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NYCW: Old School 'Til We Die

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What the heck, I haven't predicted in a while (though I am, of course, closely following...this is one of my favorite diaries!)


Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash

Passing the torch...now.


Atom Smasher & Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank & Lee Wright

Maybe a bit of an upset, but I really dislike Ford Gumble.



Remmy Honeyman vs. Ernest Youngman

I love Remmy, but you said it yourself. Remmy is the designated Frontline whipping boy.



Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express

Never bet against Texas. ****in' never!



Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Sammy makes a nice champ.


The New York Doll vs. Marv Statler

I see a nice Doll push in the works.


Tamara McFly & Amber Allen vs. Connie Morris & Miss Wrestling

Never bet against Tammy in this diary!

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Thanks for all the guys who've predicted so far- just wanted to say that, whilst I'm still planning on getting the show up later today I'm currently moving back across to Hull, so the connection may be a bit funny. Doesn't mean the show won't go up, just that it might not be up 'til later tonight.


In any case, there's still time for predictions anonymous masses!

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<div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:36px;">NYCW Rush Hour 2012</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

</span></strong><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">Live to DVD From The Home of Old School</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">

Saturday, Week 4, January 2012</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">

Audience: 1,869</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">Pre-Show/DVD Extras</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rhino Umaga vs. Kentucky Bill</strong></p><p>

We kicked things off with one of the best squash matches we’ve ever seen (that didn’t include Jared Johnson, anyway). Kentucky’s lacking in popularity, but he’s a solid worker, and against a big powerful guy like Rhino he made for a good plucky underdog babyface. We started things off with Bill briefly taking the lead, catching Rhino off guard with a flurry of punches and a quick knee lift, before the German Suplex scored a two-count. From there, though, Rhino took over, tossing Bill about with his customary aplomb before tying him up in the Samoan Crab for the victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Rhino Umaga <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">The Show</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Remmy Honeyman vs. Ernest Youngman</strong></p><p>

These two are probably two of our finest young workers, hence their positioning in the opening slot. As you might have guesses, this was an excellent technical encounter with a very definite story: Ernest kept trying to get Remmy onto the mat to work him over with submissions and mat work, whilst Remmy was all about trying to out-chain wrestle Youngman. He came close to winning too, trapping Ernest in a standing crossface chickenwing, before Sammy the Shark hit the ring and nailed Remmy with a chair shot to the back. That left him wide open for Ernest to nail The Hit and score the pinfall.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Ernest Youngman <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“What a way to kick off tonight’s show! Fans, you’re watching NYCW Rush Hour 2012 and boy have we got a great card for you tonight! Natural Storm vs. Lone Star Express in a Texas Whipping match, Atom Smasher teaming up with Ford Gumble to take on Lee Wright and Honest Frank, and in tonight’s Main Event Cameron Vessey will be defending the Empire Title against Steve Flash!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“This is the first time Cameron Vessey will be facing Steve Flash one-on-one since Big Time Wrestling II in March of last year, and boy, this is going to be an exciting match! Steve has to rank as one of the most successful veterans in NYCW, and against a champion of Cameron’s calibre there’s no telling how this one’s going to go! Other than the fact that Cameron’s obviously going to win”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Hugh- one thing we’re all aware of is Cameron’s ego, and Steve’s easily clever enough to exploit that for his advantage. Plus you’ve got to remember that Steve’s got Whistler in his corner- if Queen Emily tries anything you better bet that Whistler’ll be there to stop her”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“Please, as if that punch-drunk old hack could catch up with Emily. And don’t forget, Rock, Steve may be experienced but that just means he’s old- skill and experience are all very well, but against youth they don’t give much of an edge. And let’s not forget who Cameron’s uncle is- Bryan Vessey’s one of the greatest wrestlers in the world, and if he didn’t have a hand in training Cameron then I’m a monkey’s uncle. Not to mention the rest of The Old School- you better believe that they’ll be ready to swing into action if it looks like Cameron’s going to lose the belt”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“And I’m sure your sister-in-law is just loving the fact that you called your godson a monkey, Hugh. And as for The Old School, to get to him they’re gonna have to go through The Frontline first, and I don’t think Atom Smasher or Ford are gonna have a problem putting a stop to any interference”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF8C00;">“I wouldn’t be so sure, Rock- they’ll have just wrestled Honest Frank and Lee, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Lee goes all-out to soften them up and keep them from getting involved in the main event”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Well, Hugh, whatever happens, and whoever wins, it’s gonna be a Ring a Ding Dong Dandy of a show tonight! Stay tuned folks!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

I don’t know if it was Rock’s catchphrase or just the awesomeness of the main event, but this got a really good reaction</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage at the Interview Position, Cameron’s on hype duty for the main event</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#808000;">“It’s been nearly a year since I last wrestled Steve Flash one-on-one, and tonight he’s gonna be the latest victim of the Era of Vessey. Steve, I respect your accomplishments, I respect your title reigns and your near-twenty years in the business, but don’t make the mistake I respect YOU. As far as I’m concerned, you’re just a broken-down old hack trying to pretend the glory days didn’t end a decade ago, and tonight I am going to take great pleasure in beating you all the way to the retirement home…or the mortuary”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Cameron’s promos continue to do great business for us- I think this might be one of our highest-rated angles ever.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Stephanie Wade & Miss Wrestling vs. Tamara McFly & Amber Allen</strong></p><p>

Okay, how did this end up so good? I mean, it’s one thing when these four have a great midcard match, that’s kind of to be expected. This, though…hell, this was a <em>main event</em> level match, and that’s even with it featuring a woman in only her second professional encounter. Ultimately, though, that doesn’t matter if you’ve got the talent, and talent was one thing that this match definitely had. Tammy took the lead for her team, playing face in peril whilst Brooke and Stephanie worked her over with a series of holds and suspiciously high-impact kicks from Steph, before she made the hot tag to Amber. Double A then cleaned house, locking Brooke into the Cross Armbreaker for what looked like it might be the win, before Steph laid her out with a kick to the head that damn near knocked Amber out. From there it was a simple matter for Steph to tag in and cover Double A for the win.</p><p>

<strong>Winners:</strong> Stephanie Wade & Miss Wrestling <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

Once again we’re back at the Interview Position, where Kristen’s on hype duty for Natural Storm’s match against the Lone Star Express</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#800080;">“When Victoria Stone told me she’d booked a Texas Whipping Match for my boys tonight, I couldn’t believe it. Natural Storm are one of the best tag teams in the world, they shouldn’t have to muddy their good name with something as backyard as a whipping match. But you know what? If that’s what The Lone Star Express want, that’s what they’ll get. Because Natural Storm is one of the best teams in the world, and if they’ve got to beat some country hicks up to get another shot at the title, then that’s what we’re gonna do. And Dave, Bradley? You better believe it’s gonna hurt tonight, ‘cos when Eddie Howard and DC Rayne are through with you…you’ll be going home in an ambulance”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Kristen did another good job on her interview tonight, though given the heat of the storyline that’s perhaps unsurprising</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express</strong></p><p>

This was pretty much just a straight-up fight, but if you’re going to have a match like that then these are the two teams you want doing it. The Lone Stars were really at home here, thrashing the heck of Natural Storm, and whilst Eddie and Deec initially struggled to get going they soon found their rhythm, using the whips to choke out Bradley and scoring a few strikes of their own on both member of the opposite team. In the end, though, they were on the Lone Star’s home turf, and after firing up in spectacular style they scored the victory, nailing Eddie with Don’t Mess with Texas after Dave dumped Rayne out of the ring (and right on top of Kristen, to keep her out of it as well).</p><p>

<strong>Winners:</strong> The Lone Star Express <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

