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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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“OK, so I signed Big Smack Scott…..”



“I don’t know why you would?”






“Really. I’m serious.”






“Didn’t I tell you about the backstage rating thing in the game? Actually, I know I did….”



“Yes, you did.”



“Then, why would you add the one true notable cancer in the database to your roster?”



“I’m looking at the bigger picture, my friend.”






“Did he get fired from the SWF? Yes. Was it drug related? Probably. Is he going to be a backstage problem?”







“Almost guaranteed. But he’s almost as over as our top end guys. Plus, as a character; I’m going to let him be himself. I’m going to give him the platform that no one ever would in real life.”







“We’re going to push the envelope. And I bet I can draw some serious ratings out of it.”



“Speaking of ratings, Phil, the pay-per-view buyrate was up again, for the fourth straight month, even though it was running head to head with TCW’s Psycho Circus.”



“I noticed the way that our schedule overlapped with TCW and decided not to make a big deal out of it. But having another strong showing, cutting a few tenths of a buyrate point from them, all while adding to our rate and keeping our company momentum strong? I’m very, very happy.”



“Any other comings or goings to report? Business type stuff, you know.”



“Well, in addition to Big Smack Scott, I offered a fair number of contracts to other guys whose contracts were coming up with both TCW and SWF.”






“They all declined.”






“You might be seeing some new faces on PWC TV from time to time, but I’ll let you know if there’s a big name coming down the pike. And there isn’t.”






“So while our TV and PPV ratings keep going up, our stock continues to climb and our bank account continues to grow…..”






“We are still a distinct third in the United States wrestling market. Make no mistake about it.”







“But we are on the attack. And we are one big move, one big storyline, or one big signing away from being right in the middle of everything.”














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(OOC: Sorry to drop off for the last few days. I've been traveling and working, two shows a night some nights, but I'm finally home. I'm glad the PPV and BSS went over so well. This next show is going to keep the ball rolling I hope. Let's get back to it. :) )










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This Week’s PWC TV Lineup:



Nicky Champion vs. Enygma – No DQ

T-Rex vs. Charlie Thatcher

Darryl Devine vs. Ford Memphis – TV Title Rematch

Jumbo Jackson vs. Remmy Skye

“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Andre Jones

The Ring Generals vs. Glenn & Spade







Copyright PWC 2010

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I read "this next show is going to be balling". I then punched a cat.




Nicky Champion vs. Enygma – No DQ


I was going to pick Champ by DQ. Yes, I read that last tag. But this is TNA.


Wait, it's not TNA (and they're changing their name)? Oh.


Then it's going to get thrown out due to interference.


T-Rex vs. Charlie Thatcher


Thatcher sucks.


Darryl Devine vs. Ford Memphis – TV Title Rematch


The only good thing about Memphis was Roxy Kitten. Or rather, her tops that didn't hold in her top.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Remmy Skye


Was Remmy hired, or traded...he's at CZCW, right? Hrm. If he's hired, a win would...wait a sec. Remmy's part of EXCESS or whatever. Going against Eric Tyler, managed by Sara Silver?


Jackson wins due to Tyler interference.


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Andre Jones


He then puts himself through a table because CRAWWWWWWLING INNNNNN HIS SKIIIIIN oh god that's his theme


The Ring Generals vs. Glenn & Spade


Growth for...'Cattle...' hell, what was their name? Cattle...

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Nicky Champion vs. Enygma – No DQ

Draw - Screwy finish *clap clap clap clap clap*


T-Rex vs. Charlie Thatcher

Rex is going to kill you!!!


Darryl Devine vs. Ford Memphis – TV Title Rematch

Not a title change now.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Remmy Skye

Remmy is more relevant.


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Andre Jones

Got a feeling something weird is going to happen with Chord leading to a loss.


The Ring Generals vs. Glenn & Spade


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Nicky Champion vs. Enygma – No DQ

I don't know how it'll happen with no DQ, but somehow this match will get thrown out.


T-Rex vs. Charlie Thatcher

What's he up to now? 104?


Darryl Devine vs. Ford Memphis – TV Title Rematch

I think Ford's going into the tag division.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Remmy Skye

When in doubt, go with the big guy.


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Andre Jones

With a lot of cheating along the way.


The Ring Generals vs. Glenn & Spade


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Live on Sport America

Week 1 January

Orlando, FL






-Free Live Internet Pre-Show-















Roger Cage vs. American Optimus


Result: Two men desperate to get noticed by PWC put on a show that will easily go down as the best match in the pre-show’s short history. Cage is just as fast as American Optimus and the two nearly burn the ring down with their high octane back and forth.



