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The Fearsome Bunsen in the UK - HIW

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Hi all. I wanted to run a UK company in the 97 c-verse mod, but thought it would be fun to see what happened to the well-known UK promotions without me controlling one.


HIW are in the database, but I’d never seen them before and their product sounded awesome. And 5 years in, I’m enjoying the game so much I wanted to document it to make sure I’m giving it my full attention and not doing things that don’t make sense.


The only things I changed in the mod were bringing a few of my favourite NSW workers forward to be active from 97, tweaked the UK importance levels and having randomly generated workers appear to populate the world.


This isn’t going to be an in-depth diary, so don’t expect any sort of greatness or reliability but of course all feedback is welcome.


Thanks everyone




The UK landscape is simple right?


21st Century Wrestling is the glitzy world of sports entertainment with a uniquely English twist


Ring of Fire is no-frills, realistic grappling from the old school.


Men of Steel Combat are the cult-favourites who like to show "blood, beer and brawling"


So who the hell are High Impact Wrestling?


“HIW area Birmingham-based promotion that hopes to make an impact on the UK wrestling scene by offering something that has rarely been attempted in the country before - a product based entirely on high impact ‘wow factor’ wrestling.


“As well as offering a strong in-ring product, HIW also intentionally play up an image as being a ‘rebel cult favourite’ in order to try and appeal to their key demographic, 18-30 year old males.”


Pretty cool stuff. Lots of little high-flying guys and a decent amount of silly hardcore stuff too. And no grown-ups allowed!



A brief history of HIW so far...


HIW started out very small and put on about a show every two months for the first year or two. Back then Jack Giedroyc and Rolling Johnny Stones basically fought it out for HIW UK title whilst a revolving cast came and went.


Some of the workers seen back then were less than impressive. The likes of Pigeon Mask, Tim Reed and Finlay Davies all appeared as HIW struggled to make enough cash to survive and make a name for themselves against MOSC. ROF did even worse as they went bust in 1999.


As shows became more regular the roster became more established. During this time Razor Valentine was one of the biggest names involved until his wage demands caused a split that resulted in Razor’s dramatic departure. Jack Giedroyc also left suddenly twice when offered a contract by SWF and a third time to go work in Japan for GCG.


As money came in, HIW set up tag titles and later the velocity title (specifically for smaller, more athletic workers). These belts have been pursued by some big names (for HIW!) but Ricky Storm has been at the forefront of both. All this growth resulted in HIW being the most improved promotion of 2000.


Meanwhile on the main event stage, the big brawling Aussie Sharky George has been dominant in recent years holding the UK title for over two years before recently losing it in a 6-way match to Joey Beauchamp.


The schedule is fairly settled now with a show every other week, but HIW have yet to venture out of the Midlands to perform, instead preferring to establish a strong base whilst 21CW and MOSC work in London and the North respectively.


So, the stage is set. HIW are making money and slowly carving a name for themselves whilst another two promotions fight for the same smallish number of fans. After a very long reign, HIW have a new champion and the various loose alliances within the company are circling each other looking for openings. All of which will be complicated by the man in charge –


The Fearsome Bunsen.


First 4 shows are written up and will be posted through the weekend...

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Quick note: this was only ever supposed to be a private game so I used a few alt pics and spare pics from these forums for a few workers. A couple are slightly iffy (My Sergei Kalashnov pic is white) and some are randomly generated workers but if Ive used any erroneously, many apologies and please let me know. Thanks everyone






Enemy in the camp


Friday week 4 November 2001


Attendance 728




A green explosion and loud bang start the show and The Fearsome Bunsen staggers out of the smoke reeling slightly. He looks a little surprised by the crowd of people as always:


"Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to HIW! As you know a group of workers like we have here can be a nightmare to control and organise. That's why I need every ounce of knowledge from my particle physics an chaos theory doctorates to keep track of these people. From tonight I'll be acting as the Proffessor of HIW and all decisions will come through me.


"It's a great honour, and I'm reminded of my induction to the Royal Society. Or was it the Magic Circle? Or maybe the WI?


"Either way, HIW is the most exciting place in wrestling and tonight you'll be seeing all the HIW champions in action.


"Metrosexual Leon Harrison will be taking onSergei Kalashnov for the Velocity title


"Victor Hugo will defend their tag titles against No Messing


"Rolling Johnny Stones renews a rivalry against an old friend


"And last but not least HIW champ Joey Beauchamp with his partner Fred murray will be taking on marauding Australians Sharky George and Jon Harrow.


