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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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I just noticed that you put CGC instead of GCG in the little stirrup before the card preview.


Which is funny, because CGC probably would have been worried about the other story (DeColt injury) that was posted.


Great stuff, by the way, NN. One of my favorite dynasties of all-time.

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I just noticed that you put CGC instead of GCG in the little stirrup before the card preview.


Which is funny, because CGC probably would have been worried about the other story (DeColt injury) that was posted.


Great stuff, by the way, NN. One of my favorite dynasties of all-time.



Good catch, LLK. Thanks for pointing it out. I did it rampantly, too. I've got to go back and check the show before as well now that I'm thinking of it. I bet I did it there, too.






And thanks for the compliment. There have been some absolute masterpieces on this site; to be thought of among them is high praise.



The show should drop within the next day or two and the PPV, Uncensored, shouldn't be too far behind it as I tend to write the last show of the month, the PPV, and the first show of the next cycle in one chunk. There's some great, great stuff coming up, I can't wait for you all to read it. :)

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Tyson Baine vs. Haruki Kudo – PWC vs. GCG Last Man Standing Challenge

-Backing The Celt's veiw that we will get a PPV showdown, and having the series tied allows that.


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion – Golden Briefcase Qualifying Match

-Rick will probably be sticking to the tag division for a while.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Casey Valentine

-More out of hope then expectation.


Andre Jones/Dez Davidz vs. The Ring Generals vs. Glenn & Spade

-Although Glenn/Spade have momentum, Davidz/Jones seem a better choice to win.


Eric Tyler vs. Remmy Skye - Grudge Match

-Still got a bit of build to go till Skye (or Hocking) gets that defining win over Tyler, in my opinion.

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Tyson Baine vs. Haruki Kudo – PWC vs. GCG Last Man Standing Challenge


Not sure what the overness differential is here, and whether or not the belt is on the line. I'm going to let my heart rule my head on this one and go for Kudo, setting up a third and final match.


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion – Golden Briefcase Qualifying Match


Champion has been gradually gathering momentum as a top babyface and quite frankly he needs this more. Law's got the tag straps to defend with Charlie Farlie.


Jumbo Jackson vs. Casey Valentine


You just turned Jumbo face and have him break away from the Valentines.... my guess is he gets the win here but not a satisfying one due to it being a DQ win from Uncle Pete's interference.


Andre Jones/Dez Davidz vs. The Ring Generals vs. Glenn & Spade


Glenn & Spade have looked good so far, even if they haven't always won....Jones/Davidz have had teething problems and The Ring Generals have yet to make their mark in PWC. If I were a betting man, I put my money on Glenn & Spade


Eric Tyler vs. Remmy Skye - Grudge Match


I don't see Skye or Hocking getting revenge in honour of Sara Silver just yet.

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He rocks back and forth, almost uncontrollably. He is still tightly secured in a canvas straight jacket that keeps his arms pinned across his chest. And yet, Eddie Peak’s eyes stay focused at a spot on the wall as the two medical orderlies/institution guards take turns winding up and kicking him. They let boot after boot rain onto Peak as he rocks until he finally lurches forward and tips over. The bald orderly gives him another swift kick in the ribs as his partner leans forward and forces a pill into Peak’s mouth.



They wait a second as he swallows before letting him back up onto his knees. He is bleeding from the mouth as the guards swing the door to his room shut and blot it behind them. They laugh as they walk down the hallway.



Eddie Peak begins laughing, too, spitting out the pill he hid in his cheek. And as the howling, the cackling laughter, at his window continues, he closes his eyes and yells out.



EP: “Somebody get me out of here! Somebody!”



He screams it with such ferocity, he pitches himself forward, falling right on his face.






His laughter blends with the laughter in the hall, which covers up the laughter coming from the ledge on the outside of the building.










Copyright PWC 2011

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It's your friendly, neighborhood, twenty-four hour warning to get predictions in before the final episode of PWC TV in January, the last one before the PPV, UNCENSORED, gets posted.



I know there's no contest going, so predictions are really moot, I get that. But I found this buried on page four and couldn't help myself, so I bumped it anyway.




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Tyson Baine vs. Haruki Kudo – PWC vs. GCG Last Man Standing Challenge


Rick Law vs. Nicky Champion – Golden Briefcase Qualifying Match


Jumbo Jackson vs. Casey Valentine


Andre Jones/Dez Davidz vs. The Ring Generals vs. Glenn & Spade


Eric Tyler vs. Remmy Skye - Grudge Match

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Hey all. Just wanted to give everyone that reads this an update. I've been admitted and in the hospital for the last few days. Nothing crazy, just a scare, I guess, and I'm hoping to be let go today sometime. Sorry for the delay in posting the show. Everything will resume as usual with Guest Booker when I get home.