Once again we’re back at the Interview Position, where Whistler’s on hype duty for the main event </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Tonight, my boy Steve is taking on that no-good runt Cameron Vessey. Now Cameron might like to think he’s unbeatable, but if there’s one thing I’ve learnt over the years, it’s that the easiest people to beat are the one who think it can’t be done. So tonight, Vessey, when you’re lying on your back wondering what happened and where your title’s gone, me and Steve and the rest of The Frontline will be partyin’ on down with the Empire Title, boy! HOOOOO!!!!!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Another excellent interview from Whistler, here- he might look a bit incongruous next to Steve, but he does a good job.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New York Doll vs. Marv Statler</strong></p><p>

In ordinary circumstance this would’ve been a good match, but unfortunately it turns out that these two have poor chemistry as opponents, which dragged things down. Part of the problem is their different styles: Doll’s a pure brawler, whilst Statler’s offence is based around a chain wrestling and mat work. Those aren’t styles that mesh particularly well, and that can encourage the kind of negative chemistry that we got here, which resulted in a lot of awkward transitions between spots and moments when what had been put together in the back didn’t really translate in the ring. In the end Doll took this one after Ernest and Rhino hit the ring, double-teaming Marv with The Perfect Combination and leaving the Doll to simply cover him for the victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> The New York Doll <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D</span></span></em> </p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

No sooner has the match finished than Steve Flash emerges from backstage, apparently under attack from his opponent tonight Cameron Vessey, his current rival Honest Frank, and Cameron’s stable-mate Lee Wright. The trio drive Steve towards the ring, where Fury & Finesse are waiting, and whilst Steve briefly rallies at ringside he’s soon taken down by The Hit, courtesy of Ernest Youngman. Fortunately for Steve, no sooner have his foes closed round him than Atom Smasher and Remmy Honeyman come charging to the rescue, with Remmy in particular taking great pleasure in locking Ernest in a Crossface Chickenwing, repeating his attempt from earlier to take the Assassin of the Square circle down. The reaction to this was good, which hopefully bodes well for my ‘get Remmy over by standing him next to Atom Smasher and Steve’ plan.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester</strong></p><p>

This wasn’t a bad match, but I’d have been better off switching it with the women’s match from earlier. The main issue- I won’t say problem- was Buck’s limitations: yes, he’s a charismatic worker who can brawl pretty well, but he’s about as one dimensional as they come and his fundamentals aren’t too solid. Like I said, that’s not really a problem, given his age and position on the card, but it does make for a weaker title match, even against a worker as capable as Sammy. Initially it looked like Buck might score a surprise victory, as he nailed Sammy with the Neckbreaker and went for the pin, only for The New York Doll to interfere whilst Kristen distracted the referee, nailing Buck with the New York Death Drop and dragging the recumbent Sammy over him, leaving Bull to count the pinfall and give Sammy the victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Sammy the Shark <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

Once again we’re backstage at the NYCW Interview Position, where Atom Smasher and Ford Gumble are on hype duty for their match.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">“At the very centre of the universe, in the cosmic core of all creation, there dwells a principle so profound that it cannot be denied, and that principle is this: sooner or later, justice will come to all servants of the shadow, be they the king of all creation or the lowliest servant of the cosmic energy. Tonight, two of the greater villains of the New York micro-universe will be brought low, for we ride a wave of energy direct from the atomic spirits of the hyper-cosmos, and will surely claim victory or perish in the attempt, consuming all evil in the fire of nuclear martyrdom”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A0522D;">“Frank, Lee…</span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#A0522D;">

…We’re gonna kick your @ss”</span></p><p> </p><p>

What do you get when you put two of your best-received talkers together in one angle? Pretty much pure quality.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Atom Smasher & Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank & Lee Wright</strong> </p><p>

Three of these four men can always be counted on to deliver a good match, and whilst Ford’s somewhat less dependable (probably the result of his somewhat mediocre fundamentals) he’s capable of really good matches against the right opponent. That made for a really good match, albeit one that didn’t quite crack the top 10. Part of the problem here was formula: we did the same old face-in-peril thing that’s been around since before Lee was even born, and whilst that can work really well with the right talent (Steve Flash is a master of it), for the most part it can seem tired even for us. This time round we had Ford filling that role, and whilst he’s a decent worker he’s no bump machine like Steve or Blaze. In the end, of course, he made the tag to Atom Smasher, who cleared house before nailing Frank with the Mushroom Cloud to pick up the win.</p><p>

<strong>Winners:</strong> Atom Smasher & Ford Gumble <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash</strong></p><p>

In and of itself, this was a good match, but compared to our usual main events this was a disappointment. I’ll admit that I never understand Cameron’s results anyway, but this one was even more mysterious than usual: Steve’s possibly the best worker we’ve got, and yet he and Cameron can’t deliver on the same level as Cameron and Ford, who isn’t anywhere near Steve’s level. It’s possible the momentum’s an issue here: Steve’s not as hot as he could be, and if Ford was coming off a hot streak in his match it might explain the discrepancy. Either way, this was a disappointing main event, though a decent match in and of itself, and ended with Cameron nailing Steve with the Delayed Vertical Suplex and the Turnbuckle Powerbomb before hitting the Vessey Driver to score the pin.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Cameron Vessey <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall Rating:</span></strong> <span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span>, a disappointing rating, but understandable given the low-rated main event and Doll/Statler’s disappointment on the undercard.</p>

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<p>So, it's time to take a look at the predictions</p><p> </p><p>

