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The Infamous, Rebellious, Suicidal… 4C; The Evolution of GREED

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I love it when that happens! I did not know Dutch was such a booze hound!:D The one I love is the fart incident, how can you punish someone for farting?


Yea, who'd think olé Dutch was a drunkie? :rolleyes:


I haven't seen the farting thing quite yet, but, I'm sure it'll come to pass sooner or later. 4C would be quite the "iron curtain" to discipline anyone for anything like that. Especially when the backstage environment is pretty much an oasis for over-indulgence. haha

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Antonio Del Veccio vs. TJ Bailey

Rebuiling momentum


The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Other teams are coming in and the Kings will probably drop down the pecking order a bit to accomodate before their rise. A battling defeat coupled with their previous win sets them up as possible future champions


Duberry Excess vs. Raj

By DQ with Excess on the point of snapping and a heel turn afterwards


Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

Ali has the hardcore title and Flash / Jett has a bit more mileage in it.

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Holy-wow; 12 predictors for "Blood Brothers"! That's awesome. Thank you for that. I truly appreciate your connection with this project. :D With that, I just want to let everyone know that the results for this show will come sometime on Monday or Tuesday (at the latest). I only have 3 segments left to write; but, those three segments will take some time to craft as their major parts of the show. Either way, just wanted to relay this so, if you're looking to read the results, you know when it's possible to do so!


Also, I'm trying to kick around some ideas that will help allow others to be more 'interactive' with this project versus my others. I'm sure a 'prediction contest' is always considered to be a good idea; however, I really want to do my best to make sure it doesn't feel like a one-sided situation. All in all, I've been very fortunate to have great support since creating this 4C project (most notably: Critical-23 for his "blog posts".). I'd love to try to get others as invested in the story overall. That said, I know that we are all, in a sense, competing for attention, and with so many great diaries on these boards, it's certainly hard to get consistently noticed. Overall, though, I have to say that I've been very happy with what I've seen thus far!





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Date of Event: Wednesday, Week 4, October 2010

Event #: 3

Location of Event: Ontario (Canada); Windsor Arena Hall

Size of Event: Small

Duration of Event: 1 HOUR

Broadcasting of Event: Internet; via 4C-wrestling.com









Antonio Del Veccio w/ Joy DeWitt vs. TJ Bailey

Singles Match


The slightly inebriated, intensely passionate, 4C fan base quickly takes notice of our opening bout tonight; showering the former 4C Hardcore Champion, Antonio Del Veccio, and his lovely attendant, Joy DeWitt, with a momentous wave of endearing love. Even with the deadly championship title no longer around his waist, ADV is still considered to be, ‘pound for pound’, the toughest individual this company has EVER seen. For that, and for his generically likable personality, Antonio is often regarded as one of the ‘top-dogs’ despite not ever holding the 4C Championship at any point. TJ Bailey, on the other hand, is considered by many to be nothing more than a ‘laughing stock’; a comical piece of the company that is only utilized as a ‘punching bag’ to most. Even with this in mind; however, the 4C fan base properly welcomes the youngster into the fold; giving him a quasi-pop as a show of light respect.


Sadly enough, The energized vibe resonating from the crowd would quickly be replaced by a complacent, uninspired, response; the culprit of such a reversal is none other than the shockingly ‘terrible wrestling’ that was cultivated within the squared circle.


Both men appear to be somewhat lost within the ring as their exchanges carry a sense of true awkwardness. Overall, their skittish inability to truly relay a story pulls the action farther, and farther, away from seeming like reality; a scenario that will ALWAYS doom any match regardless of the companies product. There are moments where things appear to be getting back on track; however, in the end, there’s really nothing for either competitor to ‘hand their hat on’.


In what feels like FOREVER, the match finally comes to a close with the sight of Antonio Del Veccio planting the older TJ Bailey square into the canvas below with his signature “Italian DDT” (A Rip Chord-esque DDT). The impact is so severe that it looks like Bailey’s neck was snapped in half; however, even with such a spine-tingling ending, the always passionate 4C fan base is heard barely registering a low hum. All in all, the lack of true in-ring ‘psychology’ stands as the true reason for such a drastic unraveling. Either way, Antonio Del Veccio celebrates briefly with Joy DeWitt within the ring. However, even that is unable to inspire anyone into anything more than a polite clap.


Antonio Del Veccio defeats TJ Bailey in 7:13 via an “Italian DDT” (A Rip Chord-esque DDT).

Grade: E-


<hr color="grey">Steve Flash’s Insight: Both men lacked the psychology to work without a script.


Terry Smith: He may no longer be the Hardcore Champion; but, something tells me that these fans won’t hold that against him. Plus, If he feels he still has something ‘to prove’ then I’m sure we’ll see a Sayeed Ali/Antonio Del Veccio re-match at some point here! I mean, It’s bound to happen!

Ted Ross: IF he really feels he deserves a re-shot then he’ll have to do more to convince Sayeed he’s worthy! Beating the likes of TJ Bailey is nothing more challenging than having a staring contest with a squirrel.

Terry Smith: [Laughs] For the first time, I can’t argue with you there, Ted.

Ted Ross: Victory is Mine! Ha-zah!!

Terry Smith: Is that a sword?

Ted Ross: Why yes it is! It was handed to me in my sleep by the great wrestling GOD; the Zeus if you will…

Terry Smith: What?

Ted Ross: The great, and all powerful, Wrestling GOD Ryland bestowed this upon me! He said he needs his ‘warriors’ to be ready for the apocalypse!

Terry Smith: Uh… [Commotion is heard] Jesus, Ted! Stop swinging that thing around… You’re going to cut my head off!

Ted Ross: What’s not to say that that’s what I’m aiming for? Hold Still!!!




Steve Flash and Jacob Jett

… “This isn’t ‘Hollywood’” …


[We transition from the ‘live’ action within the ring to witness footage of “The Remarkable” Steve Flash seated in a steel chair backstage; pulling his black knee pads into position in the process. His focus appears to be rather extreme; placing him within the well-documented ‘zone’ that tends to push Steve to unimaginable heights. Meanwhile, the faint sounds of others in the hallway, beyond the walls of the locker room area, are heard creating a quiet buzz in the background.]


[With his mind focused primarily on the match-up set for him later on, A familiar voice attempts to break him free of his psychological confines; peering above the light background noise in a jetting fashion.]


Jacob Jett: The “King of Mediocrity” himself…


[Jett proclaims in an arrogant fashion; attempting to wage a war based on the usage of ‘mind games’. With a few lazy steps, Jett is seen strolling into the locker room area with a coy smirk plastered across his clean-shaven baby face; staring down the back of Flash’s head as Steve doesn’t budge in the slightest. As the “Prodigal Son of Canada” continues to prepare himself physically for tonight’s main event, going about his business as if Jett wasn’t there, Jacob is seen entering the room with the gleaming 4C Championship hanging over his right shoulder; attempting to ‘get into the head’ of his partner of one-night-only.]


Jacob Jett: Doesn’t it get old, Stevie-boy? Having to carry the torch of conservatism all by yourself? I mean, how long can someone live in the ‘limelight’ as a boring shell of a human being? [Laughs] That may have worked for you in New York but this is 4C. We live, and die, by our suicidal antics. [Pauses] They may call you a “Living Legend”, a “King“ of the Indy scene, but the truth of the matter is this… You don’t belong here.


