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USPW: A Joker At Work

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<p><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW.jpg</span></p><p> <strong>USPW American Wrestling</strong>:</p><p> Live from the South West</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Pre-Show: Amber Allen defeated Cherry Bomb (C-, great chemistry), The People’s Team defeated Kicks From Hell (D+)</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The show opened with Melody bringing out the new World Champion T-Rex to a cacophony of boos. Rex ignored the boos, but Melody challenged them, asking the crowd if they really knew what they were booing. Last week James Justice abandoned her – left her life in danger, but that was okay? Now she’s with someone who she can count on to look after her – and a man who has delivered gold. A two time World Champion, T-Rex.</p><p> </p><p> At that point Tyson Baine came out and ripped the mic from Melody, asking her what she thought she was doing. Baine declared T-Rex as his partner, and they needed no eye candy on the arm. He started to manhandle Melody from the ring when T-Rex attacked, and the two giant exchanged blows in the ring, with Rex eventually getting the upper hand. The crowd weren’t quite sure who they were meant to be cheering <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Match #1: Bruce the Giant vs Dark Disciple</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Travis Century was motionless at ringside as he watched his Disciple start with a flurry of offence against the former World Champion, before being beaten back and quickly finished off with a Giant Chokeslam.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:Blue"><strong>Bruce the Giant defeated Dark Disciple</strong></span> in 3.35 <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Bruce the Giant took a mic and demanded a rematch with T-Rex, but Travis Century entered the ring to answer him. Century claimed that if Bruce thought he was a worthy title contender he would willingly take on any competitor to prove it. He volunteered himself, saying that he had things to teach his Disciple, and Bruce accepted the match for next week <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> Marc Speed cut a quick backstage interview, reminding everyone that he defeated Tyson Baine at United States of Pain, and he would earn a World Title shot by defeating the new champion T-Rex tonight <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> Savage Fury were showing off their new titles when Team Sublime were over to tell the “Samoans” that they only had a temporary loan of the titles – to which Java thanked Devine for the loan. Jones turned on Devine furiously, saying that even their opponents though Devine gave in too easily so he could concentrate on his Television Title shot, a claim Devine vigorously denied. While clutching his Television Title <strong>(D+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Match #2: April Appleseed vs Belle Bryden</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AprilAppleseed.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BelleBryden.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Possibly one of April Appleseed’s best matches in USPW… but also one of her last. Her contract’s up soon and she’s not being renewed. Which is why Bryden got the win over her here, delivering the Dish of the Day.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Belle Bryden defeated April Appleseed</strong></span> in 4.36 <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Bryden celebrated in the ring, before pulling Steven Parker to the ring and insisting that he declared her as the most talented women’s wrestler around, which he dutifully complied with. Nicky Champion came out to ask what that made Steven Parker – and he claimed he was one of the most talented male wrestlers in USPW, which Bryden nodded along with. Champion slid into the ring before lowering his voice, asking Parker if his girl realised that he hadn’t even won a match in his two months at USPW. Bryden looked shocked, and Parker tried to deny it, but could not tell Champion any match that he had won. So instead he promised to start his winning streak here <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Match #3: Nicky Champion vs Steven Parker</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/StevenParker.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Nicky Champion pulls out a “B” and “B-“ rated match in a week. Impressed. As usual Steven Parker didn’t let me down at all in this match, looking the talented youngster that he is. However, as usual he lost focus as the match went on, and he fell to a Hawkeye Hammer from Champion.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Nicky Champion defeated Steven Parker</strong></span> in 7.06 <strong>(B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Champion celebrated until Jumbo Jackson hit the ring a levelled him with a thunderous clothesline, before descending on Champion with continuous punches. Steven Parker went to join in a move that clearly angered Jackson, so he headbutted Parker and delivered a Jumbo Avalanche to the impudent youngster, before grinning over the destruction he had caused <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> Backstage we went and found Enygma backing Alica Strong into a corner, mocking the Women’s Champion, when Des Davids interjected himself between the two of them. Enygma rolled he eyes, telling Davids that he would swat him away in the ring <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Match #4: Des Davids vs Enygma</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Two random B- matches in one night, with Enygma matching Nicky Champion’s earlier achievement. And no, when I booked this match I didn’t realise that I had Davids pulling double duty. No that he did badly, but he couldn’t pull out the win, despite having Alicia Strong ringside to support him. He did his best to refuse to tap to the Enygma Variation, but eventually had no choice, rolling around in agony when the bell was called.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Enygma defeated Des Davids </strong></span>in 7.07<strong> (B-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Enygma pulled Alicia Strong to the ring, and pushed her violently into the corner of the ring. Strong tried to push back, when Enygma raised his hand to deliver a punch… and the lights cut out. When they were back on another masked man was behind Enygma, and he pulled him away before delivering kicks and tripping Enygma to the ground. The new masked man sprung onto the ropes and hit a Moonsault on Enygma, before the lights cut again and the new man was nowhere to be seen <strong>©</strong></p><p> </p><p> Chris Caulfield and Art Reed cut a quick pre-match interview against Team Sublime, while wondering who on earth that man was in the previous segment <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Match #5: Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Team Sublime</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg</span><strong> & </strong><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg</span><strong> & </strong><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> I actually had this one down as match of the night, which proves how much that I know. It didn’t stoop it being a decent match, which was added to by former Television Title holder The Force providing commentary that was very insulting towards Darryl Devine. The Force told viewers that Devine sandbagged his tag title defence to concentrate on his Television Title shot – and even went to say that he was not putting in the effort in this match either. Which wasn’t denied by Steve Smith as Devine quickly tapped to the Dread Lock.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>Chris Caulfield and Art Reed defeated Team Sublime</strong></span> in 12.21 <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Jones and Devine shared a little staredown after the match, with Jones shaking his head in frustration as he walked off <strong>(D+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> Backstage and T-Rex was preparing for his match, when Jack Griffith came up to him. Griffith asked where he stood with Rex, who just shoved him to one side before walking towards the ring <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><p><strong>Match #6: T-Rex © vs Marc Speed</strong><strong><strong> in a non-title match</strong></strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> </strong><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpg</span><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Ugh, I was hoping for a little more from this one – I knew they had good chemistry after all. Perhaps the fact that I tried to keep Speed looking like a threat still didn’t quite convince the crowd, and perhaps all the action ringside also played a part. Al Coleman was a constant distraction to Rex, and eventually Tyson Baine came out to drill Coleman into the ring steps. Baine then charged into T-Rex and the two started brawling again, causing a DQ.</p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:blue"><strong>T-Rex defeated Marc Speed</strong></span> in 8.24 <strong>©</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> The Titans brawled throughout the ring, just joining up once to shove Speed away, before continuing their fight. Steve Smith speculated that perhaps their alliance was at an end. Yeah, maybe <strong>(B)</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <em>Overall Rating C+</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27408" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>TakerNGN74's run of clean sweeps comes to an end, and Dragonmack gets the sweep here. I think the TV shows are just about hitting the correct level of "fairly predictable with the odd match that could go either way" thrown in.</strong></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> Okay, so the Main Event was a bit of a letdown, but Enygma and Nicky Champion were involved in the 3rd and 6th best matches in USPW history, so the show was an unmitigated success. It also showed the debut of a certain masked man with, credit going to the alt thread:</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center"><span>http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/FoxMask_black.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> Before the show Shane Sneer almost got into a fight with The Force. I told him not to be so stupid and he should know better, and put the issue to bed. You’d expect that behaviour from rookies.</p><p> </p><p> Now, I did manage to re-sign Andre Jones – despite interest from TCW that came on the day of my PPV. Hence the late decision to switch the tag titles. TCW have switched targets. To another person on USPW’s roster. It’s going to be a challenging end of year.</p><p> </p><p> Announced for <strong>USPW American Wrestling:</strong></p><p> Bruce the Giant vs Travis Century</p><p> Findlay and Raven Robinson vs Steven Parker and Belle Bryden</p><p> Darryl Devine © vs The Force for the <span style="color:DarkOrchid">USPW Television Title</span></p><p> Chris Caulfield, Nicky Champion and Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power</p><p> Freddie Datsun vs Enygma</p><p> T-Rex © vs Tyson Baine vs Marc Speed in a non-title match</p>
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<p><strong>Bruce the Giant</strong> vs Travis Century</p><p> </p><p>

