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angeldelayette and jhd1 present...the Mid-South Wrestling Alliance

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite

Just so he got the full set, first Wiley, now he'll beat Coyote


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith

I want to see Major Disaster get a push! MD to pin Wolf, keep Matty looking good


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne

Some form of cheatig from Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs.Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff

Tempted by AmPat but I'll stick with Krusher since I think he's pretty over


Very tough to predict and I can see me losing my 100% record this month, I just hope I stay on top! In fact these may be subject to change upon snooping on others

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff


JD Morgan gets the shot at Ford

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff


American Patriot gets the Pin


Sign - DY-NO-MITE!

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith

M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff

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That poster is absolutely phenomenal, btw


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite

Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne

Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff

Patriot gets the shot....

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff

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I'm only just catching up with this (hence why predictions will probably be a borderline failure) and as always with you jhd, the cool alts are the icing on the cake. I can't believe I didn't spot this dynasty earlier.


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff

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Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff

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Thursday Week 2 July 2010

Location: New Mexico Armoury (Mid South)

Attendance: 843

Overall Rating: D




[843 fans are standing all around the New Mexico Armoury as the show begins with Shane Sneer standing within the ring. A 'Mid-South' chant begins to run through the crowd! Shane looks to the crowd, nodding and waving...]


Shane Sneer

"Thank you everyone and welcome to the New Mexico Armoury right here in the Mid South area for Mid-South Wrestling Alliance action! Before we get down to business and our first match tonight I want to call a man out here to meet with me in this very ring. Greg Rayne, come on down."


[...Well, this isn't the Price is Right but the music begins to play and the crowd boos as their attention turns to the curtain at the top of the ramp...]




[...Greg Rayne steps out, soaking in the boos from the crowd. He flashes an arrogant smile as he looks right toward the ring and Shane Sneer. Shane motions for him to come down to the ring and Greg obliges him. Greg slides into the ring and pats Shane on the shoulder...]


Greg Rayne

"I think I know what this is about, Shane. But I told you before that you didn't have to do this in public. All I want is controlling interest in the Sneer Corporation. You know I have the money not only to buy and sell you but to buy and sell every single person in this audience."


Shane Sneer

"Do you really think that I would call you out here for that, Greg? No, you're smarter than that. You see here lately you have been thinking that you rule the roost here in M-SWA. But tonight you are going to find out that you are just another wrestler here."


Greg Rayne

"You mean you are putting all your eggs in Rafael Ruiz's basket? That is a bet that not even I would make and I have money to burn. Tonight, The Mexican Pit Bull is gonna learn that everyone pays a price, including you."


[...Greg hits Shane over the head with the microphone! The crowd boos as Rayne puts the boots to Sneer! Rayne picks up Sneer and tosses him over the top rope to the floor before looking to the crowd and raising his arms in victory.]


Match #1


Dazzling Dave Diamond vs. Coyote Dynamite


[Last week, Dave Diamond made his debut here in M-SWA by defeating Coyote Dynamite's tag team partner Wiley Steinway in a dominating fashion. This week, Coyote fared a little better than his partner did but not by much. Diamond was still the better wrestler within this match. But Coyote Dynamite did have at least one fan within the building. That fan holding up a sign reading: 'DY-NO-MITE!' Diamond made sure that Coyote sold the strikes. Coyote got in a few shots but Diamond sent Coyote into the corner. Coyote came staggering out of the corner and he was caught with the Diamond Driver. Diamond made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winner: Dazzling Dave Diamond (Via Pinfall @ 14:52)

Match Rating: E+


[The crowd cheered for the victory by Dave Diamond but those cheers soon turned to boos as two men walked out from the back and headed to the announce desk...]




[...These two men will be in the main event tonight. Jeffrey D. Morgan grabs a microphone and smacks Ditterich in the back of the head...]


Jeffrey D. Morgan

"You think that I'm a dirty cheat, huh? Well, tonight, I will be the dirty cheat with a title shot. I will be the man who can prove he is the best wrestler in the mid south area. Ford Gumble, American Patriot, it doesn't matter to me who is in the ring with me at the end. One of you will be suffering from the Cross Atlantic Stretch."


Krusher Karloff

"And the other will face Russian Sickle and Soviet Slam!"


