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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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Date of Event:
Sunday Week 4, December 2010

Event #:

Location of Event:
Ontario (Canada)

Size of Event:

Duration of Event:

Broadcasting of Event:
Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com




Event Synopsis

New Year's Eve... A night that corners the market as it pertains to carrying a sense of anticipated newness. As one year comes to a climactic end, It's predecessor rises within it's ashes; starting the long journey toward creating it's own unique tone. This scenario is seen in every walk of life, as each year comes to pass, as it's an inevitable truth. With this in mind, the 4C is no different than any other entity; a moment of sweeping change abruptly makes its presence known as one year closes and another takes it place. New wrestlers are brought into the fold, underachieving competitors find their stride, overachieving competitors find their inevitable downfall, and, overall, change pokes it's head into the environment. With 2010 coming to a close, the competitors of 4C find themselves thrusted into the limelight; standing as the ultimate entertainment for a local night club as the clock climbs toward 2011. Who will take the reigns of their career; ushering in a new 'age' professionally as the new year takes hold? Who will have the guts to take a stand, defy preconceived notions, and declare 2011 as their own?


The time has come for change to take hold. With the minutes counting down toward the 'death' of 2010; Who will stand above the rest; proclaiming 2011 as their own, personal, oasis.




Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

”New Beginnings“ 10-Man Battle Royal Match

The winner gets to via for the 4C Championship of their choosing; anytime & anywhere


The close of one climactic year ushers in a sense of raw newness. A place, and time, where literally ANYTHING is possible. With this in mind, 10 lucky 4C competitors will clash in a chaotic manner as each individual seeks to accelerate their rise to the top; turning their fortunes into a blazing comet speeding for the ‘heavens’. Which wrestler has what it takes to outlast 9 other men; cementing their right to compete for ANY championship within the 4C fray? Also, depending on who wins, which of the three championships will be within their sights; the Hardcore, Tag Team, or 4C Championship? With so much ambiguity present, it’s almost impossible to foresee who can be seen as a ‘favorite’. Instead, we are all forced to stand back, grab a drink from the bar, and witness the blitzkrieg-like war that will certainly take place within the 4C ring ropes.



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Lingering Question(s):
Which championship will the winner designate as their desired choice? Who is “Mr. Squiggly”; is he a debuting competitor or someone already on the 4C roster?

Match Details:
10-Man Battle Royal, Standard Rules (Over-the-top-rope), The Winner can declare what title they would like to challenge for.







Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

Singles Match


Clayton Hawthorne is, arguably, THE most hated man in 4C; a fact that is quite astounding seeing how he’s only worked for the rebellious promotion for the last 30 days. A true antagonist at heart, the theoretically bleeding American-patriot has quickly generated a hefty level of ‘heel heat’ due to his polarizing views of his home countries superiority. As you can guess, such a stance, especially when fueled with a large dose of arrogance, doesn’t sit very well with anyone living outside of said character’s borders. So who has come to the rescue? To shut this douche-bag’s pie hole? Jaco…errrr… TJ Bailey. Okay, so Bailey isn’t exactly the most deadly competitor in 4C, and yes, he is actually an American citizen himself working in Canada, BUT… That doesn’t mean that he won’t have the goods to subdue the Pro-American beast! … Right?



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Lingering Question:
Can TJ Bailey, the West Coast Surfer stuck in the frozen tundra of Ontario, Canada, ride a wave of momentum by defeating the polarizing Hawthorne?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.









187 vs. R.A.T.S.

3 vs. 3 Match


Hatred is often rooted in absolute, non-bending, inspiration; a scenario that builds over time due to a slew of differentiating circumstances. Just as individuals are prone to such a flaw of empathy, a full faction can also find such a development; collectively disliking another based upon situations, scenarios, and characteristics that are deemed as 'counter' to their own. With 187 and R.A.T.S., This is certainly the issue at hand.


Two factions, despising the other's very existence, entrentched in a chaotic battle; inspired by their different psychological views on life. Both factions feel discriminated against, forced into a challenging scenario without much room for initial defense; however, that is where their similarities end. With 187, such an opressive situation only sparks the flames of defiance; their obsessive need to 'control' all before them as a slight window's view into their internal push to up-root said opression. Meanwhile, R.A.T.S. are known for their apathetic view on life; instead, acting like a bunch of 14-something's grumbling in the corner of an arcade as they are all thought to be 'invisible to the masses'. Either way, it's this difference in action that ultimately has placed these 6 men on a path intertwined.