Creative control might pop up here.</p><p> </p><p>

Findlay and Raven Robinson vs <strong>Steven Parker and Belle Bryden</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I keep on thinking that Steve will get the win and I hope this is when it will happen.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Darryl Devine</strong> © vs The Force for the USPW Television Title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Caulfield, Nicky Champion and Art Reed</strong> vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power</p><p> </p><p>

I just think that this is the better team.</p><p> </p><p>

Freddie Datsun vs <strong>Enygma</strong></p><p> </p><p>

T-Rex © vs <strong>Tyson Baine</strong> vs Marc Speed in a non-title match</p><p> </p><p>

This being a non-title match I could see Tyson getting the win to help further their newly started feud.</p>

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the South West



Pre-Show: Dark Disciple defeated Captain USA (E+), Des Davids and Al Coleman defeated Kicks From Hell (C-)



Match #1: Bruce the Giant vs Travis Century




A lack of selling, and a lack of any real effective offence from Travis Century, despite him throwing his all into it. He started screaming crazily during the match which had Bruce almost looking on with concern – but not enough concern to stop him hitting a Giant Chokeslam.


Bruce the Giant defeated Travis Century in 5.19 ©



After the match Bruce noted that T-Rex was seemingly distracted by his partner and Marc Speed at the moment – be he still has his title rematch. He asked when this would occur, and it was Commissioner Doom who responded. Doom told Bruce that he would get his rematch at Born in the USA – however, if T-Rex lost in the Main Event tonight, whoever defeated him would be joining them in the Main Event (B-)



Match #2: Findlay and Raven Robinson vs Steven Parker and Belle Bryden


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FindlayOFarraday.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/StevenParker.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BelleBryden.jpg


For those that paid enough attention this was a decent match – it’s just that not that many people were really interested. We finally saw Steven Parker break his duck, although it did come about through Belle Bryden pinning Raven Robinson.


Steven Parker and Belle Bryden defeated Findlay and Raven Robinson in 7.01 (D)



Parker celebrated after the match as if he’d won a title, which brought a sour look from Bryden. When Parker finally noticed he calmed down, and started pointing to his partner, finally acknowledging that the victory may not have been down to him (C-)


Jack Griffith stormed into the locker-room and over to Shoot Club, and demanded to know what Marc Speed was doing. Speed simply said that he was gunning for the biggest target possible – and that was T-Rex. Griffith told Speed that he was going to be crushed in the Main Event, and Speed acknowledged that might happen if The Titans were a team – but they aren’t (C-)


Darryl Devine was shown heading to the ring for his Television Title defence when Andre Jones told him they had their rematch for the Tag Team Titles next week – and he asked Devine to make sure that he didn’t book himself in another match (C-)



Match #3: Darryl Devine © vs The Force for the USPW Television Title





These two matches haven’t been the most inspirational, but The Force has taken a major hit in the last six months. He didn’t reclaim his title in this one, falling cleanly to a Devine Dream Drop.


Darryl Devine © defeated The Force in 6.37 to retain the USPW Television Title (D+)



After the match the Tag Team champions, Savage Fury, hit the ring to attack Darryl Devine, hitting their finishers on him. Whcih left the commentary team to wonder where Andre Jones was ©


Alicia Strong spoke to Nicky Champion, Art Reed and Chris Caulfield backstage, warning them to treat Jumbo Jackson carefully, as he was seemingly out of control. Her colleagues didn’t seem fazed, with Caulfield saying he was happy they were facing in the ring, rather than Jackson sneaking around attacking him from behind (C+)



Match #4: Nicky Champion, Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpg


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


A pretty even brawl, with the Sneer Corporation stretching the limits of the rulebook at every opportunity. Jumbo Jackson eventually speared Caulfield out of a pin attempt and unloaded a series of punches into his forehead, all while the ref attempted to pull him away. He had no success, so counted to five and DQ’d the Corporation.


Chris Caulfield, Nicky Champion and Art Reed defeated Jumbo Jackson and The Towers of Power in 9.14 by DQ (C-)



Even after the bell Jackson refused to relent, and Nicky Champion had to fight through The Towers of Power to finally pull Jackson away, with Caulfield looking dazed (B)


We got a video of last week, when a strange masked man saved Alicia Strong from Enygma… ©



Match #5: Freddie Datsun vs Enygma




Well, this will almost certainly be Match of the night as the rest of the show hasn’t sparked up too much, and the Main Event will have purists cringing. I was perfectly satisfied with this match up, which did enough to make the crowd believe that Datsun may be able to pull of an upset. He didn’t, falling to the Enygma Variation.


Enygma defeated Freddie Datsun in 8.17 (C+)



Enygma momentarily left the Variation applied, when the lights went out. When they popped up Enygma was on his feet looking around, but there was no-one to be seen. He looked around confused and the lights dipped again, and Nightfox (as we shall now call him) was shown on top of the turnbuckle, and he delivered a Foxhunter to Engyma (C+)


We showed a quick video of The Titans spectacularly falling out last week – managing to include some shots of Marc Speed as he certainly played his part (B-)



Match #6: T-Rex © vs Tyson Baine vs Marc Speed in a non-title match




Okay, this one matched the Enygma match. Which I clearly didn’t expect. A big man brawl where the only times that The Titans were on the same page was Marc Speed tried to interject himself, which was not appreciated. As such, he was the nearest to get a pinfall, but could not keep any of his giant opponents down. In the end Tyson Baine delivered a huge Hades Bomb to Speed, but as he went for the pin T-Rex launched him over the top rope. Rex then turned around and hit The Extinction on Speed, and made an easy pin.


T-Rex © defeated Tyson Baine and Marc Speed in 8.45 (C+)



Tyson Baine roared his frustration, which forced Melody to scamper into the ring and hide behind the World Champion (B-)



Overall Rating C+



I think I just saw a Main Event where Marc Speed looked comfortable. That must be what TCW sees in him. Anyway, decent show, and Sam Strong’s presence wasn’t missed as Belle Bryden pulled off a spot on impersonation of the boss before the show. It was so good we’re thinking about incorporating it into next weeks show. And yes, Steven Parker did finally get a win, which BHK 1978 successfully called.


On the signing front, Tyson Baine had offers from CGC, TCW and SWF, and has signed with SWF. He’ll leave after Born in the USA. I won’t keep that one quiet as that’ll be the biggest story in North American Wrestling at the moment. TCW also went in for Marc Speed, which I was gutted about. He’s been a favourite of mine for a while, and the moment I start his push they come in for him. He has signed a long term contract extension with me but… I tell you what my midcarders are going to look at his contract before entering negotiations with me. But I had to do anything to keep him.


In other news, April Appleseed leaves, having never been given a win, The Scotsman dies in a drug related death, and someone finally notices Hugh de Aske as he gets handed a NYCW contract.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

T-Rex © vs Tyson Baine in a non title match

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

The People’s Team vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell

The Force vs Enygma

Savage Fury © vs Team Sublime for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

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T-Rex © vs Tyson Baine in a non title match

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

The People’s Team vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell

The Force vs Enygma

Savage Fury © vs Team Sublime for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

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T-Rex © vs Tyson Baine in a non title match

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb

The People’s Team vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell

The Force vs Enygma

Savage Fury © vs Team Sublime for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from New England



Pre-Show: Shoot Club and Amber Allen drew with Dark Truth and Gorgon (C-)



Melody and T-Rex started the show with Melody exalting the performance of the World Champion last week. It was not long until the music of Tyson Baine hit, and he wasted no time in laying into the champion, starting the opening match straight away (B-)



Match #1: T-Rex © vs Tyson Baine in a non title match




So, what do you do when you need to run a match between two heels, where one doesn’t have the talent to carry the other one, and you know there’s poor chemistry between the two due to house shows? Yep, stick it as the opener. As it turns out the match still delivered (although it was heavily scripted and overbooked), with Rex surprising everyone by not taking too long to apply the Jurassic Crush. Baine refused to submit and even lost consciousness, forcing the match to be awarded to Rex.


