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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash


Great start to 4C, really looking forward to seeing where this one leads.

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“Hey, It’s J. Leave a message; unless your John Greed. Leave me alone.”


Still no word from Jacob. At least not me, personally; however, there are whispers floating around as it pertains to his distrust of my leadership. I guess I can’t truly blame him. While working for the DOA, Jett was one of my designated ‘pet projects’; but with that said, he became weary of my dedication to his persona as he became a ‘glorified jobber’ pretty soon there after. It wasn’t my intention at first. That said, I can’t fault him for such a perception.


During my time with RIPW, I was often told that Dick [Richard Eisen] was continually ‘on the line’ as it pertains to bringing me up to the main roster. Days went by, weeks, months, even years, and yet I found myself STILL stuck in the same purgatory-like situation; desperately searching for a sense of attention much like a fatherless child does.


Nero constantly reassured me of my inevitable rise; however, that day never came. I found myself on the outside looking in throughout my tenure in Rhode Island. So, with this said, knowing what it’s like to distrust certain messages force-fed down your throat at will, I can empathize with Jacob’s fearful nature.


Someday, sometime, Jacob will cave in; I know it. For now, though, I must continue forth with my plans of focusing the company around the young risk-taker. Even if said “cornerstone” continually makes it apparent that my phone calls are falling on deaf ear; distrusting as it pertains to my ‘vision’ for him, and the company as a whole.




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"Agents of Anarchy" Quick Picks:


The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Why not?


Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

If anyone is gonna take down ADV its gonna be Ali and not before the lovely Joy turns on him


Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Dee's the more exciting of the two and needs a momentum boost after losing the title.


Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

Greed's attempts to reach out to Jett by bribing him with the title continue.

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The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash


Mostly guessing here. Not too familiar with 4C. I doubt you'll have Jett drop the title here, and it seems Antonio is going to be a long running champion.

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It didn’t take long for Steve [Flash] to continue his role as a continual ‘professor’; taking the young Jason Thunder as his newest protégé. Was it shocking to see such a situation take place this early on? Not really. Sure, Steve has only been a part of this company for under a month; however, such a scenario was to be expected. How can I say so? Just call it familiarity with his work as a veteran of this sport.


A highly successfully, extremely decorated, individual himself, Steve is constantly heard coaching anyone who will listen backstage during events. His masterful understanding of this ‘sport’ has not only manifested itself in the form of endless professional accomplishments, but, also in the ability to realistically direct others in their search of such success.


So, with this in mind, I was expecting to see such a scenario rise pretty early on. With Jason, Steve is able to further develop his legacy within our industry by influencing the ‘youth movement’ of today; instilling his own understanding within the minds of the impressionable. With that said, It’s not as ‘manipulative’ as it may sound. Within Pro Wrestling, it’s imperative to find the veteran voices within the fold that will ultimately guide you toward your own, potential, greatness. For Jason Thunder, who better to listen to than a man who many have labeled as a true “Living Legend” as it pertains to the Indy circuit?


While Jason is quite ‘green’ at this point of his career, It’s expected that the youngster will quickly steer rapidly toward the ‘fast track’; accelerating toward the finish line like a drag racer seeking victory.


In the end, with such help as Steve Flash, Jason Thunder could, quite possibly, be one of the hottest ‘up-and-coming’ competitors on the Canadian Indy Circuit today!


Let’s just hope we can hold onto him long enough before the “Big Two” swoop in like vultures looking to pick away at it’s suffering prey.



<hr color="black">

"Agents of Anarchy" Quick Picks:


The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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Mostly guessing here. Not too familiar with 4C.


I'm all for guessing. To be honest, It's hard to always know what the writer has in mind versus how things can be perceived from a standard standpoint. I've had the issue while predicting in others diaries as well; however, in the end, It's just appreciated to have others feeling so inclined to leave something behind. So, for that, Thank you! :D

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I just wanted to leave a general progress report for “Agents of Anarchy”; as well as some added things that I’m continuing to discover while booking/writing for 4C. This is, quite possibly, the easiest way to determine when the next show’s results will see “the light of day”; while also giving others some insight into this diary from an OOC (out of character; ie. John Greed] perspective. So, with that said, here you go:



Progress Report for “Agents of Anarchy”: I’ve booked the show, ran it through TEW, and now am over half-done with writing the event results as we speak. Overall, the show has around 9 segments (counting the 4 matches scheduled) and I’ve finished writing 5 of those segments. With that said, I’m thinking that the results (as a whole) should see the “light of day” sometime during the middle of this next week (depending upon time available); with the next day of potential work upon it not until Tuesday. So, if you’re looking to read the 2nd 4C event under John’s control then you won’t have to wait much longer! Overall, I’m excited to get everything out in the open from a storyline/characters/in-ring perspective!



What I’ve come to know about 4C:


1) Jacob Jett is a great character to write for. He’s young, arrogant, reckless, athletic, spot-monkey-like, and all-around self-absorbed; however, at the same time, he truly loves 4C. He has this strong sense of loyalty for the very company that’s given him the ability to ‘shine’. As others have come and gone, moved onto better things, Jacob has kept his footing; standing tall for the sake of 4C (and himself). Why hasn’t he left? The way I see it, He enjoys the ability to truly ‘be himself’. Knowing that CGC, NOTBPW, or SWF for that matter, would probably temper his persona & ultimately make him into a robot for their writers. In 4C, He has the ability to do exactly what he wants, when he wants to do it, and no one can really stand up to the guy. Overall, He’s the “Cornerstone”, “The Franchise Player”, and it’s easy for someone like Jett (someone who loves be to the center of attention) to stay in a company where he’s the main focus of the show/company. His real life counterparts are a fusion of early HBK (90’s) [Arrogance], Shane Douglas [self-proclaiming; loyalty], and Rob Van Dam [Athleticism, High Risk mentality, and not wanting to change for anyone].


2) I can’t ever get anyone to take a ‘bump’: No matter who I try, or no matter where on the card they compete on, I can’t get anyone to simply take a ‘bump’ during their match. I know that it’s something that should be delegated for ‘special events’; however, I would think 4C would be chalked full of people willing to risk their bodies for the sake of the vibe that the company cultivates (much like those did for ECW). I’ve tried to have Jett take a bump for the past two events (as an example); however, every time he turns it down. This despite the fact that his profile says he is often known for ‘stunning daredevil antics’. Meh, maybe it’ll happen at some point here? Not a huge thing, but, would be kind of cool to write for/take the ‘grade bump’/consequences that go with it.


3) Antonio Del Veccio’s title reign is what I love about 4C: Sure, he’s not really a ‘hardcore wrestler’, at least so says my in-game prompts every time I book him in such a match; however, his ability to simply ‘survive’ within the hardcore division says more about his ‘hardcore ability’ than anything else. To me, Hardcore wrestling is, yes, about weapons; however, it also has to do with simply taking a beating & coming back for more. Can you pick yourself back up after being smashed over the head with a Stop sign? Can you pull your body off the canvas after you’ve taken a barbed wire bat shot to the face? If so, then you’re hardcore regardless of whether or not you can swing a weapon yourself. Funny enough, Del Veccio (at least my version) appears to look awkward whenever he actually grabs a weapon. In most cases, He barely ever uses them during his title matches. Instead, he takes a beating, gets back up, and ends up brawling his way to a victory (or simply outlasting the other competitor as they grow frustrated that they can’t ‘destroy’ the champ). Overall, he’s a great character; unique and perfect for 4C as a whole. Before working with this company, I would have never given the guy a second of time when it comes to character development. That said, I’ve come to LOVE him here in 4C. Real World comparisons: Spike Dudley (Underdog, Punching Bag), Tommy Dreamer (ability to take a beating & get back up for more), and Little Guido (Fiery, Brawler, hard-nosed).


4) Troy Winner is THE greatest, most compelling, figure I’ve ever written for. It’s as simple as that. He’s neurotic, truly insane, detached from reality, unsettling, and mentally extravagant; however, there’s also a loveable sense to him. That’s why everyone stays with him, or loves to do so, because he truly loves his company, and those who work within it. While his mind is muffled with a legit sense of psychosis, He loves Pro Wrestling; it’s a vice of his (hence creating a company of his own and keeping it afloat for 15 years despite having to put his own financial credit on the line). So, those within 4C and those who have worked for him, love him for that very fact. They WANT to work for 4C because he takes care of his talent, genuinely loves what they do, and gives them an environment where anything is possible; little to not limitations. To me, the BEST owner in the Cornellverse to write for (outside of Richard Eisen, maybe). Real World Comparison: That guy who yells about random things at your local bus stop. Yep, the one who kinda smells and believes he knows the REAL truth about things. A lovable, larger-than-life, human being.


