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APW: Taking over Australia

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This is going to be my APW dynasty, without a backstory. I dont really have anything in my head right now to write a decent one, so I'll just get straight to booking. The next post will be my roster, and I might try to get a card for the January show, APW's OzFest.

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Main Event:


Nathan McKenzie

The 21 year old big man has a huge upside, but that doesn't mean he isn't a huge star now. In fact, his feud with Swoop McCarthy is very hot. That said, we need to use him wisely, as we can capitalize on his current fame, but we also need to make sure we can fully allow him to grow as a wrestler.



Lanny Williams

Lanny is very good in the ring, and would be very good to use to help train up our younger talents. That said, he doesn't have very long left on his contract, so tying him back up is of utmost importance.



Swoop McCarthy

Swoop is another 20-21 year old talent, who is a huge star already and could be even bigger. While he may be able to get better, he is already one of the best performers, in and out of the ring. Honestly, there is nobody in the country of Australia that can honestly say that he is significantly better than Swoop. Swoop is the current APW Commonwealth Champion.



Harry Simonson

Hitman Harry Simonson is a solid hand to have, although his mic work and charisma isn't very good. That said, he can carry a good match out of anybody, and that is a great talent to have. We'll be doing our best to keep him around.



Upper Midcard:


Big Daddy Horne

Big Daddy is a big guy who has made a career of being big. That said, he's now in his 40s, and his lack of in ring talent is getting harder and harder to hide.



Debonair David Peterson

David Peterson is managed by good friend Sean Quartermaine, and they are both very over at the moment. If they stay over, they could be put in the main event scene. Their 'Perfect Gentlemen' gimmick has been doing very well.



Rick Stantz

Blake Belushi

Rick Stantz and Blake Belushi team up regularly as the Melbourne Blondes. They hold the tag team titles at the moment, and they are currently rather... bland I guess, babyfaces. I think they'd be far better off as heels personally.




Boo Smithson

Boo is a great in ring performer, much better than his midcard status. Unfortunately, he has the look of a lion, in that he has thick hair all the way around his head and face, and has a pronounced stutter, making microphone work borderline impossible.



Alexander Banks

"The Perth Playboy" is a young, 22 year old wrestler with great potential. He is managed by "Super Agent" Max Forbes, and thus is in an alliance with the APW Australian Champion Spiffy Stan Standish. Standish is helping Banks learn the ropes, and I see no reason Banks isnt going to be a productive wrestler for us.



Vance Sturt

Vance is a midcard guy who is about as good as he'll ever be. That said, he is a good hand to have around, and plays the heel to perfection. Unfortunately, the last guy who had the book just turned him face a couple of months ago, so we'll so how that goes before we probably turn him back heel.



Alyx MacQuarie

Alyx MacQuarie is a young man who is known for being able to switch from pretty boy fan favorite to ****y heel and back very well and easily. He has been tagging with Cole Taylor recently as the East Coast Rebels, and the duo are former tag champs.



Spiffy Stan Standish

Spiffy Stan is a 22 year old who is already a 2 time riegning Australian Champion. He is managed by Max Forbes, and they work very well together. Standish is a good midcard mainstay, who may improve into a solid upper card guy.



Dingo Devine

"The Suplex Master" Dingo Devine is a powerful young 245 lber, who like brawl and get inside with his opponents, where he can use his judo skills best. His lack of charisma will probably always keep him in the midcard, but he'll be putting on solid matches there, and he is already a former Australian Champion.



Lower Midcard:


Cole Taylor

Cole Taylor is a guy that I think has a lot to look forward to in this business. He's tall and about 240 lbs, and can both brawl and wrestle pretty well. His charisma is great and his afro gives him a very distinctive look, especially in Australia. That said, the 22 year old still has room to improve, but given time, he could be solid.




Switchblade is a small guy who prefers brawling tactics, and thus has had to create a hybrid brawling/street fighting style. He teams with D.O.A. as Crime Wave, and their similar styles do them well.




D.O.A. is another smaller, brawling style wrestler. His tag team with Switchblade, Crime Wave, are former tag champs.





Motty Kuroda

Motty is a young Australian of Japanese decent, who is tagging with Jimmy Stratusphere as the Rising Suns. Kuroda is a decent hand to have in the ring, but hopefully he can put together some semblance of mic skills and charisma as he matures, becuase right now he is very poor in this area.



Jimmy Stratusphere

Jimmy is a Hawaiian born wrestler of Japanese decent, also working and living in Australia currently. He is a pretty good in ring guy too, but is far better in the promo line of things than his tag partner, Motty Kuroda. I like the kid and he may have a future singles career.



