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NYCW: Old School 'Til We Die

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“Hey Hugh, can I have a word?”


There were only a few names in the NYCW locker room Hugh would always make time for, and Honest Frank was definitely one of them. For a start, Frankie weighed twice as much as him and could squash him like a bug, if so he wanted. But he was also one of the best creative minds they had, a good guy, and a barefaced liar and bullsh*t artist. These were all things Hugh respected.


“Sure, Frank, what do you need? ‘Cos if it requires money, then no.”


“Actually, I was wondering if we could bring my kid in”


“Oh…just to check, we’re talking about Rachel, right? ‘Cos I think there are labour laws about bringing in someone Namath’s age, and have I ever told you how pathetic it is to name a guy after a football player’s surname?”


“Yeah, and the Maple Leafs are totally going to win the Stanley Cup this year…”


“Hey, we just need the breaks, okay? And besides, when was the last time the Jets won the Super Bowl, huh?”


“Er…dad? I appreciate that ragging on the Jets is normally a capital offence, but can we please get on?”


Rachel Harriet was a lot of things, Hugh reflected, but one thing she definitely wasn’t was patient.


“Okay, okay. Hey Rachel, nice to see you again, what kind of job is it you want? ‘Cos I have to get Freddie, Dave and Rock all re-signed, take a look at this kid Honeyman that everyone and the internet’s raving about, and find a way to appease Lee after I let that no-use protégé of his Harker go. So, yeah, I’m a little busy”


“I wanna wrestle. I know I’m not exactly the most experienced girl out there, but I’ve got three national under-16 kickboxing titles behind me and I’m willing to work hard and learn. I’m not asking to be given the title, just let me have a shot, okay?”


“Well…look, here’s what we’ll do, okay? Tammy’s always around these days, come back next week and we’ll give you a tryout. If that works out, we’ll give you a nine-month deal and see how it works out. No guarantees, no expenses, just a chance for you to get your feet in the door, okay?”


“Thanks Hugh. I promise, I won’t let you down”




“Well, Tammy, what do you think? She worth it?”


“Honestly, Hughie? She’s got the stiffest kicks I’ve ever dealt with and not much else. I mean, there’s a bit of flash, and she’s not a complete disaster, but I wouldn’t call her anything special.”


“So, she’s not worth it then. Yeah, that’s going to be a fun conversation with Frank…”


“Hey, I never said that. Sure, she’s nothing special, but she’s okay, and heck, she’s only 17, Hughie, she’ll improve. And to be fair, she’s definitely Frank’s kid- there’s charisma there, alright. And she’s no Steve or Rick, but her fundamentals are amazing for a kid who’s barely out of high school”


“So, what? Should I sign her or not?”


“Oh no, you are not passing the buck onto me this time.”


“Okay, fair enough…you don’t think I could get Stomper’s opinion on this one?


“Honey, I realise this may frighten you, but you might actually have to make a decision for once.”


“Ah, what the hell, let’s bring her in. Hell, if anything goes wrong I’m just blame Frank for it. And if it goes right? Well, I always did say she showed a lot of promise”




Now it’s time for the fan questions, starting with this from RIPW booker BHK1978:


To Riley McManus: "Riley what was it like to work for the great Rip Chord? And how has that experience helped you in NYCW?"


Riley: Rip was a guy who would really push you hard to work on your craft and be all about wrestling, which to be honest wasn’t an ideal approach for me- I love wrestling and really enjoy working in this business, but I feel I work better when I’m given time to do other stuff, and work at my own pace. But one thing he did teach me that’s come in useful in NYCW is how to roll with the losses- obviously I don’t win a whole bunch, and Rip taught me how to adjust to that, get back in the game and keep up your focus.


Secondly, we have a question from RY-RAW booker and confirmed Amber Allen fan Jaded


For Amber Allen: “Amber, will you marry me?!


”Also, since you're clearly by far the most talented wrestler in NYPW, are you worried that you're being held down since Tamara McFly has so much power backstage?”


Amber: Firstly, I’d be happy to, only I’ve already got a boyfriend and I don’t think he’d be too pleased.


Secondly, it’s nice that you think I’m so talented but I’ve never felt like I’m being held down backstage. For one thing Tammy’s always been more embarrassed by Hugh’s attitude than anything else, and for another Hugh keeps telling me how much he likes my work and wants to push me. It’s become kind of a running joke between us- ‘I’d love to push you, kid, but I don’t know how’. He says it’s just a matter of finding the right feud for me, so hopefully I’ll start to see something come along soon.


