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The Video Game Thread


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So Steam recognises that their support division kinda sucks. I'm not surprised. When you let your employees loose and let them choose to do whatever they want, nobody is going to actually choose 'doing support for the day'. It's the most crappy job in the industry as you deal with all kinds of people who treat you like you're criminal garbage and demand you fix it because something "doesn't work". They'll rather do something meaningful.


Just saw a vid of a guy playing Skylines who accidently flooded his town while building a bridge/dam. Hilarious.

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Just to provide a bit of closure to the Sony saga.


Well... apparently it still continues for others:




Wow, such an aggressive stance. Thank god it's actually a competitive atmosphere. Imagine that they could actually pull this off if they were unchallenged. But then again, I don't know the story. He might've used that sharing function or something. But that's what you get with the permanent online status.

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Well... apparently it still continues for others:




Wow, such an aggressive stance. Thank god it's actually a competitive atmosphere. Imagine that they could actually pull this off if they were unchallenged. But then again, I don't know the story. He might've used that sharing function or something. But that's what you get with the permanent online status.


Yeah. I saw that story, and couldn't help but feel for the guy having been in his shoes somewhat.


Sony never actually replied to my picture of me playing on the XBox.. I wonder why.


Their loss. I've already brought 4 games off the store (Hand Of Fate, Escapists, NBA15, and Black Flag)

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I hate EA since the SimCity 5 Issues I had, but I HATE Sony even more. I had a battle with them on Feb 15th and my issue still isn't resolved.


Basically here is how it went.


On the 15th we realized that the games for PS Plus, and my digital download wasn't working on the other name on my ps4. (Unreg and I share a ps4 and I have Plus on mine) so I went looking as to why. Online forums told me that it could be that my PS4 isn't set as the primary for my account. I went into fix this and it won't let me. It says it's connected to another PS4. Now I don't have another PS4 so this was weird. I went to the Playstation site to fix it online and it says I can't deactivate any systems for 6 months. SO I used the "chat now" button and talked to a rep and explained to him what happened. He told me there was nothing they could do.


So I went to the playstation forums and ranted. A person there told me to call them and explain to them what happened and if the rep won't help ask to talk to a supervisor and the will help. I did this.


The first supervisor told me I was lying because "no one would want to hack my account, what would be the point" The only way someone would have gotten my information is if I gave it to them. At this point I was pissed. So I hung up.


I called back the next day to talk to someone else. They told me the same thing, so I spoke to a supervisor. Well this one said pretty much the same that I would have had to give it out to someone. My response was "Look I'm paranoid. I don't even use my Credit card on there. I buy cards from the store and get my stuff that way"


This person actually told me I was silly, and I should TRUST Sony enough to use my Credit card.


Really? Trust you? Because you're helping me so much with this issue i"m having.




Now I get that they don't want us sharing games with others so they can get all the money they can, but seriously..I even asked if they could tell me WHERE the IP for the PS4 attached to my account was and they refused.


This is horrible customer service. It's pretty sad. So I literally have to wait 6 months to go to their site and fix it myself. It's crappy.

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Well... apparently it still continues for others:




Wow, such an aggressive stance. Thank god it's actually a competitive atmosphere. Imagine that they could actually pull this off if they were unchallenged. But then again, I don't know the story. He might've used that sharing function or something. But that's what you get with the permanent online status.


I feel bad for the guy but the fact that he registered his card is the real issue and makes him mostly at fault. After all the hacks to psn why would anyone register their card that's asking for trouble and Microsoft is just as big of a dick when it comes to stuff like this it's not just a Sony thing.

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I feel bad for the guy but the fact that he registered his card is the real issue and makes him mostly at fault. After all the hacks to psn why would anyone register their card that's asking for trouble and Microsoft is just as big of a dick when it comes to stuff like this it's not just a Sony thing.


Microsoft has helped people get their stuff back though, and the fact that Sony reps are so forthcoming at being nasty to people makes them worse IMO.

