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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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I must admit, I've never been able to get on with any of Wanda's re-renders, and I know there're a few around. Her and Champagne Lover were pretty much the two holdouts for me, but someone came up with a blistering CL so even he's gone now.


I think it's just a case that all the renders make her look old - as in, middle-aged (sportswoman old, and certainly female wrestler old). Grace Harper is much the same age, I believe, and her new pics take years off her.


That said, Wanda is getting the mic and match time (and wins) that her talent deserves. Frankly, you just need to introduce a slight hint of age concern (holding the young 'uns off, rather than back, natch) and I don't think I'd think twice about her render ever again.


I do agree about Peak's render, though. I think you actually referred to him being dragged by his hair during the match - but his pic is bald! The render is a fine alt, but without the hair he looks odd. I'm another one who was completely won over by the character work done by Pox on Eddie, and it's hard to imagine him another way... especially bald :p


Oh, and, y'know, good show and all that. Smoking render for Justice, too...

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Eh, I doubt you'll find two people on the forum who have the same opinion about all the re-renders being used. It's all personal preference and whilst personally, I love the variety that they all add, but in terms of personal preference, I wouldn't use 99% of them because I'm just too attached to the originals, although having said that, I've surprised myself with a couple that I have replaced.


Anyway, the show... very cool NN, I really enjoyed it. Seeing the rating now posted, it definitely read like a B+ show. Damn you for the non-finish though, I'd have had a perfect predictions otherwise :p but who cares about then, when Justice's return was so awesomely handled. In general, the show left many of your main storylines really nicely balanced. Nice creativity with the cage match finish too.


But I am sad that F.A.G. spurned your advances.




Me too. About F.A.G, anyway. I have become enamoured with jhd1's characterization of Garcia in his SWF diary and was going to contact the man himself about bringing in a copy should he have signed. He didn't.


I'm glad you enjoyed the PPV. I didn't think there were too many earth shattering booking decisions to be made, but I'm glad you noticed the face heel/level to level storyline balance I was going for. I love that you folks pick up on every little thing. To be honest, other than my own personal enjoyment, I write these things basically to engage other like minded fans in wrestling/booking discussions that are far too smarky for most of the smark audience.






I must admit, I've never been able to get on with any of Wanda's re-renders, and I know there're a few around. Her and Champagne Lover were pretty much the two holdouts for me, but someone came up with a blistering CL so even he's gone now.


I think it's just a case that all the renders make her look old - as in, middle-aged (sportswoman old, and certainly female wrestler old). Grace Harper is much the same age, I believe, and her new pics take years off her.


That said, Wanda is getting the mic and match time (and wins) that her talent deserves. Frankly, you just need to introduce a slight hint of age concern (holding the young 'uns off, rather than back, natch) and I don't think I'd think twice about her render ever again.


I do agree about Peak's render, though. I think you actually referred to him being dragged by his hair during the match - but his pic is bald! The render is a fine alt, but without the hair he looks odd. I'm another one who was completely won over by the character work done by Pox on Eddie, and it's hard to imagine him another way... especially bald :p


Oh, and, y'know, good show and all that. Smoking render for Justice, too...



I hear you about Wanda's new one making her look old, and although I hadn't really thought about it more than a little, there is a very easy way to weave that into the next part of her story. Thanks, JC.


I'm going back to the previous Eddie Peak render, too. I like the new one, but I can't help but think of the old one as the reference point in my head while I'm writing.


Glad you like the Justice render. You'll be seeing it a lot. :)


The Online Preview with Emily Royal is coming soon. Today? Tomorrow? Sometime soon.

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Me too. About F.A.G, anyway. I have become enamoured with jhd1's characterization of Garcia in his SWF diary and was going to contact the man himself about bringing in a copy should he have signed. He didn't.


I'm glad you enjoyed the PPV. I didn't think there were too many earth shattering booking decisions to be made, but I'm glad you noticed the face heel/level to level storyline balance I was going for. I love that you folks pick up on every little thing. To be honest, other than my own personal enjoyment, I write these things basically to engage other like minded fans in wrestling/booking discussions that are far too smarky for most of the smark audience.







I hear you about Wanda's new one making her look old, and although I hadn't really thought about it more than a little, there is a very easy way to weave that into the next part of her story. Thanks, JC.


I'm going back to the previous Eddie Peak render, too. I like the new one, but I can't help but think of the old one as the reference point in my head while I'm writing.


Glad you like the Justice render. You'll be seeing it a lot. :)


The Online Preview with Emily Royal is coming soon. Today? Tomorrow? Sometime soon.


Yeah it was really cool seeing my Justice render in such a prestigious diary. Keep up the great work. :)

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I know it doesn't need saying but the re-introduction of James Justice was superbly done, it came out of 'nowhere' and provided a real 'mark out' moment which is exactly what it shouldn't have done....