"Bubbling bromide boys and girls - this one will go nuclear!"


56 C-




HIW champion Joey ‘The Breeze’ Beauchamp comes to join Bunsen in the ring and is pleased to hear he has a match tonight. He’s less pleased that it’s a tag match against his biggest rival Sharky George. Joey’s partner will be his fiend Fred Murray and Sharky will fight with fellow Aussie Jon Harrow.


57 C-




Youth Explosion (Ricky Storm and Leigh Burton) also come to the ring to petition for a match. They do so in their usual style of insisting that their youth and vitality will conquer all the old farts in HIW. The Fearsome Bunsen informs them they will be fighting their current rivals The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned). And the match starts right now.


47 D




Youth Explosion (Ricky Storm and Leigh Burton) vs. The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned)


A very even brawl. This is decided when Danny Patterson tries to interfere, but accidentally clocks Pitbull in the head instead.


55 C-




The Fearsome Bunsen com back out to announce the next match.


"Congratulations to Youth Explosion. I've been in a few explosions myself and it's nice to see young people taking an interest in science.


"Young Leigh and Richard in patricular I know are looking forward to taking on ther tag champions Victor Hugo, but they will have to wait as tonight, those belts will be defended against Leo Price and Stevie Stoat. Why? Let's just say mr Price made a generous contribution to my research grant..."


49 D+


No Messing (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat) vs. Victor Hugo (Victor Rodriguez & Hugo Lopes) for the HIW tag titles


http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8251/leoprice.jpghttp://img820.imageshack.us/img820/8900/steviestoat.jpg vs http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/1802/victorrodriguez.jpghttp://img6.imageshack.us/img6/7886/hugolopes.jpg


Although No Messing are excellent, skilled down/dirty fighters, Victor Hugo have far more experience and seal the win when Victor pins Stoat after a low blow on Leo.


58 C-




All four members of Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton, Ricky Storm, Adam Matravers & Toby Juan Kenobi) come back to the ring to hype themselves. Again they insist that all the old people in HIW “just don’t understand” and they should be given title shots immediately. And not getting ashot is "just not fair."


47 D




Joey ‘The Breeze’ Beauchamp and his Irish gambling partner Fred Murray are seen backstage. They’re making bets on which one of them will pin Sharky George and Jon Harrow in their match later on tonight. Both men seem absolutely brimming with confidence.


58 C-




Leon Harrison, the current HIW velocity champ is asking The Fearsome Bunsen about his match tonight. Leon is either just ready to go out clubbing or just in from it, as he is wearing his typical Brighton 90s nightlife gear. As always, he flirts outrageously with The Fearsome Bunsen. Bunsen informs him the match will go ahead, and he will defend his title against Ukrainian spy/rapper Sergei Kalashnov.


47 D


Leon Harrison vs. Sergei Kalashnov for the HIW Velocity title




Sergei look son top as Leon keeps checking his watch, but as Sergei gets confident, Leon surprisingly pulls out a 450 degree splash which ends the match. The ref only just about makes the count when Leon sprints out of the ring...


53 D+




Straight into Sergei’s Eastern European partner the big German Dolf Kernen. Dolf stops the small party-boy and the two Europeans administer a kicking.


42 D




Sharky George is seen looking angry backstage. He talks about how he has heard Joey and Fred’s bets and wants to make a bet of his own; that he’s going to rip them both apart tonight.


50 D+




Rolling Johnny Stones makes his way to the ring accompanied by his band The Richmond Mafia. He puts Youth Explosion down as immature kids and complements himself on taking on a real competitor who is returning to HIW for one night only – The British Samurai (whom Johnny had a title feud with in the past that was the biggest thing HIW had ever seen at the time).


50 D+




Rolling Johnny Stones vs. British Samurai


The two men are still very closely matched, but Samurai’s not flashy enough to get the crowd going that much. Johnny doesn’t even need the help of his band mates to seal the win.


46 D+




Joey Beauchamp and his gambling buddy Fred Murray enter the ring ahead of their match. Joey is so sure he will win the match that he stakes a title match stipulation on the outcome. If they lose then Sharky can have a shot at the belt and decide on what sort of match he wants.