Dragonmack: 6/7</p><p>

Regis: 6/7</p><p>

Boltinho: 6/7</p><p>

ajcrible: 5/7</p><p> </p><p>

So, it's a three way tie, and all of my regulars have the right to ask a question of any NYCW superstar they wish, with the exception of The New York Doll due to his appearance last month.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="27892" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">Buddy Rogers’ New York Minute</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p> </p><p> Another new year in NYCW, and as usual Hugh’s announced yet more changes in the roster: this time long-term NYCW jobbers The Atlantic Connection have departed, to be replaced by a new team yet to be announced. To be honest, this doesn’t surprise me: the Connection have never really impressed in the ring, and word has it that Hugh’s finally managed to find a replacement for them in the tag division. That replacement? Ironically enough, it’s Canadian Indy tag team Thunder & Lightning, best known for their work with Canadian Charisma Championship Combat- I know, folks, that’s just about as un-NYCW as you can get. Bear in mind, though, that Hugh still has a lot of links in Canadian Wrestling, particularly in terms of the local Cable stations that rely on independent wrestling shows to attract their viewers, and it’s possible that one or other of his contacts there have brought the team to his attention. In any case, the team are promising young workers, and whilst you couldn’t call them especially talented they’ve got a reputation for consistency and hard work, two of the virtues most prized by the current regime at New York.</p><p> </p><p> Now, as we kick off the new year I figured now was a good time to recap all the storylines NYCW currently has going on: in recent months Hugh’s put together no less than nine separate feuds and storylines, and I know that the new year often brings with it new fans, who may not be able to keep track of everything that’s going on in the promotion right off. With that in mind, I present the Buddy Rogers’ Guide to NYCW Storylines!</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Cameron Vessey vs. Atom Smasher</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Feud Started:</strong> Technically at Rumble in the Bronx last year, though it didn’t really get going ‘til the following month at Wall Street Warfare</p><p> <strong>Reason for Feuding:</strong> Cameron holds the top title, whilst Atom Smasher is recognised as his number one challenger. Throw in the fact that Cameron is the leader of The Old School, whilst Atom Smasher is a member of The Frontline, and you’ve got a powder keg waiting to go off.</p><p> <strong>History:</strong> This feud’s been bubbling away for months: although the pair are notionally fighting for the title their feud’s largely become about the battle for supremacy between The Old School and The Frontline. Notionally Cameron holds the advantage as Champion, but every time the pair have wrestled one-on-one it’s been clear that Atom Smasher is the stronger competitor, and Vessey’s frequently had to rely on his stablemates to claim the victory. In other words, it’s the classic ****y-heel-versus-powerful-face storyline, akin to Rip Chord vs. Sam Strong from their glory days, and Hugh’s been booking it in a very similar way.</p><p> <strong>What’ll Happen Next?:</strong> It seems likely that Atom Smasher will eventually capture the title, most likely at Big Time Wrestling III or the Showdown in Staten Island, NYCW’s two big shows of the year. After that, I see this feud continuing, unless a major roster overhaul takes place between now and then: Cameron’s feuded with both Steve and Ford, the other top faces, and revisiting those storylines is somewhat unlikely at the moment.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Feud Started:</strong> The roots of this feud go back to September of last year, but the feud only officially ignited at Fairytale of New York in December</p><p> <strong>Reason for Feuding:</strong> Frank’s long-running feud with Freddie Datsun was brought to an end when he beat Datsun into retirement, and Steve’s stepped up to avenge his fallen comrade.</p><p> <strong>History:</strong> As I said above, this one’s all about Frank’s attack on Freddie at Back in the New York Groove, but Hugh’s also played off of the pair’s history: they feuded for the Tri-State title back in 2007, and Frank took the Empire Title off of Flash in 2008. This latest go-round of their perennial problem began with the ending of Frank’s feud with Freddie, where he beat him into retirement after a match with Ernest Youngman. Initially Ford Gumble was the guy who stepped up to take on Frank, but after Frank defeated him with his usual underhanded tactics Steve once again stepped up to take him on. </p><p> <strong>What’ll Happen Next?:</strong> Part of the beauty of this feud is that there’s so much history behind it that it can go in just about any direction you choose. It’s quite likely that this one will be as much about interference as wrestling, as Hugh likes to mix his main events up quite a bit, but given Frank’s predilection for dirty tricks that’s almost better than lots of straight-up wrestling matches. Either way, the personal basckground to this and general theme (Mr. Fair Play vs. The Biggest Cheat around) makes me think that this one’s going to be a real long-running feud- don’t be surprised if they’re still at it this time next year.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Feud Started:</strong> Although Fury & Finesse won the number one contendership at Summer in the City last year, their feud with The Ring Generals really kicked off at Back in the New York Groove the following month</p><p> <strong>Reason for Feuding:</strong> The Ring Generals are the NYCW Tag Team Champions, Fury & Finesse want to be. It’s really as simple as that</p><p> <strong>History:</strong> This feud’s taken something of a backseat to the ongoing Frontline/Old School war, with Ernest Youngman spending as much time wrestling the likes of Ford Gumble as competing in tag competition. That being said, when these two teams have faced off the results have often been extraordinary- their last match still ranks as the finest tag team match in the history of NYCW. In general, the feud’s been built around the contrast in their styles- Rhino and Youngman have dominated individually, but The Ring Generals have the edge as a unit, evening things up in their tag bouts.</p><p> <strong>What’ll Happen Next:</strong> A lot depends on what’s planned for Youngman’s push. If he’s going to segue into regular singles competition then this one’ll wind up at the back end of the year with Fury & Finesse falling short, at which point Rhino will probably find a new partner and continue the feud. If, however, Ernest’s going to stay in tag competition then I see Fury & Finesse getting their hands on the belts at some point, with The Ring Generals staying as top competitors to continue the feud.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Feud Started:</strong> This one kicked off properly in October 2010, with Stephanie’s first title shot.</p><p> <strong>Reason for Feuding:</strong> Steph was originally chasing Tammy’s NYCW Women’s Title, and captured it at Fairytale of New York 2010 through decidedly dodgy means.</p><p> <strong>History:</strong> This one’s all about the Women’s Title. Tammy launched the title on the scene with a 17-month long title reign, before Stephanie captured the title at Fairytale of New York with the aid of a loaded boot (though nobody’s acknowledged it yet it’s fairly obvious). Since then the pair have faced off in a tag match, making it clear that their feud is still very much ongoing.</p><p> <strong>What’ll Happen Next:</strong> This one’s harder to guess: with Amber Allen and Miss Wrestling getting over like gangbusters there’s a good chance that this one may be brought to a premature end to allow one of them to step up to a top spot. However, given Tammy’s marriage to Hugh it’s unlikely that she’ll be stepping out of the limelight before she retires, and Steph’s only just won the title and won’t be losing it any time soon, if Hugh’s usual preferences hold true. Expect this one to go on for a while.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sammy the Shark vs. Remmy Honeyman</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Feud Started:</strong> This one started, as so many seem to have done, at Back in the New York Groove in September, with a six-man tag match that saw Remmy team with The Lone Star Express to defeat Natural Storm and claim the number-one contendership for the Tri-State Title as a result</p><p> <strong>Reason for Feuding:</strong> The Tri-State Regional Title- Sammy’s the champion, Remmy’s the challenger. </p><p> <strong>History:</strong> This one’s always been a bit of a stop-start feud: it’s notionally about the Tri-State Title, but the lack of attention paid to the title in recent months has meant that this one’s progressed more through multi-man matches than title bouts and the like. In fact, the only time the pair wrestled, at The Battle of Broadway, timing constraints resulted in a very disappointing match.</p><p> <strong>What’ll Happen Next:</strong> Hopefully Hugh’s going to return some level of focus to the title some time soon, which ought to get this one going properly. Even with that in mind, though, this is firmly a B-feud at best, so don’t expect it to get too much attention in the near future. My guess is that Remmy will emerge the eventual victor from this one- he’s one of Hugh’s favourite young stars, and is likely to enjoy a protracted run with the title as a means of building towards the main event.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Feud Started:</strong> This one kicked off at the same match as Sammy and Remmy’s feud, with The Lone Star Express’ victory over Natural Storm.</p><p> <strong>Reason for Feuding:</strong> It’s never really been made clear, but from what I can tell Natural Storm are annoyed at losing to the Lone Star Express, and the Texans just like to fight. Seems reasonable enough to me.</p><p> <strong>History:</strong> For all its rather foggy backstory this one’s delivered in spades: just about every time these guys are in the ring together the results are spectacular. Just recently things have entered a fallow stretch, with The Lone Star Express’ victory in the Texas Whipping Match at Rush Hour and no rematch booked as yet, but don’t be surprised if this one kicks off again soon.</p><p> <strong>What’ll Happen Next:</strong> That depends on the main title feud. If Fury & Finesse win the title then this one will continue, but if they don’t then I’m guessing Natural Storm are the most likely next contestants, although I could see The Lone Star Express gaining the titles in some kind of multi-team setting to switch the division’s focus.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Amber Allen vs. Miss Wrestling</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Feud Began:</strong> This one’s very new, starting last month at Rush Hour 2012.</p><p> <strong>Reason for Feuding:</strong> As yet we haven’t seen a specific reason for their feuding, beyond the fact that AA and Miss Wrestling have similar wrestling styles and opposing alignments.</p><p> <strong>History:</strong> This one’s very much in it’s infancy, having only kicked off last month, so beyond one tag match there’s not a lot to talk about here. But so far it looks like a promising feud: both girls are extremely talented, and fit the NYCW style precisely.</p><p> <strong>What’ll Happen Next:</strong> I think it’s likely that Amber will be winning this one: she’s far more experienced than Miss Wrestling, and whilst nobody’s doubting her ability it’d be unusual for a rookie to win their first feud in a company as traditional as NYCW. As for Amber, if a women’s title feud isn’t in her future I will be very surprised.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Cowboy Buck Winchester vs. The New York Doll</span></strong></p><p> <strong>Feud Began:</strong> Another very new feud, this one kicked off last month, when the Doll interfered in Buck’s match with Sammy the Shark</p><p> <strong>Reason for Feuding:</strong> Whilst it’s not yet been established, it’s a pretty fair bet that the Doll’s simply annoyed that Buck’s been getting the breaks that the Doll thinks he deserves.</p><p> <strong>History:</strong> Again, not a lot’s been going on with this one just yet, except for Doll’s interference. </p><p> <strong>What’ll Happen Next:</strong> With the Doll battling Bradley Blaze at Big Apple Breakdown it seems that the rest of Team Texas will be getting stuck into this one, which raises the possibility of Doll finding his own backup to keep things even. In any case, NYCW management are rallying behind The New York Doll so I see him winning this one. </p><p> </p><p> ***</p><p> </p><p> The card for NYCW’s next card, Big Apple Breakdown, looks like this:</p><p> </p><p> SPECIAL EXHIBITION MATCH- BATTLE OF THE CHAMPIONS</p><p> Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. The Ring Generals</p><p> </p><p> Steve Flash & Remmy Honeyman vs. Fury & Finesse </p><p> </p><p> Ford Gumble vs. Fumihiro Ota</p><p> </p><p> FOR THE NYCW WOMEN’S TITLE</p><p> Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen</p><p> </p><p> The New York Doll vs. Bradley Blaze</p><p> </p><p> Natural Storm vs. Thunder & Lightning</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <em>Next show should be up Saturday folks!</em></p>
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Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. The Ring Generals

No Contest, as the champs simply cannot lose here.


