had teamed him with Team Sublime, but Danny said that he didn’t care. Doom makes the matches, and although he can overule or make his own decisions, he’s got bigger decisions to make with the USPW World Championship to make ©



Match #2: The Force and Savage Fury vs Jack Griffith and Team Sublime


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg


Well, this is the worst match that most of these men have been in for a while. It just didn’t click at all, with Griffith giving up on his team and watching from ringside. Which caused Darryl Devine to give up on the match – but not without taking the opportunity to smash The Force in the face with his title belt.


The Force and Savage Fury defeated Jack Griffith and Team Sublime in 4.51 by DQ (D+)



We went backstage to Sam Strong’s office with Danny Jillefski in situ, who had T-Rex infront of him demanding a World Championship shot. Bruce the Giant limped in to say that he welcomed the challenge, but Jillefski said he had a better idea. He made a three way title match for United States of Pain, and he added James Justice into the match (B+)



Match #3: Amber Allen vs Belle Bryden




I always knew this show would be badly rated, but it was the Main Events I was worried about rather than the early matches. This match was “meh”, with Steven Parker supported Bryden with a grin on his face, but the win came when J-Ro interfered by throwing liquid into Allen’s eye leaving her open to a Dish of the Day.


Belle Bryden defeated Amber Allen in 6.17 (D)



Travis Century came down to the ring with Dark Disciple and demanded that the crowd respected his ways and bowed down to the worthy – his Disciple in the ring. They booed instead. When he started bringing down curses that would befall them Chris Caulfield came out to declare that he had heard enough of this – he needed to shut Century up, so had got a match set up between the two of them for United States of Pain. He also added that he would be staying ringside for the next match, to make sure all was fair (C+)



Match #4: James Justice vs Dark Disciple




Caulfield marked out Century, who resorted to arguing with the crowd, leaving his Disciple to face a Liberation Slam from Justice.


James Justice defeated Dark Disciple in 7.16 (C-)



Paige Croft was briefly shown on screen nervously getting ready for her interview with Enygma. Why did I run this segment (D-)?



Match #5: The People’s Team vs The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


I got what I expected from this match, with the two top teams in USPW putting on a decent show. After the attack last week The People’s Team were eager for revenge, and they got it – Datsun getting the pin on Danny Rushmore.


The People’s Team defeated The Towers of Power in 8.05 ©



We cut to the big interview, with Paige Croft sitting down with Enygma to ask the masked man to explain his actions. Enygma said that it all started when T-Rex injured him for a couple of weeks. Before that he was the star at USPW – the man people paid to see. He said he still should have been when he came back, but suddenly Sam Strong didn’t trust him any more. He refused to let him face T-Rex for months, despite stepping into the ring with Rex with the youngster Nicky Champion. And Enygma said that’s when it suddenly became clear – he had been replaced. Somehow Nicky Champion had become Sam Strong’s go to guy. Enygma said although this annoyed him, he came back to USPW and put his best efforts into everything, and then surely Sam would have seen his worth.


However, it didn’t happen. Sam only cared about Nicky Champion. Enygma said he was going to let it lie, until last week. At his retirement ceremony Sam Strong declared Nicky Champion as his natural successor. Enygma said that made his blood boil – a youngster who hadn’t achieved anything. A little pipsqueak who hadn’t sold a PPV on his own in his lifetime. He said he felt let down by Sam, and it came over him like a wave – he had to have revenge. Enygma said he considered apologising for the damage done – but concluded that Sam Strong had it coming to him. He was misguided, disloyal, and deserved everything coming to him (B)



Match #6: Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson




Commentary spent a large part of this match discussing Enygma’s interview, with Micky Starr saying that Enygma had let himself down, and had clearly lost the plot. In the ring we had two men on the cusp of the upper echelon at USPW – Jumbo Jackson trying to recover after his defeat to Bruce the Giant, and Nicky Champion desperate to live up to his mentor’s billing. It was a very even contest with nearfalls for both men, before Champion did manage to hit the Hawkeye Hammer for the victory.


Nicky Champion defeated Jumbo Jackson in 10.58 ©



Nicky Champion took a microphone after the match and demanded that they show Enygma up on the screen. The picture flickered on and showed Paige Croft, and Champion demanded that she bring Enygma back. She cowered as the masked man strood into the room, before turning round to Croft and demanding she left immediately. Champion called Enygma’s attention, and told him that he attacked the wrong man. It wasn’t Sam’s fault that someone stepped into Enygma’s shoes while he was out injured. Champion said it was down to the person who made the move up – him. Enygma closed his eyes, before declaring that he accepted there was more than one man who did not show the proper respect – but he could dish out punishment to each and every man who deserved it. Nicky Champion smiled, and said if that was the case then he wouldn’t mind facing him at United States of Pain in two weeks. Enygma smiled, saying that he had one condition. He wanted to beat Nicky Champion so badly that the match would have no rules – anything was legal, and he would beat some respect into the youngster. Champion ginned back and declared that Enygma had a deal – after all, he wanted to deliver Enygma the beating of his life just as much. Champion threw the mic down and it was tense stareoff time to end the show (B)



Overall Rating C+



TakerNGN74 gets the clean sweep. Well, it's not as if BHK was going to win when Savage Fury picked up the DQ victory, was it? He and Dragonmack was also felled by faith in The Towers of Power, leaving the run clear for 'Taker.



