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[- SWF -]: "The Incessant Need for Supremacy"

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Supreme Wrestling Federation || SupremeTV

Tuesday, 3rd Week of January 2010

Episode No: 3

Episode Title: “If you live by the sword; You’ll die by the sword…"






Squeeky McClean vs. Steve Frehley

Singles Match


The overall tone within the Minnesota Coliseum is one of limitless anticipation as tonight’s episode of Supreme TV opens with a sense of volcanic drama. While most episodes will typically project a gripping storyline as it’s initial blow, tonight simply gets straight to the action; delivering a jaw-dropping opening bout straight out of the gate. With that said, the SWF faithful are already buzzing as Squeeky McClean and Steve Frehley stare upon each other from opposite sides of the ring; both men motivated by their own need for a victory tonight.


Their altercation practically explodes, much like a round of TNT, as both men waste no time, and hold nothing back, almost instantly. This is pretty indicative of Frehley’s consistent approach to, almost anything; however, the initial burst of aggression is quite new to McClean (Normally, he’s much more of a ‘feel the opponent’ out kind of guy). Truthfully, from the onset, it looks like Squeeky has been dragged through the mud recently; un-kept and surprisingly neurotic (A character trait not often linked with McClean). It seems that his recent losing streak has really got the best of him; seemingly turning his self-righteous arrogance into a more agitated aggression. Overall, when fusing this reality with Frehley’s intensely brutal approach, their altercation almost reeks of simple anger.


At certain points, it almost looks like McClean is truly desperate for a win; looking for something to change the winds of his downfall. Pinfall attempts are often administered by the former North American Champion as he seems obsessed with an early victory straight away. Sadly, for McClean, it wasn’t as if he was going up against a punk with a glass jaw; it takes A LOT to floor “The Dark Destroyer”. With time, following an array of unsuccessful pinfall attempts, Squeeky looks as if he’s absolutely ‘lost it’; showing obvious cracks within his carefully constructed persona. However, in time, McClean is able to regain his regality; trying to sweep his slight ‘mental breakdown’ under the rug as if it didn’t happen. Too bad we have it on tape…


More or less, their doesn’t appear to be a clear-cut frontrunner for the victory as a prominent ‘openness’ continues to resonate within their actions. With the thought that it could go either way, the SWF faithful continue to salivate with expectations… Wondering WHAT it would take to finally bring the match to a triumphant end?


And then… It was decided for them…


As Squeeky is planted upon the canvas with a thunderous powerbomb from the “Dark Destroyer”, The lights go completely out…


The shocked, and thoroughly entertained, SWF faithful are buzzing with anticipation as a smattering of boos are actually heard within the fray; knowing what is probably coming next. In time, the lights come back up showing both competitors still in the same place they were before; however, SWF referee, Darren Smith, is face down on the canvas now; motionless. At this point, a bone-chilling stint of evil laughter fills the Minnesota Coliseum as it’s projector is none other than Vengeance. While he can’t be seen, his burly laughter is unmistakable.


With Darren Smith out cold, most likely by the hands of the Supernatural Powerhouse that is Vengeance, the action within the ring appears to be in jeopardy. As the lights continue to flicker much like a lightning storm would deliver, and the sounds of Vengeance’s laughter in the background still filling the walls of the arena, Frehley and McClean continue their match-up under the most menacing of circumstances. In a way, it almost feels as if Vengeance is some sort of Greek GOD; completely in control of the surroundings within the “Land of Supreme”.


Despite all of the chaos circulating around the ringside area, the match does come to a close as Steve Frehley is able to execute his signature “Dark Destroyer Spear” (Spear) upon his staggering opponent. With that, a second referee, Shane Stones, is seen bolting toward the ringside area; obviously afraid for his own well-being, however, aware that his job calls for such a moment. In a matter of a few seconds, Stones is seen counting a three count in favor of Frehely; barely even entering the ring in the process. Once the pinfall has ended, Stones is seen running straight back into the backstage area; afraid of being ‘struck down’ by Vengeance as well.


All in all, as the lights continue to flicker like a rage-filled lightning storm, Steve Frehley is able to overcome the supernatural oppression laid before him. Shockingly enough, Vengeance doesn’t make an actual appearance, as most would think; however, it’s pretty obvious that his ‘spirit’ is certainly in firm control of the proceedings at hand.


Steve Frehley defeats Squeeky McClean in 8:10 via a “Dark Destroyer Spear”.

Grade: B-


Duane Fry: Good God, I don’t like the look of this…

Ana Garcia: It’s almost as if Vengeance is growing with power. I mean, what he did tonight, that’s something we’ve never seen before. He dropped the lights, attacked Darren Smith in the darkness, and then continued to level an amazing lightning storm within the arena; all the while filling the entire building with that… that… creepy laugh of his.

Duane Fry: With what happened at the PPV, I wonder if Steve Frehley will ever be able to escape the carnage levied by Vengeance? At this point, it seems like he’s become obsessed with the “Dark Destroyer”. Almost like he’s dedicated to the notion of ‘ending’ Frehley as we know it.

Ana Garcia: If that was the case, though, don’t you think he would have attacked Frehley during the match and not Darren Smith? I think he’s toying with him; showing him what he CAN do. Much like a cat plays with it’s prey before he kills it.

Duane Fry: I know Frehley is the kind of guy to simply throw down with anyone… but… I’m afraid that this could be ‘too much’. When will this carnage end?

Ana Garcia: Sadly, probably when one of them is erased from the SWF all together.

Duane Fry: I love Frehley, and think against almost anyone else I would always place a bet on him, but this is just… just… surreal. I don’t know if he has a snowball’s chance in hell of surviving this; especially if Vengeance continues to corner him like this.




Frederique Antonio Garcia

… The Catty F.A.G. …


[We transition backstage in which to see the ever-catty Frederique Antonio Garcia leaning against a nearby white cinderblock wall; surveying his perfectly polished nails as if he were a drill sergeant inspecting a soldier’s living space. Just then, as SWF personality Jessie walks by, Frederique is heard relaying a mean-spirited commentary about her current fashion; masterfully analyzing her outfit without ever really looking up at her in the process. This only adds to the pompous, ever-catty, mentality that tends to exude from the sinfully arrogant Garcia.]


Frederique Antonio Garcia: Oh hunny, those shoes look like something my Chihuahua threw up yesterday; they… are… dreadful!


[Jessie rolls her eyes as she continues to walk by. Meanwhile, Frederique appears to be growing rather frustrated. With a simple, and dainty, tap of his knuckles upon the door next to his perch, Frederique is heard relaying a sighing message toward an unknown person behind said door.]


Frederique Antonio Garcia: What’s the hold-up, pookie? [Continues to inspect his nails] Having fishnet troubles?


[Just then, the door forcibly swings open with a heavy sense of grandeur. With that in mind, Frederique pulls himself away from the wall; obviously giddy over what’s to come. As his hands are seen folded over one another, neatly sitting under his chin, Frederique watches on as, shockingly, EVEREST is seen walking through the doorframe.]




… Simply Fabulous …


[However, this is not your typical vision of Everest in the slightest. Gone is the, somewhat, blandly menacing look upon his face as it’s now replaced with a ‘playful’ menacing stare. As fat-man sweat continues to glaze his fishnet covered chest, Everest looks straight into the camera; fuming while still rather fabulous in nature. Meanwhile, Frederique Antonio Garcia is seen frolicking around his newest tag partner, skipping like a school-girl as he shows his new-found joy in the only way he knows how: Over-the-top and in a ‘I’m better than you’, catty, manner.]


Grade: C+


Duane Fry: What… was… that?

[Laughter is heard from both Duane and Ana]

Ana Garcia: Was that... no… It couldn’t have been, Everest.

Duane Fry: I’m almost positive that it was…

[Laughter continues to take over both commentators]

Ana Garcia: I guess we’ve seen everything at this point…

Duane Fry: I need a drink.




The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Fabulous Friends

Tag Team Match


The Minnesota Coliseum are firmly in the corner of the Amazing Bumfholes as it’s pretty obvious that they have little time for Frederique Antonio Garcia; new tag partner or not. With that said, you never would have thought that from the look upon the ultra-arrogant Garcia. With his new partner at his side, the ever-catty Supreme Superstar struts toward the ringside area; sporting a giant smirk upon his face as the blob-of-a-man, Everest, follows close behind. More or less, while they look to be an ‘odd couple’ all together, there appears to be an underlying fabulousness to their overall tone.