5) BIG Debut set for “Agents of Anarchy”. While it may not carry the name of a Jack Bruce, or Christian Faith, there is a BIG debut taking place at this show. One of them is a former 4C superstar, the other is not (at least that I know of), and overall they will play a HUGE role within the initial main storylines encompassing the company.


6) Some 4C alumni will be making their returns: Some ‘big names’ from the 4C’s past will be making their return to the company over time. I really want to bask in the history of the company; while also paving a way for the future. With that said, I do have some ‘newcomers’ set to make their debuts over the next 4-5 months. More or less, I don’t want them all to debut at one time, so, I’m looking to stretch things out just as I did with PSW. Overall, I don’t plan on mucking up the original roster with my own ‘pet projects’; most times that just seems like lazy booking. I have plans though; some grand and some very small features. Either way, it’s going to be fun to watch everything unfold & ultimately pull the plug on these plans as they come time to take place.






<hr color="black">

"Agents of Anarchy" Quick Picks:


The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Antonio Del Veccio © vs. Slim V

Duberry Excess vs. Frankie Dee

Jacob Jett © vs. Steve Flash

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I think it's the logic is something like the roster won't bump for a small show when you could be running a medium sized show. If you ran a medium sized show they might bump (don't hold me to that though)


That could be true, Celt. I know that 'medium' may be more beneficial in some ways; but, I really like only having to write a 60 minute show vs. 90 minutes. Plus, I have some ideas for the future of 4C that go better with having shorter shows like this versus drawn-out ones. Either way, I guess maybe I'll have to see, at a later date, if that's true about the event size.


Maybe I'll have an upcoming event in December, or January, set as a 'medium' event as some sort of blow-out show. Hmmm.... That could work; at least to check a few things out.

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Date of Event: Monday, Week 2, October 2010

Event #: 2

Location of Event: Concordia Hall; Quebec, Canada

Size of Event: Small

Duration of Event: 1 HOUR

Broadcasting of Event: Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com





Jacob Jett ©

… Teetering on the Edge …



[“Agents of Anarchy” opens with the disturbing sight of the newly crowned, 3-time, 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, standing within inches of plunging to his death; teetering on the edge of the landing located atop the Concordia Hall’s towering roof. 50 feet above the crackling, weather-depleted, parking lot below, Jacob walks the line of ‘life and death’; unafraid of whatever outcome may come to pass. Meanwhile, the ‘crown jewel’ of 4C, the heavily-sought-after 4C Championship, gleams in the blazing sunlight that incessantly beats downward like a vicious rainstorm with an intent on absolute destruction; furthering the knowledge that, at this point, Jacob Jett is “the man” of Canadian Charisma Championship Combat.]


[While some may question his motive for such a display, One is certainly not needed. Sure, it may appear ‘suicidal’ for the youngster to teeter on ‘life or death’ in this kind of manner; especially while standing atop his peers in 4C. However, to expect anything otherwise would mean that you truly don’t understand the root of Jacob’s personality. He lives, breathes, and projects, this ‘do or die’ mentality; a view of life heavily rooted in the practice of absolute rebellion. Rebellious of societal norms. Rebellious of industrial norms. Rebellious as it pertains to his own health, and well being. Jacob Jett, in his most simplest form, is truly a man who lives his life “on the edge” (as how he currently finds himself physically). To ask him to ‘step away’ would only be asking him to defy his truest nature; something you can certainly count on NOT happening.]


[With a light breeze sweeping in upon our scene, Jacob is seen spinning his back toward the edge; facing the camera with a devilish smirk plastered across his face, well aware of the danger that lies behind him in the form of a 50 foot drop-off. At first, his body sways aggressively back and forth as the 4C Champion attempts to gain his balance; not doing so will certainly end in his devastating demise. With time, He regains his balance; standing before the 4C web cameraman and relaying a message of his own tie with the tone of Anarchy. All the while, defying all logic; the Reaper as well.]


Jacob Jett: Do you know what it’s like to be written off as ‘suicidal’? As an adrenaline-junkie hellbent on your own demise? Of course you don’t because you live your life on the ‘straight and narrow’; as a stable member of society, afraid to debunk the roles you’ve been forced into.


[Jacob is seen pausing for a second; curling the right side of his lip upward in a confident snarl.]


Jacob Jett: At one point in my life, I was praised for my willingness to follow ‘the plan’ set forth for me; becoming a mindless drone for everyone else’s amusement. And then, one day, that all came to a close. I started to see life in it’s truest form: flawed, destructive, hollow, and backward. I stood on high, turned my ears inward, and set out on my own path; a path of continuous rebellion. No longer was I to follow your guidelines. No longer was I to simply compete for the love of the sport. No longer… Was I to enslave myself to those who decide to cheer my name. I found the one true constant in life is not those who surround you; but you, yourself.


[Jacob pauses, yet again, in which to allow his message to take hold of the viewer.]


Jacob Jett: They may call me ‘suicidal’. They may brand me with a ‘death-wish; but the truth of the matter is this… I don’t really give a flying f*ck. [Laughs] I live my life the only way I know how, teetering on “the edge” of insanity. [Pauses; smriks] Defying the rules my predecessors have set for me, and ultimately ushering in an era centered exclusively around the only person that matters in my life… Me.


[With a short stint of arrogant laughter, Jacob continues to formulate his signature “Rebellious” narrative; still standing inches from his own death. Not oblivious to the danger he’s in; however, not afraid of what may happen all together.]


Jacob Jett: You can label me however you want; I don’t really give a f*ck. [smirks] The only thing that matters, the only label that matters to me, comes with the acquisition of this beautiful piece of gold…


[Jacob glances off to the right; his eyes fixated on the 4C Championship which lies on his shoulder. A, “I’m the sh*t”-like smile, forms upon his face as he slowly turns his focus back to the camera lens before him.]


Jacob Jett: ‘Suicidal’? Sure. Reckless? Probably. Death-Defying? You better f*cking believe it. [Pauses] While you may see those traits as personally destructive, I see them as the very thing that brought me THIS Championship on 3 different occasions. Write me off, if you will, but in the end, you must know… I don’t give a sh*t what you think. [Laughs] This title… [Jacob slaps his right hand across the gold plate of the 4C Championship] this title gives me the right to not give a sh*t what you think!


[With that, “Agents of Anarchy” opens with a thunderous statement from the companies “top draw”; a man as controversial as he is “Amazing”. The sight of his light frame, teetering on the brink of death, only reiterates the fact that this man, and this company as a whole by affiliation, is NOTHING like anything you’ve seen before. Unlike other scenarios, They embrace the insanity that is… Anarchy.]


Grade: C-


<hr color="Grey">Action: Gimmick change from “Speed Kills“ to “Rebel“ for Jacob Jett.

Outcome: A complete success; B+ Rating.


Terry Smith: You may think of him as a reckless punk with a “death-wish”; but as you just heard, it doesn’t phase him in the slightest. Jacob Jett IS insane; yes, but, he’s also our champion; The superstar that most describes this company from the ground-up!

Ted Ross: You float his boat like he’s some “King”… Jacob Jett is nothing more than a puny little bug in need of being squashed. With time, His kamikaze nature will do the trick: Finally riding us of his deplorable presence.

Terry Smith: It could happen, but, one thing is for sure: Jacob won’t change for anyone. If he is going to ‘burnout’ then he will certainly ‘burnout in a blaze of glory’.

Ted Ross: We can only hope…




The Gilbert Brothers vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Tag Team Match

Non-Title Match



The Gilbert Brothers are true, larger-than-life, personas; their general ruckus-mentality as the main energizer in such a statement. From the very second that they’re seen, The sold-out Concordia Hall descends into a chaotic, mosh-pit-like, environment; fueled by the adrenaline-pumping sports anthem most associated with national hockey. Needless to say, their signature ring entrance (both Jesse and Joe ascend upon the ringside area through the crowd), only invites more insanity as Quebecers in attendance buy into the ‘bar-room brawl’ atmosphere that typically goes along with the hockey stick wielding duo.


Meanwhile, in a stark contrast, The nubile tandem of Davis Wayne Newton and Chris Flynn is subjected to a resounding chorus of aggressive boo’s; with time, transitioning into a chant of “F*ck off, newbies” rather quickly.


