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What grinds your gears?


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Completely un-original and obvious pet names. For example, naming a black and white cat "Oreo".


Just for the record, I happen to have a black and white cat, name of... Popeye. The Pye has been known to eat Oreos, (or at least lick all the cream out of them), but it never crossed my mind to name him that.


Got a new one, people who get mad at me when I do not say god bless you after they sneeze. I have a friend who seriously gets very offended because I will not say god bless you to him after he sneezes.:D


I think only my grandmother had the habit of saying "God Bless You" when someone sneezed. Maybe a great aunt or two. There are a few folks in my family who like to break out the ol' "Did ya get any on ya?" after a particularly loud and disgrossting belch, or ask "Everything come out all right?" after someone comes out of the bathroom.




Let's see. What grinds my gears these days?


Oh yeah. My computer-related OCDs for one thing. Dunno if anyone else has these kinds of problems, but it really drives me crazy that I came up with a pretty good idea for a TEW game, and then "had" to wait three days to actually put it into action, because for some reason, it became ridiculously important to me, that the little time-stamp that would be put on it say "Created October 1, 2010 - 1:00 AM". I am better than I used to be though, I can resist these strange urges for the most part, but every now and then, one of them gets me, and when it does, afterward I'm left wondering "Why in the *expletive deleted* did I let that happen?"



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Just for the record, I happen to have a black and white cat, name of... Popeye. The Pye has been known to eat Oreos, (or at least lick all the cream out of them), but it never crossed my mind to name him that.




I think only my grandmother had the habit of saying "God Bless You" when someone sneezed. Maybe a great aunt or two. There are a few folks in my family who like to break out the ol' "Did ya get any on ya?" after a particularly loud and disgrossting belch, or ask "Everything come out all right?" after someone comes out of the bathroom.




Let's see. What grinds my gears these days?


Oh yeah. My computer-related OCDs for one thing. Dunno if anyone else has these kinds of problems, but it really drives me crazy that I came up with a pretty good idea for a TEW game, and then "had" to wait three days to actually put it into action, because for some reason, it became ridiculously important to me, that the little time-stamp that would be put on it say "Created October 1, 2010 - 1:00 AM". I am better than I used to be though, I can resist these strange urges for the most part, but every now and then, one of them gets me, and when it does, afterward I'm left wondering "Why in the *expletive deleted* did I let that happen?"




Same here, not so much computer related, but I do have the habit of counting things. For instance, right now I am eating M&M's and I have to eat two at a time.


Also, if I am alone I tend to count my steps when I walk. So I can understand what you are saying.

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Same here, not so much computer related, but I do have the habit of counting things. For instance, right now I am eating M&M's and I have to eat two at a time.


Also, if I am alone I tend to count my steps when I walk. So I can understand what you are saying.



I tend to count things too.


Just random out of the blue stuff too. If I'm going for a walk I start to count my steps. If I'm eating something I count the number of times I chew. It's just something odd.

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Got a new one, people who get mad at me when I do not say god bless you after they sneeze. I have a friend who seriously gets very offended because I will not say god bless you to him after he sneezes.:D


This, over and over.


The worst being when I said something else, like "That sounded bad, you feeling okay?" or something to the effect of a sympathetic "are you ill?" kind of thing... and then someone else (i.e. not the sneezer) ranted at me for not saying "God bless you".


Now, two things with that. One, I am in no way religious at all, so why would I ever say that? A politer version of that explanation was greeted with preaching (another thing that grinds my gears, let's agree to disagree, respect each other's views and leave it, 'kay?). Two, she didn't say it either... chose to rant at me instead.

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Looking through all the vampire talk from months ago reminds me of a movie that grinds my gears. The Will Smith I am Legend. I am Legend may be the greatest vampire book ever written, the Will Smith movie is the worst of the 4 movies I know to be based off (or at least heavily influenced) it (and the only bad one of the lot). The 4 movies are The Last Man on Earth, The Omega Man, Night of the Living Dead, & I am Legend. Of the 4 only the Last Man on Earth is close to being like the book. It is also the only one that having the title I am Legend would actually add up (I will get to this in a sec). The reason The Last Man on Earth isn’t called I am Legend is that the books writer thought they changed too much about it (to the point that though he wrote the script he had his name removed from the credits) so he made them change the title. No way if he was still alive does I am Legend keep that as the title, the writers name ends up no where in the credit, and we don’t get any new release of the book with Will Smith on the cover. It is tragic that those three things happened.