Which faction will gain another small victory within a, potentially, never-ending war? The outcome is unknown; however, one thing is for sure: The Platinum Underground will struggle to stay 'standing' through out such an emotionally-laced altercation!



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Lingering Question:
Which faction will gain a victory in battle; moving baby-steps toward the climactic end of their 4C encompassing war?

Match Details:
6-Man Tag Match, Standard Rules, First-Pinfall (not an elimination match).







The Gatekeepers ©
w/ John Greed
vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Tag Team Match

4C Tag Team Championships Match



4C is currently coiled within a truly unpredictable generational battle. On one side of the batteline stands the ultra-jaded, professionally hardened, and personally calculating, "Gatekeeper" Fraternity made up of the 4C Tag Team Champions, Barry Kingman and Ted Brady, and their respective "voice"; the infamous John Greed. In a stark contrast, standing on the other side of the drawn battleline is none other than the surging youngster tandem, "The Future Kings of Canada", made up of 4C's developed products; Davis Wayne Newton and Chris Flynn. With all of this in mind, said battle is not your 'cut-and-dry' kind of storyline like you'll find in CGC, and NOTBPW. Truly, both teams have legitimate claims as it pertains to their collective mantra's; leaving a truly 'blurred line of reality' in the end as everyone involved is potentially seen as the truth-sayers. Either way, regardless of who is right and who is wrong in such a struggle, one thing is for sure: "The Future Kings of Canada" are looking to make a splash in 4C, turning the future into 'now', as they look to potentially steal the shiny 4C Tag Team belts away from their new owners; "The Gatekeepers".



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Lingering Question:
What will win out - youthful inspiration or jaded vengeance?

Match Details:
Tag Team Match, 4C Tag Team Championship Match, Standard Rules.







Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash
w/ John Greed

Falls Count Anywhere Match

4C Championship Match



30 days removed from the "Chair Shot heard around the world", The two men who will arguebly find their 4C legacy's entangled within one another will, once again, wage a deadly battle based upon a brewing sense of hatred. Steve Flash, a LEGEND within most wrestling circles utilizing an extensive knowledge of the 'sport' at hand, is the kind of professional figure that comes with a grand aura; an unchallenged level of respect that is typically only given to men of Flash's status level. With this in mind; however, the 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, doesn't seem to agree to such preferential treatment. In his eyes, Flash may be loved in most wrestling circles; but, this is HIS company, his 'playground'. Overall, the arrogant 4C Champion feels that the Industry Veteran is trying to 'step on his toes'; ultimately laying the groundwork for there to be only one 'Main Event Player' within the ranks. With all of this brewing in the background, the polarizing view came to a climactic peak as "The Remarkable One" lashed out in an uncharacteristic manner: Assaulting Jacob with a steel chair during a match where both were acting as tag partners against "The Gatekeepers".


Now, turning his alliance toward those who find themselves in the 'same boat', Steve Flash is the unquestioned 'bright star' for the "Gatekeeper" Fraternity; standing up to the youthful arrogance that Jacob best personifies; attempting to subdue the next generation's rise by pushing downward on the glass cieling that resides below their feet.


Despite only being a member of the roster for a short while, Steve Flash has already made quite the impact; helping to usher in a generational war that looks to potentially tear 4C apart in the process. While this main event match-up certainly won't be the last time these two ever step into the ring with one another, one has to wonder if Jacob Jett can hinder the "Gatekeeper" revolution? A 'lone-wolf' at his most basic levels, Jett is without back-up; and sadly without the physical control of the 4C Championship he loves dearly.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question(s):
Can Jacob Jett regain the physical possession of his 4C Championship (stolen by John Greed and "The Gatekeepers" a few shows ago)? How will John Greed, and the rest of the "Gatekeeper" fraternity, play into the Main Event; will Steve Flash rely on their numbers game in which to gain an advantage? Will Steve Flash, a recently turned wrestler, act any different than what we have come to expect; now under new reigns?

Match Details:
Singles Match, 4C Championship Match, Falls Count Anywhere Match, No DQ Rules.




The end of 2010 brings the climactic arrival of a new year; the year of pure Insanity.