So, that was better than last week’s show? Okay then. Had to run it twice thanks to my computer – first time the Strong / Champion opening segment was a C+ success, the second time a D+ bomb… that I thought was going to affect the rest of the show. Or not, as it seems.


My big potential signing? Elmo Benson. Unfortunately, CGC also offered him a contract, and with them now at National, I just couldn’t compete. Benson is replaced at TCW by ex-partner Groucho Bling, who moves over from SWF, and they also sign up Johnny Bloodstone.


Yeah, TCW have quite the roster.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

The Force © vs John Pathlow for the USPW Television Title

The People’s Team, Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs The Towers of Power, Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez

Art Reed vs Steven Parker for the Number One Contendership to the USPW National Title

Nicky Champion vs Travis Century

Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Titans

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The Force (c) vs John Pathlow for the USPW Television Title


The People’s Team, Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs The Towers of Power, Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez


Art Reed vs Steven Parker for the Number One Contendership to the USPW National Title


Nicky Champion vs Travis Century


Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Titans

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The Force © vs John Pathlow for the USPW Television Title


He has merchandise he has to sell!


The People’s Team, Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs The Towers of Power, Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez


Art Reed vs Steven Parker for the Number One Contendership to the USPW National Title


Nicky Champion vs Travis Century


Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Titans

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The Force © vs John Pathlow for the USPW Television Title


The People’s Team, Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs The Towers of Power, Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez


Art Reed vs Steven Parker for the Number One Contendership to the USPW National Title


Nicky Champion vs Travis Century


Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Titans

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid West



Pre-Show: The Dark Disciple defeated Captain USA (E+), Cherry Bomb defeated April Appleseed (D+), Andre Jones defeated Findlay (D)



We opened the show with a graphic hyping the Main Event between Bruce the Giant and James Justice against The Titans, with Steve Smith adding the Enygma was expected in the building tonight (B+)



Match #1: The Force © vs John Pathlow for the USPW Television Title





Probably John Pathlow’s worse match of his USPW. I asked him to try and make Jim look good… a goal he didn’t exactly achieve. Clean pin after a Full Force.


The Force © defeated Jon Pathlow to retain the USPW Television Title (D)



Alicia Strong seemed nervous before her match, her first in-ring action since her father got injured. Nicky told her to go out and make Sam proud – he would be watching from hospital, meanwhile he would make sure Enygma was not around to make an impact ©



Match #2: The People’s Team, Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs The Towers of Power, Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Gorgon.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg


Decent match with two tag matches that had been seen several times combined to provide an unseen match up. And it was even, until Jumbo Jackson started attacking The People’s Team outside the ring… however in the ring the women were still going at it with one another. Joanne Rodriguez was on the back foot and went to tag Gorgon in, but found fresh air as Amber Allen pulled Gorgon off the ring apron. With no respite, the Women’s Champion was able to put away J-Ro with a Strong Arm Tactic, which gained cheers from the crowd.


The People’s Team, Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson defeated The Towers of Power, Gorgon and Joanne Rodriguez in 7.47 (C-)



Jumbo Jackson launched Des Davids into the crowd before hitting a Jumbo Avalanche, leaving the commentators to wonder why Nicky Champion hadn’t been out (C+)


… a puzzle that was quickly answered as the cameras panned backstage and showed Enygma and Nicky Champion being held apart by all manner of security and road agents. Danny Jillefski came over to calm things down, telling Nicky Champion to let Enygma head to the ring and let the crowd judge him (B-)


And so Enygma did head out towards the rings… receiving a cacophony of boos from the crowd. Enygma told the crowd that they were fickle – just a few months ago they were cheering him, and he was the top man at USPW. Then Sam Strong decided to cut him out, and he had everything coming to him. Enygma declared that Sam should have never stepped foot back in the ring, and if he hadn’t he would have never been injured. Enygma concluded that at the end of the day, it was Sam Strong’s fault that he was sitting in hospital.