For those of you who thought Canadian fans would be a little more ‘polite’ than Pittsburgh’s rabid fan base… Think again. These heavily intoxicated, aggressively laced, hard-nosed enthusiasts are, quite possibly, the most vulgar, the most intense, herd of wrestling fan’s seen around the world. Luckily, for the 4C, these self-proclaimed ‘smarks’ frequent almost every company event put forth. Why? They live, and breathe, for the rebellious, Anarchy-based, product that Canadian Charisma Championship Combat portrays on a bi-weekly basis.


Within the ring, whenever the “Future Kings of Canada” are able to take control of the action, a momentous wave of garbage is seen pouring into the ringside area; stemming from the stands of the Concordia Hall. In contrast, Whenever the beloved hockey-enthusiasts take control of said action, The aging bingo hall turns into a joyous celebration; grown men yelling at the top of their lungs for the 4C Tag Champions. Needless to say, as you can expect, this back and forth creates quite the unique image as we seamlessly transition from ‘love to hate’ in a matter of a few maneuvers.


For the most part, The Gilbert Brothers appear to be the more well-versed tandem; utilizing their patented double-team maneuvers in which to floor their opponents. However, with that said, it’s not like the youngsters are entirely left out to dry; quite the opposite really. While, yes, Davis appears to be the stronger of the two “Future Kings”, their ability to work as one shines through rather early on as well. Realistically, while working as a new team, one cannot fault their attempts as they honestly keep up with the 4C Tag Champions pretty well.


However, with that said, ’keeping up’ is not good enough to come away with a victory. At some point, you need to step away from the ’pack’; and that’s exactly what the Gilbert Brothers do!


With Chris Flynn nursing a shoulder injury on the outside of the ring (forced there after a wayward diving strike by Joe Gilbert; Flynn was not the legal man), Davis is stuck on an island… all alone… Staggering his way toward the 4C Tag Champions without knowledge of doing so. Once he’s spun around, Joe Gilbert quickly approaches the staggering youngster… Setting him up for their deadly “Slap Shot” (Drop-toe-hold/Superkick combo).


Joe pulls on Davis’s arm…


Throwing him toward the nearest ring rope; awaiting his return soon there after.


Joe goes for the drop-toe-hold…


DAVIS MOVES OUT OF THE WAY! Dodging, both, the drop-toe-hold and Superkick at the same time; an amazing show of athleticism.


Now, positioned slightly behind Jesse following his missed Superkick, “The Triple Threat” is seen seamlessly rolling a shocked Jesse up from behind with a twisting school-boy-roll-up.


Meanwhile, Chris Flynn has spring boarded himself back to his feet, pulling Joe violently out of the ring with a headlock like maneuver; both men crashing to the concrete floor in the process.


With Davis’s left arm bracing a nearby ring rope, unbenounced to Andy Gordy during his pinfall count, the younger Newton is able to score a shocking victory for his nubile tandem; “The Future Kings of Canada”. Upon the final count, Davis is seen quickly darting from within the squared circle and meeting his tag partner on the outside of the ring. As you can expect, with such a pro-Gilbert Brother audience before them, the two youngsters are aggressively showered with explicit-laced rants from nearby fans; not to mention a few wayward swings by various drunken fools. Fearing for their own safety, and knowing that they have just scored a flash-pinfall on the 4C Tag Champions via underhanded tactics, the Victorious “Future Kings of Canada” are seen arrogantly staggering out of the ringside area; sporting nothing short of absolute confidence regardless of how ‘legal’ Davis’s final pinfall attempt was.


The Future Kings of Canada defeat The Gilbert Brothers in 5:51 via a school-boy-roll-up marred with the underhanded tactic of using a nearby ring rope for leverage.

Grade: D-


Terry Smith: They may have cheated their way to victory tonight; however, something tells me that the Gilbert’s will have the last laugh; They always do!

Ted Ross: Laughter is meant for clowns; not champions. The Gilberts stronghold on the 4C Tag Division is starting to slip. Mark… my… words… “The Future Kings of Canada” will be the NEXT duo to carry those belts. How do I know?

Terry Smith: let me guess… The “Book of Ross” told you so?

Ted Ross: No.

Terry Smith: Oh, so you actually have a coherent opinion for once? How do you KNOW for sure?

Ted Ross: The wrestling GOD’s have spoken to me…

Terry Smith: Of course… I should have known.




Antonio Del Veccio © and Slim-V

… Seconds from battle …



[Antonio Del Veccio has just handed the 4C Hardcore Championship over to Andy Gordy when all of a sudden… 187’s entrance music is heard pumping through the Concordia Hall’s sound system. At first, everyone expects technical error as Slim-V is already seen standing within the squared circle; geared up for action in his typical intense manner. However, as a few seconds pass, the rundown complex quickly drifts toward a state of crazed aggression; as we all bare witness to the sight of 187 leader, Sayeed Ali, slowly shuffling his way through the black entrance curtain.]



Sayeed Ali

… The leader cometh …


Terry Smith: This is unfair!! These punks, these violent psychos, are like a pack of wolves; always hunting as one… never alone. Someone get out here, even up the numbers for Antonio’s sake! There’s NO WAY he can survive TWO 187 members…

Ted Ross: You cry out for his sake but Antonio Del Veccio is a DMW… Dead Man Walking. There’s nothing you can do when 187 sets their sights on you. [Creepy laughter follows] They will not rest until your mangled, bloodied, and discarded like trash in a dumpster out back.


[With a demonic-like snarl formed upon his face, Sayeed Ali heavily stomps his way toward the ringside area; ripping a microphone from the hands of a nearby ring attendant in the process. It doesn’t take long for the former 4C Champion to enter the squared circle; keeping his ice-cold stare fixated on Slim-V’s opponent before him, Antonio Del Veccio, while slowly c*cking his head back, slightly to the right, all the while, still holding the same demonic-smirk upon his face.]


[The dark, violence-inspiring, east coast gangsta rap theme comes to a close as we are now treated to the sound of 300 random 4C fans showering the dreaded aggressor with a wave of explicit-laced verbal assaults; something that doesn’t phase Sayeed in the slightest. With time, Sayeed slowly raises the black 4C microphone up to his snarling lips; relaying the reason for his impromptu entrance (outside what we expect: Another handi-cap, 187 on one, beat down).]


Sayeed Ali: Yo Antonio. Let me speak at ‘cha for a second…


[Antonio looks pissed; seconds from throwing down well before the bell is rung.]


Sayeed Ali: I don’t think we’ve been properly introduced. [smirks; pauses] My name is Sayeed Ali… [That smirks turns instantly back to his snarling demeanor.] and you’re on 187 turf! [Pauses] Now, I getcha… I’ve seen what you’re capable of from afar, but, Slim and I… We don’t buy into it. They say you can take a beating and come right back? [Pauses] Let’s test that…


[Again, Antonio looks to be on the verge of jumping Sayeed straight away; however, something seems to be holding him back. Maybe it’s the numbers game? 2 on 1 already? Either way, the 4C Hardcore Champion simply stands in the farthest corner; staring down both 187 members with a ruthless aggression forming within.]


Sayeed Ali: You see, we run this sh*t; this is OUR company… [Pauses] Yet, You‘ve done nothing to show your respect… NOTHING to pay your dues… [sadistic smirks forms] That day has come, Veccio… [Pauses; smirks again] Your time is up! [Pauses; still holding that very sadistic smirk upon his face] Time to collect…


[sayeed Ali forcibly slams the black 4C microphone onto the canvas below, all the while ripping his black t-shirt off with one hand; discarding it in the same area as the mic lays. Andy Gordy, catching wind of what’s taking place, takes a comical deep breathe; calling for the bell in a show of compliance with Sayeed’s decree.]


Grade: D


Terry Smith: Has Sayeed just added himself to our Hardcore Championship match?

Ted Ross: It appears so.

Terry Smith: I’m getting sick and tired of 187; making their own rules, enforcing them on others, and attempting to rule this company with an ‘iron fist’. No one placed them in an administrative position! They have NO RIGHT to do what they’re doing… This is just another example… Adding himself to a Championship Match? Who the HELL do these people think they are?

Ted Ross: They are the great emperors of our day; the Julius Cesar of the Canadian Landscape.

Terry Smith: Great? Emperors? So, if I bully my way around this company then I can become an Emperor too? Just force my will on others by brute force?

