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Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling: Learning to walk before we sick bump

Also known as how we learned to "PAY OUR F****** DUES"




The KZA in me is the KZA in you






From http://www.pwhits.com


Alex Braun ousted as Head Booker of PSW?

11th of December, 2009: According to reliable sources, Mitch Naess has asked Alex Braun to step from his position as head booker of PSW this week. Apparently Naess is disappointed with Braun’s two year run as the creative force behind the company. Braun has lead PSW since day one, and famously got off to a get start with the first ever show truly echoing the greatness of DAVE. However things began to slip following that, and currently PSW seems to fallen into the mold of just another regional company within the American Indie scene, although that’s not to say PSW has had no success; Braun during his reign showed a strong eye for upcoming talent. The main criticism used against him, and this may be why Braun was forced out, is that Braun struggled to break his new talents into the upper stages of the card. More news as we get here at PWhits.com

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/Aidanbro111/PSW/LutherDurvey.jpg</span><span>http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/Aidanbro111/PSW/MitchNaess.jpg</span><p>

<em>KZA alt taken/stolen straight out of the that 70s mod pic pack. Hope they don't mind.</em></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

<em>In Mitch Naess’s sitting room, Pittsburgh.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Naess:</strong> Look, basically I need someone who has the energy we had in DAVE, and can merge that energy with the ideas of today. I know that seems like a bit of oxymoron, being able to mix the new with the old, but...I think you may be able to do just that Jaquon. You’re experienced, but not old; an old school mentality with a modern vision. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KZA:</strong> Yeah Mitch, that’s great and all, blowing smoke up my ass, but I gotta hear it straight: Are you, or are you not, offering me this gig based on the fact I’m Nem’s student?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Naess:</strong> I’m not going to sit here and lie to you Jaquon; it’s part of it, it has to be. Because you were trained by John means I know you’ve got the right attitude about this business, the right ideas, and the most importantly the right respect for the business. I mean it was Ash who put me wise to you...but I assure you, your background with the Campbells is just one small part of why you’re being offered this.</p><p> </p><p>

I’ve seen you’re stuff on youtube, not just clips, full matches from MAW and 4C...I think there may even have been one from Cee-Zee-Cee-Duya in there, it was all good stuff. .tell me, was it really you who told Troy Winner to bring in Antonio del Veccio?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KZA:</strong> <em>chuckles</em> Look, I just told Troy “Hey listen, you don’t have enough guys in this hardcore division of yours...you <strong>need </strong>to bring in more guys!”. Well, he turned to me and asked who I’d bring in if I could and I told him straight up that I’d worked with ADV before and that he was a solid hand that could work the hardcore style...boom boom boom, month and half later Antonio is on the payroll. It’s just two plus two logic Mitch</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Naess:</strong> Well now see you say that like it’s common sense KZA, but you know what? I think some of the boys here in this town have forgotten that. I mean can’t tell you how many texts I get a week from this guy or that guy saying “Mitch, we should bring in X guy because no-one would every suspect it!” and I have to tell them “Yeah it’d be a surprise...but that X guy hasn’t had a good match in 5 years, are you going to carry him?”. Honestly, even Alex had too much of a focus on using DAVE tactics. I realise that won’t work...we don’t have TV to do what we used to in DAVE.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KZA</strong>: So you accept that this is a struggle right Mitch? You get this game? </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Naess</strong>: I think I do</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KZA</strong>: Good...because quite frankly there a lot of guys who need to shut the **** up and realise that DAVE didn’t get television until 6 or 7 years of busting their asses had happened, and even then it was with a network that ******* hated your guts. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Naess</strong>: Yeah ECT [East Coast Today] were p****s to us alright...<em>although </em>if they came calling again...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KZA</strong>: If you want be aboard, knock that idea right out of your head Mitch...reason DAVE failed was because you didn’t build up your fanbase before jumping into the lion’s den of television. </p><p> </p><p>

That’s what Alex’s problem was; he was booking PSW like it was Cult sized promotion with television, thinking almost short term and what would work for a week to week deal.</p><p> </p><p>

What he should have been actually doing is making PSW the Mecca of the Indy Scene...earn the reputation of being THEE place for talent.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Naess</strong>: You think you can achieve that?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>KZA</strong>: Honestly? I think Cee Zee Cee Dubya are running away with things as being the indy darlings of the moment. However, I think the fact that they’re so focused on the high flying style means some good, solid none high flyers are slipping through their cracks, and perhaps into our hands.</p><p> </p><p>

