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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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I am going to laugh so hard if The Big Smack (either the team I suggested or just him) is up against the Ring Generals.


And more if he wins.




Tyson Baine vs. Marat Kholov

As far as Japanese nationalitied people with at least 60 overness in the US, it's either Eisaku Kunomasu, Haruki Kudo, or Koshiro Ino.


Only one of those (I have data from Sat 4 Jan 2010) is in GCG. So...well, looking at people who can work in Japan with at least 80 overness (where Baine was in this data)...


Dear god.


How the **** did you snag MARAT ****ING KHOLOV?


Well this is obvious.


James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine vs. Enygma- Golden Briefcase Match

It's the only one that makes sense. If he's still employed, he's going to be champion. Vibert is a MORON.


T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant – Streak vs. Career Match

Since Bruce is leaving-wait, he has CC. Dammit. I was going to predict a dominant, decisive win. Oh well. Can he JURASSIC CLUTCH him?


Btw, that move (Colossal Clutch? Jurassic?) has 100% match ending ability in WS2.


I ate it. And cried.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Alex DeColt/Jack DeColt - World Tag Team Title Match

FREEEEEEBIRRRRRDDDSSSSSSSSS...or Ricky comes back and feuds with the DeColts.


Wait a second, they aren't even contracted to you...


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Haruki Kudo

-In my opinion, Chord will eat the Black Mist. BLACK MISTTTTTTTT


Messiah vs. Chris Caulfield – Hardcore Match (tie)

What the hell is wrong with you guys? IT'S A HARDCORE MATCH HOW THE HELL CAN IT END IN A TIE?


Oh, interference? NO RULES. Uh...bloodshed? NO RULES DAMMIT.


I predict, however, Caulfield suplexes Messiah over a kiddie pool with Eddie Peak in it. Oh, they're on a building, and the pool is on the ground.


They all die.


Plus, on the Pre-Show


El Léon vs. Gino Montero – First Ever Meeting

Please, please, PLEASE get Marcos Flores and tag El Léon with them. Name? Kings of Léon. It makes SO MUCH SENSE and I do it every game I can.


One's a lion. One is heralded in the city of Léon. IT'S PERFECT!


Now if I knew why the hell the band "Kings of Leon" named themselves that...

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I said this PPV was looking to be a classic - with this line up it is going to be! I'm watching the Very Best of Nitro at the moment, and there's definitely a feel of WCW going on. Fantastic card, but it will be interesting to see how the game grades it... :)


Tyson Baine vs. Kudo’s Countryman

I'm assuming Kudo's Countryman will be Ino if he's main eventing, but really we all want Munemitsu Senmatsu! Only me!?

James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine vs. Enygma- Golden Briefcase Match

Double J's just that damn cool...

T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant – Streak vs. Career Match

I'm a big fan of Bruce but I'm not sure that this is the way to end Goldberg...I mean T-Rex's streak. That said, unless he's been stolen by the Big Two I'd be surprised if PWC never saw Bruce the Giant again.

Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Alex DeColt/Jack DeColt - World Tag Team Title Match

Rick Law makes up for Charlie Thatcher. Just.

“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Haruki Kudo

Cheap finish. I'm not sure Chord will be over enough to go over Kudo yet, but I also think Chord doesn't need the victory to come out the stronger. Referee stoppage? Excessive violence?

Messiah vs. Chris Caulfield – Hardcore Match

Chaos ending brought about by Peak. I'd pick Caulfield as a winner if I had to choose one, but that's only because the Hardcore American is a legend of the Cverse.

Plus, on the Pre-Show

El Leon vs. Gino Montero – First Ever Meeting

Talk about two superstars! This match could headline Uncensored 2015 given half a chance, but as it is it'll probably flop even as a dark match. Tough one to call really, so I'm going for preference rather than any particular insight.

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Belated welcome back, NN. Sucks you went to the hospital, but it at least made one dynasty easy to catch up on...




Tyson Baine vs. Kudo’s Countryman Baine is pain...


James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine vs. Enygma- Golden Briefcase Match Yup.


T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant – Streak vs. Career Match I seem to remember you saying Bruce's deal ran out early-ish in your data, and you wanted him to put someone over, so...


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Alex DeColt/Jack DeColt - World Tag Team Title Match I like Jack, I like Alex, but Law and Thatcher are too much fun to job out to a couple of guests


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Haruki Kudo Emotastic Jay gets all the beating he deserves


Messiah vs. Chris Caulfield – Hardcore Match Chris, Chris, Chris... Never start with your strong suit in a feud. You're a veteran. You should know this stuff by now...


Plus, on the Pre-Show


El Leon vs. Gino Montero – First Ever Meeting Mexican McFly for the win


The Ring Generals in action Team Bland vs. Team can't be bothered to name them? Meh... (This is going to come back and bite me, isn't it?)


And don’t forget…..


Big Smack Scott with an announcement; one that was deemed “too far” and “too outrageous” to appear on TV last week by Sports America……. Midget wedding? It's a midget wedding, isn't it. Please, please, please... Midgets, wrestling, weddings and bad taste go together like, well, Big Smack Scott, juice, needles and syringes...

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What's that on the front page?


Someone made a dynasty with a name eerily similar to this one?


Wait, it's me?


MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I already PM'd NoNeck, so just told you guys if you want REAL Big Smack Scott (and also midget weddings, I guess) and flagrant juicing, join in.


Er, soon. This will be better than my Ron Greenhorn diary and will not interfere with my LP diary (which no one reads anymore ._.)




