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USPW - What? This Again?

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 4 March 2010

Location: Huntsville Fairgrounds (South East)

Attendance: 5,000

Overall Rating: C+

TV Rating: 1.48


[The show opens within the sold-out Huntsville Fairgrounds for another edition of USPW American Wrestling action! The fans began their cheers as the cameras panned around. The focus turned to the top of the entrance ramp and the cheers turned to boos as two people walked out from the back...]




[...'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine and Seduction came out toward the ring, ignoring the crowd and the boos as best they can though it is not easy. Devine and Seduction get up on the apron and Devine motions to the ropes. Seduction sits on the second rope and holds the ropes open whole Darryl Devine steps inside the ring. Devine climbs to the second turnbuckle and flashes the Mighty Fine sign but the crowd isn't liking this at all. Darryl drops down and yells at Seduction and she exits the ring, getting a microphone for him. She rolls back in and hands him the microphone...]


Darryl Devine

"That's better. Now, how are we feeling tonight? I think we're feeling Mighty Fine! That is exactly how I am going to be feeling at the end of the night when Seduction raises my arm in victory. Then I wait just a few days and I will be walking out as the brand new USPW World Champion! How does that sound Seduction?"


[...Darryl places the microphone to Seduction's lips and then brings it away quickly...]


Darryl Devine

"That's right, Seduction. That sounds Mighty Fine!"


[...Boos fill the arena as Darryl flashes the Mighty Fine sign again...]


James Justice





[...The crowd exploded in cheers as James Justice walked out from the back and looked toward the ring. Darryl made a motion to James and Justice came right down toward the ring. He slid inside and Devine shoved Seduction in front of him! Justice caught Seduction as Devine exited the ring. Justice pinned her arms down and then lifted her up, setting her on the apron. Justice stepped back and waved and then moved to the turnbuckle, climbing up and raising his arms to a chant of 'DUDE, DUDE, DUDE!' Devine grabbed Seduction and pulled her back with him as the two men stared down with the camera showing a fan with a sign reading: 'Dude! Where's my Justice shades?!?']


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg

Andre Jones vs. MAW Wrestler American Patriot


[The Dude's opponent this Saturday night at Liberty And Justice is in our opening contest here. Andre Jones brought out Henry the Volleyball and they had an argument as American Patriot looked on. Andre finally set down Henry and went to work on American Patriot. The crowd got into it on the side of American Patriot with a 'USA' chant but that only got him so far. Jones was mostly dominant within this bout, dropping AP with a Blast From The Past piledriver and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Andre Jones (Via Pinfall @ 6:29)

Match Rating: C


[...Andre picked up Henry and began arguing with him again as he rolled out of the ring. American Patriot began pulling himself up inside the ring. He turned -- big boot!...]




[...Shane Sneer and The Titans stand within the ring, flooring American Patriot with a big boot from Tyson Baine. Baine pulled Patriot up and grabbed him around the the throat -- Hades Bomb! T-Rex pulled American Patriot up -- Jurassic Crush! AP got a little fight in him against the swinging Full Nelson but eventually he stopped moving at all. Shane Sneer picked up a microphone...]


Shane Sneer

"In just a few days, this is EXACTLY what is going to happen to The so-called People's Team. Freddie Datsun, Des Davids, you're looking at your method of destruction: The Hades Bomb, the Jurassic Crush, The Titans. In just a few days time, those USPW World Tag Team Titles will be around these men's waist and there is nothing you can do or say to stop the Sneer Corporation."


[...Shane drops the microphone and T-Rex drops American Patriot. The three men exit the ring and head to the back listening to a chorus of boos.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg

Cherry Bomb and Belle Bryden vs. Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson


[A big women's tag team encounter here featuring the three women who will be vying for the Women's title this Saturday night. Alicia and Raven showed some lack of chemistry within the ring as they tried to one-up each other. When Raven hit Cherry with a vertical suplex, Alicia hit Belle with a Superplex. This lack of chemistry led to Cherry and Belle getting an advantage and singling out both Raven and Alicia. When Cherry hit Alicia with a body slam, the cameras pointed to a sign reading: 'She's Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-Cherry bomb!' Cherry Bomb went for the Cherry Bomb but Raven came in to break things up. Alicia managed to tag out but so did Cherry. Belle and Raven came in, battling back and forth as a fifth woman came down to ringside...]




[...Belle's constant rival Joanne Rodriguez distracted Belle, leading to a Night Faller! Alicia tagged herself in before Raven could make the cover. Alicia picked up Belle -- Strong Arm Tactic! Alicia made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Alicia Strong and Raven Robinson (Via Pinfall @ 6:16)

Match Rating: C


[...As the bell sounded, Alicia and Raven got into a shoving match! Cherry Bomb joined in and all five women went at each other! The crowd was shocked but loving it! Cherry got taken down with a Strong Arm Tactic but Alicia turned -- Night Faller! Raven Robinson was handed her USPW Women's title and she stood tall in the ring. Will the same thing be done this Saturday night?]


[The USPWTron lights up and the crowd begins to cheer as the cameras follow...]




[...Nicky Champion walking down the hallway! Nicky pauses in step in front of the infamous USPW Soda Machine! He runs his index finger down the row of drinks, trying to decide which one he wants. He pauses at the Fanta Grape and nods, sliding out a dollar bill to pay for the drink. Then he hits face-first against the drink machine, taking a clothesline to the back of the head...]




[...It's Bruce The Giant! Bruce grabs Nicky around the throat -- Giant Choke Slam! He dropped Nicky right there on the floor! Bruce leans over and grabs the dollar from Nicky, sliding it into the machine. He pushes the button and takes the Grape Fanta, cracking it open and pouring it right on top of Nicky Champion's body! The crowd boos in the background as Bruce just smirks and drops the can, walking off.]