Micky Starr obviously had enough of what Enygma was selling and ripped off his headset and slid into the ring. Starr told Enygma that he was deluded – he hadn’t been shelved, or sidelined. Sam Strong was doing no wrong by wrestling. Starr said that the attention was simply momentarily away from the Enygma, and he couldn’t cope. He was shown up as an egotistical spoilt superstar, who couldn’t let anyone else have the limelight. And he took the limelight back by attacking his dear friend, the man responsible for USPW as it is today – the man responsible for brining Enygma to USPW. Enygma declared that perhaps it was time for old boys club who was running USPW to move over, and out of nowhere hit an Enygma Cutter. Nicky Champion was instantly out from the back causing Enygma to bail out through the crowd as Champion checked on Starr (C+)



Match #3: Art Reed vs Steven Parker for the Number One Contendership to the USPW National Title




Jack Griffith replaced the injured Micky Starr for the match that would determine the contender to his National Title at United States of Pain. He was fairly dismissive of both men at first, but had to gradually admit that both men were talented as they put on a great show (due to me exploiting the great chemistry I discovered in the dark last week). Parker went for the Future Shock… which is as yet unseen as he’s still to win, but Reed slipped on the Dread Lock, and Parker had no choice but to tap.


Art Reed defeated Steven Parker in 7.39 (C+)



We cut backstage to see Tyson Baine looming over Al Coleman, asking him why he dared attack him last week. Coleman stood up to the large man to say it was because they were attacked the week before, that just earned a smashing right arm to the side of the head. As he staggered away Marc Speed charged over and went toe to toe with Baine… but slowly had to back up and was eventually pulled away with Coleman by Captain USA (C-)


Darryl Devine and The Force were shown in Commissioner Doom’s office, signing up for a Television Title match at United States of Pain. Doom smiled, and suggested that Devine told his partner that he had a match. Devine grinned smugly, and said he’d do just that, and didn’t have to go far to meet up with Andre Jones and Seduction. As he proudly announced his title shot Jones rolled his eyes in despair, and Seduction screamed in frustration. A confused Devine couldn’t understand what was going on until Seduction told him Doom had already signed them up to a Tag Title defence against Savage Fury on the PPV – and he had just signed himself up for a second match. Seduction demanded that Devine get the match cancelled, or else (C-)



Match #4: Nicky Champion vs Travis Century




No-one gets the Jesus push from me. Well, maybe Gorgon did a little, but apart from that just about every signing has had to show their worth in their first few matches. With Alicia Strong and Chris Caulfield now installed in the commentary booth the two put on a good brawl, with Century getting a few near-falls. The more experienced man eventually tired, and Champion only failed with a pin attempt after the Dark Disciple pulled Champion off his partner. That led to Champion unleashing on Disciple before turning his attention on Century and hitting a Hawkeye Hammer… when Enygma hit the ring clattering him round the head with a chair.


Nicky Champion defeated Travis Century in 9.37 by DQ ©



Alicia Strong and Chris Caulfield quickly rushed to the ring, and Savage Fury also joined them to give them something to do tonight. Enygma backed off Champion as Alicia Strong demanded that the masked man leave. He simply chuckled and pointed at a sign for United States of Pain, reminding Strong that he would get Champion in the ring in due course – and there would be no rules when it happened (C-)


Bruce the Giant and James Justice cut a promo for the Main Event, both promising to concentrate on The Titans rather that focus on their title match with T-Rex in two weeks (B+)



Match #5: Bruce the Giant and James Justice vs The Titans


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Liberty.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TysonBaine.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg


Slugfest with a lack of selling? Yep, you’ve got it – but this is the kind of action that the USPW audience lap up. The contest swung when Shoot Club came to ringside, and while T-Rex ran off Al Coleman Marc Speed was able to drop Baine’s head on the ropes without being seen by the ref. From then he fell straight into Bruce the Giant’s hands, who hit the Giant Choke Slam for the victory.


Bruce the Giant and James Justice defeated The Titans in 10.18 (C+)



After the match Baine stared daggers into Marc Speed, who refused to back down (C+)



Overall Rating C+



Dragonmack and TakerNGN74 both deliver the clean sweep, backing the faces all the way. Huh. Didn't realise that when I booked the show.



Another decent show, with Enygma / Champion rolling on, and Marc Speed finally getting a little push. But how long will it last?


Gorgon signs for another 9 months. I could have considered cutting her, but her demands were low, and the experiment was not a complete disaster.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

The People’s Team and Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power

Amber Allen vs Gorgon

Findlay and Cameron Vessey vs Dark Truth

Al Coleman vs Tyson Baine

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs T-Rex and Jack Griffith

James Justice vs Enygma

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The People’s Team and Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power


Amber Allen vs Gorgon


Findlay and Cameron Vessey vs Dark Truth


Al Coleman vs Tyson Baine


Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs T-Rex and Jack Griffith


James Justice vs Enygma


I really like what you are doing with Enygma.

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Tri-State



Pre-Show: The Force and Some Dude With A Mask defeated Kicks From Hell (C-), Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson and Savage Fury defeated Giant Redwood, Steven Parker, Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb ©



Match #1: The People’s Team and Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


We had a match announcement for United States of Pain during this match, where Jumbo Jackson will be taking on Freddie Datsun. In a much bigger match though is Nicky Champion, so while Jackson and Datsun were going at it outside the ring he delivered the Hawkeye Hammer to Rushmore for the victory.