T-Rex defeated Tyson Baine in 6.32 (C-)



Marc Speed charged out but was intercepted by Dark Truth, who proceeded to beat him down. Travis Century then turned his attention to T-Rex and Melody, insisting that they joined him on his path of cleansing and righteousness. Melody looked at T-Rex in disgust, and her client gave Century and answer… in the form of a clothesline (C-)


Jack Griffith was shown backstage shaking his head, when Jumbo Jackson and Shane Sneer sidled over to him. Sneer asked Griffith if he now knew that The Titans were over, and the National Champion nodded his head. Jackson asked where that left Griffith, he responded for tonight with Jackson. Sneer asked if that meant he was part of the Corporation now, Griffith told him to take one step at a time (C+)



Match #2: The People’s Team vs The Towers of Power vs Kicks From Hell


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/HellMonkey_alt2-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


A decent tag match with the commentary team pointing out that soon a new Number One Contender to the Tag Team Titles would have to be named. And The Towers of Power put themselves in pole position after Rushmore pinned Jared “I always get pinned” Johnson after an Atomic Boot.


The Towers of Power defeated The People’s Team and Kicks From Hell in 7.13 (C-)



We then cut to… Sam Strong’s home? It turned out that he’s out of hospital, but still banged up. On nursing duty tonight we had… Nicky Champion? It turns out he was there to make sure that Sam could watch his daughter in action (B)


Enygma was in the ring and called out the mysterious… night… foxy person with a… mask. The Force was the one who responded, who mocked Enygma, asking him why one masked man got himself so rattled? The Force speculated it was because Enygma like being Number One, and up until now he was the undisputed Number One masked man in USPW… by being the only masked man. The Force claimed this newcomer just by appearing was challenging Enygma, who was not amused. Jim can still talk (B-)



Match #3: The Force vs Enygma




Seriously? Enygma seems to have just become a wrestling machine who’s riding a huge wave of momentum. I swear him versus a Cornell or McFly or Stone could headline any PPV right now. But here we’re a little more limited, but he did make me think that there’s more life left in The Force yet. He did fall to an Enygma Cutter, in what I guarantee will be MOTN.


Enygma defeated The Force in 6.02 (B-)



Enygma spun around, waiting for Nightfox to appear, but instead all that happened was a silhouette of his mask appeared on the screen. Enygma grabbed a mic and said that the games ended – he would be waiting at Born in the USA for this masked man – and he better have the balls to face him (C+)


Match announcement time – also at Born in the USA it’s Nicky Champion vs Chris Caulfield vs Jumbo Jackson vs Tyson Baine for the Number One Contender to the USPW World Title. You’re correct – one of those three isn’t winning. Well, technically three of them aren't... (B)



Match #4: Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BelleBryden.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/CherryBomb_alt2.jpg


Alicia seemed to want to do everything in this match to impress the viewers who included her father, but she wasn’t too impressed by Bryden pulling out Sam Strong mannerisms. Alicia was even more upset when Belle Bryden picked up a huge upset win by pinning Strong after Steven Parker distracted Robinson.


Belle Bryden and Cherry Bomb defeated Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson in 6.50 (C-)



Team Sublime were given promo time for their Tag Title rematch. And spent it staring at one another, before Devine wondered if he was getting beaten up by Savage Fury his partner would bother helping him out. Jones went to respond but an exasperated Seduction interrupted and told the children to get to the ring (C-)



Match #5: Savage Fury © vs Team Sublime for the USPW Tag Team Titles



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DarrylDevine_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AndreJones.jpg


Well, at least this one outperformed the opener. When Team Sublime were on form they looked a threat – but then both men seemed to be trying to showcase their skills and get one over their partner, which always turned the flow of the match back towards the champions. It was an overconfident Andre Jones who accidentally let Tribal Warrior make a tag, and Java proceeded to dominate the former double champion. Jones just couldn’t make the tag, and the ref forced Devine out when he tried to enter the ring. One Greetings From The Island later, and the champions had retained.


Savage Fury © defeated Team Sublime to retain the USPW Tag Team Titles in 8.48 ©



Andre Jones and Darryl Devine shrugged, shook hands and then made up. Not. A full blown argument threatened to disrupt the next match, and two of the competitors for the next match, Chris Caulfield and Art Reed, had to restrain the two of them and send them on their way (C-)



Match #6: Chris Caulfield and Art Reed vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg


Wow, I feared for the show, but it’s delivered just fine. We learnt during this match that Griffith and Reed had a rematch for the National Title at Born in the USA… a feud that I really haven’t been able to continue in the last few weeks. I blame that on Tyson Baine leaving (writing him out has really dominated between these PPV’s). The match was a good mix up brawn and skill until Tyson Baine hit the ring (for someone leaving I’m certainly giving this man a lot of air time), seemingly going after targets at random. Then T-Rex arrived to go after Baine. Somewhere along the way the match was abandoned…


Chris Caulfield and Art Reed drew with Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith in 10.21 (C+)



Finally it was left to Bruce the Giant to sort out the match, hitting the ring and launching anyone who stood in his way out of the ring, finally hitting T-Rex with a Giant Choke Slam (B+)



Overall Rating C+



Dragonmack gets the win and I'll call it 3/5 and ignore the no contest in the

Main Event. Both predictors thought Tyson Baine could be going over T-Rex despite leaving soon. He didn't. Maybe if I had more respect he would have done. But I don't.



When I booked that show I was mildly concerned that it would be a dud, so I’m certainly happy with how it ended up. I know I’m giving a lot of air time to Tyson Baine, but he was World Champion this year, and I’m not going to let him disappear without trying to tie up some lose ends.


The Force has just been in my fourth best match ever. Well done Enygma. This after The Force won a video game contest – I should encourage him to run more.


One more show before Born in the USA, and it’s not going to be a ratings winner if the Main Events don’t deliver.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Darryl Devine © vs Al Coleman for the USPW Television Title

Nightfox vs Steven Parker

Alicia Strong and The People’s Team vs Gorgon and Kicks From Hell

T-Rex © vs Bob Casey in a non-title match

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

Nicky Champion vs Tyson Baine

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Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Darryl Devine © vs Al Coleman for the USPW Television Title

Nightfox vs Steven Parker

Alicia Strong and The People’s Team vs Gorgon and Kicks From Hell

T-Rex © vs Bob Casey in a non-title match

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

Nicky Champion vs Tyson Baine

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Darryl Devine © vs Al Coleman for the USPW Television Title

Nightfox vs Steven Parker

Alicia Strong and The People’s Team vs Gorgon and Kicks From Hell

T-Rex (c) vs Bob Casey in a non-title match

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

Nicky Champion vs Tyson Baine

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Darryl Devine © vs Al Coleman for the USPW Television Title

Nightfox vs Steven Parker

Alicia Strong and The People’s Team vs Gorgon and Kicks From Hell

T-Rex © vs Bob Casey in a non-title match

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

Nicky Champion vs Tyson Baine

Since Tyson will be leaving soon I see no reason for him to win anymore of his matches upon his exit, you can hardly push a guy who is leaving.

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid Atlantic



Pre-Show: The Force, Amber Allen and Raven Robinson defeated Giant Redwood, Cherry Bomb and Paige Croft (D); Enygma defeated Findlay ©



Match #1: Darryl Devine © vs Al Coleman for the USPW Television Title





We just about got the crowd to care for this match, and they saw Coleman go close to locking in submissions on several occasions, but Devine always managed to scramble to the ropes. He retained his title after a Devine Dream Drop.