58 C-


The Hustlers (Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray) vs. Aussie Invasion (Sharky George & Jon Harrow)




A real variety of styles here. Joey likes to fly, Sharky is a brawler, Jon is a technical guy and Fred is an all-rounder. The gambling Hustlers are happy to fight dirty to win, but the difference is that the Aussies are willing to cheat more and Sharky manages to pin Fred using the ropes.


57 C-



Overall show rating: 51 D+

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Next show going up ASAP, but just so I get in the habit...





In two weeks time HIW presents:


HIW This is NOT an exit


Joey Beauchamp vs ???

We know Joey wont face Sharky until 4 weeks time at No Sympathy when Sharky will pick the match, but he will be in action...


Sharky George vs Victor Rodriguez

Sharky will get a chance to warm up against half of the tag team champs and one of HIWs most dangerous individuals, the Gypsy Prince


Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) vs. Leon Harrison & ???

Leon and Sergei have a hate/hate relationship. Can Leon's surprise partner even the odds against a past tag team championship team?


The Rejects (Pitbuill Brown & The Damned) vs No Messing (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat)

Two of Rolling Johnny Stones Richmond Mafia (Pitbull is the guitarist, Damned the bass player) take on the richest mnan in HIW Leo "Quids In" Price and his silent partner


Youth Explosion: TNG (Adam Matravers & Toby J Kenobi) vs The Shortcuts (Darren White ? Francis O'Brien)

TNG are hungry for success. The shortcuts are an Anglo-Kiwi partnership known for doing anything at all to win. Whether legal or not.

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The name 'Fearsome Bunsen' is enough to capture my interest.


I look forward to seeing how Bunsen will do outside of the Dogpound. Good luck.


Bunson!!!!!!!!1111!!!!! Mark out!!! Good luck with this.


I look forward to this one....Bunsen burns....


i can't wait for this to start man, i will be following everyone's favorite Scientist


Thanks guys. Hope its not too disappointing

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This is not an exit


Friday week 2 December 2001


694 attendance




Out of the familiar green explosion The Fearsome Bunsen comes out in full white coat and goggles regalia to introduce the show.


"Welcome everyone to an HIW thats holding it's breath. We all saw Joey Beauchamp lose to Sharky George in tag action 2 weeks ago and even though he's the champ I think we can see how the fittest will survive and the most fit will prosper in this company.


"We also all heard Joey make a bet that he would let Sharky have a rematch and choose the stipulation to said rematch if he lost. Of course as Proffessor of HIW, I will be holding him to that. Science is truth and truth is honesty so Joey? Best prepare yourself for a fair test."


"In other news tonight we're going to see a requested match between that nice young man Leon Harrison and Eastern Bloc. Leon informs me will be partnered by Geordie Jimmy Morris tonight.


61 C


Bunsen is interrupted by a man in wrestling gear with a dark mask,




"Cut the crap Proffessor. I've seen Joey fight in the HOW and I can guarantee one thing. I can beat him. And I will beat him. I say there's a 95% probability of me taking his belt in that ring tonight and a 43% chance of Joey actually fighting me. Then again Sharky has a 63% chance of getting involved too which is a rogue variable. If you have any sort of rational, testing mind, you'll want to see if that happens..."


In the face of such a mathematic quandary The Fearsome Bunsen is reeling, but manages a weak smile before tottering off


50 D+


Leon Harrison & Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen)




The Eastern Europeans look the stronger here with far more experience as a team, but Geordie Jim brings some old-school cunning, and after a sneaky double-team Leon manages to sneak the pin over Sergei K.


52 D+


After the match an enraged Sergei and Dolf attack Leon Harrison. They leave him battered in the ring.


27 E




Leigh Burton enters the ring with the rest of Youth Explosion (Ricky Storm, Adam Matravers and Toby Juan Kenobi) and hypes up the group’s youthful energy, verve and enthusiasm. Leigh claims that their ongoing issues with The Richmond Mafia will be over soon after a win tonight.


"How long will take you old boring bastards to figure it out? Youve past it! Stones - what is that thing on your head? Damned? What the hell are those tats? The world has changed and you missed it."


51 D+




As Leigh talks, the Rejects (Pitbull Brown and The Damned) attack him from behind. The other members of Youth Explosion don’t get a chance to react before the Rejects escape.


53 D+


Youth Explosion TNG (Adam Matravers & Toby Juan Kenobi) vs. The Shortcuts Daren White and Francis O’Brien)




Adam and Toby are fired up after the attack and win this comfortably with a Teenage Crush. The Shortcuts did try a few sneaky tricks and spent a lot of time whining to the ref, but it wasne nearly enough.