By the way, wtfNoNeck where's the show?

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Tyson Baine vs. Kudo’s Countryman

Ino seems like the logical choice here. And as much as I'd like to see Ino win, champion Baine vs. T-Rex and his streak has to happen eventually.


James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine vs. Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine vs. Enygma- Golden Briefcase Match

It was either Justice or Enygma. Seems more fun to have somebody as unpredictable as Justice with the Briefcase.


T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant – Streak vs. Career Match

See above.


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Alex DeColt/Jack DeColt - World Tag Team Title Match


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Haruki Kudo


Messiah vs. Chris Caulfield – Hardcore Match


Plus, on the Pre-Show


El Leon vs. Gino Montero – First Ever Meeting

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My goodness, I don't think I've ever waited with this much excitement for a PPV ever.


Tyson Baine vs. Kudo’s Countryman

Pain!!! I can't think of who it would be, and how they would win otherwise


James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Darryl Devine vs.Nicky Champion vs. Peter Valentine vs. Enygma- Golden Briefcase Match

I almost....almost took Valentine. But Champion is a solid choice


T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant – Streak vs. Career Match

Gotta respect the streak


Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Alex DeColt/Jack DeColt - World Tag Team Title Match

I would enjoy seeing the DeColts in PWC for a little while longer


“Prodigy” Jay Chord vs. Haruki Kudo

Chord's not there yet. Soon, but not yet


Messiah vs. Chris Caulfield – Hardcore Match

Messiah wins, but Peak attacks him post-match


Plus, on the Pre-Show


El Leon vs. Gino Montero – First Ever Meeting

Guessing on the Montero charm


The Ring Generals in action (who cares who they face, it'll be exciting!)



And don’t forget…..



Big Smack Scott with an announcement; one that was deemed “too far” and “too outrageous” to appear on TV last week by Sports America……. something about Tommy and his wife, no doubt.

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Live on PPV

Week 4 January

Long Beach, CA













El Leon vs. Gino Montero



Result: Ridiculous action that really fires up the crowd. And in a region renowned for its love of juniors, these two really light it up. With the front row fans dueling, chanting both men’s names, the pre-show starts off with a bang as both men go through a series of slick chain wrestling spots, deftly moving in and out of the other’s moves.



SD: “And you know, due to their different affiliations south of the border, El Leon and Gino Montero have never been in the same ring, fans. This is a first time ever meeting.”



MS: “There’s no doubt, Doakes, this match up would draw at least one hundred thousand people in Mexico.”



ER: “So would a truck filled with US green cards.”



Montero takes control with a series of spin kicks, topping off the flurry with a wicked roundhouse that gives him a chance to run into the corner and leap up onto the top rope. But Leon nips up and follows Montero in, nailing him with an incredible enzugiri to the back of the head. It sends Gino to the floor, but he is in no position to rest as Leon slingshots himself over the cables with a body press that sends both men crashing over the barricade and into the front row.



ER: “Gino’s in trouble!”



SD: “I wonder how much his non stop international schedule may have taken a toll on him, guys. How many continents has he been on in the last two weeks?”



El Leon looks to be on the verge of putting Montero away when Gino mounts his comeback, rallying and scoring with a trio of hurancanranas and a snap suplex. But when he hits the ropes running, looking to hit the clothesline that sets up his vaunted frog splash, Leon nips up yet again hitting the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. His wicked handspring back elbow connects, nearly knocking out Montero with the ridiculous impact; it leads to the three count. The fans stand as Shawn Doakes takes the match seamlessly into the next segment.



SD: “What a match! What action! I think I’m going to need a few seconds to catch my breath!”



Phil’s Story Notes: There’s a lot more to this story, and I’ll get to it in one of the upcoming Guest Booker segments, but this is essentially the unofficial start of having an actual super junior type division. I wanted to do something special to help maintain our relationships with other foreign companies. This gives me the chance to do just that all while building something of our own at the same time.



El Leon wins via pinfall @ 4:41













Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler, The Ring Generals, storm through the backstage area, headed toward the ring to take on their as yet to be named opponents. In seconds…..





The DWB, Hogg and Harley, come roaring up from behind and clobber the indy stars, kicking and brutally stomping them until they are motionless. Once they stop, a familiar face walks into the frame…..





SD: “The Guru?”



The well dressed Indian manger looks down at Waldorf and Statler and smiles, patting both members of the monstrous DWB on the back, before squatting sown next to his, obviously, former charges.



TG: “Success. It is my only interest.”



The ring Generals both squirm a bit. The Guru nods at the DWB who begin raining boot shot after boot shot onto them again.



TG: “I manage champions. You clearly aren’t the caliber of team that belongs here, in the big leagues. You are losers.”



He laughs as the DWB beat the Generals senseless until a uniformed officer and backstage security comes to pull them off. The Guru yells at them.














<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=DeanWaldorf.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/DeanWaldorf.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=MarvStatler.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/MarvStatler.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=GreaseHogg-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/GreaseHogg-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=LeadBelly-1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/LeadBelly-1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



Waldorf & Statler vs. DWB



Result: The DWB own this one, mauling the already-beaten-from-before Ring Generals, leading them to the ring a noodle legged mess from the start. With The Guru smiling and nodding in approval at ringside, Hogg and Harley out-power the indy darlings, capping everything off with a massive double running boot that leaves Statler laying flat for the super-slow-but-it-doesn’t-matter three count.