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(OOC: I'm back. Thanks to those who sent PM's checking in on me. As it turns out, I have high blood pressure (no shocker) and was giving myself some wicked panic attacks while I was out traveling for work. I hadn't had them since I was in elementary school. I'd almost completely forgotten what they were like. But I've been home for a bit now, taken a break; I've done some lurking, catching up on some old favorites and some new favorites, and I'm ready to get back into this. Are you ready? ;):))










Live on Sport America

Week 4 January

New York, NY











When the show goes live, Tyson Baine’s music fills the arena and the PWC World Heavyweight Champion stomps out onto the stage, raising the belt in one hand and his ever present chain in the other. The fans give him his space as he comes down the ramp; no one reaches out an arm for a high five, not knowing if they’ll get it back. And when he gets to the ring, he bellows something to the ring announcer at ringside who tosses a microphone in at his feet and stays safely away Baine, who scowls at the crowd before beginning.



TB: “Come out, come out, wherever you are, Kudo.”



TB: “I’m not hiding? Why are you? Are you afraid?”



TB: “Afraid of pain?”









The lights flash off.



Then back on.



Then, off again.



When they come back on…….







Haruki Kudo is standing behind Baine, both hands across his throat, loading up. And when Baine turns around, Kudo belts him with a face-full of red mist before hitting the ropes and coming off full force with a huge spin kick that knocks the World Champion through the ropes to the floor. Kudo sticks out his tongue and flicks out his hands, posing in the ring as Baine yells at him from the floor. As they face off, Shawn Doakes does his job.



SD: “How about that? The red mist! Kudo’s sporting the old school face paint and gear, too; I don’t know guys, but I think tonight might be a big night in the history of PWC!”



ER: “You’re not suggesting a title change, are you, Doakes?”



MS: “Who knows; he may be right. Anything can happen around here.”









Show Open/Music and Graphic Package












Phil Vibert pushes past the contingent of both American and Japanese media that has gathered for the Baine/Kudo rematch and retreats to the silence of his backstage office. But when he flips on the light switch…..





Peter Valentine is sitting at his desk, smoking a cigar and enjoying a glass of scotch, obviously waiting for him. Vibert plasters on his best fake smile.



Phil: “Peter, how are you? What can I do for you?”



Valentine stubs out the stogie on the sole of his shoe before depositing it directly into the glass of single malt.



Valentine: “No time for small talk, bossman. We’ve done business in the past, haven’t we, Phil?”



Vibert nods.



Valentine: “Little deals, like me setting you up with my personal broker, who will make you a lot of money, in exchange for you putting Casey in a match with that dirtbag Jumbo Jackson…..”



Phil continues nodding; a salesman himself, he knows that a pitch is coming.



Valentine: “And some big deals, too, like how this very company, PWC, came to be yours…..”



He’s right. They both smile at each other. But before Valentine can continue, Phil puts his hand up.



Phil: “What would you like to talk about, Peter?”



Valentine stands up, his navy blue pinstriped suit looking perfect.



Valentine: “I want in on the Golden Briefcase Match at Uncensored.”



His eyes narrow.



Valentine: “I don’t need the money, but I want the World Title contract, and the title match that comes with it. And short of buying one directly, this is my best opportunity to get one.”



There is a pause before Phil moves back behind his desk, taking Valentine’s spot as the tycoon moves aside, and flips through some files in a foot drawer. He pulls out a contract and smiles.



Vibert: “What do you have for commercial real estate holdings, Mr. Valentine? Anything you’re willing to……part with?”



Valentine smiles right back at him and pulls out a fresh cigar before closing the office door.









<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=AndreJones-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/AndreJones-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=PrimusAllemdesdavids.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/PrimusAllemdesdavids.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=MarvStatler.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/MarvStatler.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=DeanWaldorf.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/DeanWaldorf.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=KCGlenn_jhdNN2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/KCGlenn_jhdNN2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=SpencerSpade_jhdNN2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/SpencerSpade_jhdNN2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



Andre Jones/Dez Davidz vs. Ring Generals vs. Glenn & Spade



Result: We are treated to a spirited three team tag scramble to start the night’s in ring action featuring three duos all looking to impress someone upstairs. Glenn and Spade eventually put themselves in control of the match by reversing an Andre Jones clothesline attempt into a two man swinging crucifix bomb, changing the pace of the match from fast and high impact to slow and steady as Glenn reaches out and takes an outclassed Marv Statler to the mat.



Dez Davidz freaks out on the apron, trying to get the fans behind his unconscious partner who lays half on the ring skirt and half on the floor. Glenn and Spade take the opportunity to beat the living tar out of both Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf, leaving The Guru fuming on the floor, his arms crossed.



