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CZCW: Go the Distance!

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How I got my dream job:


After spending a couple of months with some wrestling promotions in the northeast it was a fruitless endeavor. Actually, I ended up shooting myself in the foot by rubbing The Stomper the wrong way up in NYCW. He didn’t take too kindly to some of my snide remarks as to the old school style. It’s not like I didn’t appreciate it but times have obviously changed.


Then, of course, Mitch Naess didn’t like me comments about DAVE. So now that he knows my feelings towards the extreme product of DAVE of course people start talking and low and behold Larry Wood came to me while he was in the states for a period of time with some “enlightenment.” He’s way too smart for this business and even any sort of intensity he gave me was with some type of charmed wit. God, I’m so stupid! Now there’s probably no way I can sign any DAVE alumni.


Oh, and I forgot, my name is John Reese. I’m trying to become a booker for any kind of promotion. It’s been my dream ever since I stepped in the ring… wearing the black and white stripes. Yep, I started out as a referee but then forced to wear a mask one day at a local promotion I was at for about a year. Forced meaning that the owner told me, “Put this mask on and job to this guy or you’re fired!” So I didn’t have a choice.


Plus, I thought that if I got some time in the ring whether as a ref or wrestler then I’d be a better candidate as a booker down the line. Wow , was I wrong so far… so far! (Mainly, because so many guys said I was a better wrestler than anything)


So now I moved down to the southwest, Arizona to be exact. As soon as I came down there, I got a call from Honey Golightly. She wanted me to meet her at the Piper Casino… go figure. We had quite a long chat. Despite her inept ability at wrestling knowledge she still knew the business side very well. And, of course, she tried to use her sex appeal to get me to start booking for BSC… but when I really thought about it, it didn’t really feel right. Don’t get me wrong, what guy wouldn’t want to run a company with a bunch of scantily clad women?! But I felt that I was called to do something different…


That’s when I made a convenient stop over to Cliff Anderson’s office in California. It was clear he was frustrated about the direction it was going under the guidance of The Guru. Although, I made it perfectly clear that all I wanted was to join the booking team and ran a couple of ideas by him. That’s when it all started and after one other meeting with him at his office, he told me that I’d take over the head booker position… taking over as HEAD BOOKER! Apparently, he liked my ideas so much that he wanted to give me the freedom to run with them. However, I think this new position was just because Cliff wanted The Guru to be put in his place. It’s no wonder after the meeting that The Guru was right there in the waiting room to see him. He gave me a stern look as I walked out of the office… wow, no matter where I go it seems like there’s always some sort of tension.


Now I’m the officially head booker of CZCW. Honestly, it seemed a little bittersweet since it was my dream but something was still eating at me. Still, I ended up doing some research on the company and started a game plan for the next six months or so… or however long it would last. I’m sure not everyone will be happy about it but I feel it to be the best thing to do for CZCW not only to keep the diehard fanbase happy but to eventually expand outside of the southwest...

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The E-Mail...


To all CZCW workers and staff:


This is the new head booker, John Reese, just sending a message to you all that some things are going to change and some things will stay the same here in CZCW. To be fair, I’d like to make it clear that I initially did not want to step on anyone’s toes and become the head booker but Mr. Anderson has all the confidence in me to bring our game to the next level. Having said that, I sincerely hope a certain color commentator can appreciate the situation and not let business become personal.


Now, my first order of business is to tell you all that some of you may be pushed up further the cards and others may be pushed down a little. This is only because of the bigger picture I’d like to paint for all of you: WE WILL BE THE MOST DOMINANT FEDERATION IN THE SOUTHWEST! And some of you may not be putting your heart into this company BUT I want to make myself very clear here: Everyone will give their best when they compete in the CZCW! Period.


Secondly, I am in talks with another worker to join us. In no way do I make this possible signee to be the focal point of the company. To be honest, James Prudence is the focal point of the company at this time. However, I don’t want anyone thinking that their spotlight is being taken away from them because of this new signee. It seems to be very optimistic that he will join and will be part of the Coastal Zone family real soon.


Third, there will be a triple threat challenge put together starting at the next show. The concept is simple: three men will compete against each other in a series of matches. A win will constitute 2 points, a draw will be 1 point, and a loss will have no points. The man with the most points at the end of the challenge wins. The details of who will be involved are in the works but the victor will get a grand prize trophy and possibly one other perk that is still up in the air.


Finally, the schedule of the shows will change so today, the first of the month will NOT be our January show, Revolution. Honestly, it’s still being worked out when the show will be especially depending upon our new signee’s schedule as well as other wrestlers like Insane Machine and Snap Dragon having duties in other promotions.


Once again, the truly achievable goal for us right now is to dominate the southwest! Then, we will start branching out to other territories. However, we cannot fool ourselves. I should know better too that CZCW has lasted so long because of the real wrestling fans that want something compelling to watch. We give them the alternative. At this time, it’s fair to say that we are at risk trying to reach passed a regional standing. However, I’d be damned to let this company die especially after giving Mr. Anderson my word that under my booking, we can go the distance!


