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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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I anticipated you would be pushing Jett. Especially after not doing so in DOA. Not that I know much about Jett, because I've only signed him once or twice before, but he certainly has talent, and he seems like he could be a huge star in a company like 4C.
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I anticipated you would be pushing Jett. Especially after not doing so in DOA. Not that I know much about Jett, because I've only signed him once or twice before, but he certainly has talent, and he seems like he could be a huge star in a company like 4C.


Yea, I really wanted to push him as 'Jettstream' in the DOA; however, he didn't have the popularity to really make it work. Over time, he was set to be a pet project but the DOA collapsed too early on in my own focus that he never really got there. That said, 4C is a place where he can definitely flourish.


If you're working with any company that's built upon the 'modern' ideal, and you have a lot of midcard workers who posses a great deal of psychology, then Jett can be a great addition to any roster. He needs a little help with most matches seeing how his own psych levels are low, but, if you're patient, he can end up as a major player regardless of what region you're booking for.

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Just wanted to say I really enjoyed the first show my friend! Really great feel to proceedings as usual, and like everyone before me the turn at the end was well executed - though having read someone else's comments first by accident it didn't come as too much of a surprise :p


Glad to see Larry keeping in touch, he looks wilder than ever! One day I think we'll see him back working with John...we can dream can't we!? :D

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Glad to see Larry keeping in touch, he looks wilder than ever! One day I think we'll see him back working with John...we can dream can't we!? :D


If, and when, he retires, I'm sure John will be seeking out Larry as a trusted road agent. ;)


Thank you, as always, jhd1! You're help on this project (in the form of amazing alt's) is much, much, appreciated.

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I can see it now. Larry Wood at the ring, putting down his first edition original middle english language version of one of Shakespeare's plays that he is reading , in order to yell at the ring " No!! You are doing it wrong!! THIS is how you hit someone across the back with a flaming barb wired covered steel chair!!"
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I can see it now. Larry Wood at the ring, putting down his first edition original middle english language version of one of Shakespeare's plays that he is reading , in order to yell at the ring " No!! You are doing it wrong!! THIS is how you hit someone across the back with a flaming barb wired covered steel chair!!"


Exactly. :D


That's why I love Larry Wood. He looks like a raging psychopath; however, he's, quite possibly, the smartest man in all of Pro Wrestling. He's that quintessential genius who doesn't look the part because they care only about developing their mind vs. developing good hygiene by taking a shower. ha.

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"To conquer the land, first, you must conquer within"

The continuing Evolution of GREED; the 'Prophet'.



A trance inducing selection of drug-inspired Acid Jazz fills the small, rundown, coffeehouse like a plum of smoke filling a fire-ravaged studio apartment; unable to outrun it’s encompassing wrath. The middle-aged, Einstein-inspired, barista taps his foot in a psychotic, yet rhythmic, fashion; accepting the beat within his soul like a homeless man in need of nourishment. All in all, The borderline, however subconscious, chaotic tone is his greatest masterpiece; a personal favorite of his despite the endless complaints waged by consumers in need of a quiet place in which to study. Either way, The constant, confusing, collection of wayward noises does nothing to break my focus; I was set to meet with Mr. Winner in a matter of a few seconds. An important meeting that could potentially change the course of 4C forever.


With a steaming cup of Ethiopian dark roast centered on a pseudo-wood table before me, I continually run over my plan for expansion; knowing that it could potentially prove to be a terrible offer, however, I find myself truly inspired for the first time in almost a year.


Back was the need for development. Again, I have returned to the point where the only thing that mattered to me was the job at hand: Conquering all that dare to stand in my way. Destroying all of those who dare challenge my new shinning present: 4C.


The ticks, the tremors, the incessant dry mouth in need of being quenched by a round of throat burning vodka was still present. However, by this point, I had found a way to subdue the monster for now. With that said, I’m not dumb. I know my tortured soul. I wasn’t truly stripping myself from an addiction, but rather, transferring my addictive demeanor toward another mind-controlling substance; Canadian Charisma Championship Combat.


At least with this addiction I was making money instead of shelling it away in heaps.


That said, It’s not the same kind of income I had grown accustomed to, however never felt comfortable with, while working for Jensen [Tarver] in the Arcadia Towers.