Jones tries, but can’t get to his feet, stumbling backward onto the floor, leaving Dez exasperated. Glenn and Spade continue tagging in and out and eventually set Waldorf up for their monster finisher, which they hit and score the victory with.



As Dez checks on Jones, helping AJ to his feet as he cradles his head, and KC Glenn and Spencer Spade pull off the tops of their singlets before getting their arms raised by referee Ryan Holland……





……. The Guru is again very upset with The Ring Generals, loudly yelling at them in Indian. Waldorf and Statler stand there, staring at him blankly as he does so before he clicks his heels against the steel and walks up the ramp, leaving without them.



ER: “I know The Guru. Personally. And I can tell you he is as mad as I’ve ever seen him.”



MS: “How do you know The Guru?”



ER: “We took yoga together in LA; what does it matter? The Ring Generals better start pulling themselves together and getting some wins or The Guru is going to combust.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Love my tag team division and how it’s growing organically rather than being something that I remade all in one massive overhaul. This feels more natural. Over the next couple of years I hope to be known as a haven for tag teams; as a place where the very bets teams in the world can come to ply their craft.



Glenn & Spade win via pinfall @ 6:56












Ford Memphis walks misty eyed around the Elvis museum that’s part of “The King’s” palatial mansion in Tennessee, Graceland. He stops every few feet to take it all in, lovingly looking over every display. Kitten, in a pink poodle skirt, walks up beside Ford and slips her arm around his waist.



K: “This is all up to you, Ford. I KNOW that you love the music, that you love our lifestyle, and our pink Cadillac…..”



Memphis nods.



K: “And ever since Harry showed up, he’s been making you feel bad about yourself, bad about the band and the album, things I know are important to you.”



She stops suddenly and looks around. The room is empty except for the two of them.



K: “Where IS Harry?”



Memphis shrugs flicks his shoulders forward.



FM: “I don’t know, Kitten. I think he might’a skipped outta’ here. We was downstairs, scoping out the jungle room and then all of a sudden, I’m talkin’ and there’s nobody next to me. That was about an hour ago; maybe an hour and a half.”



Kitten moves in front of Ford, wrapping her other arm around him and looking up into his eyes. She kisses him.



K: “I’m not surprised. That’s who he is, remember? He left you in the lurch four years ago…..”



She trails off as Harry Allen walks up, his hair a mess, his eyes wide and glassy.





HA: “I’ve been looking around this place all day, Ford. I had to see it for myself, and I gotta’ say…..I had something happen. I figured it all out.”



Ford nods, bracing for another blowoff from his longtime friend.



HA: “I GET it now, man. I totally get it all; I understand the whole thing, Ford. It didn’t make any sense to me until now. I felt it today.”



Memphis gulps.



HA: “I mean, really felt it.”



He pats Memphis on the shoulder.



HA: “I mean, he was The King, right? THE KING! And no one has ever done anything that great before or since; he’s a legend.”



Memphis nods.



HA: “And we’re going to be legends, Ford. The two of us. Again.”



He puts his hand on his friend’s shoulder.



HA: “Let’s start a band.”













Eric Tyler vs. Remmy Skye



Result: Remmy Skye, joined by the recovered Matt Hocking and their manager Sara Silver, tears into Eric Tyler just as the bell rings and works him over considerably, eschewing his usual high flying attack for a more personal fists and kicks approach.



SD: “And whoa boy, after talking about Sara Silver the way he did and barging into EXCESS’s business, did Eric Tyler have this coming.”



MS: “Go get him, Remmy!”



Skye seems on the verge of finishing things, climbing to the top rope, when Tyler struggles to his feet and runs into the corner, sending Remmy crashing to the concrete below. But when Tyler himself begins slowly climbing to the top turnbuckle, looking to do something high risk, Matt Hocking jumps up onto the apron and distracts him, causing him to stop and change his plans, deciding instead to just wait out Baby Jamie’s count.



It comes quickly, with Skye favoring his ankle as he tries to get back onto his feet; there is no chance for him to beat the count and he knows it. Tyler celebrates for just a second as the bell rings before Hocking tries to climb into the ring and come at him. But the veteran beats feet and is halfway back up the ramp before Hocking can even get through the ropes.



Phil’s Story Notes: The plot thickens going into the pay-per-view. This is a feud that has drawn a ton more heat than I ever thought possible, especially considering I put them together initially because I wanted to get both Hocking and Skye in the ring with someone as fundamentally solid as Tyler. Glad it’s worked out.