AE caps off his rally with a split legged moonsault that brings the crowd to its feet and nearly nets him the three count. But Cage is as tenacious as he is arrogant, kicking out and mounting rally of his own. After a rana reversal by AE looks like it may turn the tide again, Cage turns the tilt-a-whirl over into a weird pretzel armbar that has the masked speedster stuck right in the center of the ring, flailing and trying to reach the ropes.



SD: “I don’t think he has the room! I think he’s stuck!”



He is, tapping out a few seconds later to end the match. Cage holds the armbar on a little bit longer than he has to, and Baby Jamie takes offense to it, grabbing onto Cage and pulling him off of AE himself.



SD: “And how about that from Baby Jamie. I’ve never seen that out of him before.”



Phil’s Story Notes: I’m both testing the waters for adding this type of wrestling to the show and the product and trying to entice the internet fans by offering a match like this for free on our website. Anything that gets them there and gets the traffic, right?



Roger Cage wins via pinfall @ 5:21









Show Open/Theme Song











Phil Vibert begins the show in the ring with a microphone, flanked by the new PWC World Tag Team Champions, the massive Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher, each of whom has a belt draped over their shoulder. Thatcher has a shining briefcase handcuffed to his right wrist and grips its handle tightly.



PV: “PWC is all about unpredictable action; you’re lucky you tuned in. The other guys have been giving you the same slop and drivel for longer than you should’ve put up with.”



The crowd boos.



PV: “But you’re stupid, so it’s expected that you’d do stupid things.”



They boo some more; Law and Thatcher laugh like one laughs at their boss’s best joke. Phil moves on.



PV: “It’s a new year here in PWC, so that means new opportunities.”



He steps back, getting in between the new tag team champions and smiles.



PV: “Now Mr. Law and Mr. Thatcher already have their gold…..”



They hold the brand new tag belts aloft.



PV: “This month, while Tyson Baine entertains himself with some of the top challengers from around the world that we’ll be bringing in via our relationships with some of the top professional wrestling organizations on earth……”



A host of logos flash across the jumbotron on the stage. Some impressive companies indeed.



PV: “…..the top workers in PWC are going to get the chance to put themselves in the title picture.”



The graphic switches to one of a briefcase, an almost too tall ladder, and a logo for PWC Uncensored.



PV: “Starting this week, without a true in house number one contender, we’ll be identifying the top six most deserving superstars. Once identified, they will square off in our PWC’s first Golden Briefcase Match.”



Vibert motions to the briefcase that Charlie Thatcher is now holding up.



PV: “Not only will this briefcase be suspended high above the ring containing a half-million dollars in cold, hard cash.”



The crowd whoops. That’s a lot of coin.



PV: “But it will also contain a contract that, when redeemed, will be good for a shot at the PWC World Heavyweight Championship.”



He smiles.



PV: “Not that it will do any good. Nobody around here stands a chance against Tyson Baine, anyway.”



They all share a laugh while the crowd hurls insults.



PV: “But a half a million bucks is still a nice consolation prize, right? Go order Uncensored now, fans and find out who Baine’s next victim will be.”



Vibert’s music hits and the three take their time leaving the ring. Doakes, Starr, and Royal tie things up and send the show into the open.



MS: “He’s such an as……”



SD: “Whoa now, Mickey, he’s still the boss. If anything, that announcement is proof.”



ER: “That’s right idiots; he can make dreams and break hearts. Phil Vibert is the end all, be all around here, and you’d better remember that.”












Jumbo Jackson vs. Remmy Skye



Result: On the heels of getting pinned by Aaron Andrews in their three on one PPV handicap match, Jumbo Jackson takes out his aggression on Remmy Skye, absolutely punishing him with a host of power moves before Remmy mounts his comeback on the heels of a backdrop reversal.


But when Skye hops to the top rope and looks to surprise Jumbo with an aerial attack…..



…..Eric Tyler appears on the apron and blasts him with a wicked left hand and gives Remmy a shove.



SD: “And Sara Silver is not here tonight, fans. She’s back in Florida with Matt Hocking as he was scheduled to undergo surgery this morning.”



MS: “So nobody has Remmy’s back tonight?”



ER: “It would appear not.”



Jumbo Jackson catches the falling Skye and props him up on his feet in the corner, backing off before sprinting in and burying the party-boy with a vicious avalanche.