[...Jeffrey tosses the microphone away and pats Karloff on the shoulder before the two of them walk away.]


Match #2


Running Wolf vs. Major Disaster vs. Matthew Keith


[All three men were in the ring to start the match. The Native American Running Wolf had the early advantage on both Major Disaster and Matthew Keith! He took them both down with chops and clotheslines, sending both Major Disaster and Matthew Keith outside the ring. Running Wolf did a War Dance around the ring that got the crowd into the match. Within a few minutes, though, Keith and Disaster were double teaming Running Wolf. Wolf was put down in the corner. Disaster picked him up and dropped him with a hard belly to belly suplex. Disaster made the cover but Keith broke it up at 2! Keith pulled Disaster to his feet and threw some hard forearm shots backing Disaster into the corner. Keith whipped Disaster across -- reversed! Keith hits the corner -- corner clothesline by Disaster! Disaster makes a cover on Running Wolf: 1 -- 2 -- Kickout! The crowd booed as a figure came walking out from the back and headed down to ringside...]




[...It's Matthew's brother Greg! Greg moves and stands in the corner, slipping something to his brother's hand. What does Matthew have now? Major Disaster picks up Running Wolf and body slams him to the mat! Disaster moves over and picks up Matthew Keith -- punch! Keith threw a punch to Disaster and Disaster falls over??? Keith crawls over to Running Wolf and begins throwing punches! He hits Running Wolf in the head three times, busting him open! Keith pulls whatever is on his hand off and tosses it to his brother. It's brass knucks! Matthew Keith grabs Running Wolf and drags him to the center of the ring -- Proton Lock! Within moments, Running Wolf is giving up.]


Winner: Matthew Keith (Via Submission @ 15:01)

Match Rating: D


[...Greg Keith enters the ring as Matthew releases the hold. The two of them look at each other and then down to Running Wolf. They begin putting the boots to Running Wolf as the crowd boos! Matthew Keith grabs Running Wolf by the legs -- catapult into a DDT by Greg Keith! The Keith Brothers raise to their feet as the crowd suddenly cheers...]




[...It's The Mexican Pit Bull! Rafael Ruiz has a chair! Ruiz enters the ring and the Keith Brothers take a powder! Ruiz made the big save here. We'll be seeing him later on tonight as he takes on Greg Rayne!]


Match #3



M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles Match

The Deadly Alliance defend the titles against The Tennessee Outlaws


[Our first true tag team encounter of the evening and it is for the M-SWA Southern Tag Team Titles. The wrestling within the match was not the best within the world but it was about what you would expect from these two teams. The Idaho Punisher was the face-in-peril for a good portion of this bout, being beaten down by both Tennessee Outlaw members. The hot tag was made to The Wolverine and the crowd cheered some as The Wolverine was dominant in this battle. The Wolverine caught Whisky Jack with a Piledriver and made the cover: 1 -- 2 -- 3!]


Winners: The Deadly Alliance (Via Pinfall @ 8:37)

Match Rating: E+


[...The Deadly Alliance are successful in their tag team title defense here tonight. But as they are handed their belts they are assaulted from behind by two unknown men...]




[...The two unknown men send Wolverine and Punisher into the corners and choke them out. One of the men hits Wolverine with a headbutt! The other one drops The Punisher with a Power Bomb! The two unknown men beat their chests and stand in the center of the ring victorious.]


[The crowd booed those two men attacking the M-SWA Southern Tag Team Champions. But those two men didn't seem to care as they exited the ring and headed to the back. Two men came out from the back that had the crowd on their feet in cheers...]




[...Ford Gumble and American Patriot stood at the top of the ramp! They moved over to the interview stage where each of them held onto a microphone...]


Ford Gumble

"YYYYEEEEHHHHAAAAWWWW! Tonight all you New Mexico fans are in for a slobberknocker! Last week, we fought a billionare and a russian. This week we face a russian and an englishman. Well, last I checked the United States is better than both of these countries, right?"


American Patriot

"That's right, Ford. Tonight the two of us are going to walk away with the win and then next month it will be you and me inside the ring for your belt. We will be showing New Mexico the best wrestling out there."





[...The crowd repeats the call. American Patriot and Ford Gumble shake hands and head to the back.]