Non-Ring Performers:


Stephanie Drucker (manager)

Client; Blake Belushi


Sean Quartermaine (manager)

Clients; Lanny Williams, Debonair Danny Peterson


Max Forbes (manager)

Clients; Spiffy Stan Standish, Alexander Banks


Mitch Y. Bryson (announcer)


Adam Borman (announcer; user avatar)


Frank Mucciolo (color Commentator)


Nigel Darling (Authority Figure)


Virgil Mann (Referee)


Markus Rush (Road Agent)


James J. McMinister (Owner)

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APW Presents... OzFest!


http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/AlexanderBanks.jpgvs.http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BooSmithson.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/VanceSturt.jpg

Alexander Banks vs. Boo Smithson vs. Vance Sturt


http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DebonairDavidPeterson.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DingoDevine.jpg

Debonair David Peterson vs. Dingo Devine


APW Tag Team Title match

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BlakeBelushi.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/RickStantz.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DOA.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/Switchblade.jpg

Melbourne Blondes © vs. Crime Wave


APW Commonwealth Title match

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/SwoopMcCarthy.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/AlyxMacquarie.jpg

Swoop McCarthy © vs. Alyx MacQuarie

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Alexander Banks vs. Boo Smithson vs. Vance Sturt

Boo is best worker in Australia, and he'll put a hell of a series on with Standish for the Australian title


Debonair David Peterson vs. Dingo Devine

Toss up match here, went with DDP since he can potentially challenge for Swoop's title while Dingo will still roll around with Standish for time to come


APW Tag Team Title match

Melbourne Blondes © vs. Crime Wave

Crime Wave aren't the team to beat the blondes


APW Commonwealth Title match

Swoop McCarthy © vs. Alyx MacQuarie

Alyx should stick to tag teams

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Alexander Banks vs. Boo Smithson vs. Vance Sturt

Boo has more talent, even though he does lack any verbal skills

Debonair David Peterson vs. Dingo Devine

DDP is higher up the card, and can be a Title challenger pretty quickly

APW Tag Team Title match

Melbourne Blondes © vs. Crime Wave

This match comes too soon for Crime Wave

APW Commonwealth Title match

Swoop McCarthy © vs. Alyx MacQuarie

Swoop is easily the most talented on ya' roster he isn't losing this ..

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Alexander Banks vs. Boo Smithson vs. Vance Sturt

Boo is most talented of these three

Debonair David Peterson vs. Dingo Devine

DDP might be a pain backstage but I expect him to pick a win here



APW Tag Team Title match

Melbourne Blondes © vs. Crime Wave

AS much as I like Crime Wave they aren´t winnig here



APW Commonwealth Title match

Swoop McCarthy © vs. Alyx MacQuarie

Swoop isn´t losing to Alyx espesially not in title match

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APW OzFest



The Show opens with Alyx MacQuarie's entrance music playing, and soon enough he enters the ring, microphone in hand.


"Thank you all for your incredibly warm welcome..." [the crowd booes incessantly] "You see, I'm sure you old, out of touch morons just wouldn't understand, but I'm kind of a big deal. And since I've spent the past 2 years here, not getting the respect I deserve for my abilities, so now I have to come out here and demand it. I'm just 23 years old... and I'm already the best wrestler on this roster!"


[swoop McCarthy's music hits and the crowd gives a good ovation for him as he comes to the ring, slapping hands with fans.] "And just what do you think you are trying to prove? You think you can keep me down forever Swoop!? Huh?!"


"I dont have to try to keep you down, kid. You do a good job of that by yourself. [Crowd cheers loudly for that comment] "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some... bigger fish to fry, so to speak." [As he turns around to head out of the ring, MacQuarie attacks from behind, beating him down until McCarthy starts to fight back. After a minute or two, the referees and other backstage personell split the two up, and the announcers tell everyone that the two will face off in a match tonight.]

Rating: 52


http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/VanceSturt.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/AlexanderBanks.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BooSmithson.jpg

Vance Sturt vs. Alexander Banks vs. Boo Smithson

Vance Sturt def. Alexander Banks and Boo Smithson via High Knee to Banks at 13:06

Rating: 38



[The Rising Suns, Jimmy Stratosphere and Motty Kuroda, open the office door to Nigel Darling's office and walk in.]


"Hi, Mr. Darling, I was hoping you would have some time for us to ask you something."


"If you can make it quick, go for it."