[Jacob turns the corner; stepping straight in front of Steve Flash in a lazy-kind of fashion. This fact pushes Steve to stand up and confront the man verbally attacking him; however, such a gesture, while combative in nature, doesn’t phase Jacob in the slightest. Actually, it inspires the youngster to enlarge his smile; chuckling slightly in the process.]


Jacob Jett: Did I say something wrong? [Laughs] It’s the truth and you know it, Steve. [Pauses] This isn’t ‘Hollywood’; I’m not some ‘Jettstream’ under your wrath. This is 4C; My home… and you’re grave-digger.


[steve moves forward even more as both men stand nose-to-nose. With the web cameraman shifting to a side view of the action at hand, Jacob continues to verbally attack his partner for tonight. Still carrying his trademark grin across his face.]


Jacob Jett: You can’t keep up with us here, Old-man. This isn’t your ‘bag’. [Pauses] Don’t worry though, Tonight I’ll make sure that we step away with the win. Hell, you probably won’t even be needed, to be honest. How about you just bring your inhaler down to the ring, warm up a good bowl of soup, and watch a few episodes of “The Golden Girls” form ringside. That’s about the best thing you can do for our little ‘team’ tonight… Absolutely nothing at all.


[steve, tired of listening to Jacob’s one-sided rant, aggressively grabs the youngster by his shoulders; Pushing him backward and shoving him into a nearby wall. Meanwhile, Jacob’s arrogant smirk quickly subsides as the 4C Champion, for a split second, fears for what may happen to him. However, as Steve shows his true colors, not doing anything more than holding him up against the wall in a firm manner, Jacob slowly begins to regain his arrogant swagger; cracking his trademark smirk yet again while even laughing slightly to himself.]


Jacob Jett: You ‘play it by the rules’ types make me laugh… [Laughs] Don’t you get it, Gramps? Rules, Standards, and ‘moral codes’ will do NOTHING for you here! If you abide by them then you’ll only find yourself left-behind. [Laughs] Now, if you’d let me go, I have a Main Event to prepare for… [Pauses, struggling to breathe a little, and stares Flash directly in the eyes.] Remember… You NEED me… [Laughs] If you want another shot at MY title… You’ll NEED ME at your side tonight.


[in what can only be described as being annoyed with reality, Steve forcibly removes his hands from Jacob Jett; walking away form the scene with his head held high. Meanwhile, the nearby web cameraman zooms in on the 4C Champion as he rubs his jaw with his right hand in a coy manner; laughing to himself as he knows he holds the ‘power’ within the company. Why? He’s the Champ.]


Grade: C-


Terry Smith: You love him. You hate him. Either way, He’s the ‘top draw’ here in 4C. The truest form of a “Bad Boy”, Jacob is, unquestionably, the greatest competitor this company has EVER seen! That said, What an arrogant a**… [Laughs]

Ted Ross: Enough with this ‘pretty-boy’ champion; 4C needs a TRUE warrior at the helm again. Where’s Frankie Dee? “The White Angel” must rise back to the 4C Championship. Remove this snot-nosed punk!

Terry Smith: You, of all people, should LOVE Jacob Jett. He’s a rule-breaking, gravity-defying, arrogant, borderline eccentric psychopath with a thirst for anything ‘Extreme’! How can you NOT love the guy?

Ted Ross: He’s too much of a humanitarian for my tastes.

[Terry stops; simply staring at Ted with his mouth wide open]

Terry Smith: Jacob Jett? A humanitarian? Are you… Well, I know you’re mad, but, come on! Jacob Jett is probably THE most egotistical person I’ve ever known!

Ted Ross: Exactly, He cares for himself. A TRUE great warrior cares for nothing at all; not even himself. Jett is weak.

Terry Smith: Your view on life continues to amaze me… Not in a good way.




The Gilbert Brothers © vs. The Future Kings of Canada

Tag Team Match

4C Tag Team Championship Match



The Future Kings of Canada appear to be extremely confident about tonight’s match-up; only 2 weeks removed from defeating the 4C Tag Champions, and their opponents tonight, in a non-title affair. While their confidence is just, It’s not uncommon for these two egotists to be overtly full of themselves over little to nothing. So, their arrogant swagger is nothing new; not entirely based on performance but rather a way of life. On the other hand, The 4C Tag Champions, and all-around rebel rousers, The Gilbert Brothers, appear to be geared up for a fight. So much so that, before the bell can even be rung to signify the official start of their title defense, both brothers are seen throwing their sticks, gloves, and helmets to the ground in a forceful fashion; charging at the youngsters and engaging them in a chaotic brawl straight out of the gate.


With fists flying, and a sense of personal vendetta practically flowing out of the aggressively tempered hockey-enthusiasts, the 4C fan base regains their feverish output; finally breaking free from the negative confines that lulled them into a sleep (aka Del Veccio vs. Bailey). The beer starts flowing, the chants begin to take form yet again, and all-around, the action appears to be the main instigator of such a response.


While The Gilberts appear to be the more aggressive of the two, The Future Kings eventually regain a sense of composure; matching the 4C Tag Champions in their focused demeanor. At one point, after tackling Jesse Gilbert over the top rope and crashing to the cement floor on the outside, Davis Wayne Newton is seen forcibly grabbing one-half of the 4C Tag Team Championship belts from the ringside attendant that is designated to protect them. His glowing reflection mesmerizes the young lad, fixated on his own image as it’s projected upon the very championship belt he currently covets. Sadly, for DWN though, his trance runs so deep that he’s unaware of a speeding Joe Gilbert coming around the ringside area; BAM!! Davis is knocked flat on his back with a running shoulder tackle. Upon returning to his feet, unlike DWN, Joe does nothing to embrace his championship belt; instead, continuing his assault on the fallen DWN until Chris Flynn is seen joining the party with a top-rope plancha; slamming into both Joe and his own partner in the process.


As the match nears its end, A not-so-shocking scenario unfolds…




Barry Kingman and Ted Brady, led by the infamous John Greed, methodically stroll through the black entrance curtain; calmly focused on the task at hand. Their demeanors are rather cold, much like a ‘killer for hire’ would posses, as they completely ignore the rabid 4C fan base screaming in their direction upon their Windsor Arena Hall debut. Once at ringside, John is seen instantly climbing the nearest steel steps, walking out onto the apron and gaining the referee’s focus from across the ring. However, before Wilson Carlisle can storm across the ring in which to administer a sense of control over the scenario at hand, Ted Brady is seen climbing onto the opposite apron (right behind Wilson); pulling him over the top rope with a quick, yet seamless, choke-hold overthrow. As you can guess, Wilson slams violently onto the cement floor on the outside; leaving him semi-conscious after his impact. With this sight now set as reality, The carnage begins…


With a steel chair in hand, Barry Kingman slides into the ring… Slamming the cold steel square over the head of Jesse Gilbert straight away. The strike, so forceful in it’s practice, sends a resonating thud throughout the Arena; a fact that pisses of most 4C fans who all consider themselves to be Gilbert enthusiasts. From there, Kingman levels the other Gilbert in a methodical fashion; dusting off his suit following the final strike.


With Ted, and John, now in the ring, it appears that the situation is looking rather dire for the 4C Tag Champions…


That was until this happened…






That’s the sound of Barry Kingman laying out both Davis Wayne Newton and Chris Flynn as well; a shocking gesture seeing how both teams are perceived to have the same disposition. Either way, The methodical, cold-in-practice, veterans are seen slowly exiting the ringside area; however, not before they A) Pull a semi-conscious Jesse Gilbert on top of a struggling Chris Flynn and B) Awake Wilson Carlisle; throwing him coldly back into the ring.


