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Hype: NWA Domination 2010 by naiwf

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ok iv been re-sizing some of your logos and finding nice alternatives then making those fit heres what i came up with



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Is there any way you could eliminate the Upstate from the NY logo? Same thing applies to the 2nd city in the Hardcore City one? If so, that would be great. If not, that's fine.




Trump is in his 60's and I figured I'd just go with the kayfabe owner for NY so that Raven (and Hogan before him) can still be used by NY since they desperately need star power.

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hows this




im working on Hardcore now


Awesome. The actual NWA: NY recently dropped the upstate in real life, but I couldn't find a logo without it. Thanks.

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and heres nwa hardcore city




edit: heres some custome logos iv made


i thought that a classic NYC skyline would look nice with this one




when i think florida i think cheesy post cards, maby its just me






edit edit:


decent stormtrooper pics for LA



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Im actually quite glad i cant play this mod properly yet, because seeing the results from simming is really interesting.


Hardcore City are really establishing themselves, and with 4 global promotions everything is heating up.


Award winners were

Wrestler Of The Year - Chris Benoit

Young Wrestler Of The Year - Io Shirai

Veteran Wrestler Of The Year - Shawn Michaels

Female Wrestler Of The Year - Melissa Anderson

Promotion of the Year - WCCW

Most Improved - NWA Canadian Stampede

Match Of The Year - Amazingly Awesome (Latin Lover & Christian) defeat Counterpunch (Mistico & Tito Ortiz) Match Rating 100.

Card Of The Year - NWA : MC Guerra (Highlighted by Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Juventud Guerrera, Amazingly Awesome vs Counterpunch (Not the match of the year one, and the main event of Ron Killings vs Abismo Negro.


DSW is one of the promotions i havent paid much attention to, and are still at regional. Zack Ryder is the world champion.


Stampede are one of the Global forces, Petey Williams held the title untill November, when he was beaten by Joe E. Legend. Notable signings of the year are MVP, Big Zeke, D'Lo Brown, Mark Henry, Ted DiBiase Jr. and Vladimir Kozlov (who left America where he had B pop, to become an opener for stampede, stupid Kozlov).


Detroit are still failing to make an impact and are still at cult. Mark Copani lost his belt in June to BJ Whitmer, but regained it in Novemner. Chuck Taylors Jnr. Heavyweight reign lasted over a year, before being ended by Chase Stevens, who lost it to current champion Jimmy Jacobs. Big signings of the year were Carlito, Kevin Steen, TJ Wilson, Xavier and Vampiro. Also i dont know how or why but Shelly Martinez has ended up in Detroit, despite being huge in Mexico.


Florida are at Regional, the championship history since the start of the game is Nick Nemeth, James Storm and now Chris Sabin.


At Global Hardcore City are trying to overthrow WCCW and are making a good attempt at it. Taz was chmpion from December 10 until March 12, when CM Punk ended his reign. Punk could not replicate Taz's sucess and only made it to June before losing the belt to The Giant. Coincidentally When the Giant debuted in HC late in 2011, his debut match was losing against Punk. Taz and RVD are still NWA Tag Champions but lost there HC Tag Titles to The Last Dragons. Taz and RVD has held the belts from January 2010 until August 2012. Big Signings include AJ Styles, Excalibur (who is stupidly over), Spanky (Who has decided to go freelance)...ohh yeah and the small matter of Mr. Benjamin, who debuted in Week 4, December 2012 so has only had one match so far, defeating Spanky.


In L.A the domincance of L.A.X was ended. In Jan 2012 Hernandez lost the heavyweight belt to Chris Hero, but in December Super Dragon beat Hero for the belt. The tag titles are now in possesion of Matt Bentley and Eddie Guerrero who beat L.A.X in August.


LLPW are at Cult, with Mercedes Martinez as their main champion.


In memphis Johnny The Body (a.k.a John Morrison) is World champion after beating Jamie James in March. Jamie James & Brian James lost the tag titles in january to Chris Sabin & James Storm, but won the titles back before they could even make one defence. Need just 1 more importance point in two more regions to make it to national, they are at 64 in 3 regions. Major signings are Bobby Lashley, and Christopher Daniels (who sadly is back to his Super Spicy Man persona).