Your new booker and friend,

John Reese

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The next phase…


I got off a long distance call with my new signing. It was tough for us to talk being a long-distance call but it eventually worked out. Everything went well as to the pay and his travel expenses. He also wanted a cut from merchandise so I had no choice but to give it to him. So yep, here’s the roster and staff of CZCW:


Main Eventers

Donnie J

Fox Mask

James Prudence

John Reese (Head Booker)

Upper Midcarders

Frankie Perez

Hell Monkey (*new signing* as of Saturday, Week 1 of January)

Matt Sparrow

Mikey James

Remmy Skye



Al Coleman

Insane Machine

Marc Speed

Masked Cougar

Snap Dragon

The American Flash


Lower Midcarders

Jackpot Jordan

Jake Idol

Jeremiah Moose



Air Attack Weasel

California Love Machine


Enhancement Talent

Jonnie Perez




Little Miss Sunshine



Cliff Anderson


Color Commentator

The Guru



Pee-Wee Germaine


Authority Figure

Rita Charles


Road Agent

Dylan Sidle


Tag Teams


Going Coastal are Jeremiah Moose and California Love Machine

Insanity Inc. are Insane Machine and The American Flash

Rich and Famous are Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol

Shoot Club are Marc Speed and Al Coleman

The Cali Dragons are Mikey James and Frankie Perez

The Lords of Xtreme are Snap Dragon and Masked Cougar

The Uneasy Alliance are Donnie J and James Prudence

Zone Out are Fox Mask and Remmy Skye




Coastal Zone Champion: Fox Mask

Xtreme Champion: Masked Cougar

Tag Team Champions: Shoot Club


More thoughts from John Reese:

For some strange reason I couldn’t keep myself from signing Hell Monkey and Mr. Plathow seemed happy to oblige as long as he got everything he was entitled to in his contract. There are tapes I have seen of him working and it just amazes me how well he works with just about anyone even using the puroresu style.


And yes, I know I’ll get some flak from a lot of people for putting myself in the main event scene but it was my only choice. Hell, Cliff suggested I should be in the main event scene especially since most people will follow a booker that’s in that position than a booker that’s an opener. The way he explained it made a lot of sense.


After finalizing the roster, I sent the show for the next card to the webmaster at czcw.com:


CZCW Revolution

To be held Thursday, Week 3 in January 2010


Hell Monkey vs. Remmy Skye

Air Attack Weasel vs. Jackpot Jordan

Snap Dragon vs. Jonnie Perez

Xtreme Championship: Jeremiah Moose vs. Masked Cougar ©

Tag Team Championship: Insanity Inc. vs. Shoot Club ©

The Uneasy Alliance vs. The Cali Dragons

Coastal Zone Championship: Matt Sparrow vs. Fox Mask ©


OOC: Just wanted to say that I’m using unstrict advance booking since there will be a lot of turnover in the coming months. Also, this dynasty will use backstage events to color the promotion and the matches. That’s not to downplay any kind of match descriptions. Thanks and hope this is as fun for all of you as it is for me! (And to Taker, thanks for the first comment!)

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Hell Monkey vs. Remmy Skye

Air Attack Weasel vs. Jackpot Jordan

Snap Dragon vs. Jonnie Perez

Xtreme Championship: Jeremiah Moose vs. Masked Cougar ©

Tag Team Championship: Insanity Inc. vs. Shoot Club ©

The Uneasy Alliance vs. The Cali Dragons

Coastal Zone Championship: Matt Sparrow vs. Fox Mask ©

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Hell Monkey vs. Remmy Skye

Air Attack Weasel vs. Jackpot Jordan

Snap Dragon vs. Jonnie Perez

Xtreme Championship: Jeremiah Moose vs. Masked Cougar ©

Tag Team Championship: Insanity Inc. vs. Shoot Club ©

The Uneasy Alliance vs. The Cali Dragons

Coastal Zone Championship: Matt Sparrow vs. Fox Mask

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Hell Monkey vs. Remmy Skye

Air Attack Weasel vs. Jackpot Jordan

Snap Dragon vs. Jonnie Perez

Xtreme Championship: Jeremiah Moose vs. Masked Cougar ©

Tag Team Championship: Insanity Inc. vs. Shoot Club ©

The Uneasy Alliance vs. The Cali Dragons

Coastal Zone Championship: Matt Sparrow vs. Fox Mask ©

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Hell Monkey vs. Remmy Skye

Air Attack Weasel vs. Jackpot Jordan

Snap Dragon vs. Jonnie Perez

Xtreme Championship: Jeremiah Moose vs. Masked Cougar ©

Tag Team Championship: Insanity Inc. vs. Shoot Club ©

The Uneasy Alliance vs. The Cali Dragons

Coastal Zone Championship: Matt Sparrow vs. Fox Mask ©


Since this is your first show I am guessing that all of your champions will retain unless you decide to give us a title change right away but I doubt it.

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Hell Monkey vs. Remmy Skye

Air Attack Weasel vs. Jackpot Jordan

Snap Dragon vs. Jonnie Perez


I dislike Jonnie, just for the simple fact that you think he is going to be awsome like his brother and he is not.


Xtreme Championship: Jeremiah Moose vs. Masked Cougar ©

Tag Team Championship: Insanity Inc. vs. Shoot Club ©

The Uneasy Alliance vs. The Cali Dragons

Coastal Zone Championship: Matt Sparrow vs. Fox Mask ©

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(It should be noted that my user talents are slightly adjusted so that motivation is two points higher for an added advantage while creativity is two points lower. Negotiating and Leeadership are at the default positions.)


CZCW Revolution

Thursday, Week 3 in January 2010

Sold Out! (1000 butts in the seats!) at The Snake Pit


Pre-Show, backstage...

