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USPW - What? This Again?

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Somewhere around a 24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. So far, I have received predictions from:






Wrestling Century









Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 1 June 2010

Location: Louisiana Auditorium (South East)

Attendance: 6,445

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.72




Last Saturday on USPW Declaration of Independence:

  • The pay-per-view kicked off with a victory by the Hardcore Brotherhood over their rivals James Prudence and Alex Braun when Prudence was blasted by Salvation.
  • Freddie Datsun was found beaten down backstage with no explanation given.
  • The Titans dominated in defending the USPW World Tag Team titles against Anger and Andre Jones and American Elemental and Captain USA.
  • Belle Bryden retained the USPW Women's title against Alicia Strong.
  • Bruce The Giant retained the USPW National title against American Patriot, who was given a full USPW contract.
  • Because Freddie Datsun was unable to compete, Sam Strong had a substitute: Steve Flash! Tommy Cornell vs. Steve Flash was an excellent match in which Tommy won with the Rough Ride.
  • The match was set between Tommy Cornell and Sam Strong at USPW Last Man Standing.
  • Enygma broke his silence in an I Quit match with Acid. Acid started ripping at the mask of Enygma and Enygma called out that he quit rather than losing his mask.
  • In the main event, in a back and forth contest, Darryl Devine won his first ever USPW World title when he pinned Chris Caulfield following the Devine Dream Drop on the chair. Seduction chose to side with Devine in this match.






[Mitch Naess, Eric Tyler and Davis Ditterich welcome everyone to the jam-packed Louisiana Auditorium for USPW American Wrestling! Fans stand trying to get on camera as the camera pans around the arena. A 'USPW' chant breaks out through the crowd. Then as new music begins to fill the arena, boos from the crowd nearly drown out the sound. The attention turns to focus on the entrance ramp where the brand new USPW World Champion 'Mighty Fine' Darryl Devine and his manager and girlfriend Seduction walk out. Devine stands at the top of the ramp, raising up the USPW World title and then mocking the outstretched cross-armed taunt of Chris Caulfield. He walks down to the ring with Seduction, stepping inside after Seduction opened the ropes for him. Seduction also fetched a microphone for him before she entered the ring. He handed her the USPW World title belt in exchange for the microphone. Devine took in the boos and a chant of 'Caulfield, Caulfield, Caulfield' broke out.]


Darryl Devine

"Each and every one of you people need to shut your mouths and listen to what I have to say."


[Of course the fans don't like being told what to do by the likes of Darryl Devine. So the boos get even louder.]


Darryl Devine

"You know what? You can boo me all you want. You can even try to take away my victory celebration. But the one thing you cannot take away from me is the fact that I am the NEW USPW World Champion! And I have one person to thank: ME! I did it all on my own. I hit Chris Caulfield with the Devine Dream Drop and then pinned him in the center of the ring just like I said I was going to do. Imagine that. A wrestler coming out and doing what he said he was going to do. That is definitely different than most of these guys do. But, then again, there can only be one USPW World Champion. That one man has to be the best wrestler that USPW has to offer. That one man has to be, well, mighty fine. There is only one wrestler who fits the bill for all of those categories. That one wrestler is, well, me! Darryl Devine. The best..."


[The crowd cheers as Darryl gets interrupted by some very familiar music. All of the attention turns to the man who Darryl won the USPW World title from last Saturday night.]




['The Hardcore American' Chris Caulfield steps from the back. The bandana on his head is covering up the big bandage on the top of his head. He had to have a lot of stitches last Saturday night after being dropped on the chair. Chris walks right down to the ring and Darryl takes a step back, putting Seduction between him and Chris Caulfield. Chris smirks and is handed a microphone of his own.]


Chris Caulfield

"You always were one to send a woman to do your job, weren't you, Darryl? Last Saturday night this woman that stands between me and you hit me with a chair. As a matter of fact, she busted me wide open. Did it hurt? Yeah, it hurt. You swing a mighty fine chair, Seduction. But I didn't come out here to talk about you. I came out here to talk about my rematch for the USPW World title."


[The crowd breaks into a huge cheer at the thought of Chris Caulfield facing Darryl Devine in that rematch!]


Darryl Devine

"I beat you in the center of the ring, Chris! You don't deserve a rematch! You need to step to the back of the line!"


Chris Caulfield

"You may think that I don't deserve a rematch, Darryl, however if you took a good long look at the contract we signed for Declaration of Independence, I am entitled to a rematch. Isn't that right?"


[The crowd looks a little surprised, wondering just who Chris is talking to. Then the music kicks in and the fans get on their feet, bringing their hands out to high five the owner of USPW.]




[sam Strong walks out from the back and stands at the top of the entrance. He looks between Darryl and Chris for a moment. Darryl is keeping Seduction between himself and the former Champion.]


Sam Strong

"You are absolutely right, brother! Tonight, in this very ring, we are going to see the Mighty Fine Dude Darryl Devine take on The Hardcore American Chris Caulfield, dudes! And that match WILL be for the USPW World title, brothers! Tonight may the best man win."