Lastly, from The Fearsome Bunsen, aka HIW’s booker Boltinho


For Ford Gumble: "You're clearly in great shape. How difficult is it to train for NYCW and do you miss eating and drinking whatever you want?"


Ford: Thanks for the kind words- I’m well aware of how much I put on after TCW let me go, and it’s taken a lot of time to turn that added weight back into muscle. But in terms of training for New York, it’s never been much of an issue. Only working monthly shows, and having a slower workrate than TCW, means you don’t have to be as obsessive about working out, which was part of the reason why I ballooned when they let me go- when you're not hitting the gymn every day muscle turns to fat real quick. Plus, there’s a culture of fitness in the locker room- before I left TCW a lot of the guys on my level were what you’d call party animals, like Edd Stone or Freddy or even Harry, and I kind of sucked into that. In New York, on the other hand, I’m hanging out with guys like Steve, Cameron, Ota, Atom Smasher, all of whom make a point of being in great shape, so it’s easier to find that mindset of ‘I’ve got to work out and watch my diet and make sure I don’t get out of shape’




Card for NYCW Big Apple Breakdown:


Steve Flash & Ford Gumble vs. Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright


Freddie Datsun vs. Honest Frank



Jesse Christian vs. Sammy the Shark


Fumihiro Ota vs. Remmy Honeyman



Tamara McFly vs. Rachel Ruin


The Ring Generals vs. Jared Johnson & Ant-Man

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Good stuff as always


Steve Flash & Ford Gumble vs. Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright

Flash and Gumble as a team is MONEY


Freddie Datsun vs. Honest Frank

Love Freddie Datsun. And I'd rather have angry promos from Frank than happy ones



Jesse Christian vs. Sammy the Shark

Sammy is good relief but I've never seen him as a serious contender


Fumihiro Ota vs. Remmy Honeyman

RY-RAW have opened my eyes to Remmy, but not over Ota



Tamara McFly vs. Rachel Ruin

Although Rachel Ruin is a cool name...


The Ring Generals vs. Jared Johnson & Ant-Man

Pure NYCW over random team? No contest

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Steve Flash & Ford Gumble vs. Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright

Okay, so Steve looks like a god, Lee gets to look strong in apology for canning Harker, and Cammy pins Gumble to keep him up near the top of the card.


Freddie Datsun vs. Honest Frank

More over, more talented, more wins.



Jesse Christian vs. Sammy the Shark

Not sure about this, but I'll vote for the champion's advantage.


Fumihiro Ota vs. Remmy Honeyman




Tamara McFly vs. Rachel Ruin

Not a chance in merry hell.


The Ring Generals vs. Jared Johnson & Ant-Man


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Card for NYCW Big Apple Breakdown:


Steve Flash & Ford Gumble vs. Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright - Vessey to win, with Gumble jobbing.


Freddie Datsun vs. Honest Frank



Jesse Christian vs. Sammy the Shark


Fumihiro Ota vs. Remmy Honeyman - Big Gold Champ FTW!



Tamara McFly vs. Rachel Ruin - Easy


The Ring Generals vs. Jared Johnson & Ant-Man - Gotta stick with the RY-RAW guys. And on that note, where's Amber? I told her she was being held down...

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Card for NYCW Big Apple Breakdown:


Steve Flash & Ford Gumble vs. Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright

Vessey seems to be built up as the next face of your promotion, so a win here lends more credence to a challenge for the title later


Freddie Datsun vs. Honest Frank

But Frank will be the next challenger for Flash



Jesse Christian vs. Sammy the Shark

Sammy isn't there yet


Fumihiro Ota vs. Remmy Honeyman

Honeyman is strictly a mid level jobber



Tamara McFly vs. Rachel Ruin

tough debut for Frankie's kid


The Ring Generals vs. Jared Johnson & Ant-Man

better teamwork on Ring Generals side

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Steve Flash & Ford Gumble vs. Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright


Freddie Datsun vs. Honest Frank


Big fan of Frank so I hope he gets the W here.



Jesse Christian vs. Sammy the Shark


Fumihiro Ota vs. Remmy Honeyman


I know poor Remmy does not have a chance but I like him and I am not a fan of the over used Ota.