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My brother in law got rid of his 360 and got charged for purchases someone else made using his used system. Microsoft response to this is well we can separate your account from the system it was on but we can't refund the money. About 3 or 4 months later he gets charged for a year of live because his card is still in their system and that's how he bought his last year of gold. Microsoft not only refuses to refund him for the live that he will never use but also refuses to delete his information so it won't happen again. They site the user agreement that basically says they keep your info forever and can automatically renew his subscription until the card is deactivated. Not trying to say Sony are saints just that both companies do this. The real issue is why anyone would actually put their credit or debit card on their account it's not hard to buy the 20-50$ psn or live card and never have this happen to you.
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Microsoft has helped people get their stuff back though, and the fact that Sony reps are so forthcoming at being nasty to people makes them worse IMO.



You guys might want to check into the rest of the story on the Gamespot article. The guy got his money back after Sony finished an investigation into the situation.



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My brother in law got rid of his 360 and got charged for purchases someone else made using his used system. Microsoft response to this is well we can separate your account from the system it was on but we can't refund the money. About 3 or 4 months later he gets charged for a year of live because his card is still in their system and that's how he bought his last year of gold. Microsoft not only refuses to refund him for the live that he will never use but also refuses to delete his information so it won't happen again. They site the user agreement that basically says they keep your info forever and can automatically renew his subscription until the card is deactivated. Not trying to say Sony are saints just that both companies do this. The real issue is why anyone would actually put their credit or debit card on their account it's not hard to buy the 20-50$ psn or live card and never have this happen to you.


Why didn't your friend delete his imformation before he got rid of it? I men this sucks for him, but if you have your personal imfo like that on there, you should make sure you wipe it first....


You guys might want to check into the rest of the story on the Gamespot article. The guy got his money back after Sony finished an investigation into the situation.






Wish they'd fix my stuff, it's not costing me anything, just annoying..

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Wish they'd fix my stuff, it's not costing me anything, just annoying..



I hear ya. None of these big companies are perfect and all have their faults. And often times they will put themselves before the customer which really sucks for us customers.

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The local game store he uses was supposed to wipe the hard drive and didn't. Since all that happened he's gotten much more careful with stuff like that so at least he's learned from it.


I never trust other people to do stuff like that!


With everything in the news about this for the past...20 years? I'm so paranoid about giving info out to anyone....

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I bought a game on discount once for 360 (Fallout3). It was only a couple of $'s, but I didn't see it was a French version (wasn't mentioned, but localization etc) so it wouldn't work with the English DLC, which you just had to borrow from someone and install to have forever (they should look into that). I told their customer service and immediately got my money back and got to keep the game anyway.


A good rule in general: don't give a console with active creditcard to anyone. That's asking for trouble.


As for the article: of course they refund when the whole thing grabs (negative) publicity. It's the only way to get your money: by badmouthing the company online, creating a wave of similar testimonies so they 'have' to intervene, even though it's probably his fault.

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Remember PS3/4 users, our lord and savior awaits:




Simply renounce your heretical console peasant ways and welcome Gaben into your hearts. Only then will the true power of discounted PC gaming be yours.


Yeah, pay for game that you will never have. Steam is very great.. but you will never have the game really for you. if there is one day a problem, the game must be remove from the store, game over

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Yeah, pay for game that you will never have. Steam is very great.. but you will never have the game really for you. if there is one day a problem, the game must be remove from the store, game over


Number of times I've had a steam game disappear, or haven't been able to play when I wanted to? Zero.


Number of times I've been unable to find a hard copy, encountered disc errors with obsolete technology, or otherwise been unable to enjoy something even though I had full ownership rights? More than zero.


About the only advantage I can think of is the ability to re-sell, but unless you're just flipping the game after playing it for a couple weeks, your resale value is a lot worse unless you're talking about stuff that's already old enough to have a market. I bought Tomb Raider for $6 on Steam, and deleted the local content after I beat it twice. You couldn't rent it on a console for that cheap.

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