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GCG: Black Sunday, ep. 1: The Invasion

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Parade Of Champions

Match Recap

Match 0:
Insane Machine def. Extraordinario Jr, Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr, JOJI, Masked Cougar and Mr. Lucha III
in a vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 Ladder match in 7:26 when Insane Machine retrieved the item.
Insane Machine wins the BCG Junior Heavyweight title
. Grade:


Match 1:
Jimmy Cox def. Hell Monkey
in 17:43 by pinfall with an Immortal Driver. Grade:


Match 2:
Kiminobu Kuroki, VENOM and Eagle Kawasawa def. SUKI and Griffin & Bennett
in 11:49 when VENOM defeated SUKI by submission with a Sting In The Tail. Grade:


Match 3:
Mokuami Maita def. Mabuchi Furusawa
in 16:26 by pinfall with an Assassination Attempt.
Mokuami Maita wins the GCG Openweight Championship title
. Grade:


Match 4:
Acid, Dark Eagle and Burning EXILE def. Shingen Miyazaki, Masutaro Kataoka and Namboku Makuda
in 11:51 when Acid defeated Shingen Miyazaki by pinfall with an Acid Rain Bomb.



Match 5:
Samoan Destruction Inc. def. Ikina & Tayama, Hurricane 2000 and Coleman & Ferdinand
in 14:18; the order of elimination was Coleman & Ferdinand first, then Ikina & Tayama, and finally Hurricane 2000.
Samoan Destruction Inc. win the GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team titles
. Grade:


Match 6:
Toshiharu Hyobanshi def. Pistol Pete Hall
in 22:43 by pinfall with a Nova Bomb Redux. Grade:


Match 7:
Haruki Kudo def. Hiroyasu Gakusha
in 37:57 by submission with a Kudo Lock.
Haruki Kudo wins the GCG World Heavyweight title
. Grade:


Overall Grade:
  • At Parade Of Champions three championship titles changed hands and one new champion was crowned:





Insane Machine
won the brand new BCG Junior Heavyweight Title (def. Extraordinario Jr, Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr, JOJI, Masked Cougar and Mr. Lucha III)









Mokuami Maita
won the Openweight championship (def. Mabuchi Furusawa)









Samoan Destruction Inc.
won the World Tag Team titles (def. Hurricane 2000, Ikina & Tayama and Coleman & Ferdinand)









Haruki Kudo
became the new World Heavyweight champion (def. Hiroyasu Gakusha).







  • Hell Monkey, Acid, Dark Eagle and Burning EXILE
    were revealed as the much hyped four "Show Stoppers" that Takayuki 2000 had brought into BCG to help them in their violent revolution against GCG.


  • Toshiharu Hyobanshi, the GCG pure blood and former champion, was shockinly revealed as the last defector from GCG to BCG.

Upcoming events:






Roar Of The Tiger Tour, Show 1 (Wednesday, Week 1)







Start A War Tour, Show 1 (Thursday, Week 1)









TDubRaiders 5/7

FuelFan0102: 5/7

Teh Showtime: 3/7

smurphy1014: 5/7

Zergon: 4/7


Thanks for participating!
Hard card to predict, it was full of surprises and title changes..



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Barry Griffin

36, Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Lower Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Powerbomb Deathlock, Boston Crab, European Uppercut

Title History: 4x MOSC UK Champion





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32, Lightweight Japanese Junior

Midcard, National Worker

Moves: Acid Rain Bomb (Shooting Star Double Kneedrop), Acidity Test (Springboard Double Knee Drop), Toxic Dump (Bridging Straightjacket German Suplex)

Title History: WLW Show Stealer, WLW Tag Team








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Barry Kingman

35, Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Opener, Independent Name

Moves: Black Out (Cross Armlock), German Suplex, Shoulder Breaker

Title History: 2x 4C Championship






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Burning EXILE

34, Lightweight Japanese Junior

Main Eventer, National Worker

Moves: Exile Driver (Spinning Death Valley Driver), Spinning Wheel Kick, Jippensha Leglock (Dragon Screw into Half Boston Crab)

Title History: BHOTWG Junior, Hinote Dojo All-Japan, 3x WLW Tag Team, 2x WLW Universal








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Dean Daniels

34, Middlweight Regular Wrestler

Lower Midcarder, Independent Name

Moves: Cradle Piledriver, Spinning Angled Slam, Knee Bar

Title History: WLW Tag Team






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Dark Eagle

44, Lightweight Japanese Junior

Upper Midcarder, National Worker

Moves: Eagle Shock (Front Fisherman's suplex bomb), Eagle Chop (Trademark Knife Edge Chop), Eagleheart Splash (450 Splash)

Title History: WLW Universal








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Eien Miyamoto

23, Heavyweight Regular Wrestler

Lower Midcarder, Independent Name

Moves: STF, Choke Bomb, Choke Slam

Title History: -






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Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr.

