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NYCW: Old School 'Til We Die

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Thanks for the plug, sir.


I was actually thinking about the variety in your roster before you mentioned it during the main event there. It seems like the kind of independent wrestling show I'd like to attend in real life! I suppose the only thing missing is a comedy match on the lower card (but those things generally stink up the ratings in TEW).


Thanks very much for the kind words- yeah, I do try to get as diverse as possible with my roster (within NYCW's somewhat limited remit- I find it difficult to justify CZCW-style high fliers or Deathmatch specialists). As for the comedy undercard, it's something I'm trying to work on but my original plans for it fell through and I ended up re-jigging my plans somewhat in a way that rendered it rather difficult. However, when I launch my next dynasty (most likely an NYCW 97/2005 game depending on what mods are available) I do want to try and scale that up, particularly as there's ways of doing comedy without affecting ratings (mostly involving 'comedic' characters who're still competent wrestlers, a la The Colony or Delirious- and yes, I mark for CHIKARA)


Ernest Youngman... I signed him in my game and managed to hold onto him for a whopping three or four shows before one of the big boys came in and poached him. It seems like you're having better luck than I there. The kid's a workhorse.


Youngman is the definition of what I see NYCW as, so it's awesome that I've been able to keep him. In fact, that's a defining feature of this game so far- I've had precisely two workers signed away (Jared Johnson and Lauren Easter, both to NOTBPW), and neither of them were exactly staggering losses. Frankly, I'm more likely to lose top talent to retirement than to other companies (though I'm four months into 2012 qand Lee Wright's still going so who knows?)


Also, I need to get off my butt and hire Queen Emily myself. Her entertainment skills are worth her asking price.


One warning- she won't necessarily do as well as you'd think. She has better skills than Cameron or Lee in talking, but they both get higher results in entertainment-based angles. Granted that's maybe popularity, but it's still worth bearing in mind.


Anyway, let's take a look at the results of the predictions and see how it's gone shall we?


Regis: 3/5

Boltinho: 2/5

QFresh: 2/5

Dragonmack: 2/5


So, nobody reckoned on the power of the contractual obligation, and a few people overestimated my ability to spot the best wrestler in the women's match. Anyway, Regis wins and has the right to ask a question of any wrestler on our roster he chooses.


And now for a new feature: Plug of the Week! In this slot I plug one or two dynasties I've seen and really enjoyed, in an effort to encourage y'all to check them out and keep such projects going through increased fan support. So, this week's plugs are for:


Number Six's 'NYCW 2012: Gotham Unleashed', a fab new NYCW dynasty that really stands out from both my own and Dragonmack's work, as well as featuring some really interesting new talent (though I'm forced to ask: where the heck is Honest Frank?)


hrdcoresidebrns' 'OLLIE: A New Era', a new lucha dynasty that will hopefully do good business. I've always rather liked hrdcore, strecthing right back my GCG dynasty on '07, when he was the first person to comment on it other than Regis.

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(though I'm forced to ask: where the heck is Honest Frank?)


I could never really get a grip on what Frank's character actually was. It didn't help matters that every time I looked at his original render, which I was still using at the time, I thought he was a manager instead of a 'big brawler from New York'.


However, the main reason I let him go is because he signed with a couple other promotions and kept having schedule conflicts with my shows. That's also the main reason I have my TV tapings on Saturdays - because I have a few key guys working other promotions during the week and I don't want to miss anybody.

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Buddy Rogers’ New York Minute


Now, as my regular readers may be aware, a few months ago I mentioned rumours of an anti-Vessey cabal in NYCW. The story, for those of you who haven’t heard it, goes that Hugh Dansigny has gotten involved with a group, containing at least one major NYCW star (though no names have actually been forthcoming) who are putting together a plan to keep Larry Vessey from taking over the company after The Stomper retires. Now, ordinarily I wouldn’t talk about this one much- NYCW head office is keeping schtum about boardroom politics, and in any case the rumour’s decidedly unsubstantiated- but word has reached me of a story that throws this rumour into sharp relief.


Apparently, sometime in the next four months, The Stomper is planning to announce his retirement.


Of course, at this stage the rumour is only a rumour (though I can confirm that it’s come from reputable sources in the NYCW set-up), and in any case it wouldn’t be the first time Stomper’s talked about his retirement without going through with it. However, with Larry still in a position to take power, and Hugh’s antipathy towards him increasingly obvious, it does seem likely that Hugh will be looking to try and find a possible replacement for Stomper from the more traditionalist side of the roster. In the interests of, well, not having much else to talk about, I’ve identified the three most likely candidates.



The Masked Mauler: Mauler’s been one of Stomper’s closest allies in the backstage area for years now, and given that he’s served on the booking team as well it’s reasonable to assume that he and Hugh can work together. However, for my money he’s the least likely of the three, for one very simple reason- he’s not a leader. He’s got the acumen, the creativity and the presence to be the boss, but right from the get go Mauler’s always been more of a foot-soldier than a general, and I don’t see that changing when Stomper retires.



