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*HYPE* 2001 MCD Data

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So, my absolute favorite time (likely in wrestling) and I know for sure to play TEW in, is 2001. Especially the time right before the invasion. Where you can try and run the invasion angle, successfully, destroy it more so then Vince did, or try and keep WCW going under various scenarios. And ECW is still possible to be brought back (maybe a WCW / ECW alliance/merge in real to try and take down WWF, but as a seperate promotion).


That said, I decided to start making a mod based on this time. The mod I'm doing right now, and my way of breaking it down, is a "What if...". What if, Shane and Vince really did have a "family feud" and Shane left WWF, buying WCW? However, unlike most mods of this time, where when WCW lives it lives with the entire WCW Roster, Goldberg to Jerry Flynn, but what if the roster that came to WWF was truley the only guys Shane had? The reason that so few guys came to WWF is because WWF only bought a portion of WCW, what they wanted, at a cheaper price, while people like Goldberg and Hogan were still entitled to the downside guarantee of their contract from Turner, which is also the reason a lot of them didnt show up in WWF for a year or more.


So thats the plan right now. I just finished adding what will be the main WCW roster, aka the guys who were on WWF TV as part of WCW, but I'm also giving them the guys who were sent to HWA in a developmental fed of WCW's own.


Of course, this will be easily converted to pretty much any scenario or truth to the time.



[b]-World Championship Wrestling-[/b]
Alan Funk (as Kwee-Wee)
Arn Anderson
Bill DeMott (as Hugh Morrus)
Billy Kidman
Billy Silverman
Booker T
Buff Bagwell
Charles Robinson
Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Chris Kanyon (as Kanyon)
Chuck Palumbo
Diamond Dallas Page
Elix Skipper
Evan Karagias
Fit Finlay
James Gibson (as Jamie Knoble)
Jerry Tuite (as The Wall)
Jimmy Yang
John Laurinaitis
Johnny Stamboli (as Johnny The Bull)
Kaz Hayashi
Lance Storm
Lash LeRoux
Mark Jindrak
Mike Awesome
Mike Sanders
Nick Patrick
Scott Hudson
Sean O'Haire
Shane Helms
Shane McMahon
Shannon Moore
Shawn Stasiak
Stacy Keibler
Torrie Wilson

[b]-World Wrestling Federation-[/b]
Chris Benoit
Chris Jericho
Kurt Angle
Steve Austin
The Rock
The Undertaker
Triple H
Vince McMahon

[b]-Free Agents-[/b]
AJ Styles
Alex Wright
American Dragon
Bam Bam Bigelow
Brian Adams
Bryan Clark
Christopher Daniels
CM Punk
Colt Cabana
Curt Hennig
Danny Doring
Davey Boy Smith
Dawn Marie
Dusty Rhodes
Eric Bischoff
Glenn Gilbertti
Harry Smith
Hulk Hogan
Jerry Lawler
Jerry Lynn
Joey Styles
Johnny Swinger
Kevin Nash
Low Ki
Paul London
Rey Mysterio
Rick Steiner
Road Warrior Animal
Road Warrior Hawk
Rob Van Dam
Samoa Joe
Scott Hall
Scott Steiner
Shawn Michaels
Sid Vicious
Simon Diamond
Steve Corino
Super Crazy
The Sandman
TJ Wilson
Tommy Dreamer
Ultimo Dragon
Vince Russo
Yoshihiro Tajiri



This will be set to being April, not June when WCW guys started "invading" but in April because thats when Shane as owner of WCW would've started business. Despite this, and the fact ECW "died" April 4, they will not be included. The ECW belts will be, and will be able to be purchased by whatever company (INVESTMENTS) the player plays as. This also means there can be some good free agents out there, notably guys who hadnt debut in WWF prior to April. Tajiri is a perfect example of this. But also guys like Sabu will be free agents (assuming they arnt on a PPA deal somewhere else).