As I came in to the locker rooms, the chatter in the room was thick with nervous tension. They were all used to The Guru’s laid back style but now it was my time to show them what they’re made of! It took some time to get settled but then I ended up making a speech about making this show seem so much more valuable than the 10 bucks most of the fans paid to see. That’s how we’ll get to be number one in the southwest!

There was no way I was going to detract from my earlier statements in the e-mail I sent out (even though only half the roster read it). By keeping it simple, it clears confusion. Plus, I could tell some of the guys were fired up after my speech. I also noticed that Jakki is a lot hotter in person… wow! Anyways, on with the show…


For the opening of the show I made sure that Cliff and Guru talked about the Beach Blast Challenge (formerly known as the triple threat challenge) which pitted three wrestlers in a series of matches over the next couple of months. The next match would pit the first of the two in this challenge!


Hell Monkey vs. Remmy Skye

These two tore it up in the Pit! Possibly match of the night so far and it’s only the opener!

They did some basic ring work in the beginning but eventually went to some springboard and aerial assaults. Remmy tried to hit his finisher, then they did some pinning combinations. The end eventually came when Hell Monkey caught Remmy with the Tumbling Monkey. He now has the lead in the beach blast challenge with two points.

Road Agent Dylan Sidle later noted that Skye seemed like he was holding back a little.

Winner: Hell Monkey with the Tumbling Monkey.

Rating: C-


Air Attack Weasel vs. Jackpot Jordan

It was hard to follow the previous match-up but these two still had a passable match. Both guys are improving only slightly as they make a good attempt at giving the all out match I let them have. There were a couple of false finishes that both men attempted. Weasel eventually got the win with the Air Attack Ace in about fourteen minutes.

Sidle noted that Weasel couldn’t produce the “all out” match I asked him to do while Jakki did good work at ringside.

Winner: Air Attack Weasel wins with an Air Attack Ace

Rating: D-


Snap Dragon vs. Jonnie Perez

I took a chance putting Jonnie up the card a little especially against a decent highflyer in Snap Dragon. This was booked to make Dragon look dominant for most of the match. He made Jonnie look good by giving him some quick pin false finishes and such but it eventually ended with a Dragon’s Breath around fourteen minutes.

Sidle noted that Jonnie needed to be in shorter matches at the enhancement level and also said these two had poor chemistry.

Winner: Snap Dragon with a Dragon’s Breath

Rating: E-


The Guru and Anderson talked about how the following Xtreme Title match would be two out of three falls match.

Xtreme Championship: Jeremiah Moose vs. Masked Cougar ©

Two out of three falls match!

Besides Moose having some limitations in the ring, these two gelled almost perfectly together. In fact, I could tell these two guys got fired up with my speech before the show and this proved their worth not only as solid singles competitors but as possible future main eventers!

Anyways, they actually brawled in the beginning which is unique but eventually spilled to the outside after Cougar suicide dived on Moose. Eventually, Moose got some good offense in especially with an effective fireman carry gutbuster then pulling out a springboard moonsault for a close fall.

The end came when Cougar caught Moose with a strong lariat for the first fall. Moose tried desperately to get some quick pins but he fell victim to the I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar and it was done at about fifteen minutes for Cougar’s first title defense.

On top of such a stellar midcard match, Sidle noted that Moose improved in many areas from the match including rumble, technical and performance skills.

Winner: Masked Cougar in two straight falls with I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar to finish it.

Rating: D+

Tag Team Championship: Insanity Inc. vs. Shoot Club ©

It was a risk putting The American Flash in a longer match but it worked out alright in the end. You’d think Shoot Club would have a hard time with some of the aerial arsonists of CZCW but they make it work for the most part.

In the beginning, Insane Machine got the advantage against Coleman using his quickness to dodge any sort of attack. I believe at one point he did a float-over DDT for a near fall. Then tagging in Flash to cut the ring in half for a moment.

Eventually, Shoot Club got the advantage and started working some major heat for the hot tag. They did one spot where Coleman gave Flash a hard clothesline and Speed came off the ropes with a big headbutt. It worked well as they kept working him over with Insane Machine reaching out desperately for a tag.

The finish came when the hot tag got to Machine and he started off in a flurry after both members of the Shoot Club. Then Machine tagged Flash back in again to attempt a big tag maneuver on Speed but Coleman grabbed him and they both powdered out of the ring. Insane Machine went after Coleman as Speed took advantage of a distracted Flash with a Cross Armbreaker to get the submission victory at about twenty minutes, giving them their first title defense.

Sidle noted that Speed slightly improved in rumble and flying skills.

Winners: Shoot Club by submission

Rating: D-


Cliff Anderson let us know an impromptu announcement that the next match would have heavy influence in determining the third wrestler picked for the Beach Blast Challenge.


The Uneasy Alliance vs. The Cali Dragons

For some strange reason, James and Rita did not work well together but that wasn’t the major concern here anyways because Prudence and Donnie played up to their tag name as they did not trust each other one bit, given their history.

Donnie and Frankie started the bout out strong and hard but eventually started taking time to build some sort of momentum. Donnie nailed some excellent series of dropkicks at one point for a near fall. He held out his hand to James, who hesitated for a second but secured the tag to cut the ring off from Mikey.

James controlled most of the match at this point. I wanted him to be able to showcase his performance and charisma for as long as he wanted, he is the star of the show and it showed as fans reacted to him the most out of anyone thus far. Even though it was simple, Prudence did a combination of moves from a bodyslam right into a leg drop and by also doing a straightjacket neckbreaker type of move.