24, Small Luchador

Opener, Independent Name

Moves: Dragón Driver '07 (Dragon Suplex Pin), Dragon Whip (High Velocity Wheel Kick), Dragon Sleeper (Twisting Headscissors into Dragon Sleeper)

Title History: -








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Greg Gauge

20, Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Lower Midcarder, Independent Name

Moves: Proton Lock (Scorpion Deathlock w/ Reverse Neck Lock), Texas Backbreaker, Neutron Plex (Head And Arm Suplex)

Title History: SAISHO Destiny, SAISHO Destiny Tag Team






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Eagle Kawasawa

27, Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Midcard, Independent Star

Moves: Vision Quest (High Angle Powerbomb), Curb Stomp, Kawasawa Krusher (Flapjack Facecrusher)

Title History: GCG Openweight










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Haruki Kudo

46, Middleweight Puroresu

Main Eventer, International Superstar

Moves: Kudo Kutter (TKO), Kudo Lock (Inverted STF), Rear Naked Choke

Title History: 3x BHOTWG World, 2x NOTBPW Canadian, Current GCG World Heavyweight champion.






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Extraordinario Jr.

21, Lightweight Luchador

Enhancement Talent, Independent Name

Moves: Siempre Peleando (Wheelbarrow Bulldog), Fantasm (Sunset Powerbomb), Ferrerarana (Slingshot Hurricanrana)

Title History: Campeones Des Trios OLLIE








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Henry Bennett

35, Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Lower Midcarder, Independent Name

Moves: Figure Four Leglock, European Uppercut, Spinebuster

Title History: -






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Harumi Okazawaya

25, Middleweight Regular

Upper Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Hurricane Harumi (Second Rope Facecrusher), Victory Roll, Texas Cloverleaf

Title History: GCG Openweight, GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team








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Hirokumi Saito

34, Middleweight Puroresu

Lower Midcarder, Independent Name

Moves: Cross Arm Suplex, Standing Knee Strike, Spinning Elbow Strike

Title History: -






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Hell Monkey

31, Lightweight Puroresu

Upper Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Hell Fire Kick (Backflip Rolling Scissors Kick), Tumbling Monkey (The Sky Twister Press), Monkey In The Bank (Tumbleweed Elbow Drop)

Title History: 2x WLW Show Stealer, 2x WLW Streetfighting, WLW Tag Team








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Hiroyasu Gakusha

31, Light Heavyweight Regular Wrestler

Main Eventer, National Worker

Moves: Gakusha Golden Bomb (Tiger Driver), Roaring Gakusha Strike (Rolling Elbow), Tiger Suplex

Title History: GCG Openweight, 2x GCG World Heavyweight, GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team








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Insane Machine

36, Lightweight Cruiserweight

Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Insanity Tsunami (Driving Falcon Arrow), Termination Kick (Front Flip Kick), Twisting Arm Lock

Title History: 2x WLW Streetfighting, 2x WLW Tag Team, 3x CZCW Tag Team, CZCW Extreme, CZCW World Championship, Current BCG Junior Heavyweight champion








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Jimmy Cox

37, Middleweight Regular

Main Eventer, National Worker

Moves: Immortal Driver (Seated Inverted Piledriver), Belly to Belly Suplex, Dead Lift German Suplex

Title History: GCG Openweight, GCG World Heavyweight






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19, Lightweight Cruiserweight

Opener, Independent Name

Moves: JOJI Miracle Explosion (High Velocity Front Dropkick), Bicycle Kick, J-Rocker (Top Rope Bulldog)

Title History: -



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Mabuchi Furusawa

23, Light Heavyweight Regular Wrestler

Upper Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Furusawa Armbar, Armbreaker, Exploder Suplex

Title History: GCG Openweight







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Kiminobu Kuroki

30, Middleweight Regular

Main Eventer, National Worker

Moves: Kuroki Krush (Dangerous Brainbuster), Mercury Sleeper (Inverted Sleeper), Repeated Knee Drives

Title History: GCG Openweight, GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team










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Masutaro Kataoka

42, Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Flying Forearm, Sunrise Hold (Raised Single Leg Crab), Gutwrench Suplex

Title History: -







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Masked Cougar

27, Lightweight Cruiserweight

Opener, Independent Name

Moves: Cougar Pounce (Top Rope Splash), High Rise Cougar Pounce (Springboard 450 Splash), I am Cougar, Hear Me Roar (Top Rope Missile Dropkick)

Title History: CZCW Extreme








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Namboku Makuda

27, Middleweight Technician

Upper Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Triangle Choke, Quarterback Sack (High Speed Tackle), Bulldozer Powerbomb (Running Powerbomb)

Title History: GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team











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Mokuami Maita

30, Lightweight Technician

Upper Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Assassination Attempt (Running Knee to the back of the Head), Tokyo Stretch (Seated Chickenwing Choke Sleeper), Stump Piledriver

Title History: GCG Openweight (Current), 2x WLW Tag Team, WLW Tap Out











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Nathan Coleman

38, Light Heavyweight Brawler

Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Pioneer Twist (Standing Spinebuster), Short Arm Lariat, Sidewalk Slam

Title History: GCG Openweight, 2x GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team








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Mr. Lucha

22, Lightweight Luchador

Enhancement Talent, Independent Name

Moves: Third Strike (Armbar into Twisting Headscissors into Rana), High Elevation Cross Body, Sky High Elbow (High Elevation Elbow Drop)

Title History: Campeon de Mexico OLLIE










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Nigel Svensson

21, Middleweight Technician

Enhancement Talent, Virtually Unknown

Moves: Hyper Extension Arm Lock, Running Knee Drive, Seated Stretch Armbar

Title History: -








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Stone Yoshikawa

28, Lightweight Cruiserweight

Lower Midcarder, Independent Name

Moves: Stoneplex (Bridging Northern Lights Suplex), Stone Ankle Stretch (Grapevine Ankle Lock), Stone Hold (Sharpshooter)