Ted Ross: You couldn’t rule a preschool.

Terry Smith: Shutup.




Antonio Del Veccio © w/ Joy DeWitt vs. Slim-V vs. Sayeed Ali

Hardcore Match

4C Hardcore Championship Match




It’s most likely suicidal for Antonio Del Veccio to compete against two members of the highly controversial, overly sadistic, 187 faction. However, as touched upon in Sayeed’s short promo, there’s really nothing he can do about it; honestly. Canadian Charisma Championship Combat is, without a shadow of a doubt, an organization fixated upon Anarchy; a place without a real sense of governing rule standing above the masses. With that said, situations like this (Sayeed interjecting himself into the 4C Hardcore Championship match), are often a common occurrence.


Most men would probably run to the nearest weapon for a great equalizer; hoping that the threat of such violence would stave off his attackers long enough. With that said, Antonio is not “most men”.


Like a fiery ball of aggression, Antonio is seen taking the fight straight to his opponents; leaping atop Sayeed Ali with an unorthodox, brawling-like, takedown. For a matter of a few seconds, the 4C Hardcore Champion is ACTUALLY in control of the situation at hand; burying his bloodied fists into the head of the former 4C Champion, and recent addition to this match, Sayeed Ali. The blood-thirsty, an all around rabid, 4C Fanbase showers the Chord-inspired youngster with a resounding show of support; cheering on a man who stands against the odds. However, within a matter of a few seconds, Antonio is physically forced off of Ali by a stiff tackle from his other opponent, and 187 member, Slim-V.


As you can expect, Antonio continues to aggressively swing his fists like a madman; hoping to make contact with anything in his path; however, his luck quickly runs dry as the match-up shifts entirely toward a 2 on 1 affair.


With Joy weeping incessantly on the outside of the ring, screaming, pleading, for Andy Gordy to ‘call the match’, Antonio is violently assaulted from pillar-to-post.


Chairs, Tables, Microwaves, Toasters, Stop Signs, Kendo Sticks…


You name it…


It was used on Antonio.


Before you know it, his body is barely moving as the current 4C Hardcore Champion struggles to stay conscious; laying in a pool of his own blood.


You would think such carnage would deter any respectful fighter from continuing. With that said, however, Ali and V are not what you call “respectful fighters”. Actually quite the opposite really. So much so that, despite the obvious knowledge that Antonio is unable to truly defend himself, Hardcore Killah (the third member of the 187 Faction) is seen storming down to the ringside area; joining ‘the party’ as all three members of the 187 faction continue to physically dismantle the man who survived the Hardcore division for the last year as Champion.


That outstanding, borderline surreal, chain of survival has come to a close…


With Antonio severely beaten, bloodied, and semi-conscious, Slim-V and Hardcore Killah are seen holding his lifeless body up in a “T” like manner (each man holding him up by his arms). Meanwhile, Sayeed Ali holds an already blood-stained Louisville slugger in his right hand; smirking, toying, with his victim as Joy DeWitt screams in agony for this all to ‘just stop’.


Sadly for Joy, and Antonio, such a scenario doesn’t come to pass.


Instead, Sayeed rushes upon his opponent and, in a cold-hearted manner, slams the Louisville slugger square over the top of Antonio’s lifeless head. The loud, sickening, thud of such a strike resonates within the walls of the Concordia Hall as 4C fans watch on in horror; chanting “This f*cking sucks” over and over again. Whether they like it or not, the damage has been done…


Sayeed scores a dramatic 3 count from 4C ring official, Andy Gordy, as the ringside area is, again, showered with endless amounts of trash. Overall, it’s easy to see that NO ONE is happy with the outcome they’ve come to witness. Even Andy Gordy appears to be severely fearful of the damage done to Antonio; quickly handing the 4C Championship over to Sayeed in which to survey the fallen Del Veccio for potential injuries. All in all, with the rabid 4C fan base filling the Concordia Hall with a overpowering wave of disapproval, the truth is that, despite whether we like it or not, Antonio’s supernatural-like run has come to a close; all because of a 3 on 1 affair.


Sayeed Ali wins the 4C Hardcore Championship by defeating Antonio Del Veccio in 8:36 via a Louisville Slugger strike to the head. This marks Sayeed Ali’s first title reign as the 4C Hardcore Champion.

Grade: D-


Ted Ross: Ding… Dong… The martyr is dead! [Laughs uncontrollably; creepily] You survived a calendar year as the 4C Hardcore Champion; but, even great feats as your own, will eventually come to a devastating close. [Laughs again] Stay down, young Del Veccio. It’s time to… just… stay… down!

Terry Smith: What Del Veccio did for the last year is arguably the greatest feat in Pro Wrestling history. Here’s a young man, more of a technical wrestler than a ‘hardcore wrestler’, and yet, He was able to hold onto that very title for 365 days. Even if he did lose tonight, This youngster can raise his head high as one of the TRUE tough-guys in our ‘sport’ today! Will he go on to challenge for the title again? Maybe? I mean, he was pretty much screwed over by the ‘numbers game’ here tonight. It’s all up to him; where he wants his career to go. If he decides to stand up to 187 then you can guarantee that I’ll support him; as will many 4C competitors in the back.

Ted Ross: He won’t have my support. Antonio Del Veccio is NO hardcore wrestler; he never was and he never will be. Simply put. He’s just another wayward soul looking for a sense of belonging. Sadly, for you Antonio, you don’t belong within the ‘hardcore division’ here.

Terry Smith: How can you say that though? Sure, he isn’t a weapon-wielding maniac, but, he did hold the Hardcore Championship for a full-year! His body, his mind, his very being, put up with the absolute HELL bestowed upon it by countless fighters. [Pauses; regains his thoughts for one final message on the point] You can’t discredit this guy. Antonio Del Veccio is just as much about hardcore wrestling as anyone else!

Ted Ross: Say what you will, but, he’s no longer the Champion. That honor is now carried by 187-leader, Sayeed Ali. [Pauses for a split second] Ha-zah, Sayeed! May your days be filled with blood and violence.

Terry Smith: You might as well just make 3 hardcore championships so that the entire 187 faction can claim that they’re the champs. I mean, do you really expect a fair fight from here on out? As long as Sayeed carries the title, Every match-up will meld into a handi-cap match in favor of the 187.

Ted Ross: I know, isn’t it a beautiful thing?




The Gilbert Brothers ©

… Agitated by a loss …



[The darkened backstage hallway that the Gilbert Brothers travel through appears to be uncomfortably deserted. The flickering lights are quite dim, the tone rather silent, as the 4C Tag Champions forge their way toward an undisclosed destination; psychologically coming to grips with the unsettling loss that had just plagued their night. All in all, as these two bruising brothers continue their journey into the darkness, little did they know that a shadowed jackal stands just on the horizon.][/i]


Joe Gilbert: AGHH!!!!


[Joe slams his exposed fist firmly into a nearby cement wall; not wincing in the slightest as he pulls his slightly bloodied hand away from said wall. It’s easy to see, these two don’t take well to losses.]


Jesse Gilbert: I’m going to KILL those Hosers! You wanna cheat? Huh? Huh? I’ll cheat my fist all over your face; show you what a REAL ass-kickin’ is all abut!!!


[Jesse, much like his Brother, slams his fist violently into a nearby wall; as well. While it appears rather comical, and all-around ill-advised, this is what you can come to expect from the “Chaotic Cannucks”: They’re brutish, Alpha-male, Mentally-unstable, competitors that ultimately fuse their beloved interest in Hockey into their daily lives. In a sense, they don’t know where reality begins and ends truthfully; as with most ‘super-fans’.]


[Just then, a silhouette of a lightweight, nicely dressed, man stands in the middle of the darkened hallway; cast into the darkness by a burnt-out light bulb from on high. A plum of nicotine-laced smoke from a lit cigarette in the mysterious figure’s right hand folds atop itself; coiling upward toward the ceiling in an attempt of feverish escape. Meanwhile, the 4C Tag Champions have come to notice his presence; slowing down slightly as they survey what’s before them.]


Joe Gilbert: Who’s there, Eh?


Jesse Gilbert: Show your face, Hoser!


[The silhouetted man takes another, painfully slow, drag from his cigarette; closing this gesture with a long exhalation of the very same smoke that was seen climbing from his hand earlier.]