Mexico City are still at Global. La Parka is still their champion. Mistico and Tito are champions at the end of the year, they started the yer as champions, lost the belts to Latin Lover & Christian but regained them. Young Wrestler of the Year Iro Shirai is the current three time womens champion, with youth dominating in the womens division. Iro started the year champion before losing the belt to Portia Perez, who lost it to Christina Von Eerie, who lost it to Iro. The NWA Cruiserweight championship changed hands as Mistico lost it to Latin Lover. I cant see any new signings, they seem to have stuck with whats working for them.


NWA NY are still at cult, with prestige of only 14. However they remain ranked 2nd. Jack Evans lost his Heavyweight belt to Mark Henry after three defences within less than one month. Henry made it until december but had to relinquish the belt to join stampede. The Alpha Male won the title in a 4 way against Justin Angel, Brock Lesnar and The Miz. The Miz has somehow made it 3 years with the NY Cruiserweight title and Orton lost his NWA Heavyweight belt to Brock Lesnar in September. No notable signings, but as seen in other promotions catch-ups they have lost a lot of talent.


In Quebec The Blue Meanie is heavyweight champion in the regional promotion.


Sendai are still at regional.


Shimmer are still at regional with Cherry Bomb as champion.


Muta is still Heavyweight champion is Tokyo, with Chono still Triple Crown Champ. Morgan & Bernard were tag champions most of the year, but Muta and Chono tooke the belts back in October. Morgan & Bernard and Chono & Muta are the only teams who have put there hands on the tag gold since the start of the game. Foley and Jericho have been in Tokyo since Jan 2011, i dont know how i missed these guys.


Tri-State are at regional, with Aaron Stevens as champion.


NWA Uk are at cult.


WCCW are still the #1 Promotion, but were delt a big blow at the end of the year when Mr. Benjamin left. The Rock made it till June with the heavyweight belt before losing it to Paul Levesque who is the current champion. The tag titles are similar to in Tokyo, with two teams having all the power. Adam Copeland and Benoit started the year champions before losing the belts to the Rock and HBK, who lost them back to Copeland and Benoit who lost them back to the Rock and HBK. No big signings, but have kept there core roster, apart from Benjamin of course.


Just did a 3 month sim, and one of the stories on the home page...Hulk Hogan dying a drug related death. :o

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Thanks for the info, aside from the ridiculously lengthy title reigns it seems to be about where I wanted it.


Hogan dying from drugs is unintentionally hilarious to me. I'm not entirely sure how NY is still # 2 considering it seems like they're the worst of the major promotions.


I'm really glad that CS somehow got back to respectability and that at least one of the other American promotions has grown to compete with WCCW.


My one big question is are the development places churning out any stars to WCCW/NWA: NY?

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I just finished running a 1 year watcher run and here are the results of the Awards and the Top 10 Workers:


Wrestler Of The Year - Adam Copeland

Young Wrestler Of The Year - Armando Flores

Veteran Wrestler Of The Year - Chris Benoit (he seems to win this a lot)

Female Wrestler Of The Year - Sara Stock

Promotion of the Year - NWA: New York

Most Improved - NWA: LLPW

Match Of The Year - Paul Levesque defeated Chris Benoit at WCCW SmackDown!(99 rated match)

Card Of The Year - WCCW SmackDown! Held on the first week of January (contained the MOTY on a 94 rated card)


Top 10 Wrestlers of 2010


1. Adam Copeland

2. Chris Jericho

3. Chris Benoit

4. Kurt Angle

5. Paul Levesque

6. Eddie Guerrero

7. Christian Cage

8. Mr. Benjamin

9. Shawn Michaels

10. Ozz



Top 10 Promotions: comany (size) (prestige) (momentum)


1. WCCW (Global) (83) (81)

2. NWA: NY (Global) (87) (75)

3. NWA: HC (National) (88) (82)

4. NWA: LA (Cult) (56) (85)

5. NWA: D (Cult) (44) (79)

6. NWA: M (Cult) (68) (77)

7. NWA: Tokyo (National) (93) (80)

8. NWA: MC (International) (88) (81)

9. NWA: CS (International) (80) (79)

10. NWA: Fl (Cult) (42) (70)



Interesting Movements:


Chris Jericho - left WCCW in wk 3 of December after the SmackDown! show to beat John Bradshaw at December to Dismember that Sunday for NWA: HC.


Tenille Tayla - really surprised me by working wk1 of March to wk 1 August for NWA: TS before getting the call from NWA: NY to kill (not literally) her opponents every week but lose on PPV. Pretty good for how she usually does in most mods.