Steve Flash & Remmy Honeyman vs. Fury & Finesse

F&F are pretty hardcore, but we don't want their egos to get the better of them.


Ford Gumble vs. Fumihiro Ota

He's been getitng more matches lately, while Fumi's been out of the spotlight.



Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen

No hotshots! Loaded boot! Interference!


The New York Doll vs. Bradley Blaze

NYD's getting a push, so up he goes!


Natural Storm vs. Thunder & Lightning



Speaking of which, question for Thunder & Lightning: Welcome aboard, boys! How does it feel to be south of the border, working in the home of Old School?

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<strong>Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright</strong> vs. The Ring Generals - sets up something down the road</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash & Remmy Honeyman</strong> vs. Fury & Finesse</p><p>

Never bet against Flash</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ford Gumble</strong> vs. Fumihiro Ota</p><p>

Gumble getting the bigger push</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen</strong></p><p>

Double DQ or countout</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New York Doll</strong> vs. Bradley Blaze</p><p>

NYD is part of the future</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm</strong> vs. Thunder & Lightning</p><p>

What Regis said</p>

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<p><strong>Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright</strong> vs. The Ring Generals</p><p>

<em>Since Wright hasnt retired (or died) yet, he and Vessey win.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Steve Flash & Remmy Honeyman vs. <strong>Fury & Finesse </strong></p><p>

<em>I am loathe to vote against Flash, but other team is named</em></p><p> </p><p>

Ford Gumble vs. <strong>Fumihiro Ota</strong></p><p>

<em>badass ninja over washed up cowboy</em></p><p> </p><p>


Stephanie Wade vs. <strong>Amber Allen</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New York Doll</strong> vs. Bradley Blaze</p><p>

<em>punk is better than country</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Natural Storm vs. <strong>Thunder & Lightning</strong> </p><p>

<em>Thunder and lightning are more dangerous than a natural storm</em></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:36px;">NYCW Big Apple Breakdown</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';">

</span></strong><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">Live to DVD from The Home of Old School</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">

Saturday, Week 4, February 2012</span></span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-family:'Times New Roman';"><span style="font-size:24px;">

Audience: 1,770</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">Pre-Show/DVD Extras</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Connie Morris vs. Rachel Ruin</strong></p><p>

Rachel’s improvement has really started to make it’s presence felt- her offence is still based primarily around kicks, but she’s starting to do a better job of getting the crowd involved in her matches, and she’s still one of our most motivated wrestlers. On the other hand, her momentum is still pretty low, and Connie was having a bit of an off day, so this match was generally disappointing. I gave the victory to Connie: Rachel’s solid, but when you’ve got a heel champion you need to keep the potential challengers strong.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Connie Morris <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:18px;">The Show</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Amber Allen vs. Stephanie Wade</strong></p><p>

This was a pretty good match, but wasn’t up to the standards of last month’s tag match. Part of the issue was timing- I forgot to extend our run-time up to 2 hours, so this one was a short match to fit in everything I had planned. There were also a couple of issues with Stephanie’s performance- she’s not exactly our most consistent worker, and for some reason has a habit of coasting by without putting in the full effort. That being said, both these girls are more than talented enough to give a decent performance, and this one was built around a fairly simple story: Amber was able to ground Stephanie and work her over with mat-based offence, before the champ was able to get back to her feet and nail a surprise superkick, which damn-near knocked Amber out cold and allowed the champ to retain the title with another suspicious result.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Stephanie Wade <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

Backstage, Remmy is getting ready for his match later on when Sammy and Natural Storm jump him from behind, hitting him with a series of vicious blows and lining him up for A Storm Is Coming onto the concrete floor. Fortunately for Remmy, before they can hit the possibly career-ending move Steve Flash comes to the rescue, throwing forearms and driving the heels off. </p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">E+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

We cut back to the ring, where ‘Jet Boy’ heralds the arrival of The New York Doll for his match with Bradley Blaze. Before the match begins, however, The Doll gets a mic from ringside.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">“Bradley! I got no particular issue with you, boy, so stay down, stand back or get whacked, ‘cos you do NOT wanna mess with me!”</span></p><p> </p><p>

Doll’s still working on putting together a catchphrase, and this one got a decent reaction</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The New York Doll vs. Bradley Blaze</strong></p><p>

This was another good match from the Doll and Bradley, who provided exactly what you’d expect: an entertaining, straightforward brawl, although Doll threw in some technical work on his improve-the-cr@p-out-of-myself tour. This was a classic example of everything going right- everyone was on, they were working the crowd well and they were letting their charisma show through- and whilst it wasn’t an amazing bout that’s more due to Bradley’s inexperience than any real lack of ability on his or the Doll’s part. This one went to the Doll- he’s being built up in a big way, and besides, you have to reward a guy who works as hard as he does- as he nailed Bradley with the New York Death Drop at the 10-minute mark for the win.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> The New York Doll <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to Victoria Stone’s office, where she’s seated behind her desk in the second-biggest chair in the company (booker always gets the biggest- at least, he does when he’s me).</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#008080;">“For the last 11 months or so we’ve all been hearing about The Era of Vessey, and I don’t know about you but I’m really getting sick of hearing Cameron go on about it. So, in ‘celebration’ of the one-year anniversary, I’m booking something a little special for next month at Manhattan Mêlée</span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#008080;">

“Next month, at the one year anniversary of the beginning of the so-called ‘Era of Vessey’, we’ll see a rematch of that bout one year ago. It’ll be Cameron Vessey versus Steve Flash versus Fumihiro Ota versus Atom Smasher. First fall to the finish, winner takes the Empire Title. Good luck, Cameron. You’re going to need it”</span></p><p> </p><p>

A classic example of my lack of imagination in the booking (couldn’t think of anything else to do, so I came up with the rematch), Vicky did a good job of selling this one, although I’m not sure I like her being so vindictive to Cameron.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm vs. Thunder & Lightning</strong></p><p>

The debut match for our newest tag team was a solid effort, but nothing really spectacular. Thunder & Lightning aren’t what you’d call great workers, but Lightning Lomas is a good guy backstage, and Steve’s recently taken Jason under his win so he’s definitely sticking around. To be fair they’re also an experienced tag team, with a neat line in double-team offence, but it’s not like we’re exactly stuck for quality so they’re pretty usual in that respect. Natural Storm took the win here- they’re one of our best teams, and need to get their momentum back up from their loss at Rush Hour.</p><p>

<strong>Winners:</strong> Natural Storm <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">D+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Fumihiro Ota vs. Ford Gumble</strong></p><p>