Take Nelson Callum; Brother is perfect for a company your size yo...why hasn’t Cliff Anderson brought him in? Because they don’t have a single face technical wrestler that could work him, too filled with high flyers. So instead that talent comes here to Pittsburgh. We’ve got to keep that up Mitch...</p><p> </p><p>

I’ve worked the indy scene since I was 19 Mitch, I’m 25 now. That’s five whole years of experience and travel, But frankly compared to half your roster Mitch I’m a new born baby. </p><p> </p><p>

You bring me aboard and I’ll bring you the talent you need to one day, some far away day...to bring you back to where DAVE was...but better.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Mitch sits back in his chair and smiles.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Naess</strong>: KZA...You’re hired.</p>

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Big fan of DaVE before it folded, never really got into PSW, hopefully you can bring the magic of DaVE back without necessarily bringing in loads of the old Alumni, even though there re a few I woulld love to see. Good Luck , I look foward to reading this
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/Aidanbro111/PSW/LutherDurvey.jpg</span><p>

<span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>KZA</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;">

</span><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>The Bio</strong></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Maybe you’ve heard of me, maybe you haven’t. Quite honestly, I don’t really care either way, I’m not a shameless self promoter, I just let my work speak for itself. I’m not a hypeman, not a name built off false buzz. I don’t talk about it, I be about it. </p><p> </p><p>

My name is Jaquon Carter, but I'm better known as KZA.</p><p> </p><p>

Where’d I come from? I’m a NYC kid, reppin’ it proud. Did a bit of amateur wrestling in high school and did alright for myself. It was that background that came in pretty useful when I had a chance encounter with someone you may be aware of: John “Nemesis” Campbell. John was actively scouting as part of Operation: “Train some kids up who’ll be loyal to DAVE and won’t run off to mother******* SWF” that he was running with Shawn Gonzalez back in the day. Basically just like what Womanizer Robbie Gordon had done back in the day with John and Pistol Pete Hall [all the way back in ‘79]. </p><p> </p><p>

John saw me at an amateur wrestling event down in New Jersey back around 2002, and boy did he know I saw him. Yo I was freakin’ out that the 6’3 Hardcore God was sitting in the bleachers as I did my thing on the mat. I think John picked that up pretty fast because he was wearing one of his rare smirks that day. After my match John came down to talk to me, asking my background and my interest in wrestling in general. I could have died happy standing there yo. John, pretty coyly asked if had any interest in pro wrestling. </p><p> </p><p>

Ok yo, maybe you weren’t a big DAVE fan, but let’s say you’re a SWF fan...Imagine if Christian Faith came to you one day and asked if you wanted to wrestle...or if you’re a Japan mark, imagine Haruki Kudo doing the exact same thing; brother you’d be freakin’ out! Man I tried to hide it, but yeah like the teenager I was I marked out and told him I watched Danger Zone TV every damn Friday and every now and again bought occasional PPV if I could get the money. John laughed, told me that he was scouting for kids to train, and gave me his mother******* phone number, and told me to call him!</p><p>

Yo since that day I always say miracles can happen.</p><p> </p><p>

After John met me he kept an eye on me, seeing how I was doing in High School and all that sizzle. It was pretty cool knowing the top name in DAVE as just a teenager...not that I could tell anyone but my closest friends, John swore he’d ditch me if I ever “started shooting my ******* mouth off and blowing the whole ******* deal”. </p><p> </p><p>

I was John’s prototype...If I was a good student, maybe if he had time in-between saving DAVE from collapsing he’d train another bunch of kids up. When I was old enough I became his student. John was as tough a mentor as I think I could have had...but he turned me from a somewhat healthy young’un from NYC into a full-grown professional athlete. I trained for most of the time either at John’s favourite gym The Boys Club or at his home in south Philadelphia. That meant alot of travelling around the tri-state at a young age, but John would always have his boy Ash hook me up, always calling me up and making sure I got whatever train I needed to.</p><p> </p><p>

By 2006 I was ready to start having matches...just not DAVE matches. John told me straight “Pay. Your. Dues. ”. So John sent me out into the world, the plan being for me to build experience, and when I had enough to be brought into DAVE to be loyal soldier ready to live and die for the hardcore cause. Que me getting gigs in real small time outfits, occasionally catching a (slightly) big(ger) pay day when I got to work feds like MAW and 4C. I never used the fact I was John’s student to gain an unfair advantage. If a promoter asked me about my background, I’d just mention my amateur stuff as well as any other feds I’d work.</p><p> </p><p>