Match #4


Rafael Ruiz vs. Greg Rayne


[Our semi main event here and what a match it was between these two great fighters. These two men showed great chemistry inside the ring as they battled back and forth. Early on, neither man drew an advantage until the fight was taken outside the ring. Greg Rayne reversed an irish whip that sent Rafael Ruiz into the steel steps! Ruiz grabbed his back in pain and Rayne came over throwing punches on Ruiz's head. He sent him back in the ring and for the next several minutes Rayne continued with the advantage...]


[...The match drew close to the fifteen minute mark with both men starting to slow down some. Ruiz showed why he is the Mexican Pit Bull in his own resillience and strength coming back from a dominating performance by Greg Rayne. Ruiz went for the Ruiz Wrench but Rayne was able to slide out. Rayne locked in the Rayne Fall! Ruiz fought but he had no choice but to submit.]


Winner: Greg Rayne (Via Submission @ 20:43)

Match Rating: D


[...Rayne dropped Ruiz and walked over to his corner picking up a stack of money. He pulled out a one hundred dollar bill and slid it into the mouth of Ruiz to boos from the crowd. Rayne gave an arrogant smirk and exited the ring with his victory.]


Match #5


Whoever gets the pinfall/submission gets a title shot against Ford Gumble at the next show.

If Ford Gumble gets the pinfall/submission, he doesn't have to defend his title next month

Ford Gumble and American Patriot vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff


[it's main event time here in M-SWA and this was a classic tag team encounter just like last week's main event. Early on in this match, Gumble and Patriot really seemed to frustrate Morgan and Karloff. They used quick tags, keeping a fresh man in the ring until American Patriot was caught with a Russian Sickle by Karloff! Karloff made the cover but he was pulled off at a 2 count by Jeffrey D. Morgan. There was a definite uneasiness in this tag team of Morgan and Karloff as both were looking to pull off the pinfall or submission and get the M-SWA Mid-South Heavyweight Wrestling title shot...]


[...The match drew closer to the twenty minute mark and Morgan and Karloff were really pushing each other back and forth. One of these arguments allowed American Patriot to make the tag to Ford Gumble! The M-SWA Mid-South Heavyweight Wrestling Champion came in and went after both Morgan and Karloff. A double noggin knocker really got the crowd into the match as 'USA' chants broke out through the crowd. American Patriot came in and all four men were battling. This spilled outside the ring with all four men throwing punches and brawling. Referee Jez McArthuer worked to get American Patriot and Krusher Karloff to go back to their corners. This distraction allowed Morgan to hit Ford Gumble over the head with a chair without being disqualified! Morgan rolled Gumble back in the ring -- Cross Atlantic Stretch! Morgan has Gumble in his finishing hold! The referee turns back around just in time to hear Gumble submit! It will be Ford Gumble vs. Jeffrey D. Morgan next month for the M-SWA Mid-South Heavyweight Wrestling title!]


Winners: Jeffrey D. Morgan and Krusher Karloff (Via Submission @ 20:44)

Match Rating: D+


[The crowd booed the win by Jeffrey D. Morgan but the british snob didn't seem to care as he exited the ring and walked off. Once the ring was cleared it would seem that it was time to go home but not yet! Music began to play and the crowd turned to see who was coming out from the back...]




[...It's Shane Sneer! Shane is very unhappy as he nearly stomps down to the ring, sliding inside. He picks up a microphone and nearly yells into it...]


Shane Sneer



[...The crowd cheered for that and waited to see what would happen. The music for the Billion Dollar Machine began to play and the crowd booed as an arrogant Greg Rayne stepped out from the back...]




[...Rayne looked toward the ring for a moment and then paused, holding a microphone to his lips...]


Greg Rayne

"You don't tell me what to do, Shane Sneer. I have enough money right now to buy and sell every person in this crowd. I have enough money to buy and sell YOU Shane Sneer."


Shane Sneer

"Sorry, Greg, but like my company I'm not for sell. However, I did have a feeling you would be upset about that so I made a few phone calls after our meeting last month. You are always talking about wanting some competition to face. You're the Billion Dollar Machine, right? Well, I wanted you to know that I set up a series of matches for you, best 2 out of 3 matches with someone that I am very familiar with. In fact, your opponent is coming out right...now."


[...Greg turns and looks toward the entrance, ready for a fight. He raises a fist as the curtains part and the crowd gives a stunned silence to greet this man...]