The finish came when Mikey got the hot tag and clotheslined both members of the alliance to get the fans on his side. Some other blows and highflying offense were exchanged between Mikey and Donnie until Donnie caught Mikey’s leg, while Frankie, James, and Rita had a scuffle on the outside… this made Mikey capitalize with a stinging Dragon Whip for the pinfall victory!

Sidle noted that everyone improved in the ring except for James.

Winners: The Cali Dragons by pinfall

Rating: D+


The Guru and Anderson discussed after the match they got word from the back that based on the results of this match, Mikey James is the third man in the Beach Blast Challenge and will face Remmy Skye next month one-on-one to continue the series!

Coastal Zone Championship: Matt Sparrow vs. Fox Mask ©

These two didn’t necessarily tear the house down but it was a good main event. They did get a little lost in the middle so thank God the announcing team made up for it.

At the beginning, Sparrow dominated with a lot of high flying offense as usual. I believe he even went for his finisher too but then Fox Mask powdered out to regroup and fix his mask.

The middle of the match was a little hazy. To be honest, they totally lost track what was on the script but eventually got back on. The crowd got hot when Fox Mask nailed a springboard clothesline!

At the end, they started trading punches which then led to a number of finisher reversals. It was cool when Sparrow did a running backflip off the turnbuckle but Fox was too clever and nailed him with a Fox Hunter right afterwards for the pin!

Sidle noted that Sparrow was exhausted by the end of the match and should be put in shorter matches in the future. Sparrow also improved in technical and performance skills. Fox Mask improved in Performance skills.

Winner: Fox Mask by pinfall with the Fox Hunter making his first defense of the Coastal Zone Championship

Rating: D-


The ring announcer thanked the fans for coming and told them to come back again soon!

Show Rating: D-

Backstage, after the event…

Hell Monkey started bragging about him and Remmy having the match of the night. This caused a little argument between him and Al Coleman…


Coleman: Just because you came from Japan doesn’t mean you’re some awesome star!


Monkey (looked at me, then addressed Coleman): Just because you’re a champion doesn’t mean you’re one of the best workers in this company!


Coleman then charged at him but I got in between them both…


Reese: Calm down, fellas. No need to be hasty. John, after we are all settled down and ready to go I insist we go have a burger and chat.

Monkey: That’s fine but it’s Mr. Plathow, remember?


I hesitantly nodded as the locker room eventually fizzled out and Mr. Plathow and myself left for what would be one my strangest conversations ever… TBC…


Match Predictions:

Boltinho- 6/7

Timber- 6/7

ChrisKid- 7/7

TakerNGN74- 7/7

BHK1978- 7/7 <--Nice job, you three!


(This will not be a dynasty with lots of images. However, this may not be the set format of how I will write out the shows in the future. This was really fun to put together and I hope it shows! Thanks for all the support so far)

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The California coast is beautiful at night as Mr. Pathlow, known as Hell Monkey, and I walked into a seaside café. He insisted to come to this specific spot because he loves coming here when he’s in Cali. We got a seat next to a window, listening to the waves crash, and then started talking about business…


Pathlow: So wasn’t I right? I mean, Remmy and I had the best match of the night! And I’m not even a CZCW mainstay!


Reese: Yes, you’re right… but sometimes people can be wrong when they’re right.


I paused for a little moment as he clearly did not understand what I just said. What an ego…


Reese: Mr. Pathlow, you hail from The Big Apple and wrestle mainly in Japan. You and Emerald Angel even have quite a respected tag team resume over there which is awesome. But… it seems as though maybe you need a little perspective on where you are at. CZCW, WLW, USPW, and many other promotions where you’ve marked your territory so to speak. You get where I’m going with this?


Pathlow: Yeah, that I’m not even in the power 100 after all these years and it’s a travesty.


He then burped out his drink…


Reese: No, Mr. Pathlow. It’s a travesty that some people believe you don’t even deserve to be one of the greats or to even be on the power 100. I bet some people would probably love to watch you fall. And that’s why you have gone from promotion to promotion because people don’t want to be near you most of the time. Although, I’m just guessing based on your attitude.


He looked at me with a wrinkled eyebrows…


Pathlow: Are you mocking me?

Reese: No, I’m just telling you the truth.


He spit out some of his drink...


Pathlow: The truth!? The truth!? *burping again* The truth is that most people don’t even take me seriously under that mask. The truth is that even when I first started wearing it, people laughed and mocked me for years! The truth is that now, years later, we are capable of having these conversations. And even better, the same people that mocked and laughed at me are now enjoying themselves night in and night out, drinking beer, and buying my merchandise which I sole heartedly deserve that 5% cut you gave me and then some! The truth is that I’m money and more than half the damn wrestling community doesn’t even know it!


Reese: No, Mr. Pathlow. You’re only money unless you make other people look money. Like what you did with Remmy tonight and yet, you can’t seem to pay attention to what’s going on around you!


I raised my voice but I wasn’t trying to. He was startled and got quiet… real quiet. It was such a thick silence you could cut it with butter! Then… he started laughing. Real hard. It was… weird. Real weird.


Pathlow (between chuckles): You’re so right… it’s not even funny… ha ha… Even better… it had to be someone… like you… for me to see that!


