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Guest Booker: The Phoenix Also Rises: Phil Vibert and PWC

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“So you have some news?”



“I do.”












“We’ve hit national, my friend.”



“Wow. Congratulations.”



“Thank you. I’m impressed with myself, actually. This game is tough. I can admit that…..you know, now that I’ve mastered it.”



“You’ve mastered it, have you?”



“I have. I think that’s the only logical explanation.”



“Ok then. (Sighs) So where do we stand with everything?”



“Well, with the jump in size comes the need to replenish our roster and to add some talent, probably both this month and next month. I have some definite targets, some contracts already offered, and some people already in the fold that are waiting to debut.”



“Who are we talking about?”



“I think I’m going to stick with letting you find out with everyone else for the time being. We’ve talked about this before. But rest assured, a couple of the guys that I’ve already gotten under contract are names you’ll recognize.”



“Like Ino? That has to be one of your biggest gets so far.”



“What about Eddie Peak? That was a big one.”



“You know how I feel about that. You used the editor to get him.”







“So you didn’t?”



“I did. With Eddie. I told you that. But not with Ino.”



“Really, Phil?”



“No, fanboy, I didn’t use the editor this time and I resent that you even brought it up.”



“My apologies, then.”



“Not accepted.”






“And that’s why I have to keep you in the dark about a lot of things. Because you don’t really trust me. Me or my philosophies, and yet PWC is truly rising like the Phoenix I predicted it would be.”



“Even sooner that you thought, actually.”



“I know. I figured we wouldn’t end up being this close to going head up with the big boys so soon. We’re at least…..a year....ahead of schedule.”



“So how do you feel about the way the foreign talent exchange went down as a whole; or I guess what I’m trying to say is do you think it helped the PWC’s growth? Do you think it’s a coincidence that this was the month you went over the top to national?”



“I do. I think it was just a matter of time anyway. Now, I will admit that my main goal in doing the whole thing was setting up the arrival of Koshiro Ino, something that was already a done deal the week before the last PPV. I had already brought in the DeColts so that was more of a continuation of a storyline that the start of one. But getting Kudo to come in and pull the whole thing together was amazing luck, but it made the story much juicier, with Ino being his protégé and all. It was smart to hold off.”



“That was a nice move.”



“Plus, it gave me a chance to cool off the main event rotation a little bit, instead of just filing in another challenger to take on Baine, I had the opportunity to let the other upper carders pull themselves a bit closer to the top. It sets us up a lot better going forward than the alternative.”






“Instead of forcing Justice or Enygma back into the main event, I added a layer of story between them that, in addition to getting them over even more, makes it almost too easy to put them into a triple threat with Baine at some point soon. Of course, the bitterness between them more or less makes the outcome of said match easy to predict, but then again, so is ninety nine percent of every pro wrestling storyline ever.”






“And that doesn’t even include Nicky Champion.”



“I know. I’m getting the feeling you like Nicky.”



“I do. Quite a bit, actually.”



Any particular reason why?”



“Two reasons. First off is his development, both in the ring and out, which is off the charts. You can see why Sam picked him to be his heir. The kid is the total package. But the other reason, which is the bigger deal in my mind, is that he is the promotions one true white knight babyface.”






“I like the shades of grey that I’ve given to the various characters that make up the PWC roster. Champion is really the one old school doing it for the right reasons good guy that we have, and that’s something that’s been done on purpose. On the other side, how many real, dastardly heels do we have?”






“Did you know that when you count in your head, you move your lips?”



“I do?”



“You do, mouthbreather.”






“We have about five or six; heels are much easier to cultivate. The shining star of the people, however is a rare thing. Leaving everyone else in the middle somewhere is where I think I do my best work, booking wise. I get to cycle people around the card until I find the right match ups. It’s essentially how I did everything I did with DaVE.”








“And no matter what Chris Caulfield or John Campbell might tell you I their own shoot interviews……..”






“Because they think they thought of everything, especially Campbell.”









“We, or rather, our company, has just announced a shoot interview with Nemesis on our website; he’s doing a Guest Booker deal like this one. Funny you brought it up.”



“Oh really, he is? With what company? What’s the scenario you nerds have dealt him?”