Eric Tyler wins via countout @ 5:21













Tommy Townsend is walking around outside with a camera crew when they spot Liberty standing beside an idling ice cream truck that has pulled up to the curb. Liberty wears his purple sunglasses low as he laughs, rubbing his hands together in anticipation. Tommy can’t help himself and puts the microphone in Liberty’s face.



L: “Oh man, Tommy, I can’t wait.”



Townsend looks at the camera. Could this be a traditional wrestling promo?



L: “Tommy, this chocolate chip ice cream cookie is going to be the bomb diggity, dude.”



A hand emerges from the truck with it. Liberty snatches it and hungrily begins tearing at the cellophane.



TT: “So you don’t have any interest in maybe commenting on why you were in the audience for last week’s main event between Tyson Baine and Haruki Kudo?”



Liberty gets the wrapping off and begins licking it around the edges.



L: “Huh?”



Tommy shakes his head.



TT: “Why did you show up during last week’s main event, in the crowd, and just sit there?”



Liberty throws a huge bite of the cookie down and shrugs before putting his finger up to indicate to the truck cream slinger he’d like another ice cream cookie.



L: “I dunno what you’re talking about, dude.”













Jumbo Jackson vs. Casey Valentine



Result: This is a straight up squash match; Casey is a solid young worker but he cannot even begin to keep up with the motivated and furious Jumbo Jackson who beats him up pretty solidly. But Peter Valentine, who swaggers out to ringside in his cowboy hat and blue pinstriped suit, nails Jumbo in the back of the head with his ever present cane while Ryan Holland is turned away from the action. It causes the match’s finish. Casey, still trying to pull himself together from the beating he received, falls forward onto Jackson and steals the victory.



SD: “That’s just a flat out robbery; Peter Valentine cost him that match!”





But Valentine is not done, hustling up the ring steps and climbing into the fray, pushing up his sleeves and wielding his cane like a ballbat, waiting for Jackson to get to his feet.



ER: “You don’t cross someone as rich as Peter Valentine. People with that much money always get their way.”



And as Valentine pulls it back, getting ready to lay a killshot onto his former employee….





Aaron Andrews comes sprinting down the ramp, grabbing a chair on his way, and dives into the ring, snapping up to his feet instantly and looking to even the odds a bit. But Peter and Casey Valentine have already hit the floor on the other side of the ring, content for now with the damage they’ve already done to Jumbo.



SD: “Andrews is another guy with an axe to grind with Peter Valentine; he’s just making friends backstage left and right.”



ER: “Valentine can BUY all the friends he wants, Doakes. He's loaded!”



Phil’s Story Notes: Jumbo might not be too happy about the outcome, but I’m confident that, in wrestling, everything always evens itself out. This storyline, like the EXCESS/Tyler arc, has gotten more over than I thought it would. Impressed with myself again, I am.



Casey Valentine wins via pinfall @ 5:01












Darryl Devine stands beside Seduction, his back to the camera; the word “Devine” is written in script on the back of his purple vest in silver and gleams in the lights as he raises the microphone.



DD: “Alex DeColt, last week you found out, athlete to athlete, that I was the better man; the better wrestler, didn’t you?”



Townsend stumbles off of the set as Devine continues.



DD: “I found out something today, too.”



He smiles.



DD: “I found out that I have been added to the Golden Briefcase Match at PWC Uncensored; a chance that could bet me a shot at the biggest prize in the business, the PWC World Heavyweight Championship. All because I’m the TV Champion.”



Seduction chatters away on her cell phone, using her hands to emphasize her points.



DD: “Things have been going well for Darryl Devine.”



His grin suddenly vanishes.



DD: “But things haven’t been going as well for Seduction, have they baby?”



She looks up from her conversation for a brief second and shakes her head.



DD: “It seems that lately, my opponents have been trying to pull her into the action; into harms way. And I won’t stand for that.”



He motions off set.



DD: “When it comes to safety of my girl, nothing is too good……”



A massive, thick-necked beast walks up beside Devine. His bald head and sideburns; his sleeveless leather vest; his taped left hand: this is one bad mother. He grits his teeth.



DD: “Ladies and gentlemen, meet Brutus.”





DD: “Brutus O’Reilly.”



DD: “So, whoever it is; whoever among you wants to be the next to step up and try to take my TV Title....or mess with my girl…..



DD: “When you feel that strange tingling on the back of your neck, you’d better turn around. Because it’s Darryl Devine……”



DD: “And Big Bad Brutus…..



DD: “And it’s already too late.”








PWC Uncensored, presented by Slim Jims, is live this Sunday from Long Beach, California and is available exclusively on pay-per-view. Call your local provider for details. It will feature the first ever Golden Briefcase Match, in which six superstars will attempt to climb a ladder with the hope of retrieving a briefcase that contains not only a World Championship Match contract, but a half million dollars in cold hard cash.