ER: “But you all saw that, right? The Guru trading up? Cutting his losses before anyone else even thought of it? Brilliant.”



MS: “These big bikers are the real deal, you guys; they’re street fighters. They’re legit tough.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Had this planned from the start, but I didn’t know who the debuting team was going to be. I’m excited that it’s the Dirty White Boyz, or The DWB as we’ll be referring to them as in PWC. They are a power based unit with experience and will fit right in among our top teams, style wise. Storyline? Are you kidding? This one writes itself. It’s Booking 101.



DWB wins via pinfall @ 4:10








Live Show/PPV Open













Chris Caulfield vs. Messiah

-Hardcore Match-



Result: Credit Chris Caulfield, he is truly one of the toughest men in the sport’s history. But tonight, his age showed and the massive Messiah brutalizes him, really pulling out all the stops and using the hardcore stipulations to his advantage. At one point, Messiah produces a fork and a pizza cutter and goes to work on Caulfield, bloodying him into an unrecognizable mess.



The finish comes just afterward. With Caulfield bleeding like he’s in a horror movie and wobbling around the ring, fists balled up, Messiah rears back and buries his heavily taped thumb into Caulfield’s throat.



SD: “Good lord; an Asian spike. Look at him. He’s in real trouble.”



Caulfield writhes on the mat for a few seconds before Messiah lifts him to his feet once more and drives his thumb into the veteran’s throat yet again, leaving him a heaving bloodstained mess on the mat. The three count is academic.



Phil’s Story Notes: Sending Caulfield down the card a bit, I think, hoping that he can be of value to some of the up and comers sometime soon. I haven’t decided if I’m going to give him a break from TV or just start letting him work into it. But one thing that I wanted to do was give Messiah a decisive win over him before the next part, the final part, of their story unfolds. Speaking of which…..



Messiah wins via pinfall @ 6:55













Messiah stomps around the ring, his lights flashing and alternating red and green; he seems to be looking at Caulfield a bit too long and getting a look in his eye like he might lift Caulfield to his feet again when….





























Nemesis, dressed in a grey suit and maroon shirt points the way toward the ring and in seconds, as he looks on from the base of the ramp, Eddie and Doug have surrounded Messiah, coming in from opposite corners as the face painted hardcore maniac flicks his tongue.



They are both dressed the same, in matching green and black fatigues and combat boots laced to the top; the taped fists and weird shark eyed stare remain intact. It is sudden, their attack. Eddie drills the weird one with a spear and unloads with both hands, stopping Messiah instantly.



At ringside, as he arrives there, Nemesis puts two thumbs up in the air; Eddie and Doug descend on Messiah with Doug hoisting him up on his shoulders as Eddie climbs to the top turnbuckle.



Without hesitation, Eddie leaps out and destroys Messiah, cutting him down off of Doug’s shoulders with a vicious lariat.



The fans erupt, loving every second of it….until Nemesis puts his thumbs up again, and Doug wobbles the lifeless Caulfield onto his feet long enough to pull him up onto his shoulders.



SD: “Another One?”



It hits.



SD: “Oooooh!”



Caulfield is almost broken in two by the flying lariat and lays face down and motionless as both Peaks fly to the ropes and raise a fist.



SD: “I don’t know what to say……”



MS: “I think Nemesis checked Eddie out of whatever ward he was sent to rot in by Vibert……”



ER: “And he obviously mended the rift that existed between he and his equally psychotic brother, Doug…..”



SD: “And Eddie can’t be happy about being ‘forgotten about’ by the front office, can he? How long before he comes calling for the man who left him in that….that place.”



ER: “Oh no. I’m going to call Phil. Excuse me. Are we going to commercial, Doakes?”











We are treated to a quick recap of what happened between Haruki Kudo and “Prodigy” Jay Chord, starting with Chord’s refusal to leave the GCG contingent’s front row seats before Baine/Kudo II and culminating with Kudo’s post show challenge to the brash young punk.












Haruki Kudo vs. “Prodigy” Jay Chord



Result: Unreal. One of the highlights of our foreign talent exchange to date, Kudo and Chord have a fabulous old-school wrestling match. At one point in the early going, the two circle each other and actually engage in a test of strength. The ringside fans stand and applaud it, deservedly so.



Chord shows some chops on the mat, going to work on Kudo’s arm with a variety of holds and caps off the entire run with an explosive belly-to-belly, trapping Kudo’s arms tightly against his body and turning him over with a ton of momentum. It seems like something that Kudo will not be able to escape as every time he begins getting some footing, Chord goes back to it, stopping Kudo’s progress.



The finish comes with Kudo mounting his best rally of the match, wringing out the sore arm before backing up, setting him up, and delivering a vicious clothesline. But when he tries for the cover, Chord out-muscles him and escapes at two and a half.



When the two men stand, however, Chord walks right into a Kudo Cutter and goes down like a ton of bricks.



SD: “He never saw that coming. Good night, Prodigy.”



But when he kicks out again at two and a half, Kudo’s eyes widen. He is as stunned as those in attendance. So he gets Chord to his feet and drops him with a bodyslam before dragging him into the corner, presumably setting him up for a moonsault.



Suddenly, he is rolled up from behind; the opportunistic Chord holds his shoulders to the mat……



SD: “One……..two……thr…..NO!”



Kudo shifts his weight, redistributing everything; all of a sudden, he is pinning Chord. Ryan Holland slaps the mat for a third time and Chord kicks out a hair late.