The three count is quick and uneventful. Tyler hangs around to put the boots to Remmy as Jumbo makes his way back up the ramp.



SD: And Eric Tyler just won’t let this thing with Sara Silver go, will he?”



Phil’s Story Notes: Giving Jumbo a bit of a nudge here, as I’ve got some plans for him coming up and I want his momentum to be as good as it can get when I pull the trigger.



Jumbo Jackson wins via pinfall @ 4:34










As Jackson celebrates on the stage……






……Peter Valentine’s music hits and everyone turns to see. Instead of coming down the ramp, Valentine is behind the wheel of a steel blue classic car, honking his horn obnoxiously as he steers the beauty into the open space below the stage.



SD: “My god, that’s a 1968 Aston-Martin!”



MS: “That car was in a James Bond movie, you guys.”



ER: “I can’t even begin to imagine what that car is worth.”



He gets out from behind the wheel and has Casey Valentine grab and carry to the ring a black velvet that sat alongside him in the passenger seat.


Peter has his usual better-than-you smirk and is dressed to the hilt, pulling a microphone from his suit jacket pocket as he makes his way to the ring.



PV: “First of all……. I can’t believe what a dump Orlando has turned into since the last time I graced you with my presence.”



The classic heel move pays off, soon it is raining hatred.



PV: “The reason I’m here tonight in your dirty little city is because I have an announcement to make.”



The boos cascade from the very top of the building.



PV: “They say that the clothes make the man, don’t they? As you can see, I’m about as made as I can be in this suit, which cost more than most of the cars you blue collar trash people drove here tonight.”



PV: “In our business though, it’s not the clothes that make the man, it’s the championships. The titles.”



PV: “And there are some big name championships in the biz; some valuable title belts.”



Casey hands him the bag.



PV: “But there has never been a championship anywhere near THIS valuable before.”





Valentine pulls a stunning title belt from the velvet housing. So much gold. So very many diamonds. It defies logic.



PV: “This belt is my Million Dollar Belt; the most valuable championship in the world. And as it should be, it’s going to be held and defended in the longest and most successful undefeated reign ever recorded in wrestling history by the RICHEST man in the business……”



He raises it above his head before holding it in position around his waist while Casey snaps it behind him.



PV: “Yours truly, Peter Valentine.”














“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Andre Jones



Result: The crowd is psyched to get a look at the “Prodigy” in the ring and are somewhat rude to Andre Jones during his introduction, seemingly forgetting he’s there while they wait for the debuting cyber punk. And Chord has a long, drawn out entrance that forces Jones to sit in the ring and wait long enough to lose his warmth before the bell.



Chord comes out strong and stands right in the face of Jones’s attack. But, bit by bit AJ begins to take the advantage, rallying with a pair of snap suplexes and sprinting into the corner, his eyes on the prize as he climbs.



SD: And AJ is going up top! He’s going to take a chance!”



MS: “That’s not his game, Doakes. He’d better be careful!”



He takes too long; Chord gets to his feet and runs up and crotches Jones.



MS: “And whether it’s legal or illegal, it’s great strategy, guys.”



Chord is on him in a flash after that; a quick snap on the belly to back means superior impact and when Jones explodes shoulders and neck first into the mat, his eyes cross.



The black lipstick and eyeliner wearing Prodigy then roughly pulls AJ back onto his feet, knees him in the sack, and hooks him for the DDT.



SD: “And that’s his family’s move. The DDT; it’s his legacy.”



ER: “He hates his lineage, Doakes. Don’t even bring it up.”



But instead of dropping him on his head as everyone expects, Chord pushes AJ into a seated position on the mat and bounces off of the ropes, coming off ridiculously quick and annihilating Jones with a “Curb Stomp” (shining wizard) before covering him and getting the three count.



SD: “Wow. What a debut for The Prodigy.”



Chord stands in the middle of the ring, one fist raised high, huffing and puffing and looking mean as the bell rings.



Phil’s Story Notes: This worked for me, storywise, for both men.



"Prodigy" Jay Chord wins via pinfall @ 4:29















Tyson Baine, both hands wrapped in a length of chain, grunts as he swings his fists, making almost a dozen lined up cinder blocks explode, one per shot. The sweat on his densely muscled shoulders gleams underneath the lone swinging light bulb in the mostly dark room. He looks at the camera and grins his twisted grin.



TB: “Bring them on; bring them all on.”