45 D




Rolling Johnny Stones appears with the rest of his band The Richmond Mafia (Pitbull Brown, The Damned, Danny Patterson and Kathleen Lee) and claim they are now the biggest group in the UK. They also entertain the crowd by playing a song.


"We're gonna kick your ass in a hurry

'cause we come from the border of London and Surrey!

We as a group are incredibly dark

all that time fighting in the Park"


62 C


The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned) vs. No Messing (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat)




This is a very even match, but the presence of The Richmond Mafia is the difference as the huge drummer Danny Patterson interferes by attacking Leo Price allowing Pitbull to seal the win.


47 D+




The Gypsy Prince Victor Rodriguez (accompanied by Hugo Lopes) taunts Sharky George for losing the title and claims his Romany history means he can brawl with anyone. And tonight he’ll prove it in the ring.


"You Australians - you have no history. My clan goes back hundreds of years and tonight I fight for them all."


51 D+


Sharky George vs. Victor Rodriguez




A great back and forth match as Victor proves he can get dirty with anyone, even the big Aussie brawler. Joey Beauchamp is the guest commentator and Sharky is almost distracted enough to lose by the constant needling, but Victor can’t quite capitalise before Sharky hits a Shark Attack for the win.


60 C-




Joey Beauchamp derides Sharky for being less than dominant and says he has no fears about fighting him again. (Even though Sharky will get to pick the stipulation after losing the tag match at Enemy In The Camp.) Right after he gets rid of this masked man who has guaranteed taking his belt. Joey claims he is scared of no one and will always meet a challenge.


"Sharky - I'll be ready for you next week and whatever you pick I think you'll find I've got more than enough. But back to the masked man. Whoever you are you may be very confident, but I am cool. I am the breeze. I will take any challenge and meet any trial. I've got £100 right here says I can beat you right now."


62 C


Joey Beauchamp © vs. Masked Man for the HIW UK Title




The masked man is as good as his word here and comes out of the blocks flying, but Joey is a tough customer. The match i settled when Sharky George enters the ring and attacks... the masked man. A fresher Sharky manages to do enough and Joey manages to hit the Breeze Block to bearly escape with his title.


54 C-




The Fearsome Bunsen holds the exhausted Joey’s hand aloft with the title and asks what everyone else is thinking.


“Sharky George clearly want to take his own title shot against Joey in 2 weeks, but what stipulation can he possibly pick that makes him so confident he can win?


"I'm struggling to compute but I'm looking forward to expanding the methodology with an in-situ experiemnt. In-situ in the HIW ring.”


63 C


Overall show rating: 53 D+

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Next time on HIW:


No Sympathy


No sympathy is our year-ending show where noone holds back any. Will 2001 end badly for Joey Beauchamp?


Robbie Williams and Nicole Kidman were xmas number one with Something Stupid. Will Sharky do the same?


Joey Beauchamp vs Sharky George for the HIW UK title

Sharky gets to pick the stipulation and the brawler may well put our high-flying champ in a bind. Sharky also interfered last week to save Joey from the masked man. Could that have repercussions?


Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs Youth Explosion

A grudge match between two rival factions. Richmond Mafia has the biggest individuals, but YE are a seasoned tagteam.


Victor Hugo vs Youth Explosion: TNG for the HIW Tag titles

The Gypsy Prince has been running his mouth and almost grabbed a win over Sharky last week. Can the hungry young team isolate Hugo?


The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned) vs The Shortcuts (Darren White & Francis O'Brien)

The Shortcuts are game at least, but the Rejects are tough, no-nonsense ex-tag champs.


Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov & Dolf Kernen) vs Double Dutch (Frank de Pain & Ruud van Anger)

The HIW crowd will be looking forward to 3 high-fliers and in Dolf, a big man who can also jump. Will Leon Harrison appear after Eastern Bloc's post-match attack last week?

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No Sympathy


Friday week 4 December 2001


Attendance 936




The Fearsome Bunsen is backstage in his 'lab area' tinkering with test tubes and his centrifuge. He is concentrating intently seemingly unaware that it's the one time of the fortnight where he actually has to pay attention and talk to people. As he leans in to measure a meniscus, he jars a tube which falls and goes up in flames like a grenade.






"Ah, welcome to my lab everyone. This is where the serious business of HIW proffessorship gets done as, er, you can see... Tonight will be a similarly explosive show. As you know we have unfinished business to take care of. Sharky George will be challenging Joey Beauchamp for the HIW UK title and we all know how that could go.


