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there was not even a complete dott for 08 was there? Believe me......i would LOVE a dott for 10 as there is so much stuff that i think would make it work even better now.......but i am not going to hold my breath.....but i am more then willing to help if a team is set up.
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there was not even a complete dott for 08 was there? Believe me......i would LOVE a dott for 10 as there is so much stuff that i think would make it work even better now.......but i am not going to hold my breath.....but i am more then willing to help if a team is set up.


DJ Chris ended up quitting because life happened, if I remember the story. But that could be entirely wrong, it's all hearsay to me.

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I'm pretty sure 08's was done DJChris just never gave it an official release because he wasn't completely 100 percent good with it or he couldn't get ahold of Boon to give it his stamp of approval so it was just a "beta" but its out there. The thread is in 08 for anybody to see.
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Even if I was asked to, I would not have given the '08 data my stamp of approval. For one, I am a chump like everyone else; my approval wasn't needed for anyone to enjoy the work DJChris and his team did on the mod. For another, I am of the lone opinion that the reason previous versions of D.O.T.T. was so good was because I loved the territorial era, I lived through it, I was dedicated to the project (and Adam's wrestling games in general), and I kept as few cooks out of the kitchen as possible.


Modding teams are fine and dandy - but unless they adhere to one vision, more often than not the work will be a disjointed collection, rather than a seemless modification. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending upon how you look at it), TEW has grown to the point where one person mod projects are harder and harder to pull off. The amount of dedication and obsessiveness needed is beyond most people, myself included.


I long ago stated that the only version of D.O.T.T. I would devote myself to was for Wrestling Spirit. As a third version is unlikely at this point, that leaves a TEW version to the TEW fans.


You can do it! Yes, you can! :D

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Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending upon how you look at it), TEW has grown to the point where one person mod projects are harder and harder to pull off. The amount of dedication and obsessiveness needed is beyond most people, myself included.


That's just not true.... http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=141494


Oops, sorry you were saying :o


You can do it! Yes' date=' you can! :D [/quote']


It's a shame and a loss to everyone playing TEW you're not continuing with DOTT, and I'll take the oppurtunity now to thank you for all of the quality mods you've put out over the years. I might as I mentioned attempt an update but it's definitely quite the benchmark you've set. :)

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  • 4 months later...
I kept as few cooks out of the kitchen as possible.


Modding teams are fine and dandy - but unless they adhere to one vision, more often than not the work will be a disjointed collection, rather than a seemless modification.


Don't know how I missed this before. First I'd like to second Genadi's thanks for such high quality mods over the years! It was a pleasure watching you and your very small team (was it two or three people all together?) work on one of them, and I thank you for inviting me to see it in action.


Second, I bolded and underlined something I wish I would have understood better alot sooner. I agree 100%. For future mods (I am working on a couple completely new one's, when I can), I won't be getting anyone else involved in the initial creation process. I "feel" what I'm trying to do with them, and there is no way I can say in words exactly what that is. In other words, I don't think I could explain my vision in a way that would have other's know exactly what I'm talking about, and be able to follow through with it. People have opinion's, and it's very hard not to let those opinions come through on database work.


Invaluable information for anyone, in my opinion. Stick to your guns, and work on your vision, and don't let other's defer you. People can change things they dissagree with after they've downloaded the mod, and have it for themselves.

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To answer a few things:


DJ Chris ended up quitting because life happened, if I remember the story. But that could be entirely wrong, it's all hearsay to me.
Ok.... I never really said what happened to the degree I am now, because it was painfull at the time. My wife was fired from a job she loved, and bassically.... was so depressed she ran away, a few states away to be exact. I had no idea where she went, only the last thing she said before she did, which I at the time didn't think anything of... "Please don't worry about me, I'm going to be ok, I just need to get out for a while" which ussually means, she needed to get a drink or go dancing or something to feel better. I had told her not to worry, and I would meet her at a certain spot we sometimes went to. I told her I understood, and bassically knew as soon as I seen her (I hadn't seen her since she was fired, because I was at work, this all happened in one day) I'd be able to comfort her and she'd be alright.


Well, that's not how it went, and she took off. I have myself, my step son (I raised him since he was five, so feel he's mine), and her mother telling me she is worried and thinks she ran away. This was later confirmed because she never come home obviously. Well, as this was all happening, my computer decided to crash on me as well, meaning my hard drive that had all the work lined up nice and neat was gone, and maybe some of you remember when I did finally get back to modding, I had to ask for the data.