[Chris smiles and drops his microphone. He threatens to go for Darryl Devine but Devine shoves Seduction forward and then dives out of the ring. Chris catches Seduction and looks at her for a moment. She struggles out of his grip and gets out of the ring quickly but she dropped the USPW World title! Chris looks down at it for a moment and then picks it up. He tests it on his waist as Darryl yells at him from ringside. Chris walks over to the ropes and tosses the belt at Darryl Devine! Chris motions to his waist to show that he is going to be wearing that belt again soon and then he does the cross taunt to a huge ovation from the crowd!]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion_jhdangel.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_dse81.jpg

Tyson Baine vs. The Champion


[Our first match of the evening and it is a good one between a hated wrestler in Tyson Baine and a beloved wrestler in The Champion. Tyson Baine came down with both Shane Sneer and his tag team partner T-Rex in his corner while The Champion had his tag team partner The Force in his corner. Baine scored an early two count following a sideslam on The Champion. Baine dominated early on, much to no one's surprise, really, as The Titans have been dominant USPW World Tag Team Champions. The Champion was sent outside the ring by Baine. Baine distracted the official and T-Rex took down The Champion with a big clothesline! The Force came running over and got into a brawl with T-Rex! Tyson Baine exited the ring to come to the aid of his partner and a brawl broke out between all four men plus Shane Sneer! Referee Wilson Carlisle had no choice but to throw this one out.]


Winner: Draw (Via Sports Entertainment Finish @ 6:11)

Match Rating: C-


[The bell sounding had little significance to these wrestlers though. The Force drew power from shaking the ropes and went right after Tyson Baine! The Champion brawled up the aisle with T-Rex before those two disappeared. Shane Sneer helped Tyson Baine get the better of The Force. All three of those men disappeared to the back as well.]




http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/mattkeithf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg



[A graphic played up on the screen. Remember fans that later on tonight, 'Perfection' Matthew Keith is going to defend the USPW World Television title against the King of the Independents 'The Remarkable' Steve Flash! That should be a great technical wrestling contest!]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JohnnyBloodstone_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CaptainUSA.jpg

Johnny Bloodstone vs. Captain USA


[The Canadian Johnny Bloodstone was the recipient of several 'USA' chants throughout this match. Captain USA used these chants to get in a little bit of offense but it was limited to mostly punches and kicks. Bloodstone used one of these punches to bring USA to the mat. Bloodstone definitely outwrestled USA throughout the bout. When Bloodstone locked on the Bloodstone Mutilation it wasn't very long at all before USA had to give it up.]


Winner: Johnny Bloodstone (Via Submission @ 5:59)

Match Rating: C-






[A recap is shown of the match between The Hardcore Brotherhood and James Prudence and Alex Braun from USPW Declaration of Independence. A few highlights of the previous interaction between those five men are also shown.]


[Then we are taken to a locker room where James Prudence and Alex Braun are standing off looking at each other. James has a far-off look in his eyes and the same smile on his face. Alex snaps in front of James' face.]


Alex Braun

"James, you haven't been the same since last Saturday night. What's going on, man?"


James Prudence

"Yeaaaahhhhh, man, I am feeling gooooood! I am feeling the strength of family flowing through me."


[James pats Alex on the shoulder.]


James Prudence

"Yessssss, Dude!"


[James looks far-off for a moment and then walks out of the room leaving a very confused Alex Braun.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JackAvatar_dse81.jpg

Andre Jones vs. Jack America


[Andre came out to the ring with Henry as he always does. Jack came out handing out little American flags to every fan in the first row, or as many as he came out with. As the bell sounded, the fans really seemed to get into this one as it was a back and forth affair. America used his superior technical and flying abilities to keep the former USPW World Television Champion off-guard. America dropped Jones with a body slam and really got the crowd pumped up! America picked up Jones and hit him with a Fisherman's Buster! He made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Jack America picked up what many would call an upset!]


Winner: Jack America (Via Pinfall @ 6:02)

Match Rating: B-






[The crowd was definitely happy at seeing the win picked up by the 'All American Boy' Jack America. The ring cleared and boos picked up through the crowd at the entrance of the next wrestler. A 'You Quit' chant broke through the crowd as Enygma made his way down to the ring. Enygma paused and picked up a microphone before stepping inside the ring. He stood in the center of the ring and took in the 'You Quit' chant from the crowd. He raised the microphone to his lips and the chant got louder so he lowered the microphone, beginning to pace around the ring for a moment. He finally reached the center of the ring again and rose the microphone to his lips.]



"Alright. That's it. Are you done now? Can we move on?"


[The boos just got even louder for Enygma.]



"Boo me. Cheer for me. I couldn't really care less. None of you people, not one of you in the audience here tonight or any audience that we have could spend one day under my mask. You couldn't realize the pressure that I have each and every day to come out here and perform to the best of my abilities. You couldn't realize anything. But I figured that Acid would be different. Since he wears a mask, I figured that he would understand just how important that is to my identity and to his own identity. Where would he be without his mask? He wouldn't be wrestling here in USPW. I wouldn't be wrestling in USPW. So in essence Acid was trying to take my livelihood away from me last Saturday night. I couldn't let him do that. I couldn't let him take away my identity. I couldn't let him solve the riddle of Enygma. But I can solve his riddle. At the end of the month, I will solve his riddle. At the end of the month, Last Man Standing, I want Acid in a Mask vs. Mask match. Acid, you tried to take my livelihood away from me and you did steal a part of my identity. But at Last Man Standing I will reveal your true nature. I will reveal you for who you really are. I will solve your riddle."


