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What Year?

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Putting the finishing touches on the 2002 Alternate Reality mod tonight and am feeling back in the swing of things. Wanted to get peoples thoughts on what mod they'd like to play? I was thinking of either 2004 or 1999-2000 if they're not in the works yet. Open to any suggestions :)
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Putting the finishing touches on the 2002 Alternate Reality mod tonight and am feeling back in the swing of things. Wanted to get peoples thoughts on what mod they'd like to play? I was thinking of either 2004 or 1999-2000 if they're not in the works yet. Open to any suggestions :)


What kind of alternate reality:)

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Putting the finishing touches on the 2002 Alternate Reality mod tonight and am feeling back in the swing of things. Wanted to get peoples thoughts on what mod they'd like to play? I was thinking of either 2004 or 1999-2000 if they're not in the works yet. Open to any suggestions :)


A Mod in set December 99 or January 00 (Before Bret Retired) would be nice. Or maybe even a mod set in January 99 (set after the finger poke of doom). BTW excellent idea with the WCW alt reality mod.

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Personally I'd love to see you roll the Montreal Aftermath data back to late '95 or early '96. Neither WWF or WCW were at International by that point - they'd be considered National I would think. Having Razor and Diesel on the WWF roster while having to compete with the money WCW has would be really cool. This is the time period that WWF was having some problems due to losing top stars and not having a solid bank account.


I would enjoy an '04 mod though.


EDIT / P.S. Whatever you end up doing will be cool and I'll definitely check it out. I've enjoyed the Montreal Aftermath a lot.

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Interesting question. And an interesting range of answers.


I find it tought to pin a particular one myself, to be honest, because what real world period I want to play really depends on what type of game I'm feeling like. Sometimes I want to relive another era entirely, and sometimes I just want to have the rather contemporary era play out differently.


Side thought - I find myself playing around on EWR every so often for the simple fact that there is such a range of mods available for the past decade. You can basically pick a year and month and find the data for that period. I would love to see TEW get to the point where there are high-quality mods available for almost every year from about late 90s to mid 00s, just for the range of options it would give.

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Yeah and ECW didn't begin (within WWE of course) until June 2006 thus being no ECW brand.


Is an entirely new mod necessary for a difference of 5-6 months? You can either start ECW early, play through those first few months, or adjust the mod as required....

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why not take suggestions from people here and make a what if scenario game, like how would things have turned out if shawn michaels and triple h left for wcw instead of diesel and razor ramon or if owen hart never died that kinda thing. im sure others could come up with some great stuff
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