During all this I was getting PM's from an unnamed source that wanted to help "undercover" with DOTT, that although DBG never mentioned him to me, he seemed to know DBG just as well, if not better then I did (as you can tell when people use real names and such). So I was trying to change data that I shouldn't have. Should have stuck to the original plan, which was trying NOT to change the stat's as much as possible on the "Kafabe" based DOTT.... See, that's what I think is the key.. No, the MAGIC to the whole dang mod, was that alot of the stats were based on Kafabe, not "real life" stats. So if the worker's gimmick was supposed to be STRONG AS A BULL, by god, it looked that way in the mod with the representation of the stats in "Kafabe" mode, even if there were dozens of worker's that were actually twice as strong, that's not really how the mod was designed (at least that's my opinion).


So, here I am, I have a wife 2000 miles away, that is now scared to come home because she realises running away was wrong, but somehow doesn't realise not coming back makes it worse... All my original work scattered with other people working on the game, because my hard-drive went down. My "mild" insomnia is now at an all time high, meaning I was going off of less then an hour's sleep almost the whole time, and I honestly wasn't focused enough to do anything but think of my wife's situation... but here I am trying to finish what I feel is the most important thing I ever started in this community, at the same time trying to "fake" that I'm fine with my work, that wants to get me some help (mental). Yet, I'm still logging in to this forum and trying to make it happen (at that time).


To make what could become a really long story, alot shorter... My wife did come home, we are doing better then ever (except for all these damn cats), and my life has improved drastically as far as I can sleep (still have mild insomnia), and I've actually had a promotion at work, with what looks like options to be promoted to even better positions (Which I only have so far I want to go... as moving too high up requires travelling, and with family growing old, etc... I can't move).


If it's not in the works by the time I'm finished with the 2001 mod I might try and organise a team to update but a mod like DOTT needs a lot of work to keep it as polished as it was.
Yes it requires alot of work, but I think you could do it if you keep the golden ticket intact... I know your more about realism in alot of ways, but DOTT seemed magical because of the kafabe involved (in my opinion). This is something I knew from the first time I played it, but between all my emotions and the confusion in my life at the time, I wasn't able to keep the "Focus" that was necessary to finish it up in the way it should have been finished up.


Thinking about it now, I'm saddened that I let it turn out the way it did, but I'm finally happy that I got some stuff off my chest that I never could talk about at that time period.


This is also the reason I never released a full fledged mod. I was never 100% happy with it, and even though I wasn't in my right mind for the most part, I was smart enough to at least realise it could be done alot better then it was. There are several people that were at least able to adjust it to be very playable mods for themselves, and you can see some of them in the diary sections... Just wish I could have finished what we started with it. I think Mizer probably has the best set though, as it wasn't changed half as much as when we started adding in the new game area's, etc.


If nothing else though, I wanted to say that I believe the whole magic of DOTT, and the reason it was so popular (and still is), is because of the Kafabe added not only in the great Bios, but in the stats, promotions, and almost every place you look (TV sections, PPV/Closed Circuit Television), etc. I haven't seen this in any other mod. I don't even know if DBG knows how much this effected anyone playing the mod, as you wouldn't ever know he made a mod this great to just talk to him.. He's just a very interesting and very nice person to talk to. You expect a totally different person when you talk to him, but he's one of those guys that ask's how your family is doing, remember your birthday, etc. The kind of person that I'm sure in real life would give you the shirt off his back if he thought you needed it, or go 25 miles to help you get a flat tire fixed, etc. It comes out in his data, not to mention the wit. Don't remember a wrestler? Just look at his bio of the person, and all the memmories you have will come up. Something you can't get with alot of bios, that just say

"Won toughman competition, worked as a bouncer till he joined AWA and then won every belt they have."
That's nothing compared to
"One of the craziest and over-the-top characters in the history of the sport (certainly one of the most weird-looking), Bull Curry terrrorized and entertained the public for well over thirty years. His in-ring style was so violent and chaotic that many regional promotions would create Brass Knuckles titles just for him."
with the infamous picture of the joined eyebrows.


His love of that era is just so... I don't know. Perhaps when he said that WMMA would be a better place to make a DOTT then TEW, he was right. I thought he was crazy when he first told me that, because of the lack of angle's/storylines, etc.. that WMMA has, but I do see the connection he was making.