The People’s Team and Nicky Champion defeated Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power in 8.28 ©



We cut backstage to Darryl Devine asking Commissioner Doom for his Television Title shot to be delayed until next week, allowing him to concentrate on defending that Tag Team Titles and United States of Pain. Doom just laughed, telling Devine that he got himself into this mess, and he wasn’t going to do anything to help him out of it. However – he can choose which way around the matches are on PPV – one will open the show, one will sit in the middle of the card (D+)


We ran a little hype video for James Justice vs Enygma, as that should be a PPV quality match headlining tonight (B+)



Match #2: Al Coleman vs Tyson Baine




It’s another match announcement – Marc Speed vs Tyson Pain at United Stated of Pain. Speed was out in support of Coleman who did well to apply the Ankle Brace on the former World Champion. Baine easily reached the ropes but Coleman refused to release, and the match ended by DQ.


Tyson Baine defeated Al Coleman by DQ in 3.52 (D+)



Baine eventually kicked Coleman away but Marc Speed was instantly on top of him, putting him into a Boston Crab. The ref did manage to pull Speed off, forcing Baine to roll out of the ring, for once on the back foot ©


Backstage and Bruce the Giant hyped up his title defence at United States of Pain when T-Rex was over with Jack Griffith to… grunt. And stare (B)


We cut over to Belle Bryden and Steven Parker, who had sort out Women’s Champion Alicia Stong. Bryden challenged Strong to a title match, but she refused to just band around title shots – that was for representatives of her father to sort out. Parker suggested a bit a mixed tag action just a Jillefski was passing, and he seemed to like the suggestion. He asked Strong if she could find a partner, and she promised she could (C-)



Match #3: Findlay and Cameron Vessey vs Dark Truth


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FindlayOFarraday.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/CameronVessey.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg


We did mention MAW in this match, with Vessey over on loan (Jared Johnson has gone in the opposite direction). However, we let the Dark Disciple dominate, and he delivered the Dark Driver to Vessey for the quick (and uninspiring) victory.


Dark Truth defeated Findlay and Cameron Vessey in 4.11 (D-)



Darryl Devine was shown with his partner Andre Jones and manager Seduction in deep discussion… or perhaps it was more of an argument. In the end Seduction seemed to have the final say, and Andre Jones announced that they would be defending their Tag Team Titles to open up United States of Pain, a decision Devine didn’t seem to happy about (C-)



Match #4: Amber Allen vs Gorgon




J-Ro joined commentary on this one as we heard that she would be facing Allen at United States of Pain. Yeah, I need to announce my matches a bit earlier in future. She seemed pleased to be able to witness Gorgon weakening Amber Allen before then, but was shocked to see Allen pull out the victory with a school girl roll-up.


Amber Allen defeated Gorgon in 5.42 (D+)



We cut to Alicia Strong who had found her partner for United States of Pain – Des Davids. Not a lot more to say there ©



Match #5: Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs T-Rex and Jack Griffith


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg


A top quality match-up here, although T-Rex was built up to be the most dangerous man in the ring. And when the Dark Disciple got into a fight with Caulfield with Century watching on Rex was free to apply to Jurassic Crush on Art Reed. He valiantly resisted, but as he as taunted by Griffith he was eventually forced to tap.


T-Rex and Jack Griffith defeated Chris Caulfield and Art Reed in 10.25 (C+)



Caulfield delivered a Danger Drop to the Dark Disciple before taking a mic and demanding that Travis Century come and face him. Century took a mic and refused, telling Caulfield it was only three days until they would meet in the ring, and he would do all his talking then ©


Danny Jillefski was shown talking to Nicky Champion, telling the youngster to prove he was the better man by leaving Enygma alone in the Main Event – this was a great match-up that everyone wanted to see go down fairly ©



Match #6: James Justice vs Enygma




Holy great match alert. A match that is almost wasted on free television saw our two wrestlers with the best mix of overness and talent go one on one in the longest match in USPW for several months. Nearfalls aplenty, the match took a turn when T-Rex grabbed Melody from ringside and dragged her backstage. James Justice went after her, but upon hearing the ref’s count had to make a decision, and decided to head back into the ring. Even then he looked distracted, and when Rex and Melody flashed up on the video screen Enygma was able to hit the Enygma Cutter and apply the Enygma Variation, causing Justice to quickly tap.


Enygma defeated James Justice in 16.58 (B)



Justice rolled out of the ring a staggered backstage, where he was met by a clothesline by T-Rex. Bruce the Giant waddled over to join in, but as that brawl went on we switched attention back into the ring where Nicky Champion had sneaked through the ring to hit a Hawkeye Hammer on Enygma. And end of show (B+)



Overall Rating C+



Easily my best match ever – although really, there was no excuse for it not to have been. A few more matches in USPW would go down well...