Steve Flash: Steve, a former NOTBPW star and currently of NYCW’s biggest names, has to be Hugh’s preferred choice. The pair have a long history of working together well- Hugh pushed Steve to close to the main event when he was working at North of the Border, and has been one of Flash’s biggest supporters for the last five years. It’s also the case that Flash has the ability, and personality, to run the company, and could probably command the influence to win over the middle ground if he and Larry go head to head. However, there is one thing about Steve to bear in mind: he’s always been very vocal about his desire to return wrestling to the days when it was perceived as a legitimate sport, and that added realism may lead to changes Hugh would rather avoid.



Fumihiro Ota: In some ways Ota seems like the least likely of all the candidates- he’s been at the company the least time, and has never really had much of a presence backstage. However, it’s worth bearing in mind that Ota’s day job is as joint owner of Connecticut’s most successful chain of Car dealerships, and the fact that he lives in Stamford should tell you something about the kind of moolah this guy’s packing. That instantly makes him a possible candidate, especially given that a large wallet would help counterbalance some of Hugh’s more extravagant tendencies. Also, for those of you about to point out Ota’s stylistic unsuitability (and I’ll admit, a cruiserweight-turned-super junior isn’t a natural fit for NYCW’s current product), go back and watch any of the old BHOTWG shows featuring Akahashi Kuno, and spot all of the spots of his that Ota’s used. In his own way Ota’s even more Old-school than the likes of Honest Frank or Freddie Datsun, and that makes him a great fit for the ownership of NYCW: there’s more to old-school than extended homages to the TWL and Championship Wrestling from Boston, and with Hugh and Ota heading up the company there’s a real chance of NYCW entering a new, exciting period.



Of course, at this stage all of this is conjecture- for all we know, Stomper will live forever and run the company ‘til judgement day (let’s face it, it could happen). In any case, this’ll give all of you NYCW fans out there something new to talk about whenever the rumours about the company’s future circulate.




The card for NYCW’s next show, Back in the New York Groove, is as follows



Cameron Vessey vs. Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



The Pearce Collective (Natural Storm & Sammy the Shark) vs. Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express


Freddie Datsun vs. The New York Doll



Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly


Now it’s time for the fan questions. This one’s from Regis:


For Ernest Youngman: “What made you choose New York for your debut?”


Youngman: When I first joined the world of professional wrestling, every company in North America was beating down my door looking to sign me up. Tommy Cornell, Richard Eisen, Jeremy Stone, Alex DeColt…you name them, they wanted me. But there was only company that had the quality product, the depth of roster and the sheer class to interest me. So, here I am, in New York City Wrestling, the finest wrestling company- and that’s wrestling, not sports entertainment- in all of the world. And, boy, if you think you’ve seen the best NYCW has to offer, just wait ‘til you get a look at me.

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Cameron Vessey vs. Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



The Pearce Collective (Natural Storm & Sammy the Shark) vs. Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express


Freddie Datsun vs. The New York Doll



Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly

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Cameron Vessey vs. Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



The Pearce Collective (Natural Storm & Sammy the Shark) vs. Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express


Freddie Datsun vs. The New York Doll



Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly


Think you are building to a renewal of the Flash-Vessey feud, and I personally think highly of the Ring Generals ( they are getting quite popular in my save). I actually teamed Sammy and Remmy back in my '07 NYCW diary, but I think Pearce's stable wins here. While you say NYD is a upper mid carder for you, I still think Datsun would be more over, and just better. As for last one, nepotism is the rule of the day.

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Cameron Vessey vs. Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher

-Although I think it'd rock if Atom Smasher won the belt.


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank

-Flash can do the job to practically anyone and not lose any heat.



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



The Pearce Collective (Natural Storm & Sammy the Shark) vs. Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express


Freddie Datsun vs. The New York Doll



Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly

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Cameron Vessey vs. Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



The Pearce Collective (Natural Storm & Sammy the Shark) vs. Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express

Freddie Datsun vs. The New York Doll



Stephanie Wade vs.Tamara McFly

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Cameron Vessey vs. Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher

Is it? Could it be? We shall see...


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank

Hmm. Not sure. Call it a draw. Why not?



The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse

Not so soon, methinks. Don't want to devalue the Generals.



The Pearce Collective (Natural Storm & Sammy the Shark) vs. Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express

Sammy and the Storm have both had a lot of success.


Freddie Datsun vs. The New York Doll

Freddie does seem to be winding down, doesn't he?



Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly

Not a chance.

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Im backing a Steve Flash-in-charge campiagn aftr Stomper is gone



Cameron Vessey vs. Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher

Wright gets pinned and Smasher demands a one-on-one


Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank




The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse



The Pearce Collective (Natural Storm & Sammy the Shark) vs. Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express

Sammy is marginally above Remmy


Freddie Datsun vs. The New York Doll

Im getting abck into Freddie after seeing him in my game. Hes a star



Stephanie Wade vs. Tamara McFly

Love Steph. Shes new in HIW with me

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NYCW Back in the New York Groove

Saturday, Week 4, September

Live to DVD from Pennsylvania Park

Audience: 1, 674


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Rachel Ruin vs. Amber Allen vs. Emma Bitch

This wasn’t a great match, largely due to the fact that I’d completely forgotten about Rachel and hadn’t booked her for about six months, resulting in a bit of ring rust. Plus, Emma and Amber aren’t among the best workers we’ve got (Emma because of her personal issues, Amber because of inexperience), so there wasn’t really anyone to provide a stable point of quality to build around. That being said, I figure all three of these girls have a future in the business (Rachel in particular is working on improving her technical skills), and for my money this would’ve been better if Rachel hadn’t had the ring rust to shake off. In the end, Emma got the win with The Payback, to consolidate her number two heel spot in the division after Wade.