My new plan for the 4C; however, could potentially help to balance the bottom line for me personally. That said, such a gesture had to seem like I wasn’t really asking for more money, or more time, really. Instead, It was best to convey the rewards for 4C by taking on such a new routine. Without any knowledge of Winner’s business-sense, I , again, attempt to center my thoughts away from my wandering views on life. Instead, focusing on the task at hand.


Perfect timing as the 3A bus was seen coming to a drastic halt before the coffeehouse I find myself seated in. The wheels, so overrun by the attempt at stopping out of nowhere, squeal forcibly like a war-employed trumpet player marking the entrance of a beloved warrior.


Within a matter of a few seconds, There he stood. However, he was not alone this time.


His small, hunched, frame shuffles through the smudged glass doorway of the coffeehouse as the towering, heavily troubled, Grant Truman follows closely behind; unknowingly snarling like a rabid wolverine looking to protect ‘his young’. While it had not been described to me yet, It was quite obvious to see that there was a close bond between these two men; based on what? I have no idea.


Mr. Winner, waddling due to the limiting stagger in his stride, appears to be talking to himself in a rather dramatic fashion; his eyes darting too and frow like a mad scientist relaying orders to his minions. Meanwhile, Grant has ended his journey as he is seen taking a seat in the far corner of the crackling yellow room; never taking his uncomfortable gaze off of me for a split second. Did he want to fight or something? Or, was I simply causing him some sense of harm for whatever reason? I have no idea. That said, my thoughts were best served focused on Mr. Winner and my plans for expansion for 4C; not on a man who is best described as a true ‘loner’. A consistent fly on the wall; however, large enough to stand out despite personally wanting to hide in the shadows.


Mr. Winner quickly pulls his seat away from the table; hopping rather crazily onto the swaying wooden chair before him. Once at rest, Troy looks me straight in the eye and without fail delivers a line that I will never forget…


“The rabbits have told me the truth about you. I trust their judgments regardless of what others say. They can truly peer into the souls of the tortured.
You, John Greed, are a prophet of the Wrestling GOD’s. A conveyer of the truth. A supplier of endless devastation.”


With my mouth in the process of opening wide, floored by such disconnection, Troy dips his head slightly; violently grabbing my right hand as it sits next to my cup of coffee.


“Lead us to the ‘promise land’. Use your sight of majesty to guide us to greatness.”


My eyes dart quickly over at Grant; uncomfortable with the situation at hand. However, once locking eyes with the towering behemoth in the corner, I find no rest for my anxiety. What the HELL have I gotten myself into? This is what I’ve been living in a car for the last 30 days for? Good GOD…


I stutter for my wording; trying to pull my hand way; however, underestimating the surprising power residing within Troy’s miniature frame.


“Uh… I’m sorry Troy but I don’t believe that is true…”


He quickly responds without making eye contact.


“That’s what they said you would say; that you would deny your post. I understand. It is best if you work in secrecy.”


Again, floored by what’s happening, I find myself borderline afraid of catching whatever insanity permeates from within Troy.


Again, stuttering to find my wording.


“They know me… too.. Well, I guess.”


I decided, in a split second, to accept whatever psychosis Troy was currently wrapped up within; knowing that it’s best to go along with the flow versus say something in a challenging manner and ultimately finding myself without another job. With that said, I had to fight every fiber of my being from simply calling him out on his craziness. Chalk it up to my anti-authoritative mantra, I guess.


“What do you wish to speak to me about, Oh wonderful Prophet of the Wrestling GOD’s?”


It took me a second to accept his advance yet again; however, I quickly decided to capitalize on his lofty vision for me.


“Uh… They say we should run two events a month; one in Ontario and one in Quebec. This way, We can grow at a faster rate than just holding one event a month and hoping we can solidify a loyal fan base.”


His head nods dramatically; almost comically if you will. Meanwhile, the smattering of other coffee goers staring at the two of us in a unsettling manner.


“It is to be done, Mr. Prophet. Do what you will to ensure our rise to the ‘heavens’.”


Something felt very wrong about all of this; taking advantage of a ‘sick’ individual for my own gain. With that said, however, it was in the best interest for 4C. This way, We can continue to carry a presence in our two most popular regions. In turn, over time, we may find a faster rise from the ashes left in the “Big Two’s” wake.