Tamara McFly vs. Rachel Ruin


The Ring Generals vs. Jared Johnson & Ant-Man

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Just the usual 24 hour reminder, folks- if there's anyone wanting to get predictions in then the show will be up tomorrow, likely in the afternoon so I can get some more time in on my ZEN game (NYCW are always my favourite promotion, but ZEN's a good chance to work out my goofier, gimmicky side).


Secondly, I wanted to talk a bit about Remmy Honeyman- a few people have commented on his chances, with the general consensus being that he hasn't got one, although Jaded has, somewhat predictably, stuck by the Big Gold Champion from RY-RAW, and with good reason. There's one particular comment I want to respond to here, from Dragonmack's predictions (by the way, I heartily reccommend his NYCW dynasty: we do things very differently, but he's got a lot of experience booking NYCW and it really shows).


Honeyman is strictly a mid level jobber


This quote illustrates possibly the biggest difference between our approaches in booking NYCW (other than the fact that he hired Painful Procedure and I'd rather shoot myself than offer them a job anywhere, ever). To him, Remmy is basically a high-level jobber, whereas I see him as a future Tri-State and Tag champion, with the possibility of moving into the main event. A lot of that is down to my indy sensibilities- I've booked precisely one company above regional, and that was a NOTBPW '97 game that didn't last long- but I think ultimately it comes down to one thing:


D-Mack wants to take NYCW to the top. I don't.


That's not to say that I don't want to do well, but running more than monthly shows has always seemed a chore to me, especially when you combine that with the elephantine rosters required of cult-and-up companies. So I tend to think in a very 'regional' way, where stars aren't always terribly brilliant wrestlers and my favourite workers are often more interesting than talented (fun fact: I'd rather hire Natural Storm than Marc DuBois). Also, I hate stealing talent, absolutely hate it. I've never once declared war on people, and outside of taking a great deal of pleasure in screwing RAW over when I play as APW (which is more about the company than the war), I don't even play in a hostile way. It comes, I think, of having a very territorial mindset: there's got to be something for everyone, and as long as you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you. I'll stick to my area, and you stick to yours. In other words, I'm happier playing smaller companies with more interesting challenges than trying to dominate the wrestling world.


So, now I've bored everyone rigid with my interminable lecturing, I'll be off. As I said before, show will be up tomorrow, and follow-up Monday.

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Just the usual 24 hour reminder, folks- if there's anyone wanting to get predictions in then the show will be up tomorrow, likely in the afternoon so I can get some more time in on my ZEN game (NYCW are always my favourite promotion, but ZEN's a good chance to work out my goofier, gimmicky side).


Secondly, I wanted to talk a bit about Remmy Honeyman- a few people have commented on his chances, with the general consensus being that he hasn't got one, although Jaded has, somewhat predictably, stuck by the Big Gold Champion from RY-RAW, and with good reason. There's one particular comment I want to respond to here, from Dragonmack's predictions (by the way, I heartily reccommend his NYCW dynasty: we do things very differently, but he's got a lot of experience booking NYCW and it really shows).




This quote illustrates possibly the biggest difference between our approaches in booking NYCW (other than the fact that he hired Painful Procedure and I'd rather shoot myself than offer them a job anywhere, ever). To him, Remmy is basically a high-level jobber, whereas I see him as a future Tri-State and Tag champion, with the possibility of moving into the main event. A lot of that is down to my indy sensibilities- I've booked precisely one company above regional, and that was a NOTBPW '97 game that didn't last long- but I think ultimately it comes down to one thing:


D-Mack wants to take NYCW to the top. I don't.


That's not to say that I don't want to do well, but running more than monthly shows has always seemed a chore to me, especially when you combine that with the elephantine rosters required of cult-and-up companies. So I tend to think in a very 'regional' way, where stars aren't always terribly brilliant wrestlers and my favourite workers are often more interesting than talented (fun fact: I'd rather hire Natural Storm than Marc DuBois). Also, I hate stealing talent, absolutely hate it. I've never once declared war on people, and outside of taking a great deal of pleasure in screwing RAW over when I play as APW (which is more about the company than the war), I don't even play in a hostile way. It comes, I think, of having a very territorial mindset: there's got to be something for everyone, and as long as you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you. I'll stick to my area, and you stick to yours. In other words, I'm happier playing smaller companies with more interesting challenges than trying to dominate the wrestling world.