Winner: Stephanie Wade Match Rating: D



The Show


Freddie Datsun vs. The New York Doll

Two of my favourite workers in NYCW opened the show tonight, providing a solid opening match that got things off on the right foot. I don’t think anyone could describe the Doll as a top worker, but he’s a solid guy with a good personality and a unique look, so he’ll always have a role in any company I’m working for. As for Freddie, age has had it’s impact on him but he’s still one of our best workers, and can carry just about anyone to a good match. Against the Doll, who doesn’t really need to be carried, that made for a very good squash match, which ended with Freddie nailing the Patriot Press for the victory.

Winner: Freddie Datsun Match Rating: C-




After the bell has rung, Freddie’s making his way to the back when he’s met halfway by Honest Frank toting a chair. Frank, with typical directness, throws it into Freddie’s face, and proceeds to beat up his rival with considerable aplomb. As usual with these angles, the reaction was rather tepid.

Rating: D




Sammy the Shark & Natural Storm vs. Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express

Spot the obvious substitute for Jesse Christian: that’s right, Remmy’s stepping into the breach to kick off his first major feud in wrestling. He did a good job tonight, and whilst his rather more technical style didn’t really meld with the brawling of the Lone Star Express, he did a good job playing the face-in-peril to the Pearce boys. Inevitably that led into the hot tag to Dazzling Dave, who cleared house in spectacular fashion, taking all three of his opponents at once and apparently shrugging off their blows with ease (though, in fairness, he may have been drunk). In the end this one spiralled out of control, and whilst the Lone Star Express and Natural Storm brawled at ringside Remmy was able to isolate Sammy and nail his new finisher, The Honeyman Special (Double Underhook Facebuster), before rolling him into a sitout pinfall for the victory.

Winners: Remmy Honeyman & The Lone Star Express Match Rating: C-




For the first time tonight, we’re back at the NYCW Interview Position (fun fact guys: the Interview Position is basically just a couple of boards with all the old NYCW logos on that we set up in a corner of the canteen). Cutting a promo are The Old School, although Old School Principals are absent, replaced by Ernest Youngman and Rhino Umaga


“Another month, another fight in the Era of Vessey, and as usual I’ve got the full power of The Old School at my back. But, let’s face it, The Old School haven’t been as strong just recently, there’s been dead weight dragging us down, and everyone’s been getting a little complacent. So…well, why don’t you tell ‘em, Emily?”


“As of tonight’s show, The Old School’s undergone a revamp. Old School Principals are out, Maggie May’s been jettisoned, and we’ve bought in some new blood. Sure, Ol’ Angry B@stard Lee Wright’s still the elder statesman of The Old School, but now we’ve got new blood joining us. Last month, at Summer in the City, a new tag team debuted that are everything The Old School sets out to be, and when I saw them I knew I wanted them in the group. So, joining the group tonight we’ve got ‘The Assassin of the Squared Circle’ Ernest Youngman and ‘Samoan Fury’ Rhino Umaga”


As usual Umaga merely snarls at the camera, but Ernest’s toting a mic of his own


“In this business, it’s necessary to ally yourselves with the finest workers and thinkers in order to advance your career, and ensure that you reach the pinnacle of success. In New York City Wrestling, Queen Emily is recognised as the zenith of professional wrestling management, and in Cameron Vessey and Lee Wright The Old School boasts the finest representatives of wrestling’s past and present. Fury & Finesse, the future of the art of professional tag team wrestling, have now aligned themselves with this group, and nothing can hope to attain the greatness contained herein”


“D@mn right Youngman. Cameron, Umaga, I’ve been in this business for over 35 years now, and I’ve learnt one thing: you want to get places, you gotta break a few heads. And as for the Frontline, We’ve got just three simple words for you: Old School Rules”


The addition of Ernest (who’s a good talker) and Rhino (who’s fantastically menacing) have rounded out the generally solid entertainment skills of the rest of The Old School, making for a really quite good promo segment tonight.

Rating: C-




The Ring Generals vs. Fury & Finesse

This was a slight step down from the finale of the Ring Generals/Natural Storm feud, but then that was extraordinary for a tag match. Instead this was fairly standard for our division, simply a great tag match with some fantastic double-team work. For the most part this was a very grounded technical encounter, with Youngman trading holds with The Ring Generals, but whenever Rhino got a sniff of offense he was all power, tossing Statler & Waldorf around like rag dolls. In the end, this one went to a DQ finish, with Ernest and Rhino abandoning the rules to lay a vicious beat-down on Waldorf, leading to Michael Bull giving this one to the champs.