Darryl Devine © defeated Al Coleman in 7.27 to retain the USPW Television Title (D+)



After the match Andre Jones came out applauding Devine… and then levelled him with a clothesline. He proceeded to unleash several punches onto Devine’s face as Seduction screamed from outside the ring, before grabbing Devine’s Television Title and leaving the ring (D+)


Bruce the Giant hyped up his World Title shot this weekend, and promised T-Rex that he’d be taking his title back. He wasn’t pinned when he lost the title, and he would prove that he’s still the only giant in USPW (B+)



Match #2: Nightfox vs Steven Parker




An in-ring debut for Nightfox, who frustrated Steven Parker with his speed and high flying action. When Parker did get some momentum going he tried to show off by also going ariel… but failing miserably, missing Nightfox and crashing face first into the match. That left Nightfox to hit the Foxhunter, and pick up his win.


Nightfox defeated Steven Parker in 5.35 (D+)



As soon as the match ended Enygma appeared from the crowd and slid into the ring. At that point the lights cut, and when they came back on Nightfox was nowhere to be seen. So he hit an Enygma Cutter on Steven Parker instead ©


Travis Century was shown in… catering? He was preaching to the catering staff while the Dark Disciple helped himself to food. The staff seemed uncomfortable, but were relieved when Marc Speed came over and told Century to stop causing a bother. Century started to preach but then stopped himself, saying that some people are beyond help, and nodded towards the Dark Disciple. Speed was quicker and launched himself into the Disciple, food flying everywhere. However, when Travis Century joined in the numbers started to count against Speed, who found himself launched headfirst into a drinks cabinet (C-)



Match #3: Alicia Strong and The People’s Team vs Gorgon and Kicks From Hell


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AliciaStrong.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FreddieDatsun.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DesDavids.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Gorgon.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/HellMonkey_alt2-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


The commentary team were joined by Belle Bryden and Steven Parker, the latter of whom complained bitterly about his attack at the hands of Enygma. In the ring… only one team was going to win, and it came via Alicia Strong delivering an Angel Driver to Gorgon.


Alicia Strong and The People’s Team defeated Gorgon and Kicks From Hell in 8.36 ©



After the match Belle Bryden and Steven Parker stood up to insult the winner, which results in Des Davids challenging Parker to a match on Saturday, which was accepted (D+)


A battered Darryl Devine cut an interview aimed at his former partner, Andre Jones. Devine said that he couldn’t understand what had come over Jones – but he would be taking his title back from him. He demanded that they met in the ring at Born in the USA, where he would have his revenge ©



Match #4: T-Rex © vs Bob Casey in a non-title match




We didn’t get to see Bob Casey’s entrance, but there were one member of the crowd, going by the name BHK, who got very excited to see USPW’s new signing. He managed to last 1:45 against the World Champion before tapping out.


T-Rex defeated Bob Casey in 1:45 (D+)



Backstage and Bruce the Giant was shown with Chris Caulfield and Art Reed. Reed was speculating on whether Griffith was properly joining the Sneer Corporation, which left Bruce telling him that they’d give him a reason not to join ©


The commentary team then announced that Savage Fury would defend the USPW Tag Team Titles at Born in the USA against The Towers of Power in a match with no build whatsoever (D+)



Match #5: Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg


Jackson and Griffith looked comfortable working together, but Bruce still got a win here after hitting Griffith with a Giant Chokeslam.


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield defeated Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith in 9.47 (C+)



The cameras quickly cut backstage where T-Rex was shown attacking Art Reed, being egged on by Melody. Bruce and Caulfield sprinted backstage but Rex was able to do plenty of damage before Melody declared that Bruce would be next as the two stepped into a car a sped away (C+)


Nicky Champion then hyped the Main Event, saying that he would become the Number One Contender to the USPW World Title – and the best way was by going through an ex-World Champion (B)



Match #6: Nicky Champion vs Tyson Baine




This match got messy after a ref bump, with first Jumbo Jackson and then Chris Caulfield coming out and joining in the brawl. Eventually Jackson and Caulfield took their brawl to the outside and no-one was really surprised to see Nicky Champion deliver a Hawkeye Hammer on Baine to pick up the victory.


Nicky Champion defeated Tyson Baine in 11.52 (C+)



Overall Rating C+



Steven Parker fails to live up to the fans hype falling to a defeat no-one saw coming - but apart from that it was perfect all around.



Nicky Champion finally gets a win over Tyson Baine, the man who he has faced several times this year without success. We also just about managed to finish booking our PPV, and it’s another nine card epic.


Dean McWade comes back out of retirement. I think a few months in PSW would do him no harm, but we shall see.


Apologies, but I haven't got the time for a proper PPV preview. But you can still predict away!


Announced for USPW Born in the USA!


Alicia Stong © vs Belle Bryden for the USPW Women’s Title

Savage Fury © vs The Towers of Power for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Darryl Devine © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title

Jack Griffith © vs Art Reed for the USPW National Title

Des Davids vs Steven Parker

Marc Speed vs Travis Century

Enygma vs Nightfox

Chris Caulfield vs Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson vs Tyson Baine to become the Number One Contender to the USPW World Championship

T-Rex © vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Championship

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Alicia Stong © vs Belle Bryden for the USPW Women’s Title

Savage Fury © vs The Towers of Power for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Darryl Devine © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title

Jack Griffith © vs Art Reed for the USPW National Title

Des Davids vs Steven Parker

Marc Speed vs Travis Century

Enygma vs Nightfox

Chris Caulfield vs Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson vs Tyson Baine to become the Number One Contender to the USPW World Championship

T-Rex © vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Championship

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Why do I get the feeling you're not enjoying Savage Fury and Jack Griffith's title reigns?


I hate Savage Fury because they never ever seem to deliver for me in my USPW games. Jack, well I neither hate him or like him. I just think Art is the better wrestler (better fake wrestler).

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Alicia Stong © vs Belle Bryden for the USPW Women’s Title

Savage Fury © vs The Towers of Power for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Darryl Devine © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title

Jack Griffith © vs Art Reed for the USPW National Title

Des Davids vs Steven Parker

Marc Speed vs Travis Century

Enygma vs Nightfox

Chris Caulfield vs Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson vs Tyson Baine to become the Number One Contender to the USPW World Championship

T-Rex © vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Championship

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USPW Born in the USA!

Live from the South East on PPV



What? I swear I just made this a three hour show. Some matches may not be as long as they should be…


Pre-Show: Joanne Rodriguez and John Pathlow defeated Amber Allen and Al Coleman ©, Freddie Datsun defeated Giant Redwood (C-)



Match #1: Savage Fury © vs The Towers of Power for the USPW Tag Team Titles



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


I’ve got a feeling that we may have just witnessed the 100th meeting between these two teams. And this bout was probably one of the more innocuous – very little build, but a decent, standard brawl, finished with a Greetings From The Island from Java on Danny Rushmore.


Savage Fury © defeated The Towers of Power in 7.54 to retain the USPW Tag Team Titles ©



We cut backstage to a pre-recorded segment at Sam Strong’s house. The USPW boss was walking around using a stick, and had as guests Nicky Champion, Alicia Strong and Bruce the Giant. He wished his compatriots good luck for the night, and told them to pass on his best wishes to this Nightfox fella (B)



Match #2: Des Davids vs Steven Parker




Another match that had very little build, but this one had a more important storyline impact. Davids size put him fully on top in this match as Parker spent a long time running around, but Belle Bryden came to the ring to support her man. When Parker wailed in pain after being hit in the face by Davids Bryden used the opportunity to enter the ring and deliver a stiff kick between Davids’ legs. Not wearing a cup, the big man crumpled, allowing Steven Parker to hit a Future Shock and pick up his first singles victory in USPW.


Steven Parker defeated Des Davids in 9.43 ©



Parker leapt out of the ring and planted a huge kiss on Bryden’s lips, before literally skipping to the back. They were briefly caught by Paige Croft for a quick interview, where Parker declared that a new era had begun, and finally the audience would witness the future. Bryden coughed, and Parker remembered to add that beside him would be the future Women’s Champion, Belle Bryden ©


Darryl Devine came down to the ring mic and hand, and demanded that Andre Jones come out with his title. Jones obliged, slowly sauntering down to the ring, causing Devine to charge out and start the match early (C+)



Match #3: Darryl Devine © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title





It’s… another brawl, which was fairly wild. Eventually Devine started to use his ariel skills, and got a near fall after a frogsplash. Jones changed tactics and exposed a turnbuckle, and didn’t take long before driving Devine’s head into the metal. Instead of pinning Devine Jones rolled out of the ring and grabbed the Television Title. He rolled back into the ring and stalked a dazed Devine… when Seduction slid into the ring and covered up her man. As the ref tried to pull Seduction away Jones looked at the title, and eventually gave into temptation and struck Seduction with the belt. Being a most ungentlemanly action, the ref called for the DQ. Despite Seduction not being involved in the match.