The Platinum Underground, and 4C, are honored to have the star of "L.A. Nights", and popular internet celebrity bloggist, "The Blonde Bombshell" hosting this year's New Year's Eve Event! Her mixture of beauty, steamy sexuality, and genuine 'star appeal', will certainly bring an extra sense of grandeur to the night-long party! Regardless of her actual duties that night, It's to be expected that this Bombshell will bring a truly unique tone to the show as a whole.




Local music juggernauts, and all-around 'rock stars', Ricky Rave and the Radical Revolvers will be making their Platinum Underground debut during this year's "New Year's Eve Clash" as well. A crazy, anarchy-inspired, music group, It's expected that these men will help to usher in a purely unpredictable feel to the show in question. From start to finish, This immensely beloved Ontario-based band will grace our party-goers with live renditions of the 4C wrestler's theme music; creating an extremely organic feel to the entire show.





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”New Year‘s Eve Clash” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

187 vs. R.A.T.S.

The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

187 vs. R.A.T.S.

The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????


Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey


187 vs. R.A.T.S.


The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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”New Year‘s Eve Clash” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????


Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey


187 vs. R.A.T.S.


The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Mr.Squiggles to win by elimanating Frankie Dee last. ADV for third and Raj for the last place in fourth.

Mystery man guess : Jared Johnson. Make it happen, son.


Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

I already love Hawthorne's attitude. Plus TJ is jobber supremity.


187 vs. R.A.T.S.

As much as I love R.A.T.S, 187 win this one due to the ultra-violence.


The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

One title is changing hands, and it sure as hell ain't this one.


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

The Gatekeepers reign supreme. Jett gathers the troops in order for a good ol' fashioned war.

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”New Year‘s Eve Clash” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????


Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey


187 vs. R.A.T.S.


The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Probably by DQ or something along that nature

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????


Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey


187 vs. R.A.T.S.


The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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”New Year‘s Eve Clash” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

187 vs. R.A.T.S.

The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Taking a beating off 9 men and still winning seems like the kinda thing ADV would do... and then challenge for the Hardcore title rather than the big one

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

Ummm, no brainer surely


187 vs. R.A.T.S.

ADV pulls an Edge, cashing in his title shot after helping R.A.T.S. win


The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Possibly with a dubious refereeing decision.


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Flash chasing Jett has been done for the past year, time for Jett and co to chase Flash

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“It’s different in ‘hollywood’ now, John. [Jensen] Tarver has turned rather aggressive as of late. I think your little ‘walk out’ really p*ssed him off to say the least. The word is, after you signed on with 4C, that Tarver is looking to personally ‘sink’ you. Call it a vendetta I guess. There are talks that he may impose a mandate making it impossible for DOA competitors to work for 4C as well. Either way, I couldn’t pass this up. Some think I’m stupid for trusting you; but, I find your vision to be ‘unique’; needed in this industry. I can’t wait to get to work.”


+ Kazuma Narato;
4C's recent signing.


I was ecstatic to see the former TCW, and DOA, standout walk through the sinking door frame of my desired, nearby, coffeeshop. His swift steps reek of a silent confidence; one that doesn’t encompass outwardly but rather simmers within, as a sense of true calm radiates outwardly in a clouding fashion. It was a dream of mine to bring Kazuma to 4C; not because he has a loyal following in Canada, but rather, that his true athletic gifts were somewhat of an everlasting dream to any ‘modern-based’ booker.


He slowly settled into his seat, a small weathered wood table between the two of us, never breaking eye contact for a split second; a sign of absolute confidence. With this said, it’s not like Kazuma is an arrogant personally really. In all honesty, He’s the type that has the gifts in which to perform, and when you couple that with a sense of self understanding out comes a confident sense of calm.


In a stark contrast; however, I find myself looking even more ‘neurotic’ in comparison. It’s no shock to me as my time in 4C have only accelerated my genuine nervosas; however, such a confident figure as Kazuma only reiterates the truth glaringly.


“It’s great to hear, Kaz. Honestly, It is. For me, ‘Hollywood’ has come and passed; that was a chapter in my life that I can’t erase; however, won’t necessarily focus upon on a daily basis. If Tarver tries to limit my usage of DOA competitors then that’s fine; I believe Jacob’s loyalty to 4C will keep me in the clear. Plus, 4C is less about the competitors within the fray and more about the psychotic, borderline suicidal, collective atmosphere. The small pieces aren’t as important as the ever-challenging whole to say the least.”


Kaz nods; sporting a slight smile.