"Also I can now share my research into just who that masked man was last week. I'm pretty sure my holistic detective skills have cracked it. Based on the man's possible motives and people with the sort of complex that would convince them of their importance I can conclude this is someone with a huge ego, and a desperate need to step out of the shadows where he has been forced to reside. I am sure this man is Gordon Brown...


"On top of that we have Victor Hugo defending their tag belts, a big showdown between The Richmond Mafia and Youth Explosion and the Rejects and TNG will also be in tag action...


At that moment a large, burly, unshaven figure bursts into frame and sends a few racks of glassware flying. It's Sharky George and he doesnt look happy.




"Listen up Brits. I was HIW champ for over two years and that's for a simple reason. I'm better than you. Yeah, I've heard all the convict jokes too but what really happened is this: you guys sent every tough, bad bastard you had across the world and we had to get even tougher living in the outback. And now I'm back. And I'm better than what you've got. Tonight I'm taking Joey Beauchamps belt back. Why am I so confident? Cause it's going to be in a steel cage. No escape for you. No chance of keeping that belt."


62 C




Victor Rodriguez and Hugo Lopes come to the ring ahead of their tag title match tonight. They will be facing Youth Explosion: TNG (Adam Matravers & Toby Juan Kenobi). Victor claim that his gypsy heritage has enabled him to foresee the match and he knows will win.


52 D+


Victor Hugo vs. Youth Explosion: TNG for the HIW tag titles




Victor Hugo are a little unbalanced as Victor is so confident and powerful, and Hugo tends to resort to diving attacks to cover up his lack of power. Adam Matravers is on fire here and whilst Victor is out of the ring, manages to solidly pin Hugo, only for Danny Patterson (of The Richmond Mafia) to interfere at the last minute allowing Victor Hugo to win.


49 D+




After the match Danny Patterson is joined by Rolling Johnny Stones, Pitbull Brown and The Damned who all beat the Youth Explosion boys up nastily whilst Kathleen Lee watches and laughs.


48 D+




Sergei Kalashnov performs a rap in his heavy Eastern European accent. The subject is how much he hates Leon Harrison and his decadent sexually perverse ways. He promises to take the Velocity belt from Leon but doesn’t specify when. Sergei’s Eastern Bloc partner Dolf Kernen looks man in the background and contributes the occasional “Ja”.


"I come from nice place where bears attack

and I have big German to look after my back.

Mess with the Bloc and you maybe get shot

Im so cool, even Birmingham seems hot"


47 D




Rolling Johnny Stones and his band Richmond Mafia perform a song. The song is called “Badass” and focuses on victory. It is also especially derogatory about all Leigh Burton and the other members of Youth Explosion who they deride as juvenile fools.


"You're just another teenage bitch

whining about your unimportant issues.

Whilst Im up here with a red hot chick

you're getting through another pack of tissues"


65 C


The Rejects (Pitbull Brown & The Damned) vs. The Shortcuts (Darren White & Francis O’Brien)




The Shortcuts are committed cheaters and try their hardest, but the Rejects are serious tough guys and when they use some of their power double-team moves Pitbull finishes this convincingly.


40 D-


Rolling Johnny Stones & Danny Patterson vs. Youth Explosion (Leigh Burton & Ricky Storm)





This is a very close grudge match that goes to and fro several times. Danny has power, Johnny has guile but Leigh and Ricky are the slickest team in HIW by far and work as a great partnership. They also have the total lack of fear most very young people do. It is finally settled when Johnny distracts the ref enough for Danny to hit a devastating low blow on Ricky, when Rolling Johnny Stones hits his brainbuster on Leigh for the win.


60 C




After the match Danny Patterson and Rolling Johnny Stones celebrate when out of nowhere tag champs Victor Hugo attack them with steel chairs before telling the beaten men that they can fight their own battles and don’t need the help of the stinking English.


48 D+




Sharky George cuts a promo to camera where he says he’s beaten Joey before and he can beat him again. Joey is just a little guy who can jump, but stuck in the steel cage where he will have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, Sharky WILL win his title back. He also explains that last week he interfered against the masked man as he not only wants his title, he wants to humiliate Joey as well.


54 C-




Joey Beauchamp responds to Sharky and the crowd by claiming he has won the title and retained it using his versatility and cool. And an uncouth Australian just doesn’t have the ability to take it off him.