While coming back to consciousness, Wilson counts…








Wilson calls for the bell while laying upon his side; square in the middle of the ring. Meanwhile, the culprits of such seamless violence, Barry, Ted, and John, are seen slowly exiting the ringside area; their backs to the action at hand. All in all, it appears that the veteran trio wanted to confuse the 4C landscape as to WHERE their allegiance lies. If not that, then they simply wanted to leave their personal stamp on the 4C Tag Championship match tonight; leveling both teams in a show of absolute dominance.


The Gilbert Brothers defeat The Future Kings of Canada in 7:02 via a run-in assault by Barry Kingman on both men; however, draping an unconscious Jesse Gilbert upon a struggling Chris Flynn. This marks the 2nd successful title defense of the 4C Tag Championships by the Gilbert Brothers.

Grade: D


Terry Smith: Who do these three think they are? Influencing a title match like this? They’ve done NOTHING here to even be anywhere NEAR the ringside area during a 4C Tag Team Titles Match!

Ted Ross: Their messengers of truth; facilitators of justice!

Terry Smith: What the HELL are you talking about?

Ted Ross: It glows from them; indistinguishable. They are the great warriors that have come to bring this god-forsaken company into the light!

Terry Smith: I’ve had enough of this psycho babble, Ted. It’s one thing for the street corners but it’s another thing behind a microphone. Get your act together!

Ted Ross: There is no need. I speak only truth.

Terry Smith: I don’t see how that’s even remotely possible.




Frankie Dee, Sayeed Ali + Hardcore Killah and Slim-V

… Degradation of an “Angel” …


[A loud commotion is heard at the end of a lengthy hallway as the 4C web cameraman quickly runs in said direction; the lens shaking rather violently with each speedy step. With time, as the cameraman finally arrives ‘on scene’, the shaky-delivery comes to an abrupt halt; fixating the focus of the lens forward as we see the members of 187 circling the former 4C Champion, “The White Angel” Frankie Dee. While all four men are widely considered to carry the same disposition from a wrestling perspective, It appears that the ultra-aggressive 187 faction has cemented their role as THE bullying, uber-heel, presence in the situation at hand. Overall, despite being backed into a corner, Frankie Dee silently stands his ground; remaining shockingly calm despite the glaring danger that lies before him.]


Sayeed Ali: This ‘aint Japan, Boy. What’s with all the ‘Karate-Kid’ sh*t? You ‘aint nothin… Ya hear me? Nothin!


[sayeed’s body language turns rather aggressive as he leans heavily into Frankie; touching chests in the process. Meanwhile, Killah and V are seen standing to either side of “The White Angel”; adding a sense of hype to Sayeed’s statements by repeating specific words in the process. Despite all of this, the aggressive-tone, Frankie is still, shockingly, rather calm. That said, his demeanor isn‘t all that ‘warm and fuzzy‘ either; his mannerisms tell the story of a ’dragon waiting to strike at the right moment’ versus living within a reckless tone. The true mantra of a trained warrior. ]


Sayeed Ali: You think you’re straight ballin? [shakes his head aggressively] Tonight, I’m punkin’ those two b*tches all by myself. Then, in two weeks, I’ll punk your a$$ too! Ya hear me? You ‘aint nothin! This is OUR ‘hood’… Our ‘home’… You ‘aint nothing more than a little b*tch on our turf!


[The tone continues to escalate as it appears that Frankie may be on the verge of a vicious 3 on 1 beating; however, as time continues to pass, Frankie is seen stepping forward straight into Sayeed’s face; defiant in his actions. With a sternly confident, unbroken, look upon his face; Frankie responds just before brushing past Sayeed in a confident, calm, manner.]


Frankie Dee: I’ll see you in the ring…


[The former 4C Champion brushes past Sayeed Ali in an ultimate show of defiance; stepping away from the potential gang-beating that was set to take place. Either way, with a silent confidence as his key personality trait, Dee forges forward; sternly walking down the hallway and leaving the scene all together. Meanwhile, the members of 187 appear to be infuriated by Frankie’s show of disrespect; burning a theoretical whole in the back of “The White Angel’s” head.]


Grade: D-


Ted Ross: Not wise, “White Angel”. Not wise at all.

Terry Smith: I don’t think I’ve EVER seen anyone treat Frankie Dee like that before… [Pauses] wow…

Ted Ross: Even “Angels” will find their match with time…

Terry Smith: I have NO IDEA how these two are going to work as a team tonight.




Duberry Excess vs. Raj

Singles Match


There is an uncommon step to Dutch Excess’s typical swagger. His body is obviously tense; physically ravaged after months of crippling disappointment. Meanwhile, his typical, ’even-keel’, demeanor has been replaced by a much more agitated, much more paranoid, stare; one that certainly frames the former “Triple Crown Champion” in a completely different light. Gone is the wholesomely cool persona we had all fallen in love with; present is the potentially disturbed, certainly fearful, ‘shell of a former champion’.


In stark contrast, Raj appears to be salivating over the new found success he’s been able to cultivate after dropping his former ‘clubber’ persona. This is quite evident in the response levied by the passionate 4C fan base; confronting the mildly arrogant flier with a nuke-warm show of general disdain. While he isn’t THE most hated man on the roster, He’s easily not the most popular by any means. Either way, “Mr. Rated-R” himself continues to embrace such a negative wave; soaking it in as if it were a badge of success.


With this in mind, You would think Raj would explode out of the gate with some sense of inspired fury. Sadly, he did not. Actually, quite the opposite as one could say that the Canadian-born superstar was rather ‘off’ in his approach; glaringly awkward as he attempts to play the oppressor to Dutch’s dream of getting ‘back on track’. That being said, there’s a good chance that the uncomfortable new persona plaguing Dutch Excess may have played a major role in such unease.


With each and every successful maneuver brought forth by Dutch, a frantic pinfall attempt certainly follows. At first, it seems somewhat odd; however, with time, it’s obvious that Dutch is down-right obsessed with the notion of coming away with a victory; saving himself from a continued, dreaded, fall. As you can guess, not one of these pinfall attempts successfully scores anything more than a one count; a truth that only seems to continually enrage Excess to no end.


With time, it’s this rabid obsession that ultimately aides in his demise; yet again. While the former “Triple Crown Champion”, and all-around 4C Icon, attempts to execute an ill-advised powerbomb; Raj is able to force the ‘winds of change’ in his direction, dropping Dutch backward with a standing over-head suplex. As Dutch quickly looks to pull himself back to his feet, Raj is seen speeding across the ring… taking flight… and successfully executing his signature, “VIP Pass” (Running Spinning Heel Kick), square upon the side of Dutch’s head. Not anticipating such a strike sends Dutch crashing violently to the canvas below; seemingly unconscious. Seconds later, after Wilson Carlisle’s dramatic three count, Raj stands above his fallen opponent with an arrogant grin forming upon his neatly kept face.


Meanwhile, the psychological torture that is a ‘fall from grace’ continues to plague the psyche of Duberry Excess. With his trademark flattop spiked hair in his hands, practically ripping it from his cranium, the 4C Icon is seen literally ‘losing it’. All in all, while the final ‘bottoming out’ hasn’t transpired just yet, it looks like we may be nearing the inevitable.


Raj defeats Duberry Excess in 9:14 via a “VIP Pass” (Running Spinning Heel Kick).

Grade: D


Terry Smith: He just can’t catch a break, Ted. It’s becoming quite sad… watching a star fall.

