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"The League"--A Multiplayer Wrestling Spirit II Experience

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Super Talk with Super Century #3


Super Century: Hello everybody! Welcome to Super Talk with Super Century! Now that I've gotten used to doing radio broadcasts, I will now drop the Q&A format of the show, so now I can use whatever format I want each week! Anyways, everybody should give a super hello to the guest speaker here to chat with me today, Warlord Pain! Hello there, Warlord Pain!


Warlord Pain: And a painful hello to ya too! I apologize for not being able to make the tag tournament show, but I had an awful day just trying to get there......

(Warlord Pain rants about his awful day getting to the tag tournament show. A part of his rant that talked about a incident involving a Cactus, a Tractor and a Zebra had to be bleeped due to its controversial nature)


Warlord Pain:........And then when I finally PAINFULLLLLLLY get there, they were taking down the screens and packing up. I was full of PAINFUL rage! Anyways, congratulations on your PAINFUL tournament win with Shawn Arrows, I taped the show and watched it. It was full of PAIN!


Super Century: Thank you for your super story! Now on to my opponent for this week. Johnny Triumph, what can I say about you? You are a walking disaster. You aren't terrifying, you are just a prima donna! Seriously, I could've sworn that I saw you putting makeup on backstage before the tag tournament started!


Warlord Pain: Was it face PAINt? Because I use face paint, and if you are calling it makeup I will shove the PAINt up your....


Super Century: No, it was girls makeup! I think that he stole it from Super Diamond or something! Anyways, somebody who isn't Super and steals girl's makeup isn't somebody to be afraid of, so trust me, you will be Super defeated!




Super Century: Okay, that's all the time we have this week! Super good bye to everybody! And remember to drink Super Enhanced Super Century brand Super Nutritional Shakes and you might end up like me!



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  • Replies 951
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TOP HONORS THIS CARD GO TO: Prophet, Derek_b, moon_lit_tears, Wrestling Century, Ranson, I effin rule (6 people, 4 points each)




1. masterded: 39

2. I effin Rule: 38

3. moon_lit_tears: 36

4 (tie). Prophet, SeanMcG: 35

6. Tori Montgomery: 34

7 (tie). Derek_b, Jman2k3: 32

9. Ranson: 31

10 (tie). Jaded, Wrestling Century: 30

12. TheKenwyne: 27

13. Dangrel: 24

14. Toasty: 4

15. Arrows: 3

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ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (3-4, 15%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (3-4, 12%)

BETA DIVISION CAGE MATCH: Thor Hammerskald (1-6, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (5-2, 12%)

BETA DIVISION: Maxx Skabb (4-3, 14%) vs. Shawn Arrows (1-6, 13%)

DELTA DIVISION: Scott Stevens (5-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (3-4, 14%)

GAMMA DIVISION CAGE MATCH: El Demonio de Sangre (1-6, 15%) vs. Sean (6-1, 18%)

DELTA DIVISION: Super Century (2-5, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (4-3, 18%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Nuclear Templeton (5-2, 17%) vs. SGRaaize (3-4, 16%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (3-4, 22%) vs. The Phoenix (7-0, 15%)

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Super Century: Okay, that's all the time we have this week! Super good bye to everybody! And remember to drink Super Enhanced Super Century brand Super Nutritional Shakes and you might end up like me!


Umm, is there a lot of old, peeling paint at the Shake factory?




Just askin'...

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As is custom, here's the teasers for the week:


  • First and foremost, the Match of the Night: 43 minutes long, dangerously close to a medical DQ for both wrestlers, and it required an intermission afterward to replace the blood-soaked mat!
  • It was mentioned in the off-season, but this week it comes true: RO-SHAM-LARRRRRRRRIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  • Overall, a good card with two A* matches, and only two matches below a C- rating!
  • Excessive exclamation marks! WOO!!!!!!!!!
  • Finally, I'm not certain how true this is, but Commissioner Colt Marshall mentioned something about Spider-Pigs doing whatever Spider-Pigs do...?

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As is custom, here's the teasers for the week:



[*]First and foremost, the Match of the Night: 43 minutes long, dangerously close to a medical DQ for both wrestlers, and it required an intermission afterward to replace the blood-soaked mat!



Would say this is Diamond kicking Scotts ass but he couldn't hurt her that bad.

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ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (3-4, 15%) vs. Ly Quang Bao (3-4, 12%)

BETA DIVISION CAGE MATCH: Thor Hammerskald (1-6, 15%) vs. Sebastian Moore (5-2, 12%)

BETA DIVISION: Maxx Skabb (4-3, 14%) vs. Shawn Arrows (1-6, 13%)

DELTA DIVISION: Scott Stevens (5-2, 15%) vs. Diamond (3-4, 14%)

GAMMA DIVISION CAGE MATCH: El Demonio de Sangre (1-6, 15%) vs. Sean (6-1, 18%)

DELTA DIVISION: Super Century (2-5, 15%) vs. Johnny Triumph (4-3, 18%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Nuclear Templeton (5-2, 17%) vs. SGRaaize (3-4, 16%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (3-4, 22%) vs. The Phoenix (7-0, 15%)

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First and foremost, the Match of the Night: 43 minutes long, dangerously close to a medical DQ for both wrestlers, and it required an intermission afterward to replace the blood-soaked mat!


I call it as either Tarik/Phoenix, or me and Moore.

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(NOTE: Thanks to the extremely lengthy third match on the card and the delays in setting up the cage/others as you'll see below, entrances have had to be cut to fit within the League's two-hour programming slot.)



Season Two, Week Eight

Portland, Oregon

December 4, 2010


<object width="28" height="25"><embed src="

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JyxBiUbCP8E&hl=en_US&fs=1&rel=0&color1=0x006699&color2=0x54abd6" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="28" height="25"></object> THE LEAGUE: WEEK EIGHT


Portland's Rose Garden erupts in cheers as the requisite pyro goes off to start the second half of the season. The crowd seems to be on edge for some reason, as dueling chants fill the air in the moments before we head to our two-man announce team.