Darryl Devine © defeated Andre Jones in 12.17 by DQ (C-)



Devine looked shocked at Seduction, and launched himself at Jones. Still suffering from his head wound he was quickly overpowered, and Jones delivered a Blast From The Past to the champion. He picked up the Television Title, and rolled smugly out of the ring (D+)


Travis Century came out for his match flanked by Dark Disciple, and took a mic, waiting for the crowd to silence. However, Marc Speed’s music hit and the crowd cheered, with Century staring daggers at his opponent as he came down to the ring (C-)



Match #4: Marc Speed vs Travis Century




Marc Speed looked good in this match, beating Travis Century around, until the veteran rolled out of the ring and took a mic. He started his pontificating saying that there would be more to follow, and Marc Speed was seeing the beginning of the end. The ref shrugged and started counting Century out, when suddenly Century let out a large yell. Which “covered” the Dark Disciple entering the ring and delivering a Dark Driver to Speed. Maybe someone will invest in a hearing aid for Baby Jamie. From then Century entered the ring and delivered the Salvation on Speed, as I booked my third non-clean finish in a row.


Travis Century defeated Marc Speed in 6.41 (C-)



Melody and T-Rex cut an interview backstage, insisting that Bruce the Giant didn’t stand a chance despite Sam Strong’s pathetic support (C+)



Match #5: Alicia Stong © vs Belle Bryden for the USPW Women’s Title





Bryden was supported by Steven Parker, but the ref spotted him on the ring apron and sent him to the back, much to his and Bryden’s chagrin. From then onwards we had a decent match with both women attacking one another off the top turnbuckle, until Alicia Strong retained her title with a Strong Arm Tactic.


Alicia Strong © defeated Belle Bryden in 7.11 to retain the USPW Women’s Title ©



Jack Griffith was shown ready to to come to the ring to defend his National Title when Shane Sneer came up to him. Sneer asked if they had a deal, and Griffith said that first he needed Sneer to prove himself (C+)



Match #6: Jack Griffith © vs Art Reed for the USPW National Title





This match didn’t quite reach the levels of the first match between the two, but nonetheless was the best match of the night so far. Quite why I booked so many tainted finishes tonight I don’t know but The Towers of Power came out to stand ringside, until Danny Rushmore surprisingly went after Jack Griffith. Griffith rolled out of the ring but it was all shown to be a distraction as Mick Muscles entered and gave Reed a Musclebuster. Rushmore conveniently gave up the chase, and Griffith retained his title with a Jack in the Box. At this point I think the fans began questioning the referee’s abilities.


Jack Griffith © defeated Art Reed in 13.52 to retain the USPW National Title (C+)



Enyma came to the ring and took a mic, speculating as to how the fox would appear tonight. Perhaps the lights would cut. Maybe he’d zipwire in. Perhaps he’d ride in on My Little Pony. He told Nightfox to come out, and although his music hit, he was not to be seen. Enygma looked around suspiciously before sliding out of the ring and slowly walking away from the ring. At that point Nightfox slipped out from under the ring and jumped onto the ring apron to hit a Moonsault on Enygma, before dragging his opponent to the ring ©



Match #7: Nightfox vs Enygma




Nightfox was early on the offence and got in a couple of near-falls, before his more experienced opponent got in a poke in the eyes to restore parity. From there on Enygma took the advantage, and went to apply the Enygma Variation… which Nightfox proved quick enough to escape. Cue another round of high flying offence, until one dive from the top ropes was met by a clothesarm from Engyma. Eventually this was followed up by an Enygma Variation and the former World Champion finally got his hard fought win.


Enygma defeated Nightfox in 13.24 (C+)



We quickly cut backstage and it seemed that all four of the contenders for the Number One Contendership were already involved in a mass brawl. Security tried to break it up, before Danny Jillefski decided to start the match as a Street Fight. He also made saw that a second ref was around to officiate – even he noticed their poor skill tonight (B)



Match #8: Chris Caulfield vs Nicky Champion vs Jumbo Jackson vs Tyson Baine to become the Number One Contender to the USPW World Championship




The four men fought their way out to the arena to the relief of the crowd, who actually had planned on seeing this match in person. However, after Tyson Baine smashed Nicky Champion over the head with a camera they witnessed mainly a three-way, with Chris Caulfield hard pressed to fight off both Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine. The alliance soon ended when Jackson tried to pin Caulfield, and when went onto a series of Baine vs Jackson. That one was to end when Baine saw Champion stumbling down to the ring, and Baine drilled Jackson with a clothlesline before exiting the ring and going toe to toe with Champion. Eventually they got to the top of the stage and an evil look came over Baine. He lifted Champion up and tried throw him off the stage end, but Champion fought out, hauled the monstrous Baine over his shoulders and flipped him off the stage, through a table! That could be a career ender!!!


As the crowd recovered, back in the ring Jackson went for the Jumbo Avalanche, but Caulfield was also able to fight out to deliver a Danger Drop, and he pinned Jackson to win the match. Which was perhaps an anticlimax after all that happened on the stage.


Chris Caulfield defeated Nicky Champion, Jumbo Jackson and Tyson Baine in 17.05 (C+)



Tyson Baine was strapped to a stretcher, and pushed up the top of the stage ramp. Not the sympathetic one, the World Champion T-Rex came out and kicked the stretcher over, before heading down to the ring. Bruce the Giant was quickly behind him, and we’re about to see a brawl (B+)



T-Rex © vs Bruce the Giant for the USPW World Championship





And I can’t really say much more than the fact that this one was a brawl. Which saw very little selling, despite the wrestlers involved being asked to keep to a very tight script. Thunderous blows seemed to have effect on either men – even a headbutt from T-Rex was just answered by another headbutt. Bruce’s weakness was his leg that T-Rex targeted, and eventually without a vertical base the former champion was in trouble. However, even from a one kneed position Bruce was able to stop Rex applying the Jurassic Crush, and he almost found the energy for a Chokeslam… but collapsed to the mat. From there it was an Extinction from T-Rex, and the match was over.


T-Rex © defeated Bruce the Giant in 10.10 to retain the USPW World Championship (C+)



Overall Rating C



TakerNGN74 gets this win with a 6/9 as I'm mean and pick all of BHK1928's most hated wrestlers to win.


Meh. That’s all I can really say to that. It was solid, yet poorly booked. Nothing went wrong, but nothing really provided the spark. I’m sure it’s partly to do with the fact that I’ve spent the last four weeks writing Tyson Baine out of USPW, and forgetting people who are actually staying here. Even Marc Speed, who got the big singles victory over Baine last month lost to a midcarder. Which may have been my worst bit of poor booking for a while.


Next month – Thanksgiving Thunder. That’s one of USPW’s big two. At least I’ve made a headstart by booking the Main Event already, with Chris Caulfield challenging T-Rex for the USPW World Championship.


Tyson Baine leaves with a 28-3-13 record this year, including a six month World Title reign.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Savage Fury © vs Kicks From Hell for the USPW Tag Team Titles

Darryl Devine vs Steven Parker

Raven Robinson vs Joanne Rodriguez vs Cherry Bomb for the Number One Contender to the USPW Women’s Title

Art Reed vs Mick Muscles

Marc Speed vs Enygma

Chris Caulfield vs Jumbo Jackson


Um,yeah. Not going for the ratings.