This was largely to build up Ota’s pop a bit ahead of the rematch next month, but I shouldn’t have been surprised that it turned out an excellent match for us. Away from the main-event spotlight Ford can always be relied upon to turn in a decent match, and Ota’s almost exactly the right kind of opponent for him. Rock also used this match to bust out another new catchphrase: when a wrestler’s dominating their opponent they’re ‘beating him all the way to the bank’, which at least makes more sense than calling something a ‘Ring a Ding Dong Dandy’. As for myself, I settled for comparing this one to a match between Akahashi Kuno and Mean Mark Green, which is complete rot as these two aren’t anywhere near that good but sounded cool. As for the match itself, it ended when Kristen Pearce distracted the ref long enough for Deec to hit the ring and nail Ford with the Storm Damage, allowing Ota to cover him for the victory.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Fumihiro Ota <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

We’re back to the Interview Position, where Cameron and Lee are on hype duty for the main event.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#808000;">“The Ring Generals may very well be the second best tag team in the business- don’t kid yourselves, boys, there’s no way you’re better than Fury & Finesse- but tonight, they’re the latest victims of the Era of Vessey. Guys, you’re not just wrestling two singles guys, you’re wrestling the greatest Champion NYCW’s ever seen and a man with over 35 years of experience in this sport. You’re doomed, pure and simple. And tonight, when I nail one of you with the Vessey Driver and leave you lying in the ring, you better believe that your little tag title reign is gonna be over real quick”</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#8B0000;">“Statler, Waldorf, you ain’t got no chance against the two of us. ‘Cos we are Old School, and Old School Rules”</span></p><p> </p><p>

These two always deliver solid promo’s, though this wasn’t one of their best.</p><p>

<strong>Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Steve Flash & Remmy Honeyman vs. Fury & Finesse</strong></p><p>

My continuing ‘get Remmy over by standing him next to our top guys’ plan chalked up another success, as this was an excellent match. Granted, Youngman’s one of the best talents in the company, and you could hardly call Steve or Rhino poor wrestlers, but even so this was a surprisingly excellent match. We built it around the usual ‘face in peril’ story, since Steve’s so good at it, and sure enough the veteran spent the first 6 or 7 minutes getting beaten up by Ernest and Rhino, before a surprise dropkick on Rhino gave him a chance to nail the hot tag to Remmy, who cleaned house with his trademark technical offence, including a moment when he moved from a hammerlock to a headlock to a front facelock takedown on Ernest, which looked awesome. In the end the faces won this one, as Steve tagged back in to face off against Rhino, nailing him with a dropkick and the Flash Bang for the win.</p><p>

<strong>Winner:</strong> Steve Flash <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C+</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p>

*</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. The Ring Generals</strong></p><p>

I always expected this one to be slightly disappointing compared to the semi-main- no matter how good a team they are, neither of The Ring Generals can match Fury & Finesse in terms of individual quality- but you can’t very well put a match featuring all your champions anywhere other than the main event. Not that this was a bad match, mind you, as what the Generals lack in individual ability they make up for in tag experience, but I wouldn’t call it a dazzling success all the same. Story-wise we shied away from the usual face-in-peril stuff, as that doesn’t really work with our top champions, and instead built this around the idea that Cameron and Lee could beat The Ring Generals individually but couldn’t compete with their tag experience, which basically manifested in Cameron or Lee beating on their opponents, only for the Generals to make the quick tag and stage a fight-back. In the end, though, this one went to The Old School, as Cameron managed to nail Waldorf with the Turnbuckle Powerbomb before rolling him up for the win.</p><p>

<strong>Winners:</strong> Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright <strong>Match Rating:</strong> <em><span style="font-size:18px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C</span></span></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall Rating:</span></strong> <em><span style="font-size:24px;"><span style="font-family:Verdana;">C-</span></span></em>, probably due to the quality of the main event and a couple of low-rated angles early on.</p>

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So, let's take a look at the predictions shall we?


Regis: 4/6

Dragonmack: 3/6

BYU 14: 4/6


So, Regis and BYU 14 win out this week, with the option to ask any question they like of an NYCW superstar, excepting Thunder & Lighting as their question will be going up this week.

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Ring ring.


Ring ring.


Ring ring.




Hi, this is Hugh Dansigny. If one more person calls to ask me about the next show, I'll kill them. I'm working on it, okay? I know what I'm doing! No insider tips, no talking to dirt sheets, and if this is the guy who keeps leaving messages for Tammy, if she ever hears one of these she'll rip off your






Card for NYCW Manhattan Mêlée:



Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota



Honest Frank vs. Ford Gumble vs. Lee Wright



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester


The New York Doll vs. Remmy Honeyman


Bradley Blaze vs. DC Rayne


Miss Wrestling vs. Amber Allen


OOC Note: Sorry this is late and sans fan questions, folks, work has been a bit crazy.

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Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota



Honest Frank vs. Ford Gumble vs. Lee Wright



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester


The New York Doll vs. Remmy Honeyman


Bradley Blaze vs. DC Rayne


Miss Wrestling vs. Amber Allen

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Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota



Honest Frank vs. Ford Gumble vs. Lee Wright



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester


The New York Doll vs. Remmy Honeyman


Bradley Blaze vs. DC Rayne


Miss Wrestling vs. Amber Allen



My question goes to Honest Frank

"Were do you still find those polyester suits you wear?"

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Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota

Damn it all, I'll be right eventually!



Honest Frank vs. Ford Gumble vs. Lee Wright

Brass Knuckles, eh? Kind of his thing, isn't it?



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse

Not after a loss last month, and not with their inevitable rise to Main Event singles competition.



Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester



The New York Doll vs. Remmy Honeyman



Bradley Blaze vs. DC Rayne

Set up a tag match next month, maybe? Not sure...


Miss Wrestling vs. Amber Allen

She is damn good.


Question for Lee Wright: You've had a storied career. What matches of yours would you advise people to watch to get a good idea of your greatest hits?

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Show will be up later today, folks, so there's still time to get predictions in. For those wondering, I'll probably put our backlog of fan questions up on monday with the follow-up, since that's always been kind of pointless otherwise.
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Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota



Honest Frank vs. Ford Gumble vs. Lee Wright



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester


The New York Doll vs. Remmy Honeyman


Bradley Blaze vs. DC Rayne


Miss Wrestling vs. Amber Allen

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Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey vs. Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota



Honest Frank vs. Ford Gumble vs. Lee Wright



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester


The New York Doll vs. Remmy Honeyman


Bradley Blaze vs. DC Rayne


Miss Wrestling vs. Amber Allen

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NYCW Manhattan Mêlée

Saturday, Week 4, March 2012

Live to DVD From the Home of Old School

Audience: 1,731


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Thunder & Lightning vs. Old School Principals

This wasn’t a great match for our tag division, but considering that neither of these teams are top-rank that’s understandable. It was still good, though, as whilst Thunder & Lightning aren’t especially good individually they’ve got a lot of experience as a unit, and against the veteran experience of the Principals that made for a good match that emphasised teamwork above individual workrate. This one went to the Principals- they’re the better team, after all- with Rick tying Jason Thunder up in the Figure Four Leglock whilst The Mauler subjected Lomas to the Iron Claw.

Winners: Old School Principals Match Rating: D+



The Show


Remmy Honeyman vs. The New York Doll

This was a fairly standard singles bout enhanced by two things. Firstly, Remmy and the Doll work pretty well together, so this match had a really good flow to it, which isn’t always easy with a brawler/technical wrestler match-up. Secondly, Remmy had Whistler in his corner, and if there’s one thing Whistler does well, it’s getting the crowd revved up. Admittedly, getting them to chant ‘USA!’ probably wasn’t the useful tactic, given that everyone involved with the match was American, but the point is that the crowd were involved and really enjoyed the match, which is the important thing. Remmy took the win here, reversing an attempt at The New York Death Drop into The Honeyman Special before rolling through into a pin.

Winner: Remmy Honeyman Match Rating: C-




No sooner has the match ended than Remmy’s under attack from the Pearce Collective, as Sammy, the Storm, Miss Wrestling and Ota all hit the ring to lay a beatdown on him, driving Whistler away from ringside when he attempts to help his protégé. Fortunately for Remmy, when Whistler returns it’s with Steve Flash in tow, and the veteran proceeds to drive off the heels.