And a match to qualify another wrestler for the Golden Briefcase Match....is right now.

















Nicky Champion vs. Rick Law



Result: I don’t know what we expected, but these two warriors put on one of the stiffest, most intense contests we’ve ever had on PWC TV. Nicky Champion is so very focused that his effort even outshines that of Law’s, which is saying something.



After running the table on Law offensively, all while scanning the rafters………



SD: “No doubt about it, you guys, he’s looking for Enygma.”



MS: “Enygma knows he’s got a beating coming, Doakes. He jumped Nicky Champion two weeks ago.”



ER: “You don’t know that for sure, Mickey; no one does. Nicky was just found unconscious. That’s all.”



MS: “Yeah, that’s really likely, Royal. Do you really believe the stuff the front office pays you to parrot?”



…… Nicky ducks Law’s last ditch “LAotL” attempt and buries him with a nasty spinebuster, popping up instantly and bringing the crowd to its collective feet in anticipation.



SD: “And here we go!”



When Law rises, his knees buckling, there is a monumental superkick from Champion waiting for him; the three count afterward is academic. Law doesn’t budge.







…….a black streak drops into the ring; referee Baby Jamie sees who it is and dives to the floor. Champion hasn’t seen his would-be assailant and raises his arms in celebration, veins bulging toward the hard cam.



Out of nowhere, black streak pulls a bat from his harness.



There is a split screen shot; Enygma is shown lurking in the shadows, watching the action from a particularly dark spot above and somewhat behind the jumbotron.



SD: “But wait… if Enygma’s up there.......?”



MS: “Who’s that in the ring?”





SD: “It’s James Justice!!!”



MS: “But we just saw him, he was all hippy dippy? At the ice cream truck, right? Wait? What?”



ER: “I’m getting tired of this.”



Justice blasts Champion in the back, dropping him to his knees. He takes a long few seconds, looking confused before he waffles Nicky again, leaving him flat on his back.



With the damage done, Justice grabs the still dangling cable and re-hitches himself, getting sucked up into the rafters in seconds.



SD: “I don’t believe what we’ve just seen; I mean…..”



MS: “So, I guess Champion is in the Golden Briefcase Match?”



ER: “And right now, I’d set his odds at like a hundred to one; looking up at the lights like that. He’s got bigger problems than the Golden Briefcase Match.”



SD: “I agree for once, Emily. But seriously? What’s up with James Justice? I just don’t get it. He’s here and then he’s all the way over there. What gives?”



Phil’s Story Notes: Nicky qualifies for the Golden Briefcase Match, which will be a big step toward the full evolution of his character. Rick Law has been an amazing acquisition for us, as he never seems to drop below a certain level of overness and has been willing to let a few of our projects go over him, even when some other wrestlers in his position might not have. Also, he has gotten Charlie Thatcher crazy over, which might say it all.



Nicky Champion wins via DQ @ 13:31













The vignette begins right at the conclusion of the Eddie Peak video that was on the website; Peak screams for someone to help him until he is nearly out of breath. The laughing coming from the hallway suddenly subsides and the footsteps from the guards begin coming back to the door of his holding area.



The grate in the door slides open and one of the orderlies begins futzing with the locks that keep him inside.



“Mr. Peak. There’s someone here to see you.”



The door creaks open.



“Two someones, actually.”














As the fans begin to get to their feet, anticipating the main event, a group of GCG dignitaries is introduced to the viewers at home with a simple on-screen graphic as they make their way out to some reserved ringside seats. Hansihiro Furusawa, the owner of Golden Canvas Grappling is joined by his wife, his right hand man Dick the Devastator, and his longtime friend Bruce the Giant and gets a nice welcome from the New York faithful. But as he waves diplomatically and makes his way down the row toward his seat…..





“Prodigy” Jay Chord sits, feet up on the barricade, directly in his spot. Furusawa laughs it off, but Bruce and Dick the Devastator do not, taking it as a massive show of disrespect. As they work their way by their friend and his wife, Chord stands up and begins running his mouth, yelling at the two legends, which only serves to work them into even more of a lather. Security is quickly on top of the situation, getting between the three men and surrounding them, before Chord begins to back pedal, still running his mouth as he begins to awkwardly work his way backward through the crowd. As quickly as it began, it is over.



SD: “And it’s main event time, PWC fans!”



MS: “I can’t wait!”



ER: “That was awkward. I hope they won’t hold it against Phil.”











Tyson Baine vs. Haruki Kudo

-Last Man Standing PWC World Title Rematch-



Result: There isn’t even time for the pageantry that accompanied their last match as Haruki Kudo’s entrance is interrupted when Baine comes flying through the ropes, tackling the legend at the base of the ramp with an awkward-looking-but-effective dive.