And though the mysterious 'whose side is he on?' tweener thing has been done countless times, it's a tried and tested formula that works.

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Vibert Makes Monster Main Event for PWC TV












Phil Vibert sits behind his desk, as usual, flanked by Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher who stand on either side of him, still as secret service agents behind their dark glasses.



PV: “I, and the rest of the head office, would like to extend a heart felt welcome back to James Justice, who saw fit to return to wrestling during our record setting event, Genesis.”



He smiles his best sales manager smile.



PV: “But more than that, he chose to return during a match that was of particular interest to me.”



His smile changes to one much more fitting for him, the arrogant half grin of a master bullsh*tter.



PV: “James Justice wants to be involved in a Rick Law/Nicky Champion match so badly……..let’s give him his chance.”



PV: “This Wednesday night on PWC TV, Justice will step into the ring with both Law and Champion in a three way Falls Count Anywhere match.”



Rick Law nods behind Phil, grabbing a Zippo lighter from his pocket and lighting his cigar. Phil turns his attention to signing documents on his desk for a few seconds before looking back up. He is exasperated by the fact that the cameraman is still there, rolling.



PV: “That’s all, shut that camera down. Announcement complete. I’m done with you…..”






Plus: Via PWC.COM









Dez Davidz and Andre Jones Promo: New Team will take on Savage Fury in Sudden Death Play in Match for a spot in the PWC Tag Tea Title Tournament.




Dez Davidz and Andre Jones are inside a very nice public gym. While the place is filled to the brim with great looking people in great shape, Davidz and Jones still stand out.



DD: “We both cast offs; this company wouldn’t care if either of us gave our notice and walked out the door right now. Am I right or am I right?”



Andre loads a sh*tload of weight onto the bar for Davidz, who just smiles it, chalking up and clapping his hands once before starting in.



AJ: “At the same time. We’re both world class athletes; elite physical specimens who haven’t even begun scratching the surface of our wrestling abilities.”



Jones nods. Davidz grunts and sweats.



DD: “This Wednesday night, on PWC TV, Dre and I will take on Savage Fury, and one team will make it into the PWC World Tag Team title tournament.”



Jones keeps nodding as Dez cranks out a few more reps, his arms bulging, massive.



He stares dead into the camera, gritting his teeth.



DD: “S’gonna be us, yo.”



One more, squeezing, burning curl before he drops the bar into the catch. A pair of hotties in the tiniest pieces of exercise-wear walk by the massive Dez as he is finishing, smiling at him the whole way. One of them winks.



DD: “S’gonna be us.”









Emily Royal: From the Office: Genesis Aftermath & Looking Forward




-Enygma Out?-



I’m hearing that Enygma will be a no show at this week’s PWC TV. No one knows if it’s related to his physical status, although one would assume that after the beating he took inside the steel cage at the hands of World Champion Tyson Baine, that it has at least something to do it.



Unless he gets back into form and back to scoring wins over a few of the upper level players, I’d say his days as the number one contender are all but through.




-T-Rex Scheduled Again-



It looks like T-Rex will be headed back down that aisle once again this week on PWC, to face an as yet to be named opponent. Whoever it ends up being has the task of trying to snap Rex’s winning streak before it hits triple digits. Who will Phil Vibert send out for T-Rex this week?




But before that……




-Aaron Andrews Gets Rematch with Peter Valentine-



Peter Valentine chastised his associates Jumbo Jackson and Casey Valentine after both lost singles matches to Aaron Andrews in consecutive weeks. But Valentine himself had to resort to underhanded tactics (his silver knobbed cane) to put away the fan favorite on last week’s PWC TV. After upsetting Sam Strong at Genesis, Valentine gets back into the ring this week with a very motivated Andrews who is looking to even the score. How will this play out? Don’t forget to tune in live to find out.



I’ll have more next time…..



But until then, here’s the whole lineup for this Wednesday’s PWC TV on Sports America….











Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion vs. James Justice


Peter Valentine vs. Aaron Andrews


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield – TV Title Match


Savage Fury vs. Dez Davidz/Andre Jones


T-Rex vs. ???














Copyright PWC 2010

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Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion vs. James Justice


Back with a bang! Hit the ground running! Build super momentum!



Peter Valentine vs. Aaron Andrews


Mister Heel is not busy losing. Not on TV.


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield – TV Title Match


I'm sorry, Chris, weren't you busy with something else?



Savage Fury vs. Dez Davidz/Andre Jones


Davidz enjoy sweating.



T-Rex vs. ???


Baring a major new signing, T-Rex will continue in the three-digit realm.

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Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion vs. James Justice

Justice has the coolest render, ergo, he wins.


Peter Valentine vs. Aaron Andrews

Valentine does the job, continues the storyline.


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield – TV Title Match

Like Wag said, Chris has other matters to attend to.


