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NYCW97 : The other side of the war

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Hank Gregson’s East Coast Wars diary entry

In the end, there can only be one.


This spirit has been going around the area for the last few months. Outsiders like to think that Phil Vibert started it up, but I can tell you this has been grooming for quite some time. There’s some kind of counter-culture revolution in the minds of many youngsters which may not be a bad thing even though there’s no consensus on the solution. Overall, I believe people are just fed up about the way Eisen has been running his business and are looking for an alternative. Plug in a charismatic leader behind any edgy idea and you’ll have a loyal following.


Supreme Wrestling is soft, non risky and a bland opera aimed at old people. There shouldn’t be any limit to our craft.

XFW Xtremist


Supreme Wrestling has its merits, but more can be done to please the whole family from the little 7 years old boy to his grand father.

PPPW Loyalist


American Wrestling shouldn’t evolve in a closed fashion. Great things are done in Mexico and in Japan and we need to learn from them.

RPW Enthusiast


There’s them and us. They have been in power for too long and it has corrupted them. It’s time to push them out of the picture. Now is OUR time.

DAVE Rebel

Four factions, four motivations, only one goal : prove to the world they have the right vision of wrestling. People have been calling this the East Coast Wars. They are right, this is a war. Anything goes and cheap shots already became common. Only time will tell if there will be anyone left standing in the end. The Supreme Juggernaut is looming over us all. Dollars from Hollywood are also raining upon us. Maybe it’s not worth fighting after all…
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Hank Gregson's house


Hank, are you even listening to me ?


I raised my head slowly dropping my pencil in the process. I was once again lost in my thoughts and judging by my wife’s expression, I just missed some vital part of a conversation about… I don’t even remember.


Obviously you weren’t. You’ve been such absent minded lately, it’s disturbing. I know that trying to get the kids in a better school is not entertaining, but it must be done.

I’m sorry honey. My mind has been raging days in and days lately. Since that conversation with Derek, some part of my brain can’t stop working.


A black cloud passed over the room leaving a dark expression on my wife beautiful face. She pierced a hole through my heart with a sad and terrify look.


Wrestling !?! Not again ! You swore you were done Hank, that you would get a real job. You swore to me !

Wrestling, the source of many joys but also many tears in my life. It wasn’t a source a conflict with Dolores at first, I even suspect that’s why she fell in love with me, but everything has changed since the birth of my beloved children.

This is different Dolores. I’m not getting back in the ring. Derek asked me to become his business partner.


That’s because he knows you well ! He’s gonna sweet talk into wrestling soon enough ! Think about the kids Hank…

I am thinking about them ! It’s a nice opportunity to raise some money for them. Besides, you know Derek’s business. It’s a small thing, he runs his shows only once a month.


You promised me Hank…

Tears in her eyes, my wife ran out of the room. What now ? I promised something to my wife I thought I could handle, but at the first opportunity, I’m having second thoughts. Wrestling. My bones are hurting at the thought of it, but I can already sense the adrenaline rush. Wrestling. It’s like a drug, every time you think you can get away and control yourself, you take another dive.

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My wife hasn’t spoken to me in three days now. I don’t believe she would even listen to me. The kids have been kind enough to not raise the issue. I know it’s not right, but there’s something in me that can’t be stop. I need to see the end of this story with Derek. I need to know if I can finally make a difference.


Derek and I agreed to share lunch in his office. By office, we mean a dusty room in the old warehouse he found to build his ring.

Derek Bradford (aka The Stomper) : As I told you the other day, I want to replace Kenny [O’Quinn] behind the desk. His duo with Marv [Earnest] is getting stale, I think we need a change to please our fans.


Hank : That’s fine, I can do that for my old friend. As long as I don’t need to get back in the ring at any point, my health wouldn’t allow it.


Derek : Neither Dolores would.


I sighed heavily. A true friend, Derek sensed something was wrong. He began a sentence, but stopped when my body language told him it wasn’t the right time for an explanation.


Hank : Still, why coming for me ? I’ve been out of the business for a couple years now. There are probably a fair number of younger guys that could handle this job very well.


Derek : True, there are a lot of guys in the area that would like another pay check, but they aren’t qualified as you are to help run the books.


What ? That came out of nowhere. Surprise was all over my face.


Hank : Stop fooling me Derek.


Derek : I’m dead serious Hank. Things are heating up in the area. People are getting to really notice my promotion and there’s this whole war thing. I’m looking for someone I can trust to navigate through all this.


Hank : I’m… I’m… I don’t know. I’ve never hold the books before, I don’t want to ruin you.


Derek : You’ll do just fine my friend. I remember you saying countless times how you would do things differently if you were in charge when you were still an active wrestler.


Hank : You know better than me that I was kidding !


Derek : Well, now, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is.


Derek cut me before I could argue more.


Derek : Besides, you won’t be alone. It will be a team effort. I’m not selling you my company, I want you to co-run it with me.


Hank : I don’t know…

Derek : Trust me, it’s gonna work. It’s time to put all those ideas to work. With the two of us, I’m sure we can survive this war and make a few bucks for our old days. Let’s try this for a couple of shows and if all fails, you’ll still have the desk gig.

Wrestling. Once you tasted it, you’ll always get back for more for better or worse. I know I know I shouldn’t accept but that devil on my shoulder is pretty convincing.


Hank : All right, we’ve got a deal. I’ll give it a shot for a couple of months and see where it goes from there.