“I’ll let you check our website the next time you pick up our dinner tab.”



“How about a breakfast tab? It’s early. Are you and the camera guys hungry?”





















Copyright PWC 2011

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Anyone else realize that NoNeck's now in a National Battle with TCW and SWF?


And that he probably has the worst shows of the group? Granted, not entirely (cough) your fault there; you don't have a lot of good workers. Who's above...80 psychology? Rick Law, maybe the DeColts, Liberty (maybe?), Baine (if you're lucky), and...Enygma? Nicky Champion?




Eh, that's enough to pull a big number at a PPV, which is all you need. *shrug* Spam them angles.

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Now that you're national I hope this means longer match times. To be honest I was dissapointed with how short the opening matches were on the PPV, and I felt it was pretty unreleastic that things like the crowds chanting anything could happen within say, 4 minutes. With that short a match the wrestlers would have to race through the match, giving the crowd little time to add their own input.
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Now that you're national I hope this means longer match times. To be honest I was dissapointed with how short the opening matches were on the PPV, and I felt it was pretty unreleastic that things like the crowds chanting anything could happen within say, 4 minutes. With that short a match the wrestlers would have to race through the match, giving the crowd little time to add their own input.



In a lot of cases Celt, I'm still handcuffed by people's overness (in the lower portion of the card) and stamina (at the mid and even at the upper portion to an extent).


I'd love to give Leon and Montero twenty minutes on the main show, but having them be almost unknown kind of dictates how they are used. It's the same thing with having people like Rex/Bruce/Thatcher/Valentine in the mix. They can't be expected to go for too long without getting a ratings dent for being gassed. I'm doing the best I can with who I have and what they can do.


And as far as the way their matches are written, I guess I apologize for not being realistic enough. I let the imagery fly and don't think about the match times and how they might relate to the atmosphere of a fictional wrestling company that only exists in print here and in my head.


So again, my bad. Sorry.



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Love the Vibert segments. The use of "mouthbreather" felt a little Heenan-ish.


Thanks BP. Glad to see you're still keeping up. I didn't notice how Heenan-ish it was until you mentioned it. Reading it back now, it's all I can hear. Although Bobby Heenan has got to be at least part of the basic fabric for this version of Phil Vibert, no matter how Paul E I think he is. The Brain was part of my wrestling upbringing :) And he was and continues to be one of the gold standard bearers for talkers in wrestling. Period. I think Phil is in his weight class.


Just read through this. Amazing reading NoNeck. The Big Smack Scott stuff is amazing and the storylines are some of the best. I absolutely love this. Keep p the good work, you have another reader.



Awesome to hear Briskout. I'm glad that people are still jumping onboard. And good luck with your new diary. I'm planning to give it a read sometime this weekend.



Oh, and I so hope you're actually making that Nemesis Guest Booker.






Coming: 1/12

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Huh. I was expecting HGC 1997 or SWF if Nemesis hadn't gotten kicked or something...


I went through a bunch of potential scenarios (a BUNCH) before settling on the one that I wanted to do next. Oddly enough, HGC and DaVE on its deathbed were two of the other "finalists". But this one is going to be a lot of fun; I'll be showing the reverse side of the brand new DVD immediately following the next PWC PPV and it will lay out the basic concept of Campbell's Guest Booker.




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Nemesis booking the worst company in the world. Also in Canada.


Color me not happy. Besides, no BSS, no Everest, no Peter Valentine, no...who's the Canadian A-Hole? Which, btw, should be someone's name.




Oh, and predictable Sky King push is predictable.

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Nemesis booking the worst company in the world. Also in Canada.


Color me not happy. Besides, no BSS, no Everest, no Peter Valentine, no...who's the Canadian A-Hole? Which, btw, should be someone's name.




Oh, and predictable Sky King push is predictable.



Not so much, Eidenhoek. :)


The company may be called ACPW, but it won't have anything to do with the high flying outfit currently in the database.


I'll post the whole scenario after the next PPV. It's going to be great.


But there's still plenty of PWC to get to. That stuff is for later on. Next year, in fact.