Now to the point about the title not adding up. I am Legend is not only one of the best vampire books ever written, but also one of the smartest. It even talks about why crosses work and even comes to the conclusion that it wouldn’t work on a Jew, but that a Star of David would. The ending is one of them that you read and just sit there for a bit thinking about how incredible of a concept it is. The title is about that concept. Without the concept the title is nonsense. So when they made the new movie and ripped out all that was good about the book they removed the ending and somehow kept the title. Then they tacked on their ending (which is the Omega Man ending) and tried to make it work, but it doesn’t. What really saddens me is a great I am Legend movie could be made, but now it can’t happen for years. I mean for anyone who has read the book imagine a movie true to the book staring Liam Neeson as Neville and Gary Oldman as Cortman.

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Same here, not so much computer related, but I do have the habit of counting things. For instance, right now I am eating M&M's and I have to eat two at a time.


Oh my god, I thought I was the only one, I do it with cereal and biscuits and crisps (chips) and chips (fries) and I leave the last one if the number is odd. If I had 4 biscuits and someone asked for one, I'd force them to take 2 so I have an even number for myself


And if I drink anything I count to either 8 ,16, 32 or 64 in my head. When playing football (soccer) I will take an even amount of steps before taking a corner, penalty or free-kick. Or rub eye 1, i'll then rub eye 2 twice and then rub eye 1 again.


And your post has made me more aware of it now so I must make sure there is an even number of characters in this post now. lol. Which there was until I added this bit, but after this part it should be even again.



I tend to count things too.


Just random out of the blue stuff too. If I'm going for a walk I start to count my steps. If I'm eating something I count the number of times I chew. It's just something odd.


I also do this with random counting, wonder why people do that.

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I have to eat M&Ms, (and popcorn, and pretty much anything else like that) one at a time... with M&Ms, it's least favorite color first, favorite last. I'm also less than thrilled if any of my food items are touching each other on my plate, and again, I have to eat each of them one at a time, least favorite first, 'main event' last.


Also, I was once offered a job at a department store before it had even occurred to me to fill out an application - I went in for some Rocky Chow, (Rocky being my Scooby Doo-looking dog), and a manager noticed me making absolutely sure all the dogs on the dog food cans were perfectly lined up, and suggested I put in an appy.


Like a day or two later, I had a job, and not long after that, I found out that retail does in fact reek.



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Looking through all the vampire talk from months ago reminds me of a movie that grinds my gears. The Will Smith I am Legend. I am Legend may be the greatest vampire book ever written, the Will Smith movie is the worst of the 4 movies I know to be based off (or at least heavily influenced) it (and the only bad one of the lot). The 4 movies are The Last Man on Earth, The Omega Man, Night of the Living Dead, & I am Legend. Of the 4 only the Last Man on Earth is close to being like the book. It is also the only one that having the title I am Legend would actually add up (I will get to this in a sec). The reason The Last Man on Earth isn’t called I am Legend is that the books writer thought they changed too much about it (to the point that though he wrote the script he had his name removed from the credits) so he made them change the title. No way if he was still alive does I am Legend keep that as the title, the writers name ends up no where in the credit, and we don’t get any new release of the book with Will Smith on the cover. It is tragic that those three things happened.


Now to the point about the title not adding up. I am Legend is not only one of the best vampire books ever written, but also one of the smartest. It even talks about why crosses work and even comes to the conclusion that it wouldn’t work on a Jew, but that a Star of David would. The ending is one of them that you read and just sit there for a bit thinking about how incredible of a concept it is. The title is about that concept. Without the concept the title is nonsense. So when they made the new movie and ripped out all that was good about the book they removed the ending and somehow kept the title. Then they tacked on their ending (which is the Omega Man ending) and tried to make it work, but it doesn’t. What really saddens me is a great I am Legend movie could be made, but now it can’t happen for years. I mean for anyone who has read the book imagine a movie true to the book staring Liam Neeson as Neville and Gary Oldman as Cortman.


