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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="K-Nection" data-cite="K-Nection" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Who else is excited for the new Destiny content?</div></blockquote><p> Can't say I am really. I have probably spent all of 20 minutes on the game since November last year because I find it extremely boring (please note, I said "I"). Before that, I had put in a few hours playing what it had to offer (level 29 I think I got to but the leveling based on armor sucked). Once I'd done the same thing a few times I gave up on it. I'm not a big PvP player which is where a lot of people tended to head.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Clarity" data-cite="Clarity" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Didn't think anyone was.. Having to purchase the original game again just to get the new DLC.. That's nasty</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You don't have to anymore, I believe. Just the thing for 40.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="packerman120" data-cite="packerman120" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You don't have to anymore, I believe. Just the thing for 40.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Ah.. That could make it a little better, but i cant seem to find a separate download for The Taken King on the XBox store.</p><p> </p><p> I did have the game on the PS4 but now rocking the XB1. Bit loathed to shell out to get up to date (£19/$29.77 for base game, £35/$54.83 for the first expansions, £79/$123.78 for The Taken King as found <a href="https://store.xbox.com/en-GB/Xbox-One/Bundle/Destiny-The-Taken-King-Digital-Collectors-Edition/5ed99658-f4cf-443a-aeec-e2a83b7f10c2" rel="external nofollow">here</a>)</p><p> </p><p> For everything its £137/$214 so not a chance</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Clarity" data-cite="Clarity" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Ah.. That could make it a little better, but i cant seem to find a separate download for The Taken King on the XBox store.<p> </p><p> I did have the game on the PS4 but now rocking the XB1. Bit loathed to shell out to get up to date (£19/$29.77 for base game, £35/$54.83 for the first expansions, £79/$123.78 for The Taken King as found <a href="https://store.xbox.com/en-GB/Xbox-One/Bundle/Destiny-The-Taken-King-Digital-Collectors-Edition/5ed99658-f4cf-443a-aeec-e2a83b7f10c2" rel="external nofollow">here</a>)</p><p> </p><p> For everything its £137/$214 so not a chance</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Man, the eighty gets you everything. No need to shell out 214, just the 80.</p><p> </p><p> Oh, and here is said separate download: <a href="https://store.xbox.com/en-US/Xbox-One/Bundle/Destiny-The-Taken-King/ca85276b-8399-49d4-9bbe-426e53f17d4d" rel="external nofollow">https://store.xbox.com/en-US/Xbox-One/Bundle/Destiny-The-Taken-King/ca85276b-8399-49d4-9bbe-426e53f17d4d</a></p>
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Volume reminds me, in a lot of ways, of Transistor. Some of the ways:


- I absolutely loved the developer's first game, so was mega hyped for the second one.


- The aesthetic in the second one was disappointing compared to the first (which is weird as hell, considering the first one in Mike Bithell's case was literally coloured boxes in 2D!).


- It's a good game in itself, but I don't like it as much as the first game, which has left me slightly disappointed. I'm sure that (as with Transistor) I'll replay it in a few months and it'll be amazing, because my hype level will have dissolved and I'll be rating it as a game, instead of A Game From The Man Who Made Thomas.



Unrelated to Transistor, the protagonist's voice over (some guy from Youtube) - while not a bad voiceover in itself - sounds weird because it's recorded as if he's in the same room as the guy he's talking to, whereas in the game he's talking over intercom/walkie talkie or some such. There's absolutely no effect over the voice at all to convey that (whereas there is over the voices of Andy Serkis and Danny Wallace), so it just sounds... weird.

Not that there's anything at all wrong with the voiceover work itself, as I said. It just sounds odd that he's merrily chatting aloud to himself during the middle of a stealth mission.


The actual gameplay is fun though, and I love the editor. So... yeah. I'm sure in a few months I'll love the game. But right now I'm putting it away for a rainy day.

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Volume reminds me, in a lot of ways, of Transistor. Some of the ways:


- I absolutely loved the developer's first game, so was mega hyped for the second one.


- The aesthetic in the second one was disappointing compared to the first (which is weird as hell, considering the first one in Mike Bithell's case was literally coloured boxes in 2D!).


- It's a good game in itself, but I don't like it as much as the first game, which has left me slightly disappointed. I'm sure that (as with Transistor) I'll replay it in a few months and it'll be amazing, because my hype level will have dissolved and I'll be rating it as a game, instead of A Game From The Man Who Made Thomas.



Unrelated to Transistor, the protagonist's voice over (some guy from Youtube) - while not a bad voiceover in itself - sounds weird because it's recorded as if he's in the same room as the guy he's talking to, whereas in the game he's talking over intercom/walkie talkie or some such. There's absolutely no effect over the voice at all to convey that (whereas there is over the voices of Andy Serkis and Danny Wallace), so it just sounds... weird.

Not that there's anything at all wrong with the voiceover work itself, as I said. It just sounds odd that he's merrily chatting aloud to himself during the middle of a stealth mission.


