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angeldelayette and jhd1 present...the Mid-South Wrestling Alliance

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan


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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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my golly how have I fluke 100% so far?


Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan


Sign - You've Just Been Dazzled!

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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5/5? Awesome! Another really fun show. Looking forward to Gumble vs Morgan, but Krusher vs Patriot should be off the charts!


I was so confident of a Major Disaster win, I thought he was getting a monster push with his scary introduction. Another great, entertaining show and theres seems to be an awesome atmosphere and a great feel of Old School fun


Thanks guys - especially the 'fun' part as I think that is really a big part of our design for M-SWA. We're not looking to do anything different (hence a Soviet sympathiser in 2010!) but instead bring 'old school' and 'classic' wrestling back. M-SWA is where kayfabe rules, the bad guys cheat and the good guys high five the fans!


Surely I cant be the only one who watches the AWA on ESPN Classic


old school is awesome


I don't think we get ESPN Classic on this side of the Atlantic but you're right, old school is indeed awesome :D

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff

Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway

M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers

Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite

Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff

Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway

M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers - DRAW

Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite

Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan


Just got caught up with this..as always jhd1 you do a great job giving an authentic feel to your writing of a fed this size. angel I'm sure deserves a lot of the credit as well

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I feel like I'm in a timewarp reading this. :)


Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff - This is a pier-sixer! Ends as a no contest.


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway - I used to be in an e-fed with a guy called Dave Diamond, so I've gotta go with the Dazzling One here.


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers - You've got them in, may as well give them the gold.


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite - 50/50


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan - I LOVE what you're doing with JD. :)

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers

Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

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Mid-South Wrestling Alliance Grudge Match!

American Patriot & Ford Gumble vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff

Two of my favorite old-schoolers in the game.


Mid-South Debut!

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway

DDD: Brawler with some upside. Wiley: Tag specialist. In a singles bout, I go with DDD.


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Title Match

The Deadly Alliance © vs. The Keith Brothers

Let there be title change!


Rafael Ruiz vs. Coyote Dynamite

Coyote is AWFUL. Raffy gets a win here just because he can work a match.


Running Wolf vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

Toss up.

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This is a sort-of-but-not-quite 24-hour warning. I'm hoping to get the show up by tomorrow night but there is a small possibility I may not get it finished. If that is the case then I should be able to get it posted on Monday. If you'd like to predict but haven't had chance - well where have you been!? :p


Seriously - thanks for the great response everyone. So far we've had predictions from;









Phantom Stranger






And probably someone else that I've forgotten...There have been loads of great comments too - we've really enjoy reading the reasons behind your picks.


Hope you enjoy the show, whenever it arrives!


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I feel like I'm in a timewarp reading this. :)


Timewarps are good, that means we are doing our job :D


Just got caught up with this..as always jhd1 you do a great job giving an authentic feel to your writing of a fed this size. angel I'm sure deserves a lot of the credit as well


Glad you're enjoying reading the new diary and thanks for the compliment RE: the authenticity. You're right, a lot of credit must also go to angel and his wrestling-genius mind :)

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It's Wednesday, June, Week 2, 2010 and we are live in the New Mexico Armory in front of 876 fans!


YOUR ANNOUNCE TEAM: Davis Ditterich & Eric Tyler

[Once again the show begins with our owner, Shane Sneer, in the ring, microphone in hand...]




It brings me great pleasure to welcome the people of the Mid-South to the third ever M-SWA show...


Down in Dixie!


We have an amazing night in store for you all...


...Gumble and Patriot will take on Karloff and Rayne..


...The Deadly Alliance will face The Keith Brothers...


...and we will see the debut that will dazzle you all!


So sit back, drink that beer – it's show time!


[The crowds cheers confirm that, in their eyes at least, Shane Sneer's M-SWA is the place to be!]

Segment Rating: D+


DITTERICH: Shane said it - the M-SWA is the hottest place in the US for wrestling and we're going to kick things off with a Southern Tag Team Title bout!





The Deadly Alliance vs. The Keith Brothers

The Deadly Alliance and The Keith Brothers seemed opposites in every sense to the well-versed New Mexico audience. The Deadly Alliance symbolised the past – The Keiths the future. The Alliance employed a dangerous brawling style – The Keiths a fluid, almost artistic, technical style. The Alliance moved slowly, thoughtfully – The Keiths moved quickly and with purpose. For eight minutes neither team could take the lead – all four men had their chance in the ring and each time one began to look particularly dangerous his opponent was replaced through a tag. When The Keiths finally began to look the more dangerous team the situation wasn't lost on the second-generation superstars. Each slam was greeted by a wave to the booing crowd, a jeer to a fan or a taunt to the opponent. This youthful bravado was to prove their downfall, however, when The Wolverine decided to play possum after a big scoop slam. As Matthew Keith turned to the crowd to celebrate his latest move he didn't see The Wolverine clamber to his knees behind him – schoolboy roll-up! Greg couldn't get there in time – The Deadly Alliance got the shock win!

THE DEADLY ALLIANCE win in 9:40 via pinfall.