Bob Sinclair: As you can tell, it is an electric crowd here in Portland tonight! Bob Sinclair, here at ringside along with Frankie Garnett, and after the tag tournament last week, Frankie, I think everyone backstage is itching to get the second half of the season started!


Frankie Garnett: I know I am, Bob. After the performance Shawn Arrows put together to end the tournament, I wouldn't be surprised to see him walk out of here tonight with a victory, and that's saying something!


Bob Sinclair: ...are you sure you're all right, Frankie? You don't sound like yourself.


Frankie Garnett: Oh, bugger off, I'll be fine when we get started and I can watch these people abuse each other for my personal enjoyment!


Bob Sinclair: And on that rather disturbing note, let's head to the ring and get this week underway!


ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (3-4) vs. Ly Quang Bao (3-4)


Ly Quang Bao hit the Punch

Robbie Maynard took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard hit the Punch

Ly Quang Bao slipped out of the Front Facelock.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Blow

Ly Quang Bao hit the Slap Kick

Robbie Maynard took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Robbie Maynard hit the Kick To Gut

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard hit the Eye Gouge

Robbie Maynard hit the Open Handed Slap

Robbie Maynard applied the Front Facelock

Robbie Maynard hit the Forearm Blow

Robbie Maynard hit the Vertical Suplex

Robbie Maynard applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Ly Quang Bao blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Ly Quang Bao slipped out of the Legdrop To Groin.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Strike

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Blow

Ly Quang Bao hit the Punch

Ly Quang Bao hit the Triple Forearm Blow

The crowd start chanting to taunt Ly Quang Bao.


Crowd: We want Holmes! *clap clap clap-clap-clap!* We want Holmes! *clap clap clap-clap-clap!*


Frankie Garnett: What in the hell...?


Bob Sinclair: The crowd is obviously referring to PGHW star Bryan Holmes, Frankie. Rumor backstage is that PGHW is looking to sign Bao at the end of the season, and these fans want to make sure that they make Bao know what he's getting into!


Frankie Garnett: Well, dang. Where has this crowd been the rest of the time we've been here in the States?


Robbie Maynard slipped out the back of the Single Leg Grapevine.

Robbie Maynard hit the Dropkick To Outside

Robbie Maynard hit the Plancha Dive

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Ly Quang Bao counters by fighting back.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Charging Forearm

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

Ly Quang Bao rolls Robbie Maynard back into the ring.

Robbie Maynard moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

Robbie Maynard picks up Ly Quang Bao.

Robbie Maynard hit the Head And Arm Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Small Package was countered into a Forearm Strike Flurry.

Ly Quang Bao hit the Forearm Strike Flurry

Ly Quang Bao hit the Strong Forearm Strike Flurry

Ly Quang Bao drags Robbie Maynard back into the ring.

The Krezei Brainbuster II was countered into a Forearm Blow.

The fans boo Robbie Maynard, trying to distract him.

Ly Quang Bao blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Elbow Blow.

Robbie Maynard slipped out of the Japanese Power DDT.

It's gotta be over, Robbie Maynard hits the Merseyside Maul!

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!

Will This Be It?

It's Still Locked In!

The referee has called for the bell!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of six and a half minutes...Robbie Maynard!


Bob Sinclair: And Maynard with a huge victory there; he needed that to get back into the Alpha Division race, as he evens his record to 4-4!


Frankie Garnett: Remember, Bob, that Maynard is one of the two remaining playoff wrestlers from last season; if anyone knows what has to be done to get in, he does!


BETA DIVISION CAGE MATCH: Thor Hammerskald (1-6) vs. Sebastian Moore (5-2)


Bob Sinclair: And as our ring techs finish securing the ring in place, let's head back to Amelia!


Thor Hammerskald hit the Punch

Thor Hammerskald hit the Kick To Gut

Thor Hammerskald hit the Headbutt

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Elbow Strike

Thor Hammerskald hit the Knife Edge Chop

Thor Hammerskald hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

Thor Hammerskald hit the Splash

Thor Hammerskald used the Spirit Roar

Sebastian Moore broke the Camel Clutch.

Sebastian Moore hit the Slap Kick

Sebastian Moore hit the Spinning Backhand Blow

Sebastian Moore hit the Kick To Thigh

Sebastian Moore hit the Knife Edge Chop

Sebastian Moore hit the Punch

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Sebastian Moore hit the Rear Naked Punch Flurry

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald from behind.

Thor Hammerskald slipped out of the Neckbreaker.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Overhead Fallaway Slam

Sebastian Moore slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Forward Russian Legsweep.

The crowd start a chant for Sebastian Moore.

Sebastian Moore hit the Forearm To Back Of Head

Sebastian Moore hit the Kick Rush

Sebastian Moore hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Sebastian Moore hit the Kneeling Kick Rush

Sebastian Moore applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Sebastian Moore climbs the turnbuckles.


Frankie Garnett: Hammerskald is getting dissected here; it's only a matter of time before Odin tells Moore to finish it!


Bob Sinclair: Frankie, this isn't the son of Odin, you know.


Frankie Garnett: That's my point; why would Odin want some impostor running around?


Bob Sinclair: ....


Thor Hammerskald shook the ropes to stop the Flying Headbutt.

Thor Hammerskald throws Sebastian Moore off the top rope.

Thor Hammerskald applied the Camel Clutch

The crowd start a chant for Thor Hammerskald.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Splash

Sebastian Moore blocked the Camel Clutch.

Thor Hammerskald picks up Sebastian Moore.

The Blood Eagle was countered into a Sunset Flip.

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Chonan Lock.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the DDT. This is the second block in a row, and Thor Hammerskald takes control.

Thor Hammerskald climbs the turnbuckles.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Thor Hammerskald picks up Sebastian Moore.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The fans cheer for Sebastian Moore, trying to get him to take it up a level.

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald.

Sebastian Moore stops to acknowledge the fans at ringside.

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Kick Combo

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald.

Thor Hammerskald blocked the Chonan Lock.

Sebastian Moore hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald.

Sebastian Moore hit the Thrust Kick

Sebastian Moore picks up Thor Hammerskald.