Ted Ross: Falling, burning in the earth’s atmosphere, Duberry Excess will find the same fate as most falling stars; a violent, destructive, end.

Terry Smith: Well… That’s a cheery thought. Thanks… [in a sarcastic tone]

Ted Ross: You’re welcome.

Terry Smith: I was being sarcastic.

Ted Ross: I don’t understand this ‘sarcastic’ tone. On my planet, We call it…

Terry Smith: Spare me. Please… Just… Spare me.




John Greed, Ted Brady, and Barry Kingman

… The ‘Truth’ is proclaimed …


[shortly removed from the vision of Raj defeating the increasingly disturbed 4C Icon, Duberry Excess, we are shown footage of the infamous John Greed standing before his cold-hearted tandem; made up of Ted Brady and the returning Barry Kingman. Their vibe, cold-hearted at the core, perpetuates a ‘contract killer’ narrative as the menacing trio stares down the camera lens in a fear-deriving fashion. All in all, with a devilish snarl forming upon his face, Mr. Greed peers straight into the camera lens; relaying a message centered upon those who dare defy their presence in 4C]


John Greed: Do you know what it’s like to have something you loved ripped from your hands? [John Pauses; then speaks again; however, this time with more fervor] Do you, honestly, know what it feels like to see your creation stolen from your very grasp; rendering you as a minor ‘blip’ in the pages of history? [Pauses; stares aggressively into the camera lens.] Of course you don’t… But we do.


[The web cameraman pans out slightly to deliver a much better shot of all three men; perfectly framed by the blanketing darkness that surrounds their environment. Meanwhile, with a 4C banner positioned behind them, John Greed is heard interjecting once again; truly furious over something as he grows with intensity.]


John Greed: It’s the reality that binds us three; our hatred… for all of you.


[Again, John pauses; however, this time, the devilishly intense Greed is seen cracking an uncomfortable smile; one soaked in true, absolute, Evil.]


John Greed: This company, and it’s fans, claim to embrace the, so-called, “Modern Approach” to Pro Wrestling; a style of wrestling so intense, so suicidal, that most American organizations have systematically tried to destroy it’s very presence in our industry. With that said, 4C has not only tapped-into, but has also thrived, with the very style as it’s practice. You claim to be innovators. You expect to be seen as ‘groundbreakers’. When in reality, You’re nothing more than lairs, cheaters, and stealers….


[Another pause comes in which to ‘sell’ the story. Meanwhile, dressed in black dress clothes as well, Barry and Ted are seen barely moving; holding their chin upward slightly in a show of great confidence.]


John Greed: These two men behind me, these great ambassadors of our industry, have been the figure-heads of such an approach for over a decade now; breaking their bodies, destroying their livelihood, all for their LOVE of this ‘sport’. As 4C was claiming to be the ‘only kid in town’, These great competitors behind me were tearing up the Canadian landscape; disrespected as they were not give their rightful ‘due’. [Pauses] Just like I was disrespected years ago now when my dream of becoming a respected pro wrestler was ripped from my hands, forced out of my grasp, by a wayward buffoon with a blazing round of ‘roid rage. [John grows even more furious; intense by the second] While we’ve been systematically forced aside, companies, forces, and people, trying to ‘bury us’ in the process, NOW… Today… Starts our awakening; The exact moment where we stand up for ourselves proclaiming the injustice brought forth by you all. [Pauses] If we have to, We’ll beat a sense of respect out of each… and… everyone… of you; starting with the 4C Tag Team Division. [Evil Smirk] You see, The three of us made our presence known tonight in a truly confusing manner; we understand that. Why would we attack both teams? Especially seeing how The Future Kings may have something in common with us; our desire to crush The Gilbert Brothers. [Pauses] While this may be true, Realistically… We don’t ‘play nice’ with anyone. We are not here to buddy up to anyone else, and to be honest, the Future Kings are just as guilty of disrespecting us as anyone else. Why? They feel like they can waltz into this industry, string together a few ‘flashy moves’, and that makes them potential break-out stars? [Laughs] That’s a load of sh*t. In this industry, You have to PROVE yourself before anything will EVER be handed to you. Future Kings? More like real-time jesters. If you want to see the REAL Kings of the so-called “Modern Approach”, the very style that this company basis itself off of, then look no further than these two men… The innovators of Modern.


[John moves aside slightly; pointing back at his tandem in a proud manner. Even with such a gesture, Ted and Barry continue to stand like statues; cold and still.]


John Greed: The thing is, and this applies to ANY ONE OF YOU IN THIS INDUSTRY, If you feel like you’re ‘hot-sh*t’, like you should be loved for whatever reason, FIRST… You must stand up tall, focus your mind, and challenge the TRUE Royalty of this brand. [Evil Grin; pauses] For, before you can really make it to ‘the top’… First, you must go through… The Gatekeepers.


[With that John tilts his head downward slightly, snarling in the process, as Barry and Ted continue to look forward with a cold-hearted stare. More or less, These three veterans of the ‘sport’ appear to be here with a Vendetta fixated within their collective psyche. As they state, The true keepers of the ‘modern approach’ 4C has come to cultivate. Standing as the ultimate ‘Gatekeepers’ to the form of wrestling that THEY ushered into popularity.]


Grade: D+


Ted Ross: He speaks nothing but the truth. These men have been hushed into the corner, forced into the darkness, despite no justification. Ted Brady is a stand-out aerial king with years of hard-work put into this industry, Barry Kingman is a former 2-time 4C Champion, and John Greed was once the most revered ‘up-and-coming’ superstar on the Indy scene. These there men are true examples of men we should be praising; holding on high for their greatness. However, that’s sadly not the case. Even you yourself, Terry, proclaimed Jacob Jett as the greatest 4C wrestler of all-time. You completely negated Barry Kingman… A man who practically shaped this company for what it is. So, tell me, Terry, how can you deny such a man his due?

Terry Smith: I didn’t deny him anything! Yes, Barry is truly a 4C Icon; but, it’s in my opinion that Jacob Jett is better than he. It’s as simple as that. Nothing against Kingman, he’s a great competitor, he’s just not… well… “Amazing”.

Ted Ross: You’re view is misguided; influenced too much by the heathens that control our ’modern culture’. Jacob is nothing more than the most ’recent’ ICON. Does that make him the best? No. Now a days we simply replace those who were great before with those who are here right now. Are they any better? No. They are just more recent in our minds. At the root of their cause, The Gatekeepers want respect; they feel, which is the truth, that they have earned it.

Terry Smith: I don’t think anyone is disrespecting them, or saying that they DON’T deserve their due for coining this brand, but with that said, I’m not going to ’bend over backward’ for them. Sure, they’ve accomplished great feats in their careers, but, they shouldn’t expect others to praise them as real ’KINGS’.

Ted Ross: The Wrestling GOD himself, Ryland, would burn you standing if he heard what you said…

Terry Smith: I don’t believe in your Wrestling GOD… I’m an atheist.




Jacob Jett © and Steve Flash vs. Frankie Dee and Sayeed Ali

Tag Team Match

If Jacob Jett/Steve Flash win: Steve Flash will via for the 4C Championship in 2 weeks; competing against Jacob Jett during the 4C’s Quebec event. Also, for winning, Jett will name the stipulation of said match-up.

If Frankie Dee/Sayeed Ali win: Dee and Ali will square off against one another in 2 weeks to officially find the NEW #1 Contender to Jett’s 4C Championship.


