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Record Ratings = Ratings Warning?

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So I've been seeing this sort of story over the last few weeks:




Here's the thing ... it happened just after I dropped from Global to Cult, and this is what my ratings have been looking like:




As you can see, I've been getting these messages after my highest rated shows.


Anyone else getting this odd occurrence, and is this possibly something I should be posting in the Tech Support thread?

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You are simply no longer big enough (size wise) for the network to want to keep you on air. The TV network is probably set for a minimum size of National, which you no longer qualify for. Your drop in size and their ratings warnings are just a roundabout way of saying "we no longer have confidence in your brand" despite your actual ratings.


If you are actually still big enough for the network then you might need to drop your show length down to 90 minutes... networks don't like giving 2 hours to cult level promotions.


Failing either of those working, you are going to be dropped by the network completely in the near future which will give you prestige hit. Which hurts. :(

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CBA is the biggest network in the CVerse. You'd need to have the popularity in the US and Canada for the network to like your shows. Like everyone else said it's because you dropped down to Cult. That network will only deal with International and Global promotions.
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