“That’s why I’m interested in 4C; the ability to work for a company that truly embraces it’s product and does nothing to apologize for it. There’s this brashness to it all; an ultra-defiant nature. I saw you try to instill that in DOA and loved every second of it. Sadly, for DOA though, Arcadia wasn’t really apt to the idea outside of making money. In 4C, You have free range now; that’s what’s intriguing about this project. This is YOUR vision without any filters; that’s something I WANT to be part of.”


I was floored. I’m use to some wayward compliments, but in reality, I was more of a glutton for cult-based fanfare; The kind of headbooker who can do no wrong in the eyes of the indy-lovers; however, often crapped on by those who only look at how ‘mainstream’ I am. To say the least, Wrestlers with credibility typically look at me as a crazy, uninformed, psycho on the verge of destroying their legacy in which to tell a ‘crazed story’. Meanwhile, youngsters, newcomers, and ‘burn-outs’, typically look at me as their savior; potentially bringing them a sense of credibility back to their fold as my ‘ill-advised’ booking patterns were unique, and overall, very conducive to those who consider themselves ‘smarks’. With this in mind, I didn’t feel Kaz fit that second role. In reality, I thought he would be, yet another, ‘big-wig’ name who felt I was a liability versus anything else.


“I have something in mind for you. It’s going to pull you away from what you’re use to though. Nothing too crazy though; trust me, I won’t ruin your persona. However, I will ask you to take a slight risk as it pertains to re-packaging your image. In the end, though, I promise you will see the rightful push you deserve. You WILL become a top-tier talent in 4C as long as you stay on board.”


My mind is racing; speedily accelerating at an unplanned rate as my overreaching nervosas are firmly taking control at this point. Sure, I’m better than I use to be in a sense; no longer turning to the bottle for intervention; BUT, I have simply replaced my previous addictions with my newest vice: 4C and all that aligns with the company.


“I’m all for shaking it up; I trust in you.”


Is he stupid for trusting in me? Probably. Most feel that I’m untrustworthy, a menace to the industry; but, to those who ‘get me’, I guess I’m seen as a ‘truth-sayer’. Often, my anxious personality, and jaded mentality, is used as the reason for not being seen as ‘respectable’. But, in reality, these same characteristics are what keep me in-line with the darkened creativity that surges within.


It’s time to bring Kazuma Narato a new, wildly, inspired re-birth on the indy scene.





<hr color="black">

”New Year‘s Eve Clash” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

187 vs. R.A.T.S.

The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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That's another big grab for you, EV as Kaz is my favorite and one of the most under rated talents in the game. Good job.


Thank you, critical-23! I really wanted to bring Kazuma into 4C from the start as he was one of my favorites in the DOA (which had somewhat of the same product for the most part). His athleticism is amazing; will work great with the speedy style that the company utilizes. Plus, he's in line for a shift in his persona slightly from the default we've seen up until now. All in all, I'm excited to see how he plays out from a 'grade perspective' within shows. A good return could mean a big push for Kaz!

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

187 vs. R.A.T.S.

The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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“So, wait, you’re telling me that you’re going to ‘crawl out of your hole’ for once?
[Hearty laughter follows]
I mean, you know there will be people there, right? It’s a nightclub; have you ever been to one?


[A stint of, borderline, demeaning laughter is heard; hearty, raspy like a smoker’s cough, and strong.]


+ Larry Wood;
Good friend of John Greed


“Very funny…”


I respond in a contrasting fashion; hinting toward my annoyance with the situation at hand. Larry, a generally easy-going man, was widely known for his hearty sense of laughter and kind-hearted nature. It is these traits that often confuse others who don’t truly know the burly mountain man; as you would expect a grizzled persona underneath it all. Either way, while annoying in his speech, he’s right. I’m more of a loner-type; one that doesn’t really adhere to the ‘party-mentality’ that typically coincides with night clubs and New Year’s Eve Events. Even with this in mind, though, I’m not stupid enough to limit 4C due to my own subconscious choices in life. This event, in all of it’s party-based glory, could potentially stand as a ‘turning point’ in company history; the moment in time where 4C truly delivers on it’s promise of being a true ‘alternative’ product (especially when stacked up against CGC and NOTBPW).


