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I only have a PC and have never played a WWE game before so my expectations are low. I'm miffed about the lack of the Four Horsewomen but if I can find it for a reasonable price I'll consider buying it.


Apparently it's coming to Steam but no solid date. I guess I'll have to wait until they make an official announcement.

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They are just being smart. WB Games wasn't when they released Batman AK. Look at what good it did them. WWE 2k15 was already a disaster upon release, with bugs and features missing. They fixed it now, but it's too late for several fans. I'm still bummed on Paige missing. I probably also won't get 2k16 as it doesn't have the four Horsewomen (though I dislike the term). It's like WWE wants the game to fail (but Paige missing is the dev's fault).
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They are just being smart. WB Games wasn't when they released Batman AK. Look at what good it did them. WWE 2k15 was already a disaster upon release, with bugs and features missing. They fixed it now, but it's too late for several fans. I'm still bummed on Paige missing. I probably also won't get 2k16 as it doesn't have the four Horsewomen (though I dislike the term). It's like WWE wants the game to fail (but Paige missing is the dev's fault).


Well iirc Vince is the one demanding a yearly game. THQ wanted a gap between games but Vince threatened to find someone else

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This might have been covered but, does anyone else here have wwe 2k16 on ps4? Just wondering if anyone is uploading anything neat on the community creations.


Add me K-Nection just tell me who you are from the forum so I don't go "who is this jerk"


Picked up a ps4 recently. Add me at MondaiRogue Only online game I've really got so far is 2k16 which is a lot of fun, especially since the last game I played was 2k14.


Same for you buddy! I won't be active on PSN until the end of November....its a very long story. But by then I will have some good stuff to churn out!

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Bought a PS2 at a flea market don't know if I want to give modding a try or look into getting actual games and a memory card for it. Anyone have any experience with modded PS2's and how they run?




I wouldn't condone such actions such as modding...but if one were to do that I "heard" it runs pretty well. Make sure you get the slim PS2...But that is what I just "heard".

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So... Today we'll get a first look at EA UFC 2. I restrained from buying the first as I predicted it would've been a 'quick' version. It turned out to be 'fine', but nothing more than that. It's not even strictly better than Undisputed 3 (if better at all). If it turns out to be awesome, I might just buy a console for that. But I pray for a PC-version (but it won't have that).
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So... Today we'll get a first look at EA UFC 2. I restrained from buying the first as I predicted it would've been a 'quick' version. It turned out to be 'fine', but nothing more than that. It's not even strictly better than Undisputed 3 (if better at all). If it turns out to be awesome, I might just buy a console for that. But I pray for a PC-version (but it won't have that).


Looking forward to see what they have planned. Last game was ok in 2 player against a friend but lets hope it builds on the potential & adds tournament & decent single player modes. Oh & fixes the fiddly ground game.

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I actually really enjoyed EA UFC. Very simple and lacking on game modes, but nonetheless fun with a friend or online if you played with the right people. Hope the next one features some more offline features and gets rid of some of the outlandish strikes and suplexes. By the way, I'm on PSN: kisstopher5 playing mostly WWE2K and Madden if anyone wants an add.
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I just hope for a customizable moveset too, and a CaF for women so I can beat Rousey up. For the record: I like Rousey, but it would just feel like an actual achievement given the skill discrepancy. :p


Based on the videos, the game seemed fine, but not "more awesome than Undisputed 3" fine and definitely not "buy a ps4 for this alone" fine.

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So Fallout 4 came through my door on Monday and today is the first day I've been on my desktop since it came out. :p


It's definitely my game of the year. It's a more than worthy successor to Fallout 3, all the charm of FO3 is in FO4 and then some.


The story is absolutely fantastic and I'd heavily recommend it to everyone.

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So Fallout 4 came through my door on Monday and today is the first day I've been on my desktop since it came out. :p


It's definitely my game of the year. It's a more than worthy successor to Fallout 3, all the charm of FO3 is in FO4 and then some.


The story is absolutely fantastic and I'd heavily recommend it to everyone.


I'm really enjoying the game but christ its hard. Got into the habit of quicksaving every 10mins.

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I've come to the conclusion, after putting 23 hours into it (and not really getting very far - I don't mean that in a bad way, I mean it in a good way. Means I'm taking my time and enjoying it!), that it's #2 in my Game of the Year ranking behind Witcher 3.


That still means it's an absolutely amazing game, though. It's just not perfect.


While the building system is a very welcome addition to the series, it's a bit clunky, and things like small mounds of earth lead to your fences looking hilariously terrible. The settlement system in general isn't explained terribly well, and is fiddly as hell when you get into the more detailed elements (like supply runs and stores). Assigning people to tasks is fine when there are 3 settlers and 3 tasks. Not so fine when there are 14 settlers, 10 of which are called 'Settler' and none of which, by the nature of the fact that they're busy doing stuff, stand still long enough for you to work out who they are any what they're doing. How many food plots aren't being worked? I don't know, because to find out I'd have to go and find everyone, count how many are assigned to food, and then count the number of food plots, divide that by six. Aha, so I have too many farmers. Cool Time to rea- where's she gone? Who's working the Armour shop? Buggered if I know, she's off gallivanting somewhere so I can't check. Is she even alive still? What's Brown Haired Female Settler With Blue Coat On up to? I think she's on scavenging, but I don't know because I can't see the scavenging station from where she's standing so I can't see if it's highlighted or not when I look at her.


... The UI for the settlements is a complete cluster-you-know-what, basically. I don't know why they didn't just make it part of the Pip-boy, as they've clearly tried as much as possible to NOT have any new UI elements on screen that weren't completely vital (which is fair enough in a first person game), but there has to be SOME management UI, and the Pip-boy seems like the perfect place to put it.


And talking to people is also a bit weird, because you have to wait while they stop whatever they were doing (which is fair enough really), and then wait for them to finish their welcome message, then click on the button to have a conversation about a subject. Then you can sort of walk away from them while they're talking and carry on the convo, but then the UI goes screwy and you have to go back and sort it out. So you might as well have just been stuck in the usual Fallout conversation screen after all.


So yeah, there's definitely a lot of good ol' Bethesda clunkiness with it still. It does look amazing, however (minus the odd graphics glitch, and I have to say that I haven't actually seen many of those).


But I am loving the game. It's just if I start mentioning the positive things, I'd be here all day and wouldn't be able to play the game at all. :D The animations are much improved, the non-VATS combat is much better, the VATS combat is also better now that it doesn't completely pause the game. The fact that followers act more like people and don't just stand around gawping at you when not in combat is great. The way enemies take cover if they spot you and don't have a close ranged weapon, or when you fire at them, is great.


The story is so-so, so far (as I said, not got very far in, just done the Car Factory quest and got Preston as a possible companion), but that's never been what Fallout is about. The actual storyline of the games themselves has always been kinda meh. It's the overall setting that I love, and some of the side missions that are the best. The world seems much more "developed" than F3. It's smaller, yes, but most of the extra space in F3 was just that... extra space. There was nothing there. Everything felt very procedural (because most of it was). Boston in F4 FEELS a lot better, like an actual city. There map itself may be measureably smaller, but every bit of it is crammed with stuff to explore that's been lovingly crafted by people rather than a computer.


Oh, and the Pipboy app is amazing. It links into the game in real time and displays all the things your Pipboy displays in-game. So you can, for example, have the map open permanently on your phone, which updates and moves around in real time. It's the best damn thing (view-only though, natch).


But yeah, still a peg or two behind Witcher 3 in GOTY stakes, for me personally. Definitely a clear second, however.

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