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Problem with angle quality

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I run a promotion (which is SWF but i tweaked their product). I am getting a constant complaint that my angles are not of the same quality as the matches. Thing is my matches and angles are rated about the same (from C+ to B in both cases). It is pretty standard for me to get an angle of B- and the match to follow with the same rating.


So what is the problem :confused:

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It's likely that your angles are rating only a few points lower than the matches (within the same letter thresholds), resulting in the note. It's not a big difference, so it won't be enough of a penalty to be concerned with.


After all, something's always going to be higher than something else.

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The basic concept seems to be that your angles should be equal to or better than your matches, I think Adam stated it was based on the average of your matches in a previous topic. best thing to do to avoid it is to avoid any angles that wont grade out as well as at least your semi main event.


But as also stated, as long as they are close, the penalty is negligible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Did this change with the latest patch?


I have never had this agent note before, in any other version of the game and I have put some rubbish angles in. To be honest, it is really starting to annoy me now.


Every single show I put out says the angles are not as good as the matches. It's no longer fun that the overall rating of my show is brought down because of this note.

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Did this change with the latest patch?


I have never had this agent note before, in any other version of the game and I have put some rubbish angles in. To be honest, it is really starting to annoy me now.


Every single show I put out says the angles are not as good as the matches. It's no longer fun that the overall rating of my show is brought down because of this note.


It was changed in a patch in March and the effect was always there, you just didn't get a note for it before.


EDIT: There's a formula for working out show grades that is divided roughly by match and angle ratings. The match rating part of it is made up of


70% the rating of your main event

20% the rating of your semi-main

10% the average rating of the rest of your matches


Then you get an angle rating that is roughly the average of your angles. If the angles are better than your matches then you get a note saying your angles helped. If they're very close together then you probably won't get a note. If your angles are worse then they'll take away from the show. The bigger the difference between the two, the more of an effect the angles will have, but the matches are still the dominant part of the rating and you will get notes for some pretty small effects.


There are potentially lots of speculation about the actual weighting of the angles. Logically they should count more in a promotion with a high percentage of angles in the show, but I don't know if that's the case. Maybe one day I'll do an experiment to check, but I've not been playing Sports Entertainment style promotions for a while so it's not having much of an effect in my games so I care less. :)


For those using letters... change to numbers and you'll have an easier time identifying any problems. I only play with numbers now, ever since Adam told us to test using them. I just can't bring myself to switch back. :)

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