Top Workers:


Adam Copeland - Reeks of all-around awesomeness. Holds the WCCW/NWA Tag Titles w/ Chris Benoit and has 93 Popularity across USA and Canada.


Rhino Richards - 99 to 100 Pop across USA and constant threat to his former Detroit Heavyweight Title.


Chris Jericho - Just recently left WCCW for NWA: HC and is 95+ in every region of USA, Canada, and Japan, except for Kyushu, he's got like, a 94.


LuFisto - Defeated Vanessa Kraven for the NWA: Detroit Women's Title in July and things for her have only gone up since then, suffering only one loss in a non-title match to Macaela Mercedes in her last 18 matches. (All of this despite only having 2 wins in 9 matches before she got the title.)


Big Surprises:


Jay Briscoe - Won the WCCW World Title over 'King' Booker Jenkins at StarrCade 2010 after the title was held up after Chris Jericho left for NWA: HC with the belt still on him.




Both WCCW and NWA: NY called up a good amount of graduates throughout the year.


So far this seems like a great mod for a great game. It has an amazing backstory that just sucks me in. Thanks for your hard work.

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In order to try to stimulate some more title switches I upgraded everyone's title frequency 2 levels except for Hogan and Jim Ross who were 1 away from the max and moved Muta up 3 from the min. So, Bret Hart, Tony Schiavone, Paul Heyman, Eddie Guerrero, Carol Ann-Medcalfe, Dusty Rhodes, Konnan, Chikayo Nagashima, Robby Mireno & Jim Cornette moved up 2 notches.


With those setting in the game I just simmed a new year and maybe the biggest news I saw is that The Rock left WCCW for his old home, NWA NY in May. Batista got popped for steroids and Brian James died.


Wrestler Of The Year - Eddie Guerrero

Young Wrestler Of The Year - Armando Flores

Veteran Wrestler Of The Year - The Pallbearer

Female Wrestler Of The Year - Ayako Hamada

Promotion of the Year - WCCW

Most Improved - NWA: LLPW

Match Of The Year - The Giant def. Tito Ortiz

Card Of The Year - Summer Slam 2010


Top 10 Wrestlers of 2010


1. Eddie Guerrero

2. Chris Jericho

3. Mr. Benjamin

4. The Great Sasuke

5. The Pallbearer

6. Kurt Angle

7. Chris Benoit

8. Tito Ortiz

9. American Dragon

10. Taz



1 - WCCW - GLOBAL - 87/88

2 - NY - GLOBAL - 80/79

3 - HC - NAT'L 84/79

4 - LA - CULT 56/80

5 - MEM - CULT 67/83

6 - DET - CULT 44/86

7 - TOKYO - NAT'L 93/82

8 - MC - INT'L 90/72

9 - FLA - CULT 42/67

10 - CS - NAT'L 66/74


In WCCW Benoit is king with both titles. He and Copeland dropped the tag titles to Laughing Man/Levesque but won them back 5 months later.


MC rose to Int'l, the tag titles switched twice and the women's title did as well.


Canadian Stampede rose to National and still ended the year with Morley as champ, but the Junior Heavy title went from Nova to Chance Beckett to Black Dragon.


Hardcore City rose to National as well, and saw the NWA World Tag Titles go to RVD & Taz who also won their own version of the tag straps. Abyss regained the Heavyweight Title from AmDrag.


UK went out of business


LLPW, SENDAI & SHIMMER saw the most title changes which I'm thinking is due to the fact that most of their titles are midcard level.


I'll do another year on this same save tomorrow to see what happens. If all else fails I'll max everyone's title frequency or tweak some of the tag team titles to be midcard level to see what happens and post those results too.



SENDAI's boss is a bit of an egomaniac as Chikayo Nagashima won 52 times, lost only twice (both times to Fuuka) and had a draw against Hikaru. While she lost twice to Fuuka, she has extracted more than enough revenge with THIRTEEN wins against her.

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Thanks for the info, aside from the ridiculously lengthy title reigns it seems to be about where I wanted it.


Hogan dying from drugs is unintentionally hilarious to me. I'm not entirely sure how NY is still # 2 considering it seems like they're the worst of the major promotions.


I'm really glad that CS somehow got back to respectability and that at least one of the other American promotions has grown to compete with WCCW.


My one big question is are the development places churning out any stars to WCCW/NWA: NY?