[Enygma drops the microphone and shakes his head. He steps out of the ring and heads to the back in silence.]




http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt2.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg



[A replay from earlier tonight was shown where Sam Strong signed the match that will be our main event! Darryl Devine with Seduction in his corner defends the USPW World title against the former Champion Chris Caulfield! What a main event here tonight!]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/CherryBomb_jhd1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg

Cherry Bomb vs. Alicia Strong


[A pretty decent albeit short Women's match here between two of the top female athletes in the world. As Alicia came down to the ring she saw a sign which read: 'Alicia Strong Wishes She Was J-Ro!' She looked a little disturbed by it, letting Cherry Bomb attack her before the bell. Cherry had the advantage about midway through the match when Alicia went into her comeback. She dropped Cherry with a jawbreaker and then a clothesline! She picked up Cherry Bomb -- Angel Driver! She turned it into a pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Alicia Strong (Via Pinfall @ 3:44)

Match Rating: C+






[We headed backstage to the locker room and a chair goes flying across the view of the camera banging off a locker! Tyson Baine walks into view and grabs the locker that was it, yanking it to the ground. Shane Sneer walks over trying to calm the large menacing man down.]


Shane Sneer

"You'll get your shot at revenge, Tyson. We'll all get our shot at revenge."


[Tyson punches another locker several times until his own hand starts to bleed. T-Rex walks over to him and the two of them lock eyes. They do a fist bump and Shane just smiles in the background. Looks like they are wanting to face off with Champion Force?]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/mattkeithf.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/SteveFlash.jpg


USPW World Television Title Match

Matthew Keith defends vs. Steve Flash


[This match pitted the younger generation of Matthew Keith against the older generation of Steve Flash. Flash is more than twice Keith's age. However in the early going of the match Flash proved that he can still hang with the younger generation, bringing Keith to the mat again and again with things like armdrags and dropkicks and a spin kick that sent Keith outside the ring. Flash bounced off the ropes and leaped over, taking Keith down with a cross body block outside the ring! The crowd popped as Flash stood up! Flash grabbed Keith and rolled him inside the ring, leaving his head exposed on the apron. Keith caught an elbow directly to the throat by Steve Flash! Flash definitely showing an aggressive side here! Flash pointed to a sign reading: 'Matthew Keith will lose in a Flash!' and then rolled inside the ring and made a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[Flash pulled Keith up and worked him back into the corner. He threw some punches and then climbed up in the corner looking like he might go for a headscissors. Instead, he flips around and locks on a cross-arm-breaker! Keith cries out in pain but shakes his head! He's not about to give it up here. Keith works his way to the ropes and gets the break from Flash. Flash pulls Keith back up and sends him across the ring -- clothesline -- ducked! Keith comes back with a flying forearm! Keith heads to the top turnbuckle -- flying elbowdrop! He struck that elbow right into the heart of Steve Flash! Keith moves around and grabs the legs of Flash. He steps in and twists -- Proton Lock! Matthew Keith locked on the Proton Lock! Flash fought it! He didn't want to give up! Thirty seconds go by! Flash shakes his head. He is unwilling to give up here tonight! Fifty seconds go by. Flash struggles and fights but he has to give up! He spent nearly one full minute in the Proton Lock before giving up!]


Winner: Matthew Keith (Via Submission @ 9:45)

Match Rating: B-




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ChrisCaulfield_alt1.jpg


USPW World Title Rematch

Darryl Devine defends vs. Chris Caulfield


[Our main event of the evening and what a main event this should be! After these two put on the best match of the year last Saturday night on pay-per-view what tricks could they have up their sleeves tonight? Chris Caulfield made his way out to the ring first, pausing to give a little child his bandana before he entered the ring. The removal of the bandana showed the large bandage on his forehead. A definite bullseye, right? USPW World Champion Darryl Devine came out along with Seduction, pausing about midway down the ramp and pointing to a sign reading: 'The Devine Era BEGINS!' Seduction spoke with the fan for a moment and then she escorted the USPW World Champion down to the ring. She held the ropes open for him and Darryl entered, raising the USPW World title belt overhead! He handed the belt over to referee Wilson Carlisle, who raised it up for the world to see that this is indeed a USPW World title match. He walked over and handed it off to the timekeeper and then called for the bell. This match is on!]


[The first few minutes of the bout were spent with Chris Caulfield in firm control. He was doing his best to keep Devine away from the injury he suffered last Saturday night. He took over Devine with a side headlock takedown and really wrenched in on the headlock. Devine got Caulfield up to his feet and sent him to the ropes -- Shouderblock takedown by Caulfield! Caulfield bounced off the ropes -- jumped over Devine's log roll attempt. Caulfield came running back and Devine ducked his head a moment too soon. Caulfield tucked Devine's head between his legs and double underhooked the arms -- Double Underhook Power Bomb! What a move! Caulfield leaps down and makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Devine kicked out and saved his USPW World title run so far. Caulfield rose to his feet and pulled Devine up -- irish whip into the corner. Caulfield follows it in with a big corner clothesline! Devine staggers out of the corner -- body slam by Caulfield! The Hardcore American makes another cover: 1 -- 2 -- Shoulder Up!]