He is fuming when he gets to his feet. Kudo rolls up onto his knees and looks shocked as well when Holland grabs him by the wrist and raises his hand.



Kudo gets up, huffing and puffing, and takes a step toward Chord, extending his hand.



SD: “And look at this! Kudo wants to shake hands with the Prodigy, even after the blatant disrespect Chord showed his countrymen last week in New York…..”



Doakes doesn’t even get to finish what he’s saying; Chord steps out in a flash, kneeing Kudo in the groin, dropping him to his knees before nailing him with a shining wizard.



MS: “Unbelievable!”



Chord yells at Kudo while he lays on his back, letting the spittle fly from his mouth as he does so. Ryan Holland tries to get in between the two, but Chord can’t resist giving him a stomp before he climbs out of the ring.



SD: “Prodigy is a disgrace and has crossed the line, in my mind. He has no respect for any of the legends or traditions of this business.”



ER: “Duh, Doakes. Have you been paying attention to anything he’s said or done since he arrived in PWC?”



Phil’s Story Notes: I’m impressed. Jay Chord holds up his end of the bargain and Kudo makes him look like a million bucks in the process. And of course, the post match attack was just to keep Chord’s heel heat after a strong, mainly cheat free, showing in then ring.



Kudo wins via pinfall @ 5:22














Tommy Townsend stands backstage with Nicky Champion, who is pacing in the hallway in front of his locker room. Tommy gets in front of Nicky and puts the microphone is his face, but Champion just glowers at him, ever focused on the opportunity at hand, the Golden Briefcase Match and the world title shot that goes to the winner.



When he holds Tommy’s gaze after another half question and looks to be gritting his teeth, the veteran interviewer gets the hint and motions to the cameraman to cut the feed. But before he does……





T-Rex comes stomping by, glowing with sweat and looking ready for a fight. He almost walks into the back to pacing Nicky Champion; the near miss stops both of them dead in their tracks. Champion is no small man, but even he has to look up to be face to face with the massive Rex, and they stare at each other with crazy intensity.



Suddenly, from out of nowhere, Rex reaches out and high fives Champion, slapping his hand hard enough to make a load eco clap down the hallway before he rolls his shoulders, grits his teeth, and continues down the tunnel toward the ring.















T-Rex vs. Bruce the Giant

-Streak vs. Career-



Result: There is a storm brewing in pro wrestling and its name is T-Rex. He no sells everything Bruce throws at him before running through his own four moves of doom, obliterating the HOI first balloter without wasting any time. It isn’t even close. When Rex locks in the “Jurassic Crush”, the size differential between he and the mammoth Bruce is minimal.



SD: “No way The Giant taps out. No way. Do you know who he is?”



But, amazingly, he does; just as he is about to fade away, he gives a pair if slaps on Rex’s bulging bicep.



SD: “I don’t believe it!



T-Rex drops the almost unconscious legend, who falls to one knee, hunched over, heaving.



MS: “And with a win like this under his belt, a legend…..grows.”



But Rex, grabs him by the wrist and helps him back to his feet before raising his hand and pointing at the Giant, putting him over in a big show of respect. Bruce, ever humble, does the same for Rex, getting a big pop from the crowd before the announce team, from their special ringside location, ties everything up with a bow.



MS: “That what it’s all about you guys. That’s what I love about this business.”



SD: “If there is a bigger predator in our industry than T-Rex, I don’t know who it is. 108-0.”



Phil’s Story Notes: And so he goes; this match marks the end of Bruce’s tenure with the company. His contract runs out in two days and we’ll be letting him go wherever he wants. That is a crazy thought to me, considering when I took things over in the former USPW, Bruce was second only to the man himself, Sam Strong. Now, we’re so solid up at the top of the card, we don’t need him. T-Rex is over so big; my next move with him will have to be a carefully calculated thing. I’m leaning one way, but I’m not sure exactly what will end up happening.



T-Rex wins via submission @ 3:55


















The lights snap off for a brief moment. Then, gold sparklers pop up from the turnbuckles and illuminate what looks to be a decorated ring.












As The Smack's music hits, the jumbotron changes from those pulsing three words to his brand new entrance video complete with clips of him beating Tommy Cornell (via countout) in his only PWC “match” to date.





He comes to the ring, but it appears that he is not dressed to wrestle, but dressed for a party in white slacks, a white button-up shirt, and a tie un-tied around his neck.



There's a garland of some sort along the ring ropes and the mat has been redecorated to include a kiddie pool full of foam. And a kiddie pool full of water. And a metal bucket full of water guns. Not the dinky one-handed stuff, but the real deal, pump action, huge-as-hell-tanks-of-water water guns.



BSS takes one of the guns and starts pumping it. He continues pumping it throughout his speech. (How does he hold the microphone?) He walks over to Emily at the announce table. All while pumping the gun.



BSS: “Now I figure we got ourselves a Pay-Per-View, paying customers and all, now's about the right time for a party, right?”



That was rhetorical, obviously. He doesn’t wait for an answer. Emily doesn’t offer one anyway.



BSS: “Now I got one question: what's a party without a little bit of ass?”





Three women strut down the ramp toward the ring, drawing a hearty round of applause from Smack who has now has finished pumping the gun and returns to the ring, sitting on the second rope so as to help the ladies in. He motions for the camera to come beside him.



If historians were to, for some reason, look back at USPW-turned-PWC, they might wonder when the promotion went from "family friendly" to "Vibert friendly". This moment might not be that exact point, but it sure as hell isn't friendly to the family.