“We will keep our scheduled events in Ontario; however, we will cut the month in half by frequenting Quebec on the 2nd Monday of each month.”


“When will this conquest begin? What have they told you?”


Attempting to hold back my fearful gaze, I continue forward; knowing that, by now, Troy and I were seen as the uncomfortable entertainment for all of those around us. Even the Acid-Jazz enthusiast behind the bar.


“2 weeks; The second week of October.”


His head shoots back in a forceful manner; looking up at the sky as he throws his stubby arms outward in a praising like manner. Meanwhile, I am slowly cowering lower in my seat; hoping that such a maneuver would make others realize I wasn’t the ‘crazy one’ in this situation.


“Thank you! Thank you all powerful Wrestling GOD’s… I thank you for bringing your beloved prophet to 4C. With his guidance we will overtake Canada, then North America, and finally… The World!!”


A stint of devilish, evil villain-like, laughter expels from his body like a destructive flood; encompassing everything in it’s path.


I quickly dart my eyes toward Grant, sternly looking at him in a way to inspire his intervention. However, no such thing happens. Instead, in a contrast, Grant doesn’t move an inch; still staring at me in a troubled manner.


“Yes.. Yes… The thing is, Troy… No one can know about my… abilities. If it’s shouted to the masses then I’ll lose my connection with the… the… GOD’s.”


I visualize myself shaking my head; shocked by having to say such a thing.


“This must stay between us, or, my powers will be gone. If my powers are gone then the Wrestling DEVIL may come in and manipulate my understanding. You don’t want that, do you?”




He responds rather heavily; spitting slightly as he speaks.


As I slowly whip the remnants of Troy’s saliva from right cheek; I continue onward.


“Okay, good. So, from here on out. This stays between you and me. Okay?”


“Whatever you wish, My beloved Prophet.”


With that said, our meeting had come to a close. It took only a matter of a few seconds for Troy to, once again, praise to the Heaven’s; immediately leaving his seat afterward. Grant slowly shuffles behind his pint-sized friend; both of them exiting onto the very next bus that arrives.


Despite him being gone, The overwhelming narrative of craziness continues to resonate throughout my most frequented establishment in town.


Great, now, whenever I come back, I’ll be looked upon as a full-fledged crazy person.


The supposed “Prophet” to a higher court of Wrestling GOD’s.


Shoot me now.








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What we learned:


* 4C will run two events a month starting next month (October).

* The 2nd Monday of the month will be when 4C is holding an event in Quebec.

* The 4th Monday of the month will be when 4C is holding an event in their home base of Ontario.

* These events will be 60 minutes a piece. Why? To cut down on the sheer amount of stuff that needs to be written on my part. This way, I can formulate 2 shows a month without having to ‘over-book’ events to simply fill time vs. putting together a concise, well thought out, 60 minutes of action twice a month.

* Both events will be hyped at a ‘small’ level versus medium. Why? Most likely, running two medium shows a month will end up hurting my bottom line. With time, I may make one event ‘medium’ (maybe in Ontario) and the other (in Quebec) being a ‘small’; I’ll have to see how it goes with time.

* The shows in Ontario will be in-line with the typical 4C schedule (as it pertains to the names of those events). This keeps to the overall brand already set by 4C prior to John’s arrival.

* The shows in Quebec will carry created names, tones, and gimmicks. (Just like I did with PSW).

* This decision was made with the hope of generating a better chance of moving upward as a company. With two shows, in the two regions where 4C already has high popularity, I hope that this scenario will help to develop more popularity in these regions. In turn, pushing 4C on a faster track toward potentially growing to a ‘cult level’. I know this will take time; however, I have a better chance of getting there under this plan.

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Just caught up and I really like what you've done with the 4C. It totally feels like a circus. lol. Looking forward to what you do next.


Thank you, Oracle!


Good to see you make the transition from the DOA project to this one. It's much appreciated. And yes, 4C is certainly a circus. Even more so than PSW as, at least in Pittsburgh, the company was run by someone who was mentally competent. Sure, he as a d*ck... But, he was a businessman down to the root of it.


Troy Winner... not so much. ha. ;)

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Also pretty sure that with the +4 ticket prices that at around E to E+ pop medium events net you more money.