"Well, we were hoping that you could set us up with a title shot against the Melbourne Blondes..."


[Darling responds without even looking up from his computer] "I'll think about it."


"So we have a match?"


"... I'll think about it. Now get out of here. I have far more important things to do that talk to you."


[The Rising Suns have an angry expression on their face, but they think better of doing anything and leave.]

Rating: 22


http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DebonairDavidPeterson.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DingoDevine.jpg

Debonair David Peterson vs. Dingo Devine

Debonair David Peterson def. Dingo Devine via Hangman's Neckbreaker at 8:24

Rating: 46



Cole Taylor is in the ring when he is attacked by Nathan McKenzie and beaten down, needing to be helped to the back by road agents and officials.

Rating: 47


The Melbourne Blondes are in the ring when The Rising Suns music hits and the come to ringside to watch the following match.

Rating: 18


http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BlakeBelushi.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/RickStantz.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DOA.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/Switchblade.jpg

The Melbourne Blondes vs. Crime Wave

The Melbourne Blondes def Crime Wave when Blake Belushi def. Switchblade via Axe Kick at 18:26.

Rating: 41


http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/SwoopMcCarthy.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/AlyxMacquarie.jpg

Swoop McCarthy vs. Alyx MacQuarie

Swoop McCarthy Def. Alyx MacQuarie via Running Powerslam at 23:31 in a match that seen Nathan McKenzie attack both men in the match.

Rating: 48


Show Rating: 44

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Well... not a bad first show, but certainly not what I was hoping for. Maybe I'm in over my head... first job in a land I'd never even been to prior to this job. I'm already under the skin of a couple of guys for not getting them on the opening show. James McMinister was happy though, he made money. I dont think keeping just him happy wont keep my job. If I keep pissing off my workers, I wont have a job for long...


APW's Big Night Out

Dark Match:
Dingo Devine and Boo Smithson vs. Alexander Banks and Switchblade

[u][b]APW Australian Title[/b][/u]
Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Vance Sturt

D.O.A. vs. Harry Simonson

The East Coast Rebels vs. The Rising Suns

[u][b]APW Tag Team Titles[/b][/u]
The Melbourne Blondes vs. Big Daddy Horne and Lanny Williams

[u][b]APW Commonwealth Title[/b][/u]
Swoop McCarthy vs. Nathan McKenzie

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Dark Match:

Dingo Devine and Boo Smithson vs. Alexander Banks and Switchblade

I still go with Boo despite the fact that he lost in last show


APW Australian Title

Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Vance Sturt

Champ usually retains in his first diary match so SSS for the win here


D.O.A. vs. Harry Simonson

No way D.O.A wins here


The East Coast Rebels vs. The Rising Suns

With Rising Sun getting some angle time last month they might well take the win here but I go with team which is higher on standings.


APW Tag Team Titles

The Melbourne Blondes vs. Big Daddy Horne and Lanny Williams

Not sure about this one since Lanny is main eventer, but I don´t have much fate on Big Daddy so I go with Blones taking a small upset victory here.


APW Commonwealth Title

Swoop McCarthy vs. Nathan McKenzie

Not a time for title change yet.

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Dark Match:

Dingo Devine and Boo Smithson vs. Alexander Banks and Switchblade

Thrown together teams rarely win


APW Australian Title

Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Vance Sturt

I don't take Sturt seriously in a company with guys like Dingo Devine and SSS


D.O.A. vs. Harry Simonson

I don't think D.O.A. wins here ever


The East Coast Rebels vs. The Rising Suns

The Rising Suns, despite a good showing, are robbed of their title shot by the Rebel's cheating, and complain to Daring again


APW Tag Team Titles

The Melbourne Blondes vs. Big Daddy Horne and Lanny Williams

If Big Daddy Horne wins a title, we riot


APW Commonwealth Title

Swoop McCarthy vs. Nathan McKenzie

Could see McKenzie winning, but it would probably be better to extend the feud out for a while

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Dark Match:

Dingo Devine and Boo Smithson vs. Alexander Banks and Switchblade

Love Dingo, Love Boo ... nuff said'

APW Australian Title

Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Vance Sturt

I like Vance Sturt but .. SSS retains

D.O.A. vs. Harry Simonson

Not an Harry fan, i always job him to Big Daddy Horne when i play as APW! ;) But anyways he wins here.

The East Coast Rebels vs. The Rising Suns

Tough call, random selection says hello East Coast Rebels.