Big Smack's entrance and gesticulations took maybe a few minutes, including the pumping. The women walking down, possibly a minute. But entering the ring?



Big Smack shows, for the camera, why he hired these women. Each gets easily a full minute to get into the ring, straddling the middle rope, giving it a little shake for the camera, and a parading all the way around the ring.



Big Smack leaves his own party for a moment as the dancing continues, jumping down out of the ring and walking a bit past the announcers toward a pair of women.





When they appear on the jumbotron, the crowd pops, loving their return; sitting in the front row with their arms crossed are a pair of women more familiar to the audience: former PWC employees Belle Bryden and Raven Robinson. They are not impressed by the proceedings.



BSS: “Ladies, I hope you appreciate my inviting you to this exclusive party. I hope that you can take it for what it is. A chance for bygones to be bygones.”



Big Smack Scott slides into the ring, then flexes at Bryden and Robinson. The women all dance around him for a second before they all cooperate in ripping off his shirt.



SD: “Wait a…..”



MS: “Why is Big Smack Scott wearing a referee shirt?”



*ding ding!*



BSS: “Ladies, the bell has sounded. Let the match begin!”



The match, yes, will be remembered for the difficulty the women had in pinning each other. One might criticize them for choosing their weaponry: the soaker guns do wet the women, but that slipperiness proves to be a hindrance.



The pools? Oh yes, foam flies, water flies, and the tops the women are wearing turn less opaque as the match continues. Scott diligently counts every pin and monitors every submission. Closely.



But somehow the match still ends in controversy.



With the women down, Big Smack Scott lays across them suggestively and counts a pinfall. Incidentally, as he stands, it seems their tops “accidentally” get hooked to his hands. The women cover themselves and roll into the foam, out of sight of the cameras.



SD: “Did I…..did I just see what I think I saw?”



MS: “I don’t know what I saw? And please don’t tell my wife.”



Scott walks over to Bryden and Robinson.



BSS: “Now that, that's women's wrestling. I know you girls have trained your whole lives, but I wanted to show you what Big Smack's womens' division is going to be. How did you like the match?”



Silence. The crowd is stunned.



BSS: “I forgot to tell you, too. That was for the Women's Championship.”



Walking back toward the ring, Scott reaches under the apron and pulls out a never before seen title belt. Belle and Raven stand, waiting for Scott to give the belt to Bryden who was the last recognized USPW Women’s Champion.



Instead, Scott puts it around his waist and buckles it.



BSS: “Had a match for the title. I won the match. Seeing as how those are the rules, looks like The Big Smack is now Big Smack Scott, Champion of Women. Holler if you hear me!”



Scott starts walking back up the ramp, his girls scurrying by him as he turns back to talk, leaving Raven and Bryden stunned.



BSS: “Now ladies-you, Belle, in particular-I'm a fighting champion. You think you got what it is, I'll take you on. Have ourselves a tango match, maybe back at my place on the bedroom arena. Not saying you'll win, but I will say that you will know why they call me the Champion of the Ladies.”











A recap of the story that has unfolded between Law and Thatcher and the DeColt brothers over the World Tag Team Titles, focusing on both the brutal belt choking incident in the tag title tournament finals and the blindside attack on Ricky DeColt outside the arena as he waited for Alex to bring the car around. It has led to our upcoming match, a grudge match between Law and Thatcher and Alex DeColt, who is returning from Canada with his brother Jack.












<a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=RickLaw_alt3-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/RickLaw_alt3-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=charliethatcher.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/charliethatcher.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=JackDecolt-2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/JackDecolt-2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=AlexDecolt-4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/AlexDecolt-4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher vs. Jack DeColt/Alex DeColt

-PWC World Tag Team Title Match-



Result: You can tell that this match means a lot to Alex DeColt; he is an absolute animal from the opening bell. But Law and Thatcher take great pains to keep Jack in the ring as long as possible. He is unfamiliar with both of them and falls victim to their stiff, power based attack quickly. Alex can only watch from the apron as Jack gets decimated.



When Thatcher tags in Law at about the eight minute mark, what transpires leads to the match’s finish. Law whips the noodle legged Jack into the ropes, but when he comes off, he ducks the “LAotL” headed his way, rolling under it and extending his body as far as it will go in the direction of his nearly fresh brother.



But, with only inches to go, Charlie Thatcher comes rumbling across the ring and grabs him by the boot, dragging him back toward Law, who hits the ropes hard himself, looking for another “LAotL”. And this time he doesn’t miss. Thatcher pulls Jack up onto his feet at the exact moment Law comes barreling through, destroying him with his nasty lariat. Alex tries to get into the ring to break up the ensuing cover but Thatcher gets in his way, letting Baby Jamie do his work.



Alex is relentless, forgoing a chance to check on Jack as the bell rings, to dive headlong into the celebrating tag team champions. It proves to be a poor decision; Law and Thatcher beat him down solidly, leaving both brothers down on the mat only feet apart before they leave the ring.



SD: “These guys are animals, Mickey. There’s just no reason for this type of behavior. The match is over already.”



ER: “Maybe this will serve as a warning to any more DeColt family members who want to climb into a PWC ring in the future to try and settle this debt. Stay in Canada where you belong, you idiots.”



Phil’s Story Notes: Another win for the tag team champions. As I said earlier, I’m ecstatic about the tag team division, but one of the things that gives me the hardest time, is quote un-quote wasting Rick Law in a tag team. Sooner or later, I’ll figure out a way to use everyone the right way, but until then, I just need to get/keep people over, and Law in a tag team gives me the best chance to do that.