Hogan made me chuckle a little bit as well, then i felt guilty.


NY seem to have the requirements to be at national, i think guess they are in a cooling down period. They are now ranked 3rd after the three months sim i did.


Cant see any people who have become better than midcarders from devlopment.


Something i have just seen that i like, Both Claudio Castagnoli & Chuck Taylor are main eventers in NY.




And 2014 has just rolled around, and the wrestler of the year award went to a suprise pick.


Wrestler Of The Year - Kid James - Yep complete shocker, been stunning everyone with his perfomences in LA, with an 89 average, including 10 matches rated 99 or higher.

Young Wrestler Of The Year - Iro Shirai - Third Time in a row.

Veteran Wrestler Of The Year - Latin Lover

Female Wrestler Of The Year - LuFisto

Promotion Of The Year - WCCW - Yep...still dominating.

Most Improved Promotion Of The Year - NWA : UK

Match Of The Year - Chris Hero defeats Kid James - NWA : La get match of the year thanks to a 100 from this pair.

Card Of The Year - NWA : MC Lucha Libre - Third Year Running - Featuring La Parka drawing with Abismo Negro, and a main event of Counterpunch (Mistico & Ortiz) vs Amazingly Awesome (Christian & Latin Lover).




DSW are still at regional, with Ryan Cruz as champion.


Stampede are at global, Joe E. Legend made it just under a year as champion before losing the belt to...Chris Jericho. Chance Beckett lost the Jnr. Heavyweight title to MVP, who made no defences before losing it to Sean Morley who lost to Lash LeRoux. Jericho joined in April and is averaging 90 with his matches. Jericho seems to be the only big signing of the year.


Detroit are still at cult. Carlos Colon Jnr. is champion after beating Mark Copani. The Jnr. Heavyweight belt was lost by Jimmy Jacobs to Justin Gabriel, who vacated the belt, soon after Kevin Steen became champion. Gabriel was both the big signing and big loss, after leaving for Memphis.


Florida are still at cult with Sabin still champion.


Hardcore City are now the #2 promotion in the world. The Last Dragons HC Tag reign was short lived, with Taz & RVD recapturing their belts, and are holding both the HC and NWA tag belts. The world was shocked when The Giant's HC Heavyweight reign was brought to an end in August, by American Dragon. Dragon made the best rated defence to date over Spanky. Not many notable signings, other than Stephanie McMahon.


LA are still sitting at national, Matt Bentley & Eddie Guerrero made it through the year as tag champions. Super Dragon was not so lucky as he lost the belt to Hero in October, with Hero equalling Eddie's record as 2 time champion. Nothing else notable.


LLPW are at cult, with Nattie Neidhart as champion.


Memphis are at cult, Jamie James is champion after ending Johnny The Body's nearly year long reign. Jamie & Brian James started the year as champions before losing them to Lashley & Johnny The Body who dropped the belts after The Body left for NY to Johnny The Swinger and Johnny C-Note, who lost them to current champions Nick Nemeth & Jamie James. The Big signing in Memphis was Justin Gabriel, but they lost Jeff Hardy & Johnny The Body to NY.


Mexico City are still maintaining there Global status. La Parka was dethroned by Armando Flores as Heavyweight Champion, Latin Lover is still NWA Cruserweight champion, CounterPunch and Amazingly Awesome traded the titles during the year twice, leaving Counterpunch as champions.


In NY Brock Lesnar and The Alpha Male are still the NWA and NY Heavyweight champions respectively. John Hennigan ended The Miz's over 3 year CW championship reign in April, and is still holding the belt.


Quebec are still at regional with Dru Onyx as champion.


Sendai are at regional, with Fuuka as champion.


Shimmer are at regional with India Sioux as champion.


Tokyo are still at national, Muta and Chono held onto there Tokyo Heavyweight and Triple Crown belts respectively, but lost the tag belts back to Morgan & Bernard.


Tri-State are at regional with Brodie Lee as champion.


Uk are still at cult with Nick Aldis as champion.


WCCW are still hanging onto there #1 status. The Pallbearer beat Paul Levesque to become Champion, but dissapointed at StarrCade, only managing a 77 rated defence against Shawn Michaels. Shawn Michaels & The Rock are still tag champions, but would probably have preferred to lose the belts and win them back to guarentee a place in the HoI, they are both at 99%. WCCW managed to sign Claudio Castagnoli, a UMC in the promotion, after he decided to go freelance. Not much else of Note.




