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How long?

Guest Instant Classic

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Guest Instant Classic

<p>This game knows just how to screw with me.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm playing a 2000 mod with WCW.</p><p> </p><p>

I decide to turn Booker T heel and give him the U.S. title.</p><p> </p><p>

Then I decide to put him against my WCW Champion Goldberg at New Blood Rising.</p><p> </p><p>

The DAY of the PPV Booker signs for a major movie role and takes off and leaves me hanging without a main event for my PPV.</p><p> </p><p>

How long will the little snot be gone so I know when to expect his return squash match?</p>

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This game knows just how to screw with me.


I'm playing a 2000 mod with WCW.


I decide to turn Booker T heel and give him the U.S. title.


Then I decide to put him against my WCW Champion Goldberg at New Blood Rising.


The DAY of the PPV Booker signs for a major movie role and takes off and leaves me hanging without a main event for my PPV.


How long will the little snot be gone so I know when to expect his return squash match?


i think you can check the medical screen to find out ive never had this happen so im not really sure, but i think remember someone saying that you could look there to find out.

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This game knows just how to screw with me.


I'm playing a 2000 mod with WCW.


I decide to turn Booker T heel and give him the U.S. title.


Then I decide to put him against my WCW Champion Goldberg at New Blood Rising.


The DAY of the PPV Booker signs for a major movie role and takes off and leaves me hanging without a main event for my PPV.


How long will the little snot be gone so I know when to expect his return squash match?


Why would you want to squash him? He will return more popular then ever.

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Guest Instant Classic

Great. You were right it's 6 months. All my plans to push Booker as the top heel are gone now.


Wouldn't you squash a guy who walked out the day he was going to win the WCW title for 6 months?


My game is becoming very weird, the day after Public Enemy won the XPW tag titles Rocco Rock died.


Pushing people kills in my game apparently.

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Great. You were right it's 6 months. All my plans to push Booker as the top heel are gone now.


Wouldn't you squash a guy who walked out the day he was going to win the WCW title for 6 months?


My game is becoming very weird, the day after Public Enemy won the XPW tag titles Rocco Rock died.


Pushing people kills in my game apparently.




I don't recall WWF trying to bury The Rock when his popularity started crossing over into success in Hollywood. I find it rather moronic to punish someone for being smashingly successful. Embrace the fact that, when he returns, he'll probably be able to carry the company on the back of his popularity alone.

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Guest Instant Classic

Going to make a movie with plenty of notice? I can see that.


Booking Booker & Goldberg & getting their Overness into the high 90's and pushing their main event for 5 weeks only for Booker to leave the day of the PPV would get pretty much any wrestler fired in any company.


I know it's a random thing in the game but considering I already had Booker almost maxed out to begin with its not like I'm going to have this huge gain when he returns.

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