Law/Thatcher win via pinfall @ 10:31














A pre produced vignette rolls, a briefcase, shining gold, dangles from a chain in a dark area; only one spotlight shines and it is directly on the case.



VO: “One briefcase……”



The camera begins going around the case in a circle, looking up at it the whole time.



VO: “One golden opportunity…..”



VO: “Six men with the chance of a lifetime.”










<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=DarrylDevine_jhdNN2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/DarrylDevine_jhdNN2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=LibertyALT.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/LibertyALT.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=AaronAndrews1-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/AaronAndrews1-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



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Darryl Devine vs. James Justice vs. Aaron Andrews vs. Enygma vs. Peter Valentine vs. Nicky Champion

-PWC Golden Briefcase Ladder Match-



Result: If you’re having trouble finding your jaw, relax. It’s on the floor with the rest of the wrestling universe’s. This match is just off the charts and absolutely chock filled with highspots.



Some highlights:



…..Peter Valentine is the first to bring a ladder into the ring, but within seconds his longtime rival Aarons Andrews pulls one up over the ropes and the two joust with them. Enygma and James Justice each slide into the mix with a ladder each and the two ladders joust turns into a four ladder joust…..



….Aaron Andrews, seemingly unnoticed on the apron as he climbs, hits Darryl Devine and Peter Valentine with a moonsault from the top turnbuckle while holding a ladder across his chest, crushing both of them…...



…….all six men are on one side of three ladders or another, battling their way up toward the Golden Briefcase in a precarious and dangerous back and forth…



…. Enygma dangerously leaps onto a ladder (still teetering from Valentine’s shoulderbreaker off of it that stops Andrews cold) springboarding in from the apron onto the twenty-five footer in the middle of the ring and begins climbing but Champion appears from nowhere and climbs the other side. James Justice hits the ring and gets underneath Enygma, targeting him yet again and attempting to powerbomb him off. As Enygma struggles, holding on to a higher step on the ladder, Nicky blows out a breath and leaps over, reaching out on his way by and turning the whole mess into a three man sunset flip superplex power bomb off of the top of the ladder….



…..as Peter Valentine climbs the biggest of the ladders, Enygma and Justice slide back into the ring and grab hold of the ladder from both sides, rocking it until it tips and Valentine is sent flying disgustingly through the ladder structure on the floor, taking him out of the match for good….



…..Devine, having picked his spots all match, hiding out on the floor, away from the action when it suits him, slithers back into the fray and stops an oh-so-close-to-the-briefcase moment from Aaron Andrews by dropping a ladder onto one of Andrews’ ladder’s rungs, creating a ramp, and running up, grabbing him and dropping him ten feet down with a modified and still deadly “DDD” (stunner) ….




The storylines going into the finish are:



- Enygma’s divided attention: Enygma came into the match with his eyes squarely on James Justice, but has also tangled on more than one occasion with the supercharged Nicky Champion, with whom he still has unresolved issues.



-Valentine eliminated early; Andrews comes of Age: Peter Valentine took the first big bump of the match, and having his main rival out of the way has cleared the way for Andrews to shine in his attempt to beat the odds and grab the briefcase.



-Nicky Champion battling the odds; injury: Champion is up against it. Not only is he trying to exact some revenge from both James Justice and Enygma for their various sins against him, but he is forced to take on Aaron Andrews head on numerous times just as he is set to get rolling. Additionally, he begins favoring his foot/leg after missing a superkick that Andrews dodges, forcing Nicky to drill the steel ladder that is standing in the corner behind him.



-Devine’s Old School Heel Approach: He only seems to be in the ring when it benefits him and Devine’s attacks when he does get into the mix have had the aim of a sniper. Of the folks still fighting, he would seem to have the most left in the tank. He also has Brutus and Seduction lurking around as well.



The Finish:



Everyone seems to be wiling to take the extra risk. And with everybody (except Valentine) still in contention, someone’s opportunity dawns. Darryl Devine comes sliding into the ring again as Nicky Champion is trying to find a working ladder after causing both Enygma and Justice to go through a pair that were braced up against the turnbuckles.



He tires to pull one up over the top rope from the floor, but struggles with Brutus over ownership of it for a few precious seconds. Devine is there the second he turns around with it and catches him with a “DDD”, using the momentary quiet to set up the very same ladder directly underneath the briefcase.



SD: “The PWC TV Champion has a big chance right here!”



Aaron Andrews, missing on and off since eating a “DDD” of his own, crawls back into the ring just as Devine starts up the ladder. He is woozy still, but notices that Enygma and James Justice have rolled to the floor and are still shaken from their injuries and Nicky Champion is facedown and not moving in the corner. There is no one left to stop Devine but him; there is no one separating him from the briefcase but Devine.



He climbs up behind Devine and begins bashing him with forearm shots, stopping his ascent instantly. The two begin struggling.



While this is happening, Enygma and Justice have gotten to their feet on the floor and before either one even tries to get back in the ring, both have procured shiny black bats from somewhere and raise them at the exact same time. It is a duel; each man lands a glancing blow or two, but neither goes down. Instead, their home run derby begins making it way over toward the mouth of the aisle.



Back in the ring, Andrews and Devine have moved their battle to the top of the ladder, but the struggle over control of the situation, as well as the wobbling ladder, continues. At one point, Andrews looks like he is about to piledrive Devine off of the second highest rung, but Devine counters out, backflipping Andrews over before falling off himself.