Title History: NOTBPW Young Lion, 2x SAISHO Destiny, 2x SAISHO Destiny Tag Team









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Pistol Pete Hall

48, Big Heavyweight Regular Wrestler

Main Eventer, National Worker

Moves: Pistol Whip Lariat, Cattle Rush (Oklahoma Slam), Short Arm Lariat

Title History: GCG World Heavyweight








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Takayuki 2000

31, Middleweight Puroresu

Main Eventer, National Worker

Moves: Persian Deathlock (Modified Indian Deathlock), Takayuki Air Attack (Flying Knee Strike), Takayuki Bomb Attack (Kneedrives to the head + Seated Powerbomb combo), Third Degree Burn (Released German Suplex)

Title History: GCG Openweight Champion, GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team












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Rhino Umaga

31, Heavyweight Brawler

Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Rhino Charge (High Speed Tackle), Samoan Crab (High Angle Boston Crab), Samoan Spike DDT (Snap DDT)

Title History: 3x (Current) GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team







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Toshiharu Hyobanshi

34, Heavyweight Brawler

Main Eventer, National Star

Moves: Nova Bomb (Spinning Back Suplex Bomb), Nova Bomb Redux (Sheer Drop Backdrop), Lariat Clothesline, Half Nelson Suplex

Title History: 2x GCG Openweight Champion, GCG World Heavyweight, GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team













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Samoan Machine

29, Middleweight Puroresu

Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Samoan Driver (Samoan Drop Slam), Unbreakable Sleeper (Seated Rear Naked Choke), Samoan Spike DDT (Snap DDT)

Title History: SAISHO Destiny, 3x (Current) GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team







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29, Lightweight Japanese Junior

Upper Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Infectious Spike (Tornado DDT), Lethal Dosage (Spike DDT), Sting In The Tail (Cross Kneelock), V-Stinger (Shining Wizard Enziguiri)

Title History: 2x BHOTWG Junior Tag Team, BHOTWG Openweight Championship









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Shingen Miyazaki

28, Middleweight Regular Wrestler

Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Ankle Lock, Tiger Suplex, Top Rope Tiger Suplex

Title History: NOTBPW Young Lion












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Shotaro Ikina

44, Light Heavyweight Regular Wrestler

Upper Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Ikina Driver (Face Buster), Choke Sleeper, Collapsing Piledriver

Title History: 4x GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team











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Stuart Ferdinand

45, Middleweight Technician

Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Fisherman's Suplex, German Suplex, Pumphandle Slam

Title History: 2x GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team











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23, Middleweight Technician

Lower Midcarder, Independent Name

Moves: Mountain SUKI (Top Rope German Suplex), SUKI Special III (Arm Trap Crossface), S.T.O

Title History: GCG Openweight Champion











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Yasuhide Tayama

29, Heavyweight Brawler

Upper Midcarder, Independent Star

Moves: Tayama Driver (Muscle Buster), Lariat Clothesline, Tayama Driver II (Pumphandle Fallaway Slam)

Title History: 2x GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team







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Roar Of The Tiger Tour, Show I

Wednesday, Week 1, February

Gifu Arena, Chubu

At the Parade Of Champions the debut of Black Canvas Grappling took a big toll on Golden Canvas Grappling. Out of the six inter-promotional matches between the two promotions, BCG won four out of six whereas GCG won only two. Not only that, championships changed hands too as Mokuami Maita made his debut and shockingly defeated Mabuchi Furusawa for the GCG Openweight title and Samoan Destuction Inc. brought back home the GCG World Heavyweight Tag Team titles. In the main event of Parade Of Champions, the two GCG superstars clashed as Haruki Kudo defeated Hiroyasu Gakusha in a great match for the GCG World Heavyweight championship but the celebration was cut short due to a post-match attack from the BCG leader Takayuki 2000.




The first GCG tour show of the year has something for everyone: Two new yet untested rookies, Nigel Svensson and Eien Miyamoto, will take a Coleman & Ferdinand challenge in Singles matches. Also on the card there are two Tag Team matches and one Six Man Tag, with a spectacular double Main Event to find out the semi-finalists for the #1 Contenders spot for the GCG World Heavyweight championship. The winners of these two quarterfinal matches will continue to the semi-finals and compete against the two BCG semi-finalists that will be determined on Thursday and the winners of those two semi-finals will then advance to the final, later to be determined on which show the final will be held.












Griffin & Bennett vs. Daniels & Gauge










Coleman & Ferdinand 'Young Lion' Challenge

Nathan Coleman vs. Nigel Svensson

Stuart Ferdinand vs. Eien Miyamoto








Furusawa & Makuda vs. Saito & SUKI








Ikina & Tayama & Kataoka vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. & Haruki Kudo










World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Jimmy Cox

Shingen Miyazaki vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha












Roar Of The Tiger Tour

Predictions list:


Griffin & Bennett vs. Daniels & Gauge


Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge

Nathan Coleman vs. Nigel Svensson

Stuart Ferdinand vs. Eien Miyamoto


Furusawa & Makuda vs. Saito & SUKI


Ikina & Tayama & Kataoka vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. & Haruki Kudo


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Jimmy Cox

Shingen Miyazaki vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha




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Griffin & Bennett vs. Daniels & Gauge

No idea here just picking the pair that I like more


Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge

Nathan Coleman vs. Nigel Svensson

Stuart Ferdinand vs. Eien Miyamoto

I assume that Svensson and Miyamoto are young lions and that means that they cannot win here, right?