[A raspy, aerated, stint of laughter is heard coming from within the darkness; straight from the mysterious figures mouth. However, he does not step forward into the light; at least not right away. As the Gilbert’s continue their journey forward, The shadowed figure now comes into better focus… Showing that it’s none other than the infamous, John Greed.]



John Greed

… A war begins …


John Greed: So much aggression…


[John responds in a quiet, coy kind of manner. Meanwhile, his image is much more easily seen, showing the fact that he’s wearing a broken-in black suit; much like you would expect a car salesman to wear. The lines are no longer crisp, the pocket is even slightly torn; however, the overall presentation projects Mr. Greed as a ‘man of sophistication’; Even if manufactured.]


John Greed: Allow me to introduce myself…


[John takes another, painfully slow, drag from his cigarette; spewing forth a cloud of nicotine toward the heavens. Upon this final drag, Mr. Greed is seen throwing the partially lit cigarette onto the cold cement before him; slowly crushing it under the weathered dress shoe he currently wears. From there, with a coy sense of delivery, John continues forward with his ‘introduction’ of sorts.]


John Greed: My name is John Greed; the man who defies flailing trends as concrete fact.


[As you can guess, John’s philosophical nature only confuses the Gilbert Brothers more; a fact that actually pushes them to become more agitated.]


Joe Gilbert: Move on out of the way, Hoser!


[John responds rather quickly; however, in a calm manner.]


John Greed: Allow me just a moment of your time, Gentlemen…


[The Gilberts continue to push forward; not slowing down in the slightest.]


Jesse Gilbert: We’ll give you a moment of our time but all the talking is coming from our fists!!


[The 4C Tag Champions move closer to John; aggressive by nature at this point. However, shockingly, John stands tall; very calm despite the Gilberts violent tone.]


John Greed: That won’t be necessary…


[Just then two more shadowy figures pile into the hallway from a nearby stairwell; violently assaulting The Gilberts from behind. The fight, truly one-sided, isn’t so much of a fight versus a unexpected beat down; Jesse and Joe as the ultimate victims of such an attack. While short in nature, the damage appears to be rather extensive as neither Jesse, nor Joe, are able to return to their feet; potentially injured for said assault. With time, the two shadowed attackers slowly shuffle their way into a more lit area; standing next to the, still, very calm, John Greed. Those men who attacked The Gilberts from behind, and appear to have some sort of joint-interest with John Greed, are none other than: Ted Brady and 4C Alumnus, Barry Kingman.]



Barry Kingman and Ted Brady

… Cold & Calculating …



[Nothing else is heard as the unsettling trio slowly shuffles their way out of the hallway; as if nothing ever happened. Their demeanors, calm and collective, create a unique narrative; ultimately creating a vibe much like ‘contract killers’ posses. In the end, The three men slowly exit the scene of the crime, never speaking a word to one another, as the 4C Tag Champions lay in a pool of their own collective blood.]


Grade: D-


Terry Smith: What the HELL was that all about?

Ted Ross: It appears that the masterful, John Greed, has found a new haven in 4C!

Terry Smith: I’ve heard of this guy; most label him a Blatant Psychopath!

Ted Ross: A psychopath? Maybe. Either way, He carries a hand of destruction where ever he goes…




Duberry Excess vs. “The White Angel” Frankie Dee

Singles Match



There’s a look of desperation upon Duberry Excess’s face; a weakened state not typically associated with the first-ever 4C “Triple Crown Champion”. His mannerisms are rather erratic, his gaze continually resting on various stimulants positioned around him, as his trademark smile is nowhere to be seen (Yes, he’s lost his smile. The horror). All in all, it appears that the accomplished youngster is stuck within a continual process of wallowing in his own self-spiraling; currently working through the most unproductive time-frame in his short, yet decorated, career.


Meanwhile, while recently losing the 4C Championship last month to Jacob Jett, Frankie Dee appears to have not missed a beat; still portraying the narrative that he’s a ‘stone-cold’, internally-driven, warrior of absolute destruction. Unlike Duberry, “The White Angel” appears to be unfazed by his recent misfortune; moving ahead with his life in the same manner he did before: fixated on his craft as a theoretical ‘human weapon’. This fact, while subtle, shows the true difference between Duberry Excess and Frankie Dee; Frankie is a ‘warrior at heart’, Not simply a competitor within the ropes. To those who consider themselves to be life-long students of combat, up’s and down’s will come; however, you will continue to progress as a dangerous fighter through your continued search of excellence. Duberry, much less of a well-trained fighter mentally, is unable to find comfort in this notion. To him, his downward spiral as of late only has one subduing agent; victory, to right the course of action.


This erratic nature bodes unsuccessful for the anxious Duberry Excess; playing into Frankie Dee’s strength as a calm, trained, force of destruction.


At first, Duberry attempts to overthrow his opponents confidence with a raging opening assault. While it proves to be somewhat beneficial; in the end, his lack of thought out action opens up the possibility of many mistakes. Within a matter of a few minutes, the explosion that is Duberry Excess’s reckless attack has quickly subsided; leaving Frankie Dee in full control of the situation at hand.


Strike after Strike… Blow by blow… “The White Angel” is seen physically dismantling his opponent from the bottom up. At first, it starts with a round of stiff kicks to Duberry’s quads, then a standing side-kick to his stomach. With his opponent now on his knees, Dee quickly finishes the combo with a round of side-kicks to the head, following up with a heavy-handed karate chop to the side of Duberry’s neck.


All within a matter of 20 seconds, Duberry went from a standing position to a fallen heap; ripe with injuries from head-to-toe. Wincing like he had just been in a deadly car accident.


Despite all of this, The former “Triple Crown Champion” doesn’t show any signs of giving up; practically pulling himself back to his feet despite barely being able to stand from Dee’s earlier combo strikes. With that said, while valiant, the beloved 4C Icon has no chance to truly keep up with Dee’s assault.


The desperation is now at a fever-pitch; almost palpable to all of those in attendance. Duberry Excess, feeling that the winds of change are forcing him down a ‘rabbit hole’ he dare not enter, tries to pull ‘all the stops’ in which to better his chances at victory. Sadly, for him mostly, this fact doesn’t prove to be successful.


As Duberry attempts to administer a speedy combo of his own, built on fast-paced standing aerial maneuvers, “The White Angel” puts an end to his misery; at least for a split second.


After hitting the ropes, coming back toward a staggered Dee, Duberry is seen leaping into the air for a flying close line; a maneuver that he never truly executes. For as he inches closer to his opponent, Frankie Dee shows that he’s been playing possum; leaping forward with his own strike and landing his signature “Shinanju kick” (Leaping, full-extension, Superkick) square across the jaw of the approaching Duberry Excess. As you can expect, with such force as a kick from Dee, Duberry is seen changing course rather violently; slamming to the canvas like a rag-doll in search of a final resting place.


His body is motionless; making it easier for Frankie Dee to score a big-time rebound victory over a fellow former 4C Champion. With the rabid 4C fan base entrenched in a unique battle of collective confusion over HOW they currently perceive the “White Angel”, the victorious former champion slowly pulls himself away from his victim in combat; not celebrating as others do in victory; instead, leaving the ringside area in a calm, respectful, manner. All in all, in a company full of arrogant, self-obsessed, egocentric punks… It’s actually quite shocking to witness Frankie Dee’s approach to combat; it’s built upon the act itself. The second the bell closes, It’s almost as if nothing ever happened. At that point, “The White Angel” is often seen leaving the ringside area in an unceremonious kind of fashion; removed from the situation at hand. Needless to say, such a scenario plays out once again as Dee exit’s the ringside area with the confidence of another victory theoretically ‘notched into his belt’. Meanwhile, slowly drifting back to consciousness, Duberry Excess is shown to be in a complete contrast to his opponents demeanor; frustrated, jaded, and brewing with rage.


Frankie Dee defeats Duberry Excess in 8:26 via a “Shinanju Kick” (Leaping, Full-Extension, Superkick).

Grade: D


Terry Smith: It seems like the 4C fans are starting to take a liking to “The White Angel”. Then again, what’s not to like? The man is a TRUE ‘Human Weapon’; no gimmicks needed with this guy.

Ted Ross: He needs no respect from these disgusting, disease infested, fools; he is an “Angel”, A true warrior of the great, and all-knowing, Wrestling GO…

[Terry cuts him off]

Terry Smith: Again, with the Wrestling GOD thing? Give it a rest, Ted.

Ted Ross: They will smite you; just as they did to Phil Vilbert and DaVE!

Terry Smith: So he will smite me with bad booking habits and over-extending myself financially?