Savage Fury vs. Dez Davidz/Andre Jones

... Why do you still have Savage Fury? But whatever, every company needs a job team.


T-Rex vs. ???

It'll be someone big, to mark the occasion of him reaching 100.

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Yeah it was really cool seeing my Justice render in such a prestigious diary. Keep up the great work. :)


It's a great render London. You've really added a lot to a lot of games and diaries with your work in general, too, so kudos. And thanks.





And as far as prestigious.....


Well, I don't know about that.



I know it doesn't need saying but the re-introduction of James Justice was superbly done, it came out of 'nowhere' and provided a real 'mark out' moment which is exactly what it shouldn't have done....


And though the mysterious 'whose side is he on?' tweener thing has been done countless times, it's a tried and tested formula that works.


I'm glad you liked Justice's return, TK. As I've said before, I had the idea after I wrote Baine putting him out. I've been looking forward to this stretch.


My intention is to try and do something unfamiliar with the obviously done more than once "whose side?" storyline. I had a really interesting To me anyway) idea and....well, we're going to see how it plays out. Hopefully everyone finds it as interesting as I do.

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Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion vs. James Justice

-Some type of Non-Finish/Draw - I feel that a draw is the way to avoid an early reveal of what side JJ is on.


Peter Valentine vs. Aaron Andrews

-Valentine has overness to lose, so will. Have to keep the young gun strong.


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield – TV Title Match

-Darryl is up to something big now, and Peak vs Caulfield doesnt need a title as a prop.


Savage Fury vs. Dez Davidz/Andre Jones

-DD/AJ have more going for them.


T-Rex vs. ???


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Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion vs. James Justice - Law & Champion cancel each other out.


Peter Valentine vs. Aaron Andrews - Time for PV to start leeching precious precious overness.


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield – TV Title Match


Savage Fury vs. Dez Davidz/Andre Jones - Davidz and Jones got promo time.


T-Rex vs. ??? - DA STREAK~!

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Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion vs. James Justice

Justice needs to add momentum to his new persona.


Peter Valentine vs. Aaron Andrews

Valentine sucks, he really really sucks!


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield – TV Title Match

Dream Drop for a title defense!


Savage Fury vs. Dez Davidz/Andre Jones

Wait, Savage Fury is still with you?


T-Rex vs. ???

The Streak! The Streak!

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I'm not feeling too hot about doing the twenty-four hour warning for predictions so much anymore.....


That said, consider this your twenty-two hour warning to get in predictions; the show will drop tomorrow at 2pm EST.


Get ready, it's a good one, too.

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Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion vs. James Justice Because you must respect the Law


Peter Valentine vs. Aaron Andrews As much as I want to pick Andrews, I can't help but love the pimpin' cane


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield – TV Title Match Isn't Caulfield dead after the PPV? Might be Devine's only chance of a 'clean' win...


Savage Fury vs. Dez Davidz/Andre Jones Yeah...


T-Rex vs. ??? 99 and out. It's almost cricket.

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Nearly missed this


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion vs. James Justice


Follow up on Justices 'hot' return


Peter Valentine vs. Aaron Andrews


Valentine sucks, but something tells me he'll cheat his way to victory.


Darryl Devine vs. Chris Caulfield – TV Title Match


The Cast strikes again


Savage Fury vs. Dez Davidz/Andre Jones


Looks like you're getting behind Davidz/Jones as a tag team


T-Rex vs. ???


The streak gets to 100

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(OOC: Sorry this is late. Everytime I logged in over the last day or so, I got an internal server error. Has that been happening to anyone else?)



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Live on Sports America

Week 1 December

St. Paul, MN





The show opens with an awesome montage that features highlights from Genesis, this past Sunday’s pay-per-view. Valentine waffling Strong with his cane. James Justice’s return, knocking both Rick Law and Nicky Champion through the announce table. Enygma getting tossed into the cage and decked with Baine’s chain wrapped hand before taking a two handed “Hades Bomb” from the second rope.



Accordingly, the video points out that Enygma is not here tonight, using camera-phone footage of him being walked into the ER about thirty minutes after Genesis went off of the air.





















Chris Caulfield vs. Darryl Devine

-TV Title Match-



Result: Caulfield is a warrior, keeping this match even after suffering a host of injuries three days ago at Genesis in his match with Eddie Peak. Initially, he is a house of fire, blowing through Devine at every turn. But after the adrenaline wears off and the match starts to grind a little bit, Devine takes over. During a run of action with Caulfield trying to fight his way out of the corner……








…….Eddie Peak appears on the stage area looking equal parts confused and insane. The glimpse of his enemy’s enemy is all it takes; Devine lays into Caulfield with his cast, crossing his eyes and forcing him to stagger aimlessly into a decisive “DDD” seconds later.



MS: “Any word on whether the office thinks that cast is legal? Because this is getting ridiculous.”