Kudo, decked out in his old school face-paint, somehow withstands it and takes the early advantage, getting to his feet and rapping Baine’s chest red with a blizzard of his trademark chops, directing the action back toward the ring announcer and timekeeper’s area.



Baine sees his chain on the table as he backs up; it’s a no-brainer what’s coming next. He grabs it and wraps it around his fist, leaving the excess to dangle as he winds up and drills Kudo with a shot right to the face, stopping him instantly. Kudo is bleeding and Baine makes for him quickly, spinning the chain around his neck and cinching it in, essentially strangling the veteran with it.



The World Champion seems to take an extra amount of pleasure in leading the now nearly out on his feet and bleeding profusely Kudo past the CGC dignitaries in the front row by the neck.



SD: “And look at Kudo now, barely standing; Tyson Baine has got to stop. He is going to get charged with murder!”



ER: “Not a chance, Doakes. He knew what he was signing up or. A Last Man Standing Match isn’t for everyone….”



But all at once, Kudo gets a jolt of energy and tries to free himself from the chain, clawing Baine’s face to give himself the opening. He laces the monster with a throat thrust off of the balls of his feet and sends Baine reeling. Kudo takes the chain from around his neck and hurls it at Baine before rolling into the ring and inviting the PWC Champion to follow.



They have a stiff back and forth before settling back into the flow of the match, with Baine back in the driver’s seat, looking to continue what he started on the floor, capping it all of with a nasty over-the-knee backbreaker that drives all of the air out of Kudo.



Baine lifts him onto his feet and interlocks his fingers in around Kudo’s neck tightly, again looking to choke him out standing up like he did last week. This time however, Kudo escapes by blasting Baine in the face with a thin sheen of green mist, sending the big man staggering backward clawing at his eyes unable to see.



The fans all seem to get to their feet simultaneously as Kudo begins unleashing his fury on Baine, emptying the bag of offense all at once. People pop in small chunks like fireworks for all of his classic spots. The chops come out again, as do the spin kicks. They are joined by an improbable snap suplex and a backflip legdrop that nets Kudo a two count; the legend is in the zone.



SD: “Can you believe this? He’s a superhero.”



Baine seems to struggle to his feet, but when Kudo comes bouncing off of the ropes with a handspring back elbow, Baine catches him, grabbing him by the back of the neck and changing the momentum of the match yet again.



Kudo struggles, but Baine, still wiping mist from his eyes, lifts him high into the air and buries him in the canvas with a face-first “Hades Bomb” (two handed chokeslam) standing by silently as the ref makes the ten count.



Phil Vibert comes running out to ringside, joined by Charlie Thatcher, and helps Baine get his title belt so he can put it in the air as the show moves toward its conclusion. But as they get it up, the three of them the focal point of the shot….





…..a breathless Haruki Kudo grabs the microphone at ringside and ends the show himself, turning everything onto its head.



HK: “Baine……..you…..you……..”



He stops, bending over and wincing while holding his throat. For the first time, with his face-paint running, his age shows.



HK: “You…..you WILL know pain. For the first time…..Mr. Baine, you will feel REAL pain.”



Baine laughs. Kudo does not.



HK: “On Sunday, at Uncensored, my countryman comes to PWC and ends your reign.”



Kudo drops the microphone before falling to one knee. The GCG contingent surrounds him, helping him to his feet as Shawn Doakes gets the last word.



SD: “Kudo’s countryman? I’ve seen the GCG roster; Kudo is as good as any of them….unless he’s got a trick up his sleeve, I don’t know how worried Tyson Baine needs to be.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Instead of a six man tag team match, I stuck with a straight main event for the go home show, and I think it worked out well. Kudo is so good; he is with us for one more night and I’m going to be very upset to see him go. Everything he touches turns to gold for me. I’m going to use that to the company’s advantage before he leaves.



Tyson Baine wins via Stipulation @ 17:04
















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Panic attacks suck.


Especially when you're at a restaurant.


Any restaurant.




Hot Seduction is hot.


Brutus is Chuck Norris???




Phil Vibert is either Vince Russo, WCW, or Vince Russo, TNA.


Baine pinned Kudo (I assume) and got a three count.



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Kudo = The Great Muta?


If so, then AWESOME!!!


Another great show, NN. Glad to see it and that you are out and better. Can't wait for UNCENSORED (sponsored by Slim Jims).


Yeah, Kudo is pretty much a direct copy of Muta, to me anyway. He's not going to be around long, so there's no real reason to add any layers to his character in my mind, as the Muta character was something I've always wanted to use. This month of foreign talent coming for Baine's belt gave me the chance to finally do it.