Some business to get to over the next couple of days. Grades, another Guest Booker, and a show preview. Things are really cooking now; we're at national. It's where the fun will really begin.




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  • 2 weeks later...










Live This Wednesday on Sports America




Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews - TV Title Match



Nicky Champion/Eddie Peak/Doug Peak vs. James Justice/Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher



Glenn & Spade vs. EXCESS vs. ???



Prodigy Jay Chord vs. Dez Davidz



And don’t forget…..



Peter Valentine defends the Million Dollar Title


All of this, plus all of the fallout from PWC Uncensored, including Koshiro Ino's Count-Out win over World Champion Tyson Baine, and a scheduled appearance by NEMESIS....











Copyright PWC 2011

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Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews - TV Title Match

Nicky Champion/Eddie Peak/Doug Peak vs. James Justice/Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher

Glenn & Spade vs. EXCESS vs. ???

Prodigy Jay Chord vs. Dez Davidz

Peter Valentine defends the Million Dollar Title


Also, prediction of who the team is: Ford Gumble & Harry Allen or the DeColts.

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Long time follower, but this is my first time predicting...so here it goes.


Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews - TV Title Match


Nicky Champion/Eddie Peak/Doug Peak vs. James Justice/Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher - I'm expecting Leper Messiah to become involved somehow, causing Eddie to freak out and cost his team the match.


Glenn & Spade vs. EXCESS vs. ??? - Thinking MLE is the mystery team, and you gotta give it up for the Canadian team.


Prodigy Jay Chord vs. Dez Davidz - I'm leaning more towards Jay in this because the only way I seem him loosing is by walking out, and I just don't see that happening with his character (yet). BTW, loving "The Prodigy" so far.


Peter Valentine vs ??? - It's his title, how's he gonna loose? Though I do think that a certain silver headed cane will play a staring role in this match's ending.

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Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews - TV Title Match

I don`t see why not. The cast is loaded after all.


Nicky Champion/Eddie Peak/Doug Peak vs. James Justice/Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher

I`m surprised a tiny bit to see Justice over there, as I assumed he was a tweener by definition. But Champion is the big star and his team shall win it.



Glenn & Spade vs. EXCESS vs. ???

I`m excited to see who they are and I`m sure they`ll win it.


Prodigy Jay Chord vs. Dez Davidz

He`s a prick, a jerk, and an a**hole. But a winner as well.



And don’t forget…..



Peter Valentine defends the Million Dollar Title (and wins by cheating...duh)



All of this, plus all of the fallout from PWC Uncensored, including Koshiro Ino's Count-Out win over World Champion Tyson Baine, and a scheduled appearance by NEMESIS....


I`m totally excited for the return of Nemesis!

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Live on Sports America

Week 1 February

Miami, FL








A cameraman begins shooting outside the building as the pre-show kicks off spotting an idling pink Cadillac left half up on the curb in the talent’s parking area.











El Leon vs. Roger Cage



Result: Roger Cage and El Leon open the pre-show with a match that seems to be on fast forward from bell to bell. Both men dazzle with their innovative high risk offense before El Leon rallies and hits his wicked handspring back elbow, blowing the arrogant Cage off of his feet. The three count is academic.



Phil’s Story Notes: Another “hey, look at us” match with two super juniors, one who is under contract with us and the other appearing via trade. El Leon gets the win, his second in as many matches, and looks pretty good in doing so. The crowd seems to be getting behind him already, even more than just the smart fans who know him from his work in Mexico.



El Leon wins via pinfall @ 4:09














PWC TV Champion Darryl Devine rolls up in a sleek red corvette convertible, screeching the sweet ride to a sudden stop in a handicap parking spot outside the arena. His new bodyguard, Brutus, hops out of the back and trots around, holding open Seduction’s door for her before coming all the way back around and opening Devine’s door for him as well. Shawn Doakes’ voice narrates their walk toward the building, the monstrous O’Reilly towering over Devine and Seduction as they lead the way in.



SD: “Darryl Devine is here tonight fans; he’ll be defending the TV title against Aaron Andrews in our main event.”



MS: “Devine and Andrews butted heads numerous times in the Golden Briefcase match this past Sunday at Uncensored, I’m sure that there will be no shortage of high impact wrestling in that one.”