Al Coleman signs a new contract – he still works for CZCW where he holds the Tag Team Titles with Marc Speed.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27408" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wow I got a perfect score 2 shows in a row thats fricken crazy as I am ususally not good in making predictions. Sorry I missed the last show keep up the great work!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> No problems and well done - now here's a monster of a card to see if you can keep your 100% record going.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27408" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center"><p>Announced for</p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:24px">USPW United States of Pain:</span></strong></p><p> <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_UnitedStates.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Tag.jpg</span></p><p> <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg</span> & <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg</span> & <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:Blue"><strong>Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury</strong></span> for the <strong><span style="color:DarkOrchid">USPW Tag Team Titles</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The first of two matches for Darryl Devine, having also signed himself up for a Television Title shot later in the show. Andre Jones made it perfectly clear to his partner that this match was their priority, and as such will open the show. But will Devine really be 100% into this match, and if not will Savage Fury be able to take the Tag Team Titles for the fifth time?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="color:blue">Chris Caulfield vs Travis Century</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Since Travis Century debuted at USPW he has had his former DaVE college, Chris Caulfield, in his site, declaring him as an unbeliever. Quite what Century believes in is unclear, but wherever he goes his Dark Disciple follows, and Caulfield will have to have eyes in the back of his head to win this one.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_National.jpg</span><p> <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:Blue"><strong>Jack Griffith © vs Art Reed</strong></span> for the <span style="color:darkorchid"><strong>USPW National Title</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Art Reed has impressed with his in ring skills since arriving at USPW, and recently won a shot at Jack Griffith’s USPW National Title. Having just won the title Griffith will be in no mood to relinquish it so quickly, but Reed’s natural talent gives him the chance for the upset victory.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TysonBaine.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <strong>Marc Speed vs Tyson Baine</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Tyson Baine has been on a rampage the last couple of weeks, but after attacking Shoot Club Marc Speed showed that he was not one to be messed with. The youngster has stood up to Baine at every opportunity, and doesn’t seem the slightest bit phased at having to take on his monstrous opponent.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AmberAllen-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Joanne Rodriguez saw the women’s locker-room turn against her last month, and she considers Amber Allen the ringleader. The two have clashed on various occasions but will at last meet one on one in the ring, to finally sort out the issues between them.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpg</span> & <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BelleBryden.jpg</span> & <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/StevenParker.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Alicia Strong and Des Davids vs Belle Bryden and Steven Parker</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Women’s Champion Alicia Strong has been distracted since her father’s hospitalisation at the hands on Enygma, but has met the challenge from Belle Bryden and Steven Parker. She found her partner in the shape of Des Davids, and will be eager to not let a contender to her title take any advantage over her.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_TV.jpg</span><p> <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>The Force © vs Darryl Devine</strong></span> for the <span style="color:darkorchid"><strong>USPW Television Title</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Darryl Devine’s second match of the night, and the outcome could be decided by whether he’s in any position to compete in this match. However, Devine will be eager to deliver his best showing, after mocking The Force on many occasions, and hardly believing that he was capable of taking the Television Title off Andre Jones.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Freddie Datsun vs Jumbo Jackson</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Jumbo Jackson seems to have had a personal vendetta The People’s Team recently, with Freddie Datsun having had enough and happy to accept Jackson’s challenge for a one on one match. But will the veteran be able to overcome his larger adversary?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Nicky Champion vs Enygma</strong></span> in a <strong>Street Fight</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> When Enygma attacked Sam Strong at his retirement show everyone was shocked - but the shocks continued when Enygma blamed his attack on the youngster Nicky Champion. Since then it's be hard to keep the two men apart, and both are looking forward to a match with no rules, where a winner must be declared.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_World.jpg</span><p> <span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Liberty.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Bruce the Giant © vs James Justice vs T-Rex</strong></span> for the <span style="color:darkorchid"><strong>USPW World Championship</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Bruce the Giant meets two former World Champions in his World Title defence, and he will have to fight against the odds if he wants to walk out of this match with his title. T-Rex has been gunning for both competitors, and even James Justice's valet Melody on American Wrestling, while Justice will be eager to get revenge for that attack, but also regain the title his lost over a year and a half ago.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Quick Picks:</strong></p><p> Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the <span style="color:DarkOrchid">USPW Tag Team Titles</span></p><p> Chris Caulfield vs Travis Century</p><p> Jack Griffith © vs Art Reed for the <span style="color:darkorchid">USPW National Title</span></p><p> Marc Speed vs Tyson Baine</p><p> Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez</p><p> Alicia Strong and Des Davids vs Belle Bryden and Steven Parker</p><p> The Force © vs Darryl Devine for the <span style="color:darkorchid">USPW Television Title</span></p><p> Freddie Datsun vs Jumbo Jackson</p><p> Nicky Champion vs Enygma in a Street Fight</p><p> Bruce the Giant © vs James Justice vs T-Rex for the <span style="color:darkorchid">USPW World Championship</span></p>
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Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles


Screw you Savage Jobbers and the horses that you rode in on!