APW Tag Team Titles

The Melbourne Blondes vs. Big Daddy Horne and Lanny Williams

Thrown together team does not win even if it does contain the wrestling god that is Big Daddy Horne.

APW Commonwealth Title

Swoop McCarthy vs. Nathan McKenzie

Tough call but Champ just edges it.

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APW's Big Night Out


Dark Match

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DingoDevine.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BooSmithson.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/AlexanderBanks.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/Switchblade.jpg

Dingo and Boo draw with Alexander Banks and Switchblade when the ref lost control and called the match at 17:41.

Rating: 40




[The Show opens with Swoop McCarthy in the ring, microphone in hand.]

"You know, I'm usually pretty laid back. Yeah, I dont get mad at much. But, you know, I had to come out here tonight and let a few... frustrations out. Nathan McKenzie... You attacked my opponent, as well as myself, in my match last week. Now, I know our history, and I know how much you want my title, but you really need to keep your big nose OUT of my matches.



[Nathan McKenzie's music hits and he walks out onto the ramp.]


"Wow, calm down big fella. You want a shot at this, you can have it tonight. All ya gotta do is ask man..."


Rating: 57



APW Australian Championship

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/SpiffyStanStandish.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/VanceSturt.jpg

Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Vance Sturt

Spiffy Stan Standish def. Vance Sturt via Brainbuster at 10:03. Standish makes defense #1 of his APW Australian title.

Rating: 39




[The Melbourne Blondes, Blake Belushi and Rick Stantz, come to the ring, and Blake has a microphone in his hand.] "Thank you, now we're proud of these belts... and we believe that we need to have the best challengers in the world." [blake hands microphone to Rick Stantz] "And because of that, we're searching backstage for the best possible opponents..." [As he is talking, The East Coast Rebels come running down the ramp, and attack the Blondes in the ring, beating them down. After a couple of minutes, the Rising Suns come running down and clean house, running the Rebels off.]

Rating: 32



http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DOA.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/HarrySimonson.jpg

D.O.A. vs. Harry Simonson

Harry Simonson def. D.O.A. via Boston Crab at 7:38.

Rating: 44


The Rising Suns are in the ring preparing for their match when the Melbourne Blondes come down to ringside to watch the match.

Rating: 28



http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/JimmyStratosphere.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/MottyKuroda.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/AlyxMacquarie.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/ColeTaylor.jpg

The Rising Suns def. The East Coast Rebels when Jimmy Stratusphere def. Cole Taylor via Frog Splash at 12:39

Rating: 39



APW Tag Team Championship

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BlakeBelushi.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/RickStantz.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BigDaddyHorne.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/LannyWilliams.jpg

The Melbourne Blondes def. Big Daddy Horne and Lanny Williams when Blake Belushi def. Big Daddy Horne with an Axe Kick at 10:25.

Rating: 50




"Alright, its time! Nathan McKenzie, you wanted it, now you've got it. I'm gonna go down to that ring, step in with an animal, and walk out not only smelling like a rose... but as the APW Commonwealth Champion."

Rating: 56



APW Commonwealth Championship

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/NathanMcKenzie.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/SwoopMcCarthy.jpg

Nathan McKenzie vs. Swoop McCarthy

Swoop McCarthy def. Nathan McKenzie via Running Powerslam at 19:08.

Rating: 55


Show Rating: 50; Should have increased our popularity.

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We had a busy month away from the mat this month, as we tried to renegotiate with DOA and Lanny Williams, but both fell through for different reasons. So, we went out and hired a couple people. One is a young man named Maurice Jackson. He has great charisma, and is good enough in the ring to get over, though he should certainly be improving as we go. The other is a tag team, the we stole from DIW. They'll remain nameless right now, but will debut at APW's Fight Night.



Dark Match
Maurice Jackson vs. Lanny Williams

Dingo Devine vs. DOA

[u][b]APW Tag Team Titles[/b][/u]
The Rising Suns vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Lanny Williams and Big Daddy Horne vs. ???

[u][b]APW Australian Title[/b][/u]
Harry Simonson vs. Vance Sturt vs. Spiffy Stan Standish

Nathan McKenzie vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

Bonus point to guess the tag team[/center]



Zergon 7/11

John Lions 7/11

Jingo 7/11


At the moment, everyone has predicted the same thing on the cards, so nobody is ahead.

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Maurice Jackson vs. Lanny Williams

New guys comes in and shows the leaving guy what he's got.

Dingo Devine vs. DOA

D.O.A on the way out.

APW Tag Team Titles

The Rising Suns vs. The Melbourne Blondes

The blondes are waaay more over at the mo ..