I ended up chuckling a little myself. Wow… maybe I should rename it to Coastal Zone Crazy Wrestling


(Now I'm going to start switching back and forth between Reese's point of view and making announcements and such, maybe even start using some of the other wrestlers' point of view. I hope this is readable thus far)

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Typical, another CZCW diary right when I start mine. :p


You seem to be taking it in a totally different direction though (well, the same direction it's always been, really...). Which is cool. Nice inclusion of Hell Monkey, too. I like him. Although, I have to just say.. PATHLOW, damnit! :p You've got the L in the wrong place.


Not usually a fan of dynasties where the user character jumps straight into the main event (or even is a wrestler in the first place), but you haven't won the title on your debut or anything, so that's cool. :p Would be nice to know a bit more about who John Reese is, though. So far we know he's an average indy wrestler who started out as a referee, hasn't done much except annoy some key players in the tri-state indy scene and turned down a job at BSC. Doesn't exactly scream "I'm better than The Guru and deserve to be pushed as a main eventer"... ;)


I'll be reading though, because I love CZCW.

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<p>(D-Lyrium, you’re right. It is hard to believe a character like John Reese jumping into the main event scene. Then again, after thinking about your comments, he won’t have it easy and he’ll be more fleshed out real soon. By the way, he never thought he deserved to be pushed in the main event and better than the Guru, it was more of Cliff Anderson’s idea. Pathlow, not Plathow… slight dyslexia! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />;) Or whatever it is...)</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="color:#0000FF;">Back at the apartment…</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

After having the talk with Mr. Pathlow, I arrived back into my apartment and realized I hadn’t checked my email in a few days. Only had one email that contained some specific instructions from Cliff:</p><p> </p><p>

Hey, Johnny! Just letting you know that the first show was good… but can be better. Guru and I were kind of uncomfortable since you’ve taken over booking. Don’t make me regret this!</p><p> </p><p>

Anyways, here’s some goals I’d like you to achieve:</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>1) CZCW must have gained popularity in about two years.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

2) CZCW must not fall below regional size in about two years.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

3) You cannot hire or extend the contract for anyone less than D- in basics.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

4) Same as goal three but no less than D- for Industry Reputation.</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

5) Same as above but no less than D- Stamina.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

After looking them over, they all seemed attainable especially given the time from involved. I also gave Mark Murdoch a call, a.k.a. Fox Mask, and ran an idea by him. He liked it and so we agreed to book what his next championship match would be. Then, went ahead and shot an email for the next card over to the webmaster at czcw.com:</p><p> </p><p>

Mikey James vs. Remmy Skye</p><p>

Xtreme Championship: Air Attack Weasel vs. Masked Cougar ©</p><p>

Tag Team Championship: Going Coastal vs. Shoot Club ©</p><p>

Insanity Inc. vs. Rich and Famous</p><p>

Frankie Perez vs. Hell Monkey vs. Matt Sparrow</p><p>

Coastal Zone Championship Ladder Match: Snap Dragon vs. Fox Mask ©</p><p>

Donnie J vs. James Prudence </p><p> </p><p>

(I feel like I’m missing something. If anyone sees anything that you think is vital for me to include, please let me know!)</p>

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<p><strong>Mikey James</strong> vs. Remmy Skye</p><p>

Xtreme Championship: Air Attack Weasel vs. <strong>Masked Cougar </strong>©</p><p>

Tag Team Championship: Going Coastal vs. <strong>Shoot Club</strong> ©</p><p>

<strong>Insanity Inc.</strong> vs. Rich and Famous</p><p>

Frankie Perez vs. <strong>Hell Monkey</strong> vs. Matt Sparrow</p><p>

Coastal Zone Championship Ladder Match: Snap Dragon vs. <strong>Fox Mask </strong>©</p><p>

<strong>Donnie J </strong>vs. James Prudence</p>

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<p>Mikey James vs. <strong>Remmy Skye</strong></p><p>

Xtreme Championship: Air Attack Weasel vs. <strong>Masked Cougar</strong> ©</p><p>

Tag Team Championship: <strong>Going Coastal </strong>vs. Shoot Club ©</p><p>

<strong>Insanity Inc.</strong> vs. Rich and Famous</p><p>

Frankie Perez vs. <strong>Hell Monkey</strong> vs. Matt Sparrow</p><p>

Coastal Zone Championship Ladder Match: Snap Dragon vs.<strong> Fox Mask</strong> ©</p><p>

<strong>Donnie J</strong> vs. James Prudence</p>

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<p>Mikey James vs. <strong>Remmy Skye</strong></p><p>

Xtreme Championship: Air Attack Weasel vs. <strong>Masked Cougar ©</strong></p><p>

Tag Team Championship: Going Coastal vs. <strong>Shoot Club ©</strong></p><p>

<strong>Insanity Inc.</strong> vs. Rich and Famous</p><p>

Frankie Perez vs. <strong>Hell Monkey</strong> vs. Matt Sparrow</p><p>

Coastal Zone Championship Ladder Match: Snap Dragon vs. <strong>Fox Mask ©</strong></p><p>

Donnie J vs. <strong>James Prudence</strong></p><p>

Tough choice for this one but I will go with James for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

To answer your question on whether you are missing something you posted the owner goals so thats cool but even though you can tell who your champions are you never really posted a list of who your starting champions were/are.</p>

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Mikey James vs. Remmy Skye

-Mikey is the slightly lesser half of a successful team, Remmy is a main event star...