You've clearly never seen "I Am Omega" on the Sci-Fi Channel.


It is not only the worst adaptation of the story, it might be the worst movie ever committed to film. It is in fact so unintionally bad, that its hilariously watchable.


Spoiler: It finally answers the age old question of whether nun-chucks would work on zombie vampyre things.

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You've clearly never seen "I Am Omega" on the Sci-Fi Channel.


It is not only the worst adaptation of the story, it might be the worst movie ever committed to film. It is in fact so unintionally bad, that its hilariously watchable.


Spoiler: It finally answers the age old question of whether nun-chucks would work on zombie vampyre things.


Wait a minuet is that the one with the iron chef guy? If so saw part of it and had no idea it was based off I am Legend (like I said saw part of it).


Also do nun-chucks work? Got to know so when the zombies come I am ready. I recently (start of may till now) have lost 85 pounds, when people keep asking me why I tell them to get ready for the zombie apocalypse.


Thinking about it people asking me why I am losing weight grinds my gears. What a stupid question it would be one thing if I was in shape and was getting too skinny, making sure I don’t have caner or something. But, if a fat person is losing weight it shouldn’t be asked why. The answer is obvious wants to be healthy and not fat.

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Wait a minuet is that the one with the iron chef guy? If so saw part of it and had no idea it was based off I am Legend (like I said saw part of it).


Also do nun-chucks work? Got to know so when the zombies come I am ready. I recently (start of may till now) have lost 85 pounds, when people keep asking me why I tell them to get ready for the zombie apocalypse.


Thinking about it people asking me why I am losing weight grinds my gears. What a stupid question it would be one thing if I was in shape and was getting too skinny, making sure I don’t have caner or something. But, if a fat person is losing weight it shouldn’t be asked why. The answer is obvious wants to be healthy and not fat.




Yeah, thats the movie.


And the answer is "sorta". I mean...its not like it really kills them. You can knock them down though. :p


Truely just an awful, awful movie.


I like the ending where its all "He blew up all of LA!" with sticks of dynamite and C4 he planted around town. :D

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- Completely un-original and obvious pet names. For example, naming a black and white cat "Oreo".


I get you. I don't get why people give generic names either - a bizarre name to your dog could be the bane of an exciting conversation/story alone.


Got a new one, people who get mad at me when I do not say god bless you after they sneeze. I have a friend who seriously gets very offended because I will not say god bless you to him after he sneezes.:D


I'll admit, if I'm in a large room, say a class of 60+, and I sneeze and NO ONE says it... that miffs me a bit. A small group, whatever. But out of a group of 60, I'd expect one person to turn around and say "Bless You" or "Gesundheit!" or even a Seinfeldien "You are sooooo good lookin'".


I don't get mad if no one does it, but it's still polite. It's stupid, it's pointless and comes from an archaic belief, but... still... it's polite. Guess it was the way I was raised.


It's funny, people don't say "bless you" much here. I used to say this was a Canadian thing, but apparently in some parts, the "bless you"s are prevalent too so I guess it's an easterh canadian thing. Although now that I live in Ottawa, it's pretty much half and half.


Point is, I never minded it. I'll say it once in a blue moon and people will say it to me once in a blue moon too.


But in America... hooooooly crap. The places I've been, y'all keep your tabs well. My whole extended family in Philly is into it, I get that. But I recall when I went to Disneyworld when I was 15, and at three separate times that I was walking amongst the thousands of people in the streets of DW, I sneezed and had random-ass people come up to me to tell me "bless you". I'll never forget that, because it was such a contrast to here, where you sneeze in the bus and no one says a word. One out of three times, someone in your own family will say it. It's just funny to me.

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Yeah, thats the movie.


And the answer is "sorta". I mean...its not like it really kills them. You can knock them down though. :p


Truely just an awful, awful movie.


I like the ending where its all "He blew up all of LA!" with sticks of dynamite and C4 he planted around town. :D


In that case at least it was laughably bad and wasn’t called I am Legend.