Quite possibly so. That said, My first month pulled down a $4,000 profit. Seeing how I don't really plan on signing any BIG names right away (at least not for now), I'm pretty happy with the return.

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Quite possibly so. That said, My first month pulled down a $4,000 profit. Seeing how I don't really plan on signing any BIG names right away (at least not for now), I'm pretty happy with the return.


Yeah but if your goal is to get to cult as fast as possible every little cent counts.

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It didn’t take much to convince him. Three weeks removed from his own dismissal from “Tarver’s Kingdom”, Steve [Flash] slowly began to accumulate a hefty chip upon his shoulder; so back-breakingly heavy that his deeply guarded psyche was nose-diving like a kamikaze plane in need of a final destination.


How else would you react to this statement: “We’re sorry Steve. We understand that you’ve put forth a lot of effort while performing for the DOA brand; however, at this time, we’ve come to realize that your age has only hurt our product as a whole. The DOA is about the ‘new class’ of superstars; not those of yesterday. We wish you well in your future endeavors.”


With the wrath of such a statement bulldozing his confidence like an un-empathetic reaper attempting to find his next ‘victim of death’, Steve finally knew what it was like to be subjected to the psychological destruction that is discrimination based upon something you can’t control. There is no denying it, “The Remarkable One” was inching ever closer to his final days within our sport; closer to the end than he is to the beginning by a long shot. With that said, for the Network to simply write him off as a disposable piece of the puzzle, even I felt for the man; a victim of the same perception.


So, when I made that phone call… This was his response.


“I just want to wrestle, John. It’s what I do; it’s who I am. I don’t know myself without those ring ropes around me. If you want me in Canada, then I’m there. I trust you. You’re good people. I’ll be on the first flight to Ottawa in the next coming days.”


A man, typically, of little words, Steve appeared to be a broken man. A hollowed out legend feeling as if his 20 years of service wasn’t enough for some. The DOA, in all of it’s misguided glory, didn’t understand this call for respect. How would they? The Arcadia Network claims to know wrestling; however, everything they’ve ever done has shown to be the opposite. To them, Steve isn’t someone who deserves any sense of grandeur as it pertains to overflowing respect. He I simply an older guy who doesn’t fit their ‘product’ anymore. While this truth is laughable at best, it only goes to show exactly what’s in the minds of those in Hollywood.


They care NOTHING about keeping with the sanctity of our industry. Rather, they are coming at this from an outsiders perspective; only paying attention to those situations that will ultimately deliver upon their bottom line. They don’t prescribe to our beliefs; they are nothing more than a collection of money-hungry network executives looking for another, short-term, answer to their fall lineup.


Steve needs to perform within a company that sees him for the Legend that he truly is.


He needs to ‘break his back’ for a fan base that will embrace him as he should be.


All in all, he needs to come “home”. The true prodigal-son in route back to his homeland; one final time.


With such a sales pitch in my corner pocket, while also leveling a strong sense of empathy for the beloved performer, how could Steve say no? The phone call only took a matter of 8 minutes before he gave me his word.


The “Remarkable” Steve Flash had come home to Canada; once again reuniting with myself, a simple man who absolutely reveres his lengthy service to this craft we both love. If this is his “Swan Song” then I’m going to see to it that he goes out with a ring-shaking, industry shifting, bang!
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Date of Event:
Monday, Week 2, October 2010

Event #:

Location of Event:
Quebec (Canada)

Size of Event:

Duration of Event:

Broadcasting of Event:
Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com




Event Synopsis

Anarchy, the process by which a specific area is subjected to a lawless state of chaos, has acquired a ‘bad name’ to some who value a sense of order. While such a discipline, or lack there of, can harvest a deadly scenario for most who bask in it’s infamy; there is something quite beautiful with the limitless possibilities that are also cultivated via such mantra. With Anarchy, there is no need for binding rules. No room for an interjection of staleness. No time for those who live life safely. Needless to say, If you wish to bask in said lawless state, you must possess a strong defiant nature toward how life typically unfolds; in a sense, you MUST carry an ability to throw caution to the wind & defy-logic without thought.


Anarchy, in it’s purest form, is brought forth to bring change; to defy the norms that have been put in place by our predecessors.


4C, as a collective whole, embraces this notion of defiance; this focus of pure lawlessness.