Ted Ross: Sounds about right.




Duberry Excess

… Schizophrenic or just buckling under the pressure? …



[With Frankie Dee’s entrance music blaring in the background, the ultimate symbol of Duberry’s inability to deter his inglorious ‘fall from grace’, the first-ever 4C “Triple Crown Champion” is seen burying his sunken head in shame; waging a ‘end of days’ like war within his tortured mind. Holding his neatly formulated crew-cut within his trembling grasp, Duberry Excess appears to be on the verge of a full-fledged mental breakdown; the intensity of his severity growing with each passing second.]


[4C ring official, and all-around ‘good guy’, Andy Gordy is seen attempting to subdue ‘the beast within’ as it pertains to Duberry’s psychological demise; however, said attempt is blatantly unsuccessful. While Andy kneels down before a seated Excess, Duberry is seen extending his right hand outward; shoving Gordy to the canvas with one ill-advised push. With this image projected before them, the passionate 4C fan base is heard slowly showering Duberry Excess with a stagnant round of boo’s; not really showing their dislike for him; however, confused as to what is going on within the head of the much beloved 4C Icon.]


Terry Smith: What the hell was that all about?

Ted Ross: It’s beginning…

Terry Smith: What? What’s beginning?

[Ted is heard creepily laughing with excitement]

Ted Ross: I was told that ‘he’ would come…

Terry Smith: He? What the Hell are you talking about?

Ted Ross: Just you wait, It’s started… ‘He’ will come, with time. First, though, he needs to hit ‘rock bottom’. That’s the only way he’ll give into his destiny.

Terry Smith: Okay, You’ve said some weird stuff before but… You’re starting to creep me out.


[With a disturbed look upon his face, grabbing at his hair like a schizophrenic entrenched in a unsettling hallucination, Duberry quickly storms his way out of the ringside area; aggressively pushing past a number of ring attendants who watch on in horror. Overall, there’s a truly uncomfortable vibe forming around the first-ever 4C “Triple Crown Champion”; a professional, and personal, downward spiral that may find it’s end in the form of a… demonic… overtaking…]


Grade: D-


Ted Ross: Fear not, Terry. Fear not. He won’t hurt you; at least… I don’t believe so.

[Ted laughs creepily again]

Terry Smith: You need to start spilling what you know, Ted. Wait…What the hell am I talking about? Why am I listening to you? [Laughs] Yea, ‘he’ is coming… [Mocking Ted] Regardless of your psychosis, Someone really needs to speak with Duberry Excess; I fear for his mental health. Being atop 4C, for as long as he has, HAS to carry a level of immense stress!

Ted Ross: The stress you speak of will eventually invite the burning flames of absolute destruction…

Terry Smith: Okay… just stop now…




”The Amazing“ Jacob Jett © vs. “The Remarkable“ Steve Flash

Singles Match

4C Championship Match




The energized atmosphere within Concordia Hall closely resembles a big ‘prize fight’; heaps of intoxicated patrons calling for an extremist-nature, oblivious to the welfare of those involved. With the 4C Championship gleaming upon his right shoulder, “The Amazing” Jacob Jett makes his initial debut under the title of a 3-time Champion; the keeper of the ‘crown jewel’ for Canadian Charisma Championship Combat. Meanwhile, his challenger, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash, is seen inadvertently cultivating a strong response in his favor; the kind of response that is typically given to those dubbed as “Living Legends”. With this in mind, the overall vibe circulating within Concordia Hall is, quite possibly, the most confusing scenario witnessed in recent years: A war waged within the blackened ring ropes between two men falling center to ultra-babyface (as it pertains to general disposition). The Champ being the centrist, ‘tweener’ role, and the challenger as the ultra-babyface (the man much beloved by all due to his ‘blue-collar’ mentality toward his profession). While this doesn’t sound as anything ‘unique’, anytime Jacob Jett is involved, it certainly is a unique scenario. Why? Here stands a man who has all the tendencies of a heel, all the mannerisms as an egocentric punk; however, the self-proclaimed ‘smarks’ of 4C still accept him as a babyface; cheering him on for his defiant, self-obsessed, persona. In any other company, Jett would most likely stand as, yet another, generic douche-bag. However, in 4C, he’s praised, and even heralded, as a man who talks a ‘big game’… and then backs it up. A personality trait that is often beloved in the ‘sporting realm’.


Their exchange early on quickly sets the tone for their entire match-up: Steve Flash cautiously ‘feeling out’ his opponent, while Jacob Jett attempts to ‘level-the-playing-field’ with an array of flashy, showman-like, maneuvers. With this said, the true mechanics of their match-up bleeds through rather easily in this manner as well: Steve Flash acting as the ‘ring general’, overseeing the action, while Jacob Jett continues to push forward with his unorthodox, risk-taker, mentality. The funny thing is, while Jett is obviously the man In ‘control’ of the 4C landscape as the Champ, It’s Steve Flash that keeps their exchange flowing as best as possible. Why? As great as Jacob is, as flashy and unique as his offensive styling is, he’s a liability in the ring as it pertains to a general flow of action. Simply put, Jacob lacks the psychological ability to truly ‘tell a story’ within the squared circle. While his speedy, flash-based, approach is impressive to say the least; it’s only seen in accelerated spurts. Steve, on the other hand, is quite the opposite; slow, methodical, however, able to generate a ‘story’ as it pertains to the action within the ring. With this in mind, Steve acts as the in-ring facilitator; keeping Jacob’s actions, maneuvers, and general tone in-line with the overall narrative projected for their ‘golden altercation’.


At the bottom-line, It’s almost mind-boggling to see these two match-up as they do; two men, rooted in their own unique perception of the ‘sport at hand’, going back-and-forth with their respective approaches in mind. Overall, it all comes down to the notion of:


A severely focused, calculating, practical, and somewhat predictable approach vs. An extremely chaotic, reckless, ‘death-defying’, impractical, and overly unpredictable approach.


All in all, with this as a guide, It’s quite easy to see why such a match-up of two opposites would carry a truly unique tone. With this in mind, most would expect for the more trained, more focused, veteran competitor to ultimately come away with the victory following a devastating mistake by the flamboyantly, ultra-flashy, youngster. However, this is not entirely true. Jett’s approach, while chaotic at it’s root, is the most purest example of a true “Risk and Reward” style of combat; what doesn’t work yesterday may work today. So, all in all, there is this air of general unpredictability as it pertains to potential victory.


As the match drifted toward it’s final moments, Steve Flash is seen knocking Jacob Jett off of his crouched perch atop a nearby turnbuckle; ultimately having him fall, straddling the corner in an awkward position. With his opponent in a compromising position, The aged veteran quickly moves in for “the kill”; climbing the very same turnbuckle and setting up Jett for a massive superplex. The energized 4C fan base rises to their feet in anticipation as Steve bridges Jacob’s body upward; getting ready to take him over the top. However, as he goes for the high-risk maneuver, The 4C Champion is able to block said attempt; breaking free wildly with an array of brawling strikes to Flash’s Kidney. Despite being in an immense amount of pain, Flash goes for the maneuver yet again; however, it finds the same outcome as Jett is able to block said attempt again.


Two men, 5 feet above the ring…


Flash goes for the superplex one last time…




Jacob Jett reverses the move; executing a release front-face suplex from the top rope!!!


Steve Flash lays in agony on the canvas below, holding his face in pain as he lays flat on his back; looking up at the Concordia Hall lights in the process. Meanwhile, still standing atop the turnbuckle, Jett quickly flings his body to an upright base… Leaping ceremoniously from the top rope…


“EMERGENCY LANDING” (450 Splash)!!!!!!!!!!!


Steve had no idea it was coming as he was holding his face in pain from the dreaded front-face suplex from the top rope! Jett, twisting in air like a kamikaze plane, slams violently down upon his opponent; the impact forcing both men to bounce off the canvas dramatically. Needless to say, as you can expect, Jett quickly fights off the pain of such an impact; pinning his challenger for a classic 1..2..3.. Administered by 4C ring official, Andy Gordy!


It’s all said and done. The veteran did his best, and in most cases, from an in-ring standpoint, carried the match; however, it’s the arrogant youngster that ultimately comes away with the victory. With another major victory under his belt, Jacob appears to be making a realistic case for being proclaimed the TRUE “Cornerstone” of 4C!