He swings again. Another concrete explosion. And another. And another.






He swings again, blowing up yet another block.













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Glenn & Spade vs. The Ring Generals



Result: The Ring Generals seem to have a newfound swagger with their new manager The Guru pacing in their corner, and they come out raging, looking to have the lithe KC Glenn on the ropes after a devastating tandem delayed vertical suplex.



But Glenn & Spade are just too strong and a much more cohesive a unit; they have a gameplan. As soon as they can, they isolate Dean Waldorf and systematically take him apart, bludgeoning him with their stiff smark-friendly suplex based offense.



SD: ‘This does not look good for Waldorf.”



MS: “Oh my god; here we go….”



Spade bounces Statler off of the apron as he leans in and their vaunted german suplex/springboard dropkick finisher becomes inevitable; it hits Waldorf violently, ending the match after the three count.



The Guru tries everything he can from ringside, but his and the wobbling Statler’s efforts fall short.



And as Glenn and Spade celebrate, pulling down the tank tops of their singlets and raising their arms, The Guru yells at The Ring Generals as they recover on the floor afterward and really, really lays into them, telling them they had it; that they had the win in their grasp and blew it.



SD: “That’s what they call ‘getting the third degree’; he’s livid.”



MS: “He might’ve made a mistake hitching his wagon to these guys. I mean, who are they? Indy guys? Didn’t they get aced in the tag tourney??



Phil’s Story Notes: Straight up, it’s a domination. Glenn and Spade are headed to the top. If you didn’t know, now you do. The slow burn begins here.



Glenn & Spade win via pinfall @ 4:33













Nicky Champion arrives, roaring into the backstage area in his huge black and chrome pick-up truck and parking in a VIP spot before jumping out and grabbing his bag from the back.



SD: “And noticeably absent from this picture, you guys? Sam Strong, Nicky’s mentor, who was choked out by T-Rex at XxX.”



MS: “He’s my age, Doakes. There’s no way he’s not laid up somewhere right now, still recovering.”



Champion marches into the building, his face still; intense. He doesn’t stop for the waving autograph books of the fans nearby, which is a first.



From well above everything, high among the steel girders of the building……..




…….sits Enygma, squatting on a beam, watching the arrival of his opponent tonight, his dyed red hair covering his eyes.





The cameras suddenly switch to a spot about five hundred feet away where the Liberty Cruiser is attempting to pull into the parking garage. However, the very size of the leviathan on wheels prevents it from even getting in the entrance, where it is now sort of awkwardly wedged in. As it sits there, idling near the security station, with a pair of local orange vested ham and eggers staring up at it, wondering if they should just raise the arm and see what happens.....






......the driver's side window comes down. Thick smoke begins pouring out before James Justice's head becomes visible. He laughs, looking down at the situation.



JJ: "Whoa now, the dude might've bitten off a little more than he can chew, man."



He opens the door and hops down.



JJ: "Speaking of chewing, the dude's a little hungry."



Justice then tosses the keys to one of the wide eyed eggers and starts walking away.



JJ: "See if you can park it somewhere. I'm going to find something to eat, man."















Darryl Devine vs. Ford Memphis

-PWC TV Title Rematch-



Result: After the double count out finish of their last match, which was the result of a nasty fall onto the concrete, both men start this one carefully. But within a couple of minutes, they have returned to their former breakneck pace and the outcome is just as good.



Memphis gets walloped with Devine’s cast as an invigorated Baby Jamie attempts to break up Seduction and Kitten’s haggle on the outside the ring. But Ford kicks out of the pin attempt at two and three quarters and goes on a roll, rallying, with the fans getting more and more behind him as he goes.



And after burying the TV Champion with a knee lift that leads to a wicked spinebuster, Ford Memphis looks to be on the brink of lifting Devine to his feet for what will be a surely be a decisive “Last Trip to Graceland”.



But when Seduction re-launches her attack on the oh-so-defenseless and stuffed into her poodle skirt Kitten, and both Baby Jaime and Memphis turn to see, the crafty Devine leans back and bounces off of the ropes, bombing Ford with his cast for a second time. This time it is enough; the three count is uncontested.



SD: “That goddamn thing, excuse my language! Ford Memphis was robbed!”



ER: “He’s on his way out, you guys. Devine cheated again, sure, but Memphis is done. His days in PWC are numbered.”



Phil’s Story Notes: I pulled victory right from Ford’s grasp and his storyline heat rating will thank me for it later.