The Chonan Lock was countered into a Forearm Strike Flurry.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Sebastian Moore slipped out of the Camel Clutch.

The Triple Forearm Blow was countered into a Fallaway Slam.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

Thor Hammerskald hit the Splash

Thor Hammerskald used the Spirit Roar

Thor Hammerskald picks up Sebastian Moore.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Thor Hammerskald stops to acknowledge the fans at ringside.

The Powerbomb was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The fans try to help Sebastian Moore by chanting his name.

Thor Hammerskald counters by fighting back.

Thor Hammerskald hit the Small Package

Thor Hammerskald picks up Sebastian Moore.

Thor Hammerskald calls upon the wrath of the heavens and delivers a Fenrir Strike!

He is trying to escape...

Could this be the end?

He is getting closer!

He is almost there!

He hits the floor!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of eleven minutes and twenty seconds...Thor Hammerskald!


Frankie Garnett: I don't believe it...Tori actually got an upset pick right!


Bob Sinclair: Be that as it may, Frankie, this has to be a huge morale booster for Hammerskald, as he notches his second win in League competition this season!


BETA DIVISION: Maxx Skabb (4-3) vs. Shawn Arrows (1-6)


Maxx Skabb hit the Running Shoulder Block

Maxx Skabb hit the Face Stepping

Shawn Arrows moved and the Seated Back Kick missed!

Shawn Arrows hit the Eye Gouge

Shawn Arrows hit the Spinning Backhand Blow

Shawn Arrows hit the Dropkick

Shawn Arrows hit the Senton

Shawn Arrows hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

Maxx Skabb slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

Maxx Skabb hit the Punch

Maxx Skabb hit the Knee Lift

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Mounted Elbow Smashes.

Shawn Arrows hit the Face Plant

Maxx Skabb moved and the Side Spinning Kick missed!

Maxx Skabb hit the High Knee

Shawn Arrows blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows waits as Maxx Skabb stands.

Shawn Arrows hit the Corkscrew Leg Lariat

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Senton Bomb missed!

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Butt Drop missed!

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Mounted Elbow Smashes.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Implant DDT.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows hit the Face Plant

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on Shawn Arrows.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Twisting Powerslam.

The Sidewalk Slam was countered into a Spinning Heel Kick.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb shook the ropes to stop the Flying Double Footed Stomp.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows broke the Super Overhead Fallaway Slam.

Maxx Skabb counters by kicking Shawn Arrows away.

Maxx Skabb hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Maxx Skabb hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.


Frankie Garnett: Who cares, ref? If you're unhappy, disqualify the man! Grow a pair, for the love of—


Bob Sinclair: Look, Frankie, if you think you can do better, then by all means. Get in there and do it!


Frankie Garnett: And pass on annoying you? No thanks!


Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb applied the Over Shoulder Backbreaker

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!


Maxx Skabb hit the Double Underhook Bomb

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

The Super Shot DDT was countered into a Spear.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Shawn Arrows hit the Side Spinning Kick

Maxx Skabb took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Running Dropkick missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Shawn Arrows broke the Full Nelson.

Shawn Arrows hit the Face Plant

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Top Rope Diving Rana

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Legdrop

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Second Rope Rana

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Elbow Drop

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Running Hot Shot.

Maxx Skabb easily broke the Super Shot DDT.

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Elbow Drop

Maxx Skabb blocked the Kneeling Kick Rush.

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Legdrop

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Arrows is coming closer and closer to repeating the end of the tournament last week, as he has taken control of this match.


Frankie Garnett: Against a guy Skabb's size, Arrows needs to finish it quickly before he gets flattened, that's for sure!


Maxx Skabb blocked the Super Shot DDT.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Running Dropkick missed!

Shawn Arrows moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Top Rope Diving Rana

The crowd start chanting to taunt Shawn Arrows.


Crowd: Broken Arrows! *clap clap clap-clap-clap!*....


Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb whips Shawn Arrows into the ropes.

Maxx Skabb hit the Twisting Powerslam

Shawn Arrows blocked the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Maxx Skabb hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

The Super Shot DDT was countered into a Powerslam.

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

The referee was not happy with that move.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Knee Pull.

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

The fans boo Maxx Skabb, wanting to see him take, not give, punishment.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Flying Double Axe Handle missed!

Shawn Arrows grimaces as he walks, his knee may have been hurt.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Moonsault Press

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Hot Shot

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb rushed the Flying Headbutt.

Maxx Skabb climbs down off the top rope.

Maxx Skabb throws Shawn Arrows off the top rope.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Shawn Arrows hit the High Knee

Maxx Skabb moved and the Standing Moonsault missed!

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Moonsault Press

Shawn Arrows used the Stalk Grounded Enemy

Shawn Arrows throws Maxx Skabb to ringside.

Shawn Arrows hit the Corkscrew Plancha Dive


Bob Sinclair: And this crowd, who five minutes ago were taunting Arrows, cheer at the sheer recklessness of that dive!


Frankie Garnett: He's lucky he didn't break his neck, Bob!


The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Shawn Arrows stops to shout some abuse at some fans in the front row.

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

Shawn Arrows drags Maxx Skabb back into the ring.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Second Rope Rana

Shawn Arrows used the Stalk Grounded Enemy

Shawn Arrows is seen to wince as he moves, his back clearly hurting.

Shawn Arrows whips Maxx Skabb into the ropes.

Shawn Arrows grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Maxx Skabb moved and the Standing Moonsault missed!

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Flying Double Axe Handle missed!

Shawn Arrows whips Maxx Skabb to the corner.

Shawn Arrows hit the Handspring Elbow

Shawn Arrows grimaces as he walks, his knee may have been hurt.

Shawn Arrows used the Stalk Grounded Enemy

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

Kick Out At Two-And-A-Half!


Bob Sinclair: Arrows nearly pulls out the win there! Half a second away!


Frankie Garnett: I'll say this, he's impressing me right now. Closer than I thought it would be, and also much longer!