So, anyways.. There you have it. It's been a good while, and heck.. My son moved in with his sister, he's going to be 20 this year (December). Time just moves so fast now-a-days, lol.

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Don't know how I missed this before. First I'd like to second Genadi's thanks for such high quality mods over the years! It was a pleasure watching you and your very small team (was it two or three people all together?) work on one of them, and I thank you for inviting me to see it in action.


Second, I bolded and underlined something I wish I would have understood better alot sooner. I agree 100%. For future mods (I am working on a couple completely new one's, when I can), I won't be getting anyone else involved in the initial creation process. I "feel" what I'm trying to do with them, and there is no way I can say in words exactly what that is. In other words, I don't think I could explain my vision in a way that would have other's know exactly what I'm talking about, and be able to follow through with it. People have opinion's, and it's very hard not to let those opinions come through on database work.


Invaluable information for anyone, in my opinion. Stick to your guns, and work on your vision, and don't let other's defer you. People can change things they dissagree with after they've downloaded the mod, and have it for themselves.


Very well put, I've copped more drama and abuse over the years for not including people in the mod process your post explains every reason why I have kept my team small. I've tried time and time again to explain to some people the reasons why the team is small but it's translated as elitism etc. I don't even bother addressing it anymore.



To answer a few things:


Ok.... I never really said what happened to the degree I am now....


The first part made me :(


To make what could become a really long story, alot shorter... My wife did come home, we are doing better then ever (except for all these damn cats), and my life has improved drastically as far as I can sleep (still have mild insomnia), and I've actually had a promotion at work, with what looks like options to be promoted to even better positions (Which I only have so far I want to go... as moving too high up requires travelling, and with family growing old, etc... I can't move).


Second part made me :)

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Yes it requires alot of work, but I think you could do it if you keep the golden ticket intact... I know your more about realism in alot of ways, but DOTT seemed magical because of the kafabe involved (in my opinion). This is something I knew from the first time I played it, but between all my emotions and the confusion in my life at the time, I wasn't able to keep the "Focus" that was necessary to finish it up in the way it should have been finished up.


This explains so much and makes me feel much better about the editing I've done to workers etc. imported to help with the '87 mod. Thought I was being way too harsh with some guys scaling down some stats here and there but now I can see where you guys were coming from.


Having said that I think you'll find the '87 mod will have far more high stats than previous mods of mine. Not because I've loosened the reigns at all but because in the process of revising as much old footage I can I've come to realise the talent was much deeper and wide spread back then. It really is a great time for a mod to be set in with the different styles and products emerging.

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For someone who doesn't post here much (lurker), I have to say that was one of the best posts I've read in a long while. I'm very glad to hear everything with the family worked it self out. Congrats on the promotion as well.

Thankyou. This all happened a good while ago, and I've completely recovered (all of us have). Stronger for it, in alot of ways.


Also nice to see you post for a change;).

This explains so much and makes me feel much better about the editing I've done to workers etc. imported to help with the '87 mod. Thought I was being way too harsh with some guys scaling down some stats here and there but now I can see where you guys were coming from.


Having said that I think you'll find the '87 mod will have far more high stats than previous mods of mine. Not because I've loosened the reigns at all but because in the process of revising as much old footage I can I've come to realise the talent was much deeper and wide spread back then. It really is a great time for a mod to be set in with the different styles and products emerging.


/nod. Something that might interest you... There are alot of "Golden" area's I've been doing research off and on with. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Dinnie


This guy was a superstar we will probably never see the likes of in our lifetime, but who knows. Just amazing the stuff you uncover when curiosity gets the best of you, lol.


Of course, in all likeliness all his Wrestling was "Real", but think of the possibilities this guy would have had if he was born 60 or 70 years later. We would be like "Who is Frank Gotch?"

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Thankyou. This all happened a good while ago, and I've completely recovered (all of us have). Stronger for it, in alot of ways.


Also nice to see you post for a change;).



/nod. Something that might interest you... There are alot of "Golden" area's I've been doing research off and on with. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Dinnie


This guy was a superstar we will probably never see the likes of in our lifetime, but who knows. Just amazing the stuff you uncover when curiosity gets the best of you, lol.


Of course, in all likeliness all his Wrestling was "Real", but think of the possibilities this guy would have had if he was born 60 or 70 years later. We would be like "Who is Frank Gotch?"


That makes me want to make an 1867 mod so bad, Dinnie-Verse!

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