Join 4C as we overtake Quebec this October; subjecting all of those in attendance to a spectacular experience. An experience of pure, unadulterated, Anarchy…




The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Tag Team Match

Non-Title Match


There is nothing more unbreakable, more saturated with natural defiance, than a young-mind inflated with the dreaded “P” word: Potential. While you typically have to retire to a nearby high school in which to witness such guided arrogance; here in 4C, you need look no farther than the self-proclaimed “Future Kings of Canada”: Davis Wayne Newton & Chris Flynn. These two youngsters have been prepped, coach, and sold their own ‘Kool-Aid’ as ‘industry experts’ perceive both as potential, country-dominating, Icon’s by their career’s end. So, it only seems so natural that these two projected standouts would eventually find each other and form a shaky bond built upon their collective salivation for fame, fortune, and an everlasting legacy.


Lucky for them, They’ve been given the opportunity to truly ‘prove themselves’ through the form of a non-title match-up versus the 4C Tag Champions.


Unlucky for them, said 4C Tag Champions are none other than the hard-nosed, toothless, bar-room-brawling duo of The Gilbert Brothers.


The Gilbert Brothers are no strangers to ‘up and coming’ tag teams. While ravaging the North American Indy scene (in both America and Canada), Joe and Jesse were often dubbed as such as well; pounding the living daylights out of those who dare stand in their path. Now, finding a true resting place in the form of 4C, The Gilbert’s appear to be slowly settling their full body weight into the company; using their bloodied fists as their ‘weapon of choice’ as they continue to make the case for being the 4C’s current “Franchise Players” as it pertains to the overhauled Tag Team division.


With both sides riding a wave of overpowering momentum (Davis & Chris’s momentum is predominately theoretical at this point; new to the world of tag team wrestling), Which tandem will ultimately come away with the victory?


The inflated ego’s of two men high on their own fumes?


- OR -


The down-and-dirty, throw punches first ask questions later, bar-room-brawling 4C Tag Champions?


No one, at this point, knows for sure; however, one thing is for certain: Andy Gordy will have his hands full as he attempts to keep order within this match.



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
Can two egocentric youngsters, both loaded on their own ‘Kool-Aid’, work as one?

Match Details:
Tag Team Match, Standard Rules, Non-Title.







Antonio Del Veccio © w/ Joy DeWitt vs. Slim V

Hardcore Match

4C Hardcore Championship Match



“If At first you don’t succeed… Find more weapons.”


While this phrase may seem rather simplistic in nature, It certainly speaks to the true narrative brought forth by the 4C Hardcore Championship: Violence, especially through the form of weaponry, almost always reigns supreme. With that said, the current 4C Hardcore Champion, is the shocking exception to this rule; overcoming the odds, countless times, without much usage of said weaponry. Instead, employing a super-human-like ability to withstand endless amounts of pain in which to retain his coveted championship.


How much longer can he survive though? Truthfully, how many more beatings can one take before his career is cut-short in a violent fashion?


While no one can discredit Antonio’s ‘tough-guy’ mentality, never showing a sliver of physical depletion during his tenure as 4C Hardcore Champion, there will come a time where the fiery Italian is unable to forge through the pain. His body, suffering from months of hefty wear-and-tear, will eventually give out and the Rip Chord-trained youngster will find his praise-worthy title reign at an ending state. Simply put, The question is not IF he will eventually break down… It’s when.


Slim-V, a member of the controversial 187 faction, hopes that said bottoming out will happen this month in Quebec as the gritty, raging ball of aggression, street-fighter looks to accomplish what he was unable to accomplish last month: Gain championship gold.


Will Antonio find a way to, once again, survive Slim-V’s sadistic wrath? - OR - Will the hardened street-fighter continue upon his sickening assault of Del Veccio; obtaining the very championship he covets.


Regardless of the outcome, one thing can be expected: Blood will flow like a raging river; accelerated in strength by a collapsed iceberg removed from it’s former resting place.



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Lingering Question(s):
How will 187 factor into this match? Also, can Antonio Del Veccio survive another vicious beating in which to retain his Championship?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Hardcore-based, 4C Hardcore Championship Match.







Duberry Excess vs. “The White Angel” Frankie Dee

Singles Match


Success can be a double-edged sword.