Maxx Skabb moved and the Springboard Body Press missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb applied the Full Nelson

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Maxx Skabb climbs down off the top rope.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Double Underhook Bomb.

Shawn Arrows hit the Super Shot DDT

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Second Rope Rana

Shawn Arrows grimaces as he walks, his knee may have been hurt.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Flying Headbutt missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Shawn Arrows slipped out the back of the Full Nelson.

Maxx Skabb easily broke the Super Shot DDT.

The Gutwrench Powerbomb was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Shawn Arrows hit the DDT

Maxx Skabb is busted open.


Frankie Garnett: And there we go! The juice is flowing in Portland tonight!


Bob Sinclair: At least it's not San Francisco....


Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Elbow Drop

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

Shawn Arrows hit the Super Shot DDT

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

The Running Dropkick was countered into a Running Body Smash.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

The Over Shoulder Backbreaker Drop was countered into a Dropkick.

Shawn Arrows hit the Charging Basement Dropkick

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Top Rope Diving Rana

Shawn Arrows grimaces as he walks, his knee may have been hurt.

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Legdrop

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Shawn Arrows grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Half Senton Bomb

The fans boo Shawn Arrows, trying to distract him.

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

Maxx Skabb counters by reversing on Shawn Arrows.

The Corner Clothesline was countered into a Face Plant.

Maxx Skabb moved and the High Knee missed!

The Lethal Injection was countered into a Eye Gouge.

Shawn Arrows whips Maxx Skabb into the ropes.

The Spinning Heel Kick was countered into a Running Body Smash.

Maxx Skabb hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Shawn Arrows blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Shawn Arrows moved and the Gorilla Press missed!

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb shook the ropes to stop the Top Rope Diving Rana.

Maxx Skabb is moving stiffly, his back may be injured.

Maxx Skabb throws Shawn Arrows off the top rope.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows recovers and stands up.

Maxx Skabb hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

Maxx Skabb is moving stiffly, his back may be injured.


Bob Sinclair: Both men look to be the worse for wear, Frankie.


Frankie Garnett: It becomes a matter of who wants it most, and we'll find that out right now!


Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows hit the High Knee

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Shawn Arrows hit the Sleeper Hold Neckbreaker

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

Shawn Arrows hit the Super Shot DDT

Maxx Skabb moved and the Standing Moonsault missed!

Shawn Arrows moved and the Big Legdrop missed!

Shawn Arrows hit the Kneeling Kick Rush

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb.

The High Knee was countered into a High Knee.

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Maxx Skabb whips Shawn Arrows into the ropes.

Maxx Skabb hit the Twisting Powerslam

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Legdrop

Maxx Skabb hit the Headbutt To Groin

Maxx Skabb hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Shawn Arrows is busted open.


Frankie Garnett: Now both men are bleeding! What a glorious sight this is!


Bob Sinclair: Neither one of these two are intending to back down, that much is certain!


Shawn Arrows moved and the Butt Drop missed!

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb applied the Head Vice

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Sunset Flip.

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Shawn Arrows whips Maxx Skabb into the ropes.

The Running Dropkick was countered into a Big Boot.

Maxx Skabb hit the Seated Knuckle Punches

The referee was not happy with that move.

Maxx Skabb used the Slit Throat Motion

Shawn Arrows counters by fighting back.

The Super Shot DDT was countered into a Powerslam.

Maxx Skabb hit the Big Legdrop

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

The crowd start chanting to taunt Maxx Skabb.


Crowd: Bubba's Boy! Bubba's Boy! Bubba's Boy!....


Shawn Arrows blocked the Headbutt To Groin.

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

The Double Underhook Bomb was countered into a Punch.

Shawn Arrows hit the Implant DDT

Maxx Skabb is now bleeding very heavily.

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!


Frankie Garnett: I thought Arrows had him there!


Bob Sinclair: So did I, Frankie. Folks, you can see the blood in the ring; there is a sickening puddle of it where Skabb's head hit the mat. This is as violent a bloodbath as I can recall seeing in The League's short existence.


Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Top Rope Diving Rana

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Shawn Arrows hit the Top Rope Diving Rana

Shawn Arrows hit the Slingshot Legdrop

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

Maxx Skabb blocked the Implant DDT.

Shawn Arrows hit the Running Dropkick

Maxx Skabb moved and the Slingshot Moonsault missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows from behind.

Maxx Skabb applied the Head Vice

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

Maxx Skabb hit the Gutwrench Powerbomb

Shawn Arrows blocked the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

The Axe Kick was countered into a Flying Knee Strike.

Shawn Arrows climbs the turnbuckles.

Shawn Arrows hit the Flying Elbow Drop

Shawn Arrows picks up Maxx Skabb from behind.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Running Hot Shot.

Maxx Skabb easily broke the Super Shot DDT.

Shawn Arrows broke the Gutwrench Powerbomb.

The Flying Knee Strike was countered into a Running Shoulder Block.

Shawn Arrows slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

Shawn Arrows hit the Springboard Body Press

Maxx Skabb moved and the Arabian Press missed!

Maxx Skabb picks up Shawn Arrows.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

The High Knee was countered into a Kick To Gut.

Maxx Skabb blocked the Super Shot DDT.

Shawn Arrows whips Maxx Skabb into the ropes.

Maxx Skabb moved and the Arrow-Shot DDT missed!

Skabb hits the Lethal Injection; the end draws near for Shawn Arrows!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans start a chant of 'That Was Awesome'.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of forty-two minutes and fifty seconds...Maxx Skabb!


Frankie Garnett: What a match, Bob!


Bob Sinclair: I don't know how you're going to manage to top that one tonight, Frankie. These two left it all in the ring, and Skabb is able to reverse Arrows' finisher into his own to pull off the much-deserved victory!


There is a five-minute intermission at this point, while the ring crew comes out with a new canvas to replace the blood-soaked one already in place. As they finish, we return from a commercial break.


DELTA DIVISION: Scott Stevens (5-2) vs. Diamond (3-4)


Scott Stevens hit the Punch

Scott Stevens hit the Knife Edge Chop

Scott Stevens hit the Knee Pull

Diamond slipped out of the Rear Chinlock.