62 C


Joey Beauchamp vs. Sharky George for the HIW UK title




Inside the cage this is brutal stuff where the two men’s contrasting styles are very accentuated. In fact, the cage does favour Sharky though and the bigger man is beginning to dominate when disaster strikes for him. Although they're locked in a cage, the masked man from last show actually descends from a rope in the rafters into the cage just as Sharky is looking strong and sends the big man to his knees with a vicious kick to the back oh his head. Even so Sharky climbs back up, but the masked man shimmies back up his rop. Sharky frustredly turns back to Joey, only to step into a Breeze Block. The attack had given Joey time enough to climb the turnbuckle and laucnh himself halfway across the ring at Sharky.


57 C-




After the match has cleared the masked man reenters the empty ring with The Fearsome Bunsen.


"An eye for an eye. Sharky: I didn't mean anything personal but you have got in my way. I'm here for one reason. To prove I'm the better man and this belt should be on me. You people with your petty issues can keep squabbling, but I won't be far away."


Bunsen "So Mr Brown... May I call you Gorodn? What are your intetntions next?


"What? I am defintiely not Gordon Brown, but HIW fans? Rest assured you do know me, and you'll be getting to know me even better as I make my mark on this company in the coming weeks. I'll fight anyone here and very soon I'll have that belt around my waist."


56 C-



Overall show rating: 54 C-

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In two weeks time HIW presents:


New Beginnings


Traditionally a refreshed show after New Year where HIW takes stock of itself. Noses were put out of joint at No Sympathy. Who will have forgotten and moved on with 2002? Who will be looking for revenge?


Sharky George & Jon Harrow vs Leo Price & Stevie Stoat

The Aussie Invasion lick their wounds and frustration and face two men with the finest training money can buy. Who also seem to have been contributing to The Fearsome Bunsen's research grant...


Rolling Johnny Stones vs Dolf Kernen

The Richmond Mafia frontman takes on a very different musical persuasion after a resounding win over Youth Explosion.


Leigh Burton vs Pitbull Brown

Leigh lost last week to Rolling Johnny Stones and Danny Patterson, but it's clear he still hates the Richmond Mafia for being old, dull and past it.


Masked man vs Sergei Kalashnov

The mysterious masked man has his first official match and it's against an underrated high-flier who's challenging Leon Harrison for the Velocity title. Could be messy...


Fred Murray vs Danny Patterson

Joey Beauchamp's right hand man and gambling partner takes on the biggest man in HIW. Can he even begin to fight Danny?

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Thanks Mad


Ordinary service (ie slow) to resume soon, but I have a little time this weekend.


And you're right - I need to apologise again for using various people's alts in some strange ways. Especially the awesome Dog Pound stuff. (go read it)


As soon as I pull his mask off in a couple of shows time that will be consigned to the used pile


Thanks for reading

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May I suggest http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/godnightshade/Re-Renders/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg for Jimmy Morris, I can't stand his render (To think it used to be one of the Vesseys!).


Sharky George & Jon Harrow vs Leo Price & Stevie Stoat

I don't see No Messing taking a backseat to a couple Aussies.


Rolling Johnny Stones vs Dolf Kernen

With the band at his back, no problem.


Leigh Burton vs Pitbull Brown

Seeing that you brought him back to the past and are putting him against one of the lesser members of the band...


Masked man vs Sergei Kalashnov

I hope it's Rod "The God" Tod, I mean the robe is there, so I'm hoping.


Fred Murray vs Danny Patterson

Some sort of cheap victory or flash pin or something.

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New Beginnings


Friday wk 2 January 2002


Attendance: 958




The Fearsome Bunsen is on the big screen (or OHP at least) pictured next door in the Aston University swimming pool. He’s standing in the shallow end with water up to his waist and has a pink, inflatable flamingo life-ring around his waist. He is holding what appears to be a giant plunger.


“Welcome everyone to New Beginnings! As you can see in my unending quest to create the perfect wrestling show I will investigate any avenue for you the fans, no matter how obscure it seems. This week I’ve been testing my hypothesis that human behaviour is defined by interactions with parents...

No, hang on, that was last week. What am I doing here? Um... Maybe... I’ll have to get back to you.


“Anyway tonight we’ve got some very personal matches lined up with some of the top wrestlers in England. I promise everything will work out, so just stay with us. On with the show!”