ER: “I haven’t heard, but I’ll make sure that they look into it. Especially when someone of worth goes for the title; someone I approve of.”



Phil’s Story Notes: A pretty big win for Devine as we try to emphasize the change in importance of the TV belt. A victim the stature of Caulfield, no matter how wrapped up in his feud with Eddie Peak he may be, makes the title look more important than when Ford Memphis defended it against Anger on USPW American Wrestling, you know?



Darryl Devine wins via pinfall @ 7:23










Announcement of the brackets for the PWC World Tag Team Title Tournament, which starts tonight.





Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals


Play In Team vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine



Tonight- The Play In Match:



Andre Jones/Dez Davidz vs. Savage Fury













When the show returns from the tag title tourney promo, Eddie Peak and Chris Caulfield are into it full force again, trading monster shots on the ramp. They quickly disappear from view behind the stage as camera crews struggle to keep up.



Darryl Devine watches the whole thing unfold with Seduction in the ring before raising the TV title belt once more and making his way back toward the locker room.



Finally cameras catch up with Caulfield and Peak as the psychotic madman whips Caulfield into two service bay doors that split open when he hits them, leaving him laying on the concrete behind it.



Peak goes off the beaten path for a second, toward a bunch of cases, rummaging through things, looking for a weapon of some sort. And when he comes up, he has one……



SD: “My god, what is that? Is that a spike?”



Peak holds it like a knife, point down in his fist and looks dead ahead toward the huffing and puffing form of Chris Caulfield as he starts getting to his feet. He raises it and looks to be on the verge of running for the still unaware Caulfield when something catches his eye.



It’s a casket, about thirty feet away, on top of two of the larger truck cases.



SD: “Another one? That’s the second casket we’ve seen since Genesis.”



MS: “I wonder what they mean? Who’s playing mind games with whom? Are they a message for Peak or for Caulfield?”



Peak goes over beside the casket and looks it over, tilting his head like a dog as he inspects it. Suddenly, it begins shaking violently. It startles Peak for just a second before he bares his teeth and begins punching holes in the top of it with the spike, raising and lowering the thing onto the casket again and again.



It does not stop shaking.



Peak drops the spike and covers his ears. He screams once, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet as he does so, confused by what he is seeing.



The more it rocks, the more Peak does, until finally, he turns and runs toward the open part of the bay and back to where he came in, leaving Caulfield wide eyed and fists up as he passes.



He does not stop.

















Aaron Andrews is caught by the cameras as he warms up by the in the parking garage on the other side of the building, wearing a navy blue windsuit, stretching out after running a few sprints and shadow boxing in preparation for his match this evening.



Tommy Townsend motions his cameraman toward Andrews, hoping to get a comment to use on his Twitter page, when…….



……a long white limo screeches into the shot, tires smoking. Everything gets very shaky; Tommy yells out.



When the proverbial smoke clears, Andrews is down and not moving.






Peter Valentine, Casey Valentine, and Jumbo Jackson come pouring out of the limo from all doors, acting very much upset with what has happened. A crowd of fans and staff members surrounds the fallen superstar.



When paramedics come running up, they quickly begin working on the obviously messed up Andrews. He screams when they touch him. Arriving to the building himself, new head official Jay Fair begins trying to get a sense of what has happened and pulls one of the security guards that has just happened upon the scene aside.



Peter Valentine sees it and is quick to start pulling some of the bystanders by the wayside himself, tugging his wallet out of his back pocket as he does so.



Jumbo and Casey join in, grabbing a fistful of cash each from Peter before pulling a witness or two in their direction, doling out money as they point in the faces of the shocked fans.



As the crowd grows due to the buzz surrounding it, the cameras spin to one side and try to focus on a tall blond man amongst some people on the lot’s edge. He is wearing purple wrap around sunglasses and a tie dyed headband. The cameraman is stunned and tries to get a better shot.



Cameraman: “Was that James Justice? It really looked like him.”



But when he repositions himself, the tall blond man is nowhere to be found.



Cameraman: “Guess not.”












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Andre Jones/Dez Davidz vs. Savage Fury

-Sudden Death Play-In Match-



Result: Savage Fury may be the more experienced team, but the brand new tandem of Andre Jones and Dez Davidz gets it done when it counts going power move for power move with Java and Warrior before Dez’s huge spear wraps it up just before the four minute mark.



SD: “And that means that this team of Jones and Davidz, put together officially only about an hour ago, has won its way into the tournament that will crown the PWC World Tag Team Champions.”



MS: “All it takes is an opportunity. An opportunity and a little bit of luck.”



ER: “Uhh….let’s not give them the belts just yet, Mickey; they’ve got a first round date with Jumbo Jackson and Casey Valentine. And you can bet Peter Valentine will have his guys a lot more prepared for Jones and Davidz than Savage Fury looked.”