If we were businessmen we’d probably shake hands at this point or sign some papers, but we’re just two old wrestlers going for one last brawl. This deal is based on our friendship. I hope it doesn’t blow it up, because if I don’t find the right words for my wife, that might be the last thing I have left…

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Hank Gregson’s East Coast Wars diary

I never have been much of a book guy, but since accepting to help my friend Derek to run his business, I often found myself sitting my desk, pen in hand, writing random incoherent thoughts on numerous pieces of paper. Then came the usual realization that without putting some orders in all those papers, it would be worthless. That’s basically how I started writing this diary. No one will probably ever read this, but it helps me organizing my thoughts. Maybe at some point, when my time is done on this Earth, my sons will find this book and read part of it. Maybe it will help them understand why their father wasn’t home as often as he used to be.




Derek and I went over the basic financial sheets today. Things are looking good, we have a steady flow of sponsorship money every month and the crowds are steady. Unless we do anything silly, we shouldn’t have any problem with money in the short term.


Our attention then went on the next event, Rush Hour. I don’t want to screw anything up, so our conclusion was to run with the already planned program regarding the belts. One point really bothers me though : we have a great cast of bad guys, but where are the good guys ? Derek confirmed the hiring of two Canadians youngsters following the recommendations of John Carpenter, better known as Land Mass : Tim Westybrook and Mick Muscles. These are two long term project, it doesn’t address the lack of good guys at the top of the card though. Derek agreed to have a look on this.




Today was my first official meeting with the other two veterans helping Stomper run his place, Crippler Ray Kingman, for who I laid down a couple times back in the days, and Steven Westhill, better known as Corporal Doom, who I know only by reputation. As per the previous suggestion, they made a few phone calls and drove a few miles aiming to boost our roster. The results are average as I’m told we were beaten by other promotion on several cases.



Ray convinced Alex Braun from RPW to work a couple dates for us. He basically played the card of the overlooked guy needing just a bit more exposure, which is somewhat true, Braun jobbed for Eisen for a couple of months, but was quickly released. Braun insisted to bring a young guy with him, Troy Tornado, saying this kid is brilliant and could use some exposure on the East Coast. Derek felt empathic to the youngster, seeing that he’s under contract with Hollyweird but barely used at all and agreed to hand him a contract.


I’d like to write that we managed to sign a couple of stars, but that’s already it. Braun, his rookie, the two Canadians, that’s four more guys on the roster and Stompy insists that all we can afford. We’ll have to work from the inside to find a couple of fresh good guys.


Tradition doesn’t mean nothing has to change. It means to pay proper respect to the past while looking to the future.

NYCW Traditionalist

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NYCW Rush Hour

at The Ministry, New York City

on the 3rd Saturday of January 97

NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm

Alex Braun vs Morpheus

Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass

NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook

NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford




Feel free to make predictions for any events or chime in any comment for that matter. For the moment, I don't plan to run any prediction contest, you'll have to make with the satisfaction of telling me that my booking is predictable ;)


Please note that I made one change in the pre-game editor. Corporal Doom is listed as face in the default mod and switched him to heel since he has an abysmal E- skill in playing faces. It amplified the heel heavy roster problem that NYCW has, but oh well, it's nothing I can't overcome.

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NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm

Doom is the main man atm


Alex Braun vs Morpheus

Braun is your big nameon trade. he wont lose the first one


Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass

Stomper is still active and Land Mass is in his( well for his fat ass anyway) prime


NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook

Westybrook is just a young pup while Kingman is the son of your road agent.


NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

Money makes his bones in USPW. here he is still a jobber


Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford

guessing squash

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NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm

Doom is the main man atm


Alex Braun vs Morpheus

Braun is your big nameon trade. he wont lose the first one


Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass

Stomper is still active and Land Mass is in his( well for his fat ass anyway) prime


NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook

Westybrook is just a young pup while Kingman is the son of your road agent.


NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

Money makes his bones in USPW. here he is still a jobber


Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford

guessing squash


Sorry to be dull, but I agree with D-Mack. And that's the second time I've done that lately. Something must be up! :D Good luck with the diary. Hoping I can learn more about the C-verse 97 through this as I've only played one game with it and that was a UK one in TEW 2008.

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NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm

Alex Braun vs Morpheus

Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass

NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook

NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford

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NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm

Alex Braun vs Morpheus

Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass

NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook

NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford

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NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm

Alex Braun vs Morpheus

Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass

NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook

NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford

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NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm

Corporal Doom to retain here. I can see a decent title reign for him.


Alex Braun vs Morpheus

I think Braun is the stronger, but see a swerve decision-wise so I'm saying Morpheus here.


Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass

The youngsters to overcome the veterans.


NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook

Tim Westybrook to take the title here and be built into a really strong champion.


NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

Wiley Coyote. Rich Money is still very young and likely green in 1997.


Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford

Mick Muscles, NYCW's homegrown star to take this out.

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A 1997 NYCW diary? Sweet. Good luck Onu! :)


NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm

Doom is the '97 version of PRP. He's not the best worker, but will carry the main event till the younger guys are ready.


Alex Braun vs Morpheus

Can't see the Ice Man losing here. Maybe a DQ victory?


Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass

Owner drags Two Tubs of Fun to a victory


NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook


NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)

Rich Money is good enough to take the belts (in fact him and Bruce took them in my diary), but Hank isn't


Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford

Mick as a face should be interesting.