Me and John would keep in regular(ish) contact....he’d call me up about once a month to check on my progress, giving me advice where he could. However, as DAVE pushed closer and closer towards destruction, John just didn’t have the time to talk as much. That was cool, I understood. So instead John and I would keep up to date with each other through Ash.</p><p>

Ash is my boy, me and him are tight. For a Philli guy he’s alright. Ash and me would talk about this and that on the phone, or texting each other whenever. I mean we both were young kids dying to get into the business , so we’d always be bouncin’ ideas off each other, or discussing whatever was going on in the business. I mean not for nothing I was often a guest in his home so we’d hang out and do **** if I ever had a few days free and needed stop over. Ha, me and Ash used to watch Danger Zone TV on a Friday night and dissect & analyse everything as we watched it.</p><p> </p><p>

Of course in 2008 DAVE went down the sink and with it the entire career I had planned out that John and I had planned out. It was pretty draining, even as someone not on the actual DAVE roster. John, mentally, was just totally fried. His break from the industry simply had to happen. DAVE had pretty much sucked both Phil Vibert’s and John’s lives into a black hole, taking up 90% of every day of the week for them as they fought the bitter fight to keep the ship afloat. </p><p> </p><p>

Since 2008 I’ve just kept doing what I’ve been doing, slogging it out on the indy scene. This PSW gig? This could be a real chance to tie myself to a rocket that could well steadily take off over the next couple of years. Hell, that’s what legends like Johnny Martin and Eric Tyler did; start a strong promotion and kept with it. And yo that was back when DAVE was fighting the East Coast Wars...PSW doesn’t have that same competition so there’s no reason it can’t go forward like DAVE did. </p><p> </p><p>

So here we are, 2010 and I’ve just got the gig as PSW booker. Why’d I’d do it? Man, all I’ve ever wanted was to be a DAVE wrestler. That’s never going to happen now, but...maybe, maybe just maybe I’m going to do what some of the wrestlers I’ve always respect did and caught on to the fire before it really starts to blaze.</p><p> </p><p>

After all, Miracles can happen yo</p><p> </p><p>


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<p><strong>P - S - F****n' DUB!</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Looking forward to this puppy Celt. You seem to be the hardcore guy here <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">Best of luck with the 'hardcore haven' that is PSW! </span><img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with it.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">

Cheers.</span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-family:Tahoma;">


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>The PSW Roster</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Alex Braun </p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 48 years Old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Main Event Face</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Braun Damage (BrainBuster), Mass Delirium (Shining Wizard) </p><p>

KZA thoughts: The former booker of PSW. At 48 years of age Braun is the oldest guy in the locker-room, although that’s not to say he’s out of touch; he still has an idea what the audience wants. While Braun was known as a solid cruiserweight back in the day his style has changed to match the game, he’s now as much of a hardcore brawler as he is a flyer. Braun is still a fairly useful guy to have on the roster, especially considering just how good on the mic he is. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Ash Campbell</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 22 years Old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard Face </p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Shooting Star Press, Ash 2 Ash (Corner-to-corner missile dropkick, usually with a chair positioned on the opponent’s face), Nemesis Arrow (Falcon Arrow) [it’s extremely rare that Ash uses this move, it’s saved for big match situations]</p><p>

KZA thoughts: Ash is currently embedded into the PSW midcard, which is about right for his development right now. Locked in a feud over Nicole Kiss with Steven Parker, he’s got some interesting plot with him. Ash is still paying his dues but he’s definitely one for the future. The one thing I’d say is I just wish he wouldn’t focus quite so much on his high flying, because he needs to bring his brawling skills up to make it in PSW.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Deadbolt</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 33 years Old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard Heel </p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Chokeslam, Side-walk Slam (Normally into a weapon of some kind)</p><p>