“This is the kind of event could really put 4C on the map; bring us out of the ‘dark ages’ and into a new era…”


I pause for a second; knowing that my next statement could seem quite laughable to some. Why? It’s overwhelming sense of grandeur despite no real merit. I mean, 4C is considered to be ‘iconic’ to some, those who feel that they’ve grown tired of the mainstream approach to wrestling, but to the greater public; we are nothing more than a band of misfits.


“An era that we will all look back upon, 10, 20, 30, years down the road proclaiming it as a ‘golden age’ for modern wrestling. The kind of thing that will tug at our very hearts as we climb closer to our death-beds; nostalgic for the good ole’ days when we meant something.”


“Someone has been reading too much moody poetry these day…”


Again, a hearty sense of laughter follows from the beard-infested face of the Canadian big man. I know, my statement was rather heavy; but in reality, there was something tugging at me from within. This feeling that we were truly on the verge of something really… unique.


“Again, very funny.”


I pause for a second; not in the mood to play around today. Then again, when am I ever in the mood to do so?


“Amy [Roberts], and Ricky, are all lined up and have received their advance checks. Now, we just need to see to it that everything comes together; the talent, the storylines, the outcomes. This could, arguably, be the most important show in company history. If we can pull down a great show, one that really challenges the viewer to re-direct what they think about pro wrestling, then we can potentially come away with a brand new slew of fans from this event. People who normally wouldn’t come to wrestling shows; but, are there for a true ‘alternative’ night on the town.”


A sigh comes from Larry; not in a bored manner but in a ‘coming back to reality’ kind of way. Despite his kind-nature, and typical sarcastic demeanor, Larry was always someone who carried a sense of genuine care for those he felt close to.


“You’ll do great, John. Just keep your mind focused, your head ‘in the game’, and you’ll come away with something concrete. Just do what you do best…. Shock the hell out of ‘em.”





<hr color="black">

”New Year‘s Eve Clash” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

187 vs. R.A.T.S.

The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

187 vs. R.A.T.S.

The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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"I don't know, John. I'm not really the prototypical 'modern' kind of wrestler."


[A raspy, bear-like, sense of laughter resonates from the crackling speaker of my low-budget track-phone.]


"Wouldn't you be better served to go after someone like Omar [brown]? At least there, You aren't barking up an 'acient' redwood like myself."


[Again, in a sense of self-depracating laughter, Larry, again, fills the blank space between the two of us with a heavy, burly, tone of laughter.]


+ Larry Wood;
Good Friend of John Greed.


"You're selling yourself short, Larry. Honestly, This company really needs a hefty-dose of 'Veteran' leadership. They look at me as a 'non-threat', someone who can't flex any sense of authoritative might most likely due to my own inability to control my vices, so; needless to say, the roster veterans are those who keep things in line. Flash, Kingman, Ali, etc. These guys are the true back-bones of this company as they keep the rest of the younger-crowd in order. Well, at least as much as they can. 4C is unlike any other company I've ever known. With G-Man's inability to govern as well, The backstage environment closely resembles a wild rock show; booze, women, minor drugs, etc. While adding someone like you may not curb those kind of things, and honestly i'm not in the business to really curve their vices anyways as I can barely do so with my own, you can certainly stand as a great facilitator of knowledge. These guys would look up to you; there's no doubt about that."


The other side of the line is rather quiet; unlike a typical phone conversation with Larry. With that said, our connection is often lost as we are talking to eachother half-way around the world between Canada and Japan.


"Plus, to be honest, our 'Hardcore Division' is truly lacking. I have it covered for now, placing 187 in a faction-based storyline with R.A.T.S., but with time, our inability to portray the division effectively will show it's ugly head. You, while not really a 'speedy luchador', could really help to, at least, benefit the 'hardcore' division as a whole. I can see it now, KILLER Colossus vs. Sayeed Ali for the 4C Hardcore Championship. Has a pretty nice ring to it, doesn't it?"


A slight chuckle is heard from Larry; a sign that the 'wheels were slowly grinding within his head.'


"I don't know, John. I've made a home in Japan ever since PSW started to go haywire. I'm not sure if I'm really comfortable coming back to North America at this point. My life is comfortable here; minus the public restrooms."


In what is customary with Larry, a burly sense of laugther follows. A truest example of a Jolly Giant.


"I understand, Larry. You've made quite the name for yourself over there; but to be honest, this is the best time to 'come home' to Canada. You're contract with WLW is up and we're in desperate need of your services. If anything, make a cameo; show up for 6 months and then you can be on your way. Believe me, Larry, I wouldn't throw this at you if I didn't feel like you could really deliver something unique for us."