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NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom © vs Chris Storm


Alex Braun vs Morpheus


Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass


NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman © vs Tim Westybrook


NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote © vs Hankering for Money (Rich Money & Hollywood Hank)


Mick Muscles vs Edwin D. Bashford

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NYCW Rush Hour 97



NYCW Rush Hour

3rd Saturday of January 97

690 Fans in the Ministry

Announcers : Marvin Earnest & Cowboy Hank Gregson




NYCW Tag Team Titles : Wiley Coyote (ch) VS Hankering for Money


We kick off the new year with a championship match ! Not the greatest match, but a fairly decent opening affair as our fans seems to like the champions a lot. They get on the offense quickly, but Rich Money knows better and slows down the pace by going for the ropes, the corner or even rolling outside. Money does a decent job of holding his own against the champions, but things go down each time Hollywood Hank gets in the ring. The champions double team him a double suplex and that’s enough to score the pinfall much to the disdain of Rich Money.


Marv : Pretty much a routine title defense for the champions.


Gregson : Look at Money’s face. He’s simply disgusted at the results and doesn’t even want to hear any excuses made by Hank.




Until the champions get much more over, this is the kind of grade we’ll be getting from them. It’s better than nothing while we try to build a tag team division.




{A young woman in business attire leads a tall muscular man to the ring. She asks for a microphone…}


Woman : Allow me to introduce ourselves. This is my new protégé Mick Muscles and I am Alicia Gill, his new US agent and I’m here to ensure he makes only the best decisions for his career. My client here has been roaming over Canada for the last year and he is ready now to take over this country. Step by step, we’ll climb the ladder of success in a true American fashion. We’re waiting for your challenges whatever they are in ring or not. Arm-wrestling, weightlifting, wrestling, name your term and we’ll take the challenge. There’s more than a single way to success and we’re going to prove it !




Basic promo and character for Muscles here. He is totally unknown in the area so we’re taking the slow path to build him up. For those keeping records, Alicia Gill is portrayed by Holly Wood, a decent manager at best. She works cheap though and that’s I care for at this point of Muscles career.





Mick Muscles (w/Alicia) vs Edwin D. Bashford


Bashford tries to get the match called off as he shouldn’t have to put his hands on a dirty commoner like Muscles, but as you might have guessed, the referee wants none of it. Mick Muscles grabs the opportunity to go on the offensive and nails Bashford with a headbutt followed by a scoop slam. From then on, it’s all about Muscle who simply dominates his opponent and scores an easy pinfall after only 5 minutes following a second rope fallaway slam.


Marv : Well, this one was quickly over ! Impressive debut by Muscles.


Gregson : Bashford never had the chance to get in the match, but it’s his own fault for not caring enough.




A forgettable match at best, at least it was kept short and fulfilled its purpose : putting Muscles over. Bashford was supposed to invoke technical points in his revenge plans in the next few months, but this is going to simply end up as a total squash since Bashford signed a developpemental deal with SWF a couple nights after this show.






NYCW United States Title : Barry Kingman (ch) (w/Crippler Kingman) vs Tim Westybrook


New York gets the first treat of the young Westybrook and oh man what a showing ! The tall, muscular and powerful Canadian wastes no time and manhandles the champion suplex after suplex right from the bell. Outmuscled, the champion has to regroup outside the ring with his father, the legendary Crippler Ray Kingman who seems to be now accompanying his son to the ring. Crippler’s advice appears to be simple but yet effective as Barry goes for the legs of Westybrook to ground him. It works fairly well, but each time the Canadian can get on his feet, he outpowers Kingman and the momentum switches at least briefly. Barry Kingman catches a break when he gets a cheap shot in the challenger eyes while the referee backs him out of a corner. The champion goes straight to the knee and locks the Kingman Krippler. All the previous work done on Westybrook’s legs ends up being effective as he taps out after some very long seconds.


Marv : And Kingman retains! Barely, but he can still call himself the champion.


Gregson : What an impressive debut by Westybrook. This guy is so huge and powerful, it’s scary!


Marv : Sorry for the interruption Cowboy, but it looks like we might get an explanation of the Crippler’s presence at ringside.




God I like Westybrook. Especially in 97, he’s such a stud for any promotion. He’s not cheap for a lower card guy in the US, but the grades he gets makes for it. I know, Kingman is no slouch himself, I still believe Westybrook can carry a slime to a watchable match.





{As Marv pointed out, The Crippler is now in the ring flanked by his son, a mic in his hand which not usual for him. }


Crippler Ray : I hope you people are feeling special because you just witnessed greatness. I know it’s not something you see a lot around here, but take you time, have a good look at my son Barry, your United States champion. Now we’re conquering New York city, but soon enough, my son will be feared all around the country for the greatness of his dismantling abilities. Don’t worry though, we’ll be back next month for another showing, because the Kingman Legacy isn’t done yet with this pitiful place.


{Barry Kingman raises his belt high over his head while the Crippler silently applauds him. }


Marv : Well, people usually like the Crippler, but the cheers quickly turned to boos.


Gregson : You can’t blame them Marv, no one likes showboating like that.




The Crippler isn’t a very good talker, but at least he’s better than his son. We won’t get amazing grades from this, but that’s what minor angles are for. Besides that, I feel there’s a natural story to be developed there.





Jungle Jack & Troy Tornado vs The Stomper & Land Mass


Tornado comes out wearing the US colors on his gear which is enough to get him some cheers from the crowd. These cheap cheers carry into the match as Tornado shows his a great talent. He bumps all over the place for Land Mass, plays the face in peril while Stomper grounds him. It’s a basic formula, but it works! Tornado finally tags out and Jungle Jack comes in wildly in the match. It looks like the faces might pull an upset until the veteran Stomper drags the referee in a corner pretending to be hurt. The distraction provides enough time for the big bad Land Mass to crush Jungle Jack with a devastating Corner Avalanche. The Stomper suddenly feels better and drags Jack to his team corner to tag in Land Mass. One Standing Splash later and this one is in the books. Tornado tried to break the pinfall but was stopped by a Clothesline from Stomper.