And thanks for the kind words; the pay-per-view is one of the best shows I've written, I think. I'm excited to see what everyone thinks of it, and PWC after it hits.



And I've been watching some '99 era WCW of late. Slim Jim's sponsored almost everything, didn't they? I couldn't get it out of my head. So out into the diary it came. :)





Panic attacks suck.


Especially when you're at a restaurant.


Any restaurant.




Hot Seduction is hot.


Brutus is Chuck Norris???




Phil Vibert is either Vince Russo, WCW, or Vince Russo, TNA.


Baine pinned Kudo (I assume) and got a three count.





Panic attacks are terrible, at a restaurant or anywhere else. I'm glad I know what they are now, so when they start, I don't drive myself crazy thinking I'm having a heart attack.



Vibert is a lot of people, actually. Russo is in there. Paul Heyman. Raven is a huge influence, too. But mostly he's Vibert.



Brutus O' Reilly isn't Chuck Norris. He's someone I lifted from EV's USPW diary. I've been planning to give Devine a henchman for a while now. He's it.



And I totally spaced on the finish of that LMS match, thanks for catching it. Even re-reading it before I posted it, everything seemed fine in my mind. Good find.



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Great show, and good to hear you are ok.


Curious to see who you have challenging Baine at the PPV. Based on whats been said I have to guess Koshiro Ino. He is Japanese (which Kudo stated), and must be fairly over to be given a main event, so I have to guess Koshiro Ino, which works well as Ino is Kudo's protege.


Or Toshiharu Hyobanshi if they are coming in from GCG.

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Really enjoyed the small Jay Chord segment. While that render is emotastic and not what I picture for Chord, you've made the character fit it in a reasonable way and his actions on this show were fantastically young-egotistical-heel-ish.
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CC: “Messiah, I don’t know what you are, or what you think you are…..”



He takes a long drag off of his smoke and flicks it into the street, clear over the row of parked cars on the curb.



CC: “But come this Sunday at Uncensored, I’m going to bring some New York street violence to Long Beach.”



Caulfield lets the smoke roll out of his nose and the corners of his mouth.



CC: “I’m going to get hard-core with you, son.”



The streetlight above Caulfield overtakes the entire screen. In just a second, the flash is gone.







Alex DeColt, coming to us from his family’s wrestling dojo in Canada, wrings his hands. He is not the smiling man we met last month. This Alex DeColt is serious.



AD: “Rick Law, Charlie Thatcher? I told you I’d be coming back for you didn’t I?”



He snorts angrily.






AD: “You put my brother, Ricky, in the hospital. He hasn’t wrestled since.”



AD: “My brother, Ricky……”



AD: “He wants me to come back and win the tag team titles and bring them back to Canada, with or without him. As long as I keep them…….”





AD: “……..in the family.”




Joining Alex is the brown haired brother, Jack, wearing a matching maroon and white windsuit, identical to Ricky’s. He is even more muscular than Alex and a bit taller, too.



AD: “Who Rules?”



They nod at each other and look back into the camera.



JD: “Yeah, you know it.”






Suddenly, everything switches again, this time from footage to old, crackly black and white film. It starts slowly, with a shot of Bruce the Giant towering above the cameraman looking up at him. Ever so slightly the tempo picks up; fast forwarding through the obscene amount of victories Bruce has scored in his career. It is a veritable who’s who of the HOI; Starr, Strong, etc. In every decade of the modern era, his achievements stand at the top.








Smash cut to Enygma, sitting on a stool in the eaves of the now fan-less and being unloaded arena from last week’s show. He flips his shining acrylic black bat dangerously and begins, addressing the camera directly.



E: “SO!”



He smiles.



E: “So now you’re me, Justice? Doing my thing? Coming down from the rafters?”



E: “How many people does that make you now? I count….three, I guess. Justice, Liberty and now…..you’re Enygma, too?”



He shakes his head and swings the bat, baseball swing style, once toward the camera. It is menacing and makes his point perfectly.








A graphic flashes, stating clearly, “Based on this situation, Enygma been added to the Golden Briefcase Match, along with Peter Valentine, by the front office.”






When everything switches gears again, it is a cruise missile speed trip through the amazing winning streak that T-Rex has compiled. At the end of the dominance, T-Rex stands, grunting out curls with a bar loaded with more weight than the camera can see in its width.



He doesn’t say anything, but grits his teeth and cranks out four or five more you-gotta’-want-it reps on the bar before dropping it and growling, throwing a towel over the camera, shutting its eye.







Haruki Kudo is backstage in New York City, still showing the effects of his second defeat at the hands of PWC World Heavyweight Champion Tyson Baine, this time in a Last Man Standing Match.