Chris Caulfield vs Travis Century


Believe it or not I could see Travis get the win here. However, Chris is one of the most over people on the roster so...


Jack Griffith © vs Art Reed for the USPW National Title


Jack needs to go to an AA meeting, so it is time for him to drop the belt.


Marc Speed vs Tyson Baine


I would love to see Marc win, but I know that it will not happen.


Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez



Alicia Strong and Des Davids vs Belle Bryden and Steven Parker


Tough call but I really think Wanda and Steven are the better team.


The Force © vs Darryl Devine for the USPW Television Title


The Force has faced off against rabid Yetis in the mountains of Valhalla. If he can't beat Darryl he should be ashamed of himself.


Freddie Datsun vs Jumbo Jackson



Nicky Champion vs Enygma in a Street Fight



Bruce the Giant © vs James Justice vs T-Rex for the USPW World Championship


I could see James getting the win here, but I still think Bruce is the best way to go.

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USPW United States of Pain

Live from the South East on PPV



Pre-Show: The Towers of Power defeated Findlay and Cameron Vessey (C-), Gorgon defeated April Appleseed and Paige Croft (D)



Hype video for our Main Event, as two giants of USPW are joined in the ring by James Justice to fight over the USPW World Championship (B+)



Match #1: Team Sublime © vs Savage Fury for the USPW Tag Team Titles



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpg


The commentary team reminded everyone that this was the first of two Darryl Devine matches, although probably the most important one as here he was defending the Tag Titles. Devine kept tagging himself out of the ring quickly, frustrating Jones who was not happy carrying out the majority of the work for the team. Devine had to carry the workload though after Tribal Warrior smashed Jones with a headbutt, and the champion was lucky to be able to stagger into his corner and make the tag. However, he was out of the match from that point on, leaving Devine to face two relatively fresh opponents. They smashed Devine around until Java delivered a Greetings From The Island, before making the pin to become five time Tag Team Champions!


Savage Fury defeated Team Sublime © in 9.06 to win the USPW Tag Team Titles ©



The Tag Title change did obviously not go too smoothly, with Jones angry with his partner, who in turn made the point that he had been left to fend for himself in the match (D+)


We cut to a Bruce the Giant interview, who said that he had nothing to fear from the Main Event. In fact, over the last year T-Rex and James Justice have been constantly feuding, and Bruce just hoped that they’d remember him, otherwise he’d give them something to remember him by (B+)



Match #2: Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez




Really must try and get my Women’s Division over. A great match that just wasn’t appreciated makes me glad that AAA and 5SSW can’t deliver the same pay checks as I can. Amber Allen was given plenty of offence but J-Ro’s class showed through, hitting a J-Rocker for the win.


Joanne Rodriguez defeated Amber Allen in 6.57 (D+)



We cut to a pre-recorded segment which showed Alicia Strong and Nicky Champion visiting Sam Strong in the hospital (still with make-up showing the damage Enygma delivered three weeks ago). Strong asks Champion to look after Alicia and be wary of trusting Enygma – but to do him proud in the ring (C+)



Match #3: Jack Griffith © vs Art Reed for the USPW National Title





I booked this as an open match. Which is just as well, as it’s my best match ever that hasn’t involved one of my Main Eventers (and was also neutral chemistry). The crowd took a while to get into it, but they were slowly taken in by the great action and reversals. Griffith was constantly scrambling to the ropes to break up submission attempts, and that wasn’t the only way that the ropes helped him out. After failing at hitting a Jack in the Box he hit his version of the Go To Sleep, before making the pin with his feet on the ropes to pick up the victory.


Jack Griffith defeated Art Reed in 9.45 to retain the USPW National Title (B-)



Travis Century came out flanked by Dark Disciple for his match, with the obligatory sermon to the crowd. As soon as they started booing Century declared that the crowd had been misguided by Caulfield, and were blinded by the fact the following him was the true path to greatness. He said that today he came out with one follower – but he would come out with more and more followers until everyone understood that the Truth was the Dark Truth. Which brought of Caulfield to declare that the only truth was that he was going to beat him every which way around the building tonight ©



Match #4: Chris Caulfield vs Travis Century




If anyone was expecting a ref bump in this match… they got it. That allowed a two on one to develop, with Dark Disciple setting up a table at ringside. He tried to deliver a Dark Driver through the table, but Caulfield reversed and instead Danger Dropped the Disciple through the table. He continued his momentum against Travis Century before hitting another Danger Drop, and the ref made the recovery to count the pin.