KZA’s thought: Deadbolt isn’t exactly prime talent, nor has he ever been in his career. Never showed the ambition needed to make it the business according to my sources, and as a result his skills are poor. His main asset is his size...which won’t get you far in my book. Deadbolt’s future isn’t exactly bright, although he does have a serviceable tag team formed with Primal Rage, which might be useful from time to time</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Frankie Future</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 40 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Main Event Heel</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Frank-N-Hurter (Stunner), Future Shock (Fisherman Buster)</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> Future is a tough nut to crack. I mean, he’s not a bad talent. He’s definitely far from awful. He’s a veteran of the Tri-State Hardcore scene, having main evented with the notorious XFW, as well having a brief run in DAVE (although he seemed to flop there, possibly because he was seen as too much of an outsider by the fans). Frankie has done well for himself under Braun’s reign, using his own charisma and experience to get him all the way to the PSW Championship. Would I have booked that? Probably not. But do I think Future deserves a spot near the top? Actually yes, somewhat at least. I suppose what I’m saying is that I will observe Frankie’s performances closely. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Grandmaster Phunk</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 33 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Main Event Face</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Pimp Slaps (Many Backhand Slaps), Balls of Steel [Attacks to Phunk’s groin have zero effect], Pimpin’ Party (Multiple kicks to an opponent seated in the corner, ending with a split-legged low blow), Pimp Driver (Joker Driver/Rubix Cube/Electric Chair Driver)</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> Young, a natural entertainer, a steady hand the ring (great understanding of in-ring psychology despite not being in the ring much until later in his career) and a gimmick that’ greatly enjoyed by the public, what’s not to like? There is only one problem to Phunk...can we keep him?</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> JD Morgan</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 41 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Upper Midcard heel</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Trans-Atlantic Stretch (STF), Crossface Chickenwing, </p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> A man with 20 years of experience, JD Morgan, even in the final years of DAVE, was always a force to be reckoned with. In a world of chair-shots and table bumps, JD Morgan is known for a different kind of brutality: the kind he inflicts with some of the most painful holds ever seen in the US. I mean, when he came to North America in 1992, would it have been crazy to have seen him go to the Stones up north instead of DAVE? Not at all. And what’s even more interesting about JD is that in the last two years is that he’s spent time putting over the new talent at his own cost rather than maintain his air of invincibly that he could have kept. The gatekeeper role carved out for him by Braun isn’t a bad one...he’s painted as a man above the midcard but a step below the main title holders, and plot-wise a man like that can be very handy. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Johnny Martin</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 40 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Main Event Face</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Twist on the Rocks (Twist of Fate), Death Valley Driver, Twisted Single Leg Boston Crab (Often accompanied by stomps to the victim’s head) </p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> The main thing I want to say about Johnny Martin is this: Why the hell is it that the IWC has chosen to forget that for SIX years this guy was THEE face of DAVE. He was the company’s leading man, the guy to beat, the king. This is the guy who had legendary feuds the likes of Vengeance and Nemesis. Yo it drives me nuts that people say he’d have only been a midcarder for the likes of SWF...that’s a bit revisionist. J-Mar today isn’t the J-Mar of 10 years ago...he’s lost a step or two. But this is all besides the point...let’s move onto today. Today J-Mar is PSW’s top wrestler. He still got skills good skills, maybe not great any more, but his legacy as the face of DAVE means his credibility is still something that means when he’s facing a younger guy the rub is tremendous. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Krissy Angelle</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 25 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Manager</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> Braun’s experiment from Las Vegas...he took Krissy out of the hands of BSC, a promotion with not the most clean of reputations, and put her with Nelson Callum. The pairing has been pretty good and Krissy knows how to work the mic...so she’ll be sticking around. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> KZA</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 25 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard Face</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Neck Trauma Suplex (Head and Arm Suplex), Nemesis Arrow (Falcon Arrow) [it’s extremely rare that I actually use the Nemesis Arrow, just like Ash I save it up] , Fade to BLK(Kataha Jime)</p><p>

<strong>Note:</strong> With a good reputation on the indy scene on my résumé, I hope to fit in well with PSW’s midcard. Mitch and I have talked it over and agreed that PSW’s fans would be as about as aware of me as a talent such as Nelson Callum or Ash.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Lazy Joe</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 36 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Face Opener</p><p>

Finisher: Wake Up Call</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> Mainly known for his work down south, many forget Joe also did a bit of time up in this area with XFW. Not that that makes Joe a great hardcore wrestler...far from it. Joe is a guy who gets how to work a crowd but not a match and just never had the skills to warrant a push. A jobber, plain and simple, I think even Joe must realise that at this stage of his career. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Little Bill Lebowski</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 36 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Enchantment Talent Face</p><p>

Finisher: Lewbowski Bulldog (Bulldog from the Top Rope)</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> I have a lot of time for Bill. He was actually probably underrated in his youth, a side-effect of breaking into the business due South where size is a bit more valued by the crowd then up North here. Yo Bill is a tough customer in the ring, and let no man call him out on his skills. Many a man has been made look like a star by Bill, and for that Bill deserves respect, and what’s more a spot on the roster. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Matthew Keith</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 21 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard face</p><p>