There is potential for backlash from 4C fans due to Larry's slowed-down pace; not to mention another 'outsider' being brought onto the roster. However, with this in mind, one thing we REALLY need at this point is a greater sense of popularity from our roster. Not to mention another hardcore specialist in which to make our 'Hardcore Division' seem like an actual fully-functioning scenario versus just a minor 'attraction'. Larry would be able to deliver on both; something that we really covet at this point.


"Let me get back to you, John. I have to think this one over and see what's 'smart' for me. Plus, re-think the idea. Do you really want to throw an out-of-shape mountain man on your roster?
It may be best to focus your eyes on a youngster with a 'death wish'; someone who's willing to flip around the ring like an aerial king. Not to mention, My stamina has never been all that great; but at this point of my career i'm practically running on fumes."


Again, a sense of laughter comes from Larry. Was I an idiot for going after a big-man to fill out the 4C roster? Maybe? Ever since joining 4C, I've been trapped within a continual process of trying to make us a 'better product'. Whether that meant hiring better talent, and/or strengthening our divisions, it was MY JOB to make sure that 4C gained stronger legs going forward. Am I changing the product? No. Adding someone like Larry Wood may show signs of such a shift; however, in reality, such a move would only be in which to further an 'alternative' within the ranks. I mean, you can only book Nomad against Sayeed Ali for so long before things become quiet stale. Now, adding someone with the granduer of Larry Wood into the fold, especially in a company that tends to value a 'smarks' mentality, could truly pay off for us in the end.


Am I willing to take the chance? Yes.


Will he sign? I have no idea.


Reader Participation
Would you like to see Larry Wood, aka KILLER Colossus, join 4C in which to flesh out the 'Hardcore Division'? I should note, Regardless of whether or not the response is, it will also come down to whether or not contractual demands are in-line to make it all work out for the company as a whole.


Discuss; If you would like to do so.




<hr color="black">

”New Year‘s Eve Clash” Quick Picks:


Antonio Del Veccio vs. Frankie Dee vs. Jason Thunder vs. Jesse Gilbert vs. Joe Gilbert vs. Leftie Wilkes vs. Lightning Lomas vs. Mario Heroic vs. Raj of the 7th Galaxy Gotron! vs. ?????

Clayton Hawthorne vs. TJ Bailey

187 vs. R.A.T.S.

The Gatekeepers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Are you flipping serious?! Wood is a board fav and you have the balls to ask if we want him in 4C?! Marriage hasn't rot your brain already has it?! Sign him! I speak for everyone! Sign him! Is he signed yet?! SIGN HIM!!!!11!!1!


True. He's beloved (and has history with Greed); however, he doesn't really 'fit' the 4C product entirely. ya know? 'Hardcore' is set as medium so I guess he works from that perspective as the company has an undercurrent of that kind of style. Just didn't want it to seem weird if I was adding a giant of a man to a company that's more so seen as 'modern'.

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True. He's beloved (and has history with Greed); however, he doesn't really 'fit' the 4C product entirely. ya know? 'Hardcore' is set as medium so I guess he works from that perspective as the company has an undercurrent of that kind of style. Just didn't want it to seem weird if I was adding a giant of a man to a company that's more so seen as 'modern'.


So true actually. I really am just marking out for the render most of all :D. Still I think he would be a better fit in Canada than in the Tri State.

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So true actually. I really am just marking out for the render most of all :D. Still I think he would be a better fit in Canada than in the Tri State.


Yea, isn't the render freakin' awesome? I'm leaning toward bringing him into the fold. If so, it won't be til after this upcoming show though. It could really help flesh out the beginning stages of the newly developed 'hardcore' division.

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Under the KILLER Colossus guise, Larry Wood would be a welcome sight in 4C. Though honestly, I'd love to see Ash Campbell make his way up there too in order to continue the Alastor/Colossus storyline from PSW that I was enjoying so much.
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Under the KILLER Colossus guise, Larry Wood would be a welcome sight in 4C. Though honestly, I'd love to see Ash Campbell make his way up there too in order to continue the Alastor/Colossus storyline from PSW that I was enjoying so much.


I agree with this.


Sign Larry Wood. Once he retires, you end up with a better roadie than Grant Truman. It is a win-win for all involved. Except Grant Truman.


LOL, poor Grant. :D

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