Winner: The Ring Generals Match Rating: C




Backstage, Atom Smasher’s at the Canteen, getting some food (presumably chicken blessed with the blood of a thousand gods of war and bathed in the atomic aura of the ancient spirits). Suddenly Lee jumps him, hitting him with a vicious series of knife-edge chops. Smasher’s able to fight back, but that leaves him open to Cameron, who nails him with a vicious chair shot to the back, following that up with multiple chair shots to his ribs and legs, eventually powerbombing him through of the tables.

Rating: D+




Tamara McFly vs. Stephanie Wade

Qualitatively speaking this wasn’t much different from Tammy’s last few defences-whilst Steph’s a solid competitor she hasn’t got Lauren’s ability or Connie’s chemistry- but given the general quality of the women’s division that’s hardly a bad thing, and in any case Tammy’s still the heart of the division and if you can work with her then you have a shot at the title. Stephanie’s chances are better than most, although I need to give her a run-out against some of the lower card talent to see how it goes, and to keep her chances alive I had Tammy go over on a DQ, after Stephanie threw her over the top rope (as opposed to pushing her over with a lariat or pulling the top rope down, or any one of the half a dozen other slightly different moves that are legal).

Winner: Tamara McFly Match Rating: C-




Once again we return to the interview position, where Cameron’s on hype duty for the main event


“You’ve already heard from me once tonight, so I’ll try to keep things brief. Atom Smasher, you cannot beat me, not now, not ever. And with Lee Wright in my corner tonight…well, if there was less chance than none that’s exactly how much you’d have tonight. As for you, Lee, well, you’re good, and you deserve this title more than most. But I’m not going to give it to you, and if you want it, you can come and take it. Tonight’s going to be a good night for The Old School, and the Era of Vessey…well, it ain’t over yet, sunshine”


Cameron’s done better than this, but triple threat matches always make for a weaker promo.

Rating: D+




Steve Flash vs. Honest Frank

This was nothing more than a filler match, but given that it was between two main eventers (and two talented ones at that) it was always going to be a good match. They may have very different styles- Flash is an all-round wrestler, Frank’s the definitive brawling-based entertainer- but they actually match up together pretty well in narrative terms, as Frank’s cheating can counterbalance Steve’s technical superiority. And, let’s be honest, in pure talent terms they’re two of the best we’ve got anyway. I gave this one to Steve, since I need to keep more faces on top whilst I’ve got a heel champion.

Winner: Steve Flash Match Rating: C




Cameron Vessey vs. Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher

This match was the perfect example of what I call ‘Steakhouse Wrestling’. There was minimal sizzle here, no real flashy moves or fancy spots, just three guy demonstrating really good, solid wrestling that kept you entertained and told a really good story. In this instance said story revolved around Cameron and Lee: initially they were on the same page as they teamed up on Atom Smasher, but in the end the lure of the Empire title proved too much for Lee, who scored a two-count on Cameron with a surprise roll-up. Cameron responded with his trademark equanimity, by which I mean he went completely berserk and beat the ever-loving cr@p out of Lee, even teaming up with Atom Smasher to nail a vicious double brainbuster before Cameron remembered whose side he was meant to be on. He promptly nailed Atom Smasher with his trademark delayed vertical suplex, before targeting Lee with the turnbuckle powerbomb and Vessey Driver for the win.

Winner: Cameron Vessey Match Rating: C+



Overall Rating: C, a return to form after Summer in the City’s rather lacklustre performance.

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Time for the follow-up, folks! And let's see how things went this month, shall we?


Swagger1994: 6/6

Dragonmack: 5/6

Number_Six: 4/6

Hashasheen: 4/6, since I'm not sure which way you were predicting the six-man

Regis: 4/6

Boltinho: 3/6


So, Swagge1994 and D-Mack have come in first and second, and since I'm feeling magnanimous both of you can ask a question of any NYCW superstar you wish.


Next post on Wednesday as usual, folks, although probably quite late as it's a ridiculously busy day for me at the mo.

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Sorry this is late, folks- wednesday was really busy


“Uncle Hugh!”


To say that Hugh was surprised when Lucy Stone-McFly attached herself to his leg and nearly toppled him over wasn’t an understatement, but it didn’t quite give the whole truth. Yes, Lucy was an enthusiastic child, but she was an enthusiastic child who lived in Canada with her parents, not one who was in the habit of appearing backstage at NYCW shows.


“Lucy! Not that I’m not pleased to see you, sport, but I gotta ask where your parents are, ‘cos if you’ve run away from home then they are going to kill me. And your Aunt Tammy is gonna help them”


“Silly Uncle Hugh. Mommy’s here too”


“So that’s where she got to. I should’ve known you two would gravitate to each other- an eight-year old, and a man who acts like an eight year-old, the perfect combination”


“Okay, firstly Vicky, I do not act like an eight year old because eight year olds wouldn’t come out with the half the language I do when nobody’s listening. And secondly, if you actually watch the show you’ll learn that the perfect combination is actually Rhino and Ernest, which let’s face it is the real reason you’re here anyway- how’s JJ doing?”


“He’s doing okay- Farrah hardly ever uses him, but he’s worked a couple of good matches, and let’s face it we haven’t got the depth of talent up there that we can replace him anyway. And I’m shocked that you’d accuse me of coming to poach talent- what’s wrong with taking Lucy to a nice, family-friendly wrestling show?”