Gregson : That’s going to hurt tomorrow morning !


Marv : Indeed. Jungle Jack and Tornado were taught a lesson by two bitter veterans in this one folks, but their future is bright.


Gregson : You might have spoken too soon Marv !







{Jungle Jack lays on his back outside the ring trying to find his breath after the behemoth Land Mass flattened him. Meanwhile in the ring, Stomper and Mass are not done yet. Troy Tornado seem to be in line for a beating too ! Tornado shoves Stomper away with some right fists, but he’s quickly leveled by a charging Land Mass. The veterans put the boots in Tornado then they drag him to a corner. Stomper holds Tornado down while… no way ! Land Mass is actually getting on the second rope for some kind of splash ! But wait, someone is running down the aisle armed with chair… Jack Bruce ?!?}



Land Mass drops downs and goes for Bruce, but he’s met with a chair shot to the head! Land Mass wobbles a bit, but he’s not going down. He swings widely at Stomper and misses, but Bruce manages to carry his momentum over Land Mass to push him out of the ring. Wisely, Stomper rolls out before more damage can be done. Jack Bruce challenges the veteran to get back in the ring, but it will not happen tonight. }


Gregson : From all the people I expected to make the save, Jack Bruce was not on my list.


Marv : He wasn’t on mine either Cowboy. It gets me wonder if there is any connection between Bruce and Tornado.


Gregson : I don’t know about that, but Stomper and Land Mass looked on the same page out there which can only mean trouble.




With a heel heavy roster and so many outsiders rejecting our contract offers, someone had to turn to equilibrate the roster. Bruce seemed to be a natural fit since his character can be well played in either disposition. Not sure where it will lead them, look for Stomper and Land Mass to work in some kind of association for the time being. Two bitter veterans around a good crop of youngsters, a classic plot in NYCW !





{It’s now time for the semi-main event as newcomer Alex Braun makes his way to the ring to a decent reaction from the crowd. Braun has a following even in the Tri-State area and it looks like he’s going to address.}


Braun : Thank you for the warm welcome. It’s nice to see that you remember me and that you still like what I bring to the table. As I always said, this is not a circus or a bodybuilding contest, this is a wrestling promotion. There’s no need to tell people how to live or how to think, the only think that matters is giving your best in this very ring to entertain each and every one of you. Pride, honor, respect are the basis of our…



{Braun can’t finish his sentence as Morpheus surprises him from behind with forearm smash behind the head. Morpheus puts the boots in Braun as the referee tries to restore some order to properly start the match.}




Ouch, that attack bombed for some reason. At least, I think Braun had enough time to set his character.





Alex Braun vs Morpheus


Morpheus continues his assault right after the bell and Braun looks in trouble for several minutes. Braun finally catches a break with a Jawbreaker that sends Braun railing. Slowly but surely, Braun mounts a come back and the fight looks more even… until Morpheus throws Braun shoulder first in the ring post! Morpheus smells blood and works on that shoulder, but can’t buy a three count. Alex Braun finally slides out a Sidesuplex to hit the Braun Damage and gets the victory.


Marv : Braun was in for one hell of a fight, but his endurance pays off in the end.


Gregson : As devastating as Morpheus attacks can be, I think he ran out of gas and patience. A split second was all Braun needed




A bit disappointed by the grade, I thought I could get a D+ out of this match. Maybe 15 minutes is a couple minutes too long for Morpheus and it was the difference maker.





{Moments before his championship match, Chris Storm is in the backstage interview area.}


Storm : Doom, I finally get my chance to put my hands on you. For the last few months, you dodged me on every excuse available, but it’s over now, you gotta be in that ring to defend that championship belt or you’ll be stripped. You can say whatever you want about a new generation of wrestlers wanting to be handle opportunities on a silver plate, but no one is buying your crap. I had to go to the championship committee to get you in this ring. Why ? Because you’re afraid. Not only afraid of me, but afraid that your time is up and that a new generation of faster and stronger are ready to take the lead. Tonight, it won’t be only a victory for me, Chris Storm, it will be a victory for all those other youngsters being held down by washed up former stars like you !


Marv : Strong words from the contender, Cowboy !


Gregson : Chris Storm is putting a lot of pressure on himself, but can he hold up to the task ? Overconfidence can cause your defeat !




Now that’s what I’m talking about ! And here’s the hope that Storm can stay in NYCW for a long time.





{Challenger and Champion are now in the ring. As the ring announcer goes for a boxing like presentation, he’s interrupted by the arrival of another wrestler, the veteran Ernest Mason. The Mace makes is way to the announcing table without leaving his eyes from Corporal Doom or Chris Storm. He grabs a chair and sits next to Marv.}


Marv : Well, welcome to our announcing desk Ernest Mason. Can I ask what your intent here is tonight ?


{Ernest Mason doesn’t move a single muscle. He completely ignores the question, his attention solely focus on the ring.}


Marv : Mace ? Any comment ?


Gregson : The Mace always has been a man of few words…




No really, it has a purpose ! You’ll have to be there for our next events to see !






NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom (ch) vs Chris Storm


Chris Storm is on fire, goes straight to the champion’s face at every occasion and it pays off in the beginning as Storm gets a couple of near falls. Sensing he might be in trouble, Corporal Doom has to use every trick in the book to slow the pace of the match, a strategy that infuriates Storm. It’s a good plan though, the champion erodes the challenger patience one fragment at the time and a little frustration starts showing up. Corporal Doom seizes an opportunity to connect a Corporal Punishment and goes for the cover. We will never know if Storm had enough energy to kick out as the champion used the ropes for extra leverage to retain his title.




Best thing about this match ? Chris Storm had a night off ! Yes, people with B+ consistency can have a night off….




Marv : Looks like we’re not done yet folks. The still World Champion Corporal Doom just grabbed a mic to address the live crowd.


Corporal Doom : Now listen up maggots ! I told you this match was a gigantic waste of my time. Chris Storm, or anyone in that locker room, can’t touch me. I haven’t been on top the food chain by luck, I’m the best American wrestler alive today. How many times I’ll have to hammer this in your little maggot brains ?


{Alex Braun emerges from the curtain his own mic in hand to a good reaction from the crowd.}


Alex Braun : Probably one more time Doom. I haven’t come to New York to hear this kind of crap, if I wanted I would have turn my TV on to listen to that Keith guy.


Corporal Doom : Who do you think you are to interrupt me, maggot ?


Braun : I’m your reality check. I’ve been around this ring for a long time Doom, I know all your tricks. You’ve been feeding on rookies for too long, it’s now time to put your title where your mouth is. I dare you to put that title on the line against me next month.


Corporal Doom : I wouldn’t normally listen to a maggot like you Braun, but I’ll make an exception. You’re new around here and need to be taught a lesson. Next month, I’ll beat you so badly that you’ll run back to the West Coast with your tail between your legs !


{Alex Braun makes a few steps towards the ring, but the champion is already rolling out the ring. Braun points at Doom with a large smile on his face as Rush Hour ends. }





Marv : Thank you everyone for joining us tonight. Do not miss Living Legends next month as Corporal Doom will put his title on the line against the newcomer Alex Braun !


Overall grade : http://www.retrohockey.net/diary/grade_d.jpg


Well, that’s fairly good rating considering our popularity, but it’s clearly not enough as we’ll be hit hard by the regional battle and probably lose more than we gained. I’ll have to be careful with angles, too many of them were rated Major and it hurt the show. Corporal Doom is fairly over, but he can’t solo drive the shows to greatness it seems. Any similarities to Dragonmack in the presenation should be taken as flattery. I really like his format which is simple and effective.

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Plus, I was worried about the lack of NYCW diaries around here, to be honest. ;)


NYCW product is way too great to be ignored. It's noob friendly and quite frankly, if I compare my grades and the AI one with the same promotion... I'm VERY rubbish.

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News from the War front (January 97)


Shows reviews


DAVE Back in Black = C-

RPW Crazy Nights = C-

XFW Forever = D+

PPPW Into the Void = D+

NYCW Rush Hour = D


As you can tell, Rush Hour was definately not good enough. We finished dead last which hurted our momentum, prestige and more importantly our popularity. NYCW needs to put at least D+ shows to avoid getting crushed. I'd like to get C- shows, but I doubt it's possible at this point with only Coporal Doom over enough. No title change to mention.


Roster moves


* NEW signed the following talents to exclusive develpment deals : JJ Coles (DAVE), Edwin Bashford (NYCW/AMW), Grace Harper (CGC), Flex (CGC), Blue Sky (RPW), Madman Bonne (XFW), Ramon Paez (PPPW), Human Arsenal (PPPW/CZCW).


* HGC offered some PPA deals to : Rodger Dodger (AMW/NEW), Eric Tyler (DAVE/CGC),I Butcher (XFW), Vengeance (DAVE), Jack Bruce (CGC/NYCW), Tom Gilmore (CZCW/RPW), Kurt Laramee (XFW), Prince Jafar (4C) and Todd Cusson (aka The Hype).


* Henry Lee DAVE --> XFW

* Brent Hill RPW --> XFW

* Chris Morissette/Rockwell/Storm PPPW --> XFW

* Jay Darkness DAVE --> XFW


Nothing really unusual here. Jerry Eisen and Duncan Kandall likes large roster (even though I downgraded Kandall preferences a nudge), so they always hire more wrestlers than they really need. It's sad for some NEW guys though as they might end up in that promotion for a very long time. Someone like Blue Sky doesn't seem to fit the SWF product. Bold move from Grave Harper to give up her in ring carreer to become a manager. It's nice to see some people get more national exposure with HGC. Eric Tyler and Vengeance should be the big winners as I fear many of the other new Hollwood members will simply get feed to the top the dogs.


RPW is going to be hurting. Sure they still have the phenomenal Steve Flash, but Blue Sky and Brent Hill were two key members that might be hard to replace. Poor Enthusiasts, they might get even more of Cousin Erza now ! PPPW also lost two key players in Arsenal and Rockwell, but I believe they have enough star power left to carry on for a while. Henry Lee, Jay Darkness and JJ Coles weren't really pushed in DAVE so they shouldn't see any difference. Sure, it sucks for them to have one of their tag team broken, but it's not crucial. They should really fear though that Tyler and Vengeance outgrow them with their new national exposure.


Format of these news is subject to change. I'm not really sure how to integrate them, but it definately fits into the background story somewhere.