MS: “Maybe Peter Valentine will just have his limo driver hit Dez and AJ, too. I know what I saw, Emily. He didn’t pay me off! That had to be on purpose!”



ER: “Get real, Starr. Hitting someone with an automobile is serious business and you’ve made a serious accusation. I bet you’ll be hearing from Valentine’s attorneys.”



Phil’s Story Notes: The team of Jones and Davidz is something that I think will work out for everyone involved, including me. It gives me a built in storyline for both of those guys that they both worked into from completely different places. And because of their chemistry as partners, it gives me a reason to find something for them to do, rather than forget about them and let them slide into the periphery which is what’s happening with Savage Fury.



Jones/Davidz win via pinfall @ 3:59













Belle Bryden shows up at Phil Vibert’s corporate office once again looking to exchange the USPW Women’s title belt for the new PWC Women’s title belt after her successful title defense at Genesis.



She is not alone.





Ford Memphis stands, hands on hips, just nearby, looking annoyed as he deals with Vibert’s new secretary.



FM: “Listen, cupcake, I don’t think you understand…..”



He curls his lip up at her and runs his hands alongside his greasy do. She peers past him at Bryden, sighing when she sees her yet again.



FM: “Do you know who I am?”







....Phil Vibert pushes open his office door, his arm around head Jay Fair, with whom he is still talking.



PV: “Just remember who is signing your checks, Jay and you’ll be fine. Don’t bother me with that kind of garbage again. The finish stands.”



Fair stops. He can’t believe it.



PV: “And as far as Valentine’s limo? Do you homework before you accuse anyone of anything. He’s a rich, rich man you know.”



Vibert sees both Bryden and Memphis as he ushers the shocked Fair away and rolls his eyes.



PV: “Bryden, not right now. See my secretary for an appointment sometime…..sometime really soon.”



He wags his finger at her until she walks over toward his secretary. Memphis steps right in front of Phil and the owner of PWC switches his attention.



PV: “Ford. I know why you’re here.”



Memphis nods. It’s apparent.



PV: “You want a rematch with Darryl Devine for the TV Title, am I right?”



He sneers.



FM: “Man, you know I do but…..”



Vibert cuts him off.



PV: “Save it.”



Vibert shoots his cuffs and straightens his tie.



PV: “Ford, I will NOT be giving you a rematch for the TV title. Ok? I am not a fan of yours and don’t believe that you’re the type of ‘superstar’ that I want my company to be featuring.”



Ford’s sneer fades.



PV: “Your gimmick, your costume, your promos; who are you supposed to be? Elvis Presley? That kind of wrestler went out with the eighties my friend.”



PV: “When the USPW died, so did the need for characters like you.”



PV: “I know you can play the guitar a little bit, and you can sing a little bit…..”



He gets closer to Ford, who looks like he is going to be sick.



PV: “But who are you kidding? You’re not putting out an album……...or going on tour……or anything like that. Ever. Are you?”



Memphis’ bravado is gone. He is a nub in a sequined jumpsuit.



PV: “As much as I despise Darryl Devine for turning down the invitation I gave him to join Team Vibert; for him not help me out when I needed his help…..”



Vibert is so cold, he lowers the temperature of every room he enters by seven degrees.




PV: “As much as I hate him……I hate you more; you and your kind.”



He snorts.



PV: “Why don’t you head toward the ring, Elvis, and show me what you’ve got. Give me a reason to let you keep your job. And maybe….get back onto the TV Title radar……”



This perks Ford up. He flicks and few shadow punches. Until…..




PV: “You’ll be taking on T-Rex. Right after the commercial break, in fact, so get moving.”














T-Rex vs. Ford Memphis



Result: Ford Memphis should count his blessings that he has never run into T-Rex before. The streak having monster tosses Memphis around the ring like the proverbial rag doll before locking him in the “Jurassic Crush” and squeezing the pompadoured former TV champion until he passes out.



ER: “And THAT will teach Memphis a lesson, courtesy of the front office and Phil Vibert.”



MS: “Do you ever listen to yourself? I hope Vibert’s paying you well.”



ER: “He is. I make twice what you make.”



SD: “Regardless of that you guys, T-Rex is 100-0!”



MS: “And who’s next? RESPECT THE STREAK!”



Phil’s Story Notes: Memphis is kind of regrouping following his long TV title run and I think this new chapter of his life as a sort of tweener taking on the man suits the rebellious side of his character well. His contract is coming up in two or three months and I’d like to know whether or not I’ve got a reason to extend him. How he transitions in the next six weeks or so will go a long way toward deciding his future.




T-Rex wins via submission @ 4:01















We start to go to the broadcast location (as T-Rex celebrates) where Shawn Doakes, Mickey Starr, and Emily Royal are supposed to announce PWC’s next pay-per-view event.






SD: “Wait a minute! It’s Charlie Thatcher!”