Nicky Champion shakes his head and begins pulling himself up in the corner, using the turnbuckles to help keep his balance. He is barely to his feet when Devine whips the groggy Andrews into him in the corner, causing a car-crash style collision that leaves Andrews in a heap and Champion slumped against the buckles.



Devine looks back at the wobbling ladder and takes a step toward it, but out of the corner of his eye he sees Champion trying to right himself in the corner again, and decides to go in for the kill.



With James Justice and Enygma now battling on the stage, Devine takes a low profile, trying to sneak up on the battered Champion from the side. But, with one hand on the top rope to give him some extra leverage, Nicky holds on when the “DDD” comes, shoving Devine back into the ropes and absolutely crushing him with a superkick when he comes off.









Champion begins climbing the ladder, stopping about halfway up to assess everything. Enygma and Justice are out of sight, their battle presumably continuing in the backstage area somewhere. Andrews is still down and few feet to his right, Darryl Devine lays on his face, motionless.






And he does, getting all the way to the top and unhooking the Golden Briefcase, sitting atop the steel beast and raising the briefcase above his head in celebration.



SD: “And that means that Nicky Champion is not only a half million dollars richer as of this very moment……”



MS: “But it also means he has a guaranteed shot at the World Heavyweight Champion…….whoever it might be after tonight.”



ER: “Oh, it’ll be Tyson Baine. No one Haruki Kudo knows can beat him, I can guarantee that.”



Phil’s Story Notes: All I can say is….yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. I’m pretty sure this match will make every single storyline coming out of it stronger. On top of that, it solidifies Nicky Champion as the number one babyface in the company, and gives me an opportunity to pursue the Enygma vs. Justice/Liberty storyline a bit further than I had planned, and it allows me to fork Aaron Andrews’ program with Peter Valentine into something involving Darryl Devine if I choose to go that route.



Nicky Champion wins via Stipulation @ 20:49














Tyson Baine is introduced and comes down to the ring amid the usual amount of catcalls and boos, ready for the main event. He is nearly breathing fire as he climbs through the ropes and stomps around, raising the World Title belt like a prized carcass as he turns toward the jumbotron when it crackles to life.





Haruki Kudo is standing outside a closed locker room door, alongside Phil Vibert and Tommy Townsend. Vibert opens it a crack and peeks in. His eyes widen as it is quickly shut in his face. Kudo leans over so that Townsend’s microphone is in front of him.



HK: “Tyson Baine, tonight is the night. The night that you finally feel pain.”



He gives a knock on the door.



HK: “Without further delay…….”



The door swings open.

















Surrounded by a large cluster of security, the massive Ino pushes out into the hallway, and heads toward the ring, his head down, covered in a towel. Phil Vibert stands stunned, feverishly punching a number into his cell phone as he is left behind by the Japanese superstar’s entourage.













Tyson Baine vs. Koshiro Ino

-PWC World Heavyweight Title Match-



Result: The building is still rocking when Ino appears on the stage, leaving the police and security escort behind the curtain. And when he drags his thumb across his throat and spits out a mouthful of water, the place goes nuts.



Baine storms around the ring, still holding his chain in one hand and the title belt in the other. Ino locks eyes with him from about halfway down the ramp and begins running toward the ring, diving underneath the ropes and launching into Baine; a collision of bulls unfolds as the ringside fans let a multi colored kaleidoscope of streamers rain down around them.



It unfolds exactly like you’d expect, both men are massive alpha male types looking to dominate the other with super stiff power offense. Ino looks to be getting a bit of an edge after surprising the awkward on the top rope Baine with a huge superplex that shakes the ring, but Baine decides being on his back for more than a second doesn’t suit him and drives a punch into Ino’s throat.



SD: “That’s a cheap shot!”



ER: “That’s the World Heavyweight Champion, Doakes; he’ll do whatever it takes to keep that belt.”



With Ino reeling and holding his throat, drawing the attention of Baby Jamie, Baine reaches out and grabs his chain, which was sitting on the special green and black ring apron in a small ball under the turnbuckles. He wraps a portion around his fist and then begins fiddling with the chain, breaking a link and separating it into two pieces.



ER: “Do you know what kind of power it takes for a man to break a chain like that?”



MS: “Yeah, but what’s he going to do with it?”



Jamie sees the chain and starts yelling at Baine, who keeps the section wrapped around his wrist hidden while skidding the other, longer, piece across the canvas toward the other side of the ring. The referee hustles after it, giving Baine the window of opportunity he needs. And when Ino comes in looking to get back on his, Baine lets fly, decking the thick Japanese heavyweight with a loaded punch, right in the face.



Ino grabs at his face and steps back, but instead of falling down like a ton of bricks, he begins pumping his fists, letting the blood trickle down his nose. He is very obviously enraged as he tears into the shocked Baine again, tackling the demon and going through the ropes to the floor with him.



They both hit the concrete hard, but get to their feet quickly and continue their war. Ino pushes Baine backward into the steel barricade before setting him up and chopping his chest red. As Baine recoils, Ino grabs hold and whips him into the ring steps that explode and come apart on impact.



SD: “Has anyone done this to Baine before?”



MS: “I think this is a first. Ino is just a big a beast as he is; he can stand up to him.”



Baine craftily grabs Ino by his simple, traditional black wrestling trunks, and pulls him headfirst into one of the pieces of the broken steps when Ino comes grabbing for him, leaving them both down on the arena floor. The ringside fans seem to be the only ones who notice Baby Jamie standing on the bottom rope counting the two men out. They point and yell, but when Ino and Baine get back to their feet, only seconds away from being counted out, they go for each other rather than try to get back into the ring.