Finisher: Photon Lock (Muta Lock), Bridging Dragon Suplex, Spinning Cradle Suplex </p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> The Crown jewel of PSW’s potential, the symbol that PSW could be more than it is, and one ******* talented wrestler son. Keith is on a bit of a mission to prove he’d be a great wrestler without the help of his dad, and has chosen PSW to be the launch pad for the rocket that is his career. That’s fine with me yo, because PSW is going to get some great matches out of it. Keith is the current PSW National Champion and I’m happy for him to defend it with pride at this stage.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Nelson Callum</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 21 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard Heel</p><p>

Finisher: Honey Trap (Texas Cloverleaf), Callum Driver (Cradle Piledriver)</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> Don’t tell ‘em I said this, but Callum could well be the next Johnny Martin. Hey, check out the old Martin tapes yo, especially from back in the East Coast Wars: Johnny’s style was the exact same way, almost more technical then it was brawling, slapped with a dash of charisma. That’s what Nelson is, perhaps a not as hardcore but Nelson makes up for it with a load bucket load of charisma and understanding of the in-ring game far beyond his years. His heel act with Krissy Angelle is very good which only helps his cause. Definitely one for PSW’s future...and you know what? I think there’s a chance we might be able to keep Nelson long term. I mean he’s got superstar written all over him...but honestly there’s something about him that’s not doesn’t read SWF or TCW, or even USPW. Again he’s just like what J-Mar was back in the day, a hardcore superstar ready to blaze. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Nicole Kiss</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 32 years old (26 if you ask her)</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Face Manager</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> To be far to Alex, the struggle between Steven Parker and Ash over Nicole was damn good ****, and I’ll be continuing it into my reign. Kiss is a rarity in this business, a female manager who has lasted over a decade in the industry. It was her charisma that’s kept her around and made her a worthwhile addition to any roster. Kiss is very adept in playing the damsel in distress role, which has made the struggle between Ash and Parker very interesting to watch.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Primal Rage</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 39 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard heel</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Silence Scream, Wake up Call</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> The guy who always dreamed being a wrestler and finally made it happen, Primal Rage is surprising able wrestler. I guess he really paid attention when he got trained, because despite being an out and out hardcore wrestler he was able to hang with the best in CZCW in what was a very memorial run, where he picked up two tag team titles with Insane Machine as well as, would you believe this, a run with the world strap. Honestly if Heel can continue to show improvement in his work as well as keeping age at bay he’s a decent enough prospect, and very good midcard addition to PSW.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Steven Parker</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 25 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Upper Midcard Heel</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Future Shock (Fisherman Buster), Flash of the Future (Super-Kick), </p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> The total package, plain and simple. A solid all-rounder with good charisma, basics that live up to his training with the Stones and two runs as the PSW National Champion behind him this guy is ready to go super-nova for us. The only question...will he stick around long enough for us to do that?</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Tank Bradley</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 32 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard face</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Tank Crush (Flying Splash)</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> Ooohhh Boy, Tank is not a liked performer by the fans. Constantly referred to as the rock that weighted Alex Braun down in DAVE (despite three tag team title runs), the IWC loves to hate on him, not just running down his skills, but always throwing in a joke about his weight for good measure. </p><p> </p><p>

What’s my take on Tank? Not much different to be honest yo. I mean, I used to watch Danger Zone TV all the time and I never liked Tank. I could never understand why Vibert brought him in, never mind give him a push. The guy could never hang with anyone, and it was only Braun covering for him that got him through his matches. I see in his future a tour of job duty...</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Teddy Powell</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 31 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Upper Midcard face</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Motion Capture Suplex (Leg Capture Suplex), Hang-time (Moonsault), </p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> First things first yo; A Teddy Powell match always brings something different to PSW. A high flyer rather than a brawler, Teddy’s matches are always littered with entertaining high spots and crowd dives that no-one is doing. So he’s unique in PSW right now to say the least. He’s a good worker, with an under-rated understanding of how to work a match. His main problem is his lack of charisma. Despite Braun giving him the interesting gimmick of guy gone insane from being betrayed/left all the time (by Sammy Bach and the Untouchables) Powell has never been able to put on the strong interviews needed to make the gimmick really golden. That’s really disappointing for his career yo. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> The Punisher </p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 43 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard heel</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> The Piledriver</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> A tough old *******, the Punisher has never met a rookie that he didn’t end up stiffing in a match. Snug as a mother******, Punisher is as about as old school as you get these days. Seeming a tag team expert, Punisher has occasionally put on some pretty good matches with The Wolverine over the last two years. Their tagging has been relentless, and the pair have mowed their way through the competition given to them so far. </p><p> </p><p>