Diamond hit the European Uppercut

Diamond hit the Hair Pull

Diamond hit the Punch

Scott Stevens moved and the Bitch Slap missed!

Scott Stevens hit the Punch

Scott Stevens hit the Dropkick

Diamond moved and the Corkscrew Legdrop missed!

Scott Stevens blocked the Face Rub.

Diamond hit the Face Stepping

Scott Stevens blocked the Legdrop To Groin.

Scott Stevens recovers and stands up.

Diamond hit the Face Plant

Diamond hit the Dropkick To Knee

Diamond hit the Dropkicksault

Diamond used the Stripper Dance

Scott Stevens slipped out of the Legdrop To Groin.

Scott Stevens hit the Triple Kick Combo

Scott Stevens applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Scott Stevens used the La Magistral Cradle

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out!


Bob Sinclair: Stevens has not made many friends backstage over the last few weeks, and with some of the videos we've seen of him I find it a wonder that he is still married.


Frankie Garnett: That's because you can't get a date to save your life, Bob, so what do you know?


Diamond moved and the Triple Kick Combo missed!

The Dropkick To Knee was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

Scott Stevens hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

Scott Stevens applied the Single Leg Grapevine

The Arachnophobia was countered into a Low Blow.

Scott Stevens moved and the Arabian Press missed!

Scott Stevens picks up Diamond from behind.

Diamond slipped out the back of the German Suplex.

Diamond whips Scott Stevens to the corner.

Diamond hit the Tornado DDT

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans boo, unhappy after a dull match.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of five minutes and twenty seconds...Diamond!


Frankie Garnett: Diamond gets the win, Bob, but I have to ask: is this a plan by Stevens to scout Diamond first-hand, since whoever made the schedule was an idiot and scheduled their rematch for next week?


Bob Sinclair: It's entirely possible, Frankie, but with the Delta Division being that close I don't think that would be a smart idea!


GAMMA DIVISION CAGE MATCH: El Demonio de Sangre (1-6) vs. Sean (6-1)


We return from a brief commercial/intermission to see the cage in place for the second time tonight.


El Demonio de Sangre hit the Puñetazo

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas de Canguro

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Guillotina

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Sean.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Puñetazo

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Open Handed Slap

Sean took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Sean hit the Forearm Blow

Sean hit the Forearm Strike

Sean hit the European Uppercut

Sean hit the Knee Pull

The Single Leg Grapevine was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Rolling Senton

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Seated Back Dropkick

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

El Demonio de Sangre picks up Sean.

Sean broke the Gutwrench Suplex.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

The Single Leg Grapevine was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Power Guillotina

Sean rushed the Top Rope Point.

The crowd start chanting to taunt Sean.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

Sean hit the Legdrop To Groin

Sean applied the Single Leg Grapevine

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out the back of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.


Bob Sinclair: Demonio had that one scouted, and was quick to get out of it. He knows that if he can't climb, he's not getting out of the cage.


Frankie Garnett: Are you trying to be so boring, Bob? That's common knowledge for pretty much everyone!


Sean moved and the Pescado missed!

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out the back of the Legdrop To Groin.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas Voladoras

Sean counters by fighting back.

Sean hit the Small Package

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Sean picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

Sean hit the Dropkick To Knee

The Modified Figure Four Leglock was countered into a Legsweep Kick.

Sean slipped out the back of the Quebradora De A Caballo.

Sean hit the Back Suplex

Sean picks up El Demonio de Sangre from behind.

Sean hit the German Suplex

He is trying to escape...

Could this be the end?

He is easily caught!

The Move of the Night! was countered into a Spinning Back Kick.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Small Package

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Sean moved and the Slingshot Guillotina missed!

Sean climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre recovers and stands up.

Sean hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

El Demonio de Sangre slipped out of the Modified Figure Four Leglock.

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Patadas Voladoras

El Demonio de Sangre hit the Corkscrew Legdrop

The Quebradora De A Caballo was countered into a Low Blow.

Sean climbs the turnbuckles.

El Demonio de Sangre recovers and stands up.

Sean hit the Flying Body Press

He is trying to escape...

Could this be the end?

He is easily caught!

Sean hit the Small Package

Sean applied the Modified Figure Four Leglock

He is trying to escape...

Could this be the end?

He is getting closer!

He is almost there!

He hits the floor!


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of nine minutes and ten seconds...Sean!


Bob Sinclair: And once again, Sean manages to keep pace in the Gamma Division. Can anyone stop him?


Frankie Garnett: That, sir, is a good question. Ask Tarik Nolan, he did it two weeks ago.


DELTA DIVISION: Super Century (2-5) vs. Johnny Triumph (4-3)


Bob Sinclair: Good point...


Super Century hit the Knife Edge Chop

Super Century hit the Elbow Drop On Knee

Super Century hit the Fist Drop

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

Johnny Triumph hit the Eye Gouge

Johnny Triumph hit the Slap To Chest

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Strike

Johnny Triumph hit the Single Leg Trip

Super Century blocked the Arm Bar.

Super Century recovers and stands up.

Johnny Triumph hit the Elbow Strike

Johnny Triumph applied the Front Facelock

Johnny Triumph hit the Side Headlock Takedown

Johnny Triumph applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

Super Century blocked the Single Leg Grapevine.

Johnny Triumph picks up Super Century from behind.

Johnny Triumph hit the Neckbreaker

Johnny Triumph applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Johnny Triumph used the Stalk Grounded Enemy

Johnny Triumph hit the Hammerlock Kick

Super Century broke the Running Hot Shot.

Super Century hit the Jab Punch

Super Century hit the Elbow Strike

Johnny Triumph blocked the Inverted Atomic Drop.

Super Century hit the Hammerlock Kick

Johnny Triumph blocked the Running Bulldog.

Super Century hit the Knee Breaker

Super Century applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Super Century picks up Johnny Triumph.

The Running Dropkick was countered into a Running Clothesline.

Johnny Triumph applied the Camel Clutch

The referee checks the submission...

It seems to be locked in!