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NYCW Living Legends

at The Weston Gymnasium, New York City

on the 3rd Saturday of February 97

NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom (ch) VS Alex Braun

Jack Bruce VS The Stomper

Jungle Jack VS Morpheus

Tim Westybrook & Mick Muscles VS Big Cat Brandon & NYCW United States champion Barry Kingman

Troy Tornado VS John McClean

Coyote Dynamite VS Hollywood Hank


Unfortunately, we have to move back to Weston. Finishing dead last in the regional battle really destroyed our popularity, estimated attendance was cut in half.

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NYCW World Title : Corporal Doom (ch) VS Alex Braun

Jack Bruce VS The Stomper

Jungle Jack VS Morpheus

Tim Westybrook & Mick Muscles VS Big Cat Brandon & NYCW United States champion Barry Kingman

Troy Tornado VS John McClean

Coyote Dynamite VS Hollywood Hank

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Corporal Doom (ch) VS Alex Braun

Doom retains


Jack Bruce VS The Stomper

tough call, but I think Bruce is still about 4 yrs from his big breakthru


Jungle Jack VS Morpheus

Morpheus is on the rise right now


Tim Westybrook & Mick Muscles VS Big Cat Brandon & NYCW United States champion Barry Kingman

Westybrook and Brandon are both young, but Westybrook starts stronger and is a better fit here.


Troy Tornado VS John McClean

Troy has the better ceiling, but that is still a decade away


Coyote Dynamite VS Hollywood Hank

old name same lousy wrestler, Hank loses

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NYCW Living Legends 97



NYCW Living Legends

3rd Saturday of February 97

300 Traditionalists in the Weston Gymnasium


Marv Earnest : Welcome everyone to another night of great wrestling here in New York. I’m Marv Earnest and here is my usual broadcast partner, Cowboy Hank Gregson.


Gregson : Good evening Marv. I can’t wait to see our main event tonight as newcomer Alex Braun tries to get the World title from Corporal Doom.


Marv : That should be quite an interesting main event indeed! I was told earlier today that Jack Bruce is supposed to address his recent actions.


Gregson : My money is on a friendship with this new guy, Troy Tornado.


Marv : Seems like a fair guess Cowboy, but we will have to wait as John McClean makes his way to the ring for the opening bout.

{In fact, John McClean rather heads for the announcing desk to grab a microphone before climbing in the ring. Looks like some talking is in order first!}

McClean : A travesty occurred last month : I was not on the show ! You see the NYCW management is pretty much like all you. They are jealous of my way of life. I’m a natural born success. I do not need to take shortcuts to get the job done neither do I need to use drugs or alcohol to forget my weaknesses unlike you all. I’m clean as the water from the purest source !


{As you might have guessed, the crowd is booing heavily at this point.}


McClean : Management doesn’t want me to succeed as it would prove that I live the superior life. What better way to achieve their malicious objective than keeping me off the card. At least, I’m here tonight and my teaching can continue and I have a wonderful opportunity. My opponent is a young man making his first steps in life, he’s a perfect candidate to become my apprentice and live the superior life. Please Troy, come out and listen to my voice of reason.


{Troy Tornado answers the call and makes his way to the ring, looking ready for a fight. However McClean tells the referee to wait and hands over a mic to Tornado.}


McClean : So Troy, are you ready to open your mind ? Are you ready to leave your past shell in this ring to live the superior life ?


Tornado : Dude, from where I come, telling people how they should live usually ends up in an ass kicking !


{McClean appears to be shocked by this thought and looks disgusted.}


Tornado : Ever heard of live and let live ? Does the word freedom ring any bell in your head ? It’s just the American way after all !


{A cheap pop it is, but hey you gotta start somewhere with those kids.}


McClean : Maybe the truth needs to be bashed into your head…


{McClean launches himself towards Tornado and hits him in the forehead with his microphone. The referee quickly pushes both mics away and rings the bell.}


Troy Tornado VS John McClean


Thanks to his sneak attack McClean has the early advantage over his younger opponent. Tornado’s break comes in the form a of a flying forearm smash coming off the ropes that catches McClean off guard. Both men are down for several seconds, but it’s enough for Tornado to regroup and he finally gets some offense. For the next few minutes, both men exchanges the momentum until McClean transforms a cross body in a small package to get a three count while pulling the tights of his opponent.


  • Pre-match exchange rating : E
  • John McClean defeated Troy Tornado by pulling the tights in 12 minutes. (D-)

I was a bit disappointed by the angle rating. I guess their high entertainment skills is not enough yet to compensate for the lack of overness. At least it got the point across of setting McClean character and we’ve seen a glimpse of Tornado’s personality. Speaking of Tornado, he was a little nervous about opening the show on the stick I guess as he really had an off night in the ring.



Marv : Someday, someone is going to set some fact straight with McClean.


Gregson : Will he listen though ? He seems to live in his own reality.


Marv : True, maybe we’re just stuck with him for a long time.


Gregson : Live and let live, wasn’t Tornado saying ?


Marv : Don’t be ridiculous Cowboy ! Oh, let’s head to the back as I’m been told something is going on…

{Indeed Marv ! Chris Storm locker room door is lying on the side literally taken off its anchors ! Inside, Storm tries to defend himself against a relentless Big Cat Brandon. Fists and knees are raining on Chris Storm ! Big Cat lifts Storm and sends him head first into the concrete wall, before slamming him on the ground with an over the shoulder slam. Storm is motionless on the ground while Big Cat is grunting of satisfaction over his body. He walks out of the room as the camera picks up a broken kendo stick which probably gave an extra element of surprise to the attacker.}


Marv : Someone get the medical team out there ! Chris Storm is out cold !