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JamesPrudence.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/tribalwarrior-1.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

James Prudence defends vs. Tribal Warrior


[A big title defense here for the Platinum one James Prudence as he faces the second half of Savage Fury in this battle for the USPW World Television title. Tribal Warrior started things off early against Prudence with some solid headbutts and a big body slam that ended with Prudence being tied to the tree of woe. Tribal Warrior caught Prudence with a running and diving headbutt that had the USPW World Television Champion on the defensive. Warrior sent Prudence to the ropes -- Power Slam! He pulls Prudence back to his feet -- Short-Arm Clothesline! Tribal Warrior makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Half a second away from crowning a new USPW World Television Champion! The camera focuses on the crowd for a moment and picks up on a sign reading: 'When will Pete The Hillbilly get a TV Title Shot?' Tribal Warrior picks up Prudence and sends him into the corner. Warrior comes running in -- Prudence gets the boots up! Prudence grabs Tribal Warrior and shifts his body -- Tarantula! What a move by Platinum James Prudence! He releases before the five count and lands on the apron. He climbs the turnbuckle -- sunset flip! Tribal Warrior's shoulders are on the mat: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Prudence gets to his feet -- ducks a clothesline -- Prudential Pain Plan! James Prudence hooked in his STF finisher! Tribal Warrior -- taps out! He can't take it anymore! What a huge win for James Prudence!]


Winner: James Prudence (Via Submission @ 6:30; James Prudence retains the USPW World Television title)

Match Rating: C+


[The USPW-Tron lit up again and the crowd began to boo at the image on the screen...]




[...Enygma is walking down a hallway backstage. He turns a corner and at the end of the hallway, a dark figure can be seen standing. The figure from behind looks just like...]




[...Acid? Enygma sneaks up on his opponent this Saturday night and then leaps..falling to the ground? It's a cardboard cutout! It's not the real Acid! Enygma shakes his head and rips apart the cardboard cutout, tossing the pieces to the floor. The lights flicker within the hallway and then go out. Within moments, they return and the cutout is standing tall in front of Enygma complete and whole with a note attached to it, reading..'Saturday.' Enygma looks to the note, looks to the whole scene and starts backing off as we head back to the ring.]


[Enygma is shown running down a hallway and he bumps shoulders with...]




[...Matthew Keith! 'Perfection' takes a step back and shakes his head. The two meet eye to eye and Enygma continues down the hallway as Matthew Keith steps into his locker room.]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DesDavids-1-1.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. Des Davids


[Our semi main event features one half of the USPW World Tag Team Champions going up against one half of his challengers at USPW Liberty And Justice. No one expected a lot of catch as catch can style of wrestling here and no one was to be disappointed as this was a hard-hitting match from the start, definitely not for the faint of heart. Des Davids actually stood toe to toe with Tyson Baine, trading heavy hitting punches at the start. Des bounced off the ropes and hit Baine with a shoulderblock that staggered the bigger man. Des bounced off the ropes again -- clothesline by Baine! Davids hit the mat hard. Baine picked him up and began choking him on the middle rope to boos from the crowd. He pointed toward a sign in the crowd: 'Baine's Gonna Kill You' and then bounced off the ropes, landing hard on the back of Des Davids' neck. Baine picked up Davids and dropped him with a hard vertical suplex. Baine made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up! Baine picked up Davids and sent him into the corner -- reversed! Baine hit the corner hard and Davids charged -- spear -- dodged! Davids' shoulder hit the ring post and he fell outside the ring! Baine got the attention of the referee and Shane Sneer tossed a few kicks against the shoulder of Davids before tossing him back in the ring...]


[...Baine picked up Des Davids -- Bear Hug! He began squeezing the life out of Des Davids! Davids' arms began moving up and down, getting the crowd into the match, trying to pull Des Davids back into things. Davids claps the ears of Baine! He does it again! And again! Baine releases the hold -- kick to the gut by Des Davids! He whips Baine into the ropes -- scoop powerslam! Davids makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Davids gets to his feet and moves over into the corner staring down at Baine. Baine begins tugging his way up toward his feet -- Shane Sneer jumps on the apron! Davids charges -- Quarterback Sack on Shane Sneer, sending Sneer off the apron to the floor! Sneer lands by a fan with a sign reading: 'Tyson Baine is gonna get SACKED!' Des Davids turns and Baine grabs him by the throat -- Hades Bomb! Baine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Tyson Baine (Via Pinfall @ 6:20)

Match Rating: C-


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_dse81.jpg

Darryl Devine vs. James Justice


[it's main event time here and what a main event we have tonight between Darryl Devine and James Justice. Justice came down to the ring and paused at a fan holding up a sign reading: 'No Devine Intervention Tonight!' He took off his shades and slid them on the fan before continuing down to the ring and sliding inside. Darryl Devine came out with Seduction. Seduction paused and gave a look up and down to a fan holding up a sign reading: 'Devine stole my mojo!' Darryl grabbed her by the arm and yanked her the rest of the way to the ring and forced her to hold the ropes open for him. He stepped inside and motioned for her to stay outside the ring as he looked across toward James Justice. The bell sounded and the two men met in the center of the ring. Devine slapped Justice across the face! Justice shoved Devine back and the two began brawling in the center of the ring! Justice definitely has the advantage in the brawling category and took Devine down with a Liberty Big Left Hand! Devine rolled outside the ring and began pacing out there, slowing things down for Justice for the moment. Devine doesn't even like his own fans as he shoved a fan with a sign reading: 'He's Just Too Devine!'...]