Furusawa & Makuda vs. Saito & SUKI

Furusawa & Makuda are higher on ladders


Ikina & Tayama & Kataoka vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. & Haruki Kudo

Champs stay strong here


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Jimmy Cox

Hall is already 48 so I doubt he´s getting wins over main eventers anymore


Shingen Miyazaki vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha

Miyazaki is midcarder while other three guys are main eventers so even being in this tournament is an accomplisment for him

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Griffin & Bennett vs. Daniels & Gauge


Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge

Nathan Coleman vs. Nigel Svensson

Stuart Ferdinand vs. Eien Miyamoto


Furusawa & Makuda vs. Saito & SUKI


Ikina & Tayama & Kataoka vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. & Haruki Kudo


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Jimmy Cox

Shingen Miyazaki vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha

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Griffin & Bennett vs. Daniels & Gauge


Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge

Nathan Coleman vs. Nigel Svensson

Stuart Ferdinand vs. Eien Miyamoto


Furusawa & Makuda vs. Saito & SUKI


Ikina & Tayama & Kataoka vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. & Haruki Kudo


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Jimmy Cox

Shingen Miyazaki vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha

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Roar Of The Tiger Tour, Show I

Predictions list:


Griffin & Bennett vs. Daniels & Gauge

Anything with a Keith boy is a win for me.


Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge

Nathan Coleman vs. Nigel Svensson

Stuart Ferdinand vs. Eien Miyamoto

Yeah, I don't dig on either of the young lions. I could see one of them winning though to promote Coleman & Ferdinand as better tag workers


Furusawa & Makuda vs. Saito & SUKI

I'm a big SUKI mark, and Ive never liked Makuda


Ikina & Tayama & Kataoka vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. & Haruki Kudo

I don't even see this being a challenge for the champs. Kataoka is a bland midcarder, Kudo is a hall of famer.


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Jimmy Cox

Pete is a gate keeper. Cox got the win over Hell Monkey last week

Shingen Miyazaki vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha

Shingen is a midcarder, and Gakusha needs to start on his path back to the title

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Very special thanks to
once again for his awesome work on Cornellverse renders. I've used his work before in my diaries but I simply can't leave his name out, not mentioning it, nevertheless with this new diary so thank you jtlant, your renders make the diaries and saves a lot better.
I've updated the images of
Greg Gauge, Eagle Kawasawa and Toshiharu Hyobanshi
now that I found out that new renders of them were available. Other earlier work include the renders of atleast Gakusha, Kuroki, Takayuki and Tayama so lot of jtlant work in my diary right from the start.



This morning I escorted my gf to the airport, she's having a week's trip in Spain so lots of time for me to spend on the computer
Expect several shows to be posted when she's gone, haha..


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Roar Of The Tiger Tour, Show I

Wednesday, Week 1, February

Gifu Arena, Chubu. 1499 In attendance.







Isei Deushi, Taka Kajiwara & Katsuhiko Shunsen
















Match #0

Griffin & Bennett vs. Daniels & Gauge


Our first pre-show tag match was rather unspectacular one altough one star shined bright. The star of the match was clearly Gauge who looked really good in a match where the other three competitors lack the same kind of showmanship and flashiness that Gauge naturally has in him. A solid showing from both teams nevertheless, in the end the younger team of Daniels and Gauge take the win over the veterans with Gauge's Proton Lock (Scorpion Deathlock w/ Reverse Neck Lock) on Bennett who taps out almost immediatly.


Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Daniels & Gauge defeated Griffin & Bennett in 7:36 when Greg Gauge defeated Henry Bennett by submission with a Proton Lock.











Match #1

Nathan Coleman vs. Nigel Svensson

"Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge"


In our second pre-show match and first of the "Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge" matches, Coleman schooled the young Svensson almost trough the whole match, Svensson got a tiny bit of offence with a good array of knee drivers and almost locked in the Hyper Extension Arm Lock but Coleman powered out of the move. Coleman finished off the unknown rookie with a move none other than a Sidewalk Slam. The road to glory is going to be a rocky one at the start for young Nigel.


Result: In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nathan Coleman defeated Nigel Svensson in 7:55 by pinfall with a Sidewalk Slam.




















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Match #2

Furusawa & Makuda vs. Saito & SUKI


The main show opened with a solid tag team action between people who had not teamed up before. Namboku Makuda's earlier long time partner Toshiharu Hyobanshi left for BCG and that clearly showed in his work in the match as he was clearly trying to do the same moves and tactics he used to do with Hyobanshi. Furusawa held his own and even without any existing tag team experience the team of Furusawa and Makuda pick up the win over the debuting Hirokumi Saito and the young prospect SUKI, Furusawa hit a beautiful Exploder Suplex on SUKI to pick up the win.




Saito's debut might have gone better but still a solid showing from the veteran who shouldn't be underestimated as he's surely got a lot to show and a lot to prove to everyone as the 34-year-old ex-INSPIRE worker is still without a single championship reign in his career.


Result: In a match that had some good action and average heat, Mabuchi Furusawa and Namboku Makuda defeated Hirokumi Saito and SUKI in 12:37 when Mabuchi Furusawa defeated SUKI by pinfall with an Exploder Suplex.