Frankie Garnett: Seriously, when was the last time a Camel Clutch won a match?


Bob Sinclair: Malice in Wonderland, I believe.


Frankie Garnett: Rhetorical question!


Johnny Triumph hit the S.T.O.

Super Century slipped out the back of the Horns of Victory.

Super Century hit the Back Suplex

The fans cheer for Super Century, trying to get him to take it up a level.

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Spinning Head Scissors.

Johnny Triumph counters by fighting back.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Johnny Triumph hit the S.T.O.

Super Century broke the Horns of Victory.

Super Century hit the Springboard Rana

Super Century picks up Johnny Triumph from behind.

Super Century just broke the laws of gravity and Johnny Triumph's neck with the Zero Grav!

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Super Century climbs the turnbuckles.

Super Century hit the Flying Body Press

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans boo, unhappy after a dull match.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of seven and a half minutes...Super Century!


Frankie Garnett: Oh, for the love of...are you serious?


Bob Sinclair: Afraid so, Frankie. Century with the upset and his third win of the season!


ALPHA DIVISION: Nuclear Templeton (5-2) vs. SGRaaize (3-4)


Frankie Garnett: Oh, now this is what I've been waiting for. Lariat battle, begin!


Bob Sinclair: ...and you say that I make idiotic statements....


Nuclear Templeton hit the Knife Edge Chop

SGRaaize broke the Body Scissors by reaching the ropes.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Knife Edge Chop

Nuclear Templeton applied the Body Scissors

Nuclear Templeton hit the Elbow Drop

Nuclear Templeton hit the Face Stepping

The referee warns that that was illegal.

SGRaaize slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

SGRaaize hit the Running Clothesline

Nuclear Templeton slipped out of the Knee Pull.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Discus Punch

SGRaaize blocked the Mounted Elbow Smashes.

SGRaaize moved and the Snap Driving Elbow missed!

SGRaaize applied the Western Spinning Toe Hold

SGRaaize hit the Face Stepping

Nuclear Templeton slipped out of the Elbow Drop On Knee.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Inverted Atomic Drop

SGRaaize slipped out of the Mounted Punch Flurry.

The Punch was countered into a Bodyslam.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Snap Driving Elbow

Nuclear Templeton hit the Seated Back Dropkick

Nuclear Templeton picks up SGRaaize.


The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...

Kick Out At The Last Second!


Frankie Garnett: That was three, right? RIGHT?!


Bob Sinclair: No, Frankie, that was two, and Templeton himself is asking the ref the same thing! I don't know how Raaize kicked out after the Armageddon Lariat!


Nuclear Templeton hit the Charging Forearm

SGRaaize blocked the Rain of Pain.

Nuclear Templeton picks up SGRaaize from behind.

The crowd start a chant for Nuclear Templeton.


Crowd: **** him up, Nuclear, **** him up! *clap clap*....


Nuclear Templeton applied the Full Nelson

SGRaaize slipped out of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

SGRaaize hit the Running Clothesline

SGRaaize applied the Single Leg Grapevine

Nuclear Templeton counters by fighting back.

The Charging Forearm was countered into a Vertical Body Press.

Nuclear Templeton counters by fighting back.

Nuclear Templeton hit the Inverted Atomic Drop

SGRaaize slipped out of the Rain of Pain.

SGRaaize hit the Hammerlock Kick

Nuclear Templeton blocked the Canadian Backbreaker Hold.

SGRaaize hit the Knee Breaker

SGRaaize climbs the turnbuckles.

Nuclear Templeton recovers and stands up.

SGRaaize hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

SGRaaize hit the Hammerlock Kick

Nuclear Templeton slipped out the back of the Running Hot Shot.

SGRaaize blocked the Apocalypse Now.

SGRaaize slipped out of the Full Nelson.

Nuclear Templeton counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

SGRaaize recovers and stands up.

Nuclear Templeton leaves the ring.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

SGRaaize broke the Ring Post Smash.

SGRaaize climbs the turnbuckles.

SGRaaize hit the Flying Double Axe Handle

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

The fans boo SGRaaize, trying to distract him.

Nuclear tastes the Portugal Lariat, and could be on the verge of losing!

The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

Nuclear Templeton counters by fighting back.

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.


Frankie Garnett: And that makes it 1-1 in the battle of the lariats, though I have to wonder if Raaize knew what he was doing by going for it outside the ring.


Bob Sinclair: I think he was just trying to wear down Templeton, Frankie. Might work in his favor.


Nuclear Templeton hit the Discus Punch

SGRaaize slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

Nuclear Templeton counters by reversing on SGRaaize.

The Charging Forearm was countered into a Knife Edge Chop.

SGRaaize hit the S.T.O.

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out!

SGRaaize hit the Triple Forearm Blow

Nuclear Templeton broke the Camel Clutch by reaching the ropes.

LAAAAARIIIIAAAATOOOOO!! Raaize with the Portugal Lariat!

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans start a chant of 'That Was Awesome'.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of ten minutes and ten seconds...SGRaaize!


Frankie Garnett: And in the Second Battle of the Lariat, it's SGRaaize avenging his loss from earlier this season!


Bob Sinclair: Something tells me we haven't seen the last of these two, Frankie.


GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (3-4) vs. The Phoenix (7-0)


Tarik Nolan hit the Toss To Corner

Tarik Nolan hit the Turnbuckle Smash

Tarik Nolan hit the Eye Gouge

The referee warns that that was illegal.

The Punch was countered into a Elbow Strike.

The Phoenix applied the Front Facelock

The Phoenix hit the Punch

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

Tarik Nolan hit the Headbutt

Tarik Nolan hit the Kick To Gut

Tarik Nolan hit the Running Shoulder Block

The Phoenix slipped out of the Rear Naked Punch Flurry.

The Phoenix hit the Kick To Gut

Tarik Nolan took the blow, but just shrugs it off and goes on the attack.

The Phoenix blocked the Face Plant.

The Phoenix slipped out of the Trapping Headbutts.

The Front Facelock was countered into a Eye Gouge.

The referee warns that that was illegal.