[Chris pulls Devine to his feet as Seduction looks on in horror outside the ring. Caulfield sets up Devine for the Danger Drop -- Devine slips out and exits the ring quickly! Devine moves over to Seduction for some support. He came within a few seconds of falling victim to the Danger Drop! Caulfield exits the ring and begins chase of Darryl Devine. Devine puts Seduction between him and Caulfield. Caulfield raises a fist anyway and Devine pushes Seduction into the chest of Caulfield! Devine with a sucker punch to the head! Seduction ducks out of the way and Devine hits Caulfield with a bicycle kick! He picks up the challenger and rams him head-first into the guardrail before ripping at the bandage on his forehead! He's busted open 'The Hardcore American!' The crowd boos as Devine smirks. Devine tosses Caulfield into the ring and then joins him inside. Devine puts his boot right on that open wound of Caulfield and grinds it in! More boos escape the crowd. Devine pulls Caulfield to his feet and kicks him in the gut -- facebuster! He dropped Caulfield face-first to the mat. He rolls him over and makes the cover:]












[The crowd absolutely explodes when Chris Caulfield gets that right shoulder off the mat just before the three count! Darryl Devine is livid! He starts yelling at the referee but Wilson Carlisle signals it was only a two count! Devine turns his attention back to Caulfield, who is wearing a bloody crimson mask right now. Devine pulls Caulfield up onto the turnbuckle and then climbs up with him. He hooks him -- SUPERPLEX! The move connected! That has to be all she wrote for Caulfield, right? But Devine doesn't go for the cover. Instead, he pulls Caulfield to his feet and kicks him in the gut -- DEVINE DREAM DROP! The Devine Dream Drop connected on the bloody face of Chris Caulfield. Devine makes the cover:]











Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 10:07)

Match Rating: B+




[What a main event this has been, folks! Darryl Devine is given his USPW World title belt as the cameras show a sign reading: 'The Devine nightmare continues!' That is all the time we have for you tonight. But, wait, as Darryl Devine and Seduction walk up the aisle they pass three men walking toward the ring. It's The Hardcore Brotherhood. The Brotherhood ignore Darryl Devine and Devine ignores them. Travis Century, Shawn Gonzalez and JD Morgan all enter the ring but only Travis has a microphone. He looks down at the fallen and bloody body of Chris Caulfield.]


Travis Century

"Brother Caulfield, The Hardcore Brotherhood sat back there tonight and watched you spill blood the same way we did back in the good old days. We watched as that open wound began pouring the Beautiful crimson liquid to the mat. We have to applaud your efforts in bleeding tonight, Brother Caulfield. You know that we come only with the best of intentions, only with the feeling of Brotherhood in mind tonight."


[Chris begins to come to some and turns on his stomach, moving up to his knees. He looks up slowly and sees who is in the ring with him. His eyes go wide and he falls backward, wiping off some of the blood on his face with his hand.]


Travis Century

"We have come to give you an opportunity, Brother Caulfield. We come to extend the hand of Brotherhood to you. You are a man who stands for the Hardcore Brotherhood. I can see it within your eyes, Brother Caulfield. The hand is extended to you, Brother. We await your response."


[Chris Caulfield looks shocked and just meets the eyes of the three men inside the ring with him. Now, we are certainly out of time here tonight! We will see you next week right here on USPW American Wrestling!]

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We had two people get 5/6 on this previous card as the high scores! Congratulations to Jingo and Emark!




1. Rayelek=31 Wins

2. blewrider1980=30 Wins

3. xopher316=29 Wins

Jingo=29 Wins

5. jhd1=27 Wins

Tigerkinney=27 Wins

7. Wrestling Century=26 Wins

8. 20LEgend=25 Wins

9. TheLeviticalLawKid3=23 Wins

Emark=23 Wins

11. ChrisKid=22 Wins

12. Dragonmack=21 Wins

13. Boltinho=14 Wins

14. Bigpapa42=9 Wins

15. Marcel Fromage=4 Wins

SeanMcFly=4 Wins

17. MorenoKing24=3 Wins


Thanks again to everyone who's predicted so far! The predictions and comments really do help make this diary fun and worthwhile!


And a special thank you to jhd1, FIN and all of the alt makers for really helping the look of this and other diaries!


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Wednesday Week 2 June 2010


T-Rex vs. American Patriot

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Bob Casey

Anger and Andre Jones vs. Champion Force

Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Alex Braun


Heels are listed first except in the case of title matches. In title matches, the champion is listed first.


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Love it mask vs mask will be epic already got in mind who I think'll win, Champion Force vs Titans seems to be impending for LMS and Caulfield's storyline transition was great a booking/ writing clinic right there, excellent! :D


Really glad you enjoyed the card. It definitely seems to be setting the stage for Last Man Standing, which I am hoping will be another excellent card just like the last pay-per-view. With matches already official like Sam Strong vs. Tommy Cornell and the Mask vs. Mask match between Enygma and Acid, which I am adding here and now as official, hopefully we will just keep moving up. As for the Chris Caulfield storyline transition, it should be very interesting. At least I am hoping it will keep the interest of the fans.

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T-Rex vs. American Patriot


Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Bob Casey


Anger and Andre Jones vs. Champion Force

Build up for Titans vs CF

Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Best Face

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid

Build up for PPV

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Alex Braun

He won't lose



At least I am hoping it will keep the interest of the fans.


The first show of this dairy had me hooked and I knew anything you did from there on in I would love it. I commented on that half asleep and the Craziness of your USPW had me as a life long reader :D

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Jack America won a match ? :eek:


I have absolutely loved the evolution of the Acid/Enygma feud


T-Rex vs. American Patriot


Patriot may be full time here now, which means he may be doing less jobbing soon but he isn't ready to go over T-Rex.


Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Bob Casey


Bob Casey can only dream of beating Bruce. In fact Bob Casey can pretty much only dream of beating anyone yet alone a 7ft giant.


Anger and Andre Jones vs. Champion Force


Champion Force are being built as the next challengers for the Tag Belts.


Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez


Strong is still enjoying the strongest push out of these three


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid


Difficult to call this one, as Gonzalez is part of the hot, still relatively new heel stable in the Hardcore Brotherhood but Acid needs to be kept strong too as he has a big match coming up against Engyma. I'm actually going to go for Gonzalez here with an Engyma distraction proving costly for Acid.


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Alex Braun


New champion isn't going to fall to the upset at this stage in his title run.

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T-Rex vs. American Patriot

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Bob Casey

Anger and Andre Jones vs. Champion Force

Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Alex Braun


Fan Sign (ripped off from Impact last night): Enygma, please!

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I agree with Tiger Kinney - Acid/Enygma is great stuff


T-Rex vs. American Patriot



Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Bob Casey

Just cant see Bruce laying down here


Anger and Andre Jones vs. Champion Force

They need a win


Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Think Alicia has enough momentum so shes going onto a roll


Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid

Enygma gets involved


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Alex Braun

clearly interference. But will Caulfield be involved in it?

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T-Rex vs. American Patriot

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Bob Casey

Anger and Andre Jones vs. Champion Force

Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid

Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Alex Braun


I've really missed predicting here


fan sign: Enygma will not be solved......

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[sam Strong does NOT enjoy hiding things from his daughter in regards to the company. One day he is hoping she will want to take over the company and continue the Strong legacy here in USPW. However until that day comes he has to do what is best for his daughter and what is best for his company. That includes keeping her in the dark about his plans for the working agreement with TCW. Everyone that does not need to know is in the dark about this. The only two people who need to know are himself and Jack. Jack has a good head on his shoulders and is the man who came up with the idea of contacting Tommy Cornell. Of course it is Sam's own friendship with Tommy and with certain members of the TCW family that allowed him to truly get as far as he has. This was a definite betrayal of the trust that Tommy Cornell is putting in him. Tommy believes that this whole thing was set up as a way to get at Richard Eisen and the Supreme Wrestling Federation. Jack was able to convince him of that and Sam stood behind his Head Booker during that conversation. The only problem is that this agreement was never about Richard, never about the SWF. At least not from the point of view of USPW. This is moreso about catching up with TCW. Their talent has their uses here in USPW for a price. The money spent will be worth it when USPW slingshots into the number two position with Tommy never knowing what hit him.


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Tuesday, Week 2, June 2010

Brandon James defeated Colossus to retain the SWF North American title...C+

Big Smack Scott defeated Shady K...D+

Everest defeated Puerto Rican Power...D

Christian Faith defeated Eric Eisen...B+

Marat Khoklov defeated Jack Bruce...B-





Tuesday, Week 2, June 2010

Sammy Bach defeated Harry Allen...C+

American Buffalo, Genghis Rahn and Joshua Taylor defeated Mikey James, Frankie Perez and Mighty Mo...C-

The L.A. Connection defeated The Canadian Animals...C+

Guide defeated Texas Pete...C+

Joey Minnesota defeated Bruce The Giant...B-

Rocky Golden defeated Wolf Hawkins...B


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Somewhere around a 24 hour warning for predictions for USPW American Wrestling. So far, I have received predictions from:






Wrestling Century








Thank you to everyone who has predicted so far and for the comments as well.

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I've got to agree with 20LEgend and TK - the progression of the Acid-Enygma feud is excellent, but the ending of the last AW - wow!


T-Rex vs. American Patriot

Squash time from one half of the tag champs.

Non Title: Bruce The Giant vs. Bob Casey

Another squash...

Anger and Andre Jones vs. Champion Force

Jones and Anger are really little more than jobbers at the moment...

Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez

Alicia's still the big name.

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid


Non Title: Darryl Devine vs. Alex Braun

Easy non-title match for Mighty Fine.

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[show Poster Provided by SeanMcFly]


Wednesday Week 2 June 2010

Location: Louisiana Auditorium (South East)

Attendance: 6,519

Overall Rating: B-

TV Rating: 1.92




Last Week on USPW American Wrestling:

  • Darryl Devine, Chris Caulfield and Sam Strong kicked off the show signing a rematch from the pay-per-view for later on that evening as new Champion Darryl Devine would defend his USPW World title against the former Champion Chris Caulfield!
  • Tyson Baine and The Champion went to a draw as their partners got involved in the match and both teams brawled to the back.
  • Johnny Bloodstone caused Captain USA to submit to a Bloodstone Mutilation.
  • James Prudence was acting very strange, even for him, backstage as he just seemed to be staring off into space with an odd smile on his face.
  • Jack America picked up a big win over Andre Jones.
  • Enygma challenged Acid to a Mask vs. Mask match at USPW Last Man Standing.
  • Alicia Strong hit Cherry Bomb with an Angel Driver and scored the pinfall victory.
  • Matthew Keith successfully defended his USPW World Television title against Steve Flash.
  • Darryl Devine was successful in his title defense against Chris Caulfield.
  • Following that match, The Hardcore Brotherhood approached Chris Caulfield about possible membership.






