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Thoughts please :)

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Just wondering, I have had this idea lately of making sort of ‘Mini-Mods’ for TEW. Mods that don’t make a lot of sense but might be enjoyable for some. I was reading about the new WWE All Star game which gave me the idea,


So maybe a Legends of Wrestling mod, where you have all the legends in, in completely unique promotions in 2010. Obviously there would be more mods, but would you enjoy Mods that didn’t make much sense, but was just made for fun?

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Back when I was actually planning a mod, I was going to do a small american promotion called "Circus of Freaks" which was basically a circus, fearing bankruptcy, doubling as a wrestling promotion. Basically BSC, but instead of strippers you've got circus folks. Clowns. Fire breathers. Bearded lady. A lion.


Yes. I said a lion. Menacing as hell, but his Safety is... He's not safe.


So I'm cool with a bit of wackiness.

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Circus wrestling! Awesome!






I'd like to see more random mods. I like Crayon's mod work, and kind of like mods that are a bit more out there.


I suppose I find wrestling characters are difficult to really 'mold' when I play real life mods. I know who all the wrestlers are and how they act so its hard for me to really deviate from reality more than a few meters ... Fantasy match ups, comic book characters, and things like that I find more enjoyable because they can't be experienced in reality ...


Rambling story short ... Please do!

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