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God Bless Texas - 1977 C-Verse

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Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Carlos Reyes/Octavian Reyes

- Luis 'Reyes' was the talent of this team. Dunno if he's 'gone Mexican again' or what, but I can't see Team Texas not successfully defending their titles even once.


Captain USA v. The Night Rider

- Dusty Hoff for the win!


Giant Grimsley v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

- Expect a lot of outside interference and cheating and skulduggery from the King of California, and while Grimsley is a battle royale legend, one-on-one I think he falls to the schemes and screams of the California dream.


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

- The Samoan Friendship Committee, while lovely, can't quite keep up with Asp and Python of the Burgundy Snake Society.


The Executioners v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Johnny Lawless

- Even if the Executioners try to execute one another, they'll still lose.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero

- After ending the career of Chief Two-Eagles now it's time to make Nero into a Texas Nightmare and Legend as he tries to do the same to Cutie from Canada. He won't do quite as good a job but after last month's show ending angle I'd keep his momentum high.


Finally the Six-man titles are a perfect fit for Texas in the late 70s. A throwback to Mexican lucha libre AND the fact that at one point the Six-Man titles in the NWA and WCCW were highly regarded. Road Warriors and Dusty Rhodes held them (forever) plus teams like the Freebirds, Von Erichs and (I think) the Russians.

Perfect for the timeline.

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TWL This Means War

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

June 1978

Attendance: 3,203




Professor Nero, clad in his wrestling tights and Chief Two Eagles’ Comanche war bonnet, and the Lords of War (Warlord Agony and Warlord Pain) came out to the ring, Nero leading his glassy-eyed charges as if by an invisible thread. Nero took the microphone. “Welcome, welcome, welcome,” Nero intoned in his high-pitched voice. “Welcome to a show free of Chief! No more Two Birds flying around, flapping around. Welcome, welcome, welcome.” Then suddenly, Nero’s face changed, the childlike exuberance replaced by the stoic visage of a tortured soul. “Chief…Two…Eagles…” Nero now spoke in a low baritone, “one month ago, you witnessed true suffering. As you lay motionless on the concrete floor, shards of shattered wood gouging into your broken body, I saw the agony and pain on your face,” the Lords of War briefly perked up at the mention of their names, but their faces dropped when they realized Nero was not speaking directly to them. “But you didn’t perish that night, Chief Two Eagles, you refused to die. And I will not rest until I kill you!” C+




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ArchiJudge1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheLoneStarStampeder.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MajorWGReginald.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CarlosReyes.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/OctavianVandiver.jpg


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie ‘The Governor’ Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) w/Major W.G. Reginald III © v. The Reyes’ (Carlos Reyes/Octavian Reyes)

Billy’s Take: Before the match, Carlos introduced us to another Reyes brother (the fourth for those of you keeping track at home), the hot-tempered Octavian Reyes. Octavian controlled the early part of the match but quickly grew frustrated by Archie and Stampy’s innate teamwork. Slowly the tide turned in favor of the champs who, after about ten minutes of action, took the win after Archie hid the Martial Law neckbreaker on Carlos.

Team Texas d. The Reyes’ via Martial Law to retain the TWL Tag Team Titles

Match Rating: D+




The Trailer Park Kid strode to the ring, growing more confident each week, a lit cigarette dangling precariously from his lips. “Mean Mark Green, get yo’ ass out here right now,” the Kid called into the mic. Mean Mark Green came out and appeared bewildered by the Trailer Park Kid’s attitude. “Now I’m sick of this bull,” the Kid continued, “and I need answers. Are you with me or against me? I have to know if I can count on you to remove the cancer in TWL. We need to cut down Floyd and Johnny. They’re outta control Mark, and you damn well know it!” Just as he did last show, Green turned around, apparently once again ignoring the Kid’s demands. “What’s wrong Mark, are you yellow?” Mean Mark spun around on his heel and ran to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and standing nose-to-nose with his onetime partner. “Listen up Kid, and listen good,” Green spoke softly into the microphone. “First, nobody calls me yellow. And second, bein’ a Texas Outlaw is a lifetime commitment. It ain’t somethin’ to be taken lightly. So if you want to go against Floyd and Johnny, you’re rebelling against the Texas Outlaws. Once an Outlaw, always an Outlaw.” “Mark, that’s bull and you know it. Johnny and Floyd ain’t tryin’ to do what’s best for us…they’re doin’ what’s best for them.” “Sorry you feel that way Kid.” “Screw you Mark. How ‘bout this. At Showdown, me and you. One on one. May the best man win.” “You’re on kid,” Green growled, “you’re on…” C



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/CalSanders_jtlant.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheNightRider.jpg


Captain USA v. The Night Rider

Billy’s Take: Captain USA instantly had the crowd on his side, the ever-popular “U…S…A” chant raining down from the stands. When Night Rider came out, the cheers grew louder. Unfortunately for the fans, the Night Rider quickly squelched any idea of an upset, dominating the match and ending it with the Eagle’s Wings standing surfboard.

The Night Rider d. Captain USA via Eagle’s Wings

Match Rating: D+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GiantGrimsley.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LarryGrubbs.jpg


Giant Grimsley v. ‘New School’ Jason Jackson w/Larry Laffer

Billy’s Take: Jackson came out first, leading Laffer, Eruption, and Tsunami down to the ring. I immediately ordered the Samoan duo to the back, much to the chagrin of Jackson. They passed Grimsley as the giant made his way to the ring and flinched involuntarily as Grimsley feigned an attack. Inside the ring, this was like David versus Goliath…but in reverse. Jackson tried every trick in the book to down the seven-foot tall giant, to no avail. Finally, frustrated with his inability to turn the tide of the match, Jackson signaled to the backstage area and Double Disaster returned to the ring. The Samoans slid in the ring simultaneously and jumped Grimsley, finally taking him off his feet with a double shoulderblock. The trio of Jackson and Double Disaster pummeled Grimsley as I called for the bell, awarding the match to the Giant.

Grimsley d. Jason Jackson by disqualification after Double Disaster interfered

Match Rating: D




‘New School’ Jason Jackson and Double Disaster continued their unmitigated assault, as Giant Grimsley slowly rose to his feet. He finally stopped the attack, catching Eruption’s fist mid-punch. He crushed Eruption’s hand, sending the huge Samoan to the mat in pain. Then Tsunami took a fierce headbutt from Grimsley, falling to the mat as well. That left just Jackson and Grimsley, standing face to, umm, chest. Jackson slid out of the ring and appeared to be headed out of the arena, but was stopped by Cobra and Viper, the Crimson Serpent Cult. They corralled Jackson back into the ring and Cobra took a microphone. “Jasssson Jacksssson,” Cobra hissed into the microphone. “At Ssssshowdown, you and Double Dissssassster take on me and Viper, the Crimssson Ssserpent Cult…and Giant Grimsssley. He isss our third member. At Sssshowdown, we’ll ssshow you the meaning of sssuffering.” C


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Cobra1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Viper.jpg VS

http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LarryGrubbs.jpg


Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami) w/Larry Laffer

Billy’s Take: This was a wild brawl, as befitting these four men. Neither side had a discernable advantage until about twelve minutes in, when Eruption and Tsunami went for their Tidal Wave finisher perhaps a bit prematurely. When Cobra avoided that move, he suddenly dropped to his knees. I checked on him after his sudden collapse and, out of the corner of my eye, saw a bright flash of light. When I turned back around, Tsunami writhed on the mat in obvious pain, clutching his face. Cobra slithered over and made the cover, getting the one, two, three.

Crimson Serpent Cult d. Double Disaster via Dragon’s Breath

Match Rating: C+





The TWL champion, Johnny Lawless, came out to the ring. “Shannon, you ignorant slut,” he began, as the crowd started to boo. “Did you really think that it would be that easy? That you could just come groveling and that I’d take you back? Not a chance Shannon. Not a chance in hell. You see, I don’t need sloppy seconds. I don’t need used property. Outlaws do what Outlaws do. And I already done did you. I’m an outlaw now, and…I’m lawless.” Johnny turned to walk away when he was suddenly interrupted. “Jus’ a second there Johnny,” Luis Reyes, Shannon standing tearfully at his side, called to the champ in a thick Mexican accent. “Jus’ hold on. You don’t talk to a lady like that.” The crowd seemed unsure about cheering a Reyes, but Luis did receive a few scattered cheers. “Show me a lady and I’ll show you *exactly* how I treat ladies,” Lawless retorted. “How about this,” Luis continued, ignoring the champ’s snide remarks. “You fight me at Showdown. Prove to me, no prove to Shannon exactly how tough an hombre you’ve become. How much you don’t need her.” Lawless flushed and immediately replied, “Absolutely,” clutching the TWL title angrily. C



VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/FloydBowmn.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyLawless.jpg


The Executioners v. Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman/Johnny Lawless

Billy’s Take: The Executioners had no chance in this one as Bowman and Lawless rolled over the masked duo, Lawless taking particular joy in demolishing a vestige of the legacy of Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan. He mercifully ended this one with a Power Lariat, giving the Texas Outlaw tandem the win.

Bowman/Lawless d. The Executioners via Power Lariat

Match Rating: B-



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GeorgeDeColt1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MarkKrogan.jpg

VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TimberWolf.jpg


‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt w/Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan v. Professor Nero w/TimberWolf

Billy’s Take: This was an amazingly good match, perhaps the best since Rip Chord left the company six months ago. Nero and DeColt seemed to have an innate understanding of one another and the match was paced perfectly. Nero controlled the early part of the contest, using his typical underhanded tactics (throwing a chair in the ring to divert my attention, feigning injury to catch his opponent unawares, etc.) to gain the upperhand. But DeColt fought back valiantly, using his superior conditioning to keep from being pinned or forced to submit. A Nero thumb to the eye ended DeColt’s momentum and Nero appeared primed to lock in the Descent into Madness. But just then, Chief Two Eagles appeared from backstage. Professor Nero blanched and leapt to the ring ropes, screaming “No” at the apparent apparition. DeColt took advantage of the momentary distraction and rolled up Nero for the win.

DeColt d. Nero via roll-up

Match Rating: B




Professor Nero snapped back to his feet following the flash pin. He appeared even more pale than usual, his face as white as if he’d seen a ghost. Nero called out for his Lords of War, but they did not appear. Instead, Chief Two Eagles slowly raised a single arm and extended his first finger, pointing it directly at Professor Nero. He did not speak a word, but Nero still backpedaled and slid out of the ring, escaping with TimberWolf in tow. B+

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Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Carlos Reyes/Octavian Reyes

Captain USA v. The Night Rider

Giant Grimsley v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

The Executioners v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Johnny Lawless

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


5/6. So close!


Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Carlos Reyes/Octavian Reyes

Captain USA v. The Night Rider

Giant Grimsley v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

The Executioners v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Johnny Lawless

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


3/6. Giant Grimsley is actually a new signing, not just a loaner, and you got the rationale, if not the pick, correct in the main event!


Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Carlos Reyes/Octavian Reyes

Captain USA v. The Night Rider

Giant Grimsley v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

The Executioners v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Johnny Lawless

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


4/6. Nice work Hashasheen (even if you don't like my 6-man titles. :p)


Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Carlos Reyes/Octavian Reyes

Captain USA v. The Night Rider

Giant Grimsley v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

The Executioners v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Johnny Lawless

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


Thanks for predicting Jingo! 5/6...nice work!


Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Carlos Reyes/Octavian Reyes

Captain USA v. The Night Rider

Giant Grimsley v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

The Executioners v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Johnny Lawless

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


As you predicted, the main event was an excellent match (and with excellent chemistry...hooray!). 6/6!!


Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Carlos Reyes/Octavian Reyes

Captain USA v. The Night Rider

Giant Grimsley v. 'New School' Jason Jackson

Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

The Executioners v. Floyd 'F-Bomb' Bowman/Johnny Lawless

'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Professor Nero


Thanks for your comments Beeker...glad I've convinced you that the 6-man belts could be good. And great rationale for the picks. 5/6.

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From the Notebook of Referee Billy




I have to say that I didn't think sitting in on booking meetings at TWL would be as intense as it's been so far. Michael von Edberg, better known to the wrestling world as Professor Mycroft Nero, is a real taskmaster! Every week, I have to write out three potential storylines - one each for the TWL Title, Tag Team Titles, and, now, the Six-Man Titles. He hasn't used any part of my ideas yet, but let me know afterwards that he likes my style. We'll see where that leads, I suppose. For now, the extra money is nice as my wife and I are saving as much cash as possible - little Thom is an expensive little guy!


TWL Showdown is one of our company's biggest events of the year. Here are the announced matches:


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

The Night Rider has been on a roll as of late. Can he continue to gain momentum by taking down Canada's finest?


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Team Texas faces their stiffest challenge yet, the unpredictable duo of Machete and Rampage. Will Archie and Stampy survive the painted paranoia?


Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

Trailer Park Kid and Mean Mark Green are former tag team champions and members of the Texas Outlaws. Now the Kid has refused to join the newly-heel Outlaws and Green wants to teach him a lesson he won't soon forget.


TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

The inaugural six-man belts are on the line as the physically-imposing team of Grimsley and the Cult battle the arrogant Jackson and his Samoan monsters.


TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Luis Reyes is perhaps the most talented wrestler in North America today. But Johnny Lawless is the champ and looks to retain his belt (and his manhood) in this one.


Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

Professor Nero nearly destroyed Chief Two Eagles last month, driving him through a table with a vicious piledriver. Now the Chief wants revenge. Expect a wild brawl here!


Quick Picks:


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

This one was a tough one for me, but I don't see DeColt losing here

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Go Texas!!

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

another tough one, but I see Kid coming out of this....

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

Giant and the Cult won last month, time for the score to even...

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Lawless wonder

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

I really feel that Eagles has some more build before the payoff....


Finally a 6/6.....yeah.....:)

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Just wanted to note how much of a Juggernaut this diary has become; I don't think any other diary ever came this close to really picking up the spirit of the 70s C-Verse...so much old school!


Wow, high praise indeed (especially coming from you)! If nothing else, this diary seems to have sparked an interest in 70s C-Verse diaries, which is awesome.


And speaking of 'Old School'...oh, nevermind. :D

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

With great chem with Nero George stays strong


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The

Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Paranoia are jobbers


Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

coinflip here


TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

I always bet on Double Disaster and I always lose


TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Poor Luis


Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

Interference from the Lords here and Nero goes a bit more bat**** mental

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

- Unless DeColt is going back to Canada or somewhere Supreme, Dusty Hoff doesn't stand a chance.


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

- Owner's prerogative and plus, Fingerpainting Paranoia haven't looked exactly threatening lately.


Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

- The Mean Man over the Kid from the Double Wide.


TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

- Jackson with gold *is* gold. The other team might be more over and perhaps 'deserve' it more but the storylines possible for the New School with the New Gold are too good to pass up.


TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

- I can't see the Border Hopper picking up the win of the new and improved and baaaaaaaaader than ever Johnny Lawless. I think Reyes might pick up the strap, but not quite yet. American Remade needs a strong run with the TWL Title.


Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

- I want to give CTE the feel-good win here, but I think this win will stem from Nero tring to cripple the Chief yet again. Eagles wins by DQ or count out after Nero does his damnedest to end Two-Eagles' life.

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)


Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green


TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless


Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

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Just bombed through this entire thing the last couple days. I suspect I'll be sticking with it.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


I suspect New School's gang will hold the belts for a while, despatch at least one feuding rival, then face off against the Professor and the Lords. At which point their number is UP.

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TWL The Showdown

Irvine Hall (MidSouth)

June 1978

Attendance: 3,240


http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GeorgeDeColt1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MarkKrogan.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheNightRider.jpg


‘Gorgeous’ George DeColt w/Mark ‘The Lariat’ Krogan v. The Night Rider

Billy’s Take: This was a hot opener as the crowd is solidly behind the former TWL champion George DeColt. The Night Rider took the early part of the match, using a variety of submission holds to ground DeColt. But Gorgeous George rebounded and regained momentum, eventually finishing the match off with his patented DeColt 45.

DeColt d. Night Rider via DeColt 45

Match Rating: B-




http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ArchiJudge1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/TheLoneStarStampeder.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MajorWGReginald.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Machete_alt.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Rampage.jpg


TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie ‘The Governor’ Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) w/Major W.G. Reginald III v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Billy’s Take: The challengers came out first, scaring the kids in the crowd and generally acting as crazy and menacing as possible. When Team Texas was introduced, the place erupted, showing their solid support of the state’s finest tag team. Major W.G. Reginald III helped whip the crowd into a frenzy, frantically waving his trademark white towel overhead both before and during the contest. This match went back and forth with all four men getting a chance to shine. But in the end, Team Texas prevailed after Archie Judge hit the Martial Law neckbreaker on Machete to pick up the win.

Team Texas d. Painted Paranoia via Martial Law to retain the TWL Tag Team Titles

Match Rating: C-




After the match, Rampage jumped the Lone Star Stampeder, whose back was, by this time, to the ring. Rampage then turned to Archie Judge and pummeled “The Governor,” with a series of vicious right hands. As Machete came to, he joined his painted compatriot in an unmitigated assault. Apparently satisfied with their work, Painted Paranoia went backstage, leaving Team Texas laying on the concrete floor, Major Reginald feverishly checking on his charges. D+




VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/MeanMarkGreen.jpg


Trailer Park Kid w/Major W.G. Reginald III v. Mean Mark Green

Billy’s Take: Major Reginald’s other client, the Trailer Park Kid, came out first in this one. The crowd is really beginning to embrace the Trailer Park Kid after years of him being basically an afterthought in the Texas Outlaws. His former partner, Mean Mark Green, emerged next, receiving a smattering of boos, but still quite a few cheers. This match was quite open, with both men looking good throughout. After Trailer Park Kid missed a Double-Wide Dive, Green quickly rolled him up, grabbing a handful of tights (which I learned about later), to secure the win.

Green d. Trailer Park Kid via pinfall

Match Rating: C+





‘New School’ Jason Jackson, Double Disaster (Eruption and Tsunami) and Larry Laffer, the leisure-suited lounge lizard, came out to the ring, Jackson reaching for a microphone. “So tonight is like an historic night. Tonight the Prince of Palm Springs, the Sage of San Jose, the Sacramento Stud Muffin is going to like finally get some gold here in TWL. Tonight Double Disaster and I become the first six-man champions in this ****-hole of a state. And we’ll almost certainly be the last ‘cuz no one in this company, and I mean no one, can come close to bringin’ what the West Coast Warriors bring. So come on out here chumps and take your beatin’…oh, and ladies, I didn’t forget about you. You need to keep on California Dreamin’!” D+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/GiantGrimsley.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Cobra1977.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Viper.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JasonJackson_MJSTARK.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Eruption.jpghttp://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/Tsunami.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LarryGrubbs.jpg


TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. ‘New School’ Jason Jackson/Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami) w/Larry Laffer

Billy’s Take: There were very few technical moves in this one. Instead, it was a shear brawl as all six men regularly ended up in the ring at various times and in various combinations. Grimsley pulled Jackson in on a bearhug that I was sure would break several ribs. Only timely intervention by Double Disaster prevented the submission win. Later in the match, Double Disaster hit a double shoulderblock on Cobra and Jackson locked in the California Dream, only to have the hold broken by the rampaging Giant. In the end, Jackson goaded Grimsley to follow him outside the ring, leaving Cobra and Viper inside with Double Disaster. Eruption connected with a clothesline that took Viper out of the ring and then teamed with Tsunami to hit the Tidal Wave for the somewhat surprising win.

West Coast Warriors (Jason Jackson/Double Disaster) d. Crimson Serpent Cult/Giant Grimsley to become the NEW TWL Six-Man Champions!

Match Rating: C-





Mean Mark Green, Floyd ‘F-Bomb’ Bowman, and the TWL champion, Johnny Lawless, came out to the ring. “Well, well, well,” Mean Mark Green began, “once again the Texas Outlaws are on top of the TWL. We’ve got Johnny Lawless, the TWL champion, and the future tag champs, me and Floyd. And ya’ know what? Someday maybe we’ll add that six-man belt, just for the hell of it. See, the Texas Outlaws run the show down here. This is our damn company and no one, ‘specially some dirty Mexican, pretty-boy Canadian, or trailer park trash, is gonna take that away.” Floyd took the microphone. “That’s ****in’ right Mark. The Texas mother****in’ Outlaws are right where we ****in’ like to be…on top. Just like where I had Mrs. ****in’ F-Bomb last night!” Bowman began making lewd motions as Lawless took the microphone. “Bottom line is this,” Lawless began arrogantly, “we are the strongest, most cohesive group ever assembled – in Texas or anywhere else. Tonight I take out that Mexican jumping bean Luis Reyes and then we do whatever we want. Because Outlaws are above the law. Outlaws are...lawless.” C+



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/LuisMontero1977.jpg w/http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ShannonKelly.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/JohnnyLawless.jpg


TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes w/Shannon v. Johnny Lawless ©

Billy’s Take: In what is becoming a real theme here in TWL, Luis Reyes looked exceptional in this match, despite the fact that the crowd is somewhat apprehensive about cheering a Mexican wrestler. The presence of the beautiful Shannon at ringside certainly helped. When Johnny came out, he shot double guns with his fingers at the crowd and repeatedly pointed at his title belt, reminding the fans that he was the champ. Once Lawless’ elaborate entrance was over, these two men put on an excellent match, full of momentum swings and near-falls. First Luis hit a crossbody for a two count and then Johnny rolled up the challenger for a two. Luis hit a suplex for a near fall, followed by Lawless hitting a bulldog for a two count. In one back and forth exchange, Johnny rolled over Luis and, as I found out later, used the ropes for leverage to pin Luis and retain the belt.

Lawless d. Reyes via pinfall to retain the TWL Title

Match Rating: B



http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ChiefTwoEagles1977_alt.jpg VS http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/Texas%20Wrestling/ProfessorNero1977.jpg


Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

Billy’s Take: Finally, the match the crowd so eagerly anticipated. The nefarious Professor Nero, whose piledriver through a table nearly ended the career of his opponent, and Chief Two Eagles, the Indian Warrior determined to rid TWL of evil. As you would expect, the roar for Chief was almost deafening as the more than three thousand fans cheered their hero in unison. He took the early part of the match, pummeling Professor Nero from pillar to post, refusing to give quarter. As is typical, a Nero thumb to the eye stalled Chief’s charge and allowed the sadistic Nero to take control. Nero then slowed the match down, grinding Chief with a series of painful submission and wear-down holds. But Chief would not stay down and, using the strength of the fans’ cheers, climbed back to his feet. He forced Nero to break the hold and then downed the Intelligent Monster with a huge bodyslam. He continued his violent beating until Nero’s mouth dripped blood. Then Chief slowly ascended to the second rope, poised to land his Tomahawk Chop. Nero, quick as lighting, slid to a vacant corner and grabbed his ever-present cane. Chief leapt off the ropes and charged Nero, only to have the Professor bring the cane down directly on the forehead of Chief Two Eagles, drawing the instant disqualification.

Chief Two Eagles d. Professor Nero via DQ

Match Rating: B




Chief Two Eagles lay stunned on the mat, trying to shake out the cobwebs as Professor Nero backed down the aisle smiling, his mouth full of blood. B+

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'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


4/6. Nice work Jingo.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


5/6. So close Hashasheen!!


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


4/6. Got you on the 6-man and TPK/Green matches Midnight.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


Number_Six...love your NYCW dynasty (check it out if you haven't yet!!), but only 3/6 here.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero

Your reasoning was perfect, but your score wasn't...4/6.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The

Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


Shoulda bet on Double Disaster here Bolt! 5/6.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


Nice job picking the Eagle win by DQ! And 6/6, awesome work Beeker.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


Just missed the title match, though the feud does continue. 5/6.


Just bombed through this entire thing the last couple days. I suspect I'll be sticking with it.


'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. The Night Rider

TWL Tag Team Title Match: Team Texas (Archie 'The Governor' Judge/The Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Six-Man Title Match: Giant Grimsley/Crimson Serpent Cult (Cobra/Viper) v. 'New School' Jason Jackson/Double Disaster

TWL Title Match: Luis Reyes v. Johnny Lawless

Chief Two Eagles v. Professor Nero


Wow, PS, thanks for reading! Hopefully I'll keep you interested. And nice work on predictions, just missing two of the matches 4/6.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;">From the Notebook of Referee Billy</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28488" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i263.photobucket.com/albums/ii147/ajcrible/TWL.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> The Showdown left many questions unanswered. Will the Trailer Park Kid eventually get his revenge on Mean Mark Green and the Texas Outlaws? Why was Professor Nero smiling after being disqualified in his match against Chief Two Eagles? Will Jason Jackson ever shut up? Hopefully, at <strong>TWL Texas Wrestling</strong> we'll get some answers. Here is the announced card:</p><p> </p><p> Handicap Match: Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)</p><p> <em>Grimsley is the undisputed giant in TWL, but will his size be enough to overcome the West Coast Warriors' two superheavyweights?</em></p><p> </p><p> Tag Team Title Match: No Holds Barred: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)</p><p> <em>Archie and Stampy have, thus far, been able to turn back Painted Paranoia. But how will they fare in a No Holds Barred environment?</em></p><p> </p><p> Chief Two Eagles v. Octavian Reyes</p><p> <em>Chief Two Eagles may have won the first battle against Nero, but he could very well lose the war. Will Nero get involved and cost Chief this one?</em></p><p> </p><p> Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement/Captain USA v. Professor Nero/Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)</p><p> <em>Nero and his Disciples of Evilness look to vent on the fan-favorite trio.</em></p><p> </p><p> Luis Reyes w/Trailer Park Kid v. Mean Mark Green w/Floyd Bowman</p><p> <em>Luis fell just short of winning the TWL title at Showdown while it took a handful of tights to put Green over the Trailer Park Kid. Now the Kid is in Reyes' corner.</em></p><p> </p><p> TWL Title: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Johnny Lawless ©</p><p> <em>Johnny Lawless is on a roll as of late. But will the Canadian sensation, George DeColt derail the Lawless Express?</em></p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Quick Picks:</p><p> Handicap Match: Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)</p><p> Tag Team Title Match: No Holds Barred: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)</p><p> Chief Two Eagles v. Octavian Reyes</p><p> Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement/Captain USA v. Professor Nero/Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)</p><p> Luis Reyes v. Mean Mark Green</p><p> TWL Title: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Johnny Lawless ©</p>
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<p>Handicap Match: Giant Grimsley v. <strong>Double Disaster</strong> (Eruption/Tsunami)</p><p>

Tag Team Title Match: No Holds Barred: <strong>Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder)</strong> © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)</p><p>

<strong>Chief Two Eagles</strong> v. Octavian Reyes</p><p>

Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement/Captain USA v. <strong>Professor Nero/Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)</strong></p><p><strong>

Luis Reyes</strong> v. Mean Mark Green</p><p>

TWL Title: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. <strong>Johnny Lawless</strong> ©</p><p>

<em>Even though its tempting to go with DeColt .. I'm not gonna!</em></p>

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<p>Handicap Match: <strong>Giant Grimsley</strong> v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)</p><p>

Tag Team Title Match: No Holds Barred: <strong>Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) ©</strong> v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)</p><p>

<strong>Chief Two Eagles</strong> v. Octavian Reyes</p><p>

Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement/Captain USA v. <strong>Professor Nero/Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)</strong></p><p>

<strong>Luis Reyes</strong> v. Mean Mark Green</p><p>

TWL Title: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. <strong>Johnny Lawless</strong> ©</p>

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<p>Handicap Match: <strong>Giant Grimsley</strong> v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)</p><p>

Disasters can look strong in 6man action and still lose here</p><p> </p><p>

Tag Team Title Match: No Holds Barred: <strong>Team Texas</strong> (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)</p><p>

Paranoia just arent winning the titles. Unless Team texas are gearing u for 6man action...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Chief Two Eagles</strong> v. Octavian Reyes</p><p>

cmon. Hes the CHIEF</p><p> </p><p>

Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement/Captain USA v. <strong>Professor Nero/Lords of War </strong>(Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)</p><p>

established team wins</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Luis Reyes</strong> v. Mean Mark Green</p><p>

havent had a Reyes win for a while</p><p> </p><p>

TWL Title: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. <strong>Johnny Lawless ©</strong></p><p>

Next time George wins it</p>

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Handicap Match: Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Tag Team Title Match: No Holds Barred: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Chief Two Eagles v. Octavian Reyes

Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement/Captain USA v. Professor Nero/Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)

Luis Reyes v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Title: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Johnny Lawless ©

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Handicap Match: Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

Tag Team Title Match: No Holds Barred: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

Chief Two Eagles v. Octavian Reyes

I see Nero here again....


Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement/Captain USA v. Professor Nero/Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)

Luis Reyes v. Mean Mark Green

TWL Title: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Johnny Lawless ©

but not the title...

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Just wanted to say thanks to all of those who voted for this diary as Cornellverse Diary of the Month for September. It is a real honor to be listed alongside James Casey as a co-DOTM winner.


In other news, the show is partially written and will be up no later than Monday. So you've still got some time to get those picks in!

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Handicap Match: Giant Grimsley v. Double Disaster (Eruption/Tsunami)

- This is tricky as the Giant needs to look dangerous but Dubba D should be mainstays of your tag division, so I'll give the nod to the Hawaiian-Samoan Hurt Squad.


Tag Team Title Match: No Holds Barred: Team Texas (Archie Judge/Lone Star Stampeder) © v. Painted Paranoia (Machete/Rampage)

- Team Texas will do just fine as Dubba P aren't quite up the level of Dubba T. Yet.


Chief Two Eagles v. Octavian Reyes

- CTE easily defeats the newest 'brother' from south of the border.


Red Falcon/Mr. Excitement/Captain USA v. Professor Nero/Lords of War (Warlord Agony/Warlord Pain)

- Nero fiddles while Excitement burns.


Luis Reyes v. Mean Mark Green

- Damn dirty border hopper jumps clean to a win here on the Mean Man Mark.


TWL Title: 'Gorgeous' George DeColt v. Johnny Lawless ©

- By DQ so the man above the law retains his title but furthers this feud.

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