So, now I've bored everyone rigid with my interminable lecturing, I'll be off. As I said before, show will be up tomorrow, and follow-up Monday.


Even if you think in a more regional way, you are still pulling off good shows and you will build up your popularity. I am the same way with you when playing as NYCW, I am happy to keep them at Regional. That being said, I would love to get them to Cult, just to see if I can.


In regards to Remmy Honeyman, the guy might not have star written all over him but he could become a major part of your roster in the future. In my personal NYCW game I put him and Jeremiah Moose in a tag team and within two years they were the dominate tag team in NYCW. They both became Upper Midcard guys and put on good matches. I see Remmy as an Arn Anderson type of guy. He may not wow you with his mic skills but he will do good for you with his in ring skills.

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Even if you think in a more regional way, you are still pulling off good shows and you will build up your popularity. I am the same way with you when playing as NYCW, I am happy to keep them at Regional. That being said, I would love to get them to Cult, just to see if I can.


In regards to Remmy Honeyman, the guy might not have star written all over him but he could become a major part of your roster in the future. In my personal NYCW game I put him and Jeremiah Moose in a tag team and within two years they were the dominate tag team in NYCW. They both became Upper Midcard guys and put on good matches. I see Remmy as an Arn Anderson type of guy. He may not wow you with his mic skills but he will do good for you with his in ring skills.


You have clearly not listened to enough Arn Anderson promos - look up the Reforming The Horsemen promo from WCW, then think again about Anderson's mic work. Trust me, you won't regret it. :)

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Yeah, Arn more than held his own when it came to doing promo work. He was the one who did the most talking after Flair. I think his major holdbacks were he didn't have the greatest look and he was thought of more as a tag team wrestler than a main singles wrestler. During his Four Horseman days, he was almost always part of a tag team, whether it was Ole, Tully Blanchard, Paul Roma, etc.


And I did use Honeyman in my original NYCW diary extensively, even giving him a tag team and I think a title run, or at least a few title shots, he just never impressed me as someone who was going to break out of the midranks. Solid & Reliable, but not the next big thing like an Ernest Youngman or Lenny Brown.

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Yeah, Arn more than held his own when it came to doing promo work. He was the one who did the most talking after Flair. I think his major holdbacks were he didn't have the greatest look and he was thought of more as a tag team wrestler than a main singles wrestler. During his Four Horseman days, he was almost always part of a tag team, whether it was Ole, Tully Blanchard, Paul Roma, etc.


And I did use Honeyman in my original NYCW diary extensively, even giving him a tag team and I think a title run, or at least a few title shots, he just never impressed me as someone who was going to break out of the midranks. Solid & Reliable, but not the next big thing like an Ernest Youngman or Lenny Brown.


That's pretty much my motto: 'NYCW- We'd rather have Arn than Punk'.


As for Remmy, I agree that he's a rock solid midcard type of talent, but they're often the best ones to push a bit if you don't want to get extensively poached. With promotion pacts an impossibility for NYCW in 2k10 I've had to develop a lot of strategies to keep my roster in place, and using a combo of older guys and midcard guys like Remmy is a good way of ensuring that you keep talent.


Show's coming right up folks

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NYCW Big Apple Breakdown

Saturday, Week 4, February

Live to DVD from The Ministry

Audience: 1,000 (SOLD OUT!)



Pre-Show/DVD Extras


Natural Storm vs. The Atlantic Connection

This wasn’t a bad match really: sure, the Connection were as weak as ever, but the Storm were up to their usual standards, and Kristen was excellent at ringside. There were problems, of course: Deec didn’t seem really into it, and Eddie wasn’t on his usual form, but in a squash match there isn’t enough time for these weaknesses to really get noticed. In the end, of course, this went to Natural Storm, who put Riley down for the count with A Storm is Coming

Winner: Natural Storm Match Rating: D+



The Show


Fumihiro Ota vs. Remmy Honeyman

This was Remmy’s debut for us, and on the basis of this match the hype wasn’t as overstated as it usually is. This was definitely a good match, nothing really spectacular but a good opener all the same. Admittedly Ota’s as safe a pair of hands as we’ve got, but even so this was definitely a strong match. With both Remmy and Ota preferring the more technical style of wrestling this was a world away from our usual brawlfests, with both men exchanging hammerlocks and headlocks at a rate of knots, before Remmy scored the first big blow of the match with a picture perfect bulldog takedown that almost got him a three count. In the end, though, Ota took the win with the Ninja Strike

Winner: Fumihiro Ota Match Rating: C-




Backstage at the NYCW Interview Position, Honest Frank is on hype duty for tonight’s main event


“Tonight, I take on Freddie Datsun, to seek reparation for his actions at Brooklyn Broadside. Now, I’m not a bitter man, I’m not angry that he beat me. I just don’t want people to think that he won because he cheated. Tonight is gonna be a fair fight, all upfront and above board, and I can honestly say that the better man is going to win


“After All…Would I Lie To You?”


