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I hate it when promotions go under ...

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Nope. There's a plethora of promotions in the database to come in and replace the ones that fail.




It's how the wrestling world works, companies go under and from their ashes rise something new.


If they're a company I REALLY like and aren't in the same or a closely tied country (USA/Canada, Europe/UK), then sometimes I'll give them a cash infusion to keep them afloat. MOSC, for example, if I'm playing in Australia or the USA or anywhere other than the UK or Europe.


In fact, in my 1977 game with APWF, I actively ran CCW out of business and am now trying to do the same to AAFW. The world needs change, can't have everything stay static, because then it becomes stagnant.

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Yeah, this isn't something I do. Watching the world change is interesting, although sometimes it's a little disappointing when new promotions go under quickly.


But yeah, it's nice to see how things grow. Like in my current game, where ROF managed to outlive both MOSC and 21CW (admittedly UK wrestling now looks a bit barren) - but you look at it and laugh cause the joke wound up being on the big flashy guys and the traditional ones made it.

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Nope. There's a plethora of promotions in the database to come in and replace the ones that fail.


True. But every promotion is unique in the way that each caters to different kinds of talent in different regions.


EX2010 is a good example. When have they not gone under? Their policy of only hiring workers who are without a job is a sad thing to go without when you consider all the unknown workers that would never otherwise get hired and developed.


Yuki Horigoshi went without a job for months until he was picked up by EX2010, which then led to a development contract with the Hinote Dojo. I can't help but feel that he would still be scraping the barrel of the Japanese independent shows it it wasn't for good ol' EX2010.

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Nope, I WANT promotions to go under. In my CV 97 game I am nearly 9 nears in, and not 1 promotion has died a natural death (1 promotion shut down when the media company that owned it closed).


In the process lots of "Super Regionals" have been created, like CZCW who are sat at regional consistantly selling out 5'000 seat arenas. What I would give to see them close.

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Keep everything as is keeps the game-world from evolving. As someone else said, it gets stagnant. Especially with the default data, where almost all of the future promotions are set to open randomly and will do so only when there is a gap in their given market. So promotions not closing means some of those new ones won't open. So while the OP has a good point in that every promotion adds something unique to the game world, the ones that will open do as well and it the process of closure then then new opening creates a unique and fresh game world.
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Promotions not closing is a good thing and a bad thing. I'm currently running a 2010 game... simulated forward from 1977. And yeah, very few promotions have closed --12 in 33 years. Which leaves a pretty interesting landscape...


First of all, there are plenty of promotions EVERYWHERE. 79 total... The UK and Australia, for example, have 7 promotions each. The USA has 29.


Personally, I think this is awesome. It's more realistic, for one thing -- there are more than 8-10 small wrestling promotions in America. And what we end up with is practically everyone getting employed, usually by multiple promotions.


Strategically, that's great... the guys who are in demand are really in demand. If a guy isn't with a national promotion (that would be SWF and TCW at the moment), he's going to be with 3 smaller ones, unless he's terrible. Which puts the tiniest promotions in an interesting spot -- they can't get the best of the independent guys, and the best guys they DO get are working elsewhere and getting pushed up toward the national ranks.


In terms of flavor, it's... mixed. There are some great stories in there -- AICW, for example, has been clinging to cult status for decades. They have a bunch of obscure and pretty generic wrestlers, and I don't know the last time they've put on a show better than a D... I imagine them tirelessly touring county fairs, rec centers and the like around the Western half of the nation, not making any waves but steadily bringing in the cash.


But there are some issues on the reverse side. All the old territorial promotions are still active (except AAFW), and a lot of them have basically built up millions of dollars and retreated to one region.


APWF is maybe the worst -- before I edited them manually, they had 90 million dollars, 63% popularity in the tri-state region, and basically nothing anywhere else. And if that was just one promotion, that'd be cool. (Just say they're backed by the Lambert steel fortune or something.) But the same thing's true of TWL, CWB, WIW, SPW... and a lot of the newer small promotions are the same way, accumulating millions of dollars and not doing anything with them.


That would be my suggestion... if a promotion has 10 million dollars (or more!) to work with, the AI should be spending it to grow the promotion. So you end up with promotions growing, and you end up with some of them not making it. Alternately, the owner may take the money out as personal profit. Just something to keep the hoarding to a minimum.


It's one of a few issues I have with the long-term simulation in the game... don't get me wrong, I love TEW10, but if we're talking about features for TEW 2012 (or whenever), programming to help the game span decades more realistically would be appreciated. (I have similar issues with long-term worker development, but that's something to worry about separately.)

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That would be my suggestion... if a promotion has 10 million dollars (or more!) to work with, the AI should be spending it to grow the promotion. So you end up with promotions growing, and you end up with some of them not making it. Alternately, the owner may take the money out as personal profit. Just something to keep the hoarding to a minimum.



I think promotions were supposed to be more aggressive at expansion in TEW 2010. Clearly that hasn't happened. Please post the above in the suggestions forum so that we can be sure that Adam reads it.

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That would be my suggestion... if a promotion has 10 million dollars (or more!) to work with, the AI should be spending it to grow the promotion. So you end up with promotions growing, and you end up with some of them not making it. Alternately, the owner may take the money out as personal profit. Just something to keep the hoarding to a minimum.


I like this idea but I think it should also be tied into the personality traits of the owner. One owner might opt to make the run at 7.5 million, another not until 20 million.


It would add some flavour to wondering when a promotion was going to open up the vaults and start making forays into other markets.

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I like to see promotions other than myself thrive, but then again I'm happy to see certain promotions fail. I like to see promotions I dislike fail, to create a gap in the market (I find it hard to like APW). But then again I hate to see promotions I like (often those I've played with in the past) fail. I bailed out MOSC, then broke the link as Dev territory, just to keep them going.
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