Xtreme Championship: Air Attack Weasel vs. Masked Cougar ©

- Weasel seems to be getting a push, but I don't see him as a champion yet.


Tag Team Championship: Going Coastal vs. Shoot Club ©

- Shoot Club are awesome, there's no way they're dropping the belts to a team involving Jeremiah Moose. :p


Insanity Inc. vs. Rich and Famous

- RaF are the more cohesive team, so hopefully they'll pick up the win somehow.


Frankie Perez vs. Hell Monkey vs. Matt Sparrow

- Because he's Hell Monkey...


Coastal Zone Championship Ladder Match: Snap Dragon vs. Fox Mask ©

- Snap Dragon doesn't belong near this match yet, so I'm ruling him out.


Donnie J vs. James Prudence

- Prudence is one of my favourite C-Verse characters. Donnie is one of the most boring characters on the CZCW roster. So... yeah... :p

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The Inside Report by The Guru, as reported live on czcw.com


After the backlash of CZCW Revolution 2010, there were some major decisions that occurred between then and the show tonight.


1) Mikey James signed a pay per appearance contract with tri-state promotion, NYCW.


2) CZCW were #2 in the Regional battles after the month of January. #1 was AAA and #3 was BSC… This is a travesty and we know who is responsible within CZCW.


3) WLW accepted a working agreement that we requested. Hell Monkey and Insane Machine deserve credit towards this achievement since they make time to work here and WLW on a regular basis.


4) National Pride TV rejected negotiations for a time slot as we are not popular enough in the areas they serve. Again, this would not have happened under my booking!


This will be a regular column about the inner workings of our promotion. As you know, we are very open about our standing in the wrestling world and find it better to honest with our fans than anything else. Stay tuned for more!


CZCW Vendetta 2010 Results

Thursday Week 3, February 2010

Held in front of a sold out crowd at The Snake Pit!


Hello all, this is CZCW’s #1 fan, RoyRage213! This is my internet report for the show as I arrived with a jam packed crowd of 1000 at The Snake Pit. There is always something awesome about a sold out crowd especially when you feel the energy and excitement from all directions, not just from the ring!


Here goes my sketchy results:


(Pre-show) John Reese vs. Jonnie Perez


I really don’t remember much about this match but I do remember hearing in the crowd that Reese is actually the new head booker of the promotion. It was good to get a face with the name since there was so much buzz about him. Reese got the pinfall after a head and arm suplex in about eight minutes.

Winner: Reese by pinfall

(Rating: D-)

Before the night begins, it’s announced that not only will the Coastal Zone Championship match will be a ladder match but the triple threat match will be elimination rules!


Beach blast challenge, match 2: Mikey James vs. Remmy Skye


It was announced before the match that the winner will receive a trophy and a shot at any title of their choosing! By the way, Hell Monkey already has two points ahead of these two in this challenge as both wrestlers started off looking strong.

Remmy got some good highflying offense in with a springboard elbow, a reversal to a powerbomb with a hurricanrana, and then a top rope crossbody which James not only rolled through but also followed by hanging on to him and giving him a spinning head and arm slam, even more going straight into an arm submission right afterward. Remmy eventually fought back but to no avail as he hit him with a rib breaker as Remmy came off the top rope.

It seemed like the theme of the match was Remmy utilizing his high octane style but with James grounding him when he got the chance. James then got frustrated when he went back to the arm submission he held him in and the ref got in his face. Remmy then almost pushed James into the ref but Mikey stopped himself. These guys then went to the outside as they kept on fighting back and forth. The ref tried to call them back in because he didn’t want to count them out but they didn’t listen so he had no choice but to stop the match much to the dismay of the fans and both wrestlers. By the way, Remmy seemed a little off.

Winner: Draw due to ref stoppage

(Rating: D+)


Xtreme Championship: Air Attack Weasel vs. Masked Cougar ©


This match was obviously hard to follow the opening bout but it still passed for a good match between two of the most loyal Coastal Zone wrestlers.

The opening was pretty cool as they exchanged some basic chaining that coupled with some light aerial attacks. Cougar did a springboard dropkick to finish the exchange.

Since this was about a ten minute match it went fairly quickly so I can only account for some of the things I remember. Weasel attempted his finisher early but Cougar got out of the way. They even went to the outside for a little bit as Weasel did a plancha on the champion.

The eventual outcome was actually quite ridiculous as Weasel tried to go off the top rope, Cougar quickly got up and caught him as he landed in the Cougar Pounce for the win!

Winner: Masked Cougar by pinfall

Masked Cougar makes defence number 2 of the Xtreme Championship.

(Rating: D-)


Insanity Inc. vs. Rich and Famous


These guys had a good match-up, nothing special but nothing terrible.

They went back and forth twice cutting off the ring as Insane Machine caught Jordan with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Machine and Flash then worked on him but Jordan eventually got the hot tag to Idol as they proceeded to cut the ring off by working on Flash. At one point, Flash almost got a quick win with a desperate small package but Jordan broke it up which proceeded to Machine taking Jordan outside the ring with him via clothesline. This left Flash to attempt a high velocity senton but Idol got out of it and finished the match with a Reality Check!

Winners: Rich and Famous beat Insanity Inc. by pinfall

(Rating: D)


Tag Team Championship: Going Coastal vs. Shoot Club ©


This seemed like a little déjà vu to the last tag title match at Revolution.