Darryl Devine wins via pinfall @ 6:04















After a commercial break, Harry Allen and Ford Memphis are backstage as Ford gets his pupils checked by the company doctor.



HA: “You almost had him, Gumble….”



He trails off; calling Ford by his former name even stops the doctor’s progress. He clicks off his light and leaves the former tag team partners staring at each other. Finally Ford breaks the silence.



FM: “Look…..”



But Harry interrupts him.



HA: “No Ford, you look.”



He is stern, but not mad.



HA: “You know my opinion about all of this Elvis stuff, man. I don’t get it and I don’t think it’s doing you any good in the ring.”



Ford shakes sighs and shakes his head. But he doesn’t get up and walk off, even as a crying Roxy Kitten fires up their wide-bodied pink caddy just outside an open door that leads to the parking garage.



HA: “If you’re interested, I’d like to help you find the real Ford again.”



Now Ford hops down off of the padded table he’s sitting on and starts toward the door, toward Kitten and his Cadillac.



FM: “I need to think.”



Harry nods and watches him leave.



HA: “Next week, I’ll tie up your loose ends and take care of Darryl Devine. Then we can just get out of here.”
















T-Rex vs. Charlie Thatcher



Result: There is no doubt that the fans are peaked out for this match, and the hate they spew at Thatcher is only surpassed by the love they lay on the undefeated T-Rex when he is introduced. His new pyro display and graphics package are a sight to behold, and when he walks out through the mass of smoke that is the result, snorting, muscles bulging, intimidating doesn’t even begin to describe him.



Streak! Streak!

Streak! Streak!

Streak! Streak!




And the proceedings are not pretty; it is a war between two big bulls. Thatcher tries every dirty trick he can think of, but quickly gets sucked under T-Rex’s wave of momentum.



SD: “I knew it! T-Rex is unstoppable!”



After a pair of clotheslines that drop Thatcher, Rex whips one half of the tag team champions hard into the turnbuckles. When he comes staggering out, the monstrous undefeated beast slips in behind Thatcher and locks him in the “Jurassic Crush” (full nelson).



There is a second where Thatcher grits his teeth and looks like he might be the first to break out of the widely feared hold, but that moment quickly passes and Thatcher fades, slowly watching his arms begin to droop.



Rick Law comes rumbling down the ramp, but it is too late as the bell is already ringing; Thatcher falls onto his face, completely out after Rex lets him go. Law wisely stays at the base of the ramp to exchange words with the still undefeated superstar, who has his arm raised as Law barks at him.



SD: “I’m sure if Rick Law wants a piece, T-Rex would be more than happy to oblige.”



MS: “Thatcher talked about getting himself a piece for weeks, Doakes, and look how that turned out.”



SD: “And the streak continues.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Thatcher’s overness will give Rex a nice boost and he can easily get it back during the course of his tag title run. Meanwhile, Rex’s slow rise to the top of the company continues as he has beaten a fairly impressive list of folks in the last couple of months. Coming to this point after being fed a steady diet of jobbers is quite impressive.



T-Rex wins via submission @ 5:21


















Jay Fair, PWC’s head official and the man assigned to officiate tonight’s main event, walks down a backstage hallway toward the guerilla position, obviously heading to the ring as the match is next.



PV: “Jay. Stop for a moment, won’t you?”



Phil Vibert’s shiny loafers clack on the floor as he walks up. His face is stern.



PV: “Jay, I’ve had a look at the footage from this past Sunday at XxX.”



Fair puts his hands on his hips and nods, knowing he was in the right when he disqualified Tyson Baine in his match against James Justice.



PV: “Not only am I amazed that you exercised your authority to disqualify the champion……MY champion, but to do so while I am standing right there, in your face, telling you not to, is a blatant disregard for MY authority.”



Vibert gets closer, but Fair doesn’t budge from his position.



PV: “Furthermore I believe it was you who moved Mr. Baine’s chain from its usual spot on the turnbuckle post and hid it underneath the timekeepers table.”



This time, it is Fair who gets closer to Vibert. Close enough that he can whisper his response.



JF: “I DID hide it, godammit. I did. How about having a fair match every once in a while? How about winning with a little bit of integrity?”



Vibert seems a bit shocked for a split second before shooting his cuffs, fixing his tie, and taking a step away. He no longer looks Fair in the eye.



PV: “Mr. Fair, you can stand down. Your services in tonight’s main event are no longer required.



Ryan Holland walks up alongside Vibert.