[some footage is shown of earlier tonight. How do we know it is earlier tonight? Because that's what it says in the lower left-hand corner. Chris Caulfield is shown arriving to the building. He steps one foot inside and comes across USPW resident interviewer Sara Silver.]


Sara Silver

"Chris, Chris! Can I have a moment of your time?"


[Chris pauses in step and looks over to Sara. He nods for her to continue.]


Sara Silver

"Last week, you were approached by Travis Century and the Hardcore Brotherhood. What are your comments on their offer for you to join them?"


Chris Caulfield

"No comment."


[Chris then just walks off from Sara leaving her standing there and shrugging. This is very intriguing.]




Match #1

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/T-Rex_alt1.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShaneSneer.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/TysonBaine_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BulldozerBrandon_alt2.jpg

T-Rex vs. American Patriot


[American Patriot has NOT had an easy road here in USPW and that did not change this evening. Not only did he have T-Rex to contend with but on the outside stood both Shane Sneer and Tyson Baine. The crowd tried to get behind American Patriot with a 'USA' chant but T-Rex was dominant in this match. The man known as Jurassic Power took Patriot to the mat and then hooked on the Jurassic Crush. He began swinging Patriot back and forth in the Full Nelson and Patriot had no choice but to submit.]


Winner: T-Rex (Via Submission @ 3:36)

Match Rating: D




[When T-Rex released the hold, the USPW-Tron lit up showing the faces of The Force and The Champion, the team known as Champion Force! They looked into the camera.]


The Force

"Men become known by that which they bring to the table. You are looking at The Champion and The Force for a reason. I am the embodiment of the power and the abilities known as THE FFFOOORRRCCCEEE! You men who became the USPW World Tag Team Champions are known as The Titans. You are strong in your strength and size but you are no match for the power that is the mighty strength of the FFFOOORRRCCCEEE! I traveled to the desert. I stayed there for 40 days and 40 nights and I was given a sign. I was given a sign that my partner would be here in USPW. Here he is. The Champion. At Last Man Standing, he will live up to his name!"


[Champion Force flex for a moment but The Titans do NOT look impressed in the ring. The USPWtron turns off and The Titans head to the back to boos from the crowd.]






[We head backstage where we are taken to a locker room. American Elemental is seen flying across the locker room, hitting the locker with his head! He falls to the ground and we pan back further to reveal Johnny Bloodstone! Bloodstone comes over Elemental and locks on The Bloodstone Mutilation! The crowd boos in the background! Bloodstone releases after a minute and puts an extra boot to the chest of American Elemental.]


Johnny Bloodstone

"Don't blame Canada. Blame yourself!"


[Johnny walks off as EMTs come in to have a look at American Elemental.]




Match #2

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BrucetheGiant.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/BobCasey.jpg

Non Title

Bruce The Giant vs. Bob Casey


[sQUASH! Poor Bob Casey's debut here on USPW American Wrestling may end up being his last match here as well. Bruce absolutely dominated Bob. He took him down with a Giant Headbutt and a huge body slam! Bruce grabbed Bob Casey around the throat and raised him up, holding him up for thirty seconds before bringing him down in a Giant Choke Slam! Bruce put his foot on the chest of the debuting Bob Casey: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Bruce The Giant (Via Pinfall @ 1:54)

Match Rating: C-






[We head backstage where we see the man known as the King of the Independents sitting on a bench icing down his knees. Every movement he makes makes him wince as he leans back on the bench, rubbing those knees. Flash has definitely had years and years of wear and tear on the independent scene. The door to the locker room opens and Steve is surprised to see the USPW World Champion Darryl Devine along with Seduction. Darryl has the belt over his shoulder and he leans up against a locker. His eyes look over at Steve and Steve stares him down from the bench.]


Steve Flash

"What do you want, Darryl?"


Darryl Devine

"I was just thinking that it must be horrible to be you, Steve. You finally come here to USPW, to the big time, and the first thing you do is lose to Tommy Cornell and let Sam Strong down. Then last week you lose to a man who is around half your age and who already has a title here in USPW. You're falling apart, Steve. You're a pathetic former shell of the man that was known as the King of the Independents. I know all about that. I have spent my career beating men like you here in USPW. My question to you is why do you keep doing it? Why not retire with some form of dignity?"


[steve looks up at Darryl and shakes his head, trying to hide a look of pain as he rubs his knee.]


Steve Flash

"The fact that you have to ask me that proves that you don't deserve the USPW World title."


[Darryl frowns.]


Darryl Devine

"Don't let your mouth write a check that your butt cannot cash, Steve. You do NOT want to go there."



"Enjoy your ice, Steve. Darryl and I? We'll enjoy our heat."


[Darryl and Seduction walk off and Steve shakes his head. He closes his eyes and leans back on the bench and we head back to the ring.]




Match #3

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/DemonAnger.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AndreJones.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JimForce_dse81.jpghttp://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/NickyChampion_jhdangel.jpg

Anger and Andre Jones vs. Champion Force


[Though Champion Force were made the #1 Contenders to the USPW World Tag Team titles, the fans really didn't seem to care either way for this match. This tag team encounter was dominated by Champion Force, taking out both Anger and Andre Jones. The Force took Anger down with the Full Force and turned it into the pinfall: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: Champion Force (Via Pinfall @ 5:48)

Match Rating: D+






[We head backstage to a seemingly empty hallway. The camera bounces up and down as though the cameraman is running. At the end of the hallway is the lobby area of the arena where a crowd of fans is gathered around calling and screaming at something. The camera zooms in and Enygma and Acid are shown trading punches! Acid tosses Enygma over a concession stand! Enygma grabs his shoulder and then pulls up to his feet. Acid leaps on top of him! Wrestlers finally break through the crowd and grab Acid and Enygma, pulling them apart and seperating them. This a definite war between these two masked wrestlers that will come to an end at Last Man Standing!]