This was one of Frank’s best-received promo’s in a while, and when you consider how good he is that’s saying something

Rating: C-




Tamara McFly vs. Rachel Ruin

Rachel’s professional debut went off as well as she could have hoped. For a start, whilst she wasn’t the best as keeping the crowd engaged, her hereditary charisma helped carry the day, and she has the star quality to bridge the gaps in her playbook. What’s more, she was clearly bringing her A game: everything looked that bit sharper, and that enthusiasm really carried over into her offence. As for Tammy, she was as good as ever: she’s really the lynchpin of the division, and does a great job of guiding the younger girls through the matches. She took the win here, nailing a great McFly Roll on Ruin to get the victory.

Winner: Tamara McFly Match Rating: D+




Back at the Interview Position, Freddie’s on hype duty for the main event


“You know, Frank, don’t think you can fool me. You go on about your honesty, about how you wouldn’t lie, but really you’re just full of cr@p. I’ve fought dozens of your kind- the bad guys, the ones who think it’s okay to do whatever it takes to win. But I’ve got your number, now, Frankie, and tonight…you better be clever, or just good. ‘Cos I’m gonna kick your @ss”


Freddie brought the goods tonight.

Rating: C-




Jesse Christian vs. Sammy the Shark

This wasn’t a bad match, but we’re not really getting into top gear tonight. There wasn’t any major problems here- Jesse wasn’t putting in 100%, and there were a couple of consistency problems, but usually those aren’t big problems. For some reason, though, this didn’t really move out of second gear, and whilst Jesse did work on his technical work I’m not entirely happy with this one. We had this one go to a double count-out to keep the story going, with Sammy and Jesse getting distracted brawling at ringside as the ref made the 10-count.

Winner: None Match Rating: D+




‘Slow Ride’ once again heralds the arrival of The Ring Generals for their match. Unfortunately for them, though, Natural Storm come through the crowd to nail them with double baseball bat shots, leaving them laying as Jared and Ant-Man hit the ring.

Rating: E+




The Ring Generals vs. Jared Johnson & Ant-Man

Note to self: don’t put squash matches this high on the card. I’d expected this one to be a sleeper hit, but whilst Jared is good, and The Ring Generals are experienced, this lacked the necessary oomph to push it to the level I’d hoped for. I think the main problem was the lack of experience on the part of the jobbers, which didn’t make for a great match here. Whatever the case, Statler & Waldorf took the victory here, putting Ant-Man down with the Squared Circle Assault.

Winners: The Ring Generals Match Rating: D




Back at the Interview Position, Queen Emily’s on hype duty for The Old School’s tag match


“When I came to NYCW, I saw the best combination of experience and youth in the business in The Old School. And tonight, when Lee Wright and The Crown Jewel Cameron Vessey take on and defeat The Frontline, the rest of the world will see the true superiority of our group. Steve, Ford, I fail to see what chance a pair of jobbers like you can have against Lee Wright, a man who survived nearly 10 years in the toughest promotion on the planet, and Cameron Vessey, the future of this business and the greatest prospect in wrestling. So, you know what, Frontline? You better have your health insurance paid up, ‘cos you’re gonna need it. Because tonight you’re going to remember that we are Old School, and Old School Rules”


Emily’s got a huge contract, and a disturbing relationship with Cameron (she’s 37, he’s 23…can’t tell me that’s right), but if she can deliver promo’s like this all the time then I’m cool with it.

Rating: C-




Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright vs. Steve Flash & Ford Gumble

I wasn’t sure how well this one would do- Lee is after all rather famously old, and Ford isn’t what you’d call reliable in a main-event situation- but this was actually a really strong match. Of course, I should have figured that Steve would deliver, and Cameron’s hardly a slouch in the ring, but it’s clear that I’ve underestimated Ford and Lee’s abilities. In any case, this was a good match, nothing to really light it up the way we did back at Brooklyn Broadside but a strong match nonetheless. In the end, I gave this one to the heels, as Emily distracted Steve and the ref long enough for The Old School to double-team Ford, leaving him open to the pinfall.