The is a general air of distrust encompassing the Windsor Arena Hall; fueled by the unique pairing of polar opposites on both sides of the squared circle. While neither team would find a natural sense of development, Their creation is predicated on the notion of a potential opportunity: To via for the 4C Championship held by Jacob Jett. So, in a way, while they may not entirely trust one another, to capitalize on such a scenario would call for one to trust another with their want for success. Easily put, If you want to step into the ‘limelight’ of 4C, you must find a way to trust the man standing beside you; even if you despite them greatly.


This blanketing distrust is quite evident straight away as Sayeed Ali is seen physically forcing himself into the position of the first ‘legal man’ for his team; tagging himself in by slapping Dee upon the back just after the bell is rung. Meanwhile, 4C Champion himself, Jacob Jett is seen ‘shoeing’ Flash into competition; arrogantly passing the opening chance for combat upon his partner in the process. With time, You would expect to see Jacob appear more ‘partner friendly’; however, that truth never forms in reality. Instead, Jett is seen often ignoring his partner’s call for a tag; finally coming into action only when he see’s fit. Either way, It’s not like their tandem was in much distress anyways as “The Remarkable” Steve Flash is seen holding his own rather well as it pertains to his exchange with the 4C Hardcore Champion, Sayeed Ali.


Given Jacob’s self-focused approach, One would expect Sayeed Ali and Frankie Dee to eventually gain full control of the match-up. While this would typically be expected in any normal scenario, This is certainly not a ‘normal’ situation. While Jett and Flash continue to distrust one another, So do Dee and Ali; neither man looking like they want anything to do with one another. Their collective approach is rooted in individualistic mantras; making no effort to work at a team what so ever. This is glaringly accepted as Sayeed Ali actually ‘sicks’ fellow 187 members, Hardcore Killah and Slim-V, on his own partner; a scenario that poses a problem for their own team’s success. Dee, fueled by his typical ‘burning internal flame’, is able to fend off his own partner’s allies; however, with time, their numbers become rather influential. With his partner occupied with his own faction-mates, Ali is quickly taken advantage of by an assurgent Jacob Jett.


The awkward pairing of Flash and Jett doesn’t get much better though either. Jett, always looking out for what’s best for him and no one else, is often seen denying Flash any sense of joint directive; typically acting out as if he’s nothing more than a singles wrestler embarking upon a handi-cap match. That said, Flash is often seen removing his own disdain for the youngster; attempting to forge an understanding based on their common bond: A want for another ‘go at it’ in singles competition. Sadly, for Flash, his advances never find much success; instead, it only makes him look like a fool as his own partner continues to treat him rather poorly.


In what seems to be a trend as of late, the newly acquired 4C referee, Wilson Carlisle, is seen knocked out by a wayward strike from Sayeed Ali. The impact of Ali’s fist squarely upon Wilson’s forehead forces the rookie referee to collapse onto the canvas below; barely moving as he rolls around the ring in immense pain. Meanwhile, fellow 187 members are seen forging the squared circle; Hardcore Killah holding a steel chair in hand.




Without any sense of help as Jacob Jett is seen struggling to regain his own composure on the outside, a victim of a violent brawl with the man he took the 4C Championship from, Frankie Dee, a 3 on 1 gang-like beating is waged by the members of 187 upon Steve Flash. At first, Flash does pretty well to fend off his attackers; however, with time, the numbers game becomes too much for the aging veteran. Following a heavy-handed chair shot from Slim-V, Flash appears to be practically out-cold; barely able to stay conscious as Sayeed Ali forces him back to his feet. With Flash in his grasp, Ali calls for Hardcore Killah to land another chair-shot to the top of his opponents skull. Knowing this to be happening, and trying to save his own team from a loss, Jacob Jett is seen trying to climb back into the ring for a save; however, is stopped rather quickly by an aggressive assault from Slim-V. The two men (V and Jett) are seen crashing to the cement floor on the outside, brawling rather wildly as the 4C fan base watches on with horror…


Hardcore Killah winds up…




Steve Flash moves out of the way… Playing possum the entire time… The steel chair meant for him is, instead, slammed over the head of 187 leader, Sayeed Ali!!


Sayeed staggers away holding his head in pain; but still upright.


Steve Flash is then seen dropkicking Hardcore Killah out of the ring with a high-hanging dropkick.


With Sayeed staggering away, Flash quickly turns his attention back to his opponent… Slipping in rather seamlessly and taking the 4C Hardcore Champion for a ride…


“Flash Bang” (Belly-to-Back Side Suplex)!!!!


The angle of Flash’s signature move is so severe that it looks like Ali has landed squarely upon his neck; generating a smattering of gasps from the inebriated 4C crowd. Seconds later, Wilson Carlisle is seen awoken from such a jarring impact as “The Flash Bang”. He slowly, and rather comically, administers a standard three count in favor of Steve Flash (and by extension, Jacob Jett)! With the Windsor Arena Hall in a state of drunken bliss, reality has finally taken shape: We will all bare witness to Jett vs. Flash… Part II just a few weeks from now!


Steve Flash and Jacob Jett defeat Sayeed Ali and Frankie Dee in 16:54 via a “Flash Bang” (Belly-to-Back-Side Suplex) upon Sayeed Ali. With this victory, Steve Flash will challenge Jacob Jett for his 4C Championship in 2 short weeks during the companies early November, Quebec Event!

Grade: D+



Ted Ross: I call Shenanigans!! Better get your brooms!

Terry Smith: This means in 2 weeks it will be… Flash… Jett… Part II! I can’t wait! I seriously… wow… I don’t know what to say other than, I can’t wait!

Ted Ross: This is a monstrosity… The pairing of Dee and Ali are FAR more qualified to via for the #1 Contendership! Now, through his form of witch-craft, we will be subjected to YET the same main event we saw LAST TIME we were in Quebec!

Terry Smith: I’m fine with that… I’m sure the rest of our 4C fans are too… Wait… [Pauses] What is Jacob Jett doing? Why is he…




Jacob Jett and Steve Flash

… Getting a head start …


[steve Flash is physically unable to remove his body from atop his former opponent in Sayeed Ali. His body is entrapped in a potentially deadly stint of absolute depletion; unaware of the fact that his own partner, and opponent in 2 weeks, the 4C Champion, Jacob Jett, has climbed the nearest turnbuckle from the jetting squared circle apron. Without any arrogant gesture of dominance, quite contrasting to Jett’s typical aerial approach, Jacob is seen lunging outward and taking flight in a truly reckless manner. As his body twists aggressively in a summersault kind of fashion, the 4C Champion finally connects with the back of Flash’s head; executing a jaw-dropping top-rope flipping leg drop. The impact is so forceful that you can easily see Flash’s neck bend violently toward the canvas; slamming his entire head in a ‘car-wreck’ like fashion.]


[Without any sense of direction, the extremely passionate 4C fan base is caught in a state of confusion; unaware of which side they truly embrace: Jett or Flash. Both men, absolute opposites of each other, stand as the purest examples of their respective generations: Jett as an arrogant, self-centered, egotist and Flash as a loyal, ‘blue-collar’, warrior with much respect for those he steps within the ropes with. Either way, Jett’s sneak attack isn’t all that shocking given his track history; however, the speed at which he executes such a ‘back-stabbing’ maneuver is rather awe-inspiring; if you will.]