Chris Caulfield defeated Travis Century in 8.26 (C-)



Enygma cut an interview on Nicky Champion, laughing at the segment recorded at the hospital. Enygma said that Champion was almost as bad a Sam Strong – he had to try and take some of the sympathy from the boss by joining him at hospital. Enygma said that any fan who bought that was a fool – but perhaps after he was done tonight Champion would deserve some sympathy after all (B+)



Match #5: Marc Speed vs Tyson Baine




Tyson Baine seemed on a mission to destroy the impudent Marc Speed, smashing the youngster around the ring. Speed seemed willing to take the beating, while all the while looking to get an opening at Baine’s legs. When he first swooped in he was met with a huge kick to the face, and Baine got a nearfall. Second time Speed locked in the Deadly Heel Hook, making the monster roar in pain. He pulled himself towards the ropes, but Al Coleman distracted the ref just as Baine got to the ropes. Speed pulled Baine back and the ref didn’t make him break, leaving Baine no choice but to tap.


Marc Speed defeated Tyson Baine in 7.33 ©



Al Coleman joined Marc Speed in the ring to celebrate, that didn’t prove the best idea as Tyson Baine proved that he could still deliver a one-legged double clothesline. At that point Shoot Club decided discretion was the better part of valour (C-)


Backstage and Melody was shown admonishing James Justice for letting T-Rex drag her away on American Wrestling, without having any idea what he would do to her. James Justice was apologetic, but Melody was insistent that he told her if he would do the same. Justice announced that he wouldn’t – their relationship was too important for that. Melody smiled and kissed Justice, telling him that a nice World Championship belt would really top off his look (B)


Nicky Champion wished Alicia Strong and Des Davids good luck for their match, telling them to do it for Sam (C+)



Match #6: Alicia Strong and Des Davids vs Belle Bryden and Steven Parker


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BelleBryden.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/StevenParker.jpg


An open match, especially when the women were fighting, strengthening Belle Bryden’s claims for a title shot. The deciding factor in this match was Des Davids strength, in the end hitting the Quarterback Sack on Parker for the victory.


Alicia Strong and Des Davids defeated Belle Bryden and Steven Parker in 10.54 ©



Darryl Devine was shown being given encouragement by Seduction for his Television Title match, with Andre Jones nowhere to be seen, when The Force came over to have his say. He pretended to not recognise Devine without any gold, which made the youngster promise to get gold off the outdated freak ©



Match #7: The Force © vs Darryl Devine for the USPW Television Title





Classic strength versus quickness… apart from strength normally plays the heel role. Okay, scrap that. The Force was focussed and patient, while Devine went high risk often in an attempt to end the match as soon as possible. Andre Jones made his way ringside, and stayed despite Devine telling his to go to the back. It almost proved costly with The Force rolling Devine up, but he was just able to kick out. Devine was just able to avoid a charge into the corner and then delivered a hurricarana to the Champion, before finishing him off with a Devine Dream Drop to win the title!


Darryl Devine defeated The Force © in 9.03 to win the USPW Television Title ©



Devine sunk to his knees as he was given the title, but Andre Jones just turned away from the ring without acknowledging his partner (D+)


Tyson Baine was shown backstage with T-Rex, still angry from his defeat earlier. Baine told T-Rex to challenge his anger. And destroy anyone in his way, and he would become champion. Rex smiled, and said he would destroy anything, and use anyone (B+)



Match #8: Freddie Datsun vs Jumbo Jackson




Jumbo Jackson’s feud with The People’s Team has filled a little gap when I had little for him to do, but he wasn’t going to lose his previous gained momentum with defeat here. Freddie Datsun put up a decent show for himself, but fell after a Jumbo Avalanche.


Jumbo Jackson defeated Freddie Datsun in 9.38 (C+)



Nicky Champion came out for the semi-Main Event, telling everyone that Sam Strong was getting better. However, Sam didn’t understand what had come over Enygma, and neither did he. Champion said that at the end of the day it did not matter – Enygma had shown a new side of himself, and it was up to Champion to stop him. He declared himself ready, but as Enygma’s music hit he did not see the masked man climb out from under the ring, and start the match off with a chair to the back (B)



Match #9: Nicky Champion vs Enygma in a Street Fight




Oh my goodness. Enygma manages to pull out the two best matches in USPW history in four days, and could Champion have just been in USPW’s best match ever? The two men literally brawled through the crowd, using chairs, road signs, trashcans and even cameras (we got a great shot of Champion hitting a camera lens first into Enygma’s gut). Champion also gained cheers by leaping off a set of stairs onto Engyma, and as they went back into the ring the youngster had the momentum. He tried to hit the Hawkeye Hammer without success, before going out of the ring and setting up a ladder. He made his second leap of the day, but this time Enygma rolled out of the way, leaving Champion prostrate on the mat. Enygma then used the ladder as a much less subtle weapon, smashing it into Champion, before delivering an Enygma Cutter onto the ladder for the victory.