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I get you. I don't get why people give generic names either - a bizarre name to your dog could be the bane of an exciting conversation/story alone.


If I ever have a cat I want to name it Sir Meow Mix. Then when people just call it Meow or Meow Mix I will inform them it is either Sir or Sir Meow Mix. Or I will name it OhOh the 2nd.


But in America... hooooooly crap. The places I've been, y'all keep your tabs well. My whole extended family in Philly is into it, I get that. But I recall when I went to Disneyworld when I was 15, and at three separate times that I was walking amongst the thousands of people in the streets of DW, I sneezed and had random-ass people come up to me to tell me "bless you". I'll never forget that,


Not that way in Minnesota. You may have a friend or a family member say bless you or more common here gazuntite everyone else just ignores it. With the exception of a quiet area with a few people say outside a room 30 minuets before class. It seems if someone sneezes there someone will say something just to start a conversation to get over boredom.

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I once had a cat named cracker. Seriously. Was awesome.


Had a baby hamster named Pudgy.


A dog named Psycho EightBall.


Though I am a dog person (cried like a little girl when we put down my dog of 15 years over the summer) my first pet was a cat I named around the time I turned 2. I named him OhOh As you can guess that cat got in a lot of trouble and spent at least 75% of the time outside (living in some near by industrial businesses). Within a few years that area has a ton of stray cats running around.

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You've clearly never seen "I Am Omega" on the Sci-Fi Channel.


It is not only the worst adaptation of the story, it might be the worst movie ever committed to film. It is in fact so unintionally bad, that its hilariously watchable.


Spoiler: It finally answers the age old question of whether nun-chucks would work on zombie vampyre things.


Never saw that version but if it was a Sci Fi channel movie of the week it had to be bad. Because all of those movies suck.:D


It's funny, people don't say "bless you" much here. I used to say this was a Canadian thing, but apparently in some parts, the "bless you"s are prevalent too so I guess it's an easterh canadian thing. Although now that I live in Ottawa, it's pretty much half and half.


Point is, I never minded it. I'll say it once in a blue moon and people will say it to me once in a blue moon too.


But in America... hooooooly crap. The places I've been, y'all keep your tabs well. My whole extended family in Philly is into it, I get that. But I recall when I went to Disneyworld when I was 15, and at three separate times that I was walking amongst the thousands of people in the streets of DW, I sneezed and had random-ass people come up to me to tell me "bless you". I'll never forget that, because it was such a contrast to here, where you sneeze in the bus and no one says a word. One out of three times, someone in your own family will say it. It's just funny to me.


I wonder if it is because Canada is colder and therefore people get sick more quickly. And therefore, people grow tired of saying it like every five seconds.:D


I do have to admit, if a good looking girl sneezes I might be more apt to say god bless you to her.


Though I am a dog person (cried like a little girl when we put down my dog of 15 years over the summer) my first pet was a cat I named around the time I turned 2. I named him OhOh As you can guess that cat got in a lot of trouble and spent at least 75% of the time outside (living in some near by industrial businesses). Within a few years that area has a ton of stray cats running around.


I guess your cat got around.:D Maybe a better name for it would have been Ramses the II.:eek:

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Looking through all the vampire talk from months ago reminds me of a movie that grinds my gears. The Will Smith I am Legend. I am Legend may be the greatest vampire book ever written, the Will Smith movie is the worst of the 4 movies I know to be based off (or at least heavily influenced) it (and the only bad one of the lot). The 4 movies are The Last Man on Earth, The Omega Man, Night of the Living Dead, & I am Legend. Of the 4 only the Last Man on Earth is close to being like the book. It is also the only one that having the title I am Legend would actually add up (I will get to this in a sec). The reason The Last Man on Earth isn’t called I am Legend is that the books writer thought they changed too much about it (to the point that though he wrote the script he had his name removed from the credits) so he made them change the title. No way if he was still alive does I am Legend keep that as the title, the writers name ends up no where in the credit, and we don’t get any new release of the book with Will Smith on the cover. It is tragic that those three things happened.