A highlight package rolls featuring the best moments from PWC Uncensored and is topped off by the unveiling of Koshiro Ino as Tyson Baine’s mystery opponent by Haruki Kudo and footage of their brutal World Title Match.







Start of Live Broadcast/Show Open











The logo is barely off the screen when cameras shoot backstage. Koshiro Ino is raging through the backstage area, swinging open locker room doors and looking into each one, obviously searching for someone.






He slams open Big Smack Scott’s office door, peering in for a second as Scott watches two of his buxom and scandalously clad women’s division competitors stretch out while sitting in a folding chair as he “massages” the Women’s Championship.



Suddenly, from down the hall…..






They launch into each other, Ino landing on top with his tackle, and the two begin rolling around on the carpet, trading punches. In seconds, they are enveloped by PWC backstage staff and security that pull them apart.



It is no small task and it takes a few minutes to get order fully restored.










<a href="

http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=KCGlenn_jhdNN2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/KCGlenn_jhdNN2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=SpencerSpade_jhdNN2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/SpencerSpade_jhdNN2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=RemmySkye_Self2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/RemmySkye_Self2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=MattHocking_alt2.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/MattHocking_alt2.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=FordGumble_jhdNN.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/FordGumble_jhdNN.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=HarryAllen_jhdNN3.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/HarryAllen_jhdNN3.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



Glenn & Spade vs. EXCESS vs. Flying Elvises

-Triple Ladder Match-



Result: Wow. With the shadow of the Golden Briefcase Match barely days old, these three tag teams burn the house down and go to the absolute limit trying to outdo the pay-per-view match in terms of ladder shenanigans. There is a big pop when Ford Memphis’ familiar rockabilly music hits and he comes out alongside Harry Allen, his first in ring appearance in PWC in almost a month. But it is Glenn and Spade that steal the show with their somewhat surprising adeptness in the ladder match.



Some highlights:



…… Ford Memphis pulls the ladder into the ring very quickly and sets it up in the corner for his partner, Harry Allen, who uses it to vault himself high into the air and into the oncoming rush of KC Glenn and Spencer Spade.



…..Seconds later, Remmy Skye gets a sprinting start in the ring and launches himself over the top rope with a springboard seated senton. Memphis and Allen, double teaming Spencer Spade on the floor look up at the last second and get cleaned out, leaving the men down in the aisle.



SD: “It looks like a crime scene; there are bodies everywhere!”



… Glenn is on fire leading into the finish, holding the ladder against himself and running into Matt Hocking in the corner, ramming him hard with the steel. It buys him more than enough time to climb to the top rope above him and lock him into a tarantula-like hold, using the ladder as a part of the lock.



As the Elvises both slide back into the ring and begin to double team Glenn, Remmy Skye attempts another huge dive, a springboarding corkscrew press, that he misses completely, giving Spencer Spade and unobstructed run at both Memphis and Allen, who are back to.



Spade braces a ladder across the ropes in the corner before grabbing Harry Allen and whipping him hard into it, leaving him grabbing at his back and rolling to the floor.



Glenn, having held the ladder tarantula on Hocking through the Elvises attack, drops the nearly unconscious partyboy to the floor; Sara Silver runs to be by his side as he lays facedown on the concrete.



When the cameras cut back to the ring, Glenn and Spade begin setting up for their vaunted finisher before slowing and talking something over. Spade quickly stands a ladder up in the middle of the ring before handing the wobbling Memphis up to Glenn who has made his way up and is standing on the flat, braced ladder in the corner.



Glenn turns and snaps his hips, tossing Memphis over his shoulder with an amazing belly to belly that sends the crooner facefirst into the open ladder in the middle of the ring.



All of a sudden……





“We’re the DWB!”



“And we’re the toughest sonsabitches in this business!”



And they would seem to be, coming down to the ring and destroying everything in their path including Baby Jamie, just as he throws out the match. Glenn and Spade put up the biggest fight, but when Spade gets knocked out of the ring with a running boot, Hogg and Harley quickly dismantle Glenn before depositing him beside his partner and the referee.