Jacob Jett retains the 4C Championship by defeating Steve Flash in 14:50 via an “Emergency Landing” (450 Splash). This marks Jacob Jett’s first successful title defense of the 4C Championship.

Grade: D



Ted Ross: In all my years…

Terry Smith: There is no denying the fact that Jacob Jett is truly a force to be reckoned with! His style may be unorthodox, his approach rather ‘suicidal’, and his persona a little arrogant, but you can’t deny the fact that he is a, simply, “Amazing” competitor!

Ted Ross: Amazing or lucky? I foresee this whirling dervish coming to a crashing halt very soon!

Terry Smith: It’s possible; I’m not going to lie. His risk/reward mentality will ultimately have him crash in a ‘blaze of glory’ with time; however, here tonight, he retains the 4C Championship by defeating the true “Prodigal Son of Canada”, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash!!!!!!




Jacob Jett

… ‘Next’ …



[The moment has come to pass; Jacob Jet has officially moved on past being simply “Amazing” and now can legitimately proclaim himself as one of the single greatest Indy stars in North America today! The reasoning for such a lofty claim? While he may no longer be in his prime, Steve Flash can still be seen as, quite possibly, the most beloved indy competitor out there. So, for Jacob to defeat Steve on two different occasions within a span of 60 days, it’s easy to draw the line to a better sense of grandeur for the newly crowned, 3-time, 4C Champion!]


[With this in mind, it appears that the passionate 4C fan base understands such a scenario; showering the young Champion with a show of unrivaled support. Meanwhile, the fallen challenger, “The Remarkable” Steve Flash, is seen slowly rolling out of the ring on his own accord; holding his stomach in extreme pain as he winces as if he’s just endured a body-thrashing car-wreck. All in all, It’s easy to see that Jett’s signature “Emergency Landing” (450 Splash) appears to carry a strong ‘backlash’; leaving even those dubbed as ‘great’ reeling with potential internal injuries.]


Terry Smith: There’s no one more classy than Steve Flash. A true, mild-mannered, veteran if there ever was one!

Ted Ross: He’s grown soft. That ‘spark’, that ‘it factor’, is no longer there. He’s a shell of his former self. It’s quite sad to witness a blazing star finally collapse inward upon itself. His days are numbered, I can smell it.

Terry Smith: Okay, fine.. I’ll buy in… Smell it?

Ted Ross: He has that ‘used car’ smell to him; he’s damaged goods. It just goes to show you that Jacob’s win tonight isn’t all that impressive. I mean, even brats like Jett can get lucky from time to time.

Terry Smith: From what I’ve heard, He gets lucky quite a bit…

[Terry laughs; alone]

Ted Ross: Diary reader are we?


[With Steve slowly staggering his way toward the backstage area, refusing any help from head ring official, Andy Gordy, in the process, Jacob Jett is seen embracing the ‘crown jewel’ of 4C; flinging the 4C Championship high above his head as he presents it to the crowd like a prized signature of dominance. The lights from above gleam angelically upon the golden plate centered in the middle of an aged leather strap; while rather generic in view, it symbolizes a great feat: Standing above the rest of those who believe they are ‘psychotic’ enough to compete in a company such as Canadian Charisma Championship Combat.]


[shortly following Jett’s demand for a microphone, The 4C Champion stares directly into the rabid crowd before him; proclaiming his peerless status the only way he knows how: A self-absorbed, utterly-defiant, message wrapped within a coy, “I’m the sh*t”, kind of presence… Ultimately conveying a short, yet extremely powerful, statement; a message that only further portrays the youngster as a beacon of arrogance.]


Jacob Jett: Next…


[One simple world. That’s all it took for the 4C Champion to instantly downgrade the rest of the companies roster; proclaiming, in one word, that he believes he can defeat ANYONE who is put before him. While he may not have gone so far as to say that, The devlish smirk upon his face while stating his message relayed such a truth. With that said, the inebriated audience in attendance quickly deliver on their show of continued support for 4C’s resident “Bad Boy”; only floating his ego that much more.]


Terry Smith: He talks a big game; but, there’s no denying that Jacob Jett can back those lofty words up! He’s, easily, THE most death-defying Champion out there today; Hands down!!

Ted Ross: His call for Anarchy will ultimately aide in his demise. No one, not even Mr. Jett himself, can overcome his own suicidal tendencies! He will ‘crash and burn’; just you wait and see. It’s happened time, and time, before. How will this time be any different?

Terry Smith: While true, there seems to be something different about this time around; call it a ‘veteran touch’ by now? He looks to be a little less ‘spotty’ as what we’ve seen in the past; a little more, dare I say, ‘well rounded’?

Ted Ross: Jacob Jett? Well-rounded? [Laughs] You’re fooling yourself, Terry. He’s destined to ‘burn out’ just like he has time and before.


[“Agents of Anarchy” comes to a close with the sight of “The Amazing” Jacob Jett celebrating alone in the middle of the ring; holding the 4C Championship on high in a “no one can stop me” kind of manner as the Concordia Hall is filled with a momentous wave of praise for the 3-time champ! Now, more so than ever, can be best described as “The King” (Jacob Jett) celebrating within “His Kingdom” (4C); The rebellious company that HE helped to craft. That HE stands as the “Cornerstone” of.]


Grade: C


Terry Smith: That’s the beauty of Jacob Jett; he isn’t your stereotypical pro wrestler. He won’t EVER play things ‘safely’, or even think about his next move really, He’s a unique personality who will ultimately live and die by the extremist nature he embraces!

Ted Ross: It’s his destiny to ‘burn’ once again… It’s a far gone conclusion; The “Book of Ross” proclaims it to be so.

Terry Smith: Does that book of yours have a chapter focused on the sad, sad, life you lead?

Ted Ross: No. That’s the chapter about you; entitled “Terry Smith: The hermaphrodite in disguise.”

Terry Smith: I hate you.

Ted Ross: It talks of that as well; your hatred for all things better than you.

Terry Smith: I really… REALLY… Hate… you!








Overall Show Grade: D

Internet Response: “The show was pretty good all around”.

Quick Synopsis by Greed: Jacob Jett takes another step toward being the true “Cornerstone” of 4C.


<hr color="black">

"Agents of Anarchy" Quick Results:


The Future Kings of Canada defeated The Gilbert Brothers via pinfall. (D-)

Sayeed Ali defeated Antonio Del Veccio & Slim-V for the Hardcore Championship. (D-)

Frankie Dee defeated Duberry Excess via pinfall. (D)

Jacob Jett defeated Steve Flash via pinfall. (D)

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I was shocked to see Ted Brady show up! That is awsome! I mean granted I am the only Ted Brady fan in the known universe but that is cool with me.


I thought you might enjoy Mr. Brady making his 4C Debut. ;)


Thing is, I've become quite the fan of his as well. You're influence is what brought him into the DOA; however, with time, I grew to love the guy (and his character) pretty soon there after. Sadly, his lack of overness in a cult-size company really hurt his chances to be on screen much more than he was. So, when I ended up booking 4C, he was the first person that came to mind. His overness is perfect for 4C and his persona works well with the kind of vibe that's going to take hold very soon.


Either way, Expect a lot of Ted Brady going forward! The trio of he, Greed, and Kingman is expected to have quite the push!


Awesome show EV, love the direction with Jett. Gotta admit whenever I see Sayeed or any of the 187 crew I picture the following music playing:



That's pretty close to what I had in mind whenever they show up as well. I wasn't really watching TNA when L-A-X was a big part of their program; so, I didn't really know the song that well. Funny enough, though, it works pretty well with the idea I have in mind for 187. They have been, honestly, the most challenging group to write for thus far though as I'm not use to writing 'gangstas'. So, needless to say, I'm trying to find an angle that's more realistic for me to write; hence the more focus on the 'chaos' of their persona lives bleeding over into their work (ie: the difficulties of their upbringing, continued challenges, etc.).


I really want to keep them as a major part of the company though as they're such a huge part of 4C (especially with Sayeed as their leader). So, I don't plan on tempering them in the slightest. Just poses more of a challenge for me to work with their characters until it starts to flow easily.


As for the direction with Jett, I found myself bored with the typical arrogant youngster that goes with wrestlers like him. It's been done before time & time again. With that said, Jett, to me, seemed like more than just a c*cky punk. His own bio states he's an "amazing risk taker" (something to that effect), so, when fusing that with his wild charisma, It's easy to come to the conclusion of this Kamikaze-like defier. Now, I find myself even more excited to write for him as he has a more unique persona than just a random, generic, arrogant youngster.