[...It's Darryl Devine! The man known as Mighty Fine looks to Greg Rayne. He gives him a pat on the shoulder and then walks right down to the ring. The crowd suddenly begins to cheer for the man who has come to prominence in USPW. Devine slips inside the ring and shakes hands with Shane Sneer. Devine takes up the microphone...]


Darryl Devine

"Greg, Billion Dollar Machine, next month, it's you and Mighty Fine. You are going to be suffering from a Devine Dream Drop."


[...The crowd cheers and Devine throws down the microphone. He climbs the turnbuckle and poses for the crowd as the show comes to a close.]

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A couple of people got 5/5 this time around! Congratulations to Boltinho and ChrisKid! Here are your updated standings.


1. 20LEgend and Boltinho...19

2. bgbuff...16

3. Jingo and SeanMcFly...15

4. Phantom Stranger...14

5. BigPapa42...12

6. Huntman and Teh Showtime...11

7. ChrisKid...10

8. smurphy1014...9

9. jtnlange , Sonfaro and TheLeviticalLawKid3...8

10. tristram and Jaded...7

11. Trell and mcorey...5

12. Lexa90 and eayragt...4

13. huddyworld, PeterHilton and sebsplex...3

14. Wrestling Century...2


Thanks to everyone who has predicted so far!

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The champ submitting I don't believe it! And maybe I should get into my head major disaster is going be a jobber, you'll be sorry when the Little Keith's, go running to the big boys. :D


I generally like Keith's but since they screwed me of my 100% record leaving me at a dismal 95% Matt & Greg are my new top heel in MSWA officially taking that dastardly rich man, Greg Rayne. BOOOOOOOOOOO!


Cool show though and I can't wait for Devine to kick Greg's ass!


Next month I may just copy Bolt's prediction's so I don't lose top spot. I've NEVER wanted to win anything this much in my life (Slight exaggeration)

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M-SWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Ford Memphis © vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan


Greg Rayne vs. 'USPW Superstar' Darryl Devine


Loser Leaves Town Match

Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. The Tennessee Outlaws


Running Wolf vs. Greg Keith


Rafael Ruiz vs. Matthew Keith


Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway

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M-SWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Ford Memphis © vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan

I think/want the champ to retain

Greg Rayne vs. 'USPW Superstar' Darryl Devine

Beat the USPA guy coming in

Loser Leaves Town Match

Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. The Tennessee Outlaws

Must be some reason for this loser leaves and the Samoans are new so ..

Running Wolf vs. Greg Keith

Rafael Ruiz vs. Matthew Keith

1 Keith wins the other loses

Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway

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M-SWA World Heavyweight Title Match

Ford Memphis © vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan


Greg Rayne vs. 'USPW Superstar' Darryl Devine


Loser Leaves Town Match

Samoan Destruction Inc. vs. The Tennessee Outlaws


Running Wolf vs. Greg Keith


Rafael Ruiz vs. Matthew Keith


Dave Diamond vs. Wiley Steinway


Sign - Rain, Rayne, Go Away!

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<p><strong>Ford Memphis</strong> © vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Greg Rayne</strong> vs. 'USPW Superstar' Darryl Devine</p><p> </p><p>

Loser Leaves Town Match</p><p>

<strong>Samoan Destruction Inc.</strong> vs. The Tennessee Outlaws</p><p> </p><p>

Running Wolf vs. <strong>Greg Keith</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rafael Ruiz</strong> vs. Matthew Keith</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dave Diamond</strong> vs. Wiley Steinway</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...

<p>Oh! Also, here's my predictions:</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

M-SWA World Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Ford Memphis ©</strong> vs. Jeffrey Daniel Morgan</p><p> </p><p>

Greg Rayne vs. <strong>'USPW Superstar' Darryl Devine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Loser Leaves Town Match</p><p>

<strong>Samoan Destruction Inc.</strong> vs. The Tennessee Outlaws</p><p> </p><p>

Running Wolf vs. <strong>Greg Keith</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Edit: Here's my Fan Sign! </p><p> </p><p>

The Tennessee Outlaws are going to leave the town!</p><p> </p><p>

Rafael Ruiz vs. <strong>Matthew Keith</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Dave Diamond</strong> vs. Wiley Steinway</p>

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