The Guru orders them to grab up the other four, fallen, combatants from the match and the DWB roll through them, doling out a double power bomb each for EXCESS and The Flying Elvises.



SD: “Wow. These guys are bad news.”



ER: “And it looks like The Guru made the right move; these guys could be World Tag Team Champions at some point. Quite impressive.”



Phil’s Story Notes: A nice highlight fest for the teams before we pull back the curtain and show what this match was really about, which was a reason to get three of our undercard tag teams in one place at one time so the DWB could beat them all down.



Stoppage @ 12:44







T-Rex is backstage dwarfing Tommy Townsend. His sweat beads on his cheeks and forehead; he is fresh from a workout in the weight room that is directly behind him.



TR: “Let’s cut to the chase.”



Tommy gulps, looking up at the bulging Rex, who speaks through his gritted teeth.



TR: “I’ve beaten everyone that Vibert has put in front of me.”



Tommy nods.



TR: “I want a title.”



Tommy nods again. Rex glowers down at him.



TR: “That’s it. Tell whoever needs to know. I want a title.”



He gulps again.



T: “We’re done here.”



Tommy doesn’t have to be told twice, lowering his eyes and the microphone and getting out of dodge.






Prodigy Jay Chord vs. Dez Davidz



Result: Dez Davidz really ratchets up his game and puts on a hell of a match with the emo-tastic Prodigy, Jay Chord. In fact the two are pretty much neck in neck until the finish.



Dez, moving ever so gingerly after a fall to the floor, tries to lean on Andre Jones, his on again off again tag team partner who accompanied him to the ring. But Chord is all over both of them, shoving AJ out of the way before leading Dez by the head toward the ringpost.



SD: “What is he doing, Mickey?”



MS: “I have an idea, but I don’t want to say.”



Chord pushes Davidz down and turns him around, face front, obviously setting him up for a shining wizard against the ringpost outside the ring when he starts slapping his big black and silver shinguard. But when he comes in, full force, Dez is not home and Chord kicks the steel post instead.



It sends him to the concrete where he writhes around, holding his leg in complete agony. Dez, having apparently used the last of his reserves to get out of the way, collapses himself, falling at the feet of Andre Jones.



Referee Ryan Holland takes his time, giving both men the benefit of the doubt, but eventually is forced to count both men out.



SD: “And that was quite the match.”



MS: “Prodigy took too big a chance; he was just trying to hurt Davidz and it cost him an opportunity to win match.”



ER: “He really IS a chip off the old block isn’t he?”



SD: “I know. Losing site of the prize over something personal certainly sounds like his old man, doesn’t it?”



Phil’s Story Notes: This is the start of an actual storyline for Chord, which I am excited to get off the ground. It gives me something to do with Dez and Andre Jones and has actually gotten my mind back on them, which is no small task. Maybe I can give them some depth and get something back from my investment.



Double Count Out @ 6:23












After the commercial break comes to an end, the fans leap out of their seats as the familiar strains of Eddie Peak’s theme music, “Lunatic”, pour out of the speakers.




Once again, as he was at Uncensored, he is joined by his brother Doug and the DaVE legend himself, Nemesis, who, wearing a sharp black suit, shoots his cuffs and orders them to the ring.



They charge down the ramp, leaving Nemesis to stroll down the ramp as the Peaks slide under the bottom rope and begin stalking around the ring. They are a fearsome duo in their matching fatigues and high laced combat boots, each standing on the ropes with one arm extended as Nemesis grabs the microphone out of the ring announcers hand and returns to the middle of the ring.



N: “In front of you stands…….the Brotherhood.”



The fans light up; they have missed Nemesis.



N: “Our only reason for being here is to create chaos and bloodshed.”



The Peaks nod and grin maniacally.



N: “And we’ll be starting tonight.”



Nemesis stops for a second, but their music doesn’t hit. Then he brings the microphone back up to his lips.



N: “Phil Vibert; you are number one on our hitlist. You and anyone associated with you.”



The building comes unglued; could this be the continuation/finale of the long running Nemesis vs. Phil Vibert feud from DaVE’s heyday?



N: “Be afraid.”



It is. A long since gone catch phrase is unearthed and gets a huge pop from the nostalgia minded fans dotting the building.