['I am a real American

Fight for the rights of every man.

I am a real American

Fight for what's right

Fight for your life!'


A training montage is shown to the fans at home and sitting in the arena of Sam Strong set to his entrance music: 'Real American.' Sam is shown lifting weights and training inside the ring with a cameo appearance by the owner of MAW Rip Chord! Rip gives the camera a thumbs up and Sam is shown jogging through the streets of Huntsville, Alabama! In just a few weeks at Last Man Standing, the 63 year old man will set foot inside the ring to take on Tommy Cornell!]




Match #4

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/EveGrunge_alt1.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AliciaStrong.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JoanneRodriguez.jpg

Eve Grunge vs. Alicia Strong vs. Joanne Rodriguez


[A three woman encounter here and it was announced that this match would decide the top contender to Belle Bryden's USPW Women's title. That gave this match a definite bit of 'oomph' to it as all three women would like a chance at the belt. Eve Grunge showed some good technical wrestling early on with a side headlock takeover and even a bow and arrow on J-Ro but that was broken up by Alicia Strong. Later during the match, J-Ro held Eve Grunge from behind and Alicia came running -- Strong Arm Tactic -- ducked! Eve ducked and J-Ro took the Strong Arm Tactic! What shock on everyone's face! J-Ro rolled out of the ring and Eve rolled up Alicia: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]




[belle Bryden came down to ringside to watch the match and see who the new top contender would be. Eve went for a body slam but Alicia got out behind her! Alicia backed up and Eve turned -- Strong Arm Tactic! Alicia hit her finisher on Eve Grunge! Alicia turns to celebrate with the crowd -- WHAM! Belle Bryden hit her with the USPW Women's title belt causing the DQ!]


Winner: Alicia Strong (Via Disqualification @ 7:50)

Match Rating: C+


[The crowd boos at the interference of Belle Bryden! Belle begins putting the boots to Alicia Strong and then looks up -- Missle Dropkick! Joanne Rodriguez hit Belle Bryden with a Missle Dropkick out of nowhere! She saved Alicia Strong! Belle exits the ring quickly and J-Ro checks on Alicia Strong. Alicia pulls away from her and shakes her head. She doesn't want J-Ro's help? Alicia slides out of the ring and walks away, leaving a very confused Joanne Rodriguez]






[We head backstage where Chris Caulfield is shown watching a monitor. The crowd cheers at the showing of the Hardcore American and then boo when it is shown who he is standing with: Travis Century! Travis gives Chris a pat on the shoulder and Chris shrugs him off.]


Travis Century

"Brother Caulfield, I understand your sentiment here. I really do. We all have those people who we express our loyalty to. However, does anyone else truly express it back to us? No. But you have the opportunity to change that. You have the opportunity to unite with a Brotherhood that will be forever loyal. We have been born in blood. We have been baptised and sanctified through our battles. Come with us, Brother Caulfield. Let us show you the eternal power of the Hardcore Brotherhood. You don't have to give me an answer tonight, my brother. Simply watch as Brother Gonzalez does the deed tonight against a man who professed to be your friend but all he truly cares about is himself and Enygma. Watch as the Brotherhood, the Hardcore Brotherhood takes care of business tonight."


[Chris's lip twitches for a moment and he just stands there watching the monitor. That match he mentioned? It's next!]




Match #5

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/ShawnGonzalez_jhd.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JDMorgan_alt.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Acid.jpg

Shawn Gonzalez vs. Acid


[This match in particular definitely has the odds stacked against Acid from the outset. He had that brawl earlier with Enygma and Shawn Gonzalez walks out with JD Morgan in his corner for this match. As Shawn and JD came down to the ring, the camera picked up a sign reading: 'Prepare to be unmasked Acid!' Acid took the early advantage over Gonzalez, using his speed to his advantage. Eventually, the Hardcore Brotherhood member tried to escape the speed by going outside the ring. Acid had other thoughts in mind, though. He leaped over the top rope and landed on top of Gonzalez outside the ring, taking him down! The crowd cheered for the masked man and Acid pointed toward a sign reading: 'Enygma, please!' Then he was suddenly grabbed and run shoulder-first into the steel steps! What in the world?]




[it's Enygma! Enygma is here! JD Morgan distracted the official while Enygma did the dirty work. Enygma rolled Gonzalez back inside the ring and then rolled Acid back in as well. Enygma motions to a sign reading: 'Enygma will not be solved......' He is stand-offish with JD Morgan, showing that it's the old adage of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Gonzalez picks up Acid and locks in a Bear Hug! The referee checks Acid but Acid shakes his head. He's not about to give up! The Silence Behind The Violence fires back with several punches to the head of Shawn Gonzalez! Acid goes into his comeback pretty early here. He sends Gonzalez down with a drop toehold! Acid picks up Gonzalez and snaps him down to the mat with a huracan rana! Gonzalez lays in perfect position and Acid knows it! Acid exits the ring and begins ascending the turnbuckles as someone else comes down to ringside.]




