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The C-Verse Re-render Project

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To make up for my blatant lack of contribution to this thread as of late, I have rerendered the entire BSC roster.




Awesome batch, thanks. Particularly digging the Alison Capone, Candy Floss, Honey Golightly, Kathy Neptune, Lindsay Sugar, Roxy Kitten, Sienna DeVille, Sister Beth Mercy, Southern Belle, Sprite, and Vampella renders.

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JK Stallings Jr + ager









The C-Verse Re-Render Photobucket


Tag List


C-Verse Re-Render Project Zip Folder

(Up to date as of: 7/28/11)


These are amazing, J. Honestly, seeing this makes me THAT much more excited to get this next project off the ground.


It's time for... Revenge of the Nerd...

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These are two for the 1977 mod.


I never liked the default picture for Jimmy Power so I created a new one:




And here's one to use with Rocco the Plumber (I like to use The Working Men as more of a "wiseguy" type of tag team so this design is with that more in mind. They seemed too gimmicky for CWB)



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Thanks for the renders Shipshirt, great to see the thread still moving along. Rocco looks especially wiseguy'ish


Thanks! I'm still new at this but it's a lot of fun. I changed Rocco's jaw a bit and I think it works better for the character. The original way I had it would have made a great Russian heel in the 70's-80's (which he may be a template for :)




Steve Frehley as both heel and babyface:



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Shipshirt, if you could continue providing renders like you just did with the Stomper (on a transparent background) that'd certainly help with a certain project I've got going on at the moment


Yeah no problem. That way you guys can use them on whatever background you like



Great work here, shipshirt!


Thank you very much! I was really happy with how that turned out :)

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OK I need to pull myself away from this program today :)


Here's Angry Gilmore and I'm calling it a day:




Would it be possible to place these on a cornellverse background? These images would be great to use!

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Would it be possible to place these on a cornellverse background? These images would be great to use!


Make up your minds!! I just got asked to leave them as png files ;) haha


Yeah I can do that. They are png files which means that image will move right onto any background you want.


EDIT: Here you go!



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Make up your minds!! I just got asked to leave them as png files ;) haha


Yeah I can do that. They are png files which means that image will move right onto any background you want.


EDIT: Here you go!




Oh really? ha. Sorry, I didn't know that's what people were asking for. Either way, thank your for these!

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