N: “Be very afraid.”















Peter Valentine vs. Charlie Thatcher

-Million Dollar Championship Match-



Result: Peter Valentine makes his entrance known, honking his way down the aisle in a vintage rolls-royce. It is obnoxious, but sets the crowd up properly; the introduction of his opponent, Phil Vibert’s personal bodyguard Charlie Thatcher drives them into a frenzy.



SD: “This stinks from the start. Something’s going on.”



And the match is over before it even begins with Valentine “hitting” Thatcher with a looser than loose overhand right that “floors” Vibert’s big bodyguard.



MS: “What’s happening?”



The three count comes quickly and the bell rings and Valentine once again raises the Million Dollar Title belt above his head, never having taken off his towel. He smiles as Thatcher rolls to the floor, grinning himself, the big man holding his head in one of the worst acting jobs ever seen.



SD: “We know Peter Valentine bought his way into the Golden Briefcase Match at Uncensored; I’m pretty sure he paid Charlie Thatcher to lay down here.”



MS: “I thought Thatcher was supposed to be in one of the main events later? If he still is, there’s no way he was serious about what went down here.”




Phil’s Story Notes: This was such a great idea, and serves three or four different storylines at the same time. Plus, being able to protect Valentine in such a fake match keeps him looking as good as he can, which isn’t good workrate wise, but people still absolutely hate him, so he keeps getting TV time.



Peter Valentine wins via pinfall @ 2:03












Aaron Andrews walks out onto the stage as Thatcher walks by and taps his index finger on the microphone, getting Peter Valentine’s attention as he continues his long, drawn out celebration.



AA: “I’ve been waiting a while for this…..”



Valentine spins around, recognizing Andrews’ voice instantly.



AA: “Now, I may not be all Wall Street and Mr Investment Portfolio……”



Valentine smirks and shrugs.



AA: “I don’t have any assets or holdings that I can trade to the front office for Golden Briefcase Match opportunities……”



Now he just sneers.



AA: “Or any stocks I can offer for the promise of someone throwing a match.”



Valentine just shakes his head and keeps sneering. He tries to keep his cool, but is struggling.



AA: “But what I do have is the green light, Valentine. The green light to sue your ass. My lawyers have said I should go ahead and file a major lawsuit against you for the injuries I sustained when you hit me with your automobile.”



Valentine rips the towel from around his neck in them midst of his freakout. The scene makes Andrews smile.



AA: “So see you in court, money bags. I can’t wait to get paid.”



At this point, the millionaire has spittle flying from his mouth he is worked up into such a lather. Andrews’ music hits and he turns and walks backstage, leaving Valentine to his tantrum in the ring.











There is a quick video rehash of the entire James Justice/Liberty saga showing both the characters in their completely different lights, being sure to focus on the unpredictability of who arrives when.



SD: “Liberty is a baby kissing old school good guy….”



MS: “…..and James Justice is violent and unpredictable.”











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http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=NickyChampion_jhdNN.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/NickyChampion_jhdNN.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=EddiePeakBaldMonster-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/EddiePeakBaldMonster-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=DougPeak.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/DougPeak.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=vs1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/vs1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=Liberty_alt4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/Liberty_alt4.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=RickLaw_alt3-1.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/RickLaw_alt3-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a><a href="http://s179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/?action=view&current=charliethatcher.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w286/NoNeck_photo/charliethatcher.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>



Nicky Champion/The Brotherhood vs. James Justice/Rick Law/Charlie Thatcher



Result: This has all the buzz of a main event and doesn’t disappoint even though it is one match early; it is truly a back on the heels bar room brawl that the crowd enjoys. The Brotherhood steamroll through both Law and Thatcher before focusing their attack on James Justice, dropping him facefirst with a two man flapjack and tagging in Nicky Champion who begins putting Justice through the ringer himself.



But Justice is rotten-to-the-bone and goes right for Nicky’s eyes as he backpedals, pulling the holder of the Golden Briefcase into the worst possible spot, the enemy corner.



SD: “Does he always need to cheat to get the advantage?”



MS: “James Justice? Absolutely. Liberty, not so much. I still don’t quite get it.”