The action itself plays off of such a narrative; with both teams toying with the crowd at every turn. The Amazing Bumfholes, known for their accelerated in-ring approach, project the ‘ultimate-babyface’ mentality; standing as the obvious fan-favorites in such a hotly contested match-up. Meanwhile, the newfound tandem of the “Fabulous Friends” convey the ‘dastardly heel’ persona to a “T”; interjecting a feminism to their overall approach and ultimately toying with their opponents throughout the match. Realistically, most of the ‘toying’ comes from Frederique, to be truthful, as Everest still looks a little conflicted at parts… Resorting back to his monster-heel ways as he moves around the ring like a beached whale.


While rather short in nature, this official tag team division match ends in a, somewhat, shocking manner. As Randy Bumfhole climbs the nearby turnbuckle, motioning for a crowd-charging top rope aerial strike, the unexpected takes place…




Queen Emily, a former SWF colour commentator, is seen storming her way toward the ringside area and shoving Randy Bumfhole off the top rope; something that he wasn’t really ready for. The shove, while quite simple, forces Bumfhole into the air a little early; giving Everest, the legal man, the ability to take advantage of the falling brother. Within seconds, Everest has randy within his grasp; planting him straight down to the canvas with a slightly awkward Spinebuster. Within seconds, following such a blow to the back of his head, the match has come to an end… Giving the victory, shockingly enough, to the newly developed team of Frederique Antonio Garcia and Everest vs. the established tandem of The Amazing Bumfholes. With that said, it’s not like they really won all that fair and square… As, confusingly enough, Queen Emily made her return to the “Land of Supreme” by shoving Randy Bumfhole off the top rope; progressing the end of the match in turn.


In the end, as the final bell is tolled, the awkward threesome of Frederique Antonio Garcia, Everest, and Queen Emily all stand within the ring; celebrating in their own manners, however, together none the less.


The Fabulous Friends defeat The Amazing Bumfholes in 6:16 via a Spinebuster from Everest upon Randy Bumfhole. Realistically, Queen Emily’s interference stands as a ‘key moment’ in such an outcome.

Grade: D+


Ana Garcia: Wait… what? They won? Uh… Really?

[Confusion sets in pretty heavily for the SWF commentating team; bringing on bouts of laughter]

Duane Fry: Well all be…

Ana Garcia: And, Queen Emily making her return to the SWF… by… Helping them win? Okay… I’m confused. I mean, like, really… really… confused!

Duane Fry: Yea, Emily doesn’t really strike me as someone who would ‘run with this kind of crowd’. Why the hell would she make her return in which to help them win? I mean, after this long of being away from the SWF, don’t you think you would place your support somewhere more… well… fruitful?

Ana Garcia: Well…

Duane Fry: Good point.




Eric Eisen ©, Marat Khoklov, and Kurt Laramee

… The ‘plan’ is set in motion …


[A new segment opens backstage as we witness the sight of the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, the always smug, Eric Eisen, standing before the former DaVE stand-out, Kurt Laramee. Their interaction seems rather awkward in nature as both men truly come from different backgrounds; appearing as if neither really trusts the other, however, for some reason, speaking with one another privately. Meanwhile, the menacing monster that is Marat Khoklov is seen standing behind the World Champion; slightly off to his right as he crosses his tree-trunk sized arms across his chest. In the end, while both are widely seen as ‘heels’ by the SWF faithful, the overall feeling is that these two don’t really have much in common… or so we think.]


Eric Eisen: Aren’t you tired of being thrown to the ‘back of the mix’? You worked you’re a$$ off in DaVE, literally fought your way onto the SWF roster, and now you’re being held back by people like Rich Money? If I were you, I’d be furious… To the point of violence; truthfully.


[Despite doing his best to sway Kurt’s thinking process, Laramee doesn’t seem to budge; answering back, almost instantly, in a harsh, but realistic, manner.]


Kurt Laramee: Don’t act like you know me, man. We ‘aint got nothin’ in common. You hear me?


[Kurt appears to be talking to himself, under his breath, as he shakes his head in disbelief. In most cases, such an altercation would swiftly develop into a physical challenge; however, with Eric, he always seems to find a way to manipulate the situation at hand. Almost instantly, Eisen is heard responding in ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it that way’ kind of manner; again, trying to reclaim the common ground between the two of them.]


Eric Eisen: You’re right, Kurt. I don’t know you. However, you and I have a lot in common. You see, at one point, I was held back by the Rich Money’s of the world. I was pushed aside as another ‘snot-nosed punk’ until I took charge of my own life. That’s all I’m saying, that I can relate with how you’re feeling. I know, when I was in your position, I wanted nothing more than to make a ‘splash’; mark my own path. Maybe that time is tonight, for you?


[A devilish smirk forms upon Eric’s face as Kurt tilts his head to the side slightly; almost in a questioning manner.]


Eric Eisen: Tonight, in the main event, my boy here… my “Life Insurance”, Marat Khoklov, is squaring off against both Bruce and Money. While I know he can certainly take care of the both of them in one swoop, how would you feel about taking an opportunity to wrangle your career into your own hands? It wouldn’t call for very much really…. Just enough to keep Money at bay.


[Kurt appears to be thinking to himself. With time, an equally sadistic smirk begins to form upon his face; snarling like a kid with his hand in the candy jar; slightly mischievous in nature.]


Kurt Laramee: I like the way you think… [smirks] A ‘splash’, huh? [Raspy chuckle follows] I can definitely make a ‘splash’. Just so long as you recognize; return the favor. Ya feel me?


[Eric nods his head; smirking in return.]


Eric Eisen: Don’t you worry, Kurt. You’ll get hefty ‘pay-off’ for this one…


[With that, our segment comes to a controversial close as it’s pretty obvious that a shady deal has been made between Laramee and the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen. While no specifics are named, it’s expected that the ‘splash’ will take place tonight in the main event; a moment where Laramee hopes to ‘make a name for himself’ after struggling within the SWF ranks since DaVE’s closure. All in all, as the two men exchange an awkward handshake, again showing off their opposite filters in life, a dastardly deal appears to have been made right before our eyes.]


Grade: B+


Duane Fry: If it wasn’t bad enough to have Khoklov in his corner, It looks like Eric Eisen may have just hired out Laramee to do his dirty work!

Ana Garcia: I don’t know how he does it, honestly? Is it the fact that EVERYONE knows he’s an Eisen? Does that sway people to listen to him? Especially now that his Father, and brother, are both nowhere to be seen? Now, Eric can just throw his ‘weight around’ and get whatever he wants? This is getting ridiculous. I hope Laramee spins around and socks him in the mouth tonight as well; however, I don’t really expect to see it happen sadly.

Duane Fry: This is why everyone is questioning whether or not Eric actually attacked his father. I know it sounds rather harsh, and touchy, to bring up but who has ultimately benefited from his father’s injuries? Only Eric thus far.

Ana Garcia: As much as I want to agree with you, you may want to watch out what you say. With as much pull as he has right now, Eric may discipline you for making such a claim. Honestly, I don’t want to see you lose your job over this.

Duane Fry: If I lose my job then I lose my job…. I smell a rat; I think Eric Eisen attacked his dad, or had someone do it for him, so he could get away with stuff like this! I mean, a few weeks ago, It looked like he was being ‘cut-off’ from all of this. However, now that his father is out and struggling with Amnesia as a result from an attack, He’s able to get away with whatever he wants! He may, honestly, be actually getting away with murder as we speak!

Ana Garcia: All factual points… You can’t deny that. Let’s just hope that Eric, and his lawyers, don’t have something to say about it.




Greg Black, Brandon James © + Emma Chase

… Unexpected, face-to-face, argument …


[We transition backstage in which to see “The Aerial Ambassador”, Greg Black, shuffling his way through a deserted backstage hallway. Upon sight of the surging singles star, the SWF Faithful quickly shower the beloved up-and-comer with a response best described as ‘proud joy’. After years of supporting his gimmicky “High Concept” persona, the fans are now finally happy to cheer for the SWF veteran within a more realistic framework. This, fused with the fact that his singles career has been rather eventful thus far, has generated a strong ‘hard-nosed’ persona thus far for the facilitator of the “Fade to Black”.]