Match #3

Stuart Ferdinand vs. Eien Miyamoto

"Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge"


In the second "Coleman & Ferdinand Young Lion Challenge" Stuart Ferdinand fought the debuting Eien Miyamoto. The heavyweight Miyamoto tried to rely solely on his size and power but the veteran Ferdinand wasn't having any of it as he kept the big young man down in the mat succesfully. The finishing sequence was the highlight of the match as Ferdinand quickly reversed Miyamoto's Chokeslam attempt into a Pumphandle Slam, pinning the youngster into a three count.


Result: In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Stuart Ferdinand defeated Eien Miyamoto in 6:40 by pinfall with a Pumphandle Slam.











Match #4

Ikina & Tayama & Kataoka vs. Samoan Destruction Inc. & Haruki Kudo


The six man tag match started really slowly as Ikina and Kudo showed some old school technical wrestling for almost the first ten minutes until Ikina tagged in Kataoka who started good against Kudo but then got into trouble when Kudo locked in his trademark Kudo Lock, luckily for Kataoka he was close to the ropes and could escape just in time. Samoan Destruction Inc. then rushed into the middle of the ring and the match fell apart in a good way, as if the match actually started at the ten minute mark. The next ten minutes was full all-out action between all six wrestlers and the tag teams showed some great teamwork and double team moves on each other which got the crowd going.




In the end Tayama and Kudo were brawling in the middle while Samoan Destruction Inc. kept the veterans Ikina and Kataoka outside as the fight spread into the crowd. Just before any count-outs Kudo snapped the Kudo Lock on Tayama right in the middle of the ring. The big man tried and tried to escape from the move, even punching repeatedly at Kudo but that only made the World champ to apply more pressure to the Kudo Lock, to the Inverted STF he has won so many titles with. With no one to save him, Tayama had no choice but to tap out near the 23 minute mark.


Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Haruki Kudo and Samoan Destruction Inc. defeated Shotaro Ikina, Yasuhide Tayama and Masutaro Kataoka in 22:50 when Haruki Kudo defeated Yasuhide Tayama by submission with a Kudo Lock.












Match #5

Pistol Pete Hall vs. Jimmy Cox

World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals,
Match #1





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Almost a three main event card with equally good action in the matches, the quarter-final match between Hall and Cox was slightly the best match on the card. The two seemed to have great chemistry which really fired up the crowd as they were splut in two, one half rooting for the veteran lariat cowboy Pistol Pete Hall and the other half rooting for the Immortal Driver using Cox. Cox had to come up with something as he probably couldn't lift the big man up for his Immortal Driver and on the other hand he had to very cautious of not getting decapitated by the Pistol Whip Lariat of Hall.







Hall started the match fast, hitting suplexes and powermoves on the smaller Cox, trying to put him away right at the start as he knew that the longer the match would go, the more tired he'd be and that would give the advantage to the smaller and younger Cox. Cox either tried to hit and run or take the big man down to the ground and then start to pinpoint Hall's right arm, trying to take away his Pistol Whip Lariat from his arsenal.







After some grueling twenty minutes of big moves, stiff strikes, great sportsmanship and good action, Cox got a huge adreraline rush going after his head was nearly taken off from his shoulders by the Pistol Whip Lariat but luckily for Cox he ducked just in time and Hall missed his trademark lariat. With his back turned to Cox, Hall soon found himself high up in the air, being slammed to his back by Cox with one of the biggest suplexes that Cox had ever delivered as he hit his Dead Lift German Suplex to Hall.





In a spectacular fashion Cox gave his everything into the move, uncharasterically even roaring when doing the move as he simply put used everything he had left into that move.







This time it paid off as Cox got the three count over Hall and a huge feather to his cap by qualifying to the semi-finals. Had Hall got his shoulders up in time, Cox wouldn't have had the energy left to continue the match so it was all or nothing for Cox.




Result: In a bout that had great heat and good action, Jimmy Cox defeated Pistol Pete Hall in 22:45 by pinfall with a Dead Lift German Suplex.

Jimmy Cox advances to the Semi-Finals!

(Great chemistry)























Match #6

Shingen Miyazaki vs. Hiroyasu Gakusha

World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals,
Match #2

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The second quarter-final match started just like the previous match before it: Fast pace right from the bell, Miyazaki and Gakusha clashed head on right from the start. Vicious chops and elbows were traded as the two wrestlers locked horns in the middle. The turning point of the match came right in the first five minutes when the fight broke outside of the ring, Gakusha whipping Miyazaki to the guardrails and to the corner of the ring, resulting in a busted forehead of Miyazaki as he started bleeding profusely.













Gakusha, like shark smelling blood, started focusing on the wound for the whole match and in general attacking Miyazaki's head. The first ten minutes Gakusha totally dominated Miyazaki but still couldn't put him down, just slowing him down. Miyazaki realised that he had to something and started building up some offense but time and time again his momentum was cut short by the domination Gakusha until missed a running kick to the chest, which Miyazaki countered into a stiff kneebreaker which rocked Gakusha, as if he had broken his knee or twisted something inside. Just like Gakusha had pinpointed Miyazaki's forehead, Miyazaki started attacking the right knee of Gakusha and like a pitbull kept the pressure on Gakusha for the next ten minutes.