Enygma defeated Nicky Champion in 18.18 (B)



After that… seriously, our Main Event is not going to top that. But we tried to hype it anyway (B+)



Match #10: Bruce the Giant © vs James Justice vs T-Rex for the USPW World Championship





Ten matches? That’s a record for me. James Justice provided the talent, while Bruce the Giant and T-Rex supplied the… big, menacing presence. Not a patch on the previous match, but a perfectly acceptable Main Event. T-Rex took Bruce the Giant out with an Extinction that caused the champion to roll from the ring, leaving the two challengers in the ring. James Justice took a wave of momentum and hit the Liberation Slam on Rex, which the monster somehow managed to kick out of. As the ref made sure T-Rex was alright Justice’s manager Melody slid into the ring behind her man, and deliverd a viscous kick between the legs that had him rolling around the floor. Melody left as T-Rex recovered to apply The Extinction, and as the champion climbed back into the ring Justice was forced to tap, and we have our third new champion of the night!


T-Rex defeated Bruce the Giant © and James Justice in 13.53 to win the USPW World Championship (C+)



Bruce shook his head forlornly as T-Rex grabbed his new World Title, while Melody pulled Justice up by his hair. She asked into a mic whether he really thought that she could ever forgive him for abandoning her last week? If he thinks that’s how to treat a girl no wonder he’s such a sad, washed up man. She said she had one further thing to add – Justice had put his contract negotiations in her hands, and although she had a new deal ready to go she pulled it last night. As such, Justice’s contract ran out today, and he was no longer a USPW wrestler. Melody dropped Justice back to the floor, before beckoning over T-Rex who hit The Extinction for good measure to end the show (C+)



Overall Rating B-

Buyrate 0.68



Well thanks to the semi-Main Event we have just delivered USPW’s best event ever – and after the event came confirmation that Enygma versus Nicky Champion was the best match in USPW’s history. The real surprise though was the National Title match that also entered the top 10.


So, I think I’ve got a few things to explain after that match. Firstly is Tyson Baine’s defeat. His contract is up soon and he’s an overness monster – there’s very little I can do to keep it down. Even after that defeat it’s still too high to allow me to re-sign him, and he’s also now at the position where he refuses to negotiate. I will try and re-sign him, as I can’t really afford to lose another star (more on that in a bit), but whether I can keep him or not is another matter. Especially with a National CGC looking for signings.


And talking about CGC, they offered James Justice a written contract, and there was nothing that I could do to make him stay. I really should make a non-aggression pact, or even a working agreement (DeColts in USPW?), but… that’s a cowards way out. Or a good businessman’s. I haven’t moved any events around – his departure was just nicely timed to occur after a PPV he was Main Eventing. Obviously I knew about his departure before my last TV show, which is why a burned a money match for free.


So, the Main Event. Justice was never going to win… but neither was T-Rex. Back when I thought James Justice wouldn’t re-sign I paired him with Melody to leech some overness. Furthermore, she was going to be the reason for him leaving – she would double cross him by taking control of his contract negotiations, and forcing him out of USPW. So when he did leave, I kind of stuck to the original plan. However, it dawned on me that James Justice had to be the one tapping out in the Main Event – and I didn’t want him taking the defeat from Bruce. So, plans switched and T-Rex was given his second USPW World Championship run. Bruce was the one who suffered, being the innocent party who lost his title in the middle of this all.


To add to that James Justice leaving also reversed the result in Chris Caulfield against Travis Century. Originally Century was going to get a momentum boost from a victory, but with a shrinking Main Event face contingent (Enygma and Justice out (turned and left), Champion in) I needed Caulfield around the Main Event scene.


Anything else? You’d think not. But Darryl Devine was originally planned to walk out of United States of Pain with one title, and it wasn’t the Television Title. But I made a late change of plan there, too. Original plan for show – zero title changes. Actual number of changes? Three. Some change.


And to add to all that Paige Croft almost got into a fight with Seduction before the show even started, telling her that she only had her job because of her boyfriend. Not in the mood, I only told her that she had her job because I planned a storyline for her that had been shelved, so any more of that behaviour and she wouldn’t have a job. And I may have actually hit home.


To add to a marathon of text, Tyson Baine requested his release before my next TV show. He didn’t get it.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Bruce the Giant vs Dark Disciple

April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden

Nicky Champion vs Steven Parker

Des Davids vs Enygma

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Team Sublime

T-Rex © vs Marc Speed in a non-title match


Adios for a week all - vacation time. See you next week sometime!

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Do what I do an job them all out! They want to leave screw them have them lose a squash match to the lowest person on you roster. Too bad the Hillbillys are gone.:D


Bruce the Giant vs Dark Disciple


He just lost his title and he is going to be one angry son of a gun.


April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden


I just like Wanda's render better...:o


Nicky Champion vs Steven Parker


Des Davids vs Enygma


Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Team Sublime


T-Rex © vs Marc Speed in a non-title match


Glad to see Marc getting the uber push!

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Bruce the Giant vs Dark Disciple

April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden

Nicky Champion vs Steven Parker

Des Davids vs Enygma

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Team Sublime


T-Rex © vs Marc Speed in a non-title match

With this being a non-title match I could easily see Marc winning the match in order to earn a title shot in the coming weeks. I don't think he will win the title if he gets the chance but I do think he has a good shot at winning this match.

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