Tarik Nolan hit the DDT

The Phoenix rushed the Power Taunt.

The Phoenix hit the Punch

The Phoenix hit the Forearm Blow

The Phoenix applied the Front Facelock

The Phoenix hit the Single Leg Trip

The Phoenix applied the Rear Chinlock

The Phoenix picks up Tarik Nolan.

The Phoenix hit the Triple Forearm Blow

The Phoenix hit the Rear Crossface Blows

The Phoenix picks up Tarik Nolan.

The Phoenix hit the Roundhouse Punch

Tarik Nolan broke the Eternal Requiem.


Bob Sinclair: Phoenix almost had it locked in there; we were a few seconds from seeing him go to 8-0!


Frankie Garnett: Bob, please, I'd rather not be ill at that thought....


Tarik Nolan hit the Face Plant

Tarik Nolan hit the DDT

Tarik Nolan hit the Mounted Punch Flurry

The Phoenix slipped out the back of the Seated Knuckle Punches.

The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

The Phoenix hit the Forearm To Back Of Head

The Phoenix grimaces as he moves, his neck seems to be hurting him.

The Phoenix climbs the turnbuckles.

The Phoenix climbs down off the top rope.

The Phoenix throws Tarik Nolan to ringside.

The Phoenix leaves the ring.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Tarik Nolan counters by fighting back.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

Tarik Nolan gets into the ring.

Tarik Nolan leaves the ring.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

The Phoenix moved and the Chair Shot From Above missed!

The Phoenix stops to acknowledge the fans at ringside.

The Phoenix gets into the ring.

The Phoenix leaves the ring.

The referee begins counting the competitors out.

Tarik Nolan broke the Capture Suplex.

The fans boo Tarik Nolan, wanting to see him take, not give, punishment.

Tarik Nolan hit the Ring Post Smash

The referee reaches the halfway point of his count.

The Chair Shot To Head was countered into a Forearm Strike Flurry.


Frankie Garnett: What the heck are you doing, Nolan? Are you TRYING to get yourself disqualified?!


Bob Sinclair: Good question, as that move would have surely led to a DQ loss, Frankie.


The referee is almost ready to count both competitors out.

The Phoenix applied the Camel Clutch

Both competitors return to the ring before they are counted out.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

The Phoenix hit the Capture Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Tarik Nolan from behind.

The crowd start a chant for The Phoenix.


Crowd: Let's go Phoenix! Let's go Phoenix!....


The Phoenix hit the Side Explosion Suplex

The Phoenix picks up Tarik Nolan.

The Phoenix hit the Slingshot Suplex

The referee begins the count...


Kick Out Just Before The Two!

Tarik Nolan counters by reversing on The Phoenix.

Tarik Nolan hit the Powerslam

Tarik Nolan picks up The Phoenix.

A stalemate happens as neither competitor can take the advantage.

Tarik Nolan hit the Press Powerslam

The referee begins the count...



Kick Out Just After Two!

Tarik Nolan hit the Front Slam

Tarik Nolan picks up The Phoenix.

The Phoenix counters by reversing on Tarik Nolan.

The Phoenix hit the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry

The Phoenix picks up Tarik Nolan.

Tarik Nolan blocked the Capture Suplex.

The Slingshot Suplex was countered into a Kick To Gut.

The Phoenix counters by reversing on Tarik Nolan.

Tarik Nolan slipped out the back of the Tree Of Woe Stomp Flurry.

Tarik Nolan hits the Regulator! It's the beginning of the end....

The referee begins the count...



This Could Be It!

The referee's hand starts coming down...


The fans applaud the efforts of the wrestlers.


Amelia Williams: Here is your winner, at a time of twelve minutes and ten seconds...Tarik Nolan!


Frankie Garnett: Hallelujah! It's about time!


Bob Sinclair: Folks, Tarik Nolan is now responsible for ruining both Sean's and Phoenix's undefeated seasons.


Frankie Garnett: The man needs to be praised, Bob!


Bob Sinclair: Folks, we're out of time tonight, we'll see you next week from the Far East!







1. Robbie Maynard (4-4) def. Ly Quang Bao (3-5)

* Time of Match: 6:30

* Match Rating: C+

* Winner's Offense: 60%

* Maynard: Head 30, Body 62, Arms 100, Legs 100

* Bao: Head 65, Body 87, Arms 94, Legs 96


2. Thor Hammerskald (2-6) def. Sebastian Moore (5-3)

* Time of Match: 11:20

* Match Rating: C

* Winner's Offense: 51%

* Hammerskald: Head 20, Body 71, Arms 100, Legs 92

* Moore: Head 32, Body 81, Arms 100, Legs 100


3. Maxx Skabb (5-3) def. Shawn Arrows (1-7)

* Time of Match: 42:50

* Match Rating: A*

* Winner's Offense: 43%

* Skabb: Head 0, Body 4, Arms 100, Legs 94, Very Heavy Blood Loss

* Arrows: Head 0, Body 3, Arms 100, Legs 66, Heavy Blood Loss

* This is obviously Match of the Night.


4. Diamond (4-4) def. Scott Stevens (5-3)

* Time of Match: 5:20

* Match Rating: D

* Winner's Offense: 52%

* Diamond: Head 48, Body 65, Arms 100, Legs 58

* Stevens: Head 37, Body 60, Arms 100, Legs 94


5. Sean (7-1) def. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7)

* Time of Match: 9:10

* Match Rating: C-

* Winner's Offense: 57%

* Sean: Head 43, Body 84, Arms 100, Legs 97

* Demonio: Head 55, Body 70, Arms 100, Legs 68


6. Super Century (3-5) def. Johnny Triumph (4-4)

* Time of Match: 7:30

* Match Rating: D

* Winner's Offense: 50%

* Century: Head 26, Body 61, Arms 96, Legs 95

* Triumph: Head 55, Body 59, Arms 96, Legs 72


7. SGRaaize (4-4) def. Nuclear Templeton (5-3)

* Time of Match: 10:10

* Match Rating: A*

* Winner's Offense: 47%

* Raaize: Head 38, Body 60, Arms 100, Legs 96

* Templeton: Head 30, Body 73, Arms 92, Legs 92


8. Tarik Nolan (4-4) def. The Phoenix (7-1)

* Time of Match: 12:10

* Match Rating: B-

* Winner's Offense: 45%

* Nolan: Head 34, Body 81, Arms 100, Legs 82

* Phoenix: Head 31, Body 63, Arms 100, Legs 100




(Strong Style match, Strict Rules Enforcement, ref bumps allowed)


DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)







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And now a Message from Thor Hammerskald...