“I’d say the main problem was the fact that we’re in an entirely different country, Vicky, just at a guess”


“You know I can’t take Vicky to a DeColt show- how would that look, a Stone appearing at a rival wrestling show? Everyone would think I was gonna jump ship. And I don’t hold with that hardcore stuff they do in Toronto, it’s not good for a little girl like Lucy to see that”


“Fair enough, I guess- I never cared for all that hardcore stuff either. But you’re never going to convince me that you don’t want to sign Youngman.”


“Puh-lease- maybe after he’s worked more than two matches ever, we’ll talk about bringing him up to the big leagues. But as a general rule, when you’re the biggest game in Canada, you don’t have to pick up the first wrestler you see that can tell the difference between a hammerlock and a half nelson”


“Oh yeah? Then why did you give that joke Devyn Reynaud a job? The man can’t do much more than flip around like some kind of fish out of water”


“For the man who pushed Dark Angel to the top of the company you really don’t like high fliers do you, Hugh?”


At that point Lucy, who’d already been nodding off, yawned loudly


“Can we go back to the hotel now mommy? I’m a-seepy”


“A-seepy, huh? That’s never good, sport, you better go to bed and sleep it off”


“Your uncle Hugh’s right, Lucy, even if it’s a miracle he ever sleeps with all the coffee he drinks. Let’s just find your grandma and then we’ll be off”


“Grandma? Vicky, where’s Sean?”


“Look it’s not a problem Hugh, okay, it’s just…”


“Vicky, I’m probably overstepping my bounds here, but last I looked Sean wasn’t their champion, or their flagship player, but he’s your husband and he’s Lucy’s dad and d@mmit he should be spending time with you guys, not runnin’ round the country with Cornell’s mob”


“Look Hugh, I’m only saying this because Lucy’s asleep already and won’t hear this, but right now it’s probably a good thing that Sean’s not around much- things aren’t exactly perfect between us at the moment, okay?”


“It’s the job, isn’t it? I’m not as stupid as I look, Vicky, I know Tommy’s looking to move north, and now Sean’s with his pack it feels like he’s running with the enemy now. I’ve seen it before, remember? Tammy ain’t my first attempt at marriage”


“It’s not that, it’s just…he’s on the road all the time. And okay, I know that’s the way the business is, I’ve grown up doing that, but when we got married and Sean joined North of the Border we were on the road together, y’know? And now we’re not, and even when he’s home I can’t talk to him about it because he’s exhausted from the TCW schedule, and I have to respect that because I’ve grown up with it. I just…I’m having to raise Lucy and Roger by myself, and I don’t know what I’m doing”


Vicky looked about ready to start crying at that point, which frightened Hugh more than a little: he was the one who freaked out about stuff and got stressed and crazy, Vicky was the strong one. It was how their friendship had worked since school, and now he was forced to play the strong character.


Still, at least he knew a thing or two about marital difficulty, twice over.


“Look, Vicky, this is gonna sound nuts, but you need to start doing something other than just sitting at home looking after the kids. When Tammy was off in Japan I was at home with nothing to do, and it nearly did the whole marriage in. Look at it this way: if you’ve got something to do yourself then you’ll just be just as exhausted as Sean when he’s around, and you won’t have to not talk about things because you won’t be able to”


“But what about the kids?”


“Oh, fer…Vicky, you’ve got about fifty billion siblings, your parents and me and Tammy, I’m sure somebody can take on some of the pressure. Heck, even Edd probably wouldn’t mind doing some of the work…though you probably shouldn’t leave them with him over the weekend, just a thought”


“Really? Wonder why that could be”


“Seriously, Vicky, don’t worry about the kids. Wrestler’s kids are always a bit crazy, and I figure you guys up North have enough sense to keep ‘em saner than most.”


“Oh yeah, about that…I’m leaving North of the Border. I figured there was nothing for me to do, and I didn’t want to hang around being miserable. Don’t suppose you could give me a job, could you? Like you said, it’d keep me busy, and I could always bring the kids to the show if I wanted”


“REMMY! Call Stomper, tell him I’m negotiating a new big-money contract so I’ll be needing the blank cheques again”




Card for NYCW The Battle of Broadway



Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher & Steve Flash


Freddie Datsun vs. Ernest Youngman


Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank



Sammy the Shark vs. Remmy Honeyman


Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express


Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen


PLUS the debut of NYCW’s New Commissioner, Victoria Stone!




Now, time for the fan questions! Our question this week comes from Dragonmack:


For Atom Smasher: "How does it feel to return to where you got your first taste of success six years ago, and does it feel as if you have backtracked in your career, coming back to NYCW from SWF?"


Atom Smasher: Sometimes it is necessary to return to the source of atomic energy to revitalise the soul of the warrior after battle. And in returning to the hall of atomic wonder the champion of nuclear power has reconnected with those that elevated him to the halls of nuclear excellence and rediscovered the passion that made him the champion of nuclear force. The birthground of tradition remains truly the proving ground for tomorrow’s champions, and the finest of the great compete here, forever enshrined in the chronicles of atomic excellence.