THE DEADLY ALLIANCE retain the M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles in their first defence.

Match Rating: D-



[The Deadly Alliance barely get chance to lift their belts in celebration before the facepainted pair are clattered from behind by The Tennessee Outlaws. The former SCCW Tag Champions are 'rustic' in their approach, using the ropes, turnbuckles and belts as tools to do as much damage as possible. When the assault finally comes to an end Robbins and Jack mime the belts around their waist as they head to the back.]

Segment Rating: E


TYLER: The Tennessee Outlaws doing what needs to be done there I think...

DITTERICH: What are you talking about Eric!? That was a brutal, unprovoked attack on our champions!

TYLER: That's exactly what I was saying!



'Lord of the Ring' Jeffrey D. Morgan vs. 'Native American' Running Wolf

Despite starting his M-SWA career with a defeat to the man who would be crowned our inaugural champion, Ford Gumble, Jeffrey Daniel Morgan continued his dangerous rise towards the top by utterly dominating the Native American Running Wolf. The boos greeting the pomp and ceremony of Morgan's increasingly regal entrance was a stark contrast to the cheers that met Running Wolf's War Dance. Wolf's entrance was about the only thing the crowd had to cheer for as Morgan toyed with his opponent and used his vast experience to great effect. At the end of the bout Morgan had been allowing Wolf to get back into the match, pushing him over rather than trying to lock in a grapple. When the crowd urged the Native on he went for a huge clothesline...a smirk flashed across Morgan's face...armbar takedown! Morgan quickly locked in the Cross-Atlantic Stretch and only seconds was being pronounced the winner. Refusing to let go of the hold Morgan inflicted great damage on the youngster. When the referee finally pulled him away, Jeffrey D. Morgan bowed for the crowd before leaving to a hail of jeers.

JEFFREY D. MORGAN wins in 9:41 via submission.

Match Rating: E+


DITTERICH: Morgan sure is a solid performer but despite all those airs and graces he is nothing more than a dirty cheat.

TYLER: If you can trace your ancestry back to the medieval Kings of England then you are bound to pick up a couple of tricks along the way!



'The Mexican Pit Bull' Rafael Ruiz vs. 'The Explosive' Coyote Dynamite

Rafael Ruiz showed exactly why he was put in the semi-finals of The Great Southern Brawl's tournament with a fine performance against one half of Wiley Coyote, Coyote Dynamite. The biker's clumsy brawling, deliberate or not, did a pretty good job of making Ruiz' technical ability stand out even more and the 'Mexican Pit Bull' was in control throughout. After ten minutes Ruiz finally managed to lock in the Ruiz Wrench for the victory.

RAFAEL RUIZ wins in 10:28 via submission.

Match Rating: D-


DITTERICH: Impressive victory for the Mexican Pit Bull...

TYLER: As much as it pains me to agree with you, Ruiz did look pretty good out there. Not a patch on my boys though...

DITTERICH: Your boys? What are you talking about!?



[The sound of 'Ghost Riders' ringing out across the New Mexico Armory signals the debut of the M-SWA's newest star – 'Dazzling' Dave Diamond. Emerging from the smokey curtain in full Cowboy gear, Diamond is treated to a smattering of applause. That sense of recognition slowly becomes a full-blown cheer as the NYCW star makes his way slowly to the ring. Giving his (rather clear fake) Stetson to a young, spectacled kid in the front row cements Diamond's appeal and by the time he has been introduced by our ring announcer even the NYCW fans in attendance are ready to believe he could really be one of the Wild West's finest.]

Segment Rating: E+




'Dazzling' Dave Diamond vs. 'Wiley' Wiley Steinway

'Dazzling' Dave Diamond's debut match couldn't have gone any better than his match with Wiley Steinway. For ten minutes Steinway took every slam and strike like it was the most painful he had experienced. Even in his youth Steinway wasn't known for his speed and as he dragged himself to his feet after each move Diamond took the opportunity to entertain the fans. Just after the ten minute mark Diamond flung the veteran into the corner and when he rebounded off the turnbuckle hit the Diamond Driver. Three seconds later and Dave's Dazzling performance earnt him a debut win.

DAZZLING DAVE DIAMOND wins in 11:10 via pinfall.

Match Rating: D-


DITTERICH: Talk about introducing yourself!

TYLER: What do we need another cowboy for!? I know we're in the backwaters here but this is getting ridiculous! Someone will be running around in polka dots next!


[Our ring announcer introduces the first half of our main event – Ford Gumble and American Patriot! The two come out together to Gumble's countryfied theme taking one side of the aisle each to greet the fans. When the pair finally reached the ring they signalled for a microphone...]






[...once again the crowd repeat the call...]



Ford Gumble's been around the world but never have I fought a billionaire and a Russian at the same time - but then, before two months ago I hadn't had the chance to come to the South's shining state New Mexico!



Ford and I have been walking the streets, talking to the people and they all keep telling us one thing...



Show Gregory...



...and Karloff exactly what New Mexico thinks of their insults!



So Rayne Man, Kar Krusher, come on down to this ring...