[...Devine climbed back inside the ring and began slowing things down with some technical wrestling. He took Justice down with a reverse waistlock and then slapped him in the back of the head a few times before he rose to his feet. Devine pulled Justice up and sent him to the ropes -- reversed! Devine springboards off the middle rope -- back elbow connects! Devine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Devine pops back up to his feet and picks up Justice -- belly to belly suplex! A nice move by the man known as Mighty Fine! Devine points toward Seduction and she fans herself. Devine picks up Justice and lifts him up onto the top turnbuckle. Devine climbs up and hooks Justice -- blocked! Justice blocks the Superplex attempt a second time and shoves Devine off the turnbuckles! Justice drops down and hooks Devine -- Double Underhook Suplex! Devine holds onto his back in pain and Justice gets to his feet. He moves over to Devine and picks him up, sending him to the ropes -- Devine springs off -- Spinebuster! Justice caught Devine in midair and planted him down with a Spinebuster! Justice stood up and looked to the crowd for a moment before bouncing off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSS -- Dude Knee Drop! What a connection! Justice makes the cover, hooking the leg:]









...Foot on the ropes!...]



[...Seduction put Darryl's foot on the ropes! The crowd boos and the boos grow louder as someone comes walking from the back...]




[...It's Andre Jones and Henry! Andre is having an argument with Henry while the two walk down toward the ringside area. Justice pulls Devine to his feet and hooks him for the Liberation Slam -- elbows by Devine! Devine breaks free and kicks Justice in the gut -- Devine Dream Drop -- NO! Justice pushed Devine off! Devine bounces off the ropes, hitting Andre Jones who was up on the apron! Devine staggers from the hit and Justice hooks Devine again -- Seduction tosses Henry in the ring! Justice takes his eyes off Devine for a moment and Devine slips down, rolling Justice up:]











Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 20:17)

Match Rating: B


[...Darryl Devine got the win via the distraction by Henry! Andre Jones slides in the ring and begins putting the boots to Justice! The crowd boos as Devine joins in and motions to Seduction to come and join the fun but Seduction is hesitant. Devine walks over to yell at Seduction and the crowd cheers as someone comes running from the back...]




[...It's USPW World Champion Chris Caulfield! The Hardcore American hits the ring with a chair in hand! He connects with a chair shot to Andre Jones! Jones falls and rolls out of the ring. Caulfield comes up behind Devine! Devine turns around -- chair shot! Devine is definitely not Mighty Fine after that chair shot! Seduction pulls Devine out of the ring and Chris Caulfield stands tall to end the show! We're headed to Liberty And Justice! We'll see you there!]

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Several people got 5/5! Congratulations to jhd1, ChrisKid and Timber!




1. jhd1=75 Wins

2. xopher316=74 Wins

3. Rayelek=72 Wins

blewrider1980=72 Wins

5. 20LEgend=70 Wins

6. Dragonmack=69 Wins

7. dse81=66 Wins

8. Huntman=64 Wins

9. Tigerkinney=62 Wins

10. bgbuff=58 Wins

critical-23=58 Wins

12. Bigpapa42=55 Wins

13. mcorey=49 Wins

14. TakerNGN74=42 Wins

15. Boltinho=41 Wins

16. SeanMcFly=37 Wins

17. Timber=34 Wins

18. Jaded=27 Wins

19. Lexa90=24 Wins

20. tristram=23 Wins

21. ChrisKid=22 Wins

22. Chikbot=17 Wins

23. SWF Fan=15 Wins

24. BHK1978=14 Wins

25. borman_48=9 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=9 Wins

27. Arogue=8 Wins

LoNdOn=8 Wins

29. smurphy1014=6 Wins

30. Hitman23=5 Wins

ewanite=5 Wins

32. Greg McNeish=4 Wins

NeoMetsFan=4 Wins

34. Jingo=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


Special welcome to Jingo for making their first predictions here! Hope to see you here more often!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Saturday Week 4 March 2010


Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

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Well i'm finally caught up,


Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Time for a change ..

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

I see a miracle

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America


I see Keith continuing to stay a step ahead of Jack America, in this feud


#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Could go either way but I think Bryden will win, because....


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


I think Raven retains despite the odds against her, setting up Bryden (another heel) as the next challenger.


Andre Jones vs. James Justice


Even though there does seem to be a gradual change in the hiearchy with some of the younger talent getting a chance to shine, I think the emphasis is on the word gradual, so Jones doesn't get to go over James Justice just yet.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans


A big win for The People's Team over the monster heels that helps to further strengthen their reputation as deserving champions.


Enygma vs. Acid


As the heel I think Enygma takes the first match between these two mysterious masked men, if a feud is to have any legs the heel needs to take the first match.


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant


Can't see what benefit there is to having Bruce with a midcard belt, so I think Champion retains, however for Bruce to remain looking strong I think he actually wins the match by countout, when he beats Nicky Champion up so bad, the er champion can't make it back into the ring.


USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine


Not time yet for Devine.

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

He is perfection of course


#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Just never liked Jo-Ro that much


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

But I do love Cherry Bomb


Andre Jones vs. James Justice

Never bet against him


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

The big guys havent got much to do so a little tag title run would be in order


Enygma vs. Acid

This is a build up to a much bigger clash


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

I've no idea how, but I think Nicky sneaks a win here


USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

Caulfield is a great champ

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

Sorry, Jack, but you're no Matthew Keith.


#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Going with experience and the heel because...


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

I don't think Cherry Bomb will win, and if Raven defends or Alicia wins, we'll see a new feud.


Andre Jones vs. James Justice



USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

I love The People's Team. Keep the belts on them for a while, will ya?