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Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher & Steve Flash


Freddie Datsun vs. Ernest Youngman

relatively new or not Youngman is awesome, and will be a major star ( providing you actually get to keep him)


Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank



Sammy the Shark vs. Remmy Honeyman


Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express


Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen

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Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher & Steve Flash


Freddie Datsun vs. Ernest Youngman


Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank



Sammy the Shark vs. Remmy Honeyman


Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express


Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen

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Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher & Steve Flash

You need the Frontline to pull some victories back to make this mean anything.


Freddie Datsun vs. Ernest Youngman

Because he's awesome.


Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank

Frank is getting a legitimate push, and that's a-okay with me!



Sammy the Shark vs. Remmy Honeyman

Not yet, Remmy.


Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express



Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen

Your new top heel, who barely lost last time against the champ.

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Show will be going up later today, folks- currently working on getting some more material done as we're starting to catch up to where I've written to (I've still got about six months in the bank, but I've done any real work on it for weeks and I don't want to get caught out).


EDIT: Okay, internet issues means that I can't get the show up today (every time I try my internet connection goes down), but I should be able to get it posted tomorrow. Plan is to post it early-ish, then do follow-up monday as usual to get back on track,

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Winner:Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. Atom Smasher & Steve Flash


Winner:Freddie Datsun vs. Ernest Youngman


Ford Gumble vs.Winner: Honest Frank



Sammy the Shark vs. Winner:Remmy Honeyman


Winner:Natural Strorm vs. The Lone Star Express


Winner:Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen


Sorry on iPhone ps question to youngman

how do you think you will fare against some of the best old school wrestlers in the world today

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NYCW The Battle of Broadway

Saturday, Week 4, October

Live to DVD from Pennsylvania Park

Audience: 1,644


Pre-Show/DVD Extras


The New York Doll vs. Riley McManus

I’ve decided to see if I can’t get Doll a bit more over, so tonight I put him over Riley McManus. This was a bad match, but not awful: sure, Riley’s almost completely useless, but Doll’s a solid worker and can be counted on to do a good job whoever he’s up against. Given that he’s getting a push he obviously got a quick win here, taking Riley out after just over 5 minutes with the Leg Drop.

Winner: The New York Doll Match Rating: D


Tamara McFly vs. Rachel Ruin

Another match to knock off Rachel’s ring rust, this was a better match than I’d expected. Rachel continues to be a flawed worker but she’s improving every match, and against a worker like Tammy she’s always going to be able to do pretty well. As for Tammy herself, she remains our strongest worker in the women’s division, and did a pretty good job of carrying Rachel past the weaker parts of her game before scoring the win with the McFly Roll.

Winner: Tamara McFly Match Rating: D+


The Show


Freddie Datsun vs. Ernest Youngman

This might be Freddie’s last match: he’s retiring soon, and didn’t want to re-sign with us as a result. If this is his last match with us, though, he’s going out in style, putting Ernest over in a match that rates as one of our finest ever, although given the combined quality in the ring that’s hardly surprising. This was typical NYCW stuff, with Ernest trying to slow things down so he could work his trademark submissions-based offence, whilst Freddie used his brawling expertise to try and stay ahead. In the end, though, Freddie went down, after Frank interfered with a steel chair, nailing him with a steel chair and setting him up for Ernest’s finisher, The Hit (Double A Spinebuster).

Winner: Ernest Youngman Match Rating: C+




After the bell has rung, Ernest locks Freddie into a viciously tight Camel Clutch, and what’s more Frank joins in the assault, throwing punches at Freddie’s unprotected face and neck. Fortunately for the downed star Ford Gumble comes out like a house on fire, chasing Frank and Youngman and giving the EMT’s a chance to get to Freddie.

Rating: D-




Sammy the Shark vs. Remmy Honeyman

This could have been better, but time constraints forced me to drop this match down to six minutes, which wasn’t really long enough for a midcard match like this one. Still, it wasn’t a complete disaster, as both of these guys are talented young workers, and with Kristen at ringside it definitely wasn’t dull. The story was simple: Remmy had the champ’s number, and out-wrestled him for most of the match, but due to Kristen’s dirty tricks he wasn’t able to secure a conclusive victory, and Sammy retained the title after Kristen nailed Remmy in the back with the belt, earning her man a DQ but enabling him to keep the belt in the face of very determined opposition.

Winner: Remmy Honeyman Match Rating: D




For the first time tonight we go backstage, but rather than going to the Interview Position we’re at an office. Seated behind an imposing desk is NYCW’s new Commissioner Victoria Stone


“You might have noticed that things have been getting out of hand just recently. The Old School have been getting away with whatever they like, and with The Frontline stepping up to take them on there are times when NYCW seems less like a wrestling company and more like a war zone. Well no more, because as of tonight I, Victoria Stone, a part of the First Family of Wrestling and the toughest woman in wrestling, have been installed as the official Commissioner of New York City Wrestling. From now on nothing happens unless I allow it- anyone caught getting outta line will be punished severely. And with that in mind, I have two announcements to make:


“Firstly, I realise that Freddie Datsun has a lot of friends backstage, and some of them are going to be steamed up about what happened to him earlier tonight. But, if anyone goes after Frank or Youngman tonight then they’ll be suspended without pay for six months. Instead, next month at Brooklyn Broadside Ernest Youngman will be facing The Tulsa Tornado Ford Gumble, in an attempt to seek redress the wrestler’s way. If anyone else gets involved in that match I’m not gonna be happy


“Secondly, tonight’s main event features members of The Frontline in direct competition with The Old School. Now we all know that’s gonna get crazy, and I can accept a certain amount of chaos as long as it’s entertaining for the fans. But make no mistake, if I see Fury & Finesse, or Ford Gumble, or anyone who’s not supposed to be there at ringside tonight then they’ll feel the sole of my boot on their @ss”


Victoria’s a pretty big name (she ought to be, the amount we’re paying her), and her entertainment skills made for a good reception to this segment.