[With time, Jett is seen pulling himself off of the canvas; raising HIS 4C Championship on high as the overhead lights gleam aggressively from the gold-plate of said title. Meanwhile, Steve Flash continues to lay in a heap of pain; holding his neck as if Jett’s impact may have inspired a debilitating injury of sorts. None the less, “Blood Brothers” comes to a close with the sight of the 4C Champion, “The Amazing” Jacob Jett, standing over his fallen victim, and once-tag-partner for a night, Steve Flash, in a show of his overall dominance within the company itself. With a smirk that’s drenched in self-arrogance, Jett stands ‘above the rest’; showing that he cannot be trusted in the slightest. Regardless of who you are.]


Grade: D+


Terry Smith: Did you see the elevation that Jacob Jett got with that flipping leg-drop? Man! What a talent…

Ted Ross: A talent built upon the unstable nature of a ‘dare-devil’. Sure, he may be able to generate a ‘flashy-move’ here and there; but, with time, as I say ever month… It will be his downfall.

Terry Smith: Someone should check on Steve… I don’t think he’s moved very much since Jett’s aerial assault. It seems like… [Pauses for review] He may have a broken neck. Do we have a doctor in the house?

Ted Ross: I’m a doctor.

Terry Smith: You’re no such thing…

Ted Ross: I rented Doctor Quinn Medicine women last week… I know all I need to know.

Terry Smith: Did I do something terrible in this life in which to be stuck with this? [sighs] Honestly, you continue to baffle me.

Ted Ross: That’s a sign of a great figure.

Terry Smith: No, It’s a sign that I need to start applying for new jobs.








Overall Show Grade: D

Internet Response: “The show was pretty good all around”.

Quick Synopsis by Greed: Raj needs a new persona. Simple as that. Personally, I'm already bored with him and he's 2-0 since Greed took over 4C.


<hr color="black">

"Blood Brothers" Quick Results:


Antonio Del Veccio defeated TJ Bailey via pinfall. (E-)

The Gilbert Brothers © retain the 4C Tag Championships after defeating the Future Kings of Canada via a tainted pinfall. (D-)

Raj defeated Duberry Excess via pinfall. (D)

Steve Flash and Jacob Jett defeated Sayeed Ali and Frankie Dee via pinfall. (D+)

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I loved the John Greed promo, well acutally I loved all of the promos but that stood out as the best one. It looks like poor Antonio Del Veccio is having a hard time getting the crowd behind him.


Thank you, BHK!


I really wanted to try to convey, the best that I could, WHO The Gatekeepers are with John's promo. Overall, I'm pretty happy with how it came out! It should be a good springboard for them going forward. :D I love the 'contract killer' vibe they have going for them. Very methodical.


As for Del Veccio, I was somewhat floored to see their match end out as it did. Sure, he was facing TB Bailey, and yes I did allow them to call their own match as a test, but overall I wasn't expecting to see such a low match rating. With that said, It's not going to scare me off from using him more in the future. Then again, if this continues, I may have to find other ways to keep him involved as I love his persona thus far.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">Critical-23's Super Dee-F*ck-Duper Review of 4C's "Blood Brothers"!!!111!!11!1!</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

That's riiiight, nerds!! I am back from Cleveland (triumphantly, I must add) to bring you the greatest thing you slap heads crave more than cheat codes for World of Warcraft: a blog by a former couch potato/awesomely trained wrestler thanks to Johnny Bloodstone and Rip Chord/proud former member of the United States Navy/that guy that could bang your mom but be nice about/. . .I forgot the rest. On to the show, yo!!!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Antonio Del Veccio defeated TJ Bailey via pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<em>Wow, great action sh*tty crowd, reminds me of MAW a while back. The crowd sh*tted on this one, probably because Bailey sucks at just about everything. Veccio was awesome as always (then again, I am kinda biased) and Bailey just sandbagged him. Bailey just sucks he--he--sucks. 1 outta 5 cups of beer for this totally-all-of-TJ's-fault.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Gilbert Brothers © retain the 4C Tag Championships after defeating the Future Kings of Canada via a tainted pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<em>Wooooo! Draa-maaaa! Greed's boys pulled a fast one here with Kingman doing the bulk of the work. However, I must apologize to all fans of the Gilberts as I said that the FKOC (which if rearranged could spell FOCK, lolz!!11!!) would take this match but when the title are on the line, Gilberts bring it. Simple as that. Cannot wait to see Brady/Kingman mix it up with either team. 4 outta 5 slapshots because Kingman's da sh*t, yo! Next, ya hoser!</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Raj defeated Duberry Excess via pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<em>Excess is goin' crazy and Raj can't flippin' free style rap. 3 outta 5 gold grills simply because Raj can't rap. Next!!!</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash and Jacob Jett defeated Sayeed Ali and Frankie Dee via pinfall. </strong></p><p>

<em>Match of the night and the aftermath is pure Greed. Frankie Dee? Monster in the ring WITHOUT weapons. Sayeed Ali? One of the nicest guys backstage in real life but in the ring would make most people give up their wallets and flee in fear. Steve Flash? Canadian legend that defies time and logic by performing well above what people THINK he is capable of. Jacob Jett? Face of this company and one c0cky lil bastard. Yet, he backs it up and brings it on each and every time. Slim VD--err, V and Hardcore Killah? Ali's b*tches. 5 outta 5 caps in yo' @$$ 187 if you think I'm scared of ya fools!!</em> </p><p> </p><p>

