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Acer Laptops?


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<p>Has anyone had any experience with Acer Laptops, i have seen one i think is really good and a good deal, but with no experinece of Acer i am slightly hesitant in buying it.</p><p> </p><p>

I'm also asking because it is from Amazon, so i cant go see it before buying it so need to get an idea of their quality. Thanks in advance for any help.</p>

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I'm on an Acer right now, actually. Got it at Christmas. No complaints so far. I doubt it would be able to handle state-of-the-art PC games, so don't get it if you plan to do serious gaming.


I have an acer.No complaints either. But,what's the best brand to run state of the art games? Asus,maybe?

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I'm on an Acer right now, actually. Got it at Christmas. No complaints so far. I doubt it would be able to handle state-of-the-art PC games, so don't get it if you plan to do serious gaming.


Im not really into PC gaming so that doesnt bother me. I play mainly on my PS3. The only games i play on my laptop are WMMA, TEW, and Football Manager, which my current laptop can handle if i play in 2d, but the one i am looking at should be able to handle 3d.


Another question to put in now i know people like Acers. I looked at it again and the reason the price is cheap is because it is running on Vista. So my question is, is Windows 7 that much better that i should try to find a laptop with it? Just to let you know for if it influences the decision the laptop is only used for light work, such as Microsoft Word, the internet and the games mentioned above. And despite all the complaints ive seen i quite like Vista, but am wondering if Windows 7 is worth changing too.


Edit-Shawn Michaels 82 i dont know if its they are the very best gaming laptops but i know some people that love Alienware laptops for gaming.

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I bought a cheap (~$400 or so?) acer a couple of years ago, something that I would feel comfortable traveling with, so that I could leave my gaming laptop docked at home.


It was fine for basic usage and was also fine for TEW 08 and WMMA2. Late last year, the case cracked. The laptop still works, but opening and closing the case makes the crack worse, so I've retired it.


No real sense of whether the crack was my fault or the sign of a poorly constructed machine though. Replaced it with a low-end Inspiron from Dell (picked it up online during the online black Friday sale for $299, normally it's like $600 or so) that seems to do the same job.

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I bought my Acer laptop around about this time last year. So far (fingers crossed) no problems with it at all... I'm very pleased I went for it. Like you're planning to do, I bought it online (not from Amazon though) so this was the first time I'd bought a laptop without being able to physically check it out first. It was on offer at the time for around £600 (what's that now, about $900?) but the price for the spec seemed too good to pass up. I mainly use it for running Poser, which at times near crippled my old PC as well as TEW, C&C and pretty much everything else I have. I haven't bought any high-end PC games for a couple of years though, so I'm not too sure how it would fare with some of the later releases.


I also have Vista on it... not really a fan. I've disabled as many annoying functions as possible, but still spend a lot of time going into safe mode to properly install anything.


But yeah, value for money in my book.

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It's not just about your PC, it's also about your video card. I just got a Dell Studio XPS with a fair nVidia graphics card that can run stuff like Sims 3 and WoW, but it's not going to really do well with your top of the line first-person-shooters. I got a mid-level card; it's not the worst, but not the best. This computer cost me like $990.00.
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Another question to put in now i know people like Acers. I looked at it again and the reason the price is cheap is because it is running on Vista. So my question is, is Windows 7 that much better that i should try to find a laptop with it? Just to let you know for if it influences the decision the laptop is only used for light work, such as Microsoft Word, the internet and the games mentioned above. And despite all the complaints ive seen i quite like Vista, but am wondering if Windows 7 is worth changing too.


I haven't done any quantitative comparisons, but I feel, gut-based, everyday usage feeling, like there is a substantial difference in how Windows 7 and Vista handle memory and that 7 does a much better job.

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Im not really into PC gaming so that doesnt bother me. I play mainly on my PS3. The only games i play on my laptop are WMMA, TEW, and Football Manager, which my current laptop can handle if i play in 2d, but the one i am looking at should be able to handle 3d.


Another question to put in now i know people like Acers. I looked at it again and the reason the price is cheap is because it is running on Vista. So my question is, is Windows 7 that much better that i should try to find a laptop with it? Just to let you know for if it influences the decision the laptop is only used for light work, such as Microsoft Word, the internet and the games mentioned above. And despite all the complaints ive seen i quite like Vista, but am wondering if Windows 7 is worth changing too.


Edit-Shawn Michaels 82 i dont know if its they are the very best gaming laptops but i know some people that love Alienware laptops for gaming.



I think an Acer will do what you need it to do. I'd go with Windows 7.

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And here i am, quoting myself, trying to get this question answered. :D


I tried to answer your question before...now stop hijacking my thread :p

Edit-Stupid Phone, just refresshed the page and it reposted :p

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I use a 2-year-old Acer Aspire*, and it runs TEW great. I use it for all my graphics editing.


Some things it can't do: Can't run Left 4 Dead. Can't run Daz 3D (no OpenGL 1.2 support). Can't run Portal without graphical glitches for some reason. However, keep in mind that my computer, I'm not ashamed to say, was far from top-of-the-line when I got it, and is 2 years behind the hardware curve.


But for the most part, it's served me quite well. I would recommend Acer to pretty much anyone.



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And here i am, quoting myself, trying to get this question answered. :D


Custom. There is no one brand to run to for a state of the art, bleeding edge laptop. You could go to one of the PC companies that specialize in that kind of thing (Alienware, VoodooPC, Falcon Northwest) but they're not going to have ONE brand.


Think of it like buying a suit. If you want top quality and excellent cut, you don't buy "off the rack".

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