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Two questions about Mods

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<p>First, do most people accept characters from the CV 1975 and 1997 mods as canon? If someone were to do a mod in the 60s, would it be considered odd if they didn't use guys like Antonio Morretti and Ares Aegalus? Is it somewhat like an expanded universe?</p><p> </p><p>

This brings me to my second question, has anyone talked about doing a CV mod in the 1960s?</p>

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First, do most people accept characters from the CV 1975 and 1997 mods as canon? If someone were to do a mod in the 60s, would it be considered odd if they didn't use guys like Antonio Morretti and Ares Aegalus? Is it somewhat like an expanded universe?


This brings me to my second question, has anyone talked about doing a CV mod in the 1960s?


I think it would be very tough to do a 1960's CV mod. You would have to really know about that era and I do not think many on this board do (I could be wrong about this). That being said I would love to see a 60's CV come to life.

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I wouldn't mind seeing a 1920's, 1930's or 1940's mod just for kicks. I'm sure I'm the only one with that opinion though. LOL.


Not the only one at all, I just think it would be very hard to do these eras justice in this game. But heck if someone else is willing to try I would not mind helping out.

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wikipedia might be good for references and there is another website i posted in reap's thread to belt histories. the histories will give you info on who was around during those times and you can then look them up in wiki.


this should give you an idea of the fed's styles and the wrestlers styles. plus youtube might have some vintage footage.

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First, do most people accept characters from the CV 1975 and 1997 mods as canon? If someone were to do a mod in the 60s, would it be considered odd if they didn't use guys like Antonio Morretti and Ares Aegalus? Is it somewhat like an expanded universe?


This brings me to my second question, has anyone talked about doing a CV mod in the 1960s?


First off... yeah, I think we accept them as mostly canon. If someone did a C-Verse 60s mod, and guys like Antonio Morretti weren't there I'd be turned off. It's a historical mod of the same universe, not a "I call it C-Verse but has nothing to establish it as such other than mostly workers who debut much later from now!"




I think it would be very tough to do a 1960's CV mod. You would have to really know about that era and I do not think many on this board do (I could be wrong about this). That being said I would love to see a 60's CV come to life.


I actually have pondered the idea. But I'm currently working on the 2005 mod. Once it's finished, well... I dunno, lol. But I most certainly have thought of it. Started as an idea I had for my EWA diary, actually, where I'd tell the entire history of European Wrestling in the C-Verse (which has mostly evolved into my idea for a UCR 2005 diary once I finish the mod, both of which I WILL do and WILL be epic!)


Part of that meant I needed an actual "beginning" to the tale of the continent's wrestling, so I had the idea they'd have some sorta international league, with the wrestlers representing their respective countries in a structure like a legitimate international league. I had a whole mess to it, but... I won't go into any detail, least it either never happen due to someone writing their own history for it OR, if it should happen, let some of it be a surprise.

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