PV: “Ryan Holland will take your place out there. And please leave the building immediately and take the rest of the week off as well. Report to work next Wednesday, after you’ve had some time to think things through.”



Fair storms off.



PV: “Try to remember who hired you and where your loyalties should be.”















Nicky Champion vs. Enygma

-No DQ Match-



Result: There is so much tension between the two men involved in this one that it is tangible throughout the entire contest.



SD: “I still don’t really get what the deal is between these guys, but they are staring at each other like dogs before a pitfight; there is some real animosity here.”



ER: “It’s good to see Nicky getting as intense as Enygma has been. The brooding one handed him his ass in a high hat at XxX.”



It doesn’t take long for the match’s stipulation to take effect as both men slide into the ring with chairs before having an old fashioned stand off with them, bashing them together three or four times before simultaneously tossing them aside and just going in for each other’s throat.



Nicky takes the lead, running Enygma around the ring and really laying into him, pulling a turnbuckle cover off and exposing the steel below before bashing Enygma’s face into it two or three times.



SD: “It’s about time he got it together; that he got mean.”



MS: “And this is a side of Nicky I’ve never seen before.”



But the now bleeding enigmatic one hooks Nicky’s head with his arm and pulls him facefirst into the very same exposed buckle a couple of moments later, changing the match’s tide.



Enygma belts Champion once or twice with an open palm before lifting him up and slamming him viciously back onto the mat before dragging him into the corner, leaving him prone on his back as he climbs the turnbuckles.



SD: “This is out of the ordinary for Enygma.”



He takes a second and hops down onto the apron grabbing his chair from earlier and getting back up onto the top, reassuming his position on the perch with the chair underneath him.



But when he leaps off, Nicky is not home, and he bounces off of the steel himself, yelling out in pain as he does so. Champion is on him in a flash and nails him with a discus punch and shoves him back into the exposed buckle once again before grabbing him and lifting him high overhead, looking to powerbomb him. But Enygma instinctively hops down off of Nicky’s shoulders, using the momentum of the powerbomb’s setup to save himself momentarily.



However, just as he lands, Nicky grabs the chair and throws it toward Enygma who catches it just as Champion winds up…….






Champion superkicks the chair back in to his face blasting him head over heels, knocking him out cold.



Holland looks around and then starts waving his arms, calling for the bell, looking like he has no choice as he does so.



SD: “And it looks like Nicky Champion has evened the score with Enygma; that was impressive.”



MS: “I don’t think he’s ever embraced the ‘big fight’ like that before, Doakes. When it’s all said and done, I think we might be looking back at tonight as a turning point in Nicky Champion’s career. I’ve never seen him that focused.”



ER: “Easy you two, you’re going to need to back off or everyone will know you’re the ladies that maintain his Facebook fanpage. He beat a guy that couldn’t beat the champ. So what.”



Champion snatches his hand away from Ryan Holland as he tries to raise it, getting in the face of the “Hardcore Official” until he bails out of the ring, tumbling awkwardly through the ropes to the floor.



SD: “Nicky Champion is standing strong. We’ll see you next week fans.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Nicky gets the win back from Enygma here. I’m hopeful that the match grades out well, as both men had to be feeling the effects of their previous match on PPV which was only four days before. Both of men’s overness and momentum are through the roof so there shouldn’t be a whole lot of movement there, either. A great and easy booking decision.



Nicky Champion wins via stoppage @ 15:04















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<p>Two online exclusives coming down the pike for you, dear readers. Astute followers will be able to figure out who they are from by noting who was left off the last show.</p><p> </p><p>

But following that, one of the craziest, awesome-est, most game changing posts ever.</p><p> </p><p>

No joke; I'm still kind of in awe of it actually. After it goes up, everything will be different. </p><p> </p><p>

If you missed the last show, it's posted above. Get on it. <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>

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<p>Uh...Phil Vibert dies? That'd be game-changing. And loltastic.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phil:</strong> ...</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Guy:</strong> What?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Phil:</strong> You never told me I could <em>die.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Guy:</strong> Oh. Yeah...</p><p> </p><p>

~~</p><p> </p><p>


~~</p><p> </p><p>

Chord's Finisher should have been some type of Cutter.</p><p> </p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

James Justice? More like...Hashish...Hust...</p><p> </p><p>

He's high.</p><p> </p><p>

~~~</p><p> </p><p>

Thr irony is that Roxy Kitten is actually a wrestler; Seduction isn't.</p>

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