[it's Chris Caulfield! The Hardcore American is getting more of a view here tonight. He is standing beside a fan who is holding up a sign reading: 'Caulfield, please don't turn your back on the fans!' But his presence distracts Acid as the Innovator of Silence is perched on the top turnbuckle. He finally turns his attention back to Gonzalez and leaps -- Acid Rain Bomb -- missed! Gonzalez moved out of the way and Acid landed hard! Gonzalez rolls him up: 1 -- 2 -- 3! Chris Caulfield just cost Acid this match!]


Winner: Shawn Gonzalez (Via Pinfall @ 9:41)

Match Rating: B+




Match #6

http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Devine_alt2.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/Seduction.jpg vs. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/AlexBraun.jpg w/ http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a226/shawkes/uspw2/JamesPrudence.jpg

Non Title

Darryl Devine vs. Alex Braun


[it is main event time here on USPW American Wrestling! What a non title main event this should be. 'Mighty Fine' and USPW World Champion Darryl Devine comes down to the ring with Seduction at his side. He is tugging on her collar as they get down to the ring. She holds open the ropes for him and the Champion steps inside. Seduction follows him inside the ring and helps him remove the USPW World title belt from around his waist. She exits the ring with it and out comes his opponent for this evening: 'The Iceman' Alex Braun. Braun is accompanied to the ring by his ally James Prudence. Though Braun is having to help Prudence down to the ring as he seems really out of it. The Iceman enters the ring and stares across at Devine as referee Wilson Carlisle calls for the bell.]


[braun started the match out quickly with some brawling tacics. A few punches and forearm shots knocked Devine back on his heels. Braun has a bit of an advantage in this area of the match. He sent Devine to the ropes -- Powerslam! He made the quick cover: 1 -- Kickout! Only a 1 count there for The Iceman. Braun picked up Devine and dropped him face-first on his knees! Seduction cringed at seeing Devine's face get smashed on those knees! Braun was not finished, though. He picked up Devine and raised him up on his shoulders -- Gutbuster! Braun has been dominant in this early going! Braun makes another cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! Braun pulls Devine to his feet and takes him back into the corner with three forearm smashes. Braun hooks a front facelock and lifts up Devine for a vertical suplex but Devine twists his body around! He lands behind Braun and rolls him up: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[Devine went to the eyes of Braun immediately and shoved him back into the corner. Devine began ramming those shoulders hard into the chest of the Iceman. The crowd booed! Devine pulled Braun out of the corner and hooked him -- snap suplex! What a move by the USPW World Champion! Devine mocked Braun by mimmicking walking as an old man with a cane. Or maybe that was for Steve Flash's benefit. Devine came back over to Braun and lifted him up, throwing a few kicks to The Iceman. Braun catches one in the gut and doubles over. Devine tucks him in -- Power Bomb! Definitely not as much power as someone like Tyson Baine or T-Rex but an effective move nonetheless! Devine makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout!]


[James Prudence looks a little concerned outside the ring as Devine pulls Braun to his feet. Devine kicks Braun in the gut -- Devine Dream -- NO! Braun pushed Devine off and Devine bounces off the ropes -- kick to the gut by Braun -- Double Underhook Facebuster! What a move by Alex Braun! Braun makes a cover: 1 -- 2 -- Foot On The Ropes! Both men are definitely feeling the effects of the match so far. Braun pulls up to his feet and Seduction climbs on the apron. Seduction gets the attention of the referee AND the attention of Alex Braun! James Prudence enters the ring with a steel chair in hand. He looks to line up a shot on Darryl Devine -- A SWING -- AND A MISS! Devine dropped down to avoid the chair shot but Braun caught the shot in the back of the head! Prudence's eyes go wide at what he's just done. Devine tosses Prudence over the top rope and Prudence hits the floor with that odd smile still on his face. Devine pulls Braun in -- kick to the gut -- Devine Dream Drop! Darryl Devine makes the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Darryl Devine (Via Pinfall @ 11:39)

Match Rating: B-




[A major victory here tonight in non title action for our USPW World Champion. But instead of his music playing, the track for another wrestler plays. The Remarkable Steve Flash steps out from the back. He points toward Darryl Devine and then motions around his waist. Steve Flash wants a title shot? What will Darryl Devine have to say about that? We'll find out next week!]

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Law exam in 12 hours it's 9 o'clock in the evening, I have to get sleep in and do loads of revision (60 pages and it's took me 3 hours to do 10) and you put this up!!!1:mad:




What has Flash done to dererve a shot, other than guarantee a great match with The Devine One? I think I just answered my own question. Champion Force are just amazing like them even more every show, loved 'a cameo from Rip Chord!'

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Law exam in 12 hours it's 9 o'clock in the evening, I have to get sleep in and do loads of revision (60 pages and it's took me 3 hours to do 10) and you put this up!!!1:mad:




What has Flash done to dererve a shot, other than guarantee a great match with The Devine One? I think I just answered my own question. Champion Force are just amazing like them even more every show, loved 'a cameo from Rip Chord!'


Erm. Sorry? lol. I hope you do well on your exam, though! As for Flash? Hopefully the storyline will speak for itself within the next few weeks as to why he has the title shot. Glad you like Champion Force and the cameo from Rip Chord. The last I just couldn't resist. lol.

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