MS: “He must not have gotten over that whipping T-Rex gave him in the six man main event two weeks ago. He got squeezed out!”



Charlie Thatcher slides into the ring behind the still celebrating T-Rex, holding a grayish steel chair over his head, locked in and ready to swing the second Rex turns around. And when he does…….









T-Rex roars and flexes right in Thatcher’s face, shaking his head at his attacker, and no-sells the shot to the furthest degree. So Thatcher does the only thing he can do, rearing back and drilling him again.



This one just serves to make Rex even angrier.



Thatcher swings a third time and T-Rex bats it away. He takes one step toward Vibert’s bodyguard before the big man drops the chair entirely and bails out of the ring, choosing to continue with a staredown at fifty feet instead of a face to face showdown.



SD: “And I don’t think these two have seen the last of each other. Now that this has crossed that line, they are definitely going to cross paths again. And when they do, it’s going to be big.”
















A cameraman, talking to himself in full ‘Blair Witch’ style as he shoots, walks toward a lonely, dark, playground. As he curses his bosses for the assignment, the lash of a single match illuminates the face Tyson Baine as he lights a match and puts it to an old style street lantern.



When he puts the lantern on the ground, the modest amount of candlelight shed reveals the rest of playground. The swings squeak in the breeze as Baine wraps his ever present chain around his fist and begins pacing back and forth, ranting at the cameraman.



TB: “I have sent you away for good, Enygma. No more chances at Baine’s title for you. You have been banished.”



He laughs, a deep belly laugh that echoes off of the concrete.



TB: “So who will be the next? Who will be the next to feel my wrath?”



He wraps the chain once more around his fist, but leaves about a five foot length hanging at his side.



TB: “Who will be the next to……..FEEL MY PAIN!”



Baine whips the chain out, wrapping it around the neck of a spring-shocked rocking horse nearby before jerking it back violently, ripping the pony’s smiling head clean off.






He turns toward the camera and begins whipping the chain above his head. The cameraman drops the camera and begins running in the other direction. Baine runs up and stomps on the camera once…..twice…….






Three times. Cut to static screen.












A quick video replays the situation from earlier in which Peter Valentine’s limo accidentally backed into Aaron Andrews, seriously injuring the man who was set to be opponent tonight.



SD: “And with Peter Valentine already in the ring, who will be coming out to take Andrews’ place?”



MS: “Around here, it could be anyone.”














Peter Valentine vs. Sam Strong



Result: When “Legitimate Patriot” comes pouring out of the arena’s speakers, the place goes berserker.



SD: “Aaron Andrews was supposed to be Peter Valentine’s opponent but he has apparently been replaced by Sam Strong, the man Valentine cheated at Genesis. This is a bit of justice; who’d have thunk it.”



The match begins with the two men taking the fight to each other, picking up right where they left off on Sunday.



Valentine pulls Strong by the little bit of hair he has into the corner and knees him in the groin, doubling the legend over before he falls to the mat on all fours. From there it is a straight up beating, with Valentine destroying his former best friend, but Valentine tries and fails twice to lift the legend onto his shoulder for his tough shoulderbreaker finisher.



The third time that Valentine tries to lift him, Strong, slides down his back and begins to power up with the fans growing solidly behind him. He wags his finger in Peter’s face twice or three times before scoring with a pair of right hands that put Valentine back on his heels.



Casey and Jumbo, at ringside as usual, begin to scramble seeing their guy start to wobble. Jumbo grabs the cane and tries to get up onto the apron, but he cannot quite find an opening behind Baby Jamie’s back.



Sam runs Valentine into the turnbuckles headfirst before tossing him all awkward and confused back toward the middle of the ring and signaling to the crowd that it’s time for a “Strong Arm Tactic”.



Peter, with a presence of mind he is not know for, rolls under the bottom rope he’s nearest to, and falls safely to the floor. When he gets back to his feet, the crowd is all over him. He throws up his hands and begins backing up the ramp as Baby Jamie begins his count in the ring.



Strong gets the crowd to join in and everyone counts to twenty in unison. But as the bell rings, Casey and Jumbo slide into the ring behind the celebrating legend and look to be getting set to drill him with Peter’s cane.



SD: “Watch out, Sam! They’re right behind you!”



Strong turns around with surprising speed and blows up Casey with a “Strong Arm Tactic” sending him rolling to the floor and leaving him alone with the cane wielding Jumbo. It only takes the veteran a second or two to disarm Jumbo and blast him with a “Strong Arm Tactic” of his own.



SD: “Oh hell yeah! Sam Strong is standing tall!”



Valentine watches the whole scene unfold before pushing through the curtain and heading back to the locker room area.



Strong takes a moment to salute the Minnesota fans before launching into a festival of poses while his familiar music plays at peak volume.



SD: “The best of all time? There’s a ‘strong’ argument for that man right there.”



MS: “Other than me, of course, Doakes. He’s like…….1A.”