The wound on Miyazaki's forehead stopped from bleeding after a moment which gave Miyazaki more confidence and a clear vision as he didn't have to worry about the blood confusing his eyesight for the timebeing. Relentlessly Miyazaki bashed and smashed Gakusha's knee, whether attacking it with kneedrops, or twisting and jerking it into violent angles and positions. Gakusha struggled and tried to keep Miyazaki away from his legs and finally just unleashed a violent Roaring Gakusha Strike, the roaring elbow to the head of Miyazaki, dropping him to the centre of the ring.















Two! Miyazaki got his shoulders up but his wound started bleeding yet again. Gakusha dropped down on the ground, mounting Miyazaki and hitting some mounted elbows right to the forehead and face of Miyazaki!







Huge elbows, from left and right rocked Miyazaki and the referee asks if he gives up, to which Miyazaki yells "No!" and starts fighting back, turning Gakusha below him and locking in a half Boston crab!







Gakusha whines in pain as his knee seems to be legimately hurt, he makes the ropes and Miyazaki has to release the hold. Gakusha grabs his leg right after the hold is being released and Miyazaki capitalises and tries to lock in the kneelock yet again, Gakusha fights back, connecting with an elbow uppercut!





















Two! Miyazaki just gets his arms up, we're almost at the thirty minute mark in the match and Miyazaki is showing no signs of giving up.








Gakusha whips Miyazaki into the ropes, Miyazaki hits a dropkick to the knee! Gakusha stays up, not giving up either! Miyazaki, blood all over his face, bounces off the ropes yet again!




Diving Gakusha Strike!









Elbow to the face, Miyazaki's head turns around violently as Gakusha rocks him with another elbow to the face! Gakusha falls on top of Miyazaki!
















The fans are loving it! Miyazaki gets up once again, this time almost no-selling the impact! Miyazaki stands up and shouts at Gakusha to bring it on, at the same time wiping off the blood from his face and hitting a slap across Gakusha's chest, colouring it blood red. Gakusha hits an elbow from the left, right, left, right!


















Miyazaki takes the hit as if were just an ordinary hit!

































Gakusha gets up, as fast as Miyazaki! Vicious elbows are being traded! Gakusha gets the better of it after few strikes, Miyazaki is getting pummeled, a blank stare in his eyes..











Gakusha hits a Roaring Gakusha Strike once again, this time spinning from the left.. Then from the right.. Gakusha, hopping with his one good leg, gets a tiny bit of momentum from the ropes and bounces back, hitting if not the stiffest, one of the stiffest elbows ever in his career, a hit that echoes trough the Gifu Arena..








Miyazaki falls to the canvas, lifeless, daized, beaten and bruised. Gakusha crawls for the cover..























Result: In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Hiroyasu Gakusha defeated Shingen Miyazaki in 33:25 by pinfall with a Gakusha Strike.

Hiroyasu Gakusha advances to the Semi-Finals!







Both men are taken care by the EMT's, Miyazaki's nose seems to be broken and there's blood all over the ring. The announcers can't stop talking about how Miyazaki lasted and survived such a beating for so long. The GCG fans show their respects to both competitors with a huge applause that echoes through the arena.







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After several minutes of staff members and other wrestlers helping them to recover from the brutal match, the theme of the World champion starts and Haruki Kudo comes to the ring and cuts a promo, Hiroyasu Gakusha and Shingen Miyazaki are still in the ring, on their backs, staring at the ceiling..



"Miyazaki, you showed a lot of courage and fighting spirit here tonight and you have nothing to be ashamed of, losing to Gakusha. This night should not be seen as a loss, rather than a victory on your behalf. You showed all these Golden Canvas fans what real wrestling, what a heart of a warrior truly is.. Rise, Miyazaki and let the people greet you."



Miyazaki's legs wobble under him as he rises slowly, leaning on the ropes when the GCG crowd start applauding for his efforts in the main event match. Miyazaki, still holding his head in pain, bows to each direction and tries to leave the ring in agony and tears when Kudo suddenly cuts him from doing so.



".. Truth to be told I am so impressed of what I've seen tonight that I'd like to announce a challenge for you Miyazaki. Shall you accept.."



"Next week.. You.. Versus me.. In a non-title match and if you can defeat me, if you can defeat me.. I'll grant you a World title match the following week. How does that sound? If you need more time to recover from this match, say so.."



Kudo steps closer to Miyazaki who leans to the corner, extending his hand. Miyazaki, without hesitation, shakes the World champions hand and nods in agreement, then quietly leaves the ring.



Kudo turns around and then proceeds to congratulate Gakusha for the victory. Gakusha can't take his eyes off the World Heavyweight championship title on Kudo's shoulders and Kudo notices it.



"You want it back, don't you? I can see it in your eyes. It's the hunger of the challenger. The same hunger that I had right before our match at Parade Of Champions.. The same hunger that one has to have in order to win the big matches, to win World Heavyweight championships.."


"But you still got a lot of work to do Gakusha.. You have to destroy the competition ahead of you. We don't know which two BCG superstars are going to advance to the semi-finals, against you and Jimmy Cox.. Who knows, maybe you two will make it all the way to the finals, then it's going to be you versus Cox, the winner facing me."







Gakusha asks for a mic from the ringside.


"Just stop Kudo. I'm not buying any of that fancy talk of yours.. It might work for Miyazaki, he might find it useful and encouraging but it doesn't work for me. I can guarantee to you that I will make it to the finals.. And I will destroy any man that steps in to my path.. Soon it's going to be a deja vu between us, with one exception.. Soon you'll find yourself in a World Heavyweight match against me.."