Herrer og Dame av Ligaen...


No, I just kid. I apologize for my previous announcement...when I become agitated, the home tongue takes over.


In any case, I have a proposition for the fans of the League. While I have yet to enjoy great success among this fine competition, I have enjoyed my participation. Finding that my scarred knuckles are not enough to overcome all hasn't been all that surprising, but it is what I know. However, the good thing about the League is that I find myself exposed to many new styles. I've been training to incorporate as much as I can, and a few days of intense work in any given direction could have me reveal something new and exciting.


However, as decisive as I am in the ring, I lack the surety of how to direct this intense work. So, I give you, the fans, a chance to decide for me. I have assigned the possible avenues of training to eight sealed envelopes. You, the viewers, may contact me through my League fan page to select a number. On Wednesday of this week, I will choose my training from the envelope most selected by the fans. From there, I hope to reveal something spectacular in my match against Shawn Arrows next week.


Some may say this is simply a publicity play; I disagree. This is simply a way of putting something of the League in the hands of the viewers. We may be all about the sport, but there's no reason we can't be entertaining at the same time.


Good Night.


This concludes our message.


OOC: I'm serious about this. Anyone who wants to, PM me a number 1 through 8 by Wedensday around 5:00 PM Eastern US time, and the number with the most votes will choose my next signature move. No, you don't get to see the list :p Any ties will be broken by me rolling dice. Open to all League members and readers. Void where prohibited. Offer not valid in Rhode Island, Puerto Rico, Turkmenistan, or that weird spot on my map that might actually be a fly that I killed.

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While I'm at it...


DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

I can't see Scott Stevens winning after his performance this week.

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

Shawn Arrows is a great worker as I'm sure that everybody could tell by his tag tournament performance, but he seems to be on a losing streak. But this week he will break that losing streak!

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

I think that the Portugal Lariat will be the deciding factor in this match.

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

I just can't see Sangre winning against the man who ended both Sean's and The Phoenix's undefeated streaks.

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

I have to vote for myself. This match could go either way, so I'm going to predict that I win! :p

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

Call me crazy for predicting that a broken down Maxx will beat Moore, but I'm going with my gut on this one.

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

Yeah, I don't know why but I think that Nuclear Templeton isn't good against technicians like Robbie Maynard, and with Maynard's finisher being a submission move I think that he will win.

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

Darn it! The League was just a few weeks short of getting a Undefeated Streak vs. Undefeated Streak match! Anyways, I think that since Sean's slighly more popular than The Phoenix in this area, he will edge out the win.

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And now, a brief message from Maxx Skabb ...


*Drools* ... hurble, burble, flubby-doo! *Collapses!*


Seriously, are Arrows and I gonna have MotY again? That's craziness. Love that Maxx left half his brain laying on the ground too. lol Also super bummed that I live in Flystain, Utah, so I can't vote on Thor's next training exercise. :p


DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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Someone from the cleaning department of the venue left a note on Nuclear's door saying "I'm not cleaning up that mess, do it yourself or face a fine". Nuclear is now very displeased, but since he'll have less money to train with anyways he's gonna end up stayine behind to clean up the mess he made when he was less than happy at his loss. He's still not giving an interview though... doesn't feel he'd come across well. :p


Stupid SG for kicking out of a lariat... that's not cool. Whatever happened to protecting the awesomeness fo our move! :eek:


DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)


And for Ranson... the number is 8. ;)

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DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Jman2k3" data-cite="Jman2k3" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28086" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. <strong>Scott Stevens</strong> (5-3, 15%)</div></blockquote><p> Didn't you learn the last time? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Will make picks when I get to a computer.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="moon_lit_tears" data-cite="moon_lit_tears" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28086" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Didn't you learn the last time? <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> Will make picks when I get to a computer.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Luck all luck.</p>
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Luck all luck.




It's more like






DELTA DIVISION: Diamond (4-4, 13%) vs. Scott Stevens (5-3, 15%)

BETA DIVISION: Shawn Arrows (1-7, 15%) vs. Thor Hammerskald (2-6, 13%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Ly Quang Bao (3-5, 18%) vs. SGRaaize (4-4, 11%)

GAMMA DIVISION: Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%) vs. El Demonio de Sangre (1-7, 16%)

DELTA DIVISION: Johnny Triumph (4-4, 15%) vs. Super Century (3-5, 17%)

BETA DIVISION: Sebastian Moore (5-3, 10%) vs. Maxx Skabb (5-3, 24%)

ALPHA DIVISION: Robbie Maynard (4-4, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (5-3, 18%)

GAMMA DIVISION: The Phoenix (7-1, 18%) vs. Sean (7-1, 20%)

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Note: Because of his handler's like of a certain Pennsylvania-based NFL team, Tarik Nolan has been banned from The League for the remainder of the regular season. Commissioner Marshall also sends the following message: "Tell Hines Ward that there is no room in the NFL for a prima donna, since Roethlisberger is already on the same team."


(Yes, this is a joke.)


In serious business, I'll post the week nine pre-show tomorrow; just have a bit much on my plate to cover tonight (along with work issues that I won't bore you with). I will also be posting in the discussion thread momentarily.

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Note: Because of his handler's like of a certain Pennsylvania-based NFL team, Tarik Nolan has been banned from The League for the remainder of the regular season. Commissioner Marshall also sends the following message: "Tell Hines Ward that there is no room in the NFL for a prima donna, since Roethlisberger is already on the same team."


Hey! Thor may be a Vikings fan, but his manager can't fit all the championship rings on one hand...:D

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