They worked alright together and it was good to see California Love Machine since he didn’t work the last show. Moose was the cattle to shoot club as they worked over him for the majority of the match until he got the hot tag and CLM cleaned house! He got a great pop for a little and got a near fall on Speed. He wipped Speed off the ropes which allowed Coleman to get the blind tag as CLM gave Speed his finisher for the win. Coleman then worked over CLM for a bit until he got the tag to Moose.

Jeremiah and Al were the only two left standing as they exchanged some holds until Coleman locked him in the Ankle Brace for the victory!

Winners: Shoot Club beat Going Coastal by submission

Shoot Club make defence number 2 of their Coastal Zone Tag Team titles.

(Rating: D-)


Triple Threat Elimination: Frankie Perez vs. Hell Monkey vs. Matt Sparrow


It’s so awesome to see Hell Monkey here in the states! He looks just like a regular guy without the mask too it’s kind of ridiculous. We learned from an announcement that this was to be like a tune up match as to where the Beach Blast Challenge may go.

They started as Frankie powdered out of the ring to let Monkey and Sparrow go at it. They complied and started with some basic ring work which eventually led to some sort of high flying action. Sparrow hit a missile dropkick from the second rope. Once he did, Frankie came in and threw him out of the ring in order to get a quick pin on Monkey to no avail.

Towards the middle of the match, Frankie hit a powerslam on Monkey then caught Sparrow with a hip toss onto Monkey for a near fall on each guy. Also, Sparrow had Frankie in a suplex when Monkey did a springboard cross body onto Frankie. Afterwards Sparrow kicked Monkey out to get a nearfall. Eventually, they did a tower out of the corner giving all three of them some time to recover.

The end came when Sparrow hit the Bird Brain Buster on Hell Monkey and he sold the move out of the ring. Sparrow then got caught in the P-Clutch and tapped out for the first elimination. Hell Monkey recuperated with enough time to then nail Perez with the Tumbling Monkey for the win!

By the way, it seemed like Sparrow was a little off in this match but it was clearly match of the night so far!

Winner: Hell Monkey via pinfall after Sparrow(1) eliminated then Perez(2)

(Rating: C-)


Coastal Zone Championship Ladder Match: Snap Dragon vs. Fox Mask ©


It seemed weird that this match wasn’t the main event but then again, Snap Dragon, isn’t necessarily a top contender for the championship. Everyone in the crowd seemed to be questioning the booking but these two still had one of the best matches on the show!

This twenty minute fiasco started with Fox Mask nailing dragon right away with a flying elbow, and then ducking out to grab the ladder but Dragon got back up and baseball slid the ladder in Fox Mask’s face! A great start to the match and it made since.

They went all out with a bunch of aerial assaults which saw dragon springboard out of the corner onto Fox on the outside. They eventually made it inside where Fox did a springboard splash onto the ladder which was placed on a hurt Dragon! Man, this was just a fun match to watch!

The finish saw them trade the ladder back and forth to retrieve the title, which finally saw Fox ram Dragon’s head onto the ladder a couple of times and made Dragon do quite an interesting bump by falling off the ladder to conveniently hit his head on the turnbuckle which allowed Fox to grab the title!

*Fox Mask makes defence number 2 of his Coastal Zone Championship title.

Winner: Fox Mask by retrieving the title!

(Rating: D+)


Donnie J vs. James Prudence


At the beginning of the match, Rita Charles came out on her own and explained that whoever won this match would get her services as a valet and a championship match at Uprising! This seemed to raise the importance of this match, not just because of them losing their tag match at Revolution, and since Rita and Prudence were a little off last month, it was understandable that she wasn’t at ringside.

They started with some passable brawling which eventually led into some one-ups-manship on the mat. After a stand off from some pin attempts, the crowd clapped for their determination. To me, this match seemed to be more important for Donnie than Prudence.

In the middle of the match, Donnie attempted his trifecta of dropkicks only for the third to be sidestepped and Prudence to lay in a hard elbow drop for a near fall. Prudence then put the Miami Beach native in an arm hold but to no avail. Donnie came back with a heel kick, then used the corner to launch himself with a impactful moonsault. This got a very close near fall. The two then regrouped, as Prudence lifted himself up with the use of the ropes. They charged and nailed each other each with their own clotheslines.

The finish saw them trading punches with the crowd seemingly split on both wrestlers, Donnie then came off the ropes with an elbow and another elbow working up some momuntem. He then yelled at the crowd as he went for an impactful move but got reversed. They traded some reversals until Prudence nailed the Surf’s Up only for a very near fall. He then went for the P3(Prudential Pain Plan) but Donnie got out of it and hit the Death on Miami Beach for the win! By the way, Donnie looked exhausted by the end but it was still an awesome match!

Winner: Donnie J via pinfall

(Rating: D+)


Like I said, this is RoyRage213 and these were the results for CZCW Vendetta 2010! No new champions but a lot of awesome action! Then again, I’m CZCW’s number one fan so I think basically everything is awesome! By the way, the match of the night was clearly the triple threat match which Hell Monkey won. He is clearly a star they should utilize even though he’s not a CZCW alumn. Prudence was a clear favorite in the main event but Donnie showed he can hold his own. And of course, all the title matches were fun but it seems like the champions need credible contenders. Although, now Donnie has a match against Fox Mask for the next event, CZCW Uprising! Thanks for reading and see at the Zone!