Promotion Rankings Are

WCCW - 1st - Global

Hardcore City - 2nd - Global

New York - 3rd - Cult

Mexico City - 4th - Global

Stampede - 5th - Global

Tokyo - 6th - National

LA - 7th - National

Memphis - 8th - Cult

Detroit - 9th - Cult

Florida - 10th - Cult

UK - 11th - Cult

LLPW - 12th - Cult

Sendai - 13th - Regional

Tri-State - 14th - Regional

Shimmer - 15th - Regional

DSW - 16th - Regional

Quebec - 17th - Regional




Both Hogan and Sid Vicious died during the year.




Top 20 Wrestlers are

1 - Kid James

2 - Chris Hero

3 - Christian Cage

4 - Tito Ortiz

5 - Latin Lover

6 - Chris Jericho

7 - Eddie Guerrero

8 - Mistico

9 - Chris Benoit

10 - The Rock

11 - Shawn Michaels

12 - Adam Copeland

13 - Matt Bentley

14 - American Dragon

15 - Super Dragon

16 - Kanyon

17 - Taz

18 - Chance Beckett

19 - Lance Storm

20 - RVD


Mr Benjamin is 39th, Christopher Daniels is 59th, Lesnar is 72nd and Orton is 57.

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2011 year of the previous save game


Wrestler Of The Year - Eddie Guerrero [back to back]

Young Wrestler Of The Year - Super Fly

Veteran Wrestler Of The Year - Chris Benoit

Female Wrestler Of The Year - Ayako Hamada [also repeated]

Promotion of the Year - WCCW [2 straight for them too]

Most Improved - NWA: FL

Match Of The Year - Los Guerreros def. The World's Sexiest Masked Man

Card Of The Year - NWA: LA Destructive Appetite PPV


Top 10 Wrestlers of 2011 (Last year's rank)


1. Eddie Guerrero (1)

2. Chris Benoit (7)

3. Chavo Guerrero Jr. (39)

4. Paul Levesque (11)

5. Mr. Benjamin (3)

6. The Giant (12)

7. Tito Ortiz (8)

8. American Dragon (9)

9. Alex Shelley (28)

10. Adam Copeland (14)



1 - WCCW - GLOBAL - 88 (+1)/76 (-12)

2 - NY - CULT - 27 (-53)/79 (E)

3 (UP 1) - LA - INT'L 90 (+34)/85 (+5)

4 (DOWN 1) - HC - NAT'L 84 (E)/83 (+4)

5 (UP 3) - MC - GLOBAL 94 (+4)/89 (+17)

6 (DOWN 1) - MEM - CULT 70 (+3)/76 (-7)

7 (DOWN 1) - DET - CULT 46 (+2)/79 (-7)

8 (DOWN 1) - TOKYO - NAT'L 93 (E)/85 (+3)

9 - FLA - CULT 48 (+6)/69 (+2)

10 - CS - NAT'L 74 (+8)/76 (+2)


Significant news saw Hogan replaced as NWA: NY booker by Stephanie McMahon. RVD died yet again, as did Scott Hall. Rey Mysterio left MC after his contract end and remained unemployed for a while before signing a PPA deal with Florida where his popularity was 30 points lower than in Mexico. I guess he realized that was dumb as he re-signed with MC in July. Dusty Rhodes quit the biz, leaving Memphis in search of a new booker. He was replaced by Ray Sager.


MC rose to Global on the same day LA hit National. 8 days later NY fell to cult which necessitated the booker change. HC picked up another TV show. Memphis hit National at the end of June, but fell back to Cult 6 weeks later. After a 6 month cooling off period NY rose like a phoenix back to Global, before sinking back to cult in 3 months. LA added a new TV show and eventually jumped up to Int'l.


WCCW's still on top, but finished 3rd in the USA Nat'l battle between LA/HC/WCCW and 2nd in the Canadian version with MC/WCCW/CS. Paul Levesque ended a nearly year long Benoit title reign, but Benoit paid him back by taking the tag titles from Levesque/Benjamin with regular tag team partner Adam Copeland.


NY continues to flip flop from Cult to above and then fall back down. They're once again an importance point from climbing back up. Orton is still the NWA World Heavyweight champ. Christian Daniels walked away from a Cruiserweight Title reign at the end of the year, and it seems that Teddy Hart and The Miz moved up to the heavyweight ranks as each has now had a run with the belt.