Somewhat known for his recently published book Punishment: My 25 years in the Wrestling business, where he finally revealed his road stories to the world after pretty much never telling backstage. According to the grapevine Punisher felt he was going to give them up he’d better make some money off the back of it. Go figure.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> The Wolverine</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> 45 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Midcard Heel</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> The Maul (Spear)</p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> BUT I THOUGHT HE RETIRED?!?!?! Is the most common commented on internet sites about the Wolverine, a guy who must have been in DAVE almost the entire time it ran. He much like the Punisher but slightly better, he continues to put his body on the line to prove to the “dumbasses” in SWF that hardcore, Manly, bust your ass for the fans style wrestling can go big. A soldier for sure, his tag team with the Punisher is occasional quite good for their age. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> The Good Ol’ Boys, Thimbleby Langton & Wooton Fitzpaine</p><p>

<strong>Age:</strong> Both 25 years old</p><p>

<strong>Push:</strong> Lower Midcard faces</p><p>

<strong>Finishers:</strong> Gutwrench Flapjack (Langton), Running Big Foot (Fitzpaine), </p><p>

<strong>KZA’s thoughts:</strong> impossible to discuss separately, the goold Ol’ boys are an up and coming tag team in PSW. Apparently from the South (since when the **** is Ohio in the South???), the work a style that harks back to another near identical to each other tag team, The McWade brothers. Both very good innovators of moves that seem simple until you try it yourself, their main problem is two things: They’re still learning the hard way how to put together a match, and neither one even wants to cut a promo on the mic. “Let us do our talking in the ring boss!”. That’s fine to a point boys, but at some point you need to give the fans an insight into what you’re thinking. Good prospects that need alot of work.</p><p> </p><p>


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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>Who the **** are you guys?</strong></span></p><p>

<em><span style="font-size:14px;">Aka the behind the scenes crew</span></em></p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Doc Messing</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> Colour Commenter</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> Local Pittsburgh Radio host Doc Messing was brought in as a win-win for PSW; a guy who popular in the area, could call the action and also promote the shows on his radio show. With 8 years of experience doing live radio, he’s very good at riffing and covering over mistakes and accidents. A solid asset to the sound of PSW.</p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Fabulous Frank</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> Road Agent, Dumbass in Chief</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> Ash told me plain and simple, Fabulous Frank is a pain in the ass. Bitter as **** this business never made him a star, he thinks the fact he’s been around the industry for just about forever means he can do as pleases. Can he setup a sold match for you? Sure. Will he ***** and moan about you suggesting ideas and moves he’s never heard of? Absolutely. </p><p> </p><p>

Honestly I’ve no idea why Braun brought him in or why Naess allowed it. Yo if that old ******* gives me **** I’ll bring in Big Dunc’ Kendall so fast it’ll make his damn head spin. </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> Mitch Naess</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> Owner of PSW, Play by Play Commentator</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> No word of a lie yo, Mitch is one of the best play by play men in the business today. Nobody drops gems of knowledge like this guy; no one calls the action like a sport like him. He calls the match, not the story, which for PSW (and DAVE back in the day) is prefect because the fans are intelligent enough to “get” the match anyways, unlike certain SWF fans (because they’ve got to appeal to casual fans and people only mildly interested in wrestling). </p><p> </p><p>


<strong>Name:</strong> R.M. Stones</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> The Referee</p><p>

<strong>Role:</strong> An average referee who made his name in DAVE, there’s not really much to say about R.M. A regular employee in a irregular company. </p><p> </p><p>


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Someone gave it a one star vote, so to even it out I gave it a 5 star one. No point in some jackass discouraging the dynasty writer before he has even gotten started. It's hard enough to maintain doing a dynasty without getting someone giving you a bad rating before you've even really started.
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Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson Jared Johnson



I agree whole-heartedly with crit's sentiments. Also DEAAAAAAAAAAAAATHMAAAAAAAAAATCHES better be included once per show or I will riot.

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Gentlemen, thank for the support, it's much appreciated. The first prediction card will be up soon and I hope you'll participate (it will be a proper competition with a reward to be given after six shows).


I just want to say this; I can't promise you awesome, but I can promise you somewhat logical month to month progression (actual results may vary...)


On the star matter? Hey, it's as Grandmaster Phunk would say: http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o291/Aidanbro111/129203639030125767.gif


I agree whole-heartedly with crit's sentiments. Also DEAAAAAAAAAAAAATHMAAAAAAAAAATCHES better be included once per show or I will riot.