ER: “Of course you don’t, Mickey. Sometimes I can’t believe I’m stuck down here with you two.”



Charlie Thatcher comes in for a quick powerslam before tagging in his partner Rock Law who begins beating Champion down with a collection of stiff strikes. As both Eddie and Doug Peak foam at the mouth, leaning over the corner, Law whips Nicky into the ropes and buries him with a lightning quick spinebuster, backing up after the impact a few steps and waiting for Champion to get back to his feet while measuring him for a “LAotL” (Strong Lariat).



Ryan Holland gives Champion a quick check before he hears Nemesis yelling at him from the floor. His turning and listening to the former DaVE legend is just the opportunity that Eddie Peak needs to hop through the ropes and blindside Rick Law seconds before Law descends on the nearly helpless Champion.



But Peak cannot help himself, crazy as he is, and begins beating Law senseless. It means that Nemesis has to keep Holland’s attention, and he does so by grabbing the referee by his shirt and pulling him through the ropes.



No referee; no rules. Doug Peak joins Eddie in beating the tar out of Rick Law, leaving long enough to help Nemesis set up a table on the floor before climbing back into the ring.



James Justice snatches a chair from ringside and looks like he is going to go after the Brotherhood as the set up Rick Law for his demise.








Descending on a cable and landing between his hated rival Justice and The Brotherhood, Enygma pulls a black bat from the harness and takes a huge home run swing in the direction of James Justice. It connects with the chair, which Justice drops. But the second shot, from the butt end of the bat, hits him right between the eyes, dropping him first to his knees then onto his face. Enygma takes a second to judge his work before vanishing up the ramp.



With Nemesis urging them on, Doug and Eddie Peak hoist Rick Law over their head and toss him over the tope rope and out of then ring through the able below with a running two man crucifix bomb.



At almost the same time, Nicky Champion and Ryan Holland come rolling back into the ring and survey the situation while holding their heads. Nicky is quick to assess; he slides onto the unconscious Justice and hook his leg, getting the awkward three count from the still confused referee.



SD: “A big win for Nicky Champion and The Brotherhood, guys.”



MS: “And to throw around the tag team champions and James Justice the way they did….If I were Phil Vibert, I’d be worried about having these guys looking for me.”



ER: “The next time I talk to him, I’ll be sure to share your concern.”



Phil’s Story Notes: A big win for Nicky and a nice boost for The Brotherhood, getting on the board with a solid showing on TV right out of the gate. I’m not trying to devalue any one of Rick Law, James Justice, or Charlie Thatcher, but, by having them lose here, I’m trying to show how much I value Champion and The Brotherhood/Nemesis combo.


Champion/The Brotherhood win via pinfall @ 14:44











Cameras rush backstage to find Tyson Baine and Koshiro Ino once again trading bombs near the loading area, rekindling their confrontation from earlier. Ino gets on a roll and staggers Baine with a huge flurry of chops, knocking him backward into the open bay of a PWC tractor trailer.



As luck would have it, one of the many things laying about in the back of the truck is a length of chain, and Tyson Baine latches onto it quickly, lashing out at Ino with it as Ino jumps into the back of the beast as well.



Almost as soon as they get within a foot or two of each other, the back lights of the truck begin flashing and the whole things shakes violently to one side. Both Ino and Baine fall down.



SD: “What’s happening?”



The sound of a releasing brake.



ER: “The truck; it’s moving!”



MS: “Someone needs to radio the driver; he’s got two guys in back there and an open gate! That’s about as dangerous as you can get!”



It lurches forward and begins moving out of its spot. Both Baine and Ino are back on their feet, gingerly trying to keep their balance while getting closer and closer to each other. The truck begins to turn a corner and head down a ramp, its steel doors clapping loudly as it wobbles from side to side as it picks up speed. The cameraman tries to keep up, his shot shaking as he runs, but he cannot, so he focuses on the truck as it turns out onto the road below, Baine and Ino once again fighting in the back as the shot fades.










Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews

-PWC TV Title Match-



Result: For the first time ever, a TV Title match headlines PWC TV. And both Darryl Devine and Aaron Andrews are aware of the microscope they are under and raise their games to the next level accordingly, leaving the fans breathless with their intense, constant, back and forth blend of innovation and pure heritage era wrestling.