[As this segment looks rather simple in nature, many thinking that it’s just a short one minute blip in which to show Greg on his way to the ring, everything drastically gets turned upside down within seconds. As Black turns the corner, he almost slams right into the broad chest of the suit-wearing, all-business North American Champion, “Big Money” Brandon James. At first, Greg bounces back in an ‘I’m sorry’ kind of fashion, respectful of the person before him; however, James does nothing to return the sense of grace. Instead, he continues to stare down the “Aerial Ambassador” with a look that can be best described as: Coldly Stern. Meanwhile, the always stoic, Emma Chase, is seen coming into sight; slowly strolling in front of her client as she stands as the ‘verbal representation’ of one, Mr. James. With that said, as always, Ms. Chase is seen holding her signature black briefcase in her hands; the contents inside still stand as an unknown.]


Emma Chase: You really should watch where you’re walking. You may get yourself hurt…


[Emma stares upon Greg Black with a cold, emotionless, look upon her face. Meanwhile, the SWF faithful is heard showering the, often described, b*tch with a wave of negativity.]


Greg Black: I didn’t mean too…


[At first, it seems like Greg Black is simply ‘back peddling’ verbally, doing his best to cover up the problem; however, seconds later… We come to realize that this is not the case. Instead, finding his own ‘stride’, Black actually finishes his last statement in a rather arrogant manner. Defying the fear-tactic often used by Chase in which to catapult James’ career within “The Land of Supreme”.]


Greg Black: but I do mean to take that title from you really soon, Big-man.


[Greg looks straight past Emma, right upon Brandon James as he holds the gleaming SWF North American Championship over his right shoulder; projecting it as the coveted prize that it is. With that, seeing that she’s been looked past, Emma quickly does her best to snap Greg’s focus back upon her; snapping rather forcefully in nature.]


Emma Chase: Excuse me, Do you know who you’re speaking with? This is THE SWF North American Champion. Don’t you forget that! [Pauses; stares upon Black with a fire to her look] You’re nowhere NEAR Mr. James’ league.


[With that, Greg Black laughs slightly to himself; arrogantly rubbing his right hand across the side of his jaw while holding back an inspired smile. Seconds following, Greg is seen stepping past Chase and James; however, relaying a message shortly before exiting the scene.]


Greg Black: We’ll see about that…


[With that, “The Aerial Ambassador” walks off the scene; stepping with a high level of confidence with each and every step. Overall, it feels as if, in this given moment, Greg Black has truly hit that point where he’s ‘found his stride’; it just took a situation like this to reinvent his personality.]


[As Greg slowly walks off the scene, the camera man zooms in on Emma Chase’s face as it’s obvious that she’s steaming about what has just taken place. Also, at the same time, Mr. James looks to generate a dreaded snarl upon his face; fixated on “The Aerial Ambassador” as he exits the scene all together.]


Grade: B


Ana Garcia: Did Greg Black just stand up to Emma Chase? [Laughs] That’s right! Put that b*tch in her place, Greg!

Duane Fry: Ana? What’s gotten into you?

Ana Garcia: I just can’t stand Emma Chase. She walks around here like she owns the place. It’s always ‘Brandon is so great’, blah blah blah… How about you just shut it? Okay? Keep your self-righteous ranting to yourself!

Duane Fry: It looks like two people have just found their ability to stand up to Emma… Greg Black and now… [Laughs] Ana Garcia!

Ana Garcia: Damn right!




Captain Atomic vs. Greg Black vs. Joe Sexy vs. Lobster Warrior vs. Marc DuBois vs. Runaway Train

Six-way Battle Royal

”Supreme Dream” match = The Winner is the new #1 Contender to the SWF North American Championship


The atmosphere around the ringside area is cloaked with an eagerness unseen in the SWF for quite some time. Six men, all known to be struggling to stay ‘afloat’ in the SWF, are given the opportunity to redirect their careers in hopes of a potential North American Championship opportunity. To say the least, with this in mind, all Six Supreme Superstars carry an inspired bop to their step; appearing as if they ALL feel like tonight is their night. Sadly, for five other men, this statement will be nothing more than complete falsehood. Realistically, though, it’s that very notion that drives them all to the brink of obsession; knowing that a single victory tonight could change the course of their SWF careers forever.


As with most multiple manned matches, I will lay out the results in a simple manner where I’ll touch upon the narratives that formed within the match. It’s better this way as it’s a lot easier to convey what happened versus just giving you a laundry list of moves that all administered throughout. With that said, here we go:


1) Greg Black is the ‘little engine that could’: Fresh off of two career-shifting victories over the SWF veteran, Squeeky McClean, Greg Black carries this ‘little engine that could’ aura around him. What I mean by that is the newly developed singles star has this ‘blue collar’, every-man trying to make it big, mentality flowing from his every move. Not really ‘blue collar’ as in a flannel shirt, and a lunchpale; but, more in the hard-nosed, head to the grind, kind of individual who seems SO close to ‘getting there’. In a way, everything seems so grand with Black as everyone anticipates tonight’s match-up to be his for the taking; knowing that the SWF officials may use this ‘Supreme Dream’ match in which to officially announce him to the masses as a bona fide singles superstar. With that said, It’s easy to see that the crowd is buzzing in his direction; excited to see his seamless chain-wrestling approach put the test vs. 5 other, drastically, different competitors.


2) Runaway Train is STILL a beast: This one is pretty simple. Despite being an ‘oldie but a goodie’, Train really shows himself as a force to be reckoned with. His strikes are heavy, his power-moves are devastating, and his overall demeanor practically screams dominant powerhouse. With such a match as an over-the-top battle royal, it’s easy to see Train as a front-runner right away within the fold; knowing that it will take MUCH MORE to eliminate someone of Train’s size, and strength, versus someone like Captain Atomic.


3) Joe Sexy is somewhat of a goof: He’s loved for a reason as Joe is often seen playing to the crowd more than actually competing on a high level. In a way, it always seems like he’s more focused on being the ‘most loved person on screen’ than the most dominant figure in any match. Funny enough though, while somewhat negative when you look at it from a pure wins/loss record, this is how Sexy has become the personal favorite of many SWF Faithful. It’s in the playful demeanor, and the over-sexualized antics, that his fans have found their love for him. Why change that? Sure, he may not be the most feared individual in SWF history but he certainly has his niche and plays it well.


4) Brandon James & Emma Chase’s presence is a distraction: With the champion, himself, seated at the top of the ramp as a special spectator, there’s this overall pressure that seems to mount. In a way, his presence makes this whole match-up very REAL as the winner will be able to turn straight to him; standing as his newest potential conquest. Overall, even though the two of them are seated quite far away, it’s obvious that they are there. It’s felt in the air, and heavily documented throughout the match as the SWF camera man makes it a point to always relay their cold-mannered responses to everything that unfolds.


5) Captain Atomic and Marc DuBois seem ‘lost’: Not so much ‘lost’ as a little green still (especially when stacked up against veterans like Train, Sexy, Black, and Lobster). Between the two, realistically, DuBois looks more polished; however, even he appears to be a step or two behind. With this in mind, as expected, both are the first two eliminated as both are shockingly swallowed up by the powerhouse that is the steamrolling Train!


6) Eric Tyler has ‘something’ with Lobster Warrior; what we don’t know?: Halfway through, as Lobster Warrior is seen stepping toe-to-toe with Runaway Train, DaVE Legend, and all-around traditionalist, Eric Tyler is seen making his presence known for the 2nd week. His cold demeanor almost portrays him as a jaded, rough-around-the-edges, veteran with an eye for something ‘he dislikes’. More or less, with this in mind, Tyler is seen watching from afar; zeroing his focus in on Lobster Warrior throughout. In the end, when Warrior is eventually eliminated by Runaway Train, “The Traditionalist” is seen shaking his head slowly in disgust. For a split second, the two make eye contact (Warrior and Tyler) just long enough for Tyler’s disdain to sink in. Shockingly, this situation seems to annoy the always joyful, Lobster Warrior; forcing the lovable vet to storm into the back in an uncharacteristic kind of fashion.


7) Train IS beatable; just ask Greg Black: In one of the most shocking moments in the match, Runaway Train is finally eliminated at the hands of the surging “Aerial Ambassador” Greg Black!! While Train attempts a powerslam of the staggering Black, the former “High Concept” member is seen clutching onto Train’s head… Pulling him over the top rope with a modified Hurricanrana of sorts. In the end, catching Train off guard, Greg Black is actually able to eliminate the towering behemoth; bringing a hefty cheer from the SWF faithful in the process. Overall, the elimination gives another ‘notch’ under Greg’s belt as it seems like he really is forming into a truly competitive singles star.