Ummm...think more ECW 1997 than CZW 2002

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PSW Unbreakable


Returning to Pittsburgh’s Steel Pavilion this month, PSW presents Unbreakable!


Matthew Keith, son of the Legendary Sam Keith will take on the man he defended to win the PSW National title in a highly anticipated rematch. Keith has shown himself to have an amazing knowledge of technical wrestling at only 21 but Callum has boldy declared to PSW.com he is more than Keith’s equal.


With No.1 contenders to the PSW tag team champions The Good Ol’ Boys otherwise disposed, The current champions will face two men trying to raise their stock in PSW; Lazy Joe and Tank Bradley. Can Joe and Tank cause an upset and add some serious momentum to their careers, or will The Deadly Alliance once again prove that they are the dominant team in PSW?


At Unbreakable PSW.com is happy to announce that a new roster member will be making his debut for the promotion. KZA is a well travelled, well disciplined student of the game who hopes to prove he’s got what it takes to make in the vicious environment that is PSW. However standing in his way is one of PSW most determined roster members; Little Bill Lebowski. LBL has shocked PSW fans with upset victories before, can he do it again at Unbreakable!


Over the last few months two of PSW’s top competitors in Alex Braun and Johnny Martin have been at each other’s throats. Due to their actions in disrupting last month’s tag team championship match between The Good Ol’ Boys and The Deadly Alliance, a match has been made to make amends. The stipulation is this; if either of the The Good Ol’ Boys win the match they will decide the stipulation in their rematch against the Deadly alliance next month. If Alex Braun is the winner of the match via pinfall he will pick the stipulation of the match between himself and Martin. If Martin wins, likewise he will pick the stipulation for the Braun vs Martin match. Got it? Hopefully you do, but if not at least you’re in for one hell of a match.


In what could well decide Frankie Future’s next challenger for the PSW Championship, Teddy Powell takes on Steven Parker. This match will not only see a former untouchable in Teddy Powell against a current one in Steven Parker, but will also pit two men are the opposite ends of the mental spectrum. Over the last few months Teddy Powell has become to border the insane due to his ousting for the Untouchables and if anything has only got more dangerous in the ring as a result. Steven Parker on the other hand has only gotten more and more sure of himself as he climbs the PSW ladder towards the top at reckless speed. Who can pull out what could be a massive win?


And in our main event current PSW Champion will put his title on the line against fellow former NYCW member Grandmaster Phunk. When Phunk first debut with PSW he and Future seemed the best of friends. However, ever since Future became part of the Untouchable he has constantly distracted himself from Phunk. This has lead to some righteous anger from Phunk, who now following the events of last month is in a position to challenge for the title. Who will walk away with the title at Unbreakable?


ALSO: Sources close to PSW.com have told us that there are rumours running rife in the locker-room there may be a second major debut this month. PSW has no idea who this could be or what their motives are, but would be interested in your thoughts



Prediction form:


No DQ Match for the PSW National title: Nelson Callum Vs © Matthew Keith


Non-title Hardcore tag Match: © The Deadly Alliance Vs Lazy Joe and Tank Bradley


No DQ KZA debut match: Little Bill Lebowski Vs KZA



If the Good Ol’ Boys win, they choose the stipulation of next month’s Boys/Deadly Alliance match

If Braun wins for his team he picks the stipulation of the Braun/Martin match next month,

Likewise if Martin wins for his team, it will be him who picks the stipulation.

If choosing the Braun/Martin side for victory, please indicate who will score the win.

Hardcore tag match: Alex Braun and Johnny Martin Vs The Good Ol' Boys


No DQ match with contender-ship ramifications: Teddy Powell Vs Steven Parker


Ladder Match for the PSW Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk Vs Frankie Future

Bonus question worth 3 prediction points:

Who will also debut for PSW this show?

Hint: He is an American Indy Performer, perhaps better known outside the US.



*: What's the difference between a No DQ match and a Hardcore match you ask? A No DQ is the exact same as an Aussie Rules match found within the default data, it's a match that can only end in pinfall or submission, but still has a regular focus i.e. It's still more a wrestling match then a hardcore bumpfest. A hardcore match is a hardcore match brothers.