59 C-




The Richmond Mafia are set up in the ring and play a song. All 4 male members (Rolling Johnny Stones, Danny Patterson, Pitbull Brown and The Damned) won their matches last week and they’re celebrating.


“Youth Explosion got taught a lesson

When the mafia came and gave them correction

It’s more important to have experience

Than just to say that you hate your parents.”


Rolling Johnny Stones also hypes up their individual matches tonight.


67 C+


Rolling Johnny Stones vs. Dolf Kernen




Dolf is a big man and looks to have the physical advantage, but Rolling Johnny Stones is one of HIW’s wiliest competitors as an ex champion. He looks the better fighter, but victory is sealed when Danny Patterson interferes on his behalf.


Winner: Rolling Johnny Stones

46 D




HIW UK Champ Joey “The Breeze” Beauchamp and Fred Murray hype Fred’s match with the giant Danny Patterson tonight and Joey’s two rivals for the belt (Sharky George & the masked man).


The two men make ridiculous bets with each other as usual and agree to make sure they watch each other’s backs closely.


62 C


Fred Murray vs. Danny Patterson




Fred comes straight to the ring with Joey assuming Danny’s band-mates will be there up to no good, but when none of the Richmond Mafia appears, Joey relaxes. Big mistake as Danny uses his absurd leverage and the bottom rope to take the win over the much smaller Fred.


Winner: Danny Patterson

48 D+





We see a quick video on the OHP that explains where the other members of the Richmond Mafia were: beating up Ricky Storm backstage and laughing whilst the Youth Explosion member clutched what looked like a busted arm.


53 D+




Sharky George comes to the ring to rant about the masked man’s interference 2 weeks ago that cost him the UK title. He insists he is the toughest wrestler in HIW and can beat Joey or whoever is under the mask in a one-on-one match.


“Seriously mate – whoever you are I don’t care. You’re just another soft Pom to me and as soon as I’ve got my belt back, I’m coming after you.”


51 D+


The Aussie Invasion (Sharky George & Jon Harrow) vs. No Messing (Leo Price & Stevie Stoat)




Leo and Stevie again show great technical ability (they have spent a fortune on the finest coaching money can buy) but little instinct. The Aussies on the other hand are all about hard-won instinct from rough bars and Sharky manages to pin Stevie Stoat after a Shark Attack.


Winner: Aussie Invasion

48 D+




Eastern Bloc (Sergei Kalashnov and a beaten Dolf Kernen) perform a (crap) rap where Sergei calls out the HIW velocity champ Leon Harrison in his heavy Ukrainian accent.


“I will show off my big skills

Like Shevchenko and Rebrov

When you get pinned

You will say to me ‘Get off!’”


43 D




The masked man interrupts the two and tells them their ridiculous music is hurting his ears and offending him. The three men square up, but Professor Bunsen appears and demands they settle this in the ring.


58 C-


Masked man vs. Sergei Kalashnov




Leon Harrison comes to ringside and threatens several times to get involved but never does as he looks very wary of the masked man. In the ring, the masked man doesn’t extend himself too far but does enough to secure the win.


Winner: Masked man

50 D+




As soon as the match is over and the masked man departs, Leon does attack the exhausted Sergei sticking the boot into the prone man until Dolf Kernen arrives to make the save.


30 E+




Youth Explosion leader Leigh Burton comes to the ring and slates The Richmond Mafia for their cowardly attack on his partner Ricky Storm who is too badly hurt to come to the ring. Leigh makes great use of the phrase “It’s not fair!” and promises to take his frustration out on Pitbull Brown in their match.


49 D+

Pitbull Brown vs. Leigh Burton




Leigh was under loads of pressure having lost recently in a tag match against Pitbull and The Damned and the presence of The Damned at ringside meant Leigh was basically fighting two men. However as Leigh was worn down, a clearly battered Ricky appeared from backstage and attacked with a chair before Leigh managed to sneak a sudden rollup pin.


Winner: Leigh Burton


53 D+




Joey “The Breeze” Beauchamp comes to the ring to respond to Sharky and the masked mans threats and promises.


“I gave you both title shots and what happened? You all cheated, interfered and caused chaos. Well, I’ve got £50 that says the same would happen if I had another match with any of you. So here’s what I’ll do. In two weeks time I’ll get in the ring with both of you, but to make sure no one has any dirty tricks up their sleeve (and I’m talking about you Jon Harrow) I won’t be putting my title on the line. Instead it will be a 3-way tag match. Me and Fred vs. Sharky and Jon vs. The masked man and whatever weirdo friend he can dig up. And if either of you manage a win you’ll get another clan title shot.


“But I’ll have another £100 that neither of you manages it.”


62 C


Overall show rating 53 D+

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May I suggest http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y7/godnightshade/Re-Renders/GeordieJimmyMorris.jpg for Jimmy Morris, I can't stand his render (To think it used to be one of the Vesseys!).


Thanks Nightshade. It is an awful picture. Ive got a bashed up old guy that I like for the 2010 data, but that will do nicely for him back in the early noughties


3/5 for you tonight, but it was early days and a few less-used characters have gotten pretty over for me. Sharky George in particular is a big star.


Thanks for reading

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Next time on HIW:


Do or Die


Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray vs. Sharky George & Jon Harrow vs. Masked man & ???


Sharky and the masked man both think they deserve the title. Joey is confident he can beat them both in the ring in a fair fight. Who will the masked man dig up? Will that be a clue?


Rolling Johnny Stones vs Ricky Storm


Ricky is hurt but has been booked in another Youth Explosion vs Richmond Mafia grudge match. Will he make the fight? Can he possibly win?


Sergei Kalashnov vs. Leo Price


Leon Harrison has been stalking Sergei whilst the Eastern Bloc try desperately to adjust to the West. Do they know it is no longer 1994? Can Leo get back on track?


Victor Hugo vs. Double Dutch for the HIW tag titles


Double Dutch have had very little luck so far, but the Gypsy Prince Victor Rodriguez has hand picked them for a match. Can the young duo take tips from Nigel De Jong on flying kicks?


The Red Dragon vs. Leon Harrison for the HIW Velocity title


The Dragon has been in the background recently but has almost claimed this belt before. Can he be the first foreign Velocity champ?

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Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray vs. Sharky George & Jon Harrow vs. Masked man & ???


The champ gets the win here. Over Jon Harrow.


Rolling Johnny Stones vs Ricky Storm


Of course he can win, I think you love Ricky Storm, I mean, he did time travel to be here. Hahahaha.


Sergei Kalashnov vs. Leo Price


Leo and Stones both do the job.


Victor Hugo vs. Double Dutch for the HIW tag titles


I like Double Dutch.


The Red Dragon vs. Leon Harrison for the HIW Velocity title


No, Dragon can't do it... yet.

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Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray vs. Sharky George & Jon Harrow vs. Masked man & ???


Rolling Johnny Stones vs Ricky Storm

maybe a DQ


Sergei Kalashnov vs. Leo Price



Victor Hugo vs. Double Dutch for the HIW tag titles


The Red Dragon vs. Leon Harrison for the HIW Velocity title

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Joey Beauchamp & Fred Murray vs. Sharky George & Jon Harrow vs. Masked man & ???

Murray looks little do much like Nuzzle Bunny for me to take him seriously and that Masked man alt is a real killer so I have to go with mystery man and even more mysterious man:p


Rolling Johnny Stones vs Ricky Storm

Ricky might be a little bit injured after last shows beatdown



Sergei Kalashnov vs. Leo Price

I like Leo more


Victor Hugo vs. Double Dutch for the HIW tag titles

Champs retain here


The Red Dragon vs. Leon Harrison for the HIW Velocity title

How could I vote against someone called Red Dragon?

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Quick update as to my roster. A few of these seem a little off, but as a small company with fairly low turnover a lot of guys are quite close in pop.


Also, we have no face/hel divide. Just a load of antiheroes and stereotypes it would be bad form to classify as heelish.


There a coupl of other guys not on here too. Mostly semi-talented chaps who go in dark spots and the like.


Thanks for the predictions guys - winner gets to pick a stipulation for a match on the next card...


Main event

Joey Beauchamp (UK champ)

Sharky George

Masked man

Rolling Johnny Stones

Leigh Burton

Leo Price


Upper midcard

Leon Harrison

Ricky Storm

Geordie Jimmy Morris

Fred Murray

Danny Patterson



The Red Dragon

Stevie Stoat

The Damned

Pitbull Brown

Jay B

Hugo Lopes

Victor Rodriguez

Dolf Kernen

Darren White


Lower midcard

Sergei Kalashnov

Jon Harrow

Toby Juan Kenobi

Adam Matravers



Francis O'Brien

Ruud van Anger

Frank de Pain

Arjen van der Bilt

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