"Lightning doesn't strike twice, they say. I want my World Heavyweight championship back. And I will get it."



Gakusha pushes the mic to Kudo's chest and leaves the ring. Kudo is not intimidated by Gakusha's threats, rather he starts to smile, as if he had some clever plot behind his words that just came into fruitition.






"What a show, what a promo, what a main event we just witnessed!"


"Miyazaki vs. Kudo next week, non-title? Can Miyazaki even compete next week after that brutal beating? His nose must be shattered, not forgetting the possible concussions and other damage to the head from all those elbows.. What a match!"





Overall Grade:





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Roar Of The Tiger Tour



Zergon: 7/7

BigPapa42: 5/7

TDubRaiders: 4/7

FuelFan0102: 6/7



Thanks for participating, fan interaction keeps diaries alive and well..


















History will be made as the

first ever
BCG Tour event

will be held at Hofu Arena in Chugoku this Thursday!



Jimmy Cox and Hiroyasu Gakusha of GCG cleared their way into the semi-finals in the tournament for the #1 Contenders spot for the World Heavyweight championship on Wednesday at Roar Of The Tiger GCG event. At 'Start A War Tour Show #1', BCG will have it's own quarter-final matches to determine the two opponents who will face Cox and Gakusha later this month in the search for the new #1 Contender! The four contestants are Takayuki 2000, Burning EXILE, Toshiharu Hyobanshi and Kiminobu Kuroki; Perhaps the top four competitors in BCG so the night will end with a spectacular double Main Event!



In other action we'll see the new BCG Junior Heavyweight champion Insane Machine defend his championship against Dragon Del Arco Iris, the man who Machine kicked off the ladder at Parade Of Champions event. Will the normal match favour the small, young luchador or will the veteran champion prevail in his first defence?



The action doesn't stop there, quite the reverse as after that match there will be a three tag team tables match, a huge star filled tag team match and a really even singles match as Stone Yoshikawa takes on Hell Monkey!



Don't miss the first ever Black Canvas Grappling event!









Start A War Tour
Show I

Thursday, Week 1, February

Hofu Arena, Chugoku








BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr







Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar







Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita







Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey









World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki










Predictions List:


BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki




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BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita

Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

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Wrestler Biography












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Haruki Kudo



46, Middleweight Puroresu

Main Eventer, International Superstar

Kudo Kutter (TKO), Kudo Lock (Inverted STF), Rear Naked Choke

Title History:
3x BHOTWG World, 2x NOTBPW Canadian, Current GCG World Heavyweight champion

Wrestler Of The Year 1987, 1989. Power 100 #10 last year of 2009.

Popularity in Japan:

Skill Overview:

, Technical
, Flying
, Entertainment
, Performance
, Physical
, Camera




Haruki Kudo is one of the most famous and influential wrestlers of all time, especially in his home of Japan. A great worker and showman, he is most closely associated with BHOTWG, where he was a major star for nearly three decades under a mask as the legendary Hooded Kudo and was also a hugely successful booker for the promotion. On top of that, he also undertook several short international "tours" where he headlined for promotions in America, Mexico and Europe.








In 2009, Kudo shockingly left his long-time home of
, resigning as a show of protest after his friend
Kaneie Komine
was ousted from power. He joined their biggest rivals GCG almost immediately, and now seems intent on helping them stage an unlikely comeback to challenge BHOTWG. As the
Hooded Kudo
character is a trademark of his former employers, he now works solely under his real name. At 46 years of age Kudo is still not showing signs of slowing down, only his knees have taken some damage over the years but overall he's still in magnificent shape.










Hooded Kudo
BHOTWG Alter Ego of Haruki Kudo













At Parade Of Champions 2010 Kudo defeated
Hiroyasu Gakusha
for the GCG World Heavyweight championship title, his first GCG championship and with the win Kudo ended a 12 year long dry season of having no championships at all; His last championship reign ended in 1998 during his third BHOTWG Burning Championship reign which ended in July '98 when he lost to Tadiuyki Kikkawa in one of the best matches of that year.










The first Burning Championship reign was what rocketed Kudo into superstardom in Japan back in the early 80's, at the very start of his illustrious career: His legendary match against the then reigning World champion Yoshinaka Toshusai is regarded as the defining moment of Kudo's career as nobody really thought that the young Kudo, at the age of just 18, a decade far away from even reaching his prime, would actually capture the prestigious title from Toshusai. Defying all odds and expectations, the young legend-in-the-making Kudo became a nationwide superstar overnight and he went on to dominate the main event scene of BHOTWG for over two years, holding the World title from June '82 to November '84, a feat that only three other men (Motoichi Arakida, Tadiuyki Kikkawa and Sam Keith) have accomplished in the history of the Burning Hammer.