ER: “Oh please. Get over yourself you bald pig. Even I can admit Sam Strong’s the biggest star this business has ever seen.”



Phil’s Story Notes: This is sure to give the TV show a nice boost, ratings wise, because essentially it’s a rematch of a hot PPV match. And I hope it gave the live crowd a bit of a boost in the “feel good” department, with the wily legend Sam Strong getting the win in the final chapter of his thing with Peter Valentine, closing the book on it for good. Even though it was a count out, the ass kicking he gave to Jumbo and Casey had to go over well with the Minnesota fans.



And I know I said he would be gone from the ring for a while, and he will. But I needed him here and I had him, so….it was an easy choice.



Sam Strong wins via countout @ 6:07















Tommy Townsend tries to catch James Justice on his way to the ring, hoping to get some glimpse into his mindset, his temperament; anything. But the former two-time World Champion, head down, brooding, his eyes shaded by his big black headband, doesn’t even look up as he passes Tommy on his way to the ring.



SD: “I guess we’re not going to get anything out of him right now.”



MS: “And apparently that blond, tie-dye wearing fellow we spotted earlier was NOT James Justice.”



ER: “Told you so. It was just some guy. Old hippies are everywhere, you know.”



SD: “Amen to that.”













<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=RickLaw_alt3-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/RickLaw_alt3-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=LibertyALT-2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/LibertyALT-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=NickyChampion_jhdNN.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/NickyChampion_jhdNN.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



Nicky Champion vs. James Justice vs. Rick Law

-Fall Count Anywhere-



Result: All three of these athletes share a common love of a good old fashioned southern style brawl and that’s exactly what we are treated to here, complete with referee Jay Fair intervening on behalf of Ryan Holland when the action moves all the way to the arena’s concession area and Holland gets sandwiched between Law’s boot and a wall.



It is a turning point, even though it doesn’t reveal itself as so until a few minutes later, when the finish comes.



James Justice, the aggressor in the match toward both Champion and Law equally, gets thrown back to the floor by a rallying Rick Law, who upon finally getting Champion alone and in the ring, begins tossing him around, dropping him with a pair of bodyslams before nailing him with a nasty fistdrop from off of the second rope.



ER: “And Rick Law is damn near finished with this one, I’d say. Champion will always be his little b*tch…..”



MS: “Not just yet, your royal foul mouthed highness; Nicky is coming to a little bit. He’s not out of it yet.”



And everything is timed out so perfectly and foreshadowed so well.



Just as Law backs up against the ropes, lining Champion up for a “LAotL” (Strong Style Lariat)…..




James Justice climbs back up onto the ring apron straight across the ring from Law and begins doing his long beloved chicken-knee strut while he paces the narrow edge.



Rick Law can’t help but stare; here is man who has apparently abandoned his past, wearing black on black and looking every bit the part, going back into his familiar act and breaking out a garish taunt from ten years ago.



SD: “I haven’t seen that since James Justice went by the name of Liberty for a not so creative company out west.”



Justice waits for Law to glace back at Champion and steps into a punch that catches the lawman on the side of the head before hopping off of the apron back down onto the floor and going back to his little dance.



SD: “And I don’t know what to think here, fans. This is…..odd.”



No one knows what to do. Law is now on his back in the ring. Champion is leaning on the ropes, trying to make sense of what is happening.



Justice pats a couple of kids on the head and continues doing the old school boogie, pushing into the crowd.



MS: “What are we watching here?”



The spectacle continues until a pushy adult fan tries to put his arm around Justice for a picture. Justice’s fun loving demeanor immediately vanishes and he shoves the fan backward, sending him head over heels back into his chair.



MS: “We’re going to need to send security in that direction, if anyone in the back is paying attention.”



Suddenly, the shot moves back to the ring where Champion slides across the ring and drills Rick Law with a superkick, hitting the gritty enforcer right on the point of his chin, the impact lifting him off of his feet for a split second before he goes down like a ton of bricks for the second time in the last minute and a half.



SD: “Superkick! I don’t believe it!”



Jay Fair counts a decisive three, and unlike most of the staff of late, never once looks up to see if Phil Vibert has an opinion about it. The crowd goes wild for every reason they should.



SD: “That was such a great and odd match all at once; I don’t know what to think.”



ER: “What the **** is going on with James Justice? What was that?”



MS: “I have no idea. No idea at all. But does this win mean that Nicky Champion is the number one contender? Who else is there?”



Phil’s Story Notes: This is a big coming out party for Nicky Champion, giving him a pretty clean win over a legitimate wrestling superstar in Rick Law. Regardless of the fact that James Justice factored into it, I think this will set Nicky up for what we’ve got planned for him in the future. Justice’s storyline is going to get very interesting over the next couple of weeks, too. I’m excited to get into the meat of it. I’m really trying to take a standard piece of booking, “whose side is he on?”, and add my own twist to it. We’ll see how it works out.