It is vicious. The bell begins ringing as they make their way toward the announce position; this match is a double count out. But neither man seems to mind as the trade huge haymakers, Ino’s landing more solidly than the backward moving Baine.



But Baine is resourceful and grabs a standing folding chair from near Emily Royal and throws it at Ino, hitting him square in the face, reopening the cut on Ino’s forehead, and giving Baine another opportunity. He belts Ino with an elbow and hoists him up, slamming him downward onto the announce table. Mickey Starr and Emily Royal ditch their headsets and dive over the barricade into the front row. Shawn Doakes bails out of his rolling chair but stays on the set as Baine begins removing the monitors that they use to watch the action, dropping them with a thud on the concrete.



SD: “I don’t know what’s about to happen, but whatever it is, it doesn’t bode well for Koshiro Ino.”



Baine bashes him once or twice with the last monitor before sliding himself under the bottom rope and climbing gingerly onto the top turnbuckle.



SD: “I don’t believe this….”



Baine stands, his nearly seven foot frame erect for just a second before he takes flight.



SD: “Baine!”



The impact of his landing with a messy flying elbow absolutely destroys the announce table, blowing it into a dozen pieces under their combined weight. Neither man moves; both appear to be out among the rubble. PWC security combines with Ino’s private security team and some local paramedics to fill the ringside area.



MS: “I don’t believe what we’ve just seen!”



SD: “And we’re out of time, fans. Don’t miss PWC TV this week!”



ER: “No one will miss this week’s TV show, are you kidding me? How could they?”



Phil’s Story Notes: Another big signing; I hope it gives us the ratings boost I’m hoping for. Ino was being pushed right up until his last day in TCW (for whatever reason) so I’m hoping this match grades out better than the Golden Briefcase match, as I considered flip flopping their positions several times. I love the finish, too, even for a pay-per-view. Part of me almost had this be a title change, but when it happens, I want it to be the biggest deal, and on this show, the Golden Briefcase match might’ve outshined it.



Double countout @ 20:34










Copyright PWC 2011

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Super Junior Division?


Nemesis, Eddie Peak & Doug Peak together again?

T-Rex continues to squash?

Big Smack Scott is now ripping off Andy Kaufman?

Rick Law is still a champion?

Nicky Champion is Mr. Golden Briefcase?

Koshihiro Ino is in PWC?










I demand you make a copy of the game from this point for others to look at. This level of in-game epicness must not be hoarded!

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Chord receives a Cutter? Oh you devil NoNeck...


ffffffcan't...read...the BSS segment...

Okay, that's...Candy Floss, Joanne Rodriguez (back again?) and...dude, if the first one is Alicia Strong, I will stab myself with a pencil. Or pen; there's a pen nearby.

Ah, Kaufman wrestled women. I get that comment now. But Scott is LEGITZ.


Champion winning the shot makes me happy. I'm not an Ino mark, tbh, but that match seemed good.

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I demand you make a copy of the game from this point for others to look at. This level of in-game epicness must not be hoarded!



It's funny you should mention that. At some point, toward the end of the diary I think, I'm going to release several stages of the save game and a database based on the game universe at that point. I'm hoping it'll be a raging three promotion Tuesday Night Wars type scenario by then, so I imagine it would be fun to be any of the big three at that point, not just PWC.



There are a few things to get to before the next show, so expect some of those very soon. Probably at least one before the day is out.



Also, I just realized I haven't been putting up the show ratings/grades for the TV shows this month, so I'll get to that in some sort of condensed form before the next TV show, too. There's an announcement that will come via a Guest Booker segment that makes the grades and such important facts.



If you haven't checked it out yet, PWC UNCENSORED is posted on the last page. I think it is PWC's best PPV yet.

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I would agree it's PWC's best PPV yet, great work! Loved the Peaks and Nemesis!


It's funny you should mention that. At some point, toward the end of the diary I think, I'm going to release several stages of the save game and a database based on the game universe at that point. I'm hoping it'll be a raging three promotion Tuesday Night Wars type scenario by then, so I imagine it would be fun to be any of the big three at that point, not just PWC.


Also, ^ that sounds brilliant :D

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(OOC: Since all of the talk above was about BBS, or BSS, or BBW, I thought this might be an appropriate way to start the in between shows stuff.)

















ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Holiday Greetings (Two Months Late) From Big Smack Scott









Big Smack Scott is sitting in front of a fireplace, hanging up a ridiculously long stocking with the name “Smacker” embroidered on the white fur at the top. The new members of Scott’s Women’s Division parade around the room in tiny red and white Santa outfits; Scott lifts a glass of egg-nog to his lips and takes a sip while ogling the eye candy before him.



BSS: “I'm not no prophet. I know some of them marks talk about Jesus, saying his good word and whatever. Now I got no problem with people in sandals. You want to walk in sand, get your toes wet, fine by me. But see, I don't get the deal. I can't understand the angle. Sure, talking about death and rising and all that stuff. But the guy, he didn't get no action. Now if we're talking about the Big Smack and trusting a man, the Big Smack ain't going to go with the guy who hasn't busted a few asses in his day. So that's all I got on that. Merry Christmas.”



Big Smack Scott pushes open a window. With snow blowing in, Scott tugs up his pant-legs and climbs out.












Copyright PWC 2011

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