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No DQ Match for the PSW National title: Nelson Callum Vs © Matthew Keith


Non-title Hardcore tag Match: © The Deadly Alliance Vs Lazy Joe and Tank Bradley


No DQ KZA debut match: Little Bill Lebowski Vs KZA



If the Good Ol’ Boys win, they choose the stipulation of next month’s Boys/Deadly Alliance match

If Braun wins for his team he picks the stipulation of the Braun/Martin match next month,

Likewise if Martin wins for his team, it will be him who picks the stipulation.

If choosing the Braun/Martin side for victory, please indicate who will score the win.

Hardcore tag match: Alex Braun and Johnny Martin Vs The Good Ol' Boys


No DQ match with contender-ship ramifications: Teddy Powell Vs Steven Parker


Ladder Match for the PSW Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk Vs Frankie Future


Who will be the wrestler: Hell Monkey


I like the no DQ matches and I would not hate on it if you turn those into favouring brawlers.

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No DQ Match for the PSW National title: Nelson Callum Vs © Matthew Keith- Keith is the future of the Indys and for at least this month you'll still have him before the big leagues come sniffing. Callum just isn't there yet in my opinion, maybe get him a tag partner or something and he should get some gold soon enough


Non-title Hardcore tag Match: © The Deadly Alliance Vs Lazy Joe and Tank Bradley- After your words on Bradley I doubt you'll be putting him over the tag champions. Joe just bores me as well


No DQ KZA debut match: Little Bill Lebowski Vs KZA

- Little Bill is one of those who will always be there as the wipping boy for others. I'd like to see a KZA push seeing as you're definately gonna remain loyal


Hardcore tag match: Alex Braun and Johnny Martin Vs The Good Ol' Boys- Main Eventers vs Lower Midcards...and with Martin winning he can pick the stiupulation I'm sure Braun will find a way around


No DQ match with contender-ship ramifications: Teddy Powell Vs Steven Parker- Parker's gonna be gone soon enough, he always seems to be so giving Powell the win and he's likely to be the replacement cornerstone for Parker...for now anyway


Ladder Match for the PSW Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk Vs Frankie Future- I'm just a Phunk mark...pretty simple :p


Bonus question worth 3 prediction points:

Who will also debut for PSW this show? Stuart Ferdinand

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No DQ Match for the PSW National title: Nelson Callum Vs © Matthew Keith

Easy pick here.


Non-title Hardcore tag Match: © The Deadly Alliance Vs Lazy Joe and Tank Bradley

Bradley in another tag team with a less-than-average worker? Not a chance.


No DQ KZA debut match: Little Bill Lebowski Vs KZA

LBL is a fav but your bio has turned me towards you.



If the Good Ol’ Boys win, they choose the stipulation of next month’s Boys/Deadly Alliance match

If Braun wins for his team he picks the stipulation of the Braun/Martin match next month,

Likewise if Martin wins for his team, it will be him who picks the stipulation.

If choosing the Braun/Martin side for victory, please indicate who will score the win.

Hardcore tag match: Alex Braun and Johnny Martin Vs The Good Ol' Boys

Good Ol' Boys are too green and I see Martin getting the pin for his team.


No DQ match with contender-ship ramifications: Teddy Powell Vs Steven Parker

Toss up although Parker is Parker I rather like Powell as his render looks like Steve Corino to me.


Ladder Match for the PSW Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk Vs Frankie Future

Another Phunk mark here!

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No DQ Match for the PSW National title: Nelson Callum Vs © Matthew Keith


Non-title Hardcore tag Match: © The Deadly Alliance Vs Lazy Joe and Tank Bradley


No DQ KZA debut match: Little Bill Lebowski Vs KZA


Hardcore tag match: Alex Braun and Johnny Martin Vs The Good Ol' Boys

Alex Braun with the pin.


No DQ match with contender-ship ramifications: Teddy Powell Vs Steven Parker


Ladder Match for the PSW Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk Vs Frankie Future


Bonus question worth 3 prediction points:

Who will also debut for PSW this show? Hell Monkey

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No DQ Match for the PSW National title: Nelson Callum Vs © Matthew Keith


Non-title Hardcore tag Match: © The Deadly Alliance Vs Lazy Joe and Tank Bradley


No DQ KZA debut match: Little Bill Lebowski Vs KZA


Hardcore tag match: Alex Braun and Johnny Martin Vs The Good Ol' Boys

Alex Braun with the pin.


No DQ match with contender-ship ramifications: Teddy Powell Vs Steven Parker


Ladder Match for the PSW Championship:

Grandmaster Phunk Vs Frankie Future


Bonus question worth 3 prediction points:

Who will also debut for PSW this show? Super Dragon!! wait, I mean Antonio Del Veccio.

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