Rating: E+




Bradley Blaze vs. DC Rayne

This was an okay match, but nothing outrageously special. The story itself was, as all the best NYCW ones are, relatively simple: Rayne attempted to outgun Bradley with some technical work, but Bradley’s high-octane brawling forced him to respond in kind, and this degenerated into a fistfight fairly quickly. There were a couple of issues- neither man is the model of consistency, so there were a couple of ropy spots- but for the most part those settled down once it turned into a brawl, as it’s kinda hard to blow a bunch of punches and lariats. In the end, Rayne took the win here using the old ‘veteran outsmarts the rookie’ story: Bradley went for the Dallas Drop but spent too long playing to the crowd on the set-up, allowing Rayne to counter with the Storm Damage and score the pinfall.

Winner: DC Rayne Match Rating: D+




For the first time tonight we’re at the Interview Position, where Cameron’s on hype duty for the main event


“So, Victoria Stone’s decided to mark the first anniversary of the Era of Vessey with a rematch. Well, I’ve already beaten you guys once, a repeat performance isn’t too much to ask for. Ota, you’ve got some great technique but you don’t have the power to bring me down. Steve, maybe you could’ve taken me in your prime, but that ended 10 years ago, and you really can’t stop me now. And as for Atom Smasher, that big crazy old b@stard, I’m fed up of you being here. I’m fed up of you not bending over and kissing my @ss like everyone in this company should. So tonight, I’m gonna make an example of you. And when you’re lying in the hospital, with your back broken and your career finished, you’re gonna know that there is NOBODY better than me. Nobody, you understand me?”


I’ve switched things round in our four-way promo’s, and it worked a lot better- with less emphasis on the guys he’s facing, Cameron was free to deliver a characteristically nasty promo.

Rating: C




Sammy the Shark vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Another fairly standard brawl, this was a case of everyone being on but the talent not really being up to a great match. There was nothing wrong with this match- both Sammy and Buck had their working hats on, and there were no morale or momentum issues- but Buck’s still pretty green, and Sammy’s a good worker but not someone who can carry people. That led to this being, as I said, a standard brawl, with Buck playing to the crowd and Sammy utilising some technique to spice things up a bit. In the end, Sammy got the win after Doll interfered whilst Michael was distracted, nailing Buck with the New York Death Drop and leaving him open to the Ace in the Hole from Sammy.

Winner: Sammy the Shark Match Rating: D+




As Sammy and Buck clear the ring me and Rock hyped the tag title match (with Rock getting in his ‘Ring a Ding Dong Dandy’ catchphrase), only to be joined on commentary by Victoria Stone, who was apparently out to make sure that things stayed clean for the title match. This didn’t get a bad reaction so much as no reaction at all- people didn’t hate it, they just didn’t really care.

Rating: E+




The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse

It’s a sign of how good he is that Ernest’s already risen to the main event, so this match was designed to redress the balance a bit and keep him from getting too over too quickly. Of course, it was still a classic encounter, but hey, you can’t have everything, and I’d rather have a classic match that an average one that dropped Ernest into the midcard. The story was the same as always with these teams- Ernest kept things on the mat, Rhino used his power, and The Ring Generals used frequent tags and tag-team expertise to keep things even. In the end, Ernest made the rookie mistake of letting Waldorf get too close to his corner, allowing Statler to tag in and unleash some of the team’s best double-teams, including the double whip into the corner, the clothesline-and-knee-lift combo and finally The Squared Circle Assault to score the victory and retain the title.

Winners: The Ring Generals Match Rating: C+




Once again we’re at the Interview Position, where Kristen Pearce is on hype duty for Miss Wrestling’s match


“There’s nothing more pathetic than someone who think they’re better than they really are, Amber Allen, and tonight, Miss Wrestling gonna show you how pathetic you really are. I mean, come on, you really think you can take this woman on? Puh-lease. Miss Wrestling has greatness flowing in her veins, she’s the greatest second-generation star to ever grace women’s wrestling, and you? You’re the protégé of a woman so completely without ability she couldn’t even beat that overhyped streak of nothing Victoria Stone. This is going to make lambs to the slaughter look like the Teddy bear’s picnic”


Kristen’s a decent talker, but this fell rather flat as neither Brooke nor Amber have much by way of overness.

Rating: E+




Amber Allen vs. Miss Wrestling

They might not be producing the best angles in the business, but in the ring these two are some of the best around, and that really showed in this one. This was a wrestling clinic, with the focus of mat wrestling and trading submission holds, and whilst that can be a bit dull for some crowds the NYCW audience is one that really appreciates quality technical wrestling. Admittedly we did throw in a couple of flashier spots to liven things up- Brooke nailed Amber with a top-rope crossbody, and got a 2-count off of a top rope splash- but they were there to provide a bit of variety. In the end, this one went to Miss Wrestling, after Kristen tripped Amber and left her open for the Brooke Breaker.

Winner: Miss Wrestling Match Rating: C




Once again we’re backstage at the Interview Position, where Atom Smasher is on hype duty for the main event


“The planets have aligned, the long-dead world of Gallifrey has returned to its orbit, and once again the Atomic Warrior Spirits have guided the path to the brink of the vortex. Like the cursed denizens of Skaro and the machine-monsters of Mondas evil shall be cast down, through all time and space, and when the Empire title is taken from the servants of the Black Guardian then shall right return to the galaxy, empowered the spirits of the eleven atomic champions and enshrined forever in the halls of nuclear time”


The rematch has really got the crowd fired up, and with Atom Smasher on his usual form this was one of our hottest angles ever.

Rating: C+




Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank vs. Lee Wright

This was a decent match, but for some reason didn’t quite deliver to the level I’d expected. I couldn’t tell you why- Lee and Frank are both feeling their age but no more so than last month, and whilst it’s easy to blame Ford’s unreliability I don’t think he was off form tonight. In any case, this felt rather disjointed, and whilst the action was solid enough they made the mistake of doing the ‘one man gets thrown out of the ring and spends ages at ringside’ trick, which frankly looks rubbish. In the end Frank got the win- he has a title run stipulated in his contract- with brass knuckles shots all round and a roll-up of Ford with his feet on the ropes.

Winner: Honest Frank Match Rating: C-




“And now, fans of NYCW, It’s Time for the Rematch One Year in the Making! LIVE from the Home of Old School, The Rogers Ballroom in New York City, right here in the United States of America!



Before we begin this match, I give NYCW’s senior official and the man in charge from bell to bell…hailing from New York City, Michael ‘No B.S.’ Bull!


And now, it’s time to meet the competitors!





“Hailing from Tokyo, Japan, he weighed in this morning at Two Hundred Fifteen Pounds…he is the Silent Assassin, FUMIHIRO OTA!!!”





“Next of all, originally from Winnipeg, Manitoba and now residing in Newark, Delaware, he weighed in this morning at Two Hundred Thirty Three Pounds…he is a Triple Crown NYCW Champion, ‘The Remarkable One’ STEVE FLASH!”





“Hailing from the Halls of Atomic Power, he weighed in tonight at Two Hundred Sixty Pounds…I give you The Detonation Sensation, The Master of Disaster, The Most Explosive Wrestler in the United States…ATOM SMASHER!”





“And finally, originally from Sacramento, California and now residing in Charlotte, North Carolina, he weighed in this morning at Two Hundred Forty Eight Pounds...He is the current reigning Empire Champion, with a reign of One Year and Eight Title Defences…The Captain of The Old School, The Master of the Vessey Driver, The Second Generation Sensation…CAMERON VESSEY!”


“Those are your competitors, this match is one fall to the finish for the NYCW Empire Title, and now…LLLLLLLLLLET’S GET READY TO RUMBLE!”