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I wont be doing a game before the sale of WCW. I have no interest in that time period is all.


Like I did say, I will likely end up doing a WCW as part of WWF version.


Problem I'm running into is what to do with the WCW talent that wasnt part of the invasion, but were bought out into the WWF. Either include them in the main roster, or put them in a WCW-owned developmental system.


I'm leaning towards simply putting them on the roster, then a player would have the option to create a developmental promotion via the game itself (INVESTMENTS~!)


So far the guys who ended up in HWA and would be eligible for this are:

-Evan Karagias

-Jamie Knoble (the K is back!)

-Jimmy Yang

-Kaz Hayashi (1 month contract)

-Kwee Wee

-Lash LeRoux

-Mark Jindrak

-Mike Sanders

-Primetime Elix Skipper


-Shannon Moore

-The Wall

-TJ Wilson


I also MAY add KroniK the WCW, pending how it sims. Simply to prevent a FA-signing rush, or at least dull it a bit.


Also NO one say "what about DDP?" he'll be in WWF. If you actually follow "reality" DDP had jumped from WCW to WWF and already been involved in The Undertaker stalking angle before the official collapse/purchase of WCW. So DDP will be in the WWF.

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what about DDP?


..now Im not just saying that to annoy you.. he was on the Greed card in March.. in the main event against Steiner.. granted he was jobbed out virtually but still.. and he didnt surface in the WWF until June.. the build up to KOTR.. when he started stalking Sara..


Im pretty sure his contract was one that was brought over during the sale of WCW.. dont think he had signed a deal before then.. so, personally, id include him with WCW..


both Lance Storm and Hugh Morrus turned up before DDP though.. so its not like he was brought in first..

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what about DDP?


..now Im not just saying that to annoy you.. he was on the Greed card in March.. in the main event against Steiner.. granted he was jobbed out virtually but still.. and he didnt surface in the WWF until June.. the build up to KOTR.. when he started stalking Sara..


Im pretty sure his contract was one that was brought over during the sale of WCW.. dont think he had signed a deal before then.. so, personally, id include him with WCW..


both Lance Storm and Hugh Morrus turned up before DDP though.. so its not like he was brought in first..


I could SWEAR the stalker angle started before the invasion though... maybe I'm just pushing dates around in my head. I'll try and read up on it though.


Granted, having DDP in WCW does add a legitimate main eventer, which WCW desperatly needs. Unless you free agent shop with them you really only have Booker & Bagwell who can main event, with Storm & Awesome on the cusp if pushed right (aka split them up properly like WCW failed to do, making Awesome a patriotic face, Mike America, and Storm the evil foreigner.)


I just simply love the possibilites of this time and scenario. If you break down WCW's roster, per title, (which I would suspect would be popular to play as) it would look like:



Booker T

Buff Bagwell



Hugh Morrus

Johnny The Bull


Lance Storm

Mark Jindrak

Mike Awesome


Shawn Stasiak



Billy Kidman

Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Elix Skipper

Evan Karagias

Jamie Knoble

Kaz Hayashi


Lash LeRoux

Mike Sanders

Shane Helms

Shannon Moore

Yun Yang



Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo

Lance Storm & Mike AWesome

Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore

Kaz Hayashi & Yun Yang



Heavyweight division is interesting for what isnt there. Do you finally pull the trigger on a big Storm push? Bring in RVD and have him thrown into the mix? Or go after someone else... Shamrock? Or just recycle WCW's trash bringing back crappy guys. haha.


Retire the US Belt? Have Booker lose it? Would make sense to have him drop it to Bagwell, or Storm, or whomever, then also make that person the front runner for the Heavyweight belt. Or have someone COST Booker the belt bumping them up the card or debuting them with an impact. Or Vacate the belt and have a tournament with "New stars, finally unleashed!".