Winners: Cameron Vessey & Lee Wright Match Rating: C




Freddie Datsun vs. Honest Frank

I’ve got to remember not to tell these guys to go all-out. Freddie’s starting to show signs of a decline, particularly in terms of his raw power, and Frank’s never really been capable of going all out. What that meant tonight was that a potentially huge match was nothing more than a very average main event, with neither guy really stepping it up the way I was hoping they would. However, all negativity aside, we’ve had worse matches in this slot, and Frank’s charisma and Freddie’s general ability carried them through the weaker spots, even if Freddie’s now struggling to get people up for the kind of power moves that used to mark out his big spots. Of course, given Frank’s preaching about fair play, there was only one way this was going to end: with his trademark foul play, as he nailed Freddie with a brass knuckle shot right between the eyes when the ref’s back was turned.

Winner: Honest Frank Match Rating: C-



Overall Rating: C- and number 3 on our top 10, a surprisingly positive result for a show I wasn’t particularly happy with.

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Yeah, Arn more than held his own when it came to doing promo work. He was the one who did the most talking after Flair. I think his major holdbacks were he didn't have the greatest look and he was thought of more as a tag team wrestler than a main singles wrestler. During his Four Horseman days, he was almost always part of a tag team, whether it was Ole, Tully Blanchard, Paul Roma, etc.


I don't think I'm going too far when I say that if Ric Flair hadn't been in the business, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard could have racked up multiple World Title reigns between them. Alas, there was always one man just ahead of them...


Also, interesting to see Frank going over Datsun. Note to self: Hugh really is serious about Honest Frank as a Main Event player.

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Well, it's time for feedback folks!


Boltinho: 3/6

Regis: 4/6

Jaded: 3/6

Dragonmack: 5/6

BHK1978: 4/6


So, D-Mack gets a solid win here, coming one ahead of Regis and BHK, and has the right to ask a question of any member of the roster he wishes.

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If there was one thing about his job Hugh didn’t much care for, it was meeting Stomper to discuss the future plans of the company. For one thing, he was strictly flying solo, with none of the booking team behind him to provide cover (or scapegoats, if any were required). For another thing, Stomper was really, really tight-fisted.


“Waddaya mean, we only made 21 thousand?! Kid, we can’t afford to be making peanut change like that if we’re gonna stay open”


“Stomper, I know you took a lot of head-shots in the old days, but now you’re really being crazy. We just had our most profitable month since I took over, and that’s with the industry on a downward spiral and the economy slowing way the hell down.”


“That’s as maybe, kid, but you took some d@mn tight shortcuts. Using the Storm in the dark match and the angle? Using the jobbers instead of a main tag team? Not to mention the fact that there was no Smasher, which for your information I still don’t get”


“I’ve already told you, Smasher’s not got a program, he’s just making up the numbers at the moment. When I can find a good feud for him he’ll start appearing more regularly, but for now he’s my big reserve guy”


“Kid, we made the Smasher. He started out in New York, this is where he made his name. Find a storyline for him”


“C’mon Stomper, who’s he gonna feud with? Frank’s locked up with Freddie, Ota’s just come out of a big feud for the title…”


“Put him in the title scene then, kid”


“No way. Steve’s got the title, he ain’t dropping it for a while, and then it’s going to Cameron Vessey, then maybe we can get Smasher into that spot”


“Fine, fine. You’re the big creative genius around here, I’m just the owner. But it seems to me that when you’ve got a star like Atom Smasher, you’re kind of obliged to make him a featured player. Obviously your great creative mind doesn’t think that, it thinks that you don’t have to put your biggest star in the biggest storyline”


“Man, you just don’t quit, huh? Look, here’s what I figure we can do. Ford Gumble’s contract is coming up in a few months, I figure we can maybe, maybe let him go and move Steve into that upper midcard spot. I’ve been meaning to put the title on Cameron for a while, we can bring that forward to whenever you like and evolve that into a feud Atom Smasher. I’m not promising anything, you don’t know when TCW are gonna come calling- and they will, no doubt about it- but if you’re so d@mn keen on getting Atom Smasher into that top spot then that’s what we can do. Not that I get it- he was in Supreme, not a good company”


“Yeah yeah, we’ve all heard your lecture on the evils of the Eisen empire. And alright, maybe you ain’t wrong about it, but that don’t change the fact that they’ve got a lot more TV than we do, and that makes their cast-offs big names for us. And hey, not everyone goes north, okay? Jeez, if you love the Stones do much why don’t you marry them?”