The second World reign was shortlived (January '95 to March '95) but it wasn't to be overlooked as Kudo ended a four year reign of the legend Motoichi Arakida, only later in March losing it to another legendary wrestler, Sam Strong. Strong had debuted for BHOTWG earlier in the same year, defeating the massive Everest by pinfall. The match also saw the debut of Strong's new trademark finisher, a charging elbow to the temple. It was dubbed a Hurricane Express in Japan, although it would be referred to as the Strong Arm Tactic in the US. After gaining some momentum, Strong had his first high profile bout in March 1995, where he and Kudo fought for the prestigious Burning World Championship. After 22 minutes, Strong threw Kudo half way across the ring to counter the dreaded Kudo Kutter, and then hit the Hurricane Express on the smaller opponent to win the belt. Strong would manage three successful world title defenses (defeating Eiji Hamacho in May, Masaaki Okazaki in June, and Yoshinaka Toshusai in July) before going head-to-head with BHOTWG's newest star, Tadiyuki Kikkawa, in August. The match, which is considered one of the best singles performances of Strong's career, lasted just over half an hour, and saw Kikkawa take the title and end Strong's undefeated streak with a Kikkawa Driver. Strong would compete once more for the company, losing by pinfall to Kudo in October 1995. Overall the 90's was good for Kudo and for the Burning Hammer as the main event scene was packed with big names: Strong, Kikkawa, Dread, Arakida, Keith, Toshusai, Hamacho, Okazaki and so on.












Kudo also liked to travel around the world and thus he had two World title reigns in NOTBPW, from July '92 to January '93, winning the title from Jeremy Stone, losing it to Craig Prince and from June '94 to January '95, defeating Jeremy Stone and losing the title back to him half a year later in some MOTYC matches NOTBPW produced in those years.










Kudo served as the Head Booker for BHOTWG for several years until his departure from the company when his long time friend Kaneie Komine was ousted from power. GCG really benefitted from Kudo's sudden signing as the untimely departure of GCG's long time owner and father of Mabuchi Furusawa,
Hanshiro Furusawa
, shocked the world and caused a lot of chaos in the GCG locker room, it was Kudo who kept the wrestlers and other workers survive trough the hard times. The company's new owner Mabuchi Furusawa got a true friend out of Kudo whose wisdom, knowledge and experience he really needs in the following years as he tries to run the Golden Canvas Grappling, a promotion twice older as he is.










The future seems bright for the icon of Puroresu as his GCG World championship reign has just started and he's got an amazing list of superstars from both companies, GCG and BCG, waiting to have an opportunity to face the legendary icon for the World championship. On this Wednesday the challenge was given out to
Shingen Miyazaki
who showed true wrestling spirit in his match against Gakusha, a match where Miyazaki was bruised, battered and beaten continously with Gakusha's elbow strikes. Miyazaki accepted the challenge without hesitation and thus the two will clash next week at the GCG Roar Of the Tiger Tour, in a match that will surely be the highlight of Miyazaki's career.






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Wow, how have I just noticed this one? I'm gonna have to try and pick up on the Japanese wrestling scene, but I'll throw in my predictions for giggles.



BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

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BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr

No title change on first defense


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs.Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar

Well it´s pretty much three random pairings at this point but Eagle and Harumi are uppermidcarders while their opponents are way below that in rank.


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita

This one is really hard for me and I like all four guys but VENOM and Maita are uppermidcarders while their opponents are on midcard


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey

Monkey was one of the impact players so it´s time to make that impact:)


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Takayuki have pretty much been a face of BCG so far so he should go to next round


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

Hyobanshi was the big shock defector so he should get a win here in order to prove just how good he really is.

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BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr

No reason to hotshot the title


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar

Best workers in the match, and Harumi is a former tag team champion


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita

Maita's the champion, but I like Acid a lot. Torn on this one


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey

No question


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Leader of this whole 'rebellion, if he doesnt win this ill be shocked


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

The future golden child, now the black child? Either way he should be the top of BCG

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BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr

No reason to hotshot the title


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar

Best workers in the match, and Harumi is a former tag team champion


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita

Maita's the champion, but I like Acid a lot. Torn on this one


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey

No question


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Leader of this whole 'rebellion, if he doesnt win this ill be shocked


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

The future golden child, now the black child? Either way he should be the top of BCG


I approve

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BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

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BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr

I LOVE Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr from my time with FCW, but Machine is, well... a machine. He rolls easily.


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar

Only team that doesn't have exports and/or JOJI


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita

Close call, but VENOM and the Babyfaced Assassin are pretty rocking.


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey

It'll take a lot for me to ever vote against the Monkey.


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE

Words can't express how much I dislike Takayuki 2000. Besides, EXILE will probably give the winner of the next match in the tourney a much better bout than Takayuki.


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

True story: I actually enjoy playing with GCG from time to time. Toshiharu is pure freaking gold, and I think I'd be upset to see him not win this thing

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BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki

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BCG Junior Heavyweight

Insane Machine © vs. Dragón Del Arco Iris Jr


No reason not to, right?


Three Way Tag Team Tables Elimination Match

Dark Eagle & Harumi Okazawaya vs. Extraordinario Jr & Mr. Lucha III vs. JOJI & Masked Cougar


Essentially the first BCG show = time to establish who's legitimate and who's jobbers. Lot of jobbers here.


Acid & Eagle Kawasawa vs. VENOM & Mokuami Maita


I just like 'em better.


Stone Yoshikawa vs. Hell Monkey


He came in with a big fanfare, right? Yoshikawa can afford to lose.


World Heavyweight #1 Contender Quarter-finals:

Takayuki 2000 vs. Burning EXILE


BCG figurehead gets at least this far.


Toshiharu Hyobanshi vs. Kiminobu Kuroki


It doesn't matter, because good luck getting the belt off Kudo... but Hyobanshi is one of your core main-eventers, and he can back it up in the ring.

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