Enygma vs. Acid

I'm calling a draw. These two are too hard to pick against. Is that even legal? If I can't call a draw or I shouldn't, let me know.


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

He's gonna look strong. Champion has no chance in this one.


USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

CC is one of my favorites in the C-Verse. Darryl Devine hasn't really impressed me THAT much. Sorry.


Fan Sign:


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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America


I see Keith continuing to stay a step ahead of Jack America, in this feud


#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Could go either way but I think Bryden will win, because....


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


I think Raven retains despite the odds against her, setting up Bryden (another heel) as the next challenger.


Andre Jones vs. James Justice


Even though there does seem to be a gradual change in the hiearchy with some of the younger talent getting a chance to shine, I think the emphasis is on the word gradual, so Jones doesn't get to go over James Justice just yet.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans


A big win for The People's Team over the monster heels that helps to further strengthen their reputation as deserving champions.


Enygma vs. Acid


As the heel I think Enygma takes the first match between these two mysterious masked men, if a feud is to have any legs the heel needs to take the first match.


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant


Can't see what benefit there is to having Bruce with a midcard belt, so I think Champion retains, however for Bruce to remain looking strong I think he actually wins the match by countout, when he beats Nicky Champion up so bad, the er champion can't make it back into the ring.


USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine


Not time yet for Devine.


I agree with these

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Andre Jones vs. James Justice

Not many people come to the ring with a volleyball, but then not many wrestlers are former volleyball standouts. Still, even fewer name their volleyballs Henry...This battle between two of the wackiest individuals in USPW (save Jim Force!) should be a good one, but be prepared for some strange goings on inbetween headlock takedowns!


Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

As if Matthew Keith needed to anything more to help the fans hate him he challenges a man whose surname is America. In USPW. Both youngsters have the wrestling skills to reach the very top but who knows, this could be the deciding moment in both men's respective careers.


#1 Contenders Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

The USPW Women's Division is just one of the many things that set it apart from the rest of the US wrestling scene and Belle Bryden and Joanne Rodriguez are two of the most promising female wrestlers in the world today. Expect a close encounter, and one that even I wouldn't want to put money on!


Enygma vs. Acid

You might think that your TV has switched to Los ???? when Acid and Enygma finally take their feud into the ring. These two high-flying, mask-wearing, mystery-surrounding superstars will be out to show who is the true enigma of USPW.


USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Alicia Strong vs. Cherry Bomb

One of these three women is leaving tonight with the USPW Women's Title, and they'll also know their challenger. Raven has been a great champion, Cherry an...odd...challenger, while Alicia is one of the greatest second-generation wrestlers around. If you were thinking of visiting Jim Force's merchandise stall during this match don't, he can wait. You will not see a better example of women's wrestling than this match right here.


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Freddie Datsun and Des Davids aren't called The People's Team for nothing. Freddie Datsun's Everyman persona is unmistakable, only his build setting him apart from the large portion of the USPW crowd. Des Davids is a typical American sportsmen - his successful football career being a great method of training for an even more successful wrestling profession. But just like the people of the USPW audience, Freddie and Des will have reason to worry when they defend their titles against the monsterous T-Rex and his partner the demonic Tyson Baine.


USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

Nicky Champion is the man seen by many to be not only the future of USPW, but the future of professional wrestling. Bruce the Giant, on the other hand is professional wrestling and the Giant has been at the top of the game for almost twenty years. Champion put on a great performance to beat Peter Valentine to live up to his name, but will he be able to match the skill, power and experience of the 7'4'' monster?


USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

The biggest match of the night, and the biggest match of Darryl Devine's career. Can he defeat the Hardcore American? Is he ready? What else is there to say, except tune in to find out!


Don't Miss...


Live on PPV, Saturday Week 4 March 2010

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Saturday Week 4 March 2010


Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Enygma vs. Acid

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

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Friday, Week 4, March 2010

Huey Cannonball defeated Riley McManus...E

Max Mayhem defeated Ace Youngblood...E+

Casey Valentine defeated Brett Starr...D-

Findlay O'Farraday defeated Curtis Jenkins...E+

Jay Chord defeated Al The Hillbilly...D

American Patriot defeated Mean Jean Cattley to retain the Mid Atlantic Championship title...C-


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Somewhere around a 24 hour warning for predictions for USPW Liberty And Justice. So far, I have received predictions from:















Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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Matthew Keith vs. Jack America

You don't push your avatar and although America has had some screen time, I don't think he'll win on PPV.

#1 Contender Match: Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Entirely based on my next pick (which will probably mean both are wrong). Heel Champ, Face Challenger rule applies here.

USPW Women's Title Match: Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong

See above, although I could easily see Alicia winning.

Andre Jones vs. James Justice

It's the DUDE!!! Dude!

USPW World Tag Team Titles Match: The People's Team defend vs. The Titans

Would certainly be an interesting twist. Not sure I can see a benefit to The Titans winning clean, but a DQ might be okay.

Enygma vs. Acid

Purely preference.

USPW National Title Match: Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant

Unless you've worked wonders with Nicky I don't think Bruce will do the job. So, like someone else mentioned it is chuck Nicky out of the ring and into the crowd for a dominant count-out win for Bruce.

USPW World Title Match: Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine

I still think it is a little soon for a title change, although you've done a great job of building up Devine as a challenger.