“Cos they’re all male, married or children, and besides Tammy would kill me”


“Man, kid, do you always have to have the last word?”


“Yeah, Stomper, I do. After all, I’m the one with the creative genius mind, right?”




And now, time for the fan questions! First, from Regis:


To Honest Frank: Brass knuckles, eh? What's up with that?


Honest Frank: To be honest, the Brass knucks have been a part of my playbook for so long I can’t actually remember when I first started using them. I do know, however, that every XFW title I ever won involved the same pair of brass knuckles, and they’ve kind of become a good-luck charm ever since. Plus, of course, if you can get away with it they’re guaranteed to bring home the gold.


Secondly, from BHK1978


For Rachel Ruin: Rachel, how do you feel now that you have had your first professional match?


Rachel: Well for a start I know what it feels to be hit by a train. Seriously, though, you don’t realise how tough it is how to actually wrestle a match until you get in the ring and do it- next time, though, it’s gonna be different- I’ve got Tamara’s number now, and it’s just a matter of time ‘til I take the NYCW Women’s Title.



Card for NYCW Manhattan Mêlée:



Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey



Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank



Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals



Jesse Christian vs. Jared Johnson


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders


Katherine Goodlooks vs. Emma Bitch vs. Rachel Ruin

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Always a nice surprise to see an update of this.


Brass knuckles as a good luck charm? Good stuff




Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey

I'd love to go Atom Smasher here, but Flash is just so reliable as champ



Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank

C'mon. Its the brass knuckles championship not the fat cowboy championship



Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals

Just a feeling



Jesse Christian vs. Jared Johnson

I cant see Jared J having a belt. Even with your indie sensibilities...


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders

DDD just seems more NYCW to me. Even as a Southerner


Katherine Goodlooks vs. Emma Bitch vs. Rachel Ruin

I've always like Bitch

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Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey

This would be one way for Vessey to win the title, but Flash not to get pinned.



Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank

Frank just brings more to the table now



Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals

I prefer the Ring Generals, but you prefer Natural Storm, and you are the one booking.



Jesse Christian vs. Jared Johnson

Johnson still has to 'Put in his time!'


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders

Sanders is fading and Triple D has a future


Katherine Goodlooks vs. Emma Bitch vs. Rachel Ruin

The Bitch wins back.

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Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey

Stomper's putting the heat on, and Cammy can knock down someone else to keep Flash strong.



Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank

I like it. Brass Knuckles as a good luck charm - it's meant to be!



Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals




Jesse Christian vs. Jared Johnson



Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders

Not sure here - Sanders has veteran cred, but he's also a lower-card gatekeeper. Looks good for the older guy.


Katherine Goodlooks vs. Emma Bitch vs. Rachel Ruin

Emma has a good pedigree - better than the other two. Let's... no, wait. Not Emma, been done before. Katherine's a fresh challenger.

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Steve Flash vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey - Smasher and Flash end up brawling, Vessey pins Ota.



Ford Gumble vs. Honest Frank - Would I lie to you?



Natural Storm vs. The Ring Generals - Storm rock.



Jesse Christian vs. Jared Johnson - JJ rocks, just not enough to capture the belt.


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Rick Sanders - DDD, DDD, DDD!


Katherine Goodlooks vs. Emma Bitch vs. Rachel Ruin - Gotta feeling.

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<strong>Steve Flash</strong> vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Atom Smasher vs. Cameron Vessey</p><p> </p><p>

I see the majority have gone with Cam Vessey, I am not so sure he should win this one.</p><p> </p><p>


Ford Gumble vs. <strong>Honest Frank</strong></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Natural Storm</strong> vs. The Ring Generals </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Jesse Christian</strong> vs. Jared Johnson</p><p> </p><p>

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs.<strong> Rick Sanders</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Katherine Goodlooks vs. Emma Bitch vs. <strong>Rachel Ruin</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Because she answered my question.<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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