That's it for this event and until next time go to <a href="http://www.dogpound.com/DPShop" rel="external nofollow">http://www.dogpound.com/DPShop</a> and pick up a "Southern Strong Style" t-shirt and/or bandanna or even a "Flying Tiger" mask. Send me a message on twatter if you want the secret code for and awesome 25% off @ sst262010!! Peace!!!!!</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="critical-23" data-cite="critical-23" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27816" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;">Critical-23's Super Dee-F*ck-Duper Review of 4C's "Blood Brothers"!!!111!!11!1!</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> That's riiiight, nerds!! I am back from Cleveland (triumphantly, I must add) to bring you the greatest thing you slap heads crave more than cheat codes for World of Warcraft: a blog by a former couch potato/awesomely trained wrestler thanks to Johnny Bloodstone and Rip Chord/proud former member of the United States Navy/that guy that could bang your mom but be nice about/. . .I forgot the rest. On to the show, yo!!!</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Antonio Del Veccio defeated TJ Bailey via pinfall.</strong></p><p> <em>Wow, great action sh*tty crowd, reminds me of MAW a while back. The crowd sh*tted on this one, probably because Bailey sucks at just about everything. Veccio was awesome as always (then again, I am kinda biased) and Bailey just sandbagged him. Bailey just sucks he--he--sucks. 1 outta 5 cups of beer for this totally-all-of-TJ's-fault.</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>The Gilbert Brothers © retain the 4C Tag Championships after defeating the Future Kings of Canada via a tainted pinfall.</strong></p><p> <em>Wooooo! Draa-maaaa! Greed's boys pulled a fast one here with Kingman doing the bulk of the work. However, I must apologize to all fans of the Gilberts as I said that the FKOC (which if rearranged could spell FOCK, lolz!!11!!) would take this match but when the title are on the line, Gilberts bring it. Simple as that. Cannot wait to see Brady/Kingman mix it up with either team. 4 outta 5 slapshots because Kingman's da sh*t, yo! Next, ya hoser!</em></p><p> </p><p> <strong>Raj defeated Duberry Excess via pinfall.</strong></p><p> <em>Excess is goin' crazy and Raj can't flippin' free style rap. 3 outta 5 gold grills simply because Raj can't rap. Next!!!</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Steve Flash and Jacob Jett defeated Sayeed Ali and Frankie Dee via pinfall. </strong></p><p> <em>Match of the night and the aftermath is pure Greed. Frankie Dee? Monster in the ring WITHOUT weapons. Sayeed Ali? One of the nicest guys backstage in real life but in the ring would make most people give up their wallets and flee in fear. Steve Flash? Canadian legend that defies time and logic by performing well above what people THINK he is capable of. Jacob Jett? Face of this company and one c0cky lil bastard. Yet, he backs it up and brings it on each and every time. Slim VD--err, V and Hardcore Killah? Ali's b*tches. 5 outta 5 caps in yo' @$$ 187 if you think I'm scared of ya fools!!</em> </p><p> </p><p> That's it for this event and until next time go to <a href="http://www.dogpound.com/DPShop" rel="external nofollow">http://www.dogpound.com/DPShop</a> and pick up a "Southern Strong Style" t-shirt and/or bandanna or even a "Flying Tiger" mask. Send me a message on twatter if you want the secret code for and awesome 25% off @ sst262010!! Peace!!!!!</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;">F'n great review, as always, Critical-23! </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Points I 100% agree on:</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 1) Raj can't rap. Actually, Raj can't really do much at all in his current form. That said, he's 2-0. I think that's the most wins I've ever given a guy I just can't get ahold of. The winds of change are gonna come.... </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 2) FKOC (or FOCK in my mind. ha) the World! </span><img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 3) TJ Sucks, Yes. But I have a soft spot for him for some reason. Even with a stale, overdone, gimmick. haha.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 4) 5 caps is certainly enough to prove you're not scared; 187 b*tches! </span><img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> That said, Brillaint work as always! I'm pulling a "Wayne's World", "We're not worthy" moment for you right now!</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="The Oracle" data-cite="The Oracle" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27816" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I just read the show and I just have to say... wow.<p> </p><p> I don't really comment much on any diary but yours takes the cake. Your writing is genius! All I can say is wow. This show compelled me to respond.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;">Thank you kindly, Oracle! Very nice of you to say. It's great to know that there are others out there so inclined to respond after a show (especially seeing how much work goes into them). Either way, you're feedback is much appreciated & I hope to continue to compell you to speak out. Cheers.</span></p>
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<p>Two things:</p><p> </p><p>

1. As always, great show, E-V. Now I'm going to have to choose between my two favorite C-Verse wrestlers: Jacob Jett or Steve Flash. Decisions, decisions...</p><p> </p><p>

2. Props to my man critical-23 for another great ANB 2K10 plug...hopefully management will realize who should be The Dog Pound's tag champs soon enough.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheLeviticalLawKid3" data-cite="TheLeviticalLawKid3" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27816" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Two things:<p> </p><p> 1. As always, great show, E-V. Now I'm going to have to choose between my two favorite C-Verse wrestlers: Jacob Jett or Steve Flash. Decisions, decisions...</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;">Choose wisely... haha jk. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> I know the feeling though. Even as the writer, I find myself loving both men despite their obvious date with destiny. They are the perfect polar opposites; while also both maintaining a level of a babyface persona. Overall, I'm hoping that their match at this upcoming event will score me a bigger main event grade than previous attempts. </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> If not that, At least we'll get to see two of my favorites duke it out as well. </span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TheLeviticalLawKid3" data-cite="TheLeviticalLawKid3" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27816" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>2. Props to my man critical-23 for another great ANB 2K10 plug...hopefully management will realize who should be The Dog Pound's tag champs soon enough.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;">Any tag partner of Critical-23 is a friend of mine! </span><img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Best of luck with "The Dog Pound". I haven't read much of it, to be honest; however, it seems to be all the rage recently on the boards. </span></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eisen-verse" data-cite="Eisen-verse" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27816" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">F'n great review, as always, Critical-23! </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Points I 100% agree on:</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 1) Raj can't rap. Actually, Raj can't really do much at all in his current form. That said, he's 2-0. I think that's the most wins I've ever given a guy I just can't get ahold of. The winds of change are gonna come.... </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 2) FKOC (or FOCK in my mind. ha) the World! </span><img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 3) TJ Sucks, Yes. But I have a soft spot for him for some reason. Even with a stale, overdone, gimmick. haha.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> 4) 5 caps is certainly enough to prove you're not scared; 187 b*tches! </span><img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> That said, Brillaint work as always! I'm pulling a "Wayne's World", "We're not worthy" moment for you right now!</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Glad to be of service! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> And to everyone else that like it as well thanks for the kudos and whatnot as these 'blog posts' of mine are like an outlet from school stress. Glad you guys like it and cannot wait for the next 4C show, E-V!</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="funkyzafara" data-cite="funkyzafara" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27816" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Sweet show, and a sweet review there aswell <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;">In general a sweet diary </span><img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Thank you, Funkyzafara! </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> You've been a great source of support since this project started (ie: feedback, predictions, etc.). The "Blood Brothers" show was a lot of fun to construct; so, it's great to know there are others out there who liked it. Hopefully, the next show can do exactly the same!</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Cheers.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> E-V</span></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Timber" data-cite="Timber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27816" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>A really fun read. All i can say is that i love the announcers chatter, sometimes, better than the in ring stuff. Too funny</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;">You know, to be honest, Timber; Sometimes I enjoy the commentary as much as the other things that take place as well. In previous games, The commentary team was so dry and boring. With 4C, I really wanted to add an element of humor to it all. Giving the reader something 'new' to look forward to instead of just being relayed endless amounts of dry facts. Plus, Ted Ross's psycho, of another world/follower of the Wrestling GOD Ryland, persona is too much fun to write for. Especially when coupled with the 'straight man routine' that Terry Smith utilizes.</span></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="smurphy1014" data-cite="smurphy1014" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27816" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Great show EV. Like the description of Flash's "Flash Bang". Love the direction you are going with Jett.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="font-family:Tahoma;">Thanks, Smurphy! The "Flash Bang" move, in my mind, has always been a side-belly-to-belly-suplex much like HBK's first finisher. I don't know why? It just seems to flow really well with the whole 'old school', 'blue collar', mentality that he seems to posses. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Also, thank you on the note as it pertains to Jett. He's a very interesting guy to write for as there are many levels to the man. As things go on, These levels will become more evident.... </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <hr color="black"></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"><span style="font-size:18px;">..... As posted in the Rookie DOTM Thread ....</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Thank you to everyone who voted for my 4C project. Honestly, Each and every writer could have walked away with the victory; so, I accept this with a major amount of respect for all of those who I was up against. These boards, this game, the whole culture of creativity fused with Pro Wrestling, is something that I truly love, value, and support. Long after I've left these boards, I will continue to come back and read what's new. Why? I really believe in what we're doing here & am very proud to be a member of this community. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> I put a lot of time, effort, and focus, into this project (and all of them before this), so, it's great to see others valuing said dedication. Honestly, I don't know If I could go without a diary at this point. haha. It's become so fused with my daily process that I can't foresee a day without it. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> The story of John Greed is both interesting and cathartic in a way. While I'm not an addict myself, or much of a self-defeater much anymore, there is a big part of me that really, genuinely, can relate with his journey. I've had friends with addiction problems, forged through my own depression awhile back, and really see our paths quite the same. Either way, now at an amazing part of my life (on the verge of getting married in 2 weeks or so), I still find it very easy to 'tell his story' without having to truly be in that mindset anymore. </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> I guess, when it all comes down to it, I love Pro Wrestling, I love to write, and I absolutely love the creative process of development (ie: characters, storylines, etc.). Thank you all, without sounding too 'shout from the roof tops', for your continued support as a writer here. You'll never truly know, outside of your own experiences as writers here, what it means to me. I am truly in homage of you all.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> Cheers.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> E-V</span></p>
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“How about Jack Avatar?”