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Saturday Week 4 March 2010

Location: The Dust Bowl (South East)

Attendance: 15,000

Overall Rating: B

PPV Rating: .59


Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/mattkeithf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackAvatar_dse81.jpg

Matthew Keith vs. Jack America


[Tonight's pay-per-view Liberty And Justice kicks off with 'Perfection.' The crowd booed the entrance of the son of Sam Keith: Matthew Keith as he walked down to the ring. But the man who definitely got cheered was Jack America. He gave out miniature American flags to everyone in the front rows. Once he stepped within the ring, the match was on between him and Matthew Keith. The match started with a short amount of brawling that turned into some good old-fashioned technical wrestling. There were go-behinds and hammerlocks and headlocks aplenty. Keith settled into control during the match, focusing in on the neck and back of America. The crowd got into the match, chanting for 'America' to get back into the battle. Keith grabbed the legs of America and leaned in for the Scorpion Deathlock but America rolled him up in an inside cradle: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Keith was barely able to kick out!...]


[...Both men got to their feet and America ducked a punch by Keith and then used the middle rope as a springboard -- back elbow! America turned and looked down at Keith for a moment and then bounced off the ropes -- rolling thunder! America makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! America looks toward the turnbuckles and begins to climb up. He looks down toward Matthew Keith -- 460 Splash -- Missed! Keith moved out of the way! Matthew Keith leaps to his feet and grabs the legs of America -- Proton Lock! Matthew Keith locked on the Proton Lock! America fought to get free but he could barely move with this hold on him. America -- gives up! Matthew Keith continues his perfect streak!]


Winner: Matthew Keith (Via Submission @ 6:42)

Match Rating: B


[The crowd booed as Matthew Keith celebrated within the ring. The USPW-Tron lit up and drew everyone's attention. Cheers broke through the crowd at the man standing within the interview area...]




[...That man is 'The Hardcore American' and USPW World Champion Chris Caulfield. Chris looks toward the cameras with a fierce look upon his face...]


Chris Caulfield

"Darryl, tonight is the night. Tonight is your night. Tonight is your night if you can take this gold belt from around my waist. That's the problem isn't it Darryl? The fact of the matter is that you cannot take this belt off my waist. You cannot and will not walk away with my title. Tonight, you and I are going to get it on Hardcore American Style."


[...Chris looks angrily toward the camera and we head back to the ring.]


Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BelleBryden.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg

#1 Contender Match

Belle Bryden vs. Joanne Rodriguez


[Our first of two women's matches on the card as we find out who the #1 contender will be for the USPW Women's title. J-Ro looked to kick things up early on during this match, using her speed advantage to her advantage. Joanne sent Belle outside the ring and then leaped over the top rope landing on top of Belle Bryden! These two women showed the chemistry within the ring that can definitely be seen with the fact that these two women have been feuding off and on for years. Belle turned the tide when Joanne went for a flying headscissors and she reversed it into a power bomb. She folded up Joanne with her shoulders pinned on the mat: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...Belle used her superior technical ability against J-Ro, wrapping her up like a pretzel in several different submission holds. Joanne would not give up, though. Belle pulled Joanne to her feet and sent her into the turnbuckle! Joanne leaped up on the second turnbuckle and then leaped off -- Dish of the Day! Belle Bryden dropped Joanne with her finishing kick! Belle made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Belle Bryden is the new number one contender to the Women's title!]


Winner: Belle Bryden (Via Pinfall @ 6:12)

Match Rating: C


Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/RavenNightfall_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg


USPW Women's Title Match

Raven Robinson defends vs. Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


[A threeway battle for the women's Championship. All three women are inside the ring at the same time. There is no tagging in and out. Raven and Alicia went right after Cherry Bomb early on, who screamed out her resistance. Cherry got dropped by a double clothesline and then a double elbowdrop. Raven made a quick cover: 1 -- Alicia pulled her off! Alicia makes the cover: 1 -- Raven pulls her off! Raven and Alicia confront each other and punches are thrown! Alicia ducks a punch and connects with one of her own! She ducks another and clotheslines down Raven Robinson! The Women's Champion pushes to her feet and ducks a clothesline from Alicia. She turns and kicks Alicia Strong in the gut. She's going for the Night Faller! Cherry Bomb trips her up! Cherry Bomb climbs over and begins throwing punches to the head of Raven Robinson! Raven tries to cover up as best she can. Alicia grabs Cherry Bomb and yanks her off -- belly to back suplex! Alicia holds a bridge: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Raven nearly lost her Women's title without being involved in the pinfall!...]


[...Cherry Bomb and Alicia Strong both get to their feet -- Strong Arm -- NO! Cherry ducked the Strong Arm Tactic attempt! She kicks Alicia in the gut and yanks her in -- Cherry Bo -- NO! Alicia lands on her feet! Cherry steps toward Alicia and Alicia Strong tosses her outside the ring! Alicia turns to Raven Robinson, pulling her up. Alicia sends Raven to the ropes -- Alicia comes running -- back body drop over the top rope! Alicia Strong spills onto Cherry Bomb outside the ring! What a sequence of events! Raven climbs outside the ring and pulls Cherry Bomb back in. She looks to Cherry -- kick to the gut -- Night Faller! This time she connects! She makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Raven Robinson (Via Pinfall @ 8:54; Raven Robinson retained the USPW Women's title)

Match Rating: C-


[There are portions of the crowd cheering the victory for Raven Robinson within this bout and other portions that are booing as they were pulling for Alicia or Cherry to walk away with the victory. In any event, the attention turns to the USPW-Tron as the locker room is shown...]




[...where James Justice is standing. He hits his head against the locker and then turns to look right toward the camera. He flashes a goofy smile and a thumbs up before he moves to exit the locker room. His match with Andre Jones is next!]


Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Liberty_dse81.jpg

Andre Jones vs. James Justice


[This is an ultimate battle of youth in the 25 year old Andre Jones versus experience in the 39 year old James Justice. Of course Andre has the added advantage of having Henry within his corner. Though how much of an advantage that is is anyone's guess. There was a humorous spot early on where Justice grabbed Henry and put him in his own corner. Andre spotted him and went over yelling at Henry and putting him back in his own corner where he belongs. The match itself was a brawl, which is no surprise given the skill set of both men. Justice took down Jones early with a Liberty Big Left Hand. This had Jones rolling outside the ring and grabbing Henry. He looked at the Volleyball and started an argument outside the ring. Justice reached out and grabbed Jones, raising him up on the apron. Henry got dropped and Jones got suplexed into the ring by Justice! Justice spent the next few minutes in control but Jones managed to block a DDT attempt by grabbing onto the top rope. Justice hit on his back and the younger Jones went to work...]


[...Jones dropped Justice with a brainbuster and then picked him up and leveled him on his knee with a backbreaker. Jones played to the crowd, drawing in boos. He went over to Henry and picked him up, talking to the Volleyball before turning and stomping away on Justice. He yanked Justice up and pulled him in for the Blast From The Past but Justice blocked it! Justice elevated Jones in a back body drop and the crowd went wild! Justice and Jones both got to their feet and exchanged punches. Justice sent Jones to the ropes -- Spinebuster! Justice looks to the crowd for a moment and then bounces off the ropes -- SSSSSSTTTTTTAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLSSSSSS -- DUDE KNEE DROP! The Dude Knee Drop connects and Justice crouches, ready to liberate Andre Jones! Jones slowly pulls to his feet and Justice catches him -- Liberation Slam! Justice makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! The crowd goes wild as the Dude picks up the win!]


Winner: James Justice (Via Pinfall @ 8:25)

Match Rating: C-


[We head to the locker room where a man is seen pacing back and forth within the locker room, pausing at times to look at a title belt that is laying on the bench...]




[...USPW National Champion Nicky 'Hawkeye' Champion pauses and looks down at the belt again. He picks it up and then sets it back down. A knock comes at the door and at the behest of Nicky Champion the door opens to reveal...]




[...Alicia Strong! Alicia is freshly showered after her match as shown by the wet hair she is sporting. She looks to Nicky and then steps over to him, touching him on the shoulder...]


Alicia Strong

"You'll do great tonight, Nicky. You'll do better than I did."


Nicky Champion

"You didn't do too badly, Alicia. You weren't the one who took the loss in your match."


Alicia Strong

"Thanks. Well, I wanted to wish you good luck on your match tonight."


[...Alicia leaned in and kissed Nicky on the cheek! Nicky blushed and looked down and away...]


Nicky Champion



[...Alicia paused and touched the belt before turning and exiting the dressing room, leaving Nicky standing there alone...]


Nicky Champion

"I will not falter. I will not fail."


[...Nicky breathes in deeply and turns scared eyes toward the camera before we head back to the ring.]


Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DesDavids-1-1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/FreddieDatsun.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpg


USPW World Tag Team Titles Match

The People's Team defend vs. The Titans


[Were you expecting some catch as catch can wrestling here? Something that would go hold for counterhold and stay on the mat? Nah, didn't think so. This was a brawl pure and simple no matter which members were in the ring. Datsun got stuck in the wrong corner during the bout and The Titans double-teamed the American Everyman. Tyson Baine tucked him in -- Power Bomb! Datsun got folded up like an accordian! Baine made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Broken up by Des Davids! We were within half a count of having brand new USPW World Tag Team Champions! The referee started backing Davids out of the ring as Shane Sneer climbed on the apron. Baine pulled Datsun to his feet and Sneer took off his shoe! Sneer leaned back and then swung -- Datsun ducked! Sneer hit Baine with his shoe! Datsun crawled on all fours looking for a tag! Baine took a moment to regain his senses and then went after Datsun! Datsun crawled between his legs and stretched out -- tag made! Des Davids comes into the ring!...]


[...Davids with a football tackle on Baine! Davids takes out T-Rex with a football tackle! The former football player has the crowd in the palm of his hands. He looks toward Baine and walks over. He picks up Baine and hooks him, raising him in a vertical suplex position! Could we see a Touch Down?!?! Davids shows his strength and power spinning around in the ring with the blood rushing to Baine's head -- kick to the gut by T-Rex! Baine goes down to his feet and T-Rex hooks Davids -- Double Suplex by The Titans! Freddie Datsun enters the ring and starts a brawl with T-Rex! The American Everyman throws punches to the Jurassic Power! Referee Baby Jamie tries to step in but T-Rex shoves him back! Tyson Baine on the other side has his arms around the throat of Des Davids -- Hades Bomb! Baine makes the cover as T-Rex shoves the referee again. The bell sounds! Referee Baby Jamie has disqualified The Titans!]


Winners: The People's Team (Via Disqualification @ 9:58; The People's Team retained the USPW World Tag Team titles)

Match Rating: C-


Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Enygma_alt1jt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Acid.jpg

Enygma vs. Acid


[This match is definitely unlike anything you might normally see within the realm of USPW. Two men who can brawl and take to the air if they need to. Enygma came down through the crowd like he normally does. However, this time he was shoving his way through the people. He got to the bottom and leaped over the railing, climbing into the ring. The lights started to flicker and then went out. Within about thirty seconds, the lights came back on and Acid was standing there in front of Enygma! The two masked men began exchanging punches! Acid ducked a punch and then bounced off the ropes. Enygma had the same idea and they began a criss cross! Enygma finally dropped down and Acid moved to jump over him but Enygma grabbed the legs -- Boston Crab! What a move by Enygma! Acid quickly crawls over to the ropes to get the hold broken. Enygma broke the hold but laid in some kicks to the back of Acid to keep him from getting to his feet. Enygma grabbed the ankle of Acid -- Enygma Variation! But Acid still has ahold of the ropes! Referee Baby Jamie steps in and makes Enygma break the hold...]