Now to the point about the title not adding up. I am Legend is not only one of the best vampire books ever written, but also one of the smartest. It even talks about why crosses work and even comes to the conclusion that it wouldn’t work on a Jew, but that a Star of David would. The ending is one of them that you read and just sit there for a bit thinking about how incredible of a concept it is. The title is about that concept. Without the concept the title is nonsense. So when they made the new movie and ripped out all that was good about the book they removed the ending and somehow kept the title. Then they tacked on their ending (which is the Omega Man ending) and tried to make it work, but it doesn’t. What really saddens me is a great I am Legend movie could be made, but now it can’t happen for years. I mean for anyone who has read the book imagine a movie true to the book staring Liam Neeson as Neville and Gary Oldman as Cortman.


What makes it worse is that the original ending they filmed was more in keeping with the book. The test audiences didn't like it so they swapped it out.


I think it's the special edition DVD/BluRay, you can watch the originally intended ending where...




...Mr Smith finds out that the 'Vampires' were only trying to rescue one of their own and in fact are intelligent, feeling creatures and that HE is the monster that is stalking them. He is the mythical 'vampire'. He is Legend.

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You've clearly never seen "I Am Omega" on the Sci-Fi Channel.


It is not only the worst adaptation of the story, it might be the worst movie ever committed to film. It is in fact so unintionally bad, that its hilariously watchable.



Aren't all the Asylum Studios mock-busters (I am Omega, Transmorphers, The Day the Earth Stopped, AvH: Alien vs Hunter, The Da Vinci Treasure, Pirates of the Treasure Island, Snakes on a Train etc) supposed to be intentionally cheap and tacky?

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  • 5 weeks later...

not much grinds my gears, but i hate spoilers in adverts or posters, be it a t.v programme or film,


i remember i started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer don't know what season as i was never really a fan but enjoyed this series and it was coming to the end of the series, and sky1 decided to advertise the end of the series with Buffy's gravestone,


same with the (rec) and the american remake, both adverts showed the ending and about the dvd even had the ending as the front cover


i don't mind if i accidently stumble onto a website where they reveal the ending, but when its the actual company who are revealing the spoilers it gets me mad


same thing with the adverts to Hornblower, Pet Semetary and Titanic, which probably had the worst spoilers of all

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  • 2 months later...

Thought of another one today...jeez I have a lot of stuff to complain about! :)


So, have you ever heard a song where whoever is singing tries to force something to rhyme that obviously does not? Yeah, that gets under my skin so bad. It's like, seriously? You couldn't come up with something better than that?

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same with the (rec) and the american remake, both adverts showed the ending and about the dvd even had the ending as the front cover



I've always hated the DVD cover of Saw. It features a sawn off leg, ignoring the fact they stole the scene from Mad Max, it's just unnecessary to spoil it. Feels like lazy cover design.

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i remember i started watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer don't know what season as i was never really a fan but enjoyed this series and it was coming to the end of the series, and sky1 decided to advertise the end of the series with Buffy's gravestone,


It didn't help that in the episode before the last one, during the end credits, the V.O girl (an incredibly annoying bint called Claire, who you can still hear on some adverts), decided to give away the ending to the series. So, even if you avoided spoilers, you still got the surprise ruined by some mongoloid.

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What really REALLY grinds my gears is 15 year olds who think that getting pregnant is "thee" thing when you are FIFTEEN. I had a friend who was like this, she got pregnant, and her possy of people were after you if you dared to breathe a bad word about her. And then she walks about and rubs it in everyones face. People who think like that should be shipped to Mars and left there.
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I'm usually a pretty laid back kinda guy, but there are things in life that really annoy me be they life based or internet based either way one tends to bleed to the other often times as they're people based. In any case 2 things that annoy me immensely; 1) being accused of something or taking the fall for something I didn't even do. 2) The hypocrisy and politic of what appears to be people in general. Kinda like how if you have a name value either in life or on a forum droves of people will listen to that person yet if joe schmoe with no clout says the exact same thing people rip them apart. Thing is how often is that person turning out to be right yet people make the same mistakes over and over again because they don't listen ? It's been happening throughout history and it's still in full force today. Or more to the point it's 1 rule for one and another rule for everyone else.
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