I couldn’t help seem perplexed; staring upon the faux-grunge youngster before me. When you live long enough, The trends tend to make their comeback rather speedily; ultimately making you feel like an ancient being. None the less, while a nice coffee-going kid with good intentions, his idea was borderline idiotic.


“That may be the single worst name I’ve ever heard; nice try.”


The comforting environment of a nearby coffeehouse stands as my ‘day-to-day’ office as I continue to forge forward with 4C as my newest vice. At this point, 3 events under my belt, I was starting to get a better feel for the company, culture, and overall flow of the action. Needless to say, with a better understanding of the situation at hand, I started to find myself questioning some of my early decisions thus far. The biggest line of questioning: Why the HELL would I book Raj as a ‘Rated-R’ gangsta rapper if A) Canada wasn’t really open to such a persona and B) he looked god awful in his role. There was no realism to the scenario, given his overall look and demeanor, so the constant dissonance of his ‘out of character’ persona was pushing me to re-evaluate my original idea.


Without a ‘team’, much like I had in ‘Hollywood’, I was forced to lean on the area wrestling fans for advice. Well, not so much ‘advice’ as just another ‘voice of reason’ if you will; an outsiders perspective of the product as a whole. Hence, the scrappy 18 year old sitting before me; decked out in the latest revival of the 90’s from a fashion perspective. Was he a wrestling genius? No. Was he chalked full of good ideas? Good, God no. Was he an outsider voice that could allow me to flesh out my ideas without having it trickle back to the talent? Yes.


“You see, James…”


“It’s Gary.”


Without missing a beat, trying not to seem ‘out of the know’, I continue forward; using my hands in an overactive kind of way while I attempt to formulate a new vision for Raj.


“He never really fit the ‘gangsta rap’ persona. Honestly, He looks more like ‘Steve Urkel’ than anything else…”


“Who’s Steve Urkel?”


I stop and stare for a second; my mouth wide open in awe of his lack of knowledge. That said, I have to remember that MY upbringing is, in now way, connected to his. We, separated by a good decade or so, see life in a totally different realm.


“He’s this… This guy… The ‘Hee-Hee-Cnuh-Cnuh’… Ah… Search it up on the internet.”


I was slightly embarrassed for going all out by simulating Urkel’s laughter; but, I was trying to make a point. Either way, It was best to move on.


“More or less, Craig isn’t what you call ‘menacing’ in the slightest. I thought I could book him as such, but, I was blatantly wrong. He’s best served in more of a… well… dorky kind of role.”


“Why do you say that? I mean, He use to play the whole c*cky thing pretty well in NOTBPW! I loved him there.”


I nod my head; agreeing with his statement.


“He did do a great job there, but, his persona still felt a little flat to me. What I’m trying to say is, Someone like Craig needs more of a gimmicky persona than anything else. Why? He doesn’t strike fear in anyone, so, it’s easier to sell him as more of a lovable character. You know, like Cannonball Funk but without all the gyrating.”


“Who is…”


I stopped him; moving on quickly before I felt as if my 6 month campaign to get Cannonball Funk over was useless to the masses.


“I have some things in mind; but, I suppose I should talk it through with him first. It’s going to take a level of trust; stripping away his ‘cool-man’ persona that he’s become so accustomed to. With that said, This transformation could work wonders for him. Even with 4C, and our smarky-audience, I think a nostalgic feel for him would resonate with our older audience; make them feel like we’re back in the 80’s or early 90’s for that matter.”


The kid nods his head with a blank stare upon his face; most likely zoning out after such a long response from me. Kids these days and their attention spans.


“Can I go now? They called my name like 20 minutes ago and I’m pretty sure my coffee is pretty cold by now.”


Oh, I didn’t tell you I was holding him against his will; talking to him like a crazy bus person relaying the ‘truths of life’? Well, I was. He quickly scurries away from my broken in table, teetering due to the un-level floor beneath me, and grabs his coffee cup in a flash. Looking back, never, he swiftly exit’s the coffeehouse; leaving everyone to stare at me as if I were some child abductor without any sense of direction (That and the malice part).


Either way, My impromptu meeting with… what was it?… Oh yes, Gary, was a beneficial one as I now had a better idea of what must be done with Raj. Now, it was on me to find a way to best transition Craig away from his “Rated-R Rapper” persona toward more of a self-constructed gimmicky scenario. All in all, while lofty in some regards, I think the fans will end up accepting his new outlook much better. Who knows? At 2-0, and a new, more unique persona, under his belt, Raj could find a smattering of GOLD in his future.
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I must say I love your way of portraying him as a person on the brink of going crazy :)


I haven't read any of your other John Greed stuff, but this is pure genius :D


You think he's going crazy now read the beginning (and middle and end) of PSW! Greed calmed slightly for DOA but not by much :p


Both definitely worth reading though (as I'm sure others will agree).

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I must say I love your way of portraying him as a person on the brink of going crazy :)


I haven't read any of your other John Greed stuff, but this is pure genius :D


Thank you! Yea, John is pretty much a basket-case by now. haha. I think, at some level, he would have to be gravitating toward pure craziness in which to take on such a company as 4C. Unlike any other company before this, 4C is truly a 'dream-like' affair; however, not in that 'wow, this is such a dream to be here'... More like, 'wow, This has to be a dream because you are all nuts and i can't believe what's going on'. With that said, it's bound to rub off on Greed himself. ha. You can only live in your car for so long before you start to lose focus with what is 'societally real'.


You think he's going crazy now read the beginning (and middle and end) of PSW! Greed calmed slightly for DOA but not by much :p


Both definitely worth reading though (as I'm sure others will agree).


I think this is what felt awkward about the DOA for me. It didn't really feel like a John Greed diary versus just another random one. It was fun, yes, but also very hollow to me overall. I think that's why the 4C project came on with as much furvor as it did because I had finally found what it is that I LOVE about these things; seeing/booking things through the eyes of John Greed. Not just another random TV exec.

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So I'm now completely caught up, and I must say I love Jacob jett's character. Having said that I also am loving how your using 187. So I guess all I'm trying to say is that I love the diary so far. I do however wish Joey poison was still part of 4c I'm betting you could really make his character come to life... oh and congratulations on dotm very much deserved
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So I'm now completely caught up, and I must say I love Jacob jett's character. Having said that I also am loving how your using 187. So I guess all I'm trying to say is that I love the diary so far. I do however wish Joey poison was still part of 4c I'm betting you could really make his character come to life... oh and congratulations on dotm very much deserved


Thank you, mad!! It's great to know that the characters are jumping off the screen already! Jacob has been a personal favorite of mine since I first started playing TEW 4 years or so back. So, it's great to give him his rightful due. As for 187, I want to give them more of a human element than just making them cliche 'thugs'; giving them a reason for their psychological 'hardness'. Hopefully, going forward, I can continue to portray them in this manner.


As for Joey Poison, I'd love to have him on board if possible; he intruiges me as a writer. I really would love to bring back many former company stars in which to make this as great as it can be; keeping with the 4C's unique culture! We will see I guess!!

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