...for a little New Mexico welcome!





[The crowd roar in approval for their heroes – if they weren't already excited for the main event then they are now ready to run Rayne and Karloff out of state themselves!]

Segment Rating: D



Ford Gumble & American Patriot vs. Greg Rayne & Krusher Karloff

Our main event was a classic in every sense of the word. Old-school sensibilities were kept to the fore with minimum action taking place outside the ring and that led to one of the M-SWA's finest matches. Throughout the twenty plus minutes Karloff and Rayne frustrated the face team with every questionable tactic being employed – eye rakes, double teams, false tags and referee distractions were all used to keep Patriot and Gumble from moving too far ahead. The closest the match came to finishing in the early going was a DDT from Karloff that put Patriot down for a two count.


As the match drew nearer to the twenty minute mark Karloff and Rayne become more and more desperate – each tag was done in frustration and each move became more essential. It seemed to all like their luck had come in when an Irish whip from Ford Gumble sent Karloff into the referee. Seeing the official was down, Karloff knocked Patriot from the apron to leave Gumble on the wrong side of a handicap. With Karloff behind him and Greg Rayne in front, the Champ had nowhere to go and despite launching himself at Rayne was quickly subdued by the huge Russian. Rayne scrambled to the outside and pulled Karloff's now-synonymous chain from under the ring. Wrapping it around his fist, Rayne wound up...aimed the punch...Gumble ducked...Karloff was knocked out! Gumble jumped up...Savate Kick on Rayne! The referee was coming around just as Gumble covered Karloff...1....2......3! Gumble and Patriot won!

FORD GUMBLE & AMERICAN PATRIOT win in 21:47 via pinfall.

Match Rating: D+


DITTERICH: What a match, what a night, what a victory!

TYLER: Parts one and two, I'll agree with but that was no victory. Rayne and Karloff were the victims of clear cheating and lost by a stroke of bad luck. They were the real winners here...

DITTERICH: Whatever you say, Eric - whatever you say!





This show should be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.


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Sorry for the delay in both the show and the scores! Thank you to everyone who predicted for Down in Dixie - your support is much appreciated.


Congratulations this month go to Phantom Stranger, mcorey, 20LEgend and smurphy1014 for getting 100% of their predictions correct. A lot of people got four out of five though so things are still tight at the top. Here is our leaderboard after three shows...


1. 20LEgend...15

2. Boltinho...14

3. bgbuff and Bigpapa42...12

4. Jingo, Huntman and SeanMcFly...11

5. Phantom Stranger ...10

6. smurphy1014...9

7. jtnlange , Teh Showtime, Sonfaro and TheLeviticalLawKid3...8

8. tristram...7

9. Trell, ChrisKid, Jaded and mcorey...5

10. Lexa90 and eayragt...4

11. huddyworld and PeterHilton...3

12. Wrestling Century...2


If you think your score is incorrect please do let me know. Remember there will be a prize for the winner at the end of one in-game year.


Another great show, I love Ford Gumble (almost as much as JD Morgan even if he didn't like my sign last month.) Mexican Pitbull is looking like a star aswell


Thanks LEgend. In my test game Gumble and Ruiz became favourites of mine as well so I'm glad you like how they come across. Gumble's YEEHAW and mannerisms is all angeldelayette - I'm just glad I can steal it :D

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Great show as always, guys. Gotta love a dynasty that gives American Patriot a good push.


I do have a problem, though, with my score in the prediction standings. I predicted the second show and this last one (the third), and got four right each. So, instead of four, I should have eight.


In reality, it's still not towards the top, so it doesn't matter too much. Just throwing it out there in case those above me collapse in the next few shows and I become a psychic.



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Great show as always, guys. Gotta love a dynasty that gives American Patriot a good push.


I do have a problem, though, with my score in the prediction standings. I predicted the second show and this last one (the third), and got four right each. So, instead of four, I should have eight.


In reality, it's still not towards the top, so it doesn't matter too much. Just throwing it out there in case those above me collapse in the next few shows and I become a psychic.


I wondered how long it would take you to spot that deliberate mistake...ahem. :eek:


No, I was fully expecting a mess somewhere in there - I should of checked but I was so tired I just wanted to get it posted. 'Tis now fixed, sir.


And I'm glad you like the show - Patriot is a bit of a star, isn't he? He fits this sort of promotion well so who knows what his M-SWA future holds!? :D

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I wondered how long it would take you to spot that deliberate mistake...ahem. :eek:


No, I was fully expecting a mess somewhere in there - I should of checked but I was so tired I just wanted to get it posted. 'Tis now fixed, sir.


And I'm glad you like the show - Patriot is a bit of a star, isn't he? He fits this sort of promotion well so who knows what his M-SWA future holds!? :D

I completely understand. You just better be glad you don't predict in any of my dynasties! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!


Just kidding.


Yes, this is so old-school that I love it. I'm a weird fellow: I like modern and fast-paced wrestling, but there still is something that draws me to a company like M-SWA. Patriot would dominate in this environment.


Keep up the good work, fellas.

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff


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