[...Enygma gets to his feet and plays to the crowd for a moment before moving back to the Innovator of Silence. He pulls Acid up and sends him to the ropes -- Acid ducks a clothesline -- dropkick to the knee by Acid! Enygma goes down and Acid makes a cover: 1 -- Kickout! Acid goes for an elbowdrop -- misses! Enygma got to his feet! He bounces off the ropes and leaps over Acid. He comes back -- leapfrog by Acid! Enygma bounces off the far ropes -- Power Slam by Acid! Acid makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The next few minutes were spent with Acid in control. Acid used a bit of a speed advantage on Enygma to keep the pace up and running with him. Enygma took control when Acid went for the Acid Rain Bomb and missed! Enygma went outside the ring and climbed the turnbuckles, waiting for Acid to get to his feet and then leaped -- double clothesline! They both went for a clothesline and both hit it! Both men are laid out and the referee begins the ten count. Both men try to get to their feet, using the ropes. They both stumble down as the referee finishes the ten count! It's a double knockout!]


Winner: Draw (Via Double Knockout @ 12:08)

Match Rating: B


[The crowd boos the draw here on USPW Liberty And Justice but what can you do? The USPW-Tron lights up and shows a locker room area where two individuals are standing...]




[...Well, Seduction is sitting on the bench and Darryl Devine is standing and he is pacing for a moment. He runs his fingers back through his hair before looking to Seduction...]


Darryl Devine

"This is it, Seduction. Tonight is the biggest night of my career. Tonight is a make or break night for me. Tonight I either feel Mighty Fine or Mighty Stupid."



"How about Mighty Mouse?"


[...Darryl gives her a look and she closes her mouth...]


Darryl Devine

"Tonight, the Hardcore American goes down and the era of the Devine begins. Tonight, I am going to prove that I am Mighty Fine."


[...Darryl's confidence just seems to be building and it builds even more as Seduction gets up and kisses him right on the lips! We head back to the ring quickly before this gets out of hand.]


Match #7

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg


USPW National Title Match

Nicky Champion defends vs. Bruce The Giant


[Judging from the stats of these two wrestlers, it is a definite mismatch. Bruce The Giant has the definite height and weight advantage over Nicky Champion but Nicky has the heart of a fighter. He has the eye of the tiger and sometimes that can overcome just about everything else. Nicky came down to the ring second, looking across the way toward Bruce The Giant. The title belt was held up in the air by referee Baby Jamie and the bell sounded as the cameras focused in on a sign reading: 'GRAPE FANTA: THE DRINK OF GIANTS...AND CHAMPIONS!' Nicky threw some punches to Bruce and then ducked a punch. He hit him with a few more and then ducked a grab by Bruce The Giant! A definite hit and run strategy for Nicky Champion. Nicky bounced off the ropes -- and ran right into a clothesline from Bruce! Nicky hit the mat hard and Bruce looked down at the National Champion with an evil smirk. He stepped on Nicky's chest and walked right over him as the crowd booed. Bruce picked up Nicky Champion and tossed him in the corner like a rag doll! He began choking Nicky in the corner and broke by the count of five. Bruce whipped Champion across the ring and Champion hit hard in the corner. Bruce came charging in and just about squashed Nicky Champion in the corner. Nicky took a few steps and then dropped to the mat. Could we have a new USPW National Champion? Bruce made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!...]


[...The crowd cheered when Nicky kicked out at 2! It looks like he still has some fire left in him from somewhere! Bruce smiled when he pulled Nicky up. He shoved him backward and then charged -- big boot -- ducked! Bruce crotched himself on the top rope! Nicky staggered over to the ropes and began shaking them. The facial expression on Bruce told the story there! Bruce fell outside the ring and Nicky joined him. Nicky began stomping away on Bruce The Giant and then made a body slam motion! Could he try to body slam the 600 pound Giant??? Nicky pulls Bruce up and then lifts him up into a body slam position but he cannot hold the weight and Nicky falls outside the ring with Bruce on top! Nicky got squashed again by the weight of Bruce The Giant! Bruce pulls himself up and rolls into the ring -- just in time before the ten count is administered! Nicky Champion got counted out! Nicky will retan the gold but Bruce The Giant will walk away with the victory. Neither of them can be satisfied, right?]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Countout @ 7:56; Nicky Champion retained the USPW National title)

Match Rating: C+


Match #8

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg


USPW World Title Match

Chris Caulfield defends vs. Darryl Devine


[it is time for the main event of the evening and what a match this should be as it is for the USPW World title! The challenger comes out first and that man is accompanied to the ring by Seduction. He is Mighty Fine Darryl Devine. Devine comes out to boos from the crowd and he takes them in but he looks focused and a little tired. Just what were he and Seduction doing earlier? Devine reaches the ring and has Seduction hold the ring ropes open for him so he can step through. Devine did not return the favor for Seduction but she managed to step inside the ring anyway and moved over to the corner of Darryl Devine. The crowd cheered when the music changed and it was time for the entrance of the Hardcore American and USPW World Champion Chris Caulfield! Chris paused midway to the ring and took off his bandana handing it over to a small fan. Chris smiled and then continued the rest of the way to the ring sliding inside. He looked across at Darryl Devine and handed over the title to referee Wilson Carlisle. Carlisle showed the belt to Devine and then raised it up for everyone to see. Seduction exited the ring and moved down into Devine's corner and the belt was put at ringside. Carlisle called for the bell and the main event here at Liberty And Justice is underway...]