The actual gameplay is fun though, and I love the editor. So... yeah. I'm sure in a few months I'll love the game. But right now I'm putting it away for a rainy day.


Yeah. Locksleys voice is a little off.. You have Danny Wallace being Danny Wallace and practically making love to my ears and Andy Serkis putting in an awesome Gisborne, Locksley just seems a little plain

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Just preordered Until Dawn. If i really trust a game i buy it digital but this is a disc copy. I was stung by The Evil Within & Alien which were both total garbage so if this game fails I can sell it fast like i did with evolve.


i have also pre-ordered it, i am hoping its the horror cheese i have been waiting for, bits i have read say its almost like an interactive movie which i am game

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So i can sell it on ebay & get 30quid back. Obvious really.


Renting it would be better in that case, though I did the exact same thing earlier on (buying at 2/3rd price a month after release and selling for half) because then I wouldn't be 'forced' to spend an entire weekend playing the rented game.


Humblebundle has a Might and Magic deal atm for 10$. It's a good deal if you're into that sort of thing.

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what are some of the best sports/business managerial games?


IMO you really can't go wrong with any of Grey Dog's titles, but I assume you're aware of them since you're here :)


I will say Out of the Park Baseball 2015 is outstanding this year. I'm having a lot of fun with it. You can make it a very simple GM sim if you want to, or you can completely immerse yourself in all things baseball from rules to player tendencies and matchups. The strategy is as simple or as deep as you want it to be. And I'm in love.


But for my money, very few games will compete with TEW and WMMA for me. I constantly have TEW2013 or WMMA4 open on my laptop. I'm glad those games don't have a time counter because it would literally depress me to know how many hundreds of hours I've sunk into those two franchises.

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Football Manager is the flagship of the genre.


FM is definitely the deeper simulation game out there, but it really does feel like your just tweaking numbers sometimes. Annoyingly I played EA's FIFA Manager 14 and the presentation on it is far better and it has a personal life section that allows you to date, train, buy property and shares in clubs (i.e do something with that money you get offered in contracts) An amalgamation of the two games would be incredible.


what are some of the best sports/business managerial games?


You don't really specify what type of business game you are looking for..


Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 - Awesome game about building your own themepark and making your own coasters (without all that two carriages crashing and limb removal nonsense)


OOTP16 - Very deep baseball game. A really steep learning curve if you don't know the sport tough.


Software Inc - Its early access, but you get to build up your own software company. I've played a game where I released a lot of open source things and get the love from the customers but not much cash, but then i've played like EA, buying up lots of other companies and then destroying their legacy while racking it in

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OOTP16 is incredible, but as Clarity said, you need to be a baseball fan to get the most out of it. Jeff Locke is slowly sapping my love for the sport, both in- and out- of game. :p


I haven't really played a decent business sim since Capitalism 2 (other than Transport Tycoon, of course, but I'm assuming you've heard of that because you're human :p).


Game Dev Tycoon is ok for a timekiller, but kinda basic and random.


Edit: Wait, there's a new Capitalism? :o Capitalism Lab (which seems more of an expansion to Cap2 than a sequel, which I guess is why it's not called Cap3 :p). Released in 2012, so it should work on things other than potatOS. ¬_¬

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I was hooked at Pro Cycling Manager years ago. Haven't played it since, and it wasn't really 'good', but if you're a cycling fan it deserves a play. Do play the previous year's version as it's always a bugfest which destroys the experience in this genre. I can live with non-gamebreaking bugs in action-adventure, but not here. :p
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I was hooked at Pro Cycling Manager years ago. Haven't played it since, and it wasn't really 'good', but if you're a cycling fan it deserves a play. Do play the previous year's version as it's always a bugfest which destroys the experience in this genre. I can live with non-gamebreaking bugs in action-adventure, but not here. :p


Avoid the console versions.. Its just an exercise in holding down a bumper to pedal and watching cyclists phase through each other

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Avoid the console versions.. Its just an exercise in holding down a bumper to pedal and watching cyclists phase through each other


Yeah. I wrote a review on gamefaqs years ago to warn everyone. I made it a thing to finish a TdF in this horrid game. I got the green jersey with a puncher (Cance), all because I can mash buttons like a beast. Laughable. And boring... so boring... At least now it's a bumper button.


As for Rollercoaster Tycoon: are you seriously listing that with sports management games? It's not sports and it's definately not management. You have to 'manage' a couple of bogus parameters that hardly matter. Just rake in some cash and build a ride now and then. That's it.


Cities: Skylines is good but I stopped playing rather quickly as it was a little too difficult and required too much planning. Kinda like the Requiem mod for Skyrim. I love that thing but I just suck at it. Not being able to 'warp' and being as unprepared as I am, I often choke and die rather horribly. Of course WMMA and TEW require planning as well, but I like to take my time there.

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