HK: “I will be at Uncensored on Sunday, to see my countryman make history; to see him defeat you, Tyson Baine.”



HK: “I am too old. He is a bull. He is in his prime.”



Someone speaks to Kudo from off camera in Japanese. He nods before looking back into the camera.



HK: “So it is true?”



HK: “Jay Chord, why have you disrespected the three men who did nothing to you; three men I consider to be my family? Do you expect me to sit by and do nothing?”



HK: “I will teach you the lessons that your father has failed to.”



HK: “And I will do it with the heavy hand you deserve.”







A limo screeches up to the curb. Phil Vibert comes strutting out of the nearby building and hops into the opened back door of the luxury ride, but the two men behind him, Rick Law and Charlie Thatcher, stop to address Alex DeColt via the camera.



RL: “Alex, whoever you want to bring down from Can-a-da, which is a land of degenerates, is fine with us. I’ve got no beef about sending another one of your brothers back to little leagues a cripple.”



Thatcher laughs and nudges Law in the ribs.



CT: “Which one was it that we already did that to? Which one was it, I forget?”



Law is serious the whole way, never breaking into even the slightest of smirks as Thatcher continues enjoying the bit; enjoying Alex’s pain.



RL: “I think it was Ricky. I couldn't see. It was dark.”



Thatcher laughs so hard, he has to bend over and catch his breath. Through the whoops, he looks up to the camera before climbing into the limo.



CT: “We’ll see you this Sunday at Uncensored, boys.”















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PWC Uncensored

Sunday From Long Beach, California.......




Tyson Baine vs. Kudo’s Countryman


James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine vs. Enygma- Golden Briefcase Match


T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant – Streak vs. Career Match


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Alex DeColt/Jack DeColt - World Tag Team Title Match


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Haruki Kudo


Messiah vs. Chris Caulfield – Hardcore Match


Plus, on the Pre-Show


El Leon vs. Gino Montero – First Ever Meeting


The Ring Generals in action



And don’t forget…..



Big Smack Scott with an announcement; one that was deemed “too far” and “too outrageous” to appear on TV last week by Sports America…….















Copyright PWC 2011

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Tyson Baine vs. Kudo’s Countryman

-I still think this will be Ino, but he isn't big enough to take Baine's title.


James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine vs. Enygma- Golden Briefcase Match

-As much as Champion/Enygma/Devine ar better workers to win this in my book, having a crazy Justice with the briefcase should be entertaining.


T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant – Streak vs. Career Match

-Streak won't end, and I am pretty sure you said Giant will be going before.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Alex DeColt/Jack DeColt - World Tag Team Title Match

-Keep the belts with Viberts men.


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Haruki Kudo

-In my opinion Chord will come off better having lost this match.


Messiah vs. Chris Caulfield – Hardcore Match Draw/No Finish

-I could see Peak coming back for some revenge.


Plus, on the Pre-Show


El Leon vs. Gino Montero – First Ever Meeting



The Ring Generals in action

Team wins against whoever.

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Tyson Baine vs. Kudo’s Countryman


I'll take a stab a this being Ino too, but I'm actually going to tip him to win. He should have enough overness to legitimately go over Baine if it his him, and I think him making an instant him impact in PWC would be pretty cool. Maybe I'm just picking more from my heart, than my head this time.


James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine vs. Enygma- Golden Briefcase Match


1234 has it spot on here.. a crazy James Justice with the title shot in his pocket would make for the most interesting scenario going forward, and his 'tweener' character (at least he is portrayed as such in the diary) means that he could cash it in anytime no matter who is holding the belt.


T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant – Streak vs. Career Match


T-Rex still has plenty of mileage left, and him knocking off a legend in the form of Bruce The Giant will give a boost to him and the streak. Bruce on the other hand is well past his prime and is pulling down a hefty contract you would be wise to dispose of.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Alex DeColt/Jack DeColt - World Tag Team Title Match


Vibert's men still need to look dominant in some form, and keeping the tag belts round the waists of Law/Thatcher will achieve that.


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Haruki Kudo


Chord will get taken to school here, but will show alot of fire in a 'brave' losing effort...even if bravely losing doesn't really fit with his character.


Messiah vs. Chris Caulfield – Hardcore Match


Caulfield wins but only after Peak dishes out some revenge on Messiah, and then Peak will target the victor.


Plus, on the Pre-Show


El Leon vs. Gino Montero – First Ever Meeting


Could go either way, but I'm going to tip the more seasoned El Leon for the win.....if this was Mexico this match would blow the roof of the building off...but unfortunately for these two, they'll probably put on the best match of the show but to the smallest of reactions.

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