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<p><strong>Savage Fury ©</strong> vs Kicks From Hell for the USPW Tag Team Titles</p><p> </p><p>

Let us not acknowledge this...<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

Darryl Devine vs <strong>Steven Parker</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Steve seems to be on a roll so why not choose him for the win here?</p><p> </p><p>

Raven Robinson vs Joanne Rodriguez vs <strong>Cherry Bomb </strong>for the Number One Contender to the USPW Women’s Title</p><p> </p><p>

I think that Cherry should be a good person to face Alicia.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Art Reed vs <strong>Mick Muscles</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Marc Speed vs <strong>Enygma</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I like Marc but I am not sure if he is at the level where he can get a victory over Enygma.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Caulfield</strong> vs Jumbo Jackson</p>

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Tri-State



Pre-Show: Amber Allen and The People’s Team defeated Gorgon, Danny Rushmore and Bob Casey (D)



The new Number One Contender to the World Championship came out to the ring to start the show, with Chris Caulfield saying that he had been in the fight of his night last night. He went on to say that he knew that things wouldn’t get any easier at Independence Day Slam – but he never liked things easy. That brought T-Rex and Melody out, with Melody declaring that it would certainly not be easy. Melody said that at Born in the USA T-Rex had decisively destroyed the biggest wrestler of them all, Bruce the Giant, and has truly proved himself unstoppable. Caulfield stopped Melody, and asked her where she’d been for the past few years. Sure, T-Rex was the champion now, and he may be on a run of form. But Caulfield added that he could be beaten – there were weaknesses, and no-one knew how to exploit a weakness better than him (C+)



Match #1: Savage Fury © vs Kicks From Hell for the USPW Tag Team Titles



http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TribalWarrior.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Java.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/HellMonkey_alt2-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JaredJohnson.jpg


Something of a letdown this match, although some may have asked what on earth Kicks From Hell had done to deserve a title shot. It wasn’t to matter as the champions bullied their opponents, Java pinning Pathlow after a Greetings From The Island.


Savage Fury © defeated Kicks From Hell in 6.19 to retain the USPW Tag Team Titles (D+)



Darryl Devine was shown backstage with Seduction, still without his Television Title. Devine declared that Andre Jones has stepped to a new low by attacking Seduction, which made everyone realise what a true lowlife he was – and he would make sure he was gunning for Jones for as long as he stayed in USPW. Steven Parker cut into the interview to suggest that this was the beginning of the end for Devine – he was concentrating on other people, rather than the match in hand. Devine said that he had no problem concentrating on Parker – he needed someone to vent his frustration on ©



Match #2: Darryl Devine vs Steven Parker




Two top young talent – will they ever manage to get over fact that they’re not heavyweights to make it in USPW? Time will tell. I told both men to go out and put on a show and they did just that, putting on a great run of first chain wrestling and the high flying action. And then Andre Jones hit the ring and Seduction slid into the ring to hide behind Darryl Devine. He met Jones on the apron with a forearm, but was left vulnerable to a Future Shock from Steven Parker to seal his second USPW victory.


Steven Parker defeated Darryl Devine in 8.12 (C+)



Jones entered the ring and towered over Seduction, who scrambled to get out of the ring. She overbalanced and fell out of the ring crying in pain, causing Jones to look slightly guilty and head out to the back. A concerned Darryl Devine called out the EMT’s, as Seduction grabbed her shoulder crying in pain (D)



Match #3: Raven Robinson vs Joanne Rodriguez vs Cherry Bomb for the Number One Contender to the USPW Women’s Title




This really is going to be a poor shot, isn’t it? Alicia Strong was on commentary, but the match descended into farce when Belle Bryden came out and got in the ring, declaring it unjust that she hadn’t been included in the match. This led to her being given three finishers from the three competitors as the match just somehow… ended.


Raven Robinson, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb went to a no-contest in 4.00 (D+)



The Sneer Corporation were shown out back in all their glory, with Jack Griffith shaking Sneer’s hand and thanking him for sticking to his end of the bargain. Jackson told Griffith to go to ringside and watch the power of the Corporation – he had more important matters to attend to in the Main Event (C+)



Match #4: Art Reed vs Mick Muscles




Art Reed vs Mick Muscles with Danny Rushmore and Jack Griffith ringside. Not exactly fair. Rushmore pulled Reed off Muscles to break a fall, but when he was sent to the back Muscles was still able to fair well on his own, winning the match with a Bulldozer Powerbomb.


Mick Muscles defeated Art Reed in 6.47 (C-)



Nicky Champion was shown in the dressing room on the phone, bandaged up, when T-Rex and Melody stormed in. Champion hung up and asked if he could help, to which Rex just smiled and thanked Champion. The youngster looked confused, but Melody explained that Rex thanked Champion for running Tyson Baine out of USPW. He was fed up of that relic hanging onto his coat-tails, and would now be allowed to shine in his own light. Rex grinned before leaving, causing Champions to roll his eyes (B)



Match #5: Marc Speed vs Enygma




This is better – Marc Speed showing once more that he can live with the big boys, even if I try and stop his momentum by poorly booked defeats. Travis Century was a distraction once more as he came to the stage to say that there were more coming, and Speed would be shown the true way. And that distraction was all Enygma needed to hit the Enygma Cutter.


Enygma defeated Marc Speed in 11.10 (C+)



Speed headed after Century, who made a quick exit, leaving Enygma to take a microphone. He said that he had cut the weak head off USPW by eliminating Sam Strong, but still USPW meandered along. He had been distracted by a pretend superhero, but he was past that. Now, as he declared that he was here to save USPW – by taking over (A)



Match #6: Chris Caulfield vs Jumbo Jackson




Hey – I didn’t expect this. This is the fourth time I’ve booked the two together – but the first since they were both sitting in the Main Event. As such they way outshone their last match together, and we had a great brawl. Jackson seemed determined to proved that he should have won at Born in the USA, but could not do enough to defeat Caulfield, who won with a Danger Drop.


Chris Caulfield defeated Jumbo Jackson in 12.22 (B-)



Caulfield celebrated before T-Rex slid into the ring and tried to apply the Jurassic Crush – but was unsuccessful. With Caulfield still looking ready for a fight Rex rolled out from the ring, with the two men’s eyes not leaving one another (A)



Overall Rating C+



Did I just see predict BHK1978 predict a Savage Fury win? It was well worth it, getting 5/5, exlcuding the women's draw that was near impossible to predicr correctly.



Well, that show certainly took a while to get going, but it was worth the wait, with my fifth best match ever in the Main Event. Which was not expected.


April Appleseed announces her forthcoming retirement, her USPW experience showing her that she hasn’t got a run at the big time left in her. Captain USA will also shortly be hanging up his ring boots – not that his does more than a quick job for me at the moment.


Al Coleman – CZCW Champion. His match with James Prudence was rated the same as Marc Speed’s match with Enygma.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Alicia Strong © vs Belle Bryden in a non-title lumberjack match in a match that will actually be on the pre-show due to time issues

Jack Griffith © vs Freddie Datsun for the USPW National Title

Shoot Club vs Dark Truth

T-Rex © vs The Force in a non-title match

Nicky Champion vs Danny Rushmore

Darryl Devine vs Enygma

Chris Caulfield vs Mick Muscles

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Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

Alicia Strong © vs Belle Bryden in a non-title lumberjack match in a match that will actually be on the pre-show due to time issues


Jack Griffith © vs Freddie Datsun for the USPW National Title


Shoot Club vs Dark Truth

T-Rex © vs The Force in a non-title match

Being that this is a non title match I could see The Force winning this match to earn a title shot at a later date.


Nicky Champion vs Danny Rushmore

Darryl Devine vs Enygma

Chris Caulfield vs Mick Muscles

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<p>You know I am really ticked off that I have to pick the Savage Jobbers to win.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Alicia Strong</strong> © vs Belle Bryden in a non-title lumberjack match in a match that will actually be on the pre-show due to time issues</p><p> </p><p>

This non-title stip screams a victory for Belle so this pick is going against my better judgement.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Griffith</strong> © vs Freddie Datsun for the USPW National Title</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Shoot Club</strong> vs Dark Truth</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>T-Rex</strong> © vs The Force in a non-title match</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Nicky Champion </strong>vs Danny Rushmore</p><p> </p><p>

Darryl Devine vs <strong>Enygma</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chris Caulfield </strong>vs Mick Muscles</p>

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from the Mid South




Steven Parker defeated Findlay (C-)

Jumbo Jackson squashed Bob Casey (D+)

Alicia Strong © defeated Belle Bryden in a non-title lumberjack match when all the lumberjacks beat up Belle Bryden ©



Match #1: T-Rex © vs The Force in a non-title match




There was times where there was a lack of psychology… in this match that didn’t last four minutes. It’s good to have talented champions. The Force had offence, which T-Rex followed with devastating offence and an Extinction.