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“I’m all for that, John. The ‘blood business’ is my trademark…”


+ Sayeed Ali,
A friend of Greed



The laugh that followed this statement was somewhat unsettling; however, drenched in undeniable truth. For years, Sayeed [Ali] had cultivated a ‘calling card’, if you will, centered around his masterful ability to utilize a truly violent approach to in-ring action. It was this truth that pushed me to hire him during my tenure with PSW; so, It seems quite fitting to center the ‘Hardcore Division’ around he and the 187 faction as a whole.


As Sayeed [Ali], Steve [Flash], and I jam-packed into my small 1994 Green Sundance, our destination set for Quebec as our “Agents of Anarchy” event was set to take place in a few hours, our conversation quickly drifted toward my ’vision’ for 4C as a whole. Steve and I had already had such conversations in the past, realistically it was the reason why he came on board following my extensive courting process; however, to Sayeed, there was still a level of ambiguity as it pertains to the direction I have in mind for the organization as a whole.


With hours left in our trek toward the Concordia Hall, all three of us engaged in a constructive conversation; formulating the best ‘vision’ for the company as a whole. All in all, while it was my choice in the end, I certainly wanted to hear the viewpoints of these two, respected, veterans as it pertains to potential goals in mind. All in all, as the hours racked up, I found myself coming away with these very thoughts in mind:


1) The ‘Hardcore Division’ will be centered around Sayeed Ali (the best Hardcore competitor on the roster) as well as the 187 faction as a whole. In a way, 187 acts like a ‘pack of wolves’; fighting, maiming, and destroying all comers as a wild pack of focused ‘killers’. Their loyalty for one another runs deep, so, when you end up with one of them before you; you get them all.


2) Jacob Jett is, without a shadow of a doubt, the great asset to 4C’s long-term success. Even with his continued silence toward me, It was best to not ‘beat around the bush’; handing the reigns over to him right away upon the start of my tenure. This won’t necessarily mean that he’ll be ‘unbeatable’, not in the slightest really; however, my decisions within the main event scene will always be made with his persona in mind.


3) We, the 4C, are looking to ‘flesh out’ our Tag Team Division after years of devaluing the division. This was brought forth by Steve [Flash] as he saw an opening to further develop the company by adding in another element of ‘war’. With that said, my first real goal has been to do exactly that. Needless to say, We’ve added 3 new teams to the 4C roster thus far with the potential of one more. When you add that to the already established teams of The Gilbert Brothers, Thunder & Lightning, and the 187 faction tandems, we have the making for quite the tag-team division going forward!


As you can expect, our thoughts had more than enough time to run the gauntlet of the hypothetical; ultimately honing my viewpoint of 4C as a whole. Needless to say, through the guidance of two of my most trusted voices within 4C, we were set to push the wheels into motion; using the “Agents of Anarchy” event as the original starting place for such a sweeping focus.






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As you can guess, this is looking back on the moment as John, Steve, and Sayeed drove to Quebec for the "Agents of Anarchy" show (which already took place). More or less, I really want to give John's perspective more so than ever. Also, giving others a view into the inglorious view of the Indy Wrestling scene as a whole. With that said, the 'background information' may not come until after the show, in hindsight, as I don't want to spoil any surprises set for each show. However, after the fact, then you can see how everything came together to make that situation work. So, needless to say, there will be some back and forth after each show explaining 'how we got there' from a headbooker's perspective.


I hope you're enjoying this project thus far! It will take some time before I settle completely into 'my stride' with 4C; however, it'll certainly be a lot of fun along the way.

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Permission granted to replace Hardcore Killah in the 187 Crew. ;)


I've kicked around the idea; to be honest. However, I think I came to the idea that I'm going to keep him within the fray. That said, there may be some additions to the group in the near future; especially since their faction is about to go through a major push as it pertains to their allegiance to 4C.

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Omar! Omar! Omar!!!!


Always pair Jet and Flash in NOTBpW great mentor student tag team called Mach 1 plus Jet makes up for Flash's initial flaws.


Omar is certainly an option; however, his popularity scares me. I know that sounds funny cause he's a "C-" (which is far better than anyone else in 4C). The reason why it's 'scary' is because Sayeed is the unquestioned leader of 187. So, adding someone as popular as Omar Brown to the mix would potentially hinder that fact. It's a good idea though, Hyde.


As for Jett/Flash. I could definitely see the two working well with one another (as they posses opposite limitations; one's that the other can help). In 4C, I don't think that will happen anytime soon though. Just because they are destined to be fused in another manner for most of 2010. A little hint of what may come: Steve Flash has to make a major 'choice' that will ultimately push him in one of two directions; one of those directions being quite unique to Flash.

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Omar is certainly an option; however, his popularity scares me. I know that sounds funny cause he's a "C-" (which is far better than anyone else in 4C). The reason why it's 'scary' is because Sayeed is the unquestioned leader of 187. So, adding someone as popular as Omar Brown to the mix would potentially hinder that fact. It's a good idea though, Hyde.


As for Jett/Flash. I could definitely see the two working well with one another (as they posses opposite limitations; one's that the other can help). In 4C, I don't think that will happen anytime soon though. Just because they are destined to be fused in another manner for most of 2010. A little hint of what may come: Steve Flash has to make a major 'choice' that will ultimately push him in one of two directions; one of those directions being quite unique to Flash.


Yeah was thinking more long term and from the NOTBPW perspective but they are equally complimentary as opponents of course. But Omar and Sayeed battling for the top spot in 187 could be a good storyline given that he is more well known while Sayeed is the resident name and original leader. Or Omar threatening them because they are not as hard as he is. Plus Omar is critically under rated and under utilized in diaries imho.

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Yeah was thinking more long term and from the NOTBPW perspective but they are equally complimentary as opponents of course. But Omar and Sayeed battling for the top spot in 187 could be a good storyline given that he is more well known while Sayeed is the resident name and original leader. Or Omar threatening them because they are not as hard as he is. Plus Omar is critically under rated and under utilized in diaries imho.


Omar rivaling with Sayeed could be a great storyline to write; I'll have to keep him, and his potential alliance with the group, as an idea. For now, I may leave Omar on the outside looking in as I continue to bring forward the other newbies set to debut over the next few months. Either way, It's a great idea, Hyde.

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“What? After 10 years you’re letting me go? What am I going to tell my family? That ‘daddy’ can’t buy them a birthday present because some ‘hot-shot’ from Pittsburgh decided he was no longer needed? How do you sleep at night, John? I hope this eats you up inside; screw you.”

+ Andy Gordy;
Departing 4C


He left in a fury; however, I wasn’t expecting anything otherwise.


Sadly, with a job like mine, I am forced to make such decisions despite the probable backlash that will certainly follow. No one, from the bottom-up, takes being let-go with a grain of salt. I’m not dumb, I know, by letting Andy go, that he was now forced to look for employment elsewhere; stuck in an uncertain haze of fear. Not knowing where his neck paycheck, if any, would come from.


In good effort, I parted with typical company policy and awarded the 4C veteran official with a parting gift; a $400 bonus (the amount he would have received for working our next event - “Blood Brothers”). This way, at least he wasn’t afraid of making his ends meet this month. With that said, I did my best to wish him luck; however, didn’t get much past, “I’m really sorry, Andy”, as he stormed off well before I finished.


Why make such a change? It was obvious to see that, while Andy’s tenure was quite long with 4C, that he was no longer the ‘best man for the job’. His skills as an in-ring facilitator had become quite depleted in the past few years, showing a sense of general disinterest in our product as a whole; so, a change was needing to be made. Luckily, for my sake, such a decision didn’t need to go through 4C’s owner, Troy Winner, as I practically work on a theoretical ‘island’. In the past, with PSW, Mitch [Naess] would have demanded that I relay any decisions past him first; a tiring process. Needless to say, while it meant taking more of the brunt of any side effects, the process is much more streamlined.


His replacement is none other than a talented, young, referee from Washington D.C.; Wilson Carlisle. While his conservative nature, at first, made me fear for his ability to truly embrace our ‘anarchy’-based product; With time, I found that his eagerness to get his ‘feet wet’ was something that meant more to him. Needless to say, Do I expect to have him on board forever? Possibly matching Andy’s previous 10 year tenure with the company? Probably not. With that said, though, he gives us a better chance to sculpt our events as we see fit. When it comes down to it, Your in-ring product is only so good as the man who facilitates it; The referee.



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