LA's on the brink of greatness and Eddie Guerrero is largely responsible as he holds the Heavyweight Title and has teamed with Chavo to be 1/2 of the Tag champs. I would guess that as long as Eddie stays active they'll hit Global by the end of 2012. Super Spicy Man/Christian Daniels is attempting to bring spicy back after joining the crew in December thanks to jobbing for most of the last 6 months of his stay in NWA: NY.


Hardcore City dropped a spot in the rankings even though they have more momentum now. CM Punk had a monster year as DX regained the NWA World Tag Titles and he became a 1st time Heavyweight Champ. Abyss rebounded from that loss though as he teamed with AmDrag to take the HC Tag straps from DX. Taz has floated around the ME scene, but hasn't been as effective since RVD's death.


Mexico City made the most moves in the rankings and have a new NWA World Cruiser champ as Super Crazy ended Mistico's reign. Tito Ortiz reclaimed the Heavyweight Title from his tag team partner The Giant. That duo lost and regained the Tag Titles, and the women's title changed hands 5 times, ultimately settling around Sarah Stock's waist.


Memphis is being run by The Jersey Boys as Johnny The Swinger took the Heavyweight Title from Johnny The Body. JTB and Jeff Hardy had been the tag champs but dropped the title to the unlikely duo of the racist Jamie James and The Alpha Male, but their reign came to an end when The Hardys reunited. Claudio Castagnoli is now a Main Eventer here after leaving Detroit.


Canadian Stampede saw some activity with the Jr. Heavy title changing hands 3 times, but the main action was with the Heavyweight Title as Petey Williams finally ended Morley's reign, but then left for Detroit signing a written deal with them. Stupified ended up claiming the vacant title and seems to be the guy they're building around.



I think that if I tweaked some of the tag titles to be midcard level they would change hands more often, and more guys would be involved because just upping the frequency of title changes didn't make that much of an impact.


Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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Not sure if you are still updating this naiwf but isn't NWA: Detroit supposed to be in Michigan and the Great Lakes Region. I live in Michigan so I saw that issue quickly. Other then that I'm enjoying the mod.
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Changes from the prior release


1) Tweaked the title frequency changes for every head booker. I also switched some titles to "floating" status. This seems to have cut down on the ridiculously long title reigns and also lessened the amount of double champions.


2) Benoit was added to the Hall of Immortals as a future inductee. I think he's the only one I forgot to put in.


3) I got rid of about 100 people from the database.


4) I fixed Detroit's location (Mid West to Great Lakes) and bumped up their popularity in Great Lakes.


If you downloaded the other version this is just the data stuff, copy and paste it into the appropriate place.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Renko

Its an amazing scenario! Thanks for all the hard work you put on it. Ive been creating some logos for my game, but if anyone wants to use them go ahead.





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I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I just started a game as NWA: UK and it has no announcers, no big deal, I'll go sign some, oh wait, there is not a single announcer/color commentator eligible to work in the UK.


The only referee is Chad Patton who obviously works for NWA: M ... is this something that will be looked into? :)

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I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but I just started a game as NWA: UK and it has no announcers, no big deal, I'll go sign some, oh wait, there is not a single announcer/color commentator eligible to work in the UK.


The only referee is Chad Patton who obviously works for NWA: M ... is this something that will be looked into? :)


I'll see what I can do to fix that. I probably unchecked the boxes for people who used to be available in those regions in previous games, or I may have deleted certain people who didn't have contracts not realizing that I had them there for a reason. Thanks for the info though.

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I'll see what I can do to fix that. I probably unchecked the boxes for people who used to be available in those regions in previous games, or I may have deleted certain people who didn't have contracts not realizing that I had them there for a reason. Thanks for the info though.


No problem, hope it gets fixed so I can get a diary going. :)

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NWA International Female Wrestler of the Year


2009 - Erin Toughill




Seriously though, if you had a TEW 2005 version of this mod, I would worship at your altar (and also not have to make my re-imagining of EWR's NWA:D mod).

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I'm hoping to finish tweaking this mod for TEW 05 in the next couple of weeks. I've been busy lately, but I've done at least 50% of the work and just need to buckle down and power through the bigger rosters. I cut out a lot of the workers who never get signed, or aren't necessary other than as parts of title lineages to make the game load quicker. Once I'm done, I'll post the link in this thread.
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