Rating: D+




Natural Storm vs. The Lone Star Express

This one was another quality tag match from two of the company’s highlight tag teams. I don’t need to tell you how good Natural Storm are, and the Lone Star boys are charismatic brawlers that really go over with our crowd. This one was a full-on fight, with normal rules only nominally observed as both teams spent their time pounding on whoever came in range from the other side. Things quickly spilled out to ringside as Dazzling Dave and Deec started brawling at ringside whilst Bradley and Eddie duked it out in the ring. Eventually Michael Bull was left with no other option than to call for a double DQ after both teams decided that what the match really needed was more baseball bats and steel chairs.

Winners: None Match Rating: C




For the first time tonight we’re backstage at the Interview Position, where Whistler’s on hype duty for the main event


“Tonight, the war continues. We’ve all heard Vicky Stone talk about bringing an end to it, to stopping this little war, but you know what? The only way to stop a war is by eating one or the other sides so bad they gotta just lie down and die! And tonight, when my boys Atom Smasher and Steve Flash get into that ring, it’s gonna make Vietnam like a walk in the park! Cameron, Lee, you might have your dirty tricks, you might have your attitude, h*ll, you might have all the confidence in the world, but tonight you done walked into the war zone! And I done got me wrestling’s answer to Enola Gay and the United States Cavalry! HOOOOOOO!!!!!”


Note to self: when trying to get good angles from the Frontline, NEVER let Steve talk. Unencumbered by the less skilful talkers from the team, Whistler turned in one of his characteristically intense promo’s that got a good reaction.

Rating: D




Stephanie Wade vs. Amber Allen

This match kind of embodies the problem I have with Amber: I want to push her, but there’s nobody she can go over in the division to get her more over. Rachel’s below her on the totem pole, Emma’s needed as a filler challenger for the title, and Stephanie’s the number one heel in the division. That leads to matches like this one, where the action was great but the heat virtually nonexistent. Still, it wasn’t exactly a bad match, even if it wasn’t what I’d hoped for, and sooner or later I’m going to get the division exactly the way I want it. Stephanie took this one to keep her momentum up, scoring the pin with a majistral cradle in order to vary things up a bit.

Winner: Stephanie Wade Match Rating: D+




Once again we’re back at the interview position, this time to hear from Cameron and Lee.


“Seems to me that we’re always beating on The Frontline, and I’m guessing tonight will be no different. I mean, c’mon, me and Lee Wright, two of the finest wrestlers in the business, against a headcase like Atom Smasher and an antique like Steve Flash? This is going to add whole new levels to the word ‘massacre’. Boys, tonight you’re going to learn exactly why you’re living in the Era of Vessey”


“I’ve been in this business 36 years, longer than anybody else still wrestling, and you know what I’ve learnt? That there’s only two things in this business that are guaranteed to hold true: first, that there’s no problem that can’t be solved by a little bit of violence. And secondly, and most importantly, Old School Rules”


Both Cameron and Lee are competent talkers and two of our biggest names, so this segment got one of the best reactions we’ve ever had from an angle.

Rating: C-




Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank

Oh great. I originally envisaged Ford as stepping into Freddie’s shoes and taking over his feud with Frank, but this was a very disappointing match. Hopefully this is just a one-off due to Ford’s nerves and the placement of the match, but even so I’m going to have to be careful with this feud if I want it to have legs (or I could just replace Ford with Freddie’s replacement in the Frontline, once I figure out who that is). In any case Frank got the win tonight, ‘accidentally’ nailing Michael with a lariat and then downing Ford with the brass knuckles whilst the ref was out.

Winner: Honest Frank Match Rating: D+




Atom Smasher & Steve Flash vs. Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright

After the disappointing semi-main it was good to be reminded of how good the rest of our main event is. There were problems, of course: Lee’s bad back means he can’t bump for Atom Smasher’s big power moves particularly well, but we solved that one by having Steve play face-in-peril, so Lee really only had to beat Steve up for most of the match, and given Steve’s general levels of ability that’s not exactly difficult. Of course that didn’t last for the whole match, and after Steve was able to nail a big dropkick to Cameron the hot tag was made to Atom Smasher, who cleaned house in truly spectacular style, taking Lee out of the match by simple expedient of tossing him out of the ring (over the top so he could get onto his feet for the bump). Cameron then tried for a running high knee, only for Atom Smasher to scoop him up and nail the Mushroom Cloud to get the victory.

Winner: Atom Smasher Match Rating: C+



Overall Rating: C-, due to the underperformance of Ford/Frank

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So, now it's time to have a look at the predictions for this show.