Cruiserweight belt: just have fun with that. Clearly just go X-Division rip off with Shane Helms the centrepiece. Guys like AJ and Daniels are still improving on the indies, and thanks to what I hope will be accurate data, wont be able to simply jump into WCW seemlessly and might actually be served better with time on the indies or in a developmental promotion, or brought up slowly.


Tag Belts: another have fun scenario. Maybe rip off TNA? Or is this how you maybe bring in RVD & Dreamer as a tag team? Or maybe some other top indy stars or forgotten ECW stars?


Then you have the option of doing an ECW invasion into WCW! Which could always be fun. A group led by maybe someone like Tod Gordon, or Joey Styles, or Cyrus, invading with RVD, Dreamer, Sandman, Sabu, ext. Do Storm and Awesome jump? Do they not? Does one? Not the other? Just how do you make fans hate RVD?


Its those quick reasons, and hundreds of others why I'm making this mod. I just hope this can HOPEFULLY rejuvenate what I feel has been a slumping mod market.

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the possibilities really are endless... some great workers to fully utilise and as you say, numerous routes to go.. an ECW mini-invasion could work out well.. how to deal with Booker having both titles..


definately something id be interesting in playing anyway..


but yeah, im pretty sure that DDP's stalker angle was mid-June in the build up to KOTR.. while not directly linked to the Invasion i think it was just a way to bring him in differently to everyone else..

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From wikipedia


When WCW was purchased by WWF owner Vince McMahon in 2001, Page was one of the few major WCW stars to sign with McMahon. He debuted in the WWE on the June 18th, 2001 edition of RAW when he unveiled himself as the stalker of the The Undertaker's wife, Sara.[1] Page did it to make an impact and wanted to take on the biggest dog in the yard, but he then became obsessed with Sara. Page soon joined the the Alliance during the WCW Invasion.[1]

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From wikipedia


When WCW was purchased by WWF owner Vince McMahon in 2001, Page was one of the few major WCW stars to sign with McMahon. He debuted in the WWE on the June 18th, 2001 edition of RAW when he unveiled himself as the stalker of the The Undertaker's wife, Sara.[1] Page did it to make an impact and wanted to take on the biggest dog in the yard, but he then became obsessed with Sara. Page soon joined the the Alliance during the WCW Invasion.[1]


Thats what I said all along... ;)


That said, once again an interesting thing enters how as DDP and Booker will both be faces. Obvious choice is to have one turn on the other and have that be the big money feud while Bagwell puts people over, moving down the card... haha. Also, DDP is being given "weak" momentum to start (B) so...


I should also note, at this point at least, all WCW contracted workers are being assigned 3 year deals, beside a few guys (Hayashi, Shane, Bagwell off the top of my head). This will mean that whether you play as WCW or someone else, WCW will be able to (assuming it stays open, doenst drop in size, release guys on its own) have its core together for that long.

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Thats what I said all along... ;)


That said, once again an interesting thing enters how as DDP and Booker will both be faces. Obvious choice is to have one turn on the other and have that be the big money feud while Bagwell puts people over, moving down the card... haha. Also, DDP is being given "weak" momentum to start (B) so...


I should also note, at this point at least, all WCW contracted workers are being assigned 3 year deals, beside a few guys (Hayashi, Shane, Bagwell off the top of my head). This will mean that whether you play as WCW or someone else, WCW will be able to (assuming it stays open, doenst drop in size, release guys on its own) have its core together for that long.


Sorry, I was trying to back you up :p


Granted, I think DDP was a guy that the WWF really dropped the ball with and I wish more would have come out of him being there, but when you release this I might just fittle in the editor to make him a WCW guy again :p

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put DDP in WCW anyway, simply works better that way, considering the data starts in April 1st (read the blurb I added to the bottom of the first post)


So WCW is "done" for now. Likely going to just add some random free agents before going to bed (been up way to long now, worked a 12 hour night shift).


Hopefully start tackling WWF tommorow.

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