Lanny Williams and Big Daddy Horne vs. ???

No way is Lanny winning on his way out.

APW Australian Title

Harry Simonson vs. Vance Sturt vs. Spiffy Stan Standish

Tough call what with .. Harry being a Main Eventer but Triple S is talented so gets my vote.

Nathan McKenzie vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes

I like Whirlwind but McKenzie is .. Well better.

Bonus point to guess the tag team: The Apocalypse

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Dark Match

Maurice Jackson vs. Lanny Williams


Dingo Devine vs. DOA


APW Tag Team Titles

The Rising Suns vs. The Melbourne Blondes

Lanny Williams and Big Daddy Horne vs. ???

APW Australian Title

Harry Simonson vs. Vance Sturt vs. Spiffy Stan Standish


Nathan McKenzie vs. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes


Bonus point to guess the tag team: The Apolcalypse

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APW's Fight Night



Dark Match:

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/LannyWilliams.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/MauriceJackson.jpg

Lanny Williams vs. Maurice Jackson

Maurice Jackson def. Lanny Williams via Rolling DDT at 6:58.

Rating: 39




Swoop is shown backstage, the victim of a sneak attack. He is unconscious, and is stretchered out.

Rating: 51



http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DingoDevine.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/DOA.jpg

Dingo Devine vs. D.O.A.

Dingo Devine def. D.O.A. via Southern Lights Suplex at 7:40.

Rating: 36



[blake Belushi and Rick Stantz come to the ring, microphone in hand.]


Blake starts off the talking... "The past couple of weeks, the Rising Suns have been out for our respect. And to be completely honest, they've started to earn it." Rick gets handed the mic. "And to reward their efforts, we'd like to challenge them to the match they've been fussing over for the past few months."

Rating: 48


[The Rising Suns come out, and Jimmy Stratosphere has a microphone in hand.]

"We're ready, and we want it right now!"

[The crowd cheers, and the match starts]


Rating: 32


APW Tag Team Titles

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/JimmyStratosphere.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/MottyKuroda.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BlakeBelushi.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/RickStantz.jpg

The Rising Suns vs. The Melbourne Blondes

The Melbourne Blondes def. The Rising Suns via Blake Belushi def. Motty Kuroda via Axe Kick at 16:03. The match saw both Blondes use heel tactics to get the victory, and the crowd accordingly turned against them.

Rating: 52


Nathan McKenzie reveals that he attacked Swoop McCarthy.



[crowd goes bananas, while commentators act stunned to hear this] I ATTACKED SWOOP... AND NOW HE KNOWS WHO IS THE ALPHA MALE OF THIS COMPANY!

Rating: 48



http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/Hatemonger.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/Warmonger.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/BigDaddyHorne.jpghttp://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/LannyWilliams.jpg

The Apocalypse vs. Big Daddy Horne and Lanny Williams

The Apocalypse quash Lanny Williams and Big Daddy Horne for 9:52. Apocalypse Nowish ends it.

Rating: 35



[Camera pans to the desk of Nigel Darling, and is shown on our "video screen."] "As the official liason from the Australian Sports Commission, it is my duty to punish, as well as reward, this companies performers. With that in mind, I come to the case of Nathan McKenzie."

[crowd booes wildly at the mere mention of his name.]

"Nathan's attack of Swoop McCarthy earlier today is certainly not something I approve of. The chances of him injuring Mr. McCarthy severely is far too high.

[There is a pause to let that information set in with the crowd.]


That said, I can certainly appreciate his desire and internal fire to regain the APW Commonwealth Championship. And that is why I am making a match for next month's Beachfront Breakdown show. It will be Nathan McKenzie going one-on-one with Swoop McCarthy inside a steel cage. Thank you for your time." [The camera zooms out from Darling as the crowd boos incessantly.]

Rating: 44


APW Australian Title

http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/SpiffyStanStandish.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/HarrySimonson.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/VanceSturt.jpg

Spiffy Stan Standish vs. Harry Simonson vs. Vance Sturt

Spiffy Stan Standish drew with Vance Sturt and Harry Simonson at 18:00 when the time limit expired. Standish retains his Australian title.

Rating: 48


http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/WhirlwindLeeWilkes.jpg vs. http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r319/borman_48/NathanMcKenzie.jpg

Whirlwind Lee Wilkes vs. Nathan McKenzie

Nathan McKenzie def. Whirlwind Lee Wilkes via Spear at 8:25.

Rating: 46


Show Rating: 46

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