Nicky Champion wins via pinfall @ 16:17















Copyright PWC 2010

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Live on Sports America

Week 1 December

St. Paul, MN





Genesis Highlights Package (B)

Darryl Devine over Chris Caulfield (C+)

Caulfield/Peak Brawl (A)

Tournament Brackets Announced (B+)

Andrews Hit by Valentine’s Limo (B+)

Davidz/Jones over Savage Fury (D-)

Ford, Bryden Attempt to See Vibert (B+)

T-Rex over Ford Memphis (D)

Thatcher Attacks Rex; Retreats (B+)

Baine Promo (B+)

Strong over Valentine (C+)

Tommy snubbed by Liberty (B+)

Nicky Champion over Rick Law and James Justice (B)



Show Grade: B


Show Rating: 3.12




September’s TV Grades: (C-, C-, C, C-)

October’s TV Grades: (C+, C+, C+, C+)

November TV Grades: (C+, B, B-, C+)


September’s TV Ratings: (1.05, 1.02, 1.11, 1.02)

October’s TV Ratings: (1.24, 1.23, 1.26, 1.29)

November TV Ratings: (2.30, 2.44, 2.39, 2.39)


This Past Tuesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF (B+/8.57) TCW (C+/5.59)



Wednesday’s Other Wrestling Shows: SWF/DaVE Dangerzone TV has ended its run.








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“Another pretty big jump in the TV ratings, Phil. The shows are getting stronger every single week.”



“I know. We’re just hitting our stride though. You just wait to see what we’ve got coming up.”







“And I think that spike in the ratings was more due to SWF pulling the plug on their DaVE TV show than it was for anything we did. Good for them, too. Knowing when to put down a dying dog is a special kind of intuition.”



“No trace of animosity there, eh?”



“No, none at all, you assh*le. And why should I have any interest in what the company that dresses people like human-crustacean hybrids might be doing to my only real legacy in business?”



“You did sell all that to them, you know. You remember that don’t you?”



“Don’t patronize me, idiot, or I’ll walk out of this studio right now and end this fantasy game that we’re playing, understand?”







“It’s just that DaVE is a sore subject for me and I don’t much like talking about the SWF’s bastardized version of it. I mean I don’t care for the overall product Mitch Naess is slogging out to the Pittsburgh fans month after month, but at least for a small company trying to blatantly copy DaVE; trying to re-do DaVE, they got a couple of things right.”



“But not SWF?”



“With all of the money that they could’ve dumped into it, because they certainly have a flair for pouring ungodly sums of cash into any number of their silly side projects……remember the monster trucks?”



“I do.”



“With all of those resources, you’d have thunk it could have been done a lot better. They wanted to sell some old DVD’s and a pay-per-view or two that they booked to be ‘hardcore’ and that’s it.”






“They didn’t bleed for it.”







“They didn’t die with it, like I did.”







“When it finally went under, it ruined professional wrestling for me forever.”






“I’m only in it for the money now. Nothing else. I mean, why do you think I’m here right now? For the drooling internet geeks that play this computer game?”



“That was a little harsh, Phil.”



“Yeah, the world’s a harsh place. Time to get used to it.”






“Where are we now? The second week of December? Let’s get on with this.”















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Week 2 December

St. Petersburg, FL


-PWC World Tag Team Title Tournament-


First Round




Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine







James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

-#1 Contender Match-










Copyright PWC 2010








Vibert's an ugly black chick with fake hair trying to start something with a fairly-attractive chick?


Huh. Racism aside, I do dislike how Vibert acts.



The fact that white robes were not aside, nor seen at all, is why the show sucked. Duh.



Solid main event. A B is in the 80s, right? At least upper-70s? I can get better than that, but that's with like...Gilmore, Vessey, actualy good people. Pretty impressed that you pulled it off with what you had.




Loved the video clip, Celt. And yes, it about sums up Vibert's feelings about SWF, at least in my world.


Eidenhoek, I respect your need for open robes on the ladies in wrestling and will try to fulfill that request as often as I can. Cleavage always has a place in wrestling, does it not?


And your hatred of Phil Vibert has also been noted in the past. I'm not going to tell you what he thinks of you.




And I am as psyched as can be about some of the match ratings we've been getting of late. It's all about the overness of the folks involved though, as none of them are really ring stalwarts. There's just so much of it now, I'm getting a lot of people over.


Got a piece of PWC merchandise for the predictors who have the most correct guesses on this show's sheet, too. You know you want it.




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Spade/Glenn vs. Ricky/Jack DeColt


Excess vs. Eric Tyler/Larry Vessey


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. The Ring Generals


Dez Davidz/Andre Jones vs. Jumbo Jackson/Casey Valentine


James Justice vs. Nicky Champion

-#1 Contender Match-

JJ needs to keep his return momentum going

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