And then there were two…


After 8 minutes of action, we are now left with Joe Sexy and Greg Black; two men who were considered to be potential front-runners from the start.


At this point, the overall vibe sits rather in the middle; no one Supreme Superstar getting more cheers than the other really. In a way, it looks like the SWF faithful are just happy to see these two make it to the end. Something that can’t really be said for the Champ himself as both he, and Chase, continue to sit in complete silence; cold in their response.


In the end, as both literally push their bodies to the edge and back, Joe Sexy is ultimately seen getting the best of his newfound opponent; tossing Greg Black over the top rope following a botched “Fade to Black” (Running Superkick). What happened is, as Black is seen speeding toward Sexy, who appears to be staggering at this point, Joe is aware enough to drop to the matt; pulling the top rope own in the process. This simple gesture, along with Greg’s blazing momentum, ultimately sends the “Aerial Ambassador” over the top rope; crashing to the cement floor below in a thunderous heap. Ultimately, while a shocking ending to say the least, the SWF faithful appear to be firmly in-tune with what has just happened; instantly roaring with excitement as their beloved Sex-crazed Supreme Superstar is now, the first ever, “Supreme Dream”.


Joe Sexy is the last Supreme Superstar within the ring in 10:27; making him the first ever “Supreme Dream” victor. With that in mind, he is now, again, the #1 contender to the SWF North American Championship.

Grade: C+


Ana Garcia: JOE SEXY!!! HE DID IT!!!!

Duane Fry: Well all be damned, Joe Sexy is STILL the number one contender to Brandon’s title. I’m sure that has to be driving he, and Emma, nuts! Well, at least as much as they’ll show; they always seem dead to emotion. [Laughs]

Ana Garica: I don’t know, Duane. It looks like it’s really an annoyance to them both; however, who really cares? [Laughs] The ‘Human Sex Toy’ gets ANOTHER shot at Brandon and the North American Title!




Joe Sexy, Emma Chase, and Brandon James ©

… Bound for another Title Shot …


[With the sound of the SWF faithful roaring in the background, Joe Sexy is seen grabbing ahold of a nearby microphone; catching his breath in which to relay a message in the direction of his heated enemies. With this in mind, knowing that such an altercation is coming, both Chase and James appear to be growing with intensity; truly annoyed by what’s taking place right before their eyes.]


Joe Sexy: I’m like an STD… Once we come in contact, I ‘aint NEV-AH goin’ away!


[such a statement only enrages the SWF North American Champion more as he, at this point, drops his championship gold onto the rampway before him. With that, the bruising heavyweight is seen stomping his way down the ramp; slowly taking off his suit jacket, and undoing his tie, as he storms upon the ringside area. With time, as he finally enters the ring, Sexy and James are seen engaging one another in a wild altercation; brawling around the ringside area like two soldiers locked in a heated battle for space. Despite the aggressive nature, though, Sexy is still sporting the same arrogant smirk upon his face; enjoying every second of what’s unfolding before him (even while going toe-to-toe with someone like James). In the end, their altercation is broken up by a massive mob of company security guards; pushing each competitor in opposite directions as it looks like, even this, may not hold them apart. Overall, as the segment comes to a close, there appears to be a stark contrast between the two Supreme Superstars as James is shown uncharacteristically ‘fuming’; meanwhile, Sexy backs away from the mob… playfully smirking as he blows a kiss to one, Emma Chase from afar (stirring the ‘pot’ even more)]


Grade: B


[Laughter is heard coming from Fry and Garcia]

Duane Fry: He just knows, exactly, how to get under their skin; it’s an art form really!

Ana Garcia: Especially as, both James and Chase, are known for their even-keel nature. It’s almost like they’re emotionally dead most of the time, all business all the time; however, Joe knows EXACTLY how to break right through that. I’m loving this!

Duane Fry: Well, let’s just hope that he can do it this time around. His two previous attempts have fallen flat; so, if he’s going to win the North American Championship now has to be the moment!

Ana Garcia: I trust in him! I mean, we’ve NEVER seen James this riled up before! Who knows if he’s able to compete when this invested? One emotional mistake and BAM… We could have a NEW North American Champion! Oh god, I can’t wait!!

Duane Fry: Either can I, Ana. Either can I!




Angry Gilmore

… Injured and Pissed …


[The Minnesota Coliseum instantaneously erupts into a collective show of support at the first sound of Angry Gilmore’s aggressively-intense theme music blaring throughout. Within seconds, the resident ‘grump’ is seen uncharacteristically hobbling out of the backstage area; bandaged, bruised, and obviously in-need of a pair of crutches that have cemented themselves below his armpits. With such a shocking sight before us, seeing the often overtly proud Gilmore simply struggling to walk, the SWF commentary team continues to drive the narrative home; hyping the fact that the ‘Angry One’ is still suffering from the injuries he obtained as a result of the mysterious assault placed upon him last week on Supreme TV. With this in mind, as we watch the former North American Champion angrily struggle to climb into the ring, there’s an overall feeling that Gilmore is truly enraged about the whole scenario at hand; showing more so than ever through his agitated mannerisms. In the end, with a microphone now in hand, Gilmore struggles to stay upright; leaning heavily on his crutches as he also raises the black SWF microphone up to his mouth in which to address the recent assault. All the while, the sold-out Minnesota Coliseum firmly shows their support for the ‘Angry One’; showering him with a favorable response as the obviously injured Gilmore doesn’t seem to really ‘care’ all that much. Realistically, he seems 100% focused on extracting revenge for what has been forced upon him.]


Angry Gilmore: REMO!!! I KNOW IT WAS YOU…. GET… YOUR…. A$$… OUT HERE!!!


[The Minnesota Coliseum, again, erupts with a thunderous response to Gilmore’s forceful words as they all, collectively, are pining to see such an altercation. With a level of ‘madness’ exuding from the ‘Angry One’s’ entire body, there’s this overall feeling that, despite not being anywhere near 100%, Angry Gilmore MAY characteristically ‘lose his cool’; inspiring a heated brawl between the two in the process. Either way, it’s obvious to see, and sense, that the injured Gilmore appears to be ready for a fight; 100% or not.]




… On Demand; He arrives …


[Within a matter of a few seconds, Remo’s heavy-hitting rap theme is heard blaring throughout the Minnesota Coliseum; inspiring the fans to boo crazily in his direction. In his typical, subdued fashion, Remo slowly shuffles out of the backstage area; seemingly calm, however, always seconds away from inflicting pain on all fronts. As the heavyweight brawler shuffles his way down the ramp, and into the ring, there is no denying the fact that these two have some ‘bad blood’ forming already; it’s shown in the way that they glare at eachother as the stage is being set. All in all, with the crowd buzzing in the background, Remo now stands across from the obviously injured Gilmore; crossing his arms in a irritable fashion, as well, and conveying this image that he doesn’t really want to be there in the slightest.]


Angry Gilmore: I’m going to make this short because I’d much rather knock your head off than talk about doing so…. [Crowd pop’s as Angry stares down Remo; pausing in the process] You see, Remo, you made the biggest mistake of your life last week. You may be to cowardly to admit it out-right but I know, damn sure, that it was you who attacked me from behind. This whole, ‘Bull-sh*t’, that you think you’re ‘next-in-line’ is nothing short of a lie; even you know that. You’ve had your chances at the top and you’ve squandered them all away. However, this has gone so far past ‘whose next’ at this point. The very second that you put your hands on me, that you attempted to break my body, was the very moment that this turned personal. [Pauses] It’s obvious to see that I’m not 100%; but, I don’t really give a damn… [The crowd grows with excitement as they expect what is coming next] You want a fight? You want a war? How about we ‘even-the-score’ this time around and make it a fair bout? You… me…. RIGHT NOW!!!!


[The SWF Faithful roar with excitement as Angry Gilmore looks to be on the verge of a psychotic breakdown; shaking violently as it’s obvious that he’s truly enraged by this point. In a stark contrast, Remo stares upon his new-found enemy with a menacing silence; simply nodding his head in approval as a sign of his acceptance. In the end, with the crowd buzzing in the background rather heftily, it appears that we’re about to have a big-time, impromptu, match-up here on Supreme TV!]


[Overall, as the environment rivals any ‘big-fight’ aura that has encompassed the SWF in recent years, the actual altercation starts off with a heelish BANG as Remo quickly assaults the unexpecting Gilmore. His crutches fall heavily to the canvas, his body collapsing in a thunderous heap, as it looks like Remo is firmly in control straight away; taking advantage of Angry’s inability to really ‘move’ like he normally does at this point. All in all, the action has come to a ‘head’ with Remo acting in a dastardly manner; not giving Gilmore the ability to ‘get ready’ but simply attacking him straight out of the gate!]