It starts as you might expect, with the match having a very old-school type of feel right out of the gate. Devine spends a lot of time focused on one body part, zeroing in on Andrews’ back, even going so far as to drop a few awkward looking elbows on him after a facefirst bodyslam. It becomes the theme of the match, every time Andrews starts getting some traction; Devine goes back to the well again, targeting his back. The TV Champion almost scores the pinfall at about the eleven minute mark by catching Andrews’ flying body press attempt in midair, elevating him and dropping him across his knee with a vicious backbreaker.



Things don’t look good for him, but Andrews is appreciative of the support form the sold out crowd and begins mounting yet another comeback. But Devine goes right back to the back yet again and stops Andrews’ swelling momentum instantly with a well placed knee lift.



The finish comes a few minutes later as both men lay on their backs on the cold concrete feeling the effects of a reversed superplex that ends up with both men tumbling off the top and landing on the floor.



Ryan Holland begins a slow but deliberate count that both Andrews and Devine struggle to answer. Bodyguard Brutus lifts Devine to his feet as Seduction, paying attention to the match for a change, yells at him and lightly slaps him on the face, urging him to get back into the ring. Andrews, obviously somewhat punch drunk, staggers over toward them and appears about ready to take a swing at Seduction.



But Brutus drops Devine and throws wild left hand that decks Andrews, dropping him like a ton of bricks, saving Seduction.



And at the absolute very last possible second, both Devine and Andrews roll under the bottom rope beside each other and avoid the countout.



With what might be his last burst, Devine quickly locks onto Andrews and bashes him in the back with his cast (using it for the first time) before turning him over and locking him in a braced Boston crab (Liontamer). As he sits back and down on the PWC logo in the middle of the ring, the pain on Andrews’ face is evident.



SD: “He’s worked on his back the entire match!”



MS: “I don’t know how he’s hanging on!”



In fact, it so looks like Devine is going to make Andrews tap that no one notices Holland get word from the ring announcer that the match is in its last ten seconds. The announcer begins counting back; the arrogance from Devine’s face vanishes and is replaced by shock as he wrenches back even further trying to get the submission.



But Andrews grits his teeth and gets through it, the bell ringing in the background as Holland pulls Devine off of him.



SD: “I don’t believe it; what a match!”



MS: “I know. It was so good, I think we all lost track of time a little bit.”



ER: “Especially Devine. I think he might’ve put the clamps onto Andrews a bit sooner had he known he was so close to the end of the show. There’s no doubt he’s the better man.”



SD: “There’s no doubt they’ll be a rematch at some point and he can PROVE if he’s the better man in the ring by beating Aaron Andrews; something he didn’t do tonight.”



Phil’s Story Notes: I’m excited to see how this match grades out. I know from their previous encounters that Devine and Andrews have great chemistry as opponents, but I’m hoping that the fact that they’ve both moved up the card since then will give the match an extra boost.



Time Limit Draw @ 20:00









Copyright PWC 2011





(OOC: Thanks to jhd1 for the Elvises and thanks to J-Silver for the split Liberty/Justice alt. I'm sure I echo everyone when I say how much you add to this diary as well as everyone elses.


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He slams open Big Smack Scott’s office door, peering in for a second as Scott watches two of his buxom and scandalously clad women’s division competitors stretch out while sitting in a folding chair as he “massages” the Women’s Championship.


I smell chlorine now. It burns!


Also, he's massaging the championship?


N: “Our only reason for being here is to create chaos and bloodshed.”


Someone's copying my Crimson Mask Club *runs away*

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Live This Wednesday on Sports America



Enygma vs. James Justice – Stipulation to be Decided via Online Poll


Darryl Devine vs. Aaron Andrews – PWC TV Title Rematch


EXCESS vs. Glenn & Spade


Peter Valentine vs. “AJ” Andre Jones – Million Dollar Title Match


Brutus O’Reilly vs. Roderick Remus


El Leon vs. American Optimus



Main Event Match Stipulation:










Copyright PWC 2011

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