Dragonmack: 3/6

Boltinho: 4/6

Regis: 4/6

Swagger1994: 3/6, and I'll put your question up with the next batch.


In fact, this is going to be a bumper crop of questions, as both Boltinho and Regis have the option of asking a question of any NYCW superstar they wish.


On the next update, I plan to have it up on Wednesday, but it is a fantastically busy day for me so it may go up Thursday. I am, however, hoping for a better week than this last one for getting stuff online so the show itself should go up on Saturday as usual.

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Buddy Rogers’ New York Minute


Alright, hands up, who saw Vicky Stone’s arrival in NYCW coming? Not me, that’s for certain. And for those of you who’ve mentioned rumours over her departure from NOTBPW, word from the NYCW office is that she simply left over onscreen opportunities- obviously as a retired wrestler there wasn’t a lot she could do at North of the Border in an onscreen role, so she chose to leave to seek other opportunities elsewhere. As for her arrival in NYCW, remember who her best friend is? And when you consider Hugh’s attitude towards nepotism, is it really at all surprising that he’d bring in his best friend and sister-in-law?


What’s more interesting is what that means for the potential handover of power once The Stomper retires. Vicky’s certainly got the pedigree to run the company, and her friendship with Hugh must make her a likely candidate to take over. On the other hand, she’s known to favour a more cutting edge style of wrestling that couldn’t be more at odds with Hugh’s oldest of the Old School ethos. It’s also worth pointing out that Victoria’s protégé Sally Anne Christianson has yet to arrive, and whilst rumours are circulating that Hugh’s planning yet another overhaul of the women’s division I’m inclined to think that Christianson will only be brought in if Victoria’s definitely going to be taking over as owner. It’s true that Sally’s a solid enough worker, but the division’s already the largest in the United States and they don’t really have the space for more workers. If the rumoured overhaul is coming, I think it’s more likely that Hugh’s planning to replace a couple of workers than bring in more talent.


Talking of replacing workers, there’s been no word yet on who’s replacing Freddie Datsun in The Frontline. As you’re probably aware he’s winding down towards retirement, leaving a not insubstantial hole to fill in the ranks of the Frontline. An attempt to sign Jack DeColt has apparently fallen through, and with a lack of other options in terms of new talent- most of the guys in the right overness bracket are either on written deals or the wrong style for NYCW- it seems that the most likely option is that somebody from within the company will be promoted up to fill that spot. As yet nobody on the inside’s been forthcoming with a name, so for once Hugh’s managing to keep his cards close to his chest, but I’m guessing whoever it is will be revealed at the next show.


In other news, NYCW recently announced the opening of a brand new facility, The Home of Old School. Alright, so to the rest of the world it’s simple the restored Rodgers Ballroom, but the venue recently announced a deal whereby NYCW have exclusive rights to host shows in it’s 2500-seater main ballroom. It’s also been hinted that NYCW may become involved in the Ballroom’s plans to expand in later years, depending on how the company grows. I don’t need to tell you what a big deal this is, folks- for one thing, The Rodgers ballroom is one of the classiest looking venues in New York, so holding their shows there will definitely give NYCW a more upmarket feel. For another, the last company to hold shows at the venue was the legendary Championship Wrestling from Boston, and that’s the kind of history that NYCW fans will love.


In any case, The Home of Old School will be playing host to NYCW’s next show, Brooklyn Broadside, which is currently advertised with the following card



Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey


Steve Flash vs. Lee Wright



The Ring Generals vs. Fumihiro Ota & The New York Doll


Ford Gumble vs. Ernest Youngman



Sammy the Shark vs. Kentucky Bill


Tamara McFly & Connie Morris vs. Emma Bitch & Tamara McFly


And now, time for the fan questions! Firstly, from Swagger1994:


For Ernest Youngman: “How do you think you will fare against some of the best old school wrestlers in the world today?”


Ernest Youngman: The key to success in this business is the constant adaptation to one’s environment, and in the Old School world of NYCW that can lead to some of the most challenging encounters possible, working against the likes of Steve Flash or Atom Smasher. But make no mistake, there is nothing more adaptable, more consistently capable of overcoming all challenges, than the skill that comes with pure technical finesse, and I’m the finest technical wrestler in the business. So, whatever the challenge, you better believe that I’m more than capable of meeting it head on: Greatness has a new name, and that name is Ernest Youngman.



And now this one from Boltinho:


For Victoria Stone: “As one of the best connected people in wrestling you could have taken a job anywhere you wanted. What about NYCW made you want to take this particular role?”


Victoria: Well, obviously, I’ve worked with key NYCW talent like Steve Flash, Tamara McFly and Hugh before, so there was the obvious opportunity to work with guys I’ve known and worked with before. And as I said at The Battle of Broadway, I felt like there was a genuine need in NYCW for someone who could bring The Frontline and The Old School under control. But I guess the ultimate reason is that there isn’t another company in the world like NYCW- nobody that respects the history and heritage of wrestling whilst still nurturing the talent of the finest young workers of tomorrow, stars like Ernest Youngman, Sammy the Shark and Remmy Honeyman.

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