Gregson : What a vicious assault by Big Cat Brandon! The poor Storm wasn’t even supposed to be here tonight…


Marv : You have to wonder what went into Brandon’s mind.


Gregson : Big Cat Brandon never needed a reason to brutally assault someone!

  • Rating : D+


Basic setting to a new feud and a good way to present the new and improved Big Cat Brandon. I don’t know why, but when I look at Chris Storm, I see the perfect face in peril



{The camera doesn’t leave the backstage area as we go to Hankering For Money room. As you can expect, the room is filled with as many luxury objects our NYCW budget allows. Hollywood Hank stands before a mirror admiring himself while Rich Money walks behind him.}


Rich Money : I hope you’re ready for this. I went miles for this match. You beat Dynamite, we get another shot at the belts. You lose, I’ll have to go deeper in my pockets and you know how much I hate that. Let’s go, it’s time to push these two ugly bikers out of OUR spotlight.


{Rich Money leaves the room, but it takes a good ten to fifteen seconds before Hank moves out.}


Marv : I’m not even sure Hank was listening to Rich Money.


Gregson : I guess the view was too great to bother…


Coyote Dynamite (w/ Wiley Steinway) vs Hollywood Hank (w/ Rich Money)


This is going to be ugly… At least, the champion has some energy and it gets the crowd going. Rich Money tries to help his partner, but it doesn’t matter, Coyote Dynamite still wins this one in under five minutes with a Running Powerslam.


  • Pre-match segment rating : E-
  • Coyote Dynamite defeated Hollywood Hank in 5 minutes. (E-)

What can I say ? Putting the two worst workers against each other wasn’t a great idea, but it made sense story wise. It pains me to see that Dynamite can’t even go for five minutes without getting completely exhausted. Seriously, sometimes, I wonder why these two even have a job…





Jungle Jack VS Morpheus


Time to get the crowd going ! Jungle Jack runs widely to the ring and jumps all over the place. People love that guy, it’s a good reaction each time. Jack is taken down as soon as Morpheus gets in the ring. Morpheus looks pissed off as hell and he means business. It would have been a quick affair if it wasn’t for Jack’s resilience. This guy never quits and always finds a way to catch a second, third or even fourth breathe! Jack gets Morpheus railing a couple of times with some big moves, but a split second is all it took for Morpheus to level his opponent with the Stampede. The three count is academic.


Gregson : Some day, this Jungle Jack is going to be huge, but tonight his efforts were not enough.


Marv : Well Cowboy, we have to mention that Morpheus was in a foul mood tonight which is never a good sign for his opponents.

  • Morpheus defeated Jungle Jack with the Stampede in 10 minutes (D).

For some odd reason, Morpheus lost a good amount of popularity with his lost to Alex Braun. This match was meant to give him some momentum and popularity back as he’s a valuable upper card asset.





Tim Westybrook & Mick Muscles (w/Alicia) VS Big Cat Brandon & Barry Kingman (w/Crippler Ray)


Westybrook and Big Cat Brandon starts this one and it stalls pretty quickly. Brandon goes for his usual outpoweriring moves, but he can’t land them as Westybrook is also a strong man. Big Cat looks confused for a couple of seconds, but his expression changes to anger when the United States champions tags himself in. Big Cat almost explodes on his partner, but somewhere in his animalistic mind a little something warns him that he might be more intelligent to just get out of the ring for the moment. Kingman and Westybrook exchange the momentum for the first minute until Kingman grounds the big Canadian and starts working on his leg. Quick tags between Kingman and Big Cat and Westybrook is in trouble. He finally manages to escape Kingman’s grasp with a swift kick to the knee and tags Muscles in who clears house. The United States champion looks in trouble as Muscles lifts him over his shoulder for a Torture Rack. Kingman is about to submit when Big Cat charges Muscles with the Big Cat Pounce! Westybrook gets in the ring and goes for Brandon, both men spills over the ropes to the outside. Barry Kingman crawls to Westybrook and locks in the Kingman Krippler. Muscles is already pretty banged up at this point and quickly submits.


Marv : Big Cat just pushed Westybrook over the guardrail and he’s heading for the ring.


Gregson : You might think this guy is just a beast unleashed, but he is very human and still remember that early blind tag.


Marv : Kingman might get some unexpected help Cowboy, look over the aisle…

{The crowd roars as they see Chris Storm running down the aisle, chair in hand. Big Cat Brandon turns his attention to him while the United States champion wisely rolls out of the ring. Brandon stands his ground and challenges Storm to enter the ring… which he obliges of course ! Brandon goes for a clothesline, but Storm ducks under it and slams his chair in the back of Big Cat ! Brandon doesn’t seem affected! In fact he turns around to face his assailant. Bang ! Chairshot to the head ! Brandon is railing, but he falls on the ropes. Storm throws his bent chair to the side and clothesline Big Cat down to the aisle.}


Marv : The Animal has been wounded and he’s retreating !

  • Big Cat & Kingman defeated Westybrook & Muscles by submission in 8 minutes. (E+)
  • Chris Storm’s revenge attack (E+)

Standard filler tag team match to get people some ring action. It also never hurts to fish for tag team chemistry. The post-match segment continue our new storyline while adding a little depth to the Big Cat character.