On the one hand, Success can bring a heralded existence; a state where you can do no wrong & others will hang on your every word, and/or movement. While this stands as an epic form of existence, something that most all of us strive for, there are consequences of such a heightened state.


All it takes is a wrong move, an uneducated decision, or simply a wind of change, in which to force your ‘fall back to earth’. The same heralded existence from before now becomes an unstoppable agent of change; swallowing everything in it’s path, you included.


This truth. This undeniable reality is something that both, Frankie Dee and Duberry Excess, have in common.


Typically, these two men would never find a common-link with one another. One man, Duberry Excess, has accomplished the unthinkable; cementing his 4C legacy via obtaining the much praised “Triple Crown” (the first man to do it in this companies 15 year history). While doing so, Duberry has become one of the most beloved figures in company history; the 4C fan base have all but knighted him as a true Living ICON amongst his coworkers.


The other man, Frankie Dee, has waged a violent, one-sided, war of destruction over the last year; holding onto the 4C Championship during the war’s entirety as he physically dismantled everyone in his path. When starting said reign, Frankie was considered to be one of THE most hated figures in the companies history; however, within the last few months, the 4C fan base has started to find a small sense of love for the embattled fighter.


Both men, marked by their success in 4C are now on the ‘outside looking in’; victims of their own achievements as public opinion questions there very ability to ‘get the job done’.


Duberry Excess, recently showing this immense amount of pressure upon him, appears to be at a breaking point; no longer able to hide his frustration with his current course. At the same time, Frankie Dee now finds himself, for the first time in 12 months, without the 4C Championship around his waist. While it’s absurd to question his ability at this point, someone of Frankie’s demeanor certainly is; how could I have lost? This is a very real truth that HAS to be circulating through Dee’s cold, severely focused, mind; a momentary lapse of confidence in his abilities no doubt.


So, with this said, which competitor will soften the blow of his inglorious fall from grace? Can Duberry Excess prove to himself, as well as the rabid 4C fan base, that he hasn’t become a ‘mute point’ upon the company roster? Can he push past his own frustration, his own immense pressure, in which to break free from the confines of the burning house that is the loss of success. - OR - Will the former 4C Champion, and all-around ‘human weapon’, rebound only a month from his psyche-crippling loss to Jacob Jett? Was said loss a fluke or a larger truth that is slowly making itself known?


Only time will tell…



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Lingering Question:
Who’s personal, and professional, frustrations will get the best of them?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules.







”The Amazing“ Jacob Jett © vs. “The Remarkable“ Steve Flash

Singles Match

4C Championship Match



Respect. It’s a word used quite often in our industry; however, it’s presence is certainly needed. Respect for oneself, for the competitor that stands before you across the ring, for the fans who have spent their hard-earned money in which to see you perform; Respect is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Such an instance can land you in an awkward position as most, especially in the Pro Wrestling Industry, wear their status of respect upon their body like a colorful robe of tradition.


Jacob Jett, in all of his self-obsessed glory, doesn’t agree with this notion.


Jett, arguably the greatest 4C competitor of All-time, respects nobody but himself.


Sure, the youngster has continually professed his absolute love for this industry; however, it’s more of a self-intertwined love built upon his own success versus ‘wide-eyed’ adoration. Meanwhile, Steve Flash has often been considered to be a true ‘ambassador of the sport’; someone who stands as a great professor of Wrestling Intelligence, rooted in his deep understanding of our industry. To someone like Steve, Jacob is quite possibly, yet, another arrogant punk; defiant of the unwritten laws that tend to dictate the ‘sport’ they have both come to love.


What does this mean to Jett? Nothing.


While it may seem rather ugly, There in lies Jett’s greatest tool for success: his unwillingness to look at ANY scenario without removing his own, selfish, desires. Call him a brat, a punk, or a youthful jerk; however, the truth of the matter is this… Such an approach, a trademark since day one, has done nothing but garner a heavy level of success since his early days with the company.


Can the “Remarkable One”, The “Prodigal Son of Canada”, overcome the youthfully arrogant competitor that stands before him; gaining the 4C Championship only a month after joining the company? - OR - Will the self-declared “Cornerstone”, and all-around “Amazing” risk-taker, Jacob Jett, find a way to keep his wave of momentum forging ahead without any sense of stalling; adding a deep notch to his legacy with a victory over the “Living Legend” that is his opponent?