(Show Rating: D+ and considered success to raise popularity)


BHK1978: 5/7

Timber: 4/7

TakerNGN74: 4/7

D-Lyrium: 5/7

*Good job guys, please suggest any perks you may want for getting predictions right!

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Well done. I think that CZCW is my second favorite company in the C-verse after MAW. Great set of characters and a great show. I think that i tend to change things just abit so that they can talk some (changing the match ratio to about 80%).


Nice show.

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(Good point, Timber. I'm planning to put more color in the shows so if I end up putting interviews or segments in without any grades it's just for color since I just want to keep the fed the way it is.)


After the show…


John Reese is doing some work in his office the day after Vendetta and in walks Mark Murdoch, a.k.a. Fox Mask, as he approaches Reese’s desk…


FM: You wanted to see me?


JR: (Looks up from his work) Yes, um, Mr. Murdoch.


FM: Please, call me Mark.


JR: Ok, Mark, have a seat.


Murdoch hesitates for a little until he takes a seat on the leather chair in front of Reese’s desk…


JR: Mark, you’re a valuable member of CZCW especially since you run the Coastal Resort as well. By the way, how is that going so far?


FM: It’s going great! There’s a lot of potential in some of the students we’re working with.


JR: That’s great to hear! Not only are you so valuable but that means I also value your input on some of the day-to-day business we’ll be running. I’ll be honest, this is my dream job but I didn’t realize all the work load that was involved so I was hoping we can make this a regular meeting after each show to get a low down on things. Does that seem fitting?


FM: (hesitates for a little) Um, sure. Why not?


JR: Great! Now, after this whole Beach Blast Challenge is done it’s clear that Mikey James, Remmy Skye, and Hell Monkey will challenge you for the Championship… unless they don’t have their head on straight.


JR: I just wanted to get your opinion on this: Who will you want to face for the title if you had the choice?


FM: Well, I would be lying if I didn’t say HELL MONKEY!


JR: Ok, I’ll keep that in mind as this challenge progresses. He is ahead right now by two points while the other two having that draw only got each of them one point. Frankly, I’m not sure how much this new challenge and trophy will get over but I’m hoping it’ll bring out the best in these three no matter who wins.


FM: Yeah, good thinking but is there a reason why this challenge is spread out among a number of shows? It seems like it should be like what Rip Chord does with his invitational tournament in MAW… it just seems logical to me.


JR: Hmmm, see, this is why we need to have these meetings. You got a good mind for some of these things and me, I’m not going to claim to be a big shot. However, the next show I’m thinking I’ll make my real debut against Remmy Skye! What do you think of that?


FM: Ok… it’s just that none of us have really seen you wrestle all that much except against Jonnie and that didn’t really display all your skills. Quite frankly, it just seems some of the matches are just thrown together without rhyme or reason.


JR: Well, that’s why I made Rita come out before the main event last month for Donnie and James to determine the next number one contender. What do you think of Donnie challenging you for the title the next show?


FM: Well, I’m looking forward to it but Prudence is such a big star it seems kind of weird he didn’t get the win.


JR: Yes, I’m saving you and Prudence for a later time.


FM: John, if you don’t mind me calling you that.


Reese shakes his head and signals him to go on…


FM: Prudence might not be sticking around much longer. I mean, there have been talks in the locker room that he might get called up to one of the big two and it might be really soon!


JR: Good point… well, Mark, I hate to cut this meeting short but I got some business to attend to. Thanks for talking to me about all this.


FM: No problem.


At that, Mark Murdoch left the room as John Reese went back to his business…


Posted on the website is next card for CZCW Uprising:


Snap Dragon vs. James Prudence

Tag Team Championship: Rich and Famous vs. Shoot Club ©

Matt Sparrow vs. Air Attack Weasel

Xtreme Championship: Frankie Perez vs. Masked Cougar ©

Beach Blast Challenge, match 3: Mikey James vs. Hell Monkey

John Reese vs. Remmy Skye

Coastal Zone Championship: Donnie J vs. Fox Mask ©


(I might make one of the title matches a gimmick match but not sure yet.)

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Snap Dragon vs. James Prudence

Tag Team Championship: Rich and Famous vs. Shoot Club ©

Matt Sparrow vs. Air Attack Weasel

Xtreme Championship: Frankie Perez vs. Masked Cougar ©

Beach Blast Challenge, match 3: Mikey James vs. Hell Monkey

John Reese vs. Remmy Skye

Coastal Zone Championship: Donnie J vs. Fox Mask ©


You are going to lose James soon, so a match with Fox will have to happen soon. Time to use him to elevate your top stars, or even job him to some lower level guys to give them some momentum.


If you make one or two a gimmick match, always focus on their strengths. Most of the guys are high flyers so ladder matches always go well with their product.

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Snap Dragon vs. James Prudence

He is probably the best guy on the roster right now and although he will sign for SWF in the future you should take advantage of him while you have him.


Tag Team Championship: Rich and Famous vs. Shoot Club ©


Matt Sparrow vs. Air Attack Weasel

Matt is far beyond Air Attacks skills


Xtreme Championship: Frankie Perez vs. Masked Cougar ©


Beach Blast Challenge, match 3: Mikey James vs. Hell Monkey


John Reese vs. Remmy Skye

I personally don't like when people push their own user characters which is why I don't do it and it is why I am going with Remmy for the win.


Coastal Zone Championship: Donnie J vs. Fox Mask ©

No point for Fox Mask to lose the belt here, he hasn't had it that long.

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