{Things settle down a bit around the ring, but not for long as the flamboyant Jack Bruce makes his way to the ring to a mix reaction. He has been booed for sometimes, it’s hard to cheer for him now even though he opposed to lifetime heels in Stomper and Land Mass. Bruce is handed a microphone.}


Jack Bruce : So the big question all month has been “is Troy Tornado my friend” ? The short answer is simply no. Even though he’s probably a great guy and I wouldn’t mind being his friend, I don’t know Troy Tornado. Why did I save him then ? For the love of rock and roll ! You people deserves better than two old guys like Stomper and Land Mass. They have been boring you for too long, but it’s all about to change ! Because me, Jack Bruce, is about to rock and roll all over this place ! I’m putting the fun back in this house! Exit the old, slow, boring slugs, it’s about time you people get some real excitement. Now, let’s rock this place !


{Bruce hands over his microphone and warms up while waiting for his opponent. }


Marv : Looks like you were wrong on that one Cowboy.


Gregson : Is it Ernest Mason at ringside over there ?


Marv : Let me see… I confirm, it’s him and he’s not alone. I wonder who this young lady with him is.


Gregson : Surely not his girlfriend, she looks at best half his age.


Marv : This issue will have to wait as we’re ready for our co-main event.


Jack Bruce VS The Stomper (w/Land Mass)


Jack Bruce has to have eyes in his back in this one. Right from the beginning, Land Mass doesn’t want to get out of the ring and argues with the referee. Stomper uses the opportunity to blindside Bruce and gets the early advantages. For several minutes, Bruce tries to rally a comeback, he gets one or two hits, but each time Land Mass interfere just enough to distract Bruce and the momentum swings back to Stomper. Bruce finally connects a two suplex combo to catch a breath, but this time Land Mass really jumps in the ring and goes straight for Bruce with an Avalanche.


Marv : The referee called the match, but it doesn’t look over folks !

{Jack Bruce tries to fight back, but he’s quickly assaulted from behind by Stomper. Bruce stumbles in the large arms of Land Mass who catches him in a Bear Hug. Stomper joins in and bashes Bruce on the head.}


Marv : Bruce is in pain and can’t retaliate !

{Land Mass slams Bruce hard on the canvenas ! He makes a few steps back to bounce off the ropes.. Splash on Bruce ! Stomper is down to his knees and whispers something to a barely conscious Bruce while Land Mass puts a couple boots on his knees. Officials finally rush the ring to force Stomper and Land Mass off Bruce.}

  • Jack Bruce on the stick : D-
  • Ernest Mason at ringside with a young woman : D
  • Jack Bruce won by DQ over Stomper when Land Mass blatantly interfered at the 15th minute. (D)

Perfectly acceptable co-main event in my view. Bruce looked solid in defeat while Stomper and Land Mass get the brain and muscles treatment. And yes, I’m actually trying to paint Land Mass as real threat! If you’re not familiar with this mod, you probably don’t know Land Mass is coming off a lengthy stay with SWF at this point and he’s at D-pop all over the US. That’s something valuable and very useful for a small company like NYCW.




Marv : It’s now time for the main event ! As usual, the challenger is out first.


Gregson : I think he has a few words to say before the match, Marv.

{Indeed, Alex Braun asks for a microphone before the champion could make his entrance.}


Braun : Corporal Doom, tonight is about respect. Respect for this sports, respect for these fans. You’ve been lying and cheating your way to the top of this company for way too long. Tonight, it’s time for your reality check. This is not SupremeLand, here in the Tri-State area, you actually have to earn your spot by beating the bests in this very ring not with backstage power games. Tonight, the best athlete will be crowned World Champion and this company will celebrating !


{Braun hands over his mic. A few moments later, the champion appears at the top of the aisle with his own mic.}


Doom : Braun, now listen to me maggot! You think you can come here and give me lessons ? You’re pathetic like every other probee they’ve been throwing at me over the last year… You don’t get it, huh ? I am New York Wrestling ! Without me there would be no NYCW ! I am way above everyone else around here and I’m going to prove it once again tonight by making you scream like a little girl. I hope your insurances are in order, because you’re in for a world of pain.


{Corporal Doom drops his mic and charges the ring!}




NYCW World Title

Alex Braun vs Corporal Doom (ch)


Let’s go straight to the finish of the match shall we.


Alex Braun is in trouble, that last running corner clothesline really took the wind out of him. Corporal Doom circles him… Corporal Punis..no ! Braun blocks it! He drops to knees.. jawbreaker ! Braun follows with a lariat that sends the champions to the canvas. Braun grabs Doom’s legs and slingshots him head first in the corner. Corporal Doom wobbles out the corner, Braun grabs him in the legsweep position, but the champion grabs the referee’s shirt ! Braun can’t execute the move or else he might hurt the ref ! The referee argues with Doom and completely misses his back kick to the groin of Braun ! Braun is down to his knees in pain and that’s more than enough for a Corporal Punishment this time ! Cover….1….2…3! Doom is still the World Champion!


Marv : Another screwy victory for the champion !


Gregson : He’s been doing this for months now. At some point, karma is going to strike back.


Marv : Maybe next month, who knows ? You gotta be there for Mayhem in New York folks !


  • Braun promo C-
  • Doom promo D+
  • Corporal Doom defeated Alex Braun using devious tactics in 20 minutes. It was his second official title defense. (C-)


Overall Rating : D+

A slightly better event this month that’s still going to be overshadowed in the regional battle. Overall, we’re moving in the right direction I think. It’s a slow process, but Doom is the only guy above D popularity, so we need to elevate more workers before thinking of doing better shows. Some bad performances from let’s say PPPW wouldn’t hurt too. I’m not a very good face promo writer, but I’m trying to add enough details to make each one of them unique, I hope you can feel this little difference.

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