Either way, The 4C, these competitors, and the rabid 4C fan base will never be the same again…



<hr color="grey">
Lingering Question:
Can Jacob Jett add, quite possibly, the biggest notch to his theoretical belt by defeating the “Prodigal Son of Canada”, and recent 4C addition, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash?

Match Details:
Singles Match, Standard Rules, 4C Championship Match.




Join the Overthrow; support your local Anarchists.




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"Agents of Anarchy" Quick Picks:


The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Non-title shenanigans here, yo!!


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Favorite character here as he reminds me of Tommy Dreamer in the since that Dreamer was booked as someone who could take a sh*tload of punishment and dish it out and SOMEHOW pull out the win.


Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Dee's is on the path back to the top and Duberry is the unfortunate first step.


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

He's Jacob F*ck Jett, 'nuff said, lol.

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I can see it now. Larry Wood at the ring, putting down his first edition original middle english language version of one of Shakespeare's plays that he is reading , in order to yell at the ring " No!! You are doing it wrong!! THIS is how you hit someone across the back with a flaming barb wired covered steel chair!!"


Funny I find myself in this exact situation all the time.



The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada - Hmmm... non title.

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V - ADV needs a white robe...

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee - Please?

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash - and thank you. I love me some Jacob Jett, one of my favorites in the Cverse.

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The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada Momentum builder.

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V Cause he needs the snot beat out of him a bit more.

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee Duberry needs to be a bit more frustrated so he can heel turn as Demon Seed.

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash You won't have him drop it here.

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The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V


I hope Antonio has a long and healthy title reign...:D


Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee



Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash


I like Flash but Jett just won the title so Flash will not be getting the W.

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It has been 30 days since I first stepped foot on Canadian soil.


Within that time, I’ve gazed shockingly upon a, full-blown, crazed “Gremlin”, abused my recently purchased vehicle as a stationary home, overtaken an area coffeehouse’s computer for hours on end (while not ever buying anything outside of a dollar cup of Guatemalan dark roast), and ceremoniously transitioned the top championship over to a man who I am, currently, not on speaking terms with.


It’s been tiring, mentally exhausting, psychologically crippling, physically demanding, and aggressively demeaning; however, I’ve come to the point where I finally love what I’m doing again. It took what others classified as ’career-suicide’ to find the truth about myself as a practitioner ’behind the scenes’: My heart does not lie with the ’grand lights’ of the mainstream audience; my unquestionable allegiance falls with those who have been casted-off, who have been left behind, and who have not even been given a chance yet. To say the least, I am a mad piper for those who feel dejected, forgotten, abused, removed, and ‘left for dead’.


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat was exactly what I needed at this point in my life; an abstract muse in need of someone insane enough to believe their cause. While ‘the bottle’ still calls to me, still begs of me for a reunion, I find myself teetering the line of a full-blown addict and a ‘model citizen’. In a way, I’ve embraced the ‘middle way’ personally as I’ve also embraced the ‘extremes’ professionally.


Some say I’ve gone ‘back to my roots’. While this may be true to some aspect, I see 4C as something entirely different than my days in Pittsburgh. There, big men reigned supreme. Here, lightweights are ultimately the main components of my insanity. There, weapons were the main focus of action. Here, while weapons are used during Hardcore Championship matches, It’s the death-defying, ‘suicidal’, risk-taking that ultimately defines our product. It’s true, they are similar; however, their differences are what makes me gasp for air at night; the very thing that keeps me intrigued from day-to-day.


I’m not sure where this journey will take me; however, there is one thing I DO know for sure… 4C will get every single piece of my mind, soul, and body. When it’s all said and done, I will die before I let this place down.


What’s my reasoning? How could I already find such loyalty this early on? Especially with the psychotic cast of characters surrounding me, and no real roof over my head on a nightly basis, how I have already come to love this place?


It’s really quite simple.


Canadian Charisma Championship Combat, the product is possesses, the Anarchy-like environment that it cultivates, and the ‘suicidal’ mantra that it portrays, is, in it’s simplest form, myself personified.


I am 4C.


4C is John Greed.


The reality of our conditions are eerily the same. The severity of our addictive, ‘Russian-Roulette’-like, approach to existence is one in the same.




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"Agents of Anarchy" Quick Picks:


The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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