T-Rex © defeated The Force in 3.50 (C-)



After the match T-Rex applied the Jurassic Crush on The Force before the lights cut, and when they re-appeared Nightfox was on the top turnbuckle. He delivered a splash on T-Rex and got in a small amount of offence… before being levelled with a clothesline. Rex stalked Nightfox before Chris Caulfield sprinted out form the back, which caused Melody to call her man out of the ring (C+)


Darryl Devine was shown backstage ranting at Commissoner Doom how Seduction had a broken shoulder, caused by Andre Jones, and he wanted revenge. Doom tried to clam him down, saying that he would book them in a ladder match next week (C-)



Match #2: Shoot Club vs Dark Truth


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AlColeman.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg


We got our once a month reminder that Marc Speed wasn’t just a singles wrestler, he also had a tag partner. Normally that means a defeat for Shoot Club, but this time Coleman picked up a win. Although it was when a hulking man attacked Speed, and the ref DQ’d Dark Truth.


Shoot Club defeated Dark Truth in 6.36 by DQ ©



The hulking man continued his attack, and as the Dark Disciple kept Al Coleman away delivered a Pain Topper (or a Mountain Topper as some would know it). Travis Century took a mic and laughed, telling Speed that he wanted to introduce his latest convert:




Pain!! (C+)


The Sneer Corporation had a quick backstage meeting, with Jumbo Jackson asking for wins all round. Mick Muscles said that he would deliver in the Main Event – and he would soon start another singles run ©



Match #3: Jack Griffith © vs Freddie Datsun for the USPW National Title





A solid title match on television – I’m in short supply of these. The Sneer Corporation were not at ringside, leaving Griffith to himself, and we had a good open match. There were nearfalls from either side, but in the end Griffith retained his title with a Jack in the Box.


Jack Griffith © defeated Freddie Datsun in 9.28 to retain the USPW National Title (C+)



We showed quick highlights of Alicia Strong defeating Belle Bryden before the show started, before cutting to the Women’s Champion. She had Raven Robinson, Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb around her, pointing out their assist, and how they had their shot at the Women’s Title wrecked last week. Alicia Strong said that she knew where this was going and she agreed – she would willingly face all three women at Thanksgiving Thunder, and she’s be putting her title on the line as well (C-)



Match #4: Nicky Champion vs Danny Rushmore




Note to self – must keep putting Nicky Champion in matches. It will not be long before I’m building my promotion around him. The win here came with the Hawkeye Hammer, and The Sneer Corporation were not to have a flawless day.


Nicky Champion defeated Danny Rushmore in 6.23 (B-)



Nicky Champion’s celebrations were short-lived as Jumbo Jackson jumped in the ring and started laying into Champion. Art Reed rushed out from the back but was tackled by Jack Griffith to keep him away from the ring. That allowed Jackson to hit the Jumbo Avalanche, before taking a mic and declaring that he was not the future – the future was standing over him (B)



Match #5: Darryl Devine vs Enygma




This match couldn’t quite live up to the previous match – and in fact these two men have put on better performances together themselves. He tried to match Enygma, but wasn’t helped when Andre Jones came to ringside with his title belt in hand. He got into a brawl with Devine but Enygma surprisingly went after Jones, throwing him from the ring. The ref was satisfied enough to continue the match, and still Engyma was able to apply the Enygma Variation, getting Devine to tap as he was being mocked by Jones.


Enygma defeated Darryl Devine in 9.46 (C+)



Enygma took a mic and declared that he had taken out one champion, one title holder, and he would not stop. He said that there was no-one to stand in his way… when Bruce the Giant’s music hit. He strolled down to the ring as Enygma laughed, saying that Bruce was just Sam’s flunkie – and he knows what he did to Sam. He did start backing off when Bruce got into the ring and ripped the mic from Enygma’s hand. Bruce looked at the mic, shrugged, tossed it over his shoulder and delivered a Giant Choke Slam to Enygma. Bruce shrugged again, before leaving the ring with the crowd cheering him on (A)



Chris Caulfield laid into T-Rex on the mic, trying to get the crowd to concentrate on his rather than Bruce’s attack on Enygma. It mostly worked (B)



Match #6: Chris Caulfield vs Mick Muscles




I knew these two had good chemistry… but I also knew that they could do better than this. Once this was my best ever match, now this wasn’t even the best match o the card. Melody joining commentary to rip into Caulfield didn’t really help, and the match ended inevitably with the Danger Drop.


Chris Caulfield defeated Mick Muscles in 8.04 (C+)



Melody stood up after the match to point out that Caulfield had taken almost ten minutes to win tonight – and T-Rex never gave anyone that long. Caulfield beckoned as if he was ready for anything, but Melody just shook her head, telling Caulfield that he was at the beginning of the end (C-)



Overall Rating C+



BHK1978 gets a 7/7 clean sweep, and house now been forced to pick both Savage Fur and Jack Griffith in the last two weeks. How he must have been pained...



Show – forget the show. Eric Eisen has left SWF. He didn’t even drop the World Heavyweight Title. And despite what you say about him, he’s been solid. Ah – I see. In this Jokered universe he’s had enough of the risqué SWF. He’s the Steve Frehley of old. Unfortunately there’s no chance of me signing him, and CGC look favourites to snap him up.


As for my show? My “B-“ match was my first that didn’t hit my Top 10 list, and methinks we’re going to see Bruce the Giant vs Enygma at Thanksgiving Thunder. They have met once this year when their alignments were reversed, but there was no winner of that match.


Meanwhile, Man Mountain Cahill finally got himself picked up after impressing on the indy shows. He will be donning a mask as “Pain”, and the Mountain Topper is now the Pain Topper. I’m surprised that Cahill hasn’t decided to go hardcore (he’s certainly liberal enough), but I guess the offer never came up.


Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

The Force and Nightfox vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

Shoot Club and Findlay vs Dark Truth and Pain

Paige Croft and Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb

Darryl Devine © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title in a ladder match

Nicky Champion and Art Reed vs The Towers of Power

Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant vs Enygma and T-Rex

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7/7! It is not often that I do that well.


The Force and Nightfox vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


Shoot Club and Findlay vs Dark Truth and Pain


I think Findlay is the weakest link in this match.


Paige Croft and Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb


Darryl Devine © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title in a ladder match


Nicky Champion and Art Reed vs The Towers of Power


Nicky has been doing well for you, so why not give him another victory.


Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant vs Enygma and T-Rex

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7/7! It is not often that I do that well.


The Force and Nightfox vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


Shoot Club and Findlay vs Dark Truth and Pain


I think Findlay is the weakest link in this match.


Paige Croft and Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb


Darryl Devine © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title in a ladder match


Nicky Champion and Art Reed vs The Towers of Power


Nicky has been doing well for you, so why not give him another victory.


Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant vs Enygma and T-Rex


I like clean sweeps so I will just copy BHK

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USPW American Wrestling:

Live from New England


Pre-Show: Java defeated John Pathlow (C-, despite not clicking)



Match #1: The Force and Nightfox vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JimForce.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/FoxMask_black.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JumboJackson.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JackGriffith.jpg


The Force and Fox Mask as a team – who would have thought it? Oh. Okay. So someone before me. The team didn’t make a winning start here as The Force fell to Jumbo Jackson.


Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith defeated The Force and Nightfox in 5.59 (D+)



Enygma cut a passionate backstage interview, declaring that seeing Bruce the Giant, another one of Sam Strong’s flunkies, try and stand against him. However, Enygma said he would knock down anyone who opposed him until there was no-one left – and then he’d be in charge (B+)


Raven Robinson and Alicia Strong joined the commentary team, saying they were out to scout their opponents for Thanksgiving Thunder (C-)



Match #2: Paige Croft and Amber Allen vs Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/PaigeCroft-1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AmberAllen-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/JoanneRodriguez_alt1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/CherryBomb_alt2.jpg


The commentary team barely got time to ask their guests about facing one another, J-Ro and Cherry Bomb before J-Ro won this match after a J-Rocker on Paige Croft.


Joanne Rodriguez and Cherry Bomb defeated Paige Croft and Amber Allen in 3.59 (D)



Travis Century brought his cohorts to the ring, introducing the world to Pain. Century declared Pain as just the first person to join his cause – his cause was just, and the followers would soon flock to him ©



Match #3: Shoot Club and Findlay vs Dark Truth and Pain


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MarcSpeed.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/AlColeman.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/FindlayOFarraday.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/TravisCentury.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/SayedAli_eay.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Pain_eay.jpg


This show… is quite reliant on the Main Event delivering. Checks. Oh, it’s got T-Rex in it. Darnned. Anyway, the faces only had a chance in this match while Marc Speed was in the ring, and he couldn’t stay in the ring for the entire match. Pain got the pinfall in his first match after a Pain Topper on Findlay.


Dark Truth and Pain defeated Shoot Club and Findlay in 6.37 (D)



Century’s army continued to beat on their opponents with only Marc Speed offering resistance, when the faces got unexpected help in the form of Tag Champions Savage Fury, who helped them fend off the attackers ©


Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant hyped the Main Event, pointing out that they thought there was no way that Enygma and T-Rex would be able to co-operate as a team (B)


Darryl Devine came out first for his title defence… although of course without his title, as it was still in Andre Jones’ hands. His former partner came out and rushed the ring to attack Devine straight away. While they brawled the ref got the title hung up, and the match finally begun (D+)



Match #4: Darryl Devine © vs Andre Jones for the USPW Television Title in a ladder match





A rare USPW ladder match – although the second for both these men whose last ladder match saw them teaming up together in a Tag Title match. Darryl Devine went for his signature moonsault off the ladder but Andre Jones knew what was coming and smashed Devine was a clothesline. The champion was out but still Jones hit a Blast From the Past, before casually retrieving the Television Title.


Andre Jones defeated Darryl Devine © in 9.02 to win the USPW Television Title (C-)



Backstage and Nicky Champion and Art Reed were agreeing on their common dislike of the Sneer Corporation. Something many have said in the past…(C+)



Match #5: Nicky Champion and Art Reed vs The Towers of Power


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/NickyChampion_alt.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ArtReed.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/DannyRushmore.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/MickMuscles.jpg


Now that’s a match. A future star, a top worker, an experienced tag team – it just all came together in this match… that will probably outshine the Main Event. The Towers of Power gave almost as much as they got, until Champion delivered a Hawkeye Hammer to Mick Muscles.


Nicky Champion and Art Reed defeated The Towers of Power in 7.45 (B-)



It’s been at least half an hour since we had a post match attack so… post match attack! This time it was Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith joining their college, and the 4 vs 2 only had one winning side (B-)


Enygma was shown backstage giving T-Rex an ultimation – join him or stand with everyone else against him and regret it. Rex snorted and left for the ring with Melody without responding further (A)



Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant vs Enygma and T-Rex


http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/BrucetheGiant.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/USPW_Declaration-1.jpghttp://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/Enygma.jpg & http://i650.photobucket.com/albums/uu230/eayragt/USPW%2010/T-Rex_alt1.jpg


Okay, the rest of this show may have been low quality storyline progressors, but this is the first time that my TV Main Events have both rated B-. The big money earners have delivered. Just don’t tell The Towers of Power and Art Reed that, as they may disagree on being classed as big money earners. While the face team was cohesive the heels argued at tags, with Enygma getting into a full blown row with Melody after he tried to tell the World Champion what to do. That led to Enygma jumping from the apron, before being convinced to get back up… just as Rex was being whipped by Bruce across the ring into the ropes, knocking Enygma back to the ground. Bruce tagged in Caulfield and they hit a double suplex on Rex, with Caulfield making the pin!


Chris Caulfield and Bruce the Giant defeated Enygma and T-Rex in 9.51 (B-)



T-Rex looked disgusted after the match with the faces cheering, while Enygma went to the back without looking at his partner (B-)




Overall Rating C+



5/6 for both BHK1978 and Dragonmack - neither calling the Television Title making it's way back to Andre Jones in such short order.



Perhaps a B- show if the first half of the show was better… but in truth I was more worried about the show not even reaching C+ level before the Main Events. I should not have been worried, as the Main Event actually rated as my third best match ever.


Tyson Baine debuts at SWF Break Like the Wind as the Angel of Death in defeat to Brandon James – in a match that rated higher than Jack Bruce winning the vacant World Heavyweight Title by defeating Remo.






It was today revealed that USPW have bought out little known UK promotion Men Of Steel Combat. A relatively insignificant promotion based concentrating on bloody brawls was rumoured to be in a financial state when Sam Strong splashed the cash. Quite what he saw in MOSC no-one is sure. A number of worker's contracts have been taken on by USPW, the top names being former MOSC UK Champion Harley Neill and his Tag Team partner Danny Patterson. USPW have also taken on the contracts of Bruiser, Daniel Black Francis, Emma Evans, Geordie Jimmy Morris, Highland Warrior Greg McPeterson, Lawrence Young, Mark Moore and Rolling Johnny Stones.


MOSC workers not taken on by USPW are Axl Grease, Bernie Evans, Carl Edwards, Jeffery McPeterson (despite his father being taken on), Jeremy Allen, Psycho, Scott Gregory, Tyrone Hughes and Ultra Violence.


The move has allegedly concerned a lot of the USPW locker-room who are left to wonder if their jobs are at risk to make room for the newcomers. The Force’s contract is apparently running low, and could be the biggest casualty. Captain USA retires from in-ring action shortly, but Al Coleman, Findlay, Giant Redwood, Jared Johnson, John Pathlow and even newcomer Nightfox could be at risk of release.



USPW to move to the Pop! Network


USPW American Wrestling is to move over to the Pop! Network for the new season. Although this will move USPW into the Canadian market, the earlier timeslot may hurt USPW in the long run.



Announced for USPW American Wrestling:

The People’s Team vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith

Jimmy Morris vs T-Rex

Shoot Club and Savage Fury vs Dark Truth, Pain and Andre Jones

Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Belle Bryden

Nicky Champion vs Mick Muscles

Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker and Enygma

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I have never been in the position to buy a company before (I usually only play as the smaller companies) so forgive me is this is a dumb question. With a lot of those characters being UK/Europe exclusive, are they now able to fight in North America because a North American company bought their contracts?


The People’s Team vs Jumbo Jackson and Jack Griffith


Jubmo and the Drunk seem to be on a bit of a roll as of late.


Jimmy Morris vs T-Rex


I have no clue how good or bad Jimmy is because I have only played as MOSC once. So I am going to pick him to lose during his debut match.


Shoot Club and Savage Fury vs Dark Truth, Pain and Andre Jones


Dark Truth and company kick all sorts of ass and I think that will be the case in this match.


Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson vs Gorgon and Belle Bryden


Nicky Champion vs Mick Muscles


He seems to be the future for you.


Bruce the Giant and Chris Caulfield vs Steven Parker and Enygma


This is really a toss-up for me as I can see it going either way. However, at the end of the day Bruce and Chris seem to have more star power.

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I have never been in the position to buy a company before (I usually only play as the smaller companies) so forgive me is this is a dumb question. With a lot of those characters being UK/Europe exclusive, are they now able to fight in North America because a North American company bought their contracts?


Yes, there are now workers who wouldn't normally work in the US who work for me. Workers who still aren't officially available in North America, so can't be stolen from me. Result. Considering I bought out MOSC for giggles as I'd never bought out a company before, that's a possible major plus point.

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