[...Devine did a lot of posturing for the first few minutes, using the rope breaks to his advantage and keeping Caulfield back. Then Devine asked for a test of strength. Caulfield gave him an incredulous look and then shrugged, moving his hand up to meet Devine's hand -- kick to the gut by Devine! Devine slaps Caulfield across the face! Caulfield shoves Devine! Devine throws a punch! Caulfield throws a punch! Caulfield ducks a Devine punch -- atomic drop! Caulfield clotheslines Devine in the back of the head sending him over the top rope to the floor below! Caulfield plays to the crowd for a moment as Seduction comes around to check on Devine. Devine pushes her back and enters the ring quickly. He uses the ropes to pull himself up and then goes into a collar and elbow tieup with Caulfield -- reverse waistlock by Caulfield -- German Suplex blocked by Devine -- Standing Switch by Devine -- Caulfield blocks the German -- Standing Switch by Caulfield -- Danger -- NO, Devine slithered out of the Danger Drop attempt and quickly moved into a corner to get away...]


[...Devine took the advantage with a rake to the eyes and for the next five minutes he was in control over Caulfield. Several near falls took place within this five minutes and it looked like we might be crowning a new USPW World Champion several times over. But Caulfield managed to kick out each and every time. Both men began wearing down around the ten minute mark. Their punches had less affect and the moves had more impact to them given the fact that they were starting to get tired. Devine tossed Caulfield outside the ring and distracted the referee as Seduction put a few kicks to his ribs! The crowd booed! Caulfield managed to pull himself up and he slid back in the ring before the count of ten. Devine pulled Caulfield up -- frankensteiner! Devine made the cover in the center of the ring:]











[...Caulfield still has some fight left in him! Devine pulled Caulfield up and sent him to the ropes -- dropkick -- missed! Caulfield held onto the top rope! Devine fell and hit his back and the back of his head when he missed that dropkick! Caulfield climbed to the second rope -- forearm across the top of the head! The crowd cheered as Caulfield rose to his feet and said it is over! Caulfield reached down and grabbed Devine -- inside cradle by Darryl Devine:]












[...Devine cannot sneak a win! Caulfield drops him with a clothesline and then hooks him -- fisherman's buster! What a move by the USPW World Champion! Caulfield looks down at Devine and picks him up, carrying him on his shoulder to the turnbuckle. Devine is seated on the top turnbuckle as Caulfield climbs up -- forearm shots by Seduction from behind! Right in front of the referee! Referee Wilson Carlisle calls for the bell!]


Winner: Chris Caulfield (Via Disqualification @ 20:01)

Match Rating: B


[...Devine shoves Caulfield off the turnbuckles! Devine manages to pull himself down and looks to Seduction, realizing what happened! Devine begins yelling at Seduction! Seduction yells back at him! Devine turns and puts the boots to Chris Caulfield! He pulls up Caulfield -- Devine Dream Drop! Darryl Devine stands over the USPW World Champion as the show comes to a close. We'll see you Wednesday night for USPW American Wrestling!]

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We had one person to get an 8/8 perfect score on the pay-per-view! Congratulations to TheLeviticalLawKid3!




1. jhd1=79 Wins

Rayelek=79 Wins

3. xopher316=78 Wins

blewrider1980=78 Wins

5. Dragonmack=76 Wins

6. 20LEgend=74 Wins

7. dse81=72 Wins

8. Huntman=69 Wins

Tigerkinney=69 Wins

10. bgbuff=58 Wins

critical-23=58 Wins

12. Bigpapa42=55 Wins

13. mcorey=49 Wins

14. Boltinho=46 Wins

15. TakerNGN74=42 Wins

16. SeanMcFly=37 Wins

17. Timber=34 Wins

18. ChrisKid=28 Wins

19. Jaded=27 Wins

20. Lexa90=24 Wins

21. tristram=23 Wins

22. Chikbot=17 Wins

TheLeviticalLawKid3=17 Wins

24. SWF Fan=15 Wins

25. BHK1978=14 Wins

26. borman_48=9 Wins

27. Arogue=8 Wins

LoNdOn=8 Wins

29. Jingo=7 Wins

30. smurphy1014=6 Wins

31. Hitman23=5 Wins

ewanite=5 Wins

33. Greg McNeish=4 Wins

NeoMetsFan=4 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


We are entering the final month of the first prediction contest. There's a definite close race at the top!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 1 April 2010


Darryl Devine vs. American Elemental

Matthew Keith vs. The Force

Savage Fury vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestling American Patriot

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Andre Jones

Anger vs. Jack America

Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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Good show last time out


Darryl Devine vs. American Elemental

DD needs to get his mojo back. Elemental is strong on the skill, weak on the fame


Matthew Keith vs. The Force

And Force spoils the run! Please let this be a new feud


Savage Fury vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestling American Patriot

Cap and a loanee! Ha!


USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Andre Jones

Andre gets attacked


Anger vs. Jack America

wow, some big names coming back from development


Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

Draw after interference

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Darryl Devine vs. American Elemental

Just come off a title shot he isn't losing

Matthew Keith vs. The Force

Perfection is stronger than any Force

Savage Fury vs. Captain USA and MAW Wrestling American Patriot

Bit of heel heat for Fury as the dominate Team America

USPW World Television Title Match: James Prudence defends vs. Andre Jones

My USPW had a TV belt and it had a 1 1/2 year long reign for Bruce The Great, so I think this could be a long run for the champ*

Anger vs. Jack America

Bit of creditability after 'you tapped out' to Perfection

Non Title: Tyson Baine vs. Chris Caulfield

Surely a draw as Tyson just lost to the peoples team, he need a bit of reputation back


* Nevermind I meant US Champ but I still think Jimmy P retains

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