Fumihiro Ota vs. Steve Flash vs. Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey

Note to self- long waits for rematches are good. This was our best ever match by some considerable margin, and whilst the wrestlers had a lot to do with that- we basically went with wall-to-wall action as the storyline, which works in a big title match like this- most of that was to do with the red-hot crowd. Seriously, the pop whenever Flash nailed a dropkick, or when Smasher nailed Cameron with the one-handed scoop slam was off-the-charts, and as for the finish- well, let’s just turn it over to the commentary, shall we?


“TURNBUCKLE POWERBOMB! Cameron’s beating Steve all the way to the bank!”


“This is it, it has to be! Ota’s been laid out by the Vessey Driver, Flash is beaten black and blue and Smasher’s backstage somewhere chasing after Emily!”


“Cameron’s lining it up…VESSEY DRIVER! This is it, folks, Steve’s d@mn near comatose after that. One, Two…SMASHER BREAKS IT UP! ATOM SMASHER HAS BROKEN THE PIN!”


“Where did he come from? Where the h*ll are the rest of The Old School?”


“The Detonation Sensation has Cameron in his sights! One Lariat! Two! Three! Smasher’s going to town on Cameron, and it’s really starting to show…LOW BLOW! LOW BLOW by the Champ!”


“There’s a reason why he’s number one Rock! Go on Cameron you almost got him!”


“He’s lifting him up for the Turnbuckle Powerbomb! What the…he can’t do it, Smasher’s fighting with everything he’s got to stay in this one…I DON’T BELIEVE IT! I JUST DON’T BELIEVE IT!”


“He’s got the champ up for the Mushroom Cloud! Where the hell are Youngman and Umaga, they’re supposed to stop this kind of thing?!”








“I don’t believe it, I just don’t believe it!”


“What a match and what a show! It’s been a Ring-a-Ding-Dong-Dandy of an evening, we’ll see you next month for Big Time Wrestling III, as always right here at The Home of Old School. ‘Til then, Good Night and Good Luck!”

Winner: Atom Smasher Match Rating: B-



Overall Rating: C, thanks to the main event and the tag team match

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So, let's have a look at the predictions and see how things went, shall we?


Hashasheen: 1/7

BYU 14: 3/7

Regis: 7/7

Boltinho: 3/7

Dragonmack: 3/7


So, Regis wins and gets the right to ask a question of any NYCW superstar he wishes, excluding those asked in this round of questions, which will be appearing...right now!


Firstly, this one from Regis:


For Thunder & Lightning: "Welcome aboard, boys! How does it feel to be south of the border, working in the home of Old School?"


Lighting Lomas: It's a very different environment from 4C, but I think we've settled in pretty well. It was funny when we started, Jason was all 'Remember, be cool, be professional, we don't want to act like marksOH MY GOD IT'S STEVE FLASH THAT'S SO AWESOME!". But yeah, I think it's really just a matter of perspective- in Canada we're a semi-established team, in New York we're up-and-comers who've yet to establish themselves.


Next up, one from BYU 14:


For Honest Frank: "Where do you still find those polyester suits you wear?"


Honest Frank: To be honest, I've had the suits for years. It goes back to when I was in XFW, first putting together the Frankie Future character. I kinda saw him as a slimy uptown guy, the sort who tells you how fantastic you are and what great friends you're gonna be and then bitches about you the second your back's turned, and Shane Sneer offered to give me a load of old suits he'd worn back in the late 80's when he was working for Supreme. As it was, Randall the Vandal, who ran the XFW booking back then, pushed Frankie into a kind of American Psycho direction, but the suits stayed and I've managed to keep them in pretty good condition ever since. The only thing I've ever had to replace were the ties- I, Butcher used to have a thing about choking me with them during matches and it tended to leave them in no fit state to wear.


Finally, from Regis:


For Lee Wright: "You've had a storied career. What matches of yours would you advise people to watch to get a good idea of your greatest hits?"


Lee Wright: There's probably a dozen or more matches that could go on a Best of Collection, but if I had to give a sampler, there's three I'd go with. Any of my GCG matches from the Best-of-7 series with Masayuki Shiga in the late 80's are probably a great intro to my work, I wrestled some of my best matches against him. The PGHW Elite Tag Team Series Finale- it's a round robin, not a knockout- against Mito Miwa Eisaku Hoshino was the best Team Strength Rush match and possibly the best of my career. And for the last phase of my career, my NYCW debut against Joey Minnesota, which was also his last match in New York, is probably your best bet. There's a couple of other matches you could probably look at as well- my early days in CICW and AICW had some great matches, but I don't know if any footage exists of them.

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Buddy Rogers’ New York Minute


We’re heading into Big Time Wrestling, notionally the biggest show in the NYCW calendar, and headlining the event is Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey, the culmination of Hugh’s long-running Frontline vs. Old School war and the pair’s personal feud. Now, I think it’s fair to say that this could stand as the pinnacle of Hugh Dansigny’s booking regime- this is the rubber match between the pair, the apex of the long-running Frontline/Old School war, and the culmination of a feud that’s now run for nearly a year- and could stand as one of the most important main events in NYCW history. So, this seems like a good time to look back at some of the other great main events in NYCW history, and so I’ve decided to use this month’s column to run down my personal top 5 greatest main events in NYCW history. Please note that by ‘greatest’ I don’t necessarily mean the best quality wrestling: NYCW’s always been as much about the storyline as the in-ring action, and I’ve ranked them as such.


(5) Whistler vs. Black Hat Bailey for the Empire Title (NYCW Back in the New York Groove, September 2009)

This one wasn’t great in terms of ringwork- after all, a year later Bailey would be retired and Whistler would be winding his career up- but in terms of storyline and emotion this is a classic. Whistler had been booked as the fighting champion, taking on all comers and working against the likes of Grandmaster Phunk, Lee Wright and (in a rare example of NYCW cross-promotion) MAW champ Mean Jean Cattley, whilst Black Hat Bailey was the underhanded villain with a weaselly manager in the form of Herb Stately. As I’ve already said, the match itself wasn’t great- Whistler’s offence was his usual shoulder-blocks and scoop slams, and Bailey didn’t go beyond his usual ‘work the back’ offence (the back rake, back breaker and spine punch)- but what’s really significant about this match was the finish, which saw Lee Wright and Old School Principals interfere, helping Bailey win the title and announcing the foundation of The Old School, which remains NYCW’s top heel stable to this day. So, whilst this match was pretty much business as usual in the ring, the importance of the finish and the fact that this marked Bailey’s first (and last) run with the Empire Title gets it onto the list.



(4) The Stomper vs. American Buffalo- World Title vs. US Title (NYCW Summer in the City, August 2001)

Stomper and Buffalo wrestled each other about 50 times during their combined run in NYCW, and most of those matches were big sellers for the company, but for my money this match was easily their best. For one thing, this was one of the best-booked matches in the history of NYCW: the Buffalo had been undefeated since September 1999, and his manager Herb Stately would memorably challenge The Stomper to a match for both Buffalo’s US Title and Stomper’s World Title ‘to prove his absolute dominance over singles wrestling’. So, right there you have a solid storyline: dominant monster heel vs. crafty veteran face, a story that was guaranteed to sell tickets, especially in a company as traditional as NYCW. As for the match itself, it was a classic example of psychology over technique: Stomper was a decade past his prime, and Buffalo’s never had what you’d call an extensive moveset, but nobody can tell a better story in the ring than Stomper, and it really showed here: the heat for this was the most consistently loud that I’ve ever heard for an NYCW show, and when Stomper finally rolled him up for the victory the cheers were quite literally deafening. The pair would face off several times more, but the heat and storyline never matched this effort, and that more than anything else gets this match onto the list.


(3) The Kornish Kompany (Ernest Mason, Sheik Mustafa & Morpheus) vs. The Texas Outlaws (Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman, Trailer Park Kid & Johnny Lawless) (NYCW Gang Wars, August 1997)

If you ever want to really wind Hugh Dansigny up, suggest that NYCW’s nothing more than a nostalgia-fest. It’s an unfair and inaccurate description these days, particularly when you consider that their two biggest stars are both under 30, but at the same time you have to acknowledge that there was a time from about 1995-2002 when nostalgia was a major part of the company’s make-up, with old stars like Corporal Doom, Sheik Mustafa and The Stomper himself playing off of past glories and younger stars like Morpheus or Chris Storm (the future Lobster Warrior) recycling gimmicks from the late 70’s. For the most part this resulted in some very average matches that did nothing for the company’s growth, but when it worked it really worked, as this match demonstrated. The story was simple enough- Led by Polish manager ‘The Real Deal’ Ivan Kornish the Kompany had been running rampant over NYCW since the beginning of 1997, but at Rumble in the Bronx they made the mistake of picking a fight with special guest Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman, who promised them ‘a f****** great @ss-whuppin like you limp-d*cked little f****** ain’t never f****’ seen before!’ Riots on Wall Street the next month saw him proved correct, as F-Bomb stormed the ring during the Mason/Doom main event, bringing old cohorts Johnny Lawless and the Trailer Park Kid with him. All that was set-up for the main event at the inaugural Gang Wars event, which saw all six men in the ring for the first time ever. Given that none of the Outlaws had wrestled since the TWL closed in 1995, and that Bowman in particular was a shadow of his prime, the match wasn’t bad: granted it was the most by-numbers brawl you could imagine, but at least everyone was trying hard, and the Outlaws were such a practiced unit that their teamwork was extremely impressive. The finish, which saw Lawless nail Morpheus with a Power Lariat dedicated to his mentor Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan, was probably a bad idea given that Morpheus was a rising star and none of The Outlaws stayed in the company, but for sheer entertainment value this match deserves it’s spot on the list.


(2) The Stomper vs. Crippler Ray Kingman for the NYCW World Title (The Era of Old School Begins, September 1988)

The main event from the first ever NYCW show, this featured a Stomper whose prime was only just past, and Crippler Ray Kingman, whose prime was so good that even after it was over he was still one of the greatest workers in the US. Okay, so there wasn’t really any storyline here- whilst the pair had worked in the same companies previously there was no great rivalry to play off- but the wrestling was some of the best NYCW’s featured, with Kingman’s technical excellence playing off of Stomper’s own technical skills excellently, and the pair’s psychology resulting in one of the most involving mat-wrestling clinics you’ll ever see at an independent level. What’s also interesting about this match is the extent to which it influenced the layout of NYCW main events for the next decade or so- the story of technically proficient face vs. manipulative cheating heel would crop up again and again whilst Stomper and Kingman were both at the company, and one can even see hints of that today in any match featuring Honest Frank or Sammy the Shark. Indeed, the only thing that really keeps this one from getting to number one is the booking: realistically speaking the company should have gone with Kingman as the inaugural champion- not only was he probably the better worker but he still had the name value to attract some mainstream attention to the company- but instead Stomper went over. To be fair this wasn’t a bad idea- by 1988 the SWF was all-powerful, and Stomper was the only member of the roster that could be relied upon to stick around- but it still counts again the match in my estimations.


(1) Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank for the Empire Title (NYCW Summer in the City, July 2008)

If there’s one rivalry that I’d have to pick out as my favourite in NYCW, it’d have to be this one. Steve and Frank have been feuding on and off since 2005, and this match was the finale of a feud that dated back to Rumble in the Bronx 2007, when Frank cheated Steve out of the chance to challenge for the Empire Title, enlisting the aid of Sammy the Shark to ensure his victory in return for his helping Sammy taking Steve’s Tri-State Regional Title at Wall Street Warfare the following month. Unfortunately for Frank, that just freed Steve up to chase him for the title, and after a memorable encounter at Brooklyn Broadside that year Steve recaptured the title, it looked like the pair were finally finished. Unfortunately for Steve, Frank wasn’t done with him yet, and after his brass knuckles secured him another title shot in a match against Whistler, it was all set for the match for the ages- Two out of Three Falls for the Empire Title, with Michael Bull as referee and former New York Jets Linebacker Ed ‘Wahoo’ McDaniel as outside enforcer, ostensibly there to ensure no foul play from Frank. With that kind of storyline going in, it’s no wonder the match is still fondly remembered by NYCW fans today, especially when you consider the quality of the two workers. Sure, Frank’s not a workhorse on Steve’s level, few are, but nobody knows how to play to their strengths like Frank, and that made for a great mixture of wrestling technique and entertainment value. Frank predictably went ahead on the first fall with a surprisingly clean roll-up, only for Steve to stage his patented fightback, securing the second fall with a cross-body and pin. That set the stage for the third fall, which saw Frank unleash every dirty trick in the book (and he wrote the book), only for Steve to desperately hang on, fighting every pinfall and submission move with everything he had. In the end, though, it wasn’t enough, as Frank ‘accidentally’ nailed Bull with a brass knuckles shot and McDaniel entered the ring to shockingly nail Steve with a football tackle and fast-count Frank’s pinfall to give the heel the victory. The explanation, that Frank was a lifelong New York Jets fan who’d talked Ed round with his silver tongue, even made quite a lot of sense in context, making for a surprisingly well-booked feud ending, unusual in a company that used to be famous for it’s poor endings to feud (at least until the overhaul in the booking that saw Hugh and Frank being brought on the booking team in 2007). That combination of storyline, booking and match quality makes this, for me, the greatest match in NYCW history.




The card for NYCW’s next show, NYCW Big Time Wrestling III (which, by the way, will be featuring a specially designed stage set built to resemble the New York skyline) has been released and currently looks something like this:



Atom Smasher © vs. Cameron Vessey



The Ring Generals © vs. Fury & Finesse vs. The Lone Star Express vs. Natural Storm


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank



Sammy the Shark © vs. Remmy Honeyman



Stephanie Wade © vs. Amber Allen vs. Miss Wrestling vs. Tamara McFly


The New York Doll vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester


Lee Wright vs. Kentucky Bill


Next show should be up Saturday, folks, but I can't guarantee as schedules are all over the place at the moment- Uni's been snowed out for two days running, so I really don't know what's happening

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Atom Smasher © vs. Cameron Vessey


Im so happy Smasher has the strap



The Ring Generals © vs. Fury & Finesse vs. The Lone Star Express vs. Natural Storm


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank



Sammy the Shark © vs. Remmy Honeyman


Time for Sammy to step aside



Stephanie Wade © vs. Amber Allen vs. Miss Wrestling vs. Tamara McFly


The New York Doll vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester


Lee Wright vs. Kentucky Bill

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Atom Smasher © vs. Cameron Vessey

smasher just won this



The Ring Generals © vs. Fury & Finesse vs. The Lone Star Express vs. Natural Storm

the ring generals are a solid team with long term potential


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank




Sammy the Shark © vs. Remmy Honeyman

You are getting more out of the Sharkmeister than I do



Stephanie Wade © vs. Amber Allen vs. Miss Wrestling vs. Tamara McFly

four ways usually mean title change


The New York Doll vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

Punk over country


Lee Wright vs. Kentucky Bill

Old man still kicks ass

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Atom Smasher © vs. Cameron Vessey

Still early in his run



The Ring Generals © vs. Fury & Finesse vs. The Lone Star Express vs. Natural Storm

Gotta go with the veterans, I wish now I had pushed them more in my diary.


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank

Tough one, Frank gets it done with dirty deeds



Sammy the Shark © vs. Remmy Honeyman

I hate Sammy :)



Stephanie Wade © vs. Amber Allen vs. Miss Wrestling vs. Tamara McFly

Agree with Dragonmack here


The New York Doll vs. Cowboy Buck Winchester

The Doll has long term potential to be a star


Lee Wright vs. Kentucky Bill

KB doesn't have the "Wright" stuff yet.

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