Grade: B+


Duane Fry: Oh, Come On!! He continues to ‘hit him’ while he’s down… This is just, deplorable! I hope you’re happy with yourself, Remo. You can beat up a man from behind & Then attack him again while he’s on crutches. How ‘very big’ of you!

Ana Garcia: There’s no way that Angry Gilmore is going to be able to physically keep up with Remo right now. He’s obviously nowhere near 100%! He could get himself killed out there!

Duane Fry: I don’t think Angry Gilmore would really care; to be honest. He does things ‘his way’ regardless of the situation at hand. He’s more of a ‘punch you in the jaw and ask questions never’ kind of guy. With that said, though, you’re right. Realistically, it will be close to impossible for Gilmore to keep up with Remo at this point.

Ana Garcia: All we can do is hope I guess…

Duane Fry: Yea, hope that he doesn’t get himself killed…

Ana Garcia: Sadly, yea…




Angry Gilmore vs. Remo

Impromptu Singles Match


With such a climactic start, harshly in favor of Remo, it’s obvious that Angry Gilmore is simply struggling to stay upright. The often overtly proud, however greatly irritated, ‘Angry One’ is seen in a completely different light as his physical limitations, from the injuries he sustained last week, make it impossible for him to really ‘keep up’. More or less, it looks, and feels, like Gilmore is truly overwhelmed by the highly intense, Remo. Even with this in mind, Gilmore still attempts to fight back at all turns; delivering upon the ‘scrappy’ vibe that often comes with the fiery Canadian-born Supreme Superstar.


With his injuries rather obvious straight away, Gilmore simply looks over-matched; dominated at the hands of his attacker throughout most of the beginning of their altercation. In a way, this scenario only helps to further Remo’s typical narrative as a character: bold, silent, and harsh in his striking abilities. This, fused with Angry’s obvious physical limitations, ultimately creates this uneasy vibe: one where you often cringe; almost wishing for it all to end versus having Gilmore ‘come-back’ knowing that it could just elongate the one-sided beatdown.


In time, shockingly, Angry is able to regain his footing despite not really being able to stand for any long period of time. Again, it’s that ‘scrappy’ mentality that exudes from the former North American Champion that ultimately brings him ‘back into the fold’. Regardless of Remo’s power, or his staggering step, Angry Gilmore continues to do the unthinkable: Match up with Remo, in an all-out manner, while he competes against two different scenarios… Remo… and his own health.


Now, finding an amazing ‘second-wind’, Angry Gilmore is able to really bring a nose-to-the-grind mentality to their altercation. In a sense, it looks like his bitter hatred for Remo, and what he’s potentially done to him, is driving Gilmore deep within; pushing his body to disregard the obvious pain he’s in in which to extract a level of revenge. With that said, pure ‘gumption’, is not quite enough to overcome the reality set forth…


With his body continually struggling to stay upright, and reality starting to set in, Gilmore’s aggressive approach becomes rather frantic in nature. What was once a shocking dropkick, defying the limitations, now becomes a weak, one-footed, dropkick that only does ‘half-of-the-trick’. With this in mind, the writing on the wall begins to take hold: Gilmore isn’t healthy enough to really ‘keep going’.


In time, despite fighting every tooth-inch-and-nail, reality brings Gilmore’s body to a rest. Said, destructive, rest comes after Remo is able to block a Suplex attempt from the Canadian-born Supreme Superstar; instead, dropping the ‘Angry One’ with a front-face Suplex of his own. With a grimace upon his face, holding his stomach in pain, Gilmore is left wide open for Remo to forcibly pull him off the canvas… Planting Angry Gilmore with a ring-shaking, body-altering, “Destroyer” (Release Pumphandle Slam)!!!! As expected, there’s no kicking out of this one. He came so far, and defied his own health for so long, before everything came crashing down. On a normal occasion, It’s possible that the match could have gone in another way; however, today, due to everything set before him, Angry Gilmore is simply unable to put up enough of a fight to fend off the powerful, Remo.


Remo defeats Angry Gilmore in 15:07 via a “Destroyer” (Release Pumphandle Slam).

Grade: B


Ana Garcia: That was an amazing effort, almost a shocking victory; but, in the end, Remo was just too much!

Duane Fry: On a normal day Remo could be too much. Sadly, for Gilmore, he came into this match somewhere around 40% I would guess. How can you expect to win in that scenario? Men at 100% fall victim to his wrath all the time!

Ana Garcia: He did what he could; attempted to gain a sense of revenge for last week… A valiant idea; however, impossible in this scenario.




Christian Faith

… On a Steel Horse he rides …


[The Minnesota Coliseum erupts into a fit of inspired joy as the sight of Christian Faith driving into the arena on his steel hog is shown in real-time. As the bruising legend revs his engine for the final time, bringing the classically faded bike to a ceremonious silence, Faith is seen instantly rising to his feet; storming his way toward the camera unbenounced to the fact that his arrival is being covered. Sensing an amazing opportunity for a riveting cover-story, SWF personality Jessie quickly pounces upon the scenario at hand; coming into the shot with a black microphone already in hand. Sadly for the beautiful go-getter that she is, Faith appears to want NOTHING to do with her.]


Jessie: Christian, How can you stop Marat Khoklov? Is it even possible?


[Faith continues to storm right past her as if she wasn’t even alive. More or less, it’s obvious to see that the SWF Legend is intensely fixated upon something; what? We all have a pretty good idea. In the end, as Jessie watches on with a look of disappointment upon her face, “The Iron Man” is shown stomping his way into the arena; generating a strong pop from the SWF faithful as they watch all of this unfold on the ‘Supreme Jumbotron’ located above the entrance way.]


Grade: B


Duane Fry: Christian Faith has just entered the building! “The Iron Man” is here and it looks as if he’s got an ‘axe to grind’ with Marat Khoklov!!!! Go get’em Faith!!

Ana Garcia: Is it really smart for him to do so, though? I mean, Faith gave EVERYTHING he had when he faced Khoklov and it simply wasn’t enough. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge “Iron Man” fan; but, is it really wise to ‘bark up this tree’ some more? I mean, if he continues to pursue the ‘Russian War Machine’ then there’s a good chance that Faith’s career could be in jeopardy!

Duane Fry: While true, I don’t think it will phase Faith in the slightest. He’s been up and down this road before. In the end, he’ll find a way to overcome ‘the beast’. He always does…

Ana Garcia: I would have to say ‘I told you so’ but I just don’t see it happening…

Duane Fry: All we can do is hope…




Jack Bruce & Rich Money vs. Marat Khoklov

2 on 1 Handicap Match

Eric Eisen © as a special guest commentator


There is a general feeling of uncertainty hovering around the ringside area as the Main Event finally comes into focus. From the very start, It’s pretty obvious that, despite partners in this crazy scenario, Jack Bruce and Rich Money don’t appear to really like each other all that much. This truth is pretty evident straight away as neither man truly wants to take a ‘step back’; both wanting to start the match as the legal man. In the end, as they continue to struggle with the notion of WHO will start the match off, both are seen bolting toward Marat Khoklov with fists-a-blazing. The instantaneous, no-fear, approach by both Bruce and Money is well received as it’s obvious that the SWF Faithful are firmly in their collective, yet unstable, corner. Meanwhile, Bruce and Money do their best to ‘lay-into’ the towering behemoth before them; a fact that inspires Eric Eisen to yell aggressively from his commentary chair. With time, despite working as ‘one’, Khoklov is able to overcome BOTH advancers; flooring, both, Bruce and Money in a matter of 30 seconds or so. This overpowering gesture instantly sets the stage for the rest of their odd-ended altercation as it’s a common thought that Khoklov is truly unstoppable; even when faced against TWO big-time SWF Supreme Superstars.


In time, a more legal arrangement begins to take shape as Jack Bruce accepts the daunting task of squaring off against the ‘Russian War Machine’ one-on-one. While the fans are aggressively in his corner, chanting his name at all turns, such support doesn’t really transform into any sense of actual ‘help’. Actually, in some cases, it almost looks like Khoklov uses this one-sided show of support as a tool of motivation; as if he really needed it. Even with a non-existent grasp of the English Language, Khoklov knows of the fans distaste with him; and their firm support of the former SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Jack Bruce. In the end, even with a massive crowd of ‘love’ behind him, Bruce is just unable to really keep up with the overpowering strength of one, Marat Khoklov. There are moments where he’s able to generate a short-lived spurt of offense; however, with time, Bruce always finds himself, once again, struggling to regain his composure following an impactful strike.


Rich Money isn’t much more successful either; though. While the ‘Money Man’ does fare pretty well, using a less ‘flashy’ approach toward combat, he often ends up in the same scenario Bruce once found; floored by Khoklov. His fist-a-cuff approach (Rich Money) does penetrate Khoklov’s reign of terror slightly; however, in time, his heavy-handed strikes often lose their ‘strength’. In the end, while optimistic, it’s pretty obvious that NEITHER Bruce nor Money really have what it takes to keep the big-man at bay. In a sense, it’s almost as if Khoklov is an unstoppable steam-engine burning it’s way forward; unable to be stopped by anything or anyone.


It doesn’t help that Eric Eisen is at ringside as well… He’s often seen as a distraction through out; yelling outward from the commentary desk as he does his best to ‘sway’ their focus. As time continues forward, and tempers are obvious rising, Eisen’s polarizing rants actually inspire the main event’s downward spiral into absolute chaos. While Jack Bruce struggles to return to his feet on the outside, Eisen is heard yelling in his direction; insulting him throughout. Tired of hearing from Eisen in this manner, and losing ‘his cool’ overall, Bruce is seen lunging over the commentary desk; tackling Eisen to the cement floor and pounding his forehead with fists of fury. The leap, while probably ill-advised, inspires the SWF faithful to roar crazily; overly happy to see someone finally ‘take it too’ the controversial SWF World Heavyweight Champion.


At this point, the entire match slips into an absolute sense of chaos!




In the most truest form of ‘Over-booking’, at this point, Christian Faith is seen exploding out of the backstage area; going straight for Marat Khoklov as he stands on the outside of the ring as well. The sight of the “Iron Man” coming at the “Russian War Machine” creates a powerful vibe as the SWF Legend does his best to extract a level of ‘revenge’ for what happened at the PPV. With that said, while he’s rather enraged and focused on taking down Khoklov, Faith is, once again, unable to really ‘get the job done’. What I mean by that is, with time, Khoklov is able to steamroll Christian in an overpowering fashion.




Rich Money attempts to help… however, He is met with his own challenge as, shockingly, Kurt Laramee attempts to make-good on his pre-described ‘Splash’ by exploding out of the back; attacking Rich Money from behind in a violent manner. In time, Money is able to even-the-score for the most part; however, Laramee’s enraged focus ultimately gives him the upper hand; flooring Money in the process.


In the end, as Darren Smith continues to count toward 10, Jack Bruce is seen sliding back into the ring; seeing an opportunity to come away with the victory. However, as he does so, looking up the frantic brawling seen between Laramee/Money and Faith/Khoklov, Eric Eisen sneaks his ugly head back around the ‘corner’; sliding into the ring and executing his signature “Supremacy” (Forced-Falling Knee Strike) upon the unsuspecting former World Champ. Adding his own level of sneak revenge, Eisen quickly exits the ring in a thunderous fashion; celebrating the entire time as Darren Smith’s head was turned (looking upon the fighting on the outside and counting Marat out in the process). In the end, as Bruce attempts to slowly stagger back to his feet, feeling the effects of the “Supremacy” strike from Eisen, Darren Smith finally brings the match to a close…. Counting Marat Khoklov out as he reaches 10! Even as the final bell is rung, the carnage out of the ring does not subside as the two sets of altercations (Laramee/Money and Faith/Khoklov) continues to rage forward!


Jack Bruce and Rich Money defeat Marat Khoklov in 12:27 via count out.

Grade: B-


Duane Fry: Jack Bruce may have won the match but it’s pretty obvious that Eric Eisen got the ‘last laugh’.

Ana Garcia: It looks like Jack may have suffered a concussion following Eisen’s “Supremacy” strike! Look at him… [Pauses] He can barely get back to his feet.

Duane Fry: Well, the big-man finally tastes defeat in the “Land of Supreme”!! It may not be a pinfall, or submission, ending BUT it’s a step forward in slowing down his reign of terror!

Ana Garcia: Hey, a win is a win! [Laughs] When you can ‘beat’ Khoklov, I don’t care HOW you did it!




Marat Khoklov, Eric Eisen, Jack Bruce, Rich Money, Christian Faith, and Kurt Laramee

… ‘The Russian War Machine’ destroys all …


[The overall vibe around the ringside area is that of tentative fear as the worst-case scenario is certainly lived by all of those in attendance. With their hands covering their eyes, the SWF faithful watch on as the ‘A-list’ line-up of Money, Bruce, and Faith are all floored by the violent behemoth that is Marat Khoklov. Realistically, NO ONE appears to be safe from his destructive wrath as even Kurt Laramee, a recent ‘ally’ if you will to Eric Eisen, is also assaulted by the ‘Russian War Machine’ in the process. Sensing that his ‘Life Insurance’ investment is truly locked in a violent state of rage, the SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen, is seen celebrating from afar; smirking with arrogance, however, afraid to get anywhere near Khoklov at this point. All in all, with a crowd of the ‘who’s who’ in the SWF laying around the ringside area, Marat Khoklov, again, shows his overwhelming dominance in a truly dramatic fashion. 3 SWF Icons, and one supposed loose ally, all viciously assaulted before our very eyes; a fact that only furthers the narrative that Marat Khoklov cannot be stopped. Even his ‘carrier’, if you will, Eric Eisen stands removed from the act itself; afraid for his own safety as he snarls like an evil scientist, excited over his creations latest achievement.]


Grade: B+


Duane Fry: This has GOT to stop! Honestly, can ANYONE stop this ‘Monster of a man’? I mean, even Eric Eisen, his supposed ‘voice’, is afraid to get anywhere near him! Marat Khoklov is an uncontrollable monster… A sadistic animal with rabies. That’s really what he is.

Ana Garcia: Money, Bruce, and Faith… Three of our top Supreme Superstars have found their violent end, here tonight, all at the hands of ‘The Russian War Machine’. This is just… I’ve seen dominance before but NOTHING like this. It’s safe to say that Marat Khoklov IS THE most destructive force in Pro Wrestling history! No one can stop this man!

Duane Fry: To show how unpredictable he really is, Khoklov even floored Kurt Laramee! [Laughs; beside himself] Here is a guy who can be seen as a loose ally to Eric Eisen after what was said between the two and then BAM… Khoklov disregards that truth by laying him out just as he did with the other three. I’m just shocked… I honestly don’t think that ANYONE knows what to do when it comes to this guy. Eric Eisen, I hope you’re happy with yourself; bringing Khoklov to the forefront like this. With time, You’ll end up getting what’s owed to you! He’ll turn on you… Just you wait! In time, Marat Khoklov will floor you just as he did everyone else before him.

Ana Garcia: The day that that happens is the day that Eric Eisen’s career comes to an end. You know that right? One strike from Khoklov would send “The Supremacist” into a coma. [Laughs] Not to mention, I honestly believe that Eric still has the title ONLY because of Khoklov’s presence. Look at “When Hell Freezes Over”, Jack Bruce was literally seconds away from regaining the title when Khoklov interfered on Eric’s behalf. It’s all coming to a head at some point Eric… As Duane alluded to, ‘You live by the sword; you’ll die by the sword’!

Duane Fry: Exactly, You live by Marat’s dominance; you’ll ‘die’ by his dominance as well. It’s only a matter of time before the ‘Russian War Machine’ turns you into another casualty of war!












Overall Show Grade: B

Attendance: 10,000 [sold out!!]

TV Rating: 6.49 (+0.09)


<hr color="black">

”When Hell Freezes Over” Quick Results:


Steve Frehely defeated Squeeky McClean via pinfall.

The Fabulous Friends defeated The Amazing Bumfholes via pinfall.

Joe Sexy wins the ‘Supreme Dream’ battle-royal.

Remo defeated Angry Gilmore via pinfall.

Jack Bruce & Rich Money defeated Marat Khoklov via count out.

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That picture of Everest is just priceless, Kudos on another great show!


Isn't it? Thanks to jhd1 on that one. He did an amazing job with turning him into Frederique's newest partner. To be honest, I'm pretty excited to continue forward with the Frederique/Everest/Queen Emily trio. I know, it seems a little weird of a pairing; however, it will all work out from a characters perspective. :D I promise. ha.

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Oh...my...god. Yes.


Yes. That Everest. Yes...yes. What a twist. Another great show.


Thank you, Huntman!


I was hoping that it would garner some support as it was kind of an 'out of the box' kind of pairing. Honestly, I'm pretty excited for their trio going forward. That said, they don't really have enough popularity (in game wise) to really make a huge impact. So, they'll get a little focus here and there and probably end up feuding over the tag titles in the end. At least, That's what I'm thinking.


Also, thanks for the nod on the overall show. It was a fun one to write as A LOT went down. Just as long as it was entertaining then I'm happy.





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Everest, I take back that Handsome Stranger should have been brought in the ever, boring and dull Everest now has my interest and I can't wait for them to become the greatest and most decorated tag team ever! Another brilliant show, the ending of the Marat match was the best thing to do not make Bruce and Money look too weak and Marat doesn't lose his unstoppable monster aura, I just still can't get over how awesome Everest is, just glad we don't have a full body picture of 'his fishnet covered chest,'
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Everest, I take back that Handsome Stranger should have been brought in the ever, boring and dull Everest now has my interest and I can't wait for them to become the greatest and most decorated tag team ever! Another brilliant show, the ending of the Marat match was the best thing to do not make Bruce and Money look too weak and Marat doesn't lose his unstoppable monster aura, I just still can't get over how awesome Everest is, just glad we don't have a full body picture of 'his fishnet covered chest,'


I hate you for this comment. A very bad visual image has popped up in my head.

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Will YOU make an
'Awesome Impact'


Here in lies the overall point records for those who have predicted thus far (since "When Hell Freezes Over"). This challenge will stretch until days before the March SWF PPV, "Awesome Impact", and will grant the winner the ability to mold an entire Supreme Event. Overall, when that final deadline comes (some 10 odd shows away at this point) the winner will be sent a PM with a list of difference scenarios; all cemented based his/or her choice. With that said, keep your predictions up if you're looking to via for such an opportunity. In the end, who will it be... Who will make an 'Awesome Impact' upon the "Land of Supreme"?


T1. Kluge – 9 points

T1. 20Legend – 9 points

T1. Totti – 9 points

T4. Liamo – 8 points

T4. Arogue – 8 points

T4. Apupunchau@optonline – 8 points

T7. Mikemelling – 7 points

T7. Tigerkinney – 7 points

T7. Huntman – 7 points

T7. LiquidSwords – 7 points

T7. BHK1978 – 7 points

T12. Jtnlange – 6 points

T12. FlameSnoopy – 6 points

T12. BigPapa42 – 6 points

T12. Smurphy1014 – 6 points

T16. ChrisKid – 5 points

T16. SeanMcFly – 5 points

T18. Lo-Drew – 4 points

T18. Sonfaro – 4 points

T18. The Oracle – 4 points

T21. Spud1305 – 3 points

T21. Angeldelayette – 3 points

T23. Joehelmer – 2 points

T23. Sebsplex – 2 points

T23. Critical-23 – 2 points

T23. Hashasheen – 2 points

T23. Gbasalmon – 2 points



8 more shows left to predict...




<hr color="black">

Everest, I take back that Handsome Stranger should have been brought in the ever, boring and dull Everest now has my interest and I can't wait for them to become the greatest and most decorated tag team ever! Another brilliant show, the ending of the Marat match was the best thing to do not make Bruce and Money look too weak and Marat doesn't lose his unstoppable monster aura, I just still can't get over how awesome Everest is, just glad we don't have a full body picture of 'his fishnet covered chest,'


I hate you for this comment. A very bad visual image has popped up in my head.


ha! Yea, the vision of Everest in a fishnet top is not really a comfortable sight. That said, you can expect more of that to come. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing though... haha :rolleyes:


Also, the main event was def. booked in which to make everyone look as good as possible. Bruce and Money get the win due to Khoklov's brawl with Faith; meanwhile, Eisen gets his pot-shot on Bruce and Laramee makes his 'splash' by attacking Money (setting up a campaign for them). Plus, then in the-end, Khoklov continues to look unstoppable as he mows over everyone (Even Laramee). This way, everyone has their 'moment in the sun' with Khoklov getting the final 'rub' (even as Eric Eisen stands from afar; excited for the outcome, however, afraid of getting close to his own 'life insurance').

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Instant fan. I am absolutely sold.


I'm excited that all it took was a bloated, out-of-shape, land monster in which to bring you on board! :D ha. That said, I'm not going to lie, the 'Fabulous Friends' scenario is something I'm excited to move forward with in the SWF. (Especially with Queen Emily adding a unique tone to the overall thing as well)

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Richard Eisen 'Out Indefinitely'

By way of an SWF-Wrestling.com exclusive, it’s been reported that Richard Eisen’s prognosis appears to be far worse than first expected. In a press release submitted this morning, via Mr. Eisen’s personal lawyers, there appears to be, what they describe as, ‘grave health risks’ still lingering following the heinous attack levied upon the sole SWF owner. While the official release did not go into further detail on the matter, it’s expected that the statement was made in which to inform the public of his weakened condition. At this point, little has been relayed to anyone about a potential time-line for a possible return; however, many are expecting the worst at this point. Truthfully, Can the SWF survive without it’s fearless leader at the helm? Stay tuned to SWF-wrestling.com for more information as it’s made readily available.




Mr. Eisen has been released from a New England hospital and is on his way home in which to rest. This is not as much of a shock as some would think as it was hinted that such a scenario would come to pass sooner than later. At this point, it’s said that doctors feel he is no longer in need of ‘around-the-clock’ review by their medical staff; however, will be issued an ‘at-home’ nurse in which to oversee his recovery in the short-term. Again, while little is known as it pertains to extensive detail, it’s been reported that Mr. Eisen’s condition appears to be quite ‘grave’. We’ve been reassured that his life is NOT in danger; but rather, his general way of life is being tested as he struggles through lingering physical injuries ; as well as a consuming bout of Amnesia.


At this point, It’s expected that Mr. Eisen will stay home and rest; making his absence indefinite at this point. If he does recover from his injuries, and bout of Amnesia, then there’s a chance we could see him back; however, at this point, all signs point toward a lengthy time-frame.


Continue to stay tuned to SWF-wrestling.com for future information as it pertains to the progress of the SWF’s owner.




Joe Sexy is the 'Supreme Dream'

Joe Sexy put it best when he addressed the scheming tandem of Emma Chase & SWF North American Champion, Brandon James, following his ‘Supreme Dream’ victory this past Tuesday, stating that he’s ‘like an STD; once you’ve run into him he aint goin’ nowhere”! While colorful, the statement is quite true as it pertains to their continued feud; raging forward for months at this point. Can James, once again, put Sexy in his place? – OR – will the newly proclaimed ‘Supreme Dream’ find a golden ending this time around? Either way, one thing is for sure, a hearty congratulation is set for Joe Sexy as he has walked away with the first ever ‘Supreme Dream’ crown!


Now, we just need to see if he can ‘cash in’ for once, or fall victim due to his vices once again, as he stands as the #1 Contender to the SWF North American Championship.




Remo is.... NOW

The impromptu battle of who is the ‘NOW’ Supreme Superstar came to the forefront toward the end of Supreme TV as, an obviously injured, Angry Gilmore called out the silent, yet brutal, Remo; looking to extract revenge upon his previous attacker. Granted, while Remo has not officially come forward in which to take credit for such a destructive assault, it’s expected that the hardened heavyweight was the offender in question. Either way, it appears that sheer details are not necessarily important to the ‘Angry One’ as he’d rather fight now; ask questions later. Sadly, for the injured Gilmore, Remo’s overpowering in-ring approach was just TOO MUCH to overcome. Their impromptu altercation was lengthy in nature, shocking due to Gilmore’s overall health at the start of their match-up; however, in the end, Remo was the ‘last man standing’.


In an exclusive, specifically through SWF-Wrestling.com, it’s been reported that Angry Gilmore’s injuries are still limiting in nature. This morning at an SWF house show, Gilmore was seen staggering around the backstage hallways utilizing the usage of some tattered crutches; as ornery as ever. Were his injuries worsened this last week when stepping into the ring with Remo? I’m sure, if true, Gilmore will never fess up to the truth. Either way, though, it’s pretty much a given that this WAR has not seen it’s end; not in the slightest.




Has Eric Eisen lost control of Marat Khoklov?

It appears that Marat Khoklov may be so unstoppable that even his recent business partner, SWF World Heavyweight Champion, Eric Eisen is unable to subdue the raging beast within his tentative grasp. Dubbed as his ‘personal Life Insurance’, Eric has offered the ‘Russian War Machine’ the very thing that he cannot turn down: Power; all in exchange for his duties as a glorified bodyguard of sorts. With this in mind, even with a wavered business agreement connected between the two, there seems to be a level of ‘fear’ coming from the youngest Eisen’s camp. What fear is this? That Khoklov’s greatest strength is also the very thing that could place the SWF World Heavyweight Champion in danger. In a sense, how can you trust the uncontrollable? A typical man can have his job raised in question, given a reprimand for his actions; however, Marat is not a ‘typical man’ by any means. How long can one go riding upon the back of a violent offender? At some point, it’s a given that Khoklov’s fury will strike the young Eisen down just as it’s destroyed many of his enemies before.


Take Kurt Laramee for an example.


It’s understood, following this past Supreme TV, that Eisen and Laramee were working together in some capacity. Now, no one would call these two ‘best friends’ by any means; however, their shady agreement appeared to come together under the same offer given to Marat: Power. With the ‘power’ of opportunity laid at his feet, Laramee took his chance to make a ‘splash’; attacking Rich Money in the main event as ‘all-hell’ began to break loose. Shockingly enough, Laramee was eventually assaulted by Marat himself as the match came to its cheap end (Count out). Even with a tentative alliance, Laramee was unable to break free from the deadly confines that is Khoklov’s giant reach. Is this a sign of what’s to come for the SWF World Champion? Will he, too, find himself floored by his own “Life Insurance Policy”?


As they say, “If you live by the sword; you’ll most certainly die by the sword.”






The inside scoop to “The Land of Supreme”.

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“New England. I never thought I’d be back here…”


He said while relaying a hearty, yet uncomfortable, sense of laughter. To be honest, though, he was quite right. It has been almost a full decade since Jim [Force] roamed ‘these halls’. A lot has evolved since that point; however, one thing has never changed: his ability to truly inspire the masses in his favor.


Realistically, has he become a better, well-rounded, wrestler? Good god, No. In the beginning, it was this scenario that ultimately led to his initial release from the company. At that point, it was growing hard to really ‘mask’ his downfalls as a wrestler; but at this point, I have taken it upon myself to do what they were unable to do: capitalize on the ‘absolute love’ out there for the man; turning it into major profits for the SWF in the process.


“Everyone comes home, Jim.”


I respond in a confident manner; smirking in the process. I’m sure it seems rather arrogant; but, you can’t deny the truth of my statement. People may badmouth us as they leave; however, they will always crawl back in time. We are, hands-down, the most profitable Pro Wrestling company in all the world. If you want to ‘make it big’, on a widespread scale, then it’s US that you’ll turn too. That is why they all come back at one point; badmouthing us on one-hand while waiting by the phone at the same time.


A human ball of energy in the ring, it’s somewhat funny to see the meek, somewhat hesitant, demeanor that resonates from his every waking moment. At the turn of the century, he was a little more ‘in your face’; however, a decade removed from his original run, a new more, vulnerable man sits before me.


“Honestly, Jerry. Thank you for this. You won’t regret this decision; I promise you.”


A genuine smile grows upon his face as it’s easy to see that he’s ‘excited’ to go to work. The glitz-and-glamour of the SWF stage shines rather bright within his eyes; stretching outward as he seemingly envisions the great opportunity laid before him.


Meanwhile, growing slightly tired with this ‘hug-fest’ of a meeting, I quickly respond with a slight smirk upon my face; attempting to bring this all to a swift close. To be honest, while I’m intrigued by the notion of cultivating Force’s popularity into inspiring our bottom line, I have bigger-and-better things to focus my time upon. With that said, our short meeting comes to a rushed end; utilizing my personal assistant as an ‘out’ as I accept a business call via the sleek black phone before me. Awkwardly moving forward with my day as Jim [Force] uncomfortably staggers his way out of my office; somewhat dejected by the uncomfortable close to our conversation.
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I've always wanted to write for Jim Force; so, I thought: Where better than the SWF? Granted, due to his overness, he won't really get a front-and-center focus; however, I'm sure he'll get his fair-share of moments on Supreme TV.


Then again...


Jim Force vs. Eric Eisen for the title? I think it may happen.... ;) jk. How amazing would that be though. haha.

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This sucks.


I'll be honest, I'm a little disheartened right now as my laptop was pretty much destroyed by water earlier today. I had a glass of water sitting not so far from my computer when my cat decided to swing her giant rear-rend around; spilling the water all over my computer and shorting everything out. Everything lost.


My TEW Game.


Lyrics on some new songs I was working on.


Pictures, etc.


To say the least, I'm not too happy right now. I don't know what this means for my SWF diary but, I know for sure, that I've lost my game. Sure, I was only a month in but I'm not really sure what my plans are from this point on. I do have my actual base computer that I could work off in the future; however, I don't know if I have the heart to re-start everything all over again (not to mention, I'm not sure when I'll be able to buy the game again as I don't get paid for another week or so).


I had a lot of fun with the SWF but I don't know where this project lies right now. To say the least, I'm just in a 'meh' state as I don't really know what I really want to do after all of this came ahead. I may try to buy TEW on my personal computer in the next week or so (if I can put aside some money); however, even if that's the case, I honestly don't know if I would edit everything to fall in line where I am now in the game?


I guess I'll have to mull it over...


Booooooooooooooooooooooo Radley

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I don't think you need to buy it again - just contact Scott (check the license FAQ) and ask him to release the license from your now dead PC.


I've lost games before and it sucks - but you weren't far in and could start it again. I resimmed 16 shows from my ACPW diary - so I'm sure you can manage.

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I was really enjoying this and now no to follow every Eisen-verse adventure.


If you contact Scott via email he'll unlicense the game and even give you you license back if you don't have it anymore. All you need to do is give him your name/email address you used to buy it. It's happened to me before.

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I'm sorry to hear about that, my friend. Unfortunately, it's something that has happened to many of us diary writers. As others have said, you won't have to buy the game again. You can e-mail or pm (I used pm when I had my issue) Scott and he'll get you set back up again with your license and all. Though there's nothing that can be done about getting the actual save game back except through editing. But no matter what you decide, you know you'll have support here.
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As an update, my computer is 100% done-for. I only had it for like 4 months so that kinda sucks overall. With that said, I do think I may transfer everything over to my base computer once I get the chance to do so (unlicense and all). To be honest, I'm not really sure if my heart is in the idea of coming back to this all if I have to edit things to make it work according. I know it would only take a bit to do so; but, I'm questioning it all right now.


Either way, I don't think I'm done with the TEW boards just yet. With, or without the SWF project (depends on my willingness to sit around and edit for hours), I know that I will have 'something' up and running in which to work on. I'll be honest, the idea of venturing into the '97 cornellverse seems interesting to me as I've been playing it in personal games; however, never really came out witha diary around it.


If anything, I think this whole scenario came together in which to teach me to 'slow down'. I've been running myself crazy for a bit now and found a small sense of relief when it all happened. Does that sound weird? ha. I'm a writer by trade, and by heart, so it's what I love to do; however, I found myself starting to grow rather thin even before the whole 'cat/water' incident. (BTW, I'm keeping her away from my laptop in the future. ha)


Where does this all go from here? I'm not 100% sure. It all depends on, as I said, my willingness to push through some mindless editing and hopefully get everything back on board (ie: workers on contract, outside company stuff, momentum, popularity, gimmick adds, etc.)


Don't be alarmed though if something else comes out from the ashes of this simply due to my stubborness of not wanting the feeling of 're-starting' something that I've already mentally hemmed and hawwed over.

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Well this makes me a sad panda, I'd only just caught up with the last show a couple of nights ago. I think housing TEW dynasties on laptops envokes some sort of curse... a bit like building on an ancient Indian burial ground.


Hopefully you'll continue this in the form of a new game, although it's never quite the same remaking a game and trying to recapture the same ratings etc, especially with differently generated chemistry and other ingame events. Although this effort has been rather brief in game time (though certainly not in writing), it has lit a fire in me to take another good look at SWF and whilst consciously trying not to steal (too many of) your ideas ;), I'm trying to gear myself up to having a stab